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- Birthday 05/06/1986
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A good two hours had passed while Dracula and Carmize discussed Hakira's problem. It all came together so smoothly like a puzzle. They couldn't understand why they didn't see it earlier. It was so obvious that it could have slain them both in their sleep! "..So what do you suggest we do about this?" Carmize asked, worriedly, sitting in a chair that was located in Dracula's study. "Honestly, I don't know. But we got off to a good start by identifying the problem." Dracula said smoothly, "..The people we should be asking is Aruzan and Chinkan, they'd know what to do. But the only person whom can solve this problem is Hakira and Ryu." "How're we supposed to get ahold of Ryu though, Lord?" Carmize shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "..I don't know, but I know for sure my son would know." He said. ----- As Aruzan and Chinkan danced in the club watching Rain, Aruzan's cellular phone went off. This surprised Chinkan and Aruzan both. He picked up the phone and answered it. "H-Hello?" he asked, having no idea who the hell would call his cell. Chinkan blinked, following him as he moved across the crowd into a quieter part of the club. "..What?" he asked, "..We didn't know anything was wrong with Hakira," Aruzan gave Chinkan a grave look, as she responded with her eyes widening. "..What's wrong with Hakira?" she seemed to lip silently to him. "Right," Aruzan responded, "..We'll be right there, father." "What was that all about?" Chinkan asked, as Aruzan hung up. "I'm not too sure, but father said we should return." "Why didn't he just telepathically contact one of us?" Aruzan shrugged, "I honestly don't know, but he said it saves energy." Chinkan rolled her eyes as they exited the building. ---- Sitting there Hakira leaned against the windowframe, sleeping. Her trance was still in effect but in her subconscious state. There she continuously had nightmares about Ryu's disappearance and how she had served him so lovingly and loyally. Then came his death, which hurt her the most. Her emotions were yanked and stabbed at during this part of the dream. Afterward she would feel herself falling into hell, the darkness reliving every moment of his death as if she were the one who had died. "..And that's how we figured it out," Carmize said, sitting at the table in the study with the others. "..So how do you think we should help her?" Chinkan asked, curiously. "No one can help her but herself, but the only way for her to see this is if we.." Dracula trailed off. "...It's Ryu, isn't it?" Aruzan said, not moving his gaze from the table.
Like this? ---- /Name/ Hakira Tsukinara /Age/ Almost a year /Race/ Bio-Engineered Neko(former Neko-vampyre) /Appearance/ She has dark brown hair and fair skin. Her eyes are large and emerald now because she became human, they once were orangish-red. In her first appearance she wears nothing but a large white lab coat, and from then on she just wears what people give to her, or what she has stolen. Hakira has a long, dark and poofy tail the same colour as her hair and ears. She no longer has fangs and no other vampyric traits, except for the venom scent inside of her that still fools even vampyres of what she truly is. She appears to be about fifteen now, though when she first entered the rpg she appeared to be about thirteen . . . /Bio/ I suggest you read the original BIO first, then continue on with this. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31686[/url]. Hakira had found no real satisfaction traveling with Aruzan and the others so she took off for a new life. She had found out being a Minion of Luna(evil form of Ryu) was very pleasing so she stayed with him until his death. She had thought she'd fallen in love with Luna, that's why she had stayed. Later, after his death she had found out she were truly in love with Ryu and had cried the first human tears she'd ever experience. As a result, she became human. All of her vampyric traits had disappeared except for the scent of venom that lies in her blood. Now left depressed and alone with Chinkan, Carmize and Aruzan at Dracula's castle. She is often found sitting on Chinkan's windowsill, staring out at the mass of city before her, dreaming of the days that once were. If one were to get inside of her head they were think she were insane when what it truly is, is death. Her heart died that day. The day that was supposed to make peace between vampyres and humans.
