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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. yea, Safer is a Male, he just like Tifa alot, and he drew her for his avatar.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]well, i guess you all know what happened today---vegeta turned majin. this was horrible. i could barely bring myself to watch, but i had to watch. it was like this morbid fascination. it really upset me. i was throwing things. & did you hear what he said? "how can you say that? i'm not innocent!" :( what would've been going on inside that head of his... someone told me vegeta agreed to become majin, but this is clearly not the case. i really can't wait for piccolo to slice babidi in half. i hate that guy. p.s. vegitto4, your pm box is full. since you can't check your e-mail, i thought i'd let you know. [/B][/QUOTE] actually, ithink it is empty now. but i wil check, thanks. i almost couldn't watch it, but i couldn't stop watching it. I wish Gohan had the z sword when he fought Dabura, that would have been interesting.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Unleashed Gohan [/i] [B]Who gets on your nerves (there has to be someone) Send me your answer and/or vote :flaming: :D [/B][/QUOTE] as much as i like what Mr Satan has done, i wish somebody would kill him off when there is important action getting ready happen. we dont need any comedy relief at that point.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]*Sigh* It sucks being in England...We get all our DBZ a few months after Americans...:bawl: Is it true that Mr Satan wins? I thought Majin Bejita kills everyone to make Gokou fight him or summit...:confused: Or is there a different one in the Buu Saga? Coz I know at some point in a tournament Majin Bejita kills the crowd...:confused: [/B][/QUOTE] they get back after the tourny ends because Mr Satan agrees to pay Andriod 18 20 million zeni. they still fight though. That episode happens today!!!!!:wigout: :eek: :eek:
  5. I hear that Forte knows everything, but he is wrong alot, or just agrees with Altron, Sephiroth, and Transtic Nerve to cover his butt. I just ask and i usually get an answer, but if i have trouble believing somebody, then i ask one of the 3 that i mentioned.
  6. it was kinda funny, but i was at school when i saw it, and no sound was heard!!:flaming: so i get to listne to it when i get home.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B]First, let me just say my opinion, both in what I feel, and how I view each character. I say that Goku is stronger, both mentally, phisically, and in his ki abilities. He fights to protect, while Vegeta fights to prove he is the most powerful. Now, I am just going to add my own thoughts here. I have read through what everyone has said, and seen the same thing typed over and over(though many I am sure have not read every thread). I will break down each character in my own opinions, feel free to flame me, or aggree, or disagree with whatever I state here. [b]Goku[/b]: [i]Strenghts[/i] [list] [*]Why does everyone take his kind and sincere attitude as weakness? He just doesn't want to charge into a fight filled with anger, causing him to slip his guard or cause him to make mistakes. [*]He was raised to be kind, and it was in his spirit ever since. He can be mean(in a way more like anger), but that is really only when he is dead serious. [*]In fights, Goku loves the challenge, where Vegeta fights to prove that he is the strongest. [*]Goku gets stronger when he sees his friends getting hurt, sort of like an addrenaline rush(this is amplified a bit in watching Gohan when he senses or sees a friend get hurt). [/list] [i]Weakness[/i] [list] [*]He tends to be over trusting of everyone, causing him to fall prey to traps much easier then others would, causing him to get into real trouble sometimes. [*]He doesn't really go into fights with the serious fighting attitude that is needed sometimes, and can occasionally underestimate his opponents, causing him to lose the upper hand right off the bat. [/list] [b]Vegeta[/b] [i]Strengths[/i] [list] [*]Vegeta knows he has power, and as a result, he usually doesn?t hold anything back in his fights, letting himself go in the battle. [*]He trains very hard, giving his all to become stronger then Goku. He usually pushes himself too hard, achieving new highs in strength and power. [*]He does not let outside distractions play too big of a part in his fights, causing him to be more focused on the task at hand(though this changes from hanging on Earth too long). [I]Weaknesses[/I] [list] [*]His striving to become so powerful often weakens him mentally and physically. He usually doesn?t give himself enough of a resting period and serves to only lose the power which he has. [*]Though he doesn?t pay outsiders to the fight much attention, he becomes filled with rage when anyone he cares about is hurt or even killed. This causes him to become a bit sloppy, throwing everything he has into the fight and weakening himself to a counterattack. [*]He often becomes so consumed with catching Goku?s level, that he forgets what is truly important to him, though he would never tell anyone. [/list] [i]Overall[/i] Goku is definitely stronger then Vegita in both terms of martial arts strength, ki strength, and in heart and spirit. While he tends to go easy on his opponents, opting to give them a second(or third or fourth) chance for their life, he usually doesn't give them a chance to hurt anyone else if they choose to pursue that sort of behavior. [i]Out of Character[/i] I am sure the makers of DBZ kept Vegita in a foul mood with a distructive personality on purpose, knowing that if he was to train like Goku with his heart and spirit, that Vegeta might be able to pass Goku, or at least equal with him. In the saga where Vegeta came to Earth, he was far stronger then Goku, and only through Gohan interfering, was Vegeta forced to run. After this time came the Freeza saga - Vegeta was still hell-bent on