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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. ugh, another favourites topic........well, it's been awhile, so i guess it's not bad. I dont have any 1 Fav Food, just a group. Burgers, steak, chicken, spaghetti, PB&J, Strawberries(and anything else with them in it :naughty:) , and well, i'm losing ym taste for pizza, cause I work at Pizza hut, so yeah. Least fav........whatever smells like it would taste bad.
  2. I tend to act like i'm older online than in person, so i do kind of hide. i remember that i tend to not act as immature online as i do in real life. Cause it's not as fun if you can't see my face.
  3. Vin deisel is way to tall for a Vegeta Role. now, i know with proper CGI, they can make him appear shorter, but still....c'm on!!!!
  4. I dont know if it's been talked about in this thread yet, but Vin Deisel was asked to be Vegeta..........and kenau reeves was asked to be Goku. ::gag::
  5. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=400298[/img] [b]Mr. President, when would you like to begin colinization on Planet Number 11336645?[/b]
  6. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B]I've gone to about 10 dances....most were free to me...heres the run down: 1 in Middle School (Social) 6 Military Balls (3 at Plano East, 3 at Plano(2 a year for the past two years)) 2 Homecomings (Sophomore and Junior year) 1 Prom (last Month) [/B][/QUOTE] I hear ya will, . 2 Middle School 3 Mil Balls 1 Home comming 1 Valentines dance(vines high school) Homecomming cost me......the ticket. cause i got dumped the week of, and said " f*ck it!!" and whent by myself, dressed more casual then averybody else, and stole 2 dates form ppl. :smirk: Whent by myself to the valentines day dance, cause i ahd no date, and i'm not letting anythign spoil my dancing fun. I had dates for each mil ball, and for my middle school dances(like they matter) Pics from my Mil Ball dance can be seen in LP's thread in the picture forum, under the topic, "pictures of vegitto4 and Lost Prophet form last saturday" (which was actually feb. 17th) All in all, there fun to go to, sometimes. But other times, to much drama is involved, and not enough fun. Way to expensive, but, sometimes it's worth it on the girls part. :naughty:
  7. Partially, you must actually be able to have an intelligent conversation with that person, and are generally attracted to you, and you to them, then there is a small basis upon which to build. Thew problem, is finding a girl(in my area at least) that can actually have something intelligent to say, and who will actually think about what they want in a guy, not just a pretty face.
  8. I honestly tend to get an angry look at school, because of the fact that I see happy couples walkig everywhere. Everyone's so happy with someone else......and I walk alone. ::plots to destroy world:: ok, enough about that ranting.... I would envy them too, but I doubt I could go very long with out touching the one to whom I was close I'm a cuddling kinda guy.
  9. yeh, mystic is right, but since i dont use paint, i dont know. they appear in photoshop after i install them.
  10. I would have to agree with TN on this one here. There is a difference between nudity, and porn. Some of Playboy's stuff is just nudity, not all of it is harcore porn. Now hustler, thats different............ I have no problem with it, but thats just because it's the woman's decision,not mine. I wouldn't want my girlfriend doing it, for other guys, but hey, it happens. Thats why i'm not planning on trying to date anyone in the porn buisness.
  11. lol........yeah deary. I'd have to agree for Arkadyz. I too, am a big sucker for red heads. ;)
  12. Vegitto4

    Devil May Cry

    ooc: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! terribly sorry guys, but ceaser, can you PLEASE edit that post with some real story content!!!!
  13. I like the twist when absorbing Dai Kaio made Buu weaker. It defintely added some interesting thoughts... Moron? no, just........confused.....
  14. 24 days left of school. The problem is this. We have make up days for 2 days of an ice storm. One of those days is may 17th. a Major Concert, and a saturday. Anyway, we get out may 23rd. and the last 3 days r exams, andw e get out early after those..
  15. YES. AMEN NERDSY!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, i had that problem for a long time.....
  16. Actually, they upgraded their entry education limit. It used to be GED, now you need to graduate high school. I know it's not much, but hey, some high schools are hard to get out of.
  17. Well, Justin seemed to hit it right on the head. I noticed that most girls, in there Junior year, and barly starting to realize that what they are looking for ina guy is changing. They are graduating in a year, and are wanting a long term relationship....some of the time. It's really confusing down here. One second they like you, the next, they are in love with the biggest jerk around. I hate the highschool social system....it's worse than jail. (metaphorically speaking)
  18. Thats the eternal question that we Will never have answered my friend. There are to many answers to that question. It all depends on the girl and what she wants. To many girls out there for it to be jsut one answer. Same from their point of view.
  19. Vegitto4

    Devil May Cry

    [i] Looking back, Acidius had yet to realize the signifigance of what ryu has just said. Stopping, holding his hand, so the party will follow his lead, and tread quietly, he slowly moves forward, senseing some trouble. [/i] ~~~~~~~~ OOC: will edit later, nobody post
  20. Wow, any depressed person that read that, just got a load of disses thrown at them. Which is not the way to try and solve things I might add. Do try to be carefull in what you say solitaire, i've had some trouble not thinking before I speak, so i know it when I see it.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B]Its not hard...figuring it's the same throughout the branches and Marines pass it all the time. [/B][/QUOTE] **grumble grumble** You'll get it for that will. Congrats btw. So, u gonna watch my *** with napalm when i'm on the ground then?
  22. Well, i agree, playing the therapist only does so much. Recently,;however, I've been showing my"gentleman" side a little bit more, or as Winter put it, the chivalry. It only goes so far where I live. From what I've heard, it's attractive. What bothers me, is that the"confident" guys seem to be "winning" alot more..... Winning as in dating the girl, not "scoring" .
  23. AMEN!!!!!! Preach it TN. Thats about all i have to say there on that subject....
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Mc's use hip hop battles as a way of fighting i like battles and disses we get to see how much skills a real mc has. [/B][/QUOTE] personally, i can barely stand Rap/hip-hop;however, I see where your comming from. Only from a raver's perspective though. We battle all the time to see who's the better raver, and with what skills. Typically, you get disses when they get in your face while raving, but the true victor is the one that just flows better. Sorry for going off topic, but i saw a comparison that cold be made.
  25. Will, were you trying to explain suicide, or just trying to say in a very warped way that it's justified/not justified?
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