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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. CURSE ME FOR NOT READING THE WHOLE THREAD!!!! This entire post is now an edit. Deborah. I am so sorry. I know how much you were looking forward to him. I have no idea what to say. To bad I can't be there to comfort you. You know how to get in touch with me. If you need me, I'll call back if i'm not at my house, I swear to you. On the name of the McKenzie Clan. You know i'm here. :bawl:
  2. Well, i've started to get back into gfx a little. Now, this banner isn't one of mine, but I thought it was pretty neat. I will be posting a bunch of graphics in this thread of my own doing a little later.
  3. Personally, my ideas on faking it are kinda....well, confusing. On one hand, I dont like it. It makes it seem as if pleasing the other person involved isn't even a part of the equation. On the other hand, sounds=motivation, thus, better sex(in my opinion). Meh, oh well. Like raven said, if your gonna fake it, let them know. Dont let it be an "oh, btw....", cause thats wrong. It would piss me off at least.
  4. k, i saw the movie opening night. personally, I thought the [spoiler] anchor room seen was the funniest, I almost died, no joke, my friend had to punch me to get me to realize that the scene had passed[/spoiler] but yeah. it was hilarious. I saw it twice, but wouldn't pay to see it again. The bloopers at the end were hilsrious
  5. I recess into my own mind. Thats my secret place. Why is it my secret place, cause nobody else can go there. That, and it looks however I want it to at the time...
  6. I honestly doubt that they will put Dragonball back in the lineup. not many ppl (that i found) actually wanted to watch it. they found it to childish. ::shrugs:: whooda thunk it
  7. Well then. My parents got divorced in.......3rd grade. I would go every weekend to see him and such, we would catch a movie every saturday before I whent home. There was this not to bad theatre called kolls 14 or something like that. They had free matinee's every saturday. It took about a year or so for my mom to find somebody else. I caught her making out with a "family friend" once, and i flipped out, and then she dumped him. I mean, come on, I was in 4th grade by then. Anyway, we moved from pekin IL, so NJ, and then moved on with my step-dad from there. Personally, the guy can seriously tick me off, but he's gotten better over the years. My dad had been dating a couple ppl off and on for awhile, then he settled down, and got another wife. (this was his 3rd). I inherited 2 step brothers, both of which I would kill, at points. I was to young to understand what was going on, so it didn't really effect me like it does most other ppl. It's just been how I have lived for so long, that I was used to it. I haven't seen my dad in almost a year now, and it will probably be at least 6 months before I see him again.
  8. ::que's pinky and brain song:: anyway, I didn't go to prom this yr, but i whent to le after party(add french accent) it was a fun party, i got nice and drunk, and fell asleep, took an aspirin next day, drank some water, and I was all gravy. I'll have fun at prom upcomming yr.
  9. Ok, gotta love this subject. Personally, since I have had this expierence, what i'm about to say might be slightly skewed(partially because of lack of sleep(it's 0137 in the A.M) and partially, well, because it's me) If you think think that you are ready to have pre-marital sexual relations, please, take a step back, count to 10, think about things. if you are under the age of 15, I HIGHLY do not recommend it. Besides the fact that all teenagers hormones are insane at this time in life, most 15 year olds( I said MOST) that I have met, are not emotionally, and mentally capable of comprehending the after effects. Besides the fact that if something happened, and a child was produced, you wouldn't be able to think about dropping school, and trying to get a fulltime job to pay for everything. That, and knowing most 15 year old guys, they would probably stick with there girl for a week, then realize that they can't handle it, and drop them like a stone in a lake. Most guys any age do this anyway, thats cause we're all assholes honestly(then again, everyone has their days :devil: ) Now, at the age of say, 16+, again, think about it. If you think your ready, by all means, go for the score. However, do think that your not the only ony taking part in sed act of pleasure, and that it will affect others around you. Yes, I have had sex already. First time, was worthless, I was seriously messed up at the time. I do regret it, slightly(the guy part of me doesn't,meh ::shrug::). Honestly, every girl that I have ahd sex with sicne then(which is only 2 more), I slightly regret those girls. However( I use that word alot....) the very next girl that i have sex with, I will care deeply for. I am not going to do the mindless sport (sorry mods) **** anymore. It's a waste of time, and is only fun for a little while. As greeneyeddragon knows, and so do a few of you on here, I am currently the happiest i've ever been in this relationship. Now, my brain is fried, and I have to get some sleep. Good night to you all.
