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About DarkElfAngel

  • Birthday April 25

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    im a girl ^_^ how interesting is that?!

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  1. When you think of pain What pops into your head? A cut somewhere Or a hangnail or two? Maybe a hit to your head, Or perhaps when you trip and fall? When you hear the words heart What comes to mind? Many think of love And the happiness it brings Some think of heartbreak And the tears it brought If someone were to ask me, however This is what I would do and say I'd look down and sigh Then I would look up and smile "When I thought of pain, I used to think of him. When I heard the word heart My eyes would water And my heart would ache But then he came into my life, My light in this dark world So now when I hear the word heart My heart feels warm And my eyes fill with joy And when I hear the word pain My mind draws to a blank Because with his love as my shield and protection I have no reason to know." Written By Shortie-chan
  2. Travis looked as Luke went to go sit as the table in the corner. He used to sit with him so he wouldn't be alone but that was before he bacame popular. [I]No one sits with him, he doesn't fit in[/I] Travis watched as Steven started making fun of Luke and how he was a loner and that no one liked him. [I]But we feel like we do when we make fun of him[/I] He laughed as Luke started getting angry. He knew he shouldn't but in order to stay where he was he had to. [I]Cause you want to belong do you go along[/I] Steven looked over at Travis as if saying it's your turn. Travis started saying things he shouldn't have said. All of the popularity going to his head. [I]Cause his pain is the price paid for you to belong[/I] They all watched as Luke stomped out of the cafeteria. All of them laughing at his back. [I]It's not we hate him or want him to die[/I] Travis laughed along with them, but inside he felt horrible. He had just betrayed his best friend in the world. He stopped laughing, told them all to shut up, and then walked out after Luke. [I]But maybe he goes home and thinks suicide[/I] Luke walked over to his locker, grabbed something out of it, and then walked to the boys bathroom. Or he comes back to school with a gun at his side Travis had seen him go towards the boys bathroom so he followed him inside and managed to see the gun Luke was holding. [I]And a kindness from you might have saved his life[/I] He ran over to Luke and grabbed the gun. Asking him why he would resort to that. To kill himself. [I]Heroes are made when you make a choice[/I] Luke explained to him that he had no reason to live. He had lost his best friend and his parents were always yelling at him. So what was the point. [I]You could be a hero[/I] Travis looked inside the gun and emptied all the bullets into his hand. [I]Heroes do what's right[/I] He walked over to the trash and threw them all away. He walked over to the window and the dumpster was right outside of it. He tossed the gun out the window into the dumpster. [I]You could be a hero[/I] "No, you haven't lost your best friend." He walked over to Luke. "Cause I'm right here." [I]You might save a life[/I] Luke smiled and they did their secret handshake they have had since kindergarden, which always had a few modifications because of the new moves they came up with. [I]You could be a hero, you could join the fight[/I] They walked out talking about all the stuff they had missed out on. Travis quit hanging out with Steven and his gang and instead hung out with Luke, both of them staying the very best of friends. [I]For what's right, for what's right, for what's right[/I] Ami walked the hallways all alone. A normal day in her life. [I]No one talks to her, she feels so alone[/I] She walked towards her locker and took out her books. She was about to close her locker when she banged against her locker, a small cut forming at the end of her eyebrow. She turned around and saw Stacy standing there, laughing. Stacy was the popular girl, the girl every girl wanted to be, and the girl all the boys wanted to date. Ami couldn't stand her. She turned back around and ran off to the bathroom to get her cut to stop bleeding. A small tear flowed down as everyone laughed. [I]She's in too much pain to survive on her own[/I] She reached the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She grabbed a papertowel and slowly dabbed away the blood that had stopped bleeding luckly. [I]The hurt she can't handle overflows with a knife[/I] She noticed her arms. Covered in cuts that she had made. [I]She writes on her arm, wants to give up her life[/I] Sure she had cut herself, but she could never bring herself to do enough to end it all. Something in the back of head told her she shouldn't. [I]Each day she goes on is a day that she is brave,[/I] She wiped away her tears and the left over blood. She gathered her bag and her books. [I]Fighting the lie that giving up is the way,[/I] She ignored all of the looks she got and reached her classroom. Her seat was in the back, left corner. No one payed her any attention there. She sat down and took out her book. She noticed a small piece of paper land on her desk. She opened it. 