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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] i would think that trunks & goten were stronger than piccolo... but i could be wrong... they're ssj after all... this is why i think it...babidi told dabura to get rid of the "weaker" opponents, so he turned piccolo & krillin to stone, but he left gohan. & gohan was only a regular ssj, not ssj 2 anymore. so the natural conclusion is that an ssj is more powerful than piccolo. do you get what i mean? [/B][/QUOTE] actually, gohan could go ssj2, but not as powefull as when he was a kid. remember when he transformed infront of kibitto? he was a SSJ2 then., and bs. gohan was not stronger than MAJIN vegeta, gohan was a weak SSJ2 because he hadn't trained in awhile. so therefore, vegeta was as strong, if not a little less stronger than, gokou after he whent majin
  2. When he comes back, right when he gets there, its 1)Gokou 2)Gohan3)Vegeta. When vegeta goes majin its a tie between majin vegeta, and gokou, and then gohan
  3. i thought that Vegitto dies after he gets eaten by buu.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pharoh321 [/i] [B] Yeah same here. i hate all stuff thats dubbed though. I gotta go with the fansubs. [/B][/QUOTE] i personally agree with Trunks, but hey, thats my opinion. But trunks, you need to say stuff like that in a nice way. its not the rpg, where you can say whatever you want.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by King Penn [/i] [B]unless its about the movies, I turn to noone since I have watched the series, heck, me and moe spent a 12 hour dragonball marathon this one time, he ate my nachos [/B][/QUOTE] thats kinda spiffy, but if i dont know it, then i just ask safer, Transtic, or munkie. Altron is smart too
  6. ok, i am sure other ppl have said this, but Bardock is Goku's
  7. yeah, i have seen that one. its good
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B][COLOR=firebrick]Ok, people, this is such an easy quiz, and ill congradulate whoever is first to answer why or how these ssj went ssj[/COLOR] ok just list 1-5 and tell me why they went ssj, and if they areny real or whatever just disregard and answer "fake person" 1. gokou, why did he go ssj 2. gohaun 3. vegita 4. future trunks 5. goten [/B][/QUOTE] 1: Krillin died. 2:dad made him think about furiza 3:Losing all ability to care while trying to be better then gokou 4:Gohan diede from the androids 5:He was sparring his mom. how was that?
  9. it is 43 new episodes. not 49.
  10. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]i thought that ssj 3 was the stage were they get hair down to the waist, no eyebrows, and there power goes up so much that it is hard to stay in this stage. i was pretty sure that it was ssj4 that they grow back there tail. i wonder if veggeta ever had a tail, he would look funny wit ha tail. [/B][/QUOTE] actually, Vegeta did have a tail, he fought gokou on earth as oozaru, and you have to have a tail to do that. Yajirobee cut it off.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lyka [/i] [B]u have to join in games and stories;subject clans..., i cannot grant u acceptance to the clan, im only the general only Forte can, hes "all powerful" i guess he will probably say yes [/B][/QUOTE] he might not, i have dissed him in the past for bragging about his knowledge of dbz.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]When I have time, I will list all the music video's that I have. And yes Godsmack's Moonbaby is really good. [/B][/QUOTE] i hope so, it sounds like it will be good**starts looking for it*
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]1. Goku - 42 2. Bulma - 46 3. Vegeta - 45 4. Chichi - 44 [/B][/QUOTE] you dont know if its right or not because all the ages you find will be estimates unles toriyama says the ages.
  14. pun, yes, but notg a very good one. oh btw, lyka, can i be on your list thingy
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jbirdleslie [/i] [B]DON'T SAY THAT!!!!!!! I LUV THAT SHOW AND THEY ARE SCREWERS IF THEY ARE GOING TO DO THAT [/B][/QUOTE] it is a fact that there is no more type of Db/z after dbgt. dbaf is fake, as is all the other types. so sorry. guess you just get to keep watching them. they never get old, so its all good. the only ones that i am tired of is the Cpt gunyu series. that part pissed me off. it was pointless.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B]i think there should be a music video for in the end by linkin parkk [/B][/QUOTE] there is, i think i have it. its a trunks one i think or is that the one where the song is.... i forget what it is. i need to get back on and download some more**starts up lime wire** he he he
  17. **still wonders how the kirbies suck** but yeah, i forget the craxy monkey one, is that when he goes oozaru? the mad cow technique was cool.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B]you really just cant tell, i mean, youd have to ask toriyama, and he wouldnt know probably [/B][/QUOTE] he would know because he made the cartoon. now, he probably would have to make it up, but it would be right because he started the series.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]I saw a picture of Goku and Piccolo fusing and someone said it was called Gobuu bUT IT WAS A PICTURE OF THEM FUSING. [/B][/QUOTE] those 2 necer fuse, because the rules for namekian fusing is that both must be nameks, and both must agree to the fusion. oh yeah, and LM, SSJ3 has hair down to the ankles, and no eyebrows. Vegitto was a SSJ2 i believe. SSJ2 has spikier hair, and its a little bit longer. didn't you notice the difference in hair styles when he transformed to ssj2?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]so.. is everyone just about done arguing?.. i think the question is answered.. so i guess .. if everyone is done.. let the topic die.. or i'll close it.. :/ .. [/B][/QUOTE] go ahead and close it, since the question is answered.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]It's Kempo not Kung-Fu. It says it right here! *points at thing in the thingy* And all other info in this thing is very much correct, so I'm very sure it's true. So nya! :D[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] so sorry, i didn't see that post. ok its kempo. **yawns and goes to bed**
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]no sh*t sherlock i couldve just posted what happened at the end but im too lazy:drunk: :drunk: And i dont show , I know [/B][/QUOTE] i know that you know alot, but you try to show off way to much. just let people know what you know while answering there questions.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]if you think about it, it's not really martial arts. it's more like a series of kicks & punches. street fighting or something. [/B][/QUOTE] i agree partly with this, but gokou was taught Kung-Fu by his grandfather Gohan, so that is the style he uses, but then they all go off with there own variations.
  24. I will go with Munkie on this one, and, LM. it would have been nice, but i dont think thats why he made it.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by danmarti [/i] [B]Does anybody think that they will ever marry as they do have Trunks and will have another child called Bra [/B][/QUOTE] LM wont let them get married. she owns vegeta, and bulma will die before she gets the chance.
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