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Everything posted by foreverinfinity
ooh, this sounds fun. why didn't anyone sign up yet? Name: Jarine Izi Meaning: Midnight Lightning Sex: Female Age: 13 Appearance: long Jet black hair with a few thin, bright yellow highlights, Light blue eyes, fair skin, 4'11" . dresses in jeans, baggy sweatpants, T-shirts, and sleevless shirts. usually wears the colors red, dark blue, white, and black. Alignment: Agent Weapon: Her metal fold-up fan that has a razor sharp edge. it looks so harmless, but... Power: empathy and lightning power Bio: her bioligical parents were both nameless until she gave them their names by accident when she was just nine years old. ever scince them, she has always been giving people names, whether by choice or by accident. so now she is a name agent. Quirk: meditates outside during storms. gets restless if she isn't outside during a storm.
Henna walked in on the fight scene, ready to help any way she could. "Hmmm, I may not be able to fight, but I do know how to scare people." She made the illusion that she wasn't there, and then walked toward the criminal who seemed to be the strongest, and... tapped him on the shoulder. He swiveled around, seeing no one, and turned back around just in time to see Nekouk conjour up a fire ball to kill him with. When that criminal was dead, Henna took down her illusion. "Did I miss something?" asked Nekouk. Grinning, Henna replied, "Yeah, you'll get used to it, I'm sure."
"A few people here have already heard my reason for being here, but I'll share it again for those of you who wern't here," Henna put in. " I came in case the being caused some harm, wich I guess now could help in our plan to keep us from getting injured too badly. my ability is about 20% above average. I was also going to make an illusion to lure citicens away from harm if I could, but it seems most have fled before the being came anyway, so I'm not sure how that will help. By the way, anybody have any food?" Everyone stared at her for a second. "Just wondering. I'm hungry."
Henna was In the town of Vanduo when she overheard two people talking about something that she wanted to know more about. They stopped arguing as they noticed her walking up to them. "Hello! My name is Henna. I heard you arguing about the being, or beings that have been appearing lately. How much do you know about them?" "Only that they never look the same and sometimes they heal and do good and sometimes they wreak havoc. And two are never seen at the same time," said the woman. The man quickly added, "One is supposed to be appearing today, so unless your prepared for possible mayhem, you may want to leave." "Actually, I am prepared. I was summoned here by the city to help out in case a being in a bad mood appears. I happen to be a healer and an illusionist, and a person with a hypothesis on why these beings look different every time. I think it is the work of a group of very skilled illusionists and a mage with offensive and healing magic working together to acheive..... something. I havn't quite figured out what yet. By the way, you havn't told me your names yet." The two people stared at her blankly for a second, then introduced themselves. Anzuden was just about to ask more about her hypothesis when they were nearly run into by someone apparantly very exited about the subject of the beings.
Sign Up Release (PG for language and violence)
foreverinfinity replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Name: Henna Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 17 Appearance: Is about 5'4", has light skin, black hair, and green eyes. Medium weight and height. Her everyday clothes are the same style of robe, but she has many of them in different colors. Ability: 20% above average Area of magic: Illusionist/healing -
Name: Tommie Ryla Age: 14 Gender: Female In Your Own Words: Hey! I'm Tommie Ryla. I love basketball, so some people might call me a tomboy. But I also love cheerleading and fasion, so I used to frequently be called a girly girl. I am kind of obsessive about my grades, which might classify me as a nerd, but I will talk to anyone and everyone about everything possible, which would sometimes label me as a social butterfly. Ah, what the heck, only soup cans need labels! Let's just say I'm a walking controdiction. I am about 5'3", about medium weight, have thick, medium length layered strawberry blond hair and freckles, fair skin, and green eyes. I am 14 years old and just got sent to this boarding school when my parents started seeing unfarmiliar things around the house, in my room, and in my closet, so they thought I was stealing it all from somewhere! I didn't even know how any of the stuff got there! All I knew was that every time something new showed up, I had a dream about something else in my room turning into that thing the night before. I wasn't told until I came here and had a whole bunch of tests done on me that I actually had the power of transformation! Student File #5291: Tommie Ryla is an overachiever even for this school. She rarely gets a grade below 98% on anything. She is putting great effort into controlling her power, but she can be a cause a lot of trouble with them once in a while. After she finishes a test, she tends to get bored and entertains herself by changing other student's writing utensils into animals, which has caused a few problems such as some animal bites and many unfinished tests. She also once got angry and turned all the tables in the mess hall into piles of sand. We have hope that we can get her to use her powers for something more productive. If she keeps on working hard enough, she may eventually be able to change herself into animals or other people.