'I'm sorry' She looked around to see who could have thrown it. No one seemed to be paying any attention. She crumpled up the note and threw it away. She sat back down and noticed another piece of paper land on her desk, again no one was paying attention. [I]Each moment of courage her own life she saves[/I] 'Don't worry, everything will turn out alright.' She smiled, silently thanking the person whoever wrote the note. Knowing someone cared was enough to stop her from doing the worst. [I]When she throws the pills out a hero is made[/I] Everything was gonna be ok. She knew it would. [I]Heros are made when you make a choice[/I] She was looking down at her desk when she heard a pair of footsteps stop next to her. She looked up and saw Karen, Stacy's best friend, standing there. "Here." Karen handed Ami a small bandaid. "I'm sorry about what Stacy did earlier. She had no right to do that." [I]You could be a hero[/I] Ami looked up at her. "Your Stacy's best friend. Why are you apologizing?" "I was only her friend because I wanted to be popular. I didn't see till Stacy had hurt you that it meant being mean to others. I'm sorry. You seem nice. Can I be your friend?" [I]Heroes do what's right[/I] Ami smiled. "I'm guessing you wrote this note and the other one?" She showed her the note. Karen blushed. "Yah I wrote those. Kinda cheesy huh?" [I]You could be a hero[/I] "Very." Ami smiled. "But thanks. Wanna sit here?" She gestured to the seat next to her. "Sure. Thanks? For what?" Karen sat down looking at Ami. "For helping me realize that I did have someone to count on." [I]You might save a life[/I] Karen got up and hugged her. "I'm glad I could help." [I]You could be a hero, You could join the fight[/I] Karen sat back down and both girls got ready for class, both of them glad. Karen, for being able to help someone and Ami for having a friend, a real friend. [I]For what's right, for what's right, for what's right[/I] Alan walked home. Dreading when he got there. The only reason he was going back home was for his brother. [I]No one talks to him about how he lives[/I] His mother was always drunk, always falling asleep everywhere. That made his father angry, which wasn't good when he was also always drunk, and he took out his anger on Alan, who always made sure it was him and not his brother. [I]He thinks the choices he makes are just his[/I] He got home, luckly both his parents were gone, probably at another bar. He got home and saw his little brother on the floor covered in bruises. "Derek!" He ran over to him and picked him up. "Derek?" [I]Doesn't know he's a leader with the way he behaves[/I] Derek opened his eyes and looked at Alan. "I'm sorry Alan. I tried to tell mom and dad to stop drinking like you do but mom left and dad hit me." [I]And others will follow the choices he's made[/I] Alan hugged him. "Derek the only reason I do that is because I'm angry at them. I know they won't ever stop drinking." [I]He lives on the edge he's old enough to decide[/I] Derek started crying. "I just wanted to be tough like you are..." [I]His brother who wants to be him is just nine[/I] Alan held him tighter. "I'm only tough on the outside, inside I'm scared." "S--Scared? B--B--But your not scared of anything!" "Im scared of losing you." [I]He can do what he wants because it's his right[/I] Alan got up, walked over to the phone, and called social services. [I]The choices he makes change a nine year old's life[/I] They were both taken from their home and put into the care of their mom's sister and her husband. [I]Heroes are made when you make a choice[/I] Derek now goes to 3rd grade and lives happily with his Aunt Jenny, his Uncle Tom, and his big brother Alan. [I]You could be a hero[/I] Alan's parents were given 10 years in prison and after they finished a lifetime of community service for child abuse, drug and alcohol overdose, and damage to private property. [I]Heroes do what's right[/I] Alan has helped himself and his little brother in more ways then one when he made that one call. [I]You could be a hero[/I] If he hadn't called social services then him or Derek could have ended up in the hospital, or worse, dead. [I]You might save a life[/I] Thanks to Alan, both boys are happy to be away from their abusive and neglectful parents. [I]You could be a hero, you could join the fight[/I] Now more than ever, Derek wants to be a hero, just like his big brother Alan. [I]For what's right, for what's right, for what's right[/I] These stories prove that not all heroes have nice armor and shiny weapons. Some often are seen wearing everyday clothes. Travis, Karen, and Alan were all heroes, in their own special ways. [I]You could be a hero[/I] They all did something wrong, but in the end they did what was right. Even though people did get hurt in the process. [I]Heroes do what's right[/I] These stories may be true for some people. Some of you or maybe someone you know, may know a person like Luke, Ami, or maybe even Dylan. [I]You could be a hero[/I] Well if you do or know someone is hurting in anyway, be the hero. Who knows? Maybe YOU could be the one to save a life. [I]You might save a life[/I] Just knowing you can or have helped someone in need is great. It's one of the best feelings ever. [I]You could be a hero, you could join the fight[/I] Join the fight. Be the hero. I can promise you. The feeling of knowing you've helped or have been helped is something you, and the person who helped or was helped, will never forget. [I]For what's right, for what's right, for what's right[/I] Written by Me. I wrote this story awhile ago. I think it's one of my best works. Well go ahead and tell me what you think. L8erz!