becoming the most powerful while Goku was training to become powerful enough to protect his friends. After this time, Vegeta saw Goku reach a new pinacle of strength, playing to Vegeta's jelious side. He would stop at nothing to become as strong as Goku so that one day he could kill him and take the power for himself. Someone posted that while Vegeta is pushing himself to become stronger and stronger, Goku is taking time with his family and friends. In seeing them, perhaps it gives him a strength and power that comes from out of no where. He sees the things that are truly important, looking beyond the strength of his muscles, and looking at the strength of his heart. Oh well. . just my thoughts. I know I typed a ton, sorry~ [/B][/QUOTE] I was just about to say that. but all in all, they cancel each other out. one is the antagonist of the other, so it all comes down to an OPINION thing. its also about time that this debate gets closed because nobody will settle on an answer.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Umm its easy.. The kid would be born a fusion... But later he would defuse... If its not that then what everyone else said is correct..... [/B][/QUOTE] well, forte, if you think about it. Gogeta's kid would defuse because he is not a permanent fusion. Even though Vegitto is supposed to be a permanent fusion, unexpected events happen and They defuse as we all know. However, since the potarra fusion is SUPPOSED to be a permanent fusion, Vegitto's kid would stay fused for the rest of his life. but that logic is still pointless because their would only be one being inside the designated person that would have the baby, and so therefore there would not be a fusion, only one single entity. But this child would be insanely powerfull. :mrt:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][COLOR=tomato]Like morningdew said, first their wifes ll' kill em' second the babies would probably be twins[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] agreed with that idea, but they wil be insanely powerfull. at least vegitto's kids would be.
  10. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][COLOR=orangered]Where is every body downloading the DBZ eps. or are they lying to me. please gimme' the URL[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Lime Wire or morpheus. or kazaa. those multimedia download programs usually do it. I get mine from Lime wire. but morpheus is the best.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] You mean PG or TV-14. They are allowed to show the blood, but if they show a whole bunch of it they will get angry letters from parents about it. [/B][/QUOTE] oh wow, angry letters from parents. I wished they didn't hold as much weight as they do.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]You have to check the law for that. There's nothing CN can do, if the law won't let them show it.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I know that, but if the law didn't come into play, then it should be shown. after all, They are going to see it anyway. so oh well. anyway, back to the topic.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]yeah I saw it to, they should try to not block out all the gory parts but kids watch it. [/B][/QUOTE] so the kids are going to see it sooner or later,so why not sooner rather than later
  14. They have showen blood in the past, Remember when gokou was fighting furiza he had blood dripping out of his mouth, and furiza was covered in it.
  15. I know a couple of people who actually do have Pink shirts because of vegeta. I also like that fact that it says BADMAN on the back, considering his past history.
  16. Well, in my opinion, Gokou is the best, but at the end of the show, Gokou absorbs the Dragonballs and it is said that Gokou is the best, so it is fact that Gokou is better than vegeta, but i totally undertand, I also think that vegeta is cool. But gokou and Vegeta are equall in my mind. I think i posted on that on another post.
  17. Ginally someone answered my question, thanks sephiroth.
  18. what a surprise, i never knew that:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]This is a series of Questions. 1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed? no 2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese? yes 3. Are you a virgin? no 4. If not, how many times have you had sex? 1 5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex? see number3 6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex? as old as they want 7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other? sure, but i dont know how they will know if they love each other or not. 8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant? dear god no 9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant. It would depend on the person, and my feelings at the time 10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese? die [/B][/QUOTE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] hehehe, you jealous over a cartoon character!:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] why do you think i am appalled about it.
  21. I didn't see that one because my sister never taped the show. grrrrrrrr. must kill sister... must kill sister....:flaming: :devil: :flaming: :devil: :flaming: :devil:
  22. well, LM does obsess about him. I am actually jealous of him. i can't believe i just said that
  23. but the way he gets there downgrades is reputation in my mind. But i know that LM dosen't care about that. *wink wink*
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]whoa, you haven't seen goku vs. frieza? you have to rectify that situation at once. [/B][/QUOTE] no no no. let me rectify. I thought he was talking about the buu saga, i forgot that was in the frieza saga
  25. I understand that, but he skipped a level that should have been used and he thought he was as strong as gokou, but he was not, so gokou is better, but i like veggies attitude.
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