It kind of depends on the specifics of the situation. If you meet her and you automatically hit it off and your friends, stay friends with her for a week or two before asking her out so that she will be comfortable with you, but won't be too used to the idea of being "just friends." If she is a good aquantance and you like her, than go ahead and ask her out, because even if she says no, it won't ruin a really good friendship, but it will speed up the process of getting to know her, and you won't seem clingy by trying too hard to make friends with her. If you like her from a distance and think she's cute, but never really talked to her, forget about it. P.S.-if this helps, pm me.
Kimika awoke with a start as ice cold water was poured on top of her. She sprang out of bed, dripping wet and freezing. "Kieko, you may be my best friend and my only roomate, but if you do that again I am going to have to kill you!!! The only thing good about you in the morning is I don't have to buy an alarm clock! Keiko smiled mischeviously and strolled out of the room as Kimika started to brush her short, multi-colored hair and got dressed. She pulled on her biking gloves and walked downstairs...almost.when she was halfway down, she tripped and rolled the rest of the way, landing flat on her face at the bottom. The curse of klutziness had struck again. she got up, brushed herself off, and went to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast bar. she told kieko (who drove to school- she was 16) that she'd talk to her later. She ran down another flight of stairs and outside...almost. instead she ran into the sliding glass door. She stood up, rubbed her head, and got outside and on her bike. she pedald down the road and turned the corner... almost. she managed to hit the firehydrant and fall off her bike. let's just say she was very scratched and bruised by the time she got to school. she very carefully stumbled to her locker, opened it, and took out her binder. and of course, about fifty other things came out with it. the good news is, she eventually got to class. the bad news is, she was twenty minutes late. OOC: for those who didn't read carefully enough, WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIVING IN DORMS!!! :flaming: :bash:
Name: Kimika Age: 14 Gender: Female Values: Power and Intelligence Earth Appearance: very short, layered, reddish-blond hair with tons of natural highlights and some unnatural black highlights, grey eyes, About 5'3". wears dark, layered shirts and dark, baggy pants. Angel Appearance: hair is same style exept is bright blue with a lot of lighter and darker blue highlights. eyes are ice blue and almost white, and Purple wings. wears same shirts, exept instead of pants she wears miniskirts with two big pockets, high heel boots, and fishnet leggings or tights or whatever you call them. has a silver halo that doesn't float in the air but kind of just sits on top of her head. Weapon: a small, light, short handled axe with a handle made of ivory and a blade made from blue jade with the words wisdom(same thing as intelligence, right?) and power etched into either side of it.