  3. He looked around frantically. His mind spinning slowly out of control. There was only one thing on his mind, and that was to find out where his sister went. He looked slowly around the room the strange men had put him in. There was a mirror on the far wall. He walked up to it and touched, slowly banging it but being more frantic with each hit. That's when he started yelling. "Where is my sister?!?!?! Let me out!!! I need to find her!!!! She's all I have!!!" After much banging and no one answering he gave up. He fell against the wall exhausted. All the banging wearing him out. Little did he know that his little sister was right outside waiting with his doctors. She looked on sadly as the hot tears fell down her face. She still gazed at the one way mirror when she spoke. "W---Will my brother be ok?" One of the doctors shook his head sadly. "We're not sure if he'll ever be ok." The did not please the little girl. Instead it made more tears fall. She looked at the doctor, her small body shaking. "C---C--Can I see him?" This time a different doctor answered. "I'm afraid not. He's not stable. He could accidently hurt you and he wouldn't even be aware of it." "My brother would never hurt me!" Her small voice squeaked out. "He loves me and we're all that's left in our family! He would never in the whole wide world even try to hurt me!" "We can't be sure of that until we run some tests sweetie." The girl glared at the doctor who called her that. "Don't call me that! Only my daddy could call me that!" She slammed on the mirror. "Brother!!! Brother can you hear me?!?!" She hit it with all the strength her small body could muster. The boy looked up. He thought he had heard his sister somewhere. "Kate?! Kate is that you?!" He held his head as the loudness in his voice was too strong. "Kate where are you?!" "Ty I'm right here! Right here!" She banged as hard as she could on the window. "Ty!!" The doctors pulled her away from the window. The one who looked like the oldest one walked in front of her. "What did you think you were doing? He is in an unstable state! Do you even realize the damage you could have caused?!" The young girl looked down before she yelled right back at the doctor. Her voice all squeaky. "He's not one of your patients! He's my brother! And his name in Tyler!" The only woman doctor came up to her. "Sweetheart. We know what his name is and that he is your brother, but he' very sick right now and we need him here so we can treat him." The girl spat at the lady's shoes. "Don't call me that. My name is Katelyn. Got it?" Her brother's attitude showing in her a little. The lady sighed as she took what looked like a needle from one of the doctors. "I'm sorry Katelyn, but it is the only way." The other doctors held her squiggling body still as the lady inserted the needle in her arm. Katelyn stopped moving and soon her vision became hazy. The seven year old's body slumped to the floor as her whole body subcumbed to the darkness. "I'm sorry...Tyler...." The doctors looked on sympathetically at the young girl. They looked back at the boy, the girl in one of the doctor's arms. Surprisingly the boy had also stopped moving. He just stood there, not realizing that he was staring right at his sister's body. His eyes only seeing the part of a mirror. It seemed as if his body was spinning faster and faster out of control, his eyelids slowly lowering as his exhaustion got the better of him. A tear slowly fell to the floor. "Kate...." He fell to the floor, his mind subcumbing to the darkness, and his body to exhaust. Katelyn moaned slightly as her head slowly began to regain control. She slowly took in her surroundings. The room seemed to look at least a little homely. Though the room didn't look familiar, the smell of it certainly did. She would recognize that smell anywhere. She was right back to where she started. Little Town Orphanage. She got up slowly and walked to the door. She had barely taken one step outside when she was hounded back inside by one of the caring ladies. "Oh my goodness! Katelyn you should be in bed! After what that troublemaker of a brother put you through I would think that you would sleep for the next few days!" The lady placed Katelyn on the bed and then walked to the closet. Walking back with a new pair of clothes for her. "Here, let me help you get dressed." She moved to help Katelyn take off her shirt. Katelyn jumped off the bed and ran to the opposite side of the room. "I can get dressed myself! Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm stupid! And don't you ever talk about my brother like that again!" She walked to the bathroom and changed quickly. She was now wearing some black shorts and a silver top. Her small black shoes covering her feet. She looked around and noticed the lady was still standing there, still shocked by her small outburst. "Dumb lady." She walked out not caring about the look of shock and disbelief that she had called her dumb on the lady's face. The halls were pretty much deserted. She looked at the clock. Of course they were, all the children were outside playing. She turned at a corner and came face to face with the head of the orphanage. The man looked down. "Why if it isn't the little escapee. So how do you feel about coming back?" Katelyn frowned and glared at the man. "I would rather be in a mental institution then here with you." The man smirked. "Ah. A mental institution. Now if I am correct that's where your brother landed himself no?" The frown on her face deepened. She turned around slowly and walked away, glad that she couldn't see the smirk of satisfaction on his ugly mug. She walked slowly towards the backyard. Everything was almost exactly as it was when she left, but when she left her brother had told her that they would never have to come back again. She sat down on a nearby bench with a flower she had picked before she sat. The daisy in her hands slowly started to wilt. The petals practically begged her to pull them off so that's exactly what she did. With each petal being pulled a peice of her small heart slowly followed. As she was about to pull off the last petal something stopped her, or rather someone. "Katelyn! Come here! I have some fantastic news." Katelyn looked at her flower and silently stuffed it in her pocket. She walked over to the voice and there stood the lady from before, but there were two new people. By the looks of it, it seemed to be a loving couple. The man looked to be in his mid-thirties, while the woman not to far behind. Katelyn walked up to her. The lady bent down to her height, which was difficult considering how small she was. "Why hello there. My name is Mrs. Thomas. You must be Katelyn." Katelyn nodded. "Do you know why we're here?" The man came and stood behind his wife. "We're here to take you home with us." The lady smiled. "Isn't that wonderful Katelyn? Your going to have a whole new family who will love you and take care of you!" Katelyn frowned. "Are you going to adopt my brother too?" Mrs. Thomas's smile disappeared, she had heard about what had happened to the small girl's brother. "I'm afraid not honey. The doctors wouldn't let us." Katelyn did her best to keep her tears from falling. "I hate doctors," she muttered under her breath. She looked up at the lady. "I--If I go with you can I still go visit my brother?" Mrs. Thomas smiled. "We'll see what we can do." Katelyn nodded. "All right, I'll go with you." She headed towards her old room to see if she had anything to take with her. She reached her old room. When she opened the door it looked like nothing had changed. Everything was still in place. She looked through the drawers and the closet taking everything her brother had told her to leave behind. She picked up her favorite picture. It was of her family. Her mom and dad were smiling, holding each other while her brother had her on his shoulders. It was taken during their latest trip to the beach. Who knew that it would also be their last as a family. A few weeks later her parents had died in a plane crash coming home from a business trip. Her brother and her had stayed home with a babysitter. She packed the picture into a small suitcase that was given to each child if they ever got adopted. After she did a double check she made sure all of her belongings were packed neatly. She took one last look around the room before turning off the lights and carrying the suitcase downstairs where her new family was waiting. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Dr. Thompson looked closely at his patient. The boy had yet to move ever since he went unconcious a few hours ago. The doctor fell extremly sorry for the boy, and his young sister. The two children had lost their parents just a few years ago. He had recognized their faces because he had been present when the two adults had been brought in. He had remembered that the little girl, Katelyn, was crying sitting on a chair, with Tyler's arms around her comforting her. The boy had looked so calm then. It was hard to believe that that boy and the boy he was looking at now was the same person. "How much you have changed." He made sure everything was in check and working. He checked on the boy more time before turning off the lights and leaving the boy to his rest.