  10. Now, power rangers kind of disturbes me. The entire ay that show was shot was to corny. other than that, nah, thats all good. I figure, if you watch things that can make you laugh, then go for it. power rangers.....lol, i remember that show.....ack, so bad.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue][size=1] 1) For those under 18: What do you think it will be like, and why do you want it to happen (what benefits for you)? 2) For those over 18: How was it different than you thought it would be? Were you disappointed or did turning 18 live up to what you thought? How did things change?[/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, being that tomorrow, it will be exactly 6 months until that fatefull day when my opinion will actually matter in the government of America, I must respond. [b] 1)[/b] I think it will be another day. I will go renew my license, realize that i can buy cigarettes, not that i would, disgusting things that they are, and continue on my way. I would then think " now, time to look for an apartment" But, technically, i can move out now, being in texas and all. (you can do that at 17 here;P) Mostly, I will go out with ym girlfriend on out 7 month anniversery, assuming we make it that long, and thus continue my day as a semi-teenager. I want it to happen because it's the next age closer to 21 :D
  12. As much fun as the flirting is, I would stop it. it will eventually lead him on, whether or not he knows the truth. Thus, leading things into worse drama.
  13. Confront him, and it could go away faster. He probably doesn't realize he's doing it; therefore, if you do confront him about it, he could realize, apologize, and fix the problem.
  14. personally.....Ryan Mckenzie Macaiodh sounds good.....
  15. Looks to me like he's going for the sympathy route. It happens when ppl are starved for attention form a source that they think that they desperately need it from. He'll lose it soon.
  16. Have you told him you dont want to, because if you have, he's just lookign to see if you like him at all, in the slightest way possible. possibly anyway. I dont know whats going through his mind, so i can't really say.
  17. biggest sword........best tekken skillz........w/e floats your boat. I think it would be an interesting run off between a few good people for the presidency of Otakuboard-Land. A very interesting run off indeed.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B]If OB became a country, I'd have to be the Chief of Staff for the Military. What Better candidate than someone whos already in? [/B][/QUOTE] Try.......me for example? Just kidding will. If i would actually want a position........I wouldn't want one. Probably the resident Fonz.......:cool: :devil: :toothy:
  19. Well, I applaud you for that. I know it's no fun to sit there and have to tell someone who cares for you so deeply that not even Jimm Carrey can make it Humorous, that you dont have the same feelings for them. it's no fun, but I understand it. Again, Good Luck in All you decide.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]I'd be the queen and it would be covered with fields of weed.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] YESS THATS MY WIFE EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! i would visit now and then, but i doubt I woudl live there for to long I'd take like, 5 month visits, but no offense people, there are some of you i just cant stand. So, I doubt i'd live there.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XxmagentaxX [/i] [B]I dont really like Todd like that though, I kinda like him more as a best friend. Everyone keeps asking me if I like him, cuz I hang out with him and talk to him alot. and since he doesnt go to my school, I talk about him. So everyone assumes that I really like him. When I dont... Can't a guy and a girl be friends?? Why does everyone assume that because I have a guy friend I like him? [/B][/QUOTE] Because thats life. now, i persnoally hate the " Your jsut a good friend" , or, " Your more like my brother" Do you seriously know how much that hurts. However, I do understand it. It happens. Albeit it isn't very fun, but meh, oh well. As long as you convey your feelings permanetely to todd, then everything should roll over pretty soon. he wont like it for awhile, but like me, he'll get over it eventually. Good luck in all you do, and decide on this issue. ~Ryan
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XxmagentaxX [/i] [B] How do i get this picture of perfect Adam out of my head? and Why cant I feel comfortable going out with anyone who isnt him? [/B][/QUOTE] I have had extensive trouble with this. Not only in myself, but with other people that i know as well. It's just a part of the Human Psyche. it happens. I elanred to get over it, when i realized that these people that I was infatuated with actually didn't give that much of a damn about my existence. I was always creating the equal response that i was giving them in my head, thus, thinking that I loved this person. There is one main trait that you love about this Adam guy, thus making everything else that is remotely related to him, perfect in anyway. What you need to realize, and you eventually will, is that it's not perfect, and it's no fun, if he wont give you the time of day. Try and invest in another relationship, after you get the image of Adam off your mind. I understand your friend Todd's position completely. In fact, we, in thsi aspect, are pretty much the same. Girls I know, and usually like, tend to tell me all there guy problems. All I want to to is take them, hold them, and fix it all in a second. However, this is impossible outside of my mind. Only because nobody wants to date, or "go out" with good friends liket hat. All were here to do is make you all feel better, nothing more, nothing less. We're like food for parasites. Thats ok though, it happens. thats life. Thats how i've coem to accept it anyway. Sorry for the rant. ~Ryan
  23. Lol, nice, not bad, I like it. it's kinda funny actually....................7/10
  24. See, now she'll name it after me, cause i rule!!!!!!! J/k guys. Whatever the name it shall suit the lil' ladd rather nicely[/irish accent]
  25. I figure, he was shot, he died, stop worrying aboutit. let him stay dead if he's dead, if he's not, let him live. Who cares. The more attention on this the more annoying it all gets.
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