Did anyone go to camp this summer? how was it? who did you meet? what did you do? what kind of a camp was it? Overall, was it a good experience? Please tell me about your camp experiences. P.S. PM me if you went to camp fowler
What do you find attractive? [Threads merged]
foreverinfinity replied to MaxSonic's topic in General Discussion
One ? 4 the guys, how come no one said they like reddish blondish hair that's kind of short. and I don't think anyone said they like tomboys. And no one even commented on grey eyes. Just because I'm a TOMBOY doesn't mean I'm not CUTE!!! -
What do you find attractive? [Threads merged]
foreverinfinity replied to MaxSonic's topic in General Discussion
I love talking bout my dream guy! height: as tall or taller that me, but not too much taller. 5'4" to 5'7" is good weight/body: medium weight for their height, should be in good shape and play some sport, but I'm a person who actually doesn't really go for guys with six packs and visible muscels that you didn't even know existed. and no really scrawny guys. guys with a [I]little[/I] bit of body fat, but not too much, are easier to hug :) . eyes: I really don't care as long as their not scary. I think I'm the first person to say that. nose: I actually pay attention to peoples noses more that their eyes. if you have a long, pointy nose or a really long, curved nose, forget it. I like pug noses. I think their adorable :love2: :love2: hair. doesn't matter. as long as they don't have "girl hair" or a buzz cut, I'm good. Freckles: as long as there's not too many, it's okay. PERSONALITY Someone who is willing to argue with me :smirk: someone who if we play a sport that he's better at, he'll go easy on me, but won't let me win! someone who will talk and contribute to the conversation, but will shut up long enough for me to get a word or twenty in. someone who , if were playing a sport and I win, won't be a jerk about it someone who likes logic games(chess, checkers, othello, chinese checkers,ect.) someone who isn't lazy, but isn't always needing to do something active either. someone who isn't afraid to hold hands and hug me in public, but won't try and make out with me in public. humorous someone who knows that girls are good for something other than cleaning, cooking, and housework. someone who if he lived a ways away but was in town would try and come visit me. someone I can have a good conversation with someone who would talk it out with me if he was mad :flaming: someone who will tell me if somethings bothering him TURN OFFS Bad hygene drinking, smoking, drugs flirts with fifty girls at once purple, green, blue, orange, or pink hair wearing pink because they wanted to being clingy being touchy being overly hyper being disrespectful being lazy antisocial PLUSES musical talent will pass up the chance to play against someone else in a game to play against me example: bystander: I play winner! guy: no you don't, I want to play against her (referring to me)next. will give me advice on how to do something I know I'm not very good at mostly A's on report card in my grade well, that's my dream guy! :love: -
Never thought it would happen in your neighborhood.
foreverinfinity replied to slasher's topic in General Discussion
The day we moved into our new house, the house across the street got broken into. The police came over to our house to ask if we had seen anything unusual, and we were like, "we wouldn't know what is usual!" we didn't even know the house got broken into until the moving truck drove away. Considering it was our first day in the neighborhood, it didn't make me feel very safe, along with the fact that I know five ways to break into my house without the alarm going off. :smirk: -
"You won't tell anyone, will you?" asked Casey. "No! of course not. Just as long as you don't start liking Aaron," Nikki replied. "Oooo, looks like someone got jealous earlier!" Nikki blushed. Casey decided to change the subject by talking about how creepy she thought Brad was. ".......What a creep! He looks like he should be at least 40! His hair is gray, his eybrows are gone, and he's taller than even Jimmy C! He might be able to trick someone into giving him a driver's license!" The crowd of people at their table grew as girls came to join the gossip-fest.
Casey saw Natsu and waved. She ran over and exclaimed, "Natsu, how did I know you would be late again? Get your snack and book out for silent reading time." Natsu just glared at her. "What did I do? Why are you mad at me? Please talk to me! I didn't mean to do.... whatever I did!" Casey, being kind of emotional, started getting tears in her eyes. Oh great. Now Aaron would see her crying and think she was a baby. She was about to run and get her book to hide behind until the tears stopped, but just then someone put their hand on her shoulder. expecting to see Aaron, she wiped her eyes and turned around. She was not expecting to have to look up to see who was behind her. "are you okay?" Jimmy C. asked. She blushed and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." She liked Jimmy C. more than she liked anyone else. She was glad people thought she liked Aaron, who she only liked as a friend, so no one would suspect who she really liked. Natsu had seen everything that had just happened, but even if Natsu was mad at her, she wouldn't tell anyone. Casey wondered why Natsu suddenly was nice to her again after that.