  4. thank u guys for ur nice reviews ^_^ yay! people actually like my poems! hehehe well I guess I can put up the next poem ne? Just Leave Me Alone I?ve had enough Why can?t I stop? I keep thinking of you From bottom to top I want to give up I want you to leave Why do you plague my mind? Please, just let me be I have pictures of you So clear in my mind No matter how hard I try It?s all I can find I will only say this once Though it?s not clear in my tone You?re hurting me by being here So please, just leave me alone Written by Short This wazn't actually the next poem but I didn't like how the last few turned out so I'm not sure if I'm gunna put them up.
  5. If Only Tears Could Bring You Back Tears and sadeness were everywhere. As she looked around the room, there was only one thing out of place. Her. [I]How will I solve tomorrow without you here? Brute luck will guide me though the answer's disappear.[/I] She stared at her feet. She could hear everyone muttering, wondering why after all that's happened she still hadn't shed a tear. [I]Is it too late? Are you to far gone to stay? Best friends forever should never have to go away.[/I] The truth was she couldn't. No matter what happened she couldn't cry, something inside her told her no. She wanted to, to get rid of all the pain that has been forever held in. [I]What will I do? You know I'm only half without you. How will I make it through?[/I] First it was her father and her two little brothers: *flashback* She was on the computer, as usual. When her brothers started complaining about wanting to go outside. Her father was on his last nerve, so he got them dressed and then took them for a drive, leaving her, her sister, and her mother behind. A few hours had passed when a knock came from the door. Her mother answered it thinking it was the girl's dad. Instead there stood two police men. "Are you Mrs. Carol Smith?" She nodded. "Yes I am." "Can we speak to you alone?" "Sure." She walked outside and closed the door. About fifteen minutes had passed when the police men came escorting the girl's mother back inside. She was crying like crazy. They sat her down and asked that the whole family come into the room. After everyone came they told us the whole story. The girl's father and two little brothers were not coming home. Appearently a drunk driver had hit them on the way home, both cars bursting into flames. No one had survived. Everyone was crying, everyone that is except the girl. *end flashback* [I]If only tears could bring you back to me. If only love could find a way, find a way. What I would do. What I would give if you'd return to me, someday, somehow, someway. If my tears could bring you back to me.[/I] Then it was her mother: *flashback* It had been a week. No one was the same. Her mother didn't go to work at all, instead all she did was cry, eat, sleep, and cry some more. On Tuesday the following week her mother snuck out for a drive. No one saw her leave. The next day however, both her mother's car and her body were found inside the Pico Rivera Lake. Everyone got a freash amount of tears, except the girl, who still couldn't cry. *end flashback* [I]I'd cry here alone, shall if you sail home again. Just your emotion will carry you, I know they can.[/I] Then her grandmother: *flashback* After hearing that her son and two favorite grandchildren were dead, she had cried so much that she wound up in the hospital. Then after learning of the death of her daughter-in-law she couldn't stand it. The week after that she died of grief, heartbreak, and according to the doctors, old age. *end flashback* [I]Just like we'll guide you and your heart will chart the course. Soon you'll be drifting into the arms of your true love.[/I] Everyone cried once again. The death of five people in three weeks was just to much to take. Yet, once again, the girl did not cry. [I]Look in my eyes you'll see a million tears I've gone by and still there not dry.[/I] 'How ironic.' The girl thought as she heard the song being played throughout the house. 'This song is about crying, yet I haven't shed a single tear. . .' [I]If only tears could bring you back to me, if only love could find a way, love will find. What I would do, what I would give if you return to me, someday, somehow, someway. If my tears could bring you back to me.[/I] The girl's cousin came over to her. "This came in the mail for you." She handed her a white envolope with her name written on it. It had no addresses or stamp. She opened it and took out the card. I'm sorry. . . . .@#$% It was their code. A code shared between two friends. She dropped the card to the ground. The code written on that card could only mean one thing. Her friend, her bestest friend in the whole wide world was gone, just like that. [I]I'd hold you close and shout the words I'd only wished were before. For one more chance, for one last dance. There's lots of things that I would not of known.[/I] She walked calmly to the den in her house. Everyone was in there. She walked towards her sister and turned to face everyone. "M----My friend. . . .is. . . . .gone. . . ." [I]If only tears could bring you back to me. If only love could find a way, find a way. What I would do, what I would give, if you returned to me someday, somehow, someway[/I] She turned back to her sister who was speaking to her. "Kristy. . . .I'm sorry." She bent down and hugged her. "It's ok. . .shhhh. . . ." Then to everyone's surprise both girls started crying. Laura for Kristy and Kristy for all the tears that she had missed. Kristy looked around at everyone tears flowing freely down her eyes. "If only the words in this song were true. . ." But believe me when I say this, if it were true Kristy has cried enough tears to bring back ALL of her family members. [I]If my tears could bring you back, bring you back, to mee.....[/I]
