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Everything posted by foreverinfinity
I love drawing. I like making something that is not exactly the same as anything anyone has ever seen before. Even if you have to share everything else, you can keep things like drawings, writing, or songs you made to yourself if you want to. You don't have to tell anyone about it and you won't be forced to share it. I also love to play the guitar and sing. Listening to music is fun, but when you get to play it, not only is it fun but you feel great because you accomplised something that you can actually enjoy. It's not like getting a good grade in school where afterward you go, "okay, now what?" but you can then elaborate the song or do a more complicated version or play with other musicians to get a fuller, more exiting sound, as well as an even bigger accomplishment. Think about it, you can learn everything there is to know about math within twenty years, but it would take more than a lifetime to learn all the songs in the world in every version of every instrument known to people! There is no limit as to how far you could go with music. Wow that was a mouthful.
What to do around people you like...
foreverinfinity replied to ryo_sagara's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Altron]Yay! I contributed useful information somewhere ^.^ And a recent trend I picked up was that girls love chocolate. May I ask this intriguing species, why do they like chocolate?[/QUOTE] Did you seriously just ask why we like CHOCOLATE?!!? It's becuse it's sweet, tasty, and sometimes shaped like little hearts. And also it sometimes has peanut butter or cream or even MORE CHOCOLATE inside. I'm getting all my friends chocolate for holiday presents. -
idiotic things that people say about relationships
foreverinfinity replied to foreverinfinity's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Xander Harris]Idiotic things people say: "X and Y would make SUCH A CUTE COUPLE!!!" often said by happily dating drippy females. It's even more annoying when you are the X they are talking about. Whether you like the girl they think would be so 'cute' for you or not.[/QUOTE] That happened to me twice... and it was scary. once it was me as x and y was this guy who was my partner in a tech project and they just had to say it when BOTH of us were there. The other was me being x and y being this kid in study hall who was a year younger then me. it was so annoying. -
An electric guitar would be awesome... and an amp to go along with it... and some guitar music... and some cds... and something that I can record my own tapes on... and another notebook to write songs in... Wow, I'm obsessed with music :laugh:. also some sketch paper would be nice, along with some colored pencils, a how to draw manga book... if it's art or music, I love it! worst present... Pajamas that were a million sizes too big for me. wierdest present... I got a ball of string from my brother once.
Sometimes people can say really stupid things about feelings or relationships that just don't make sense. Like today on IM me and my friend were playing truth or dare and I asked him who he liked. He says "I don't know. I have a lot of friends who are girls. I can't choose" or something like that. I consider that extremely stupid. I don't believe you "choose" who you like, it just happens. My friend is going to kill me if he finds this post :D . he doesn't like being called stupid... But I'm getting off topic. What have you been told or told someone about relationships that was stupid or made no sense?
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
foreverinfinity replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
Exuse me?!? My criteria for guys isn't working their butt off half the week. It's good if they wear clothes that look ok on them, but why would I want to go out with a guy anyway? Definitely not for their clothes. And if girls other than me want to go out with someone because they look hot or cute or something like that, I tell them they are wasting their time. If they like the way a guy looks, why not just take a picture of them? Besides, I think it would feel wierd cuddling with someone who is all muscle. I'd actually rather go out with someone I could beat up if I really wanted to. I think steps and rules are all stupid. Every girl is different. We are not clones and will not react the same way to hair length, cologne scent, or clothes. -
I kinda came up with something similar first, but it can't hurt to join. Name: Amber Kelly Andrews Stage Name: AKA Instrument: Plays electric guitar and sings. Sings well and has been singing for many years, but has only been playing guitar for one year. Learns songs quickly and is good with playing the melody, but has some trouble with chords. Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Has golden blond hair five inches past shoulder length with some dark red and black highlights in underlayers of her hair. usually wears hair in a high ponytail. has light skin and big, dark blue-grey eyes. is kind of short. wears worn in jeans with holes in the knees and layered t-shirts or tight tank tops/ sleeveless shirts. will occasionally wear a plaid skirt. most of her clothes are dark. colors. Personality: Doesn't get along with everyone, but is usually pretty laid back. Is usually somewhat responsible, but at the same time can be sloppy and disorganized. Is very stubborn, and has a 'why should I' attitude. will rarely blow up in your face when she's angry, but can be cold, harsh, and bitter when irritated. Has trouble confiding in other people, but has no trouble criticizing them. Basically, the only way she lets out her emotions is in her music and her put downs/disses.