I have a first degree green belt in tae kwan doh, a korean martial art and new olympic sport. on saturday I will be in a sparring tournament, in which competitors try to hit spots on their opponents protective gear and push them back to score points. their are two 45 second rounds, and the person with the most points after two rounds gets to go to the next person.
How much do you pay to look good...
foreverinfinity replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Scince I am a "tomboy", I hardly ever by makeup. I have cover-up, plain white eyeshadow, and some lip gloss, wich comes to a total of about five to seven dollars. I can't wear mascara because it makes me look like a racoon, and blush makes me look sun burnt. I probably spend the most on my hair, because I get it cut every month or two, and I spend a little on gel, to spike it once in a while. my limit on hair stuff is probably $20.00. -
I'm still school-aged, in seventh grade, and I'll be thirteen in ten days. But I still have wanted to be many different things. In kindergarten through fourth grade, I wanted to be a singer. My grandparents kept nagging me and telling me that I wouldn't make enough money, so I got bored of it and moved on. In fifth and sixth grade, I wanted to be a writer, lawyer, illisrator, photographer, or actor, but I can't write a story, I don't argue well, I can only draw people and nothing else, the pictures I take stink, and I couldn't even get into the school play, so those Ideas got thrown out the window. Then earlier this year I found out I really liked to bake and cook, but I can't make up my own recipies, so I decided that I could just cook dinner for myself every night instead of going out to eat, and that could save a lot of money on food. Last october, we finally got cable television, and I started to watch HGTV(home and garden television). I loved the interior designing and landscaping they did, and now those are two things I want to do. I also started to play the sims more and ended up making more houses than people, so I also want to do architecture, considering the houses I make are really good. I recently decided I want to do teaching of some kind because I like little kids, and I found that out through babysitting. so now I want to do some combo of those four things, And I don't want to have to choose, so if I have to chose It could get tough. Okay, I'm rambling now, so I'll stop. :rolleyes:
One thing I forgot to say @ the beginning, I don't believe in the horoscope stuff, But I really believe in the personality thing because all my friends, and I do mean [U]All[/U], have personalities that are almost parallel to what their star sign says they should be like. And to all of you who don't have the same opinions, I'm not offended. Why would I make this thread asking for opinions if I was looking for everyone to agree with me? That would be kind of...... yah.
I can't seem to figure out how to get a banner on my siggy! could someone please explain this to me :huh:
I am currently obsessed with my star sign, wich some observant people may have noticed, because I went on a web site that talks about star signs, and the description totally fits me. Therefore, I now believe that the time of year someone is born does affect their personality. Another reason I believe this is because I have a friend who is also a taurus and we are so much alike it's not even funny. I need other people's input. Do you think that astrological signs really can tell our personality and future? Why or why not? Does yours describe you?
Casey sat down to start the D.O.L. She looked up at hte board and scrunched up her nose. Today they were doing verbs and adverbs, wich she could never distinguish from each other. She sighed and wrote down number one and felt a sharp pain on the back of her head. Oh, no not again. Kevin had just pulled the scrunchie that held her long french braid together out of her hair. As she turned around to tell him to give it back, the teacher said in an irritated tone, "Cassidy Spring, see me after class." If Mrs. T. ever said that, it usually wasn't going to be good. As she turned back around, she happened to glance at Aaron, who seemed to be staring at her. She tried to make it seem like she hadn't noticed, but a warmness in her cheeks told her she was blushing. How flattering.
Kenshinsbabe, at first when you were talking about your sister, it sounded like she was younger than you.
Simple. say what your mad about, and just complain about it for a while. I like listening to people complain. I'll tell mine later.
[COLOR=Red]A few simple questions 1. Can new members be in groups 2. How do you get in a group 3. If possible, how do you make a group[/COLOR]