  6. why thankies KOC for ur nice reviews ^_^ well i guess i can put up the next poem. yay! ^_^;; Bleeding Heart Heartfeld wishes Dashing dreams All this hoping Is one big sceam Loving hearts Knowing minds All telling me I must be kind Meaningful tears Numorous lies All these things come When something inside me dies I guess it wasn't enough When I offered only me You broke my heart again Why can you still not see? I trusted you I loved you so I offered you everything And I never said no But you left for someone else And I'm waiting for a start A time where I can sit and heal And comfort my Bleeding Heart Written by Shortie-chan
  7. wow.....this is story is really good. u have an amazing style of writing. it's beautiful. u have inspired me to write something now ^_^ well i better go. ((must go write! lol )) l8erz! Short
  8. well thnkies for such ur nice review ^_^ i guess i can put up the next one since im so nice ^_^;; Raindrops Onto myself The raindrops fall Flooding my world Drowning my life No one's here To help me up The rain comes It's here to stay I want to stay But the pain's too much I need to leave But you hold me back Don't let me go I'm afraid to fall Stay with me I need you here Didn't you hear I yelled it out I'm afraid to go To let you leave I'm telling you now Don't you see I don't want to leave Cause the person who loves you is.....me Written by Short this one didnt have many rhyms cuz i wanted to try and do something different. let me know wat u think ^_^
  9. wow this song is really good! it sort of reminds me of LP. that' probablly why i like it ^_^;; but it really is good. im jealous lol well i guess thats all for now. l8erz! Short :sleep: ((soooo sleepy...))
  10. wow...this poem is really good. it doesnt even matter wat about the spelling and grammer. i mean its not like anyones perfect ne? ^_^;; at least i know im not. well great job hope to read some more work soon! l8erz! Short
  11. wow! ^_^ i didnt think i would get such nice reviews for my poems thankies. well i guess i couldnt change the style with this next one. it's kind sad but i'll see wat u think... Broken Heart The glass shatters The windows crack The wind howls The demons are back I walk alone This lonely night Will nobody come Will I have to fight this fight Nobody knows What troubles I hide Is anyone here Are you on my side What will become Of this world full of hate Can no one change Or is this all fate Am I really here Can you see my heart Am I unique Or just one part Emotions are stupid They just get in the way If you don't get rid of them Then you will pay Believe it or not Cause it happened to me I had to pay with heartbreak Can you still not see If you don't You need to wake up This is no dream Get up off your butt This world is too cruel For you to sleep You need to get up Get up on your feet How can you dream Dreams bring false hope All these things you say These feeling won't cope You say feelings are good I'm sorry to say You've got it all wrong Feelings are something we all have to pay Love is one feeling I still don't get It cost so much I thought I lost a bet The price was big Though just one part It's gone for good I lost....my heart Written by Short P.S. this waz actually the very first poem i wrote. the next few ones all have something in common and hopefully when i put up the next ones u'll see why.
  12. well since i got such a positive review for my last poem i decided to put another one ^_^ well here it is. My Destiny I looked everywhere Up and down Side to side And even around I told myself "Don't worry, My destiny will come If it is meant to be" So I sat there in wonder As the years went by If my destiny will make me smile Or just make me cry But now I'm not scared I know it's meant to be All that searching with the answer right there I found out my destiny.....was me By Shortie-chan
  13. hey everyone! just thought i'd write some of my poems here ^_^ well here's the first one. Friends I'll dress up as a clown I'll wear lots of funny hats I'll jump up and down Just so you will laugh I'll bring you lots of flowers So you won't ever be sad I'll annoy you all the time Hoping you won't get mad I'll sing silly songs And make actions for them too If you ever get sick of them I'll try and make something new So please don't be sad I'll be there till the end You don't ever have to worry Because I'll always be your friend. Written by Short
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