The class seemed like such a great, harmless opportunity to make friends, form a band, and maximize their skills. It turned out to be all of those things. except harmless. Your character will join a music class, in which he or she will make friends and eventually form a band with other characters. Cliques will form, rivalries will spring up, Romance will take place, and people will get hurt. None of them know that they will be competing against each other later for the ultimate prize- a record deal. They will be tested on their abilities to write and play music, as well as their abilities to conquer stage fright in some cases. If a band is eliminated, they will be added to the board of judges. With tension mounting, will conflicts within bands ever settle? That's your decision. P.S- Your personal ability to write songs may affect the band your character is in at one point or another. P.S.S.-This takes place in present day U.S.A., so current bands may be brought into the story. Sign-ups Name: (modern) Age: (13-17) Gender: Instrument: (guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, singing) Experience with instrument: (Please, don't everyone be wonderful at everything.) Label: (what people see you as;Punk, goth, prep, etc) Appearance Personality: Bio: (not required) Other: (any quirks, habits...?) My sign up Name: Beck Age: 14 Gender: Female Instrument: Guitar, singing Experience with instrument: Can sing rather well, but is kind of new at guitar. Label: Bad girl Appearance: ugh, hard to explain. will try and put pic on computer. Personality: Acts rude, Has a little bit of an attitude, tends to swear, but doesn't do things that people would expect her to do, like drugs, violence, etc. Bio: Other: Is better hearted than she acts
What was your worst hair-related incedent ever(haircut, highlights, coloring, ect.)? Best? Something that would have looked awesome if you hadn't chickened out or if your parents hadn't said no? my worst was probably when I was in third grade and got my hair cut short. The way the stylist cut it was really bad. I hated it. the best was probably when I decided to get my hair layered. It was probably the first time my hair didn't look like a bird's nest :eek: . I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going 2 do once my hair grows out... if my mom will let me. It's kinda hard to explain, but I think it will look pretty good... I hope.
Everyone has had a time where they heard or saw someone say or do something, and you can't believe that they would do that. What have you heard or seen lately that really suprised you? I had a few minutes like that just today. One of my friends had a dream and thought I would kill her because I was in it so of course I wanted to know even more so she wrote it down for me. Now I read it and I am disgusted. In her dream she had me KISSING this guy I absolutely HATE named andy. :sick: ew. :nope: that's just wrong.
I have another one. people who use threads for the purpose of arguing.
One song I really like is beautiful soul by Jesse McCartney, but a song that I think is really beautiful is from.... Beauty and the beast. Not many people would say that, but I love it becuase the lyrics tell a story that happens or can happen to many people, If you think about it. Tale as old as time True as it can be barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly. Just a little change small to say the least both a little scared neither one prepared beauty and the beast.
[quote name='Jim_Hawking']I know this is supposed to be a "happy" and "cheerful" thread, but for the last few months I haven't been happy. I don't even remember what used to make me happy. Hell, I rarely even smile. I wish something would happen to make me happy, but the chances of that are silm to none. Maybe, I'm just not meant to be happy...[/quote] Wow. you need to take antidepressants or something. well, I'm usually rather happy, but today I am REALLY happy because tomorrow I am going to my friends party at wich all my best friends will be and no one I don't like is invited! YAY! *hugs sabers* umm.. yeah. the huggings sabers sounds more random then it is. don't ask.
what really annoys you? makes you want to scream? tempts you to strangle the person doing whatever it is they are doing that bugs you? There are a lot of things that annoy me, including: 1. my two younger brothers 2. my friends gossiping about my other friends even though they are not my friends' friends 3. people not taking hints about certain things 4. people who won't shut up 5. not feeling comfortable talking to my friends yeah, those are my top five. I would like to hear other people's pet peeves, so I can avoid making them angry :D
I'm no expert on boyfriend-girlfriend junk, considering I have never had a boyfriend, but I know what I would want the person I like to do if he ever became my boyfriend. The best thing to do will probably not be the same for every girl, but a friendly hug is always nice whenever you see her, hold hands when your walking together, sit by her on the bus or in class when you can, that type of stuff. But give her a little space. If she wants to sit with her friends for once, respect her wishes and find someone else to sit with(just not another girl).
Are you planning on keeping your name?
foreverinfinity replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I was bored in class and decided to make a list of all the last names I think are cool with this thread in mind. Soldevilla-friend's last name Shamrock-student teacher's last name McClendon-friend's last name Battaglia-former teacher's last name Schroeder(sorry if I misspelled it)-friend's last name Harkola-some wierd kid in a couple of my classes last name Tchanz-friend's last name Haha... yeah... that was fun. -
I have braces right now. they suck. I hate them. I just got rubber bands. I hate them too. It's a good thing I won't have them as long as my friend did. she had them for four years! I feel sorry for her. P.S. You look great with your braces off. I don't know how you looked with them on, but oh well. all that matters is you don't have to deal with them anymore, right?
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
foreverinfinity replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I have had one experience that was rather painful but don't compare to most of these things. but anyway, here it is. When I was five or six, we lived in an apartment building that had a swimming pool we could use. The pool had no diving board and was edged with bricks. at the time I had just learned how to hold my breath underwater and gotten over my fear of jumping in the pool. I jumped in a couple of times and then decided, "hey, wouldn't it be cool if I could jump [I]Backwards[/I] into the pool?" So, being a stupid little kid, I decide to do it. And wouldn't ya know, I didn't jump back far enough and ended up ramming my chin against the pool's edge. it's a good thing the water was shallow or I would have broken my jaw, most likely. Anyway, I cut my chin and couldn't go swimming for three weeks. The spot where I got cut still itches sometimes. That was kind of painful. -
Are you planning on keeping your name?
foreverinfinity replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I might change my last name. If I like his last name, I'll change it. If I don't like it, and I think it's stupid, I'll adopt anatema's Idea and have both of our last names changed. I don't want them to be different, but I don't want my name to sound stupid either. -
Yeah, I just started playing guitar too. during the beginning of the summer I started teaching guitar to myself, but now I'm also in a guitar class at my school. I reccomend the book "You can teach yourself guitar," wich obviously helps you teach yourself guitar. Another good thing to do is start a band with some beginners so you can learn together. There are also some music stores that have group guitar classes, and in those classes, some students join together and form bands.
Clowns:funny guys or pointless wastes of space?
foreverinfinity replied to poo62.2's topic in General Discussion
clownes don't just scare little kids, they scare ME! DEATH TO THE CLOWNS!! -
I don't really know the names of any cologne, but I like kind of woodsy pine-tree scents. I love the smell of pine!
Henna quickly created the illusion of a fire in front of the beings, hoping it would make the beings flee the other way. When it didn't, she was puzzled and confused. "That won't work!" Rakaloma yelled. "they would be able to tell if it was real. They must be able to see heat somehow!" "It doesn't look like a Raslomaon though!" Henna said, frusterated. She picked up a rock and threw it at the being. "don't do that!" Someone shouted. "You'll make them mad!" It was too late.The being scowled and conjoured up a ball of lightning and threw it at her. Henna went flying and landed on the ground. Rakaloma swooped down by her. "I'll be all right," Henna said in a quiet, tired voice. "I'm not what's important right now. just get those stones." She then fell asleep from pain and exaustion.
I find making some types of hair very difficult. I just cannot seem to figure out how to give someone a ponytail from the front view without it looking demented. eyes can also be kind of hard to draw. it can be complicated to place them in the perfect spot and keep one eye the same size as the other eye. Although those aspects of manga are hard, the thing I find most difficult is making the arms and legs. You will very rarely see any of my pictures without long, baggy sleeves and long, baggy pants. making the porportion and shape just right is almost impossible for me. Even when I get it okay, I am very picky and find something I don't like about the arms or legs. If anyone has some tips on this area of drawing manga, please PM me.
"this can't possibly be happening." Henna watched the beings in awe as they suddenly doubled, making six of them in all. Kylajn stared, looking both puzzled and frusterated. "Watching it still doesn't answer my question. are illusionist simply making more illusions, or is the being making more copies of itself? or are new beings just appearing out of nowhere?" "I don't know," Henna replied. "I have a question though, now that the being is here, what do we do about it?" "Wait and watch," Rakaloma said. "We can do nothing more for now. just wait and watch." It seemed they had waited long enough, because suddenly a bright ring of light appeard around the being, or beings. All who wern't hiding shaded their eyes and prepared for what would happen next.