OOC: Sweet! I like it.. [i]{Warning: Contains Very Adult Content}[/i]. Ooh ooh Can I have a scene where Hakira masturbates?? lol I'm joking, really. And good job on the new chapter. Congrats to all the characters who partook. I think we did an excellent job though a few parts still were loose. Not that we had loose ends, it's just that the ropes were loose; meaning that I don't feel enough satisfaction with the RP. But oh well..I'm sure we can do better in part II. Love ya'll, -Hakira ---------------- Carmize sat on Chinkan's bed behind Hakira, brushing her hair. She was rather beautiful, now in her adolescent body. Her hair soft and full of body, and her eyes able to fill with the deepest of emotion. Hakira, on the other hand, looked frail and sick. Her face was thin and her hair falling out. It was no longer a beautiful deep brown, but a dull light one. Her ears were lied lazily against her head and her face didn't show much emotion. To Carmize she always appeared upset. "..but why won't you eat, Hakira?" Carmize continued on in their conversation. "...Why does it matter?" Hakira asked coldly, though meaning no personal attack on Carmize. These words brought a silence to Carmize's lips. She couldn't think of anything else to say back to her, though she had noticed that Hakira had surprisingly maintained a human form. It was a secret, just between the two of them. No one else knew of Hakira's humanity; nor could they tell by scent because she still wreaked of the venom all vampyres had. As the last brushstroke went through Hakira's hair, Carmize sighed. It seemed useless. Her hair would stay dull and continuously fall out if she didn't eat. Carmize gazed down at the brush. It took a large chunk out this time. Bringing over a waste basket Carmize picked the hair out of the brush without mentioning it to Hakira. "..Aruzan and Chinkan are to return when again?" Hakira asked, not bothering to turn around. "..Not only does your hair fail you, but so does your memory," Carmize sighed. "..I had told you thrice in just the past two hours and you expect me to tell you again?" Hakira turned around and gave her a grave look. The same look she could only manage the past month. "Oh, alright." Carmize couldn't help but give a half smile in return, "..They'll return by this weekend, from what I had heard from Lord Dracula." "..Oh." Hakira said, not sounding really surprised or enthusiastic. She turned around and got up, the black dress she wore wrinkled and filthy. She hadn't changed since their wedding day, nor had she groomed or washed. "Where did they take off to again?" Hakira sat on the windowsill, the same one she'd sit at for hours at a time and speak to no one. The question rose suspicion in Carmize. She couldn't believe Hakira actually asked where they went. For, everyone knew they went on their honeymoon--right? This sudden transition in Hakira's disposition was obvious among everyone, except for Aruzan and Chinkan of course. Carmize didn't mention it to them because she had wanted them to enjoy their honeymoon and not dwell over Hakira. Dracula had even tried to speak with her but she said not a word and her head was empty. Nothing would budge a single word out of her. Though the mention of Luna often made her uncomfortable. She'd either go into a hostile rage or sink down and cry for hours from what Carmize and Dracula had recorded of her. Since she wouldn't speak to either of them, Carmize went out and bought Hakira a journal, which she wouldn't bother to touch. It didn't hurt Carmize that Hakira didn't use the journal, it just worried her about the neko. What had happened to her on that supposed joyous day for the vampyres? She she should have been happy for the freedom of vampyres. Joyous because the genocide against humanity was not to happen. His plans were foiled, so why wasn't Hakira happy? Carmize left the room silently, noticing that Hakira was obviously in another one of her 'trances' again. Closing the door silently behind her she walked down the hall and sighed. Was there truly nothing she could do about Hakira? The old building in which she had once lived with Luna had crumbled to the ground. As much as it hurt her to look at it, she couldn't help but stare. Smoke still curdled up from the ashes even after a month's time. Nothing like this had happened since.. Since she couldn't remember. Her mind was flaily and her intelligence began to slump. Carmize had tried to work with her but she could barely had read a child's book let alone be motivated to do anything. After awhile the young vamp had given up on Hakira. Nothing could motivate her to do anything. Even food couldn't spark her motivation because she refused to eat. Again, the sky grew dark enough for the pure blood to come back out from their hiding. And again, she would sit another lonely night in the windowsill like so many housecat in the area.
ours later there was chatter in the ballroom, music playing and laughter filled the dark air. Everyone was so happy and joyful, all except for one vampyre in all of Dracula's castle(or mansion should I say?). A lady sat on the large windowsill, staring out at the sunset. Seeing the orange, yellow and purple merge together at the horizon she sighed. There was nothing for her in this world. Not without him. Still, she loved Luna, but why did she long for Ryu? Did she get them confused with the same person? ..Could there have been a connection? Was she wrong about Luna and had nostalgia for Ryu the entire time? Her head leaned against the windowframe, her bangs falling into her eyes. A black veil was also over her face. It had been two entire days since that even had happened. She was so close . . . So close to true love it wasn't even funny. Luna was already to the point as to where he would have changed his ways, changed his passion for hate and destruction to. . Well [i]her[/i], she had hoped. Maybe she was wrong..Maybe Luna wasn't the man she really loved at all, but it was Ryu. He was dead. It wouldn't matter. Either way, they were both dead. On Hakira's body was a pure silk black dress with a long train. It didn't have straps but sort of sleeves that were poofy along her bare shoulders. She had found it inside of Chinkan's closet. One of the garbs that Dracula had given to her as a wedding gift. It even surprised Hakira that they wore the same size. Against her chest she held a beautifully carved wooden stake. The carving that was made was that of a cross. It burned the inside of her palm and along her fingers as she held it. The sharp part of the wood was pointing down into her lap. Another depressed sigh came out of her chest. As much as Hakira had wanted to feel joy for her friends, she couldn't. Her heart was too cold to feel for anyone but him. Was she really being selfish by mourning for her love, rather than being happy for Chinkan and Aruzan? .. Closing her eyes she thought about it, though the pain inside seemed to spread like a spider's web inside of her chest. It wasn't like physical pain at all, but a more deep spiritual pain that lied inside. Opening her eyes, she looked up at the sky, then finally felt her eyes dampen. The tears began to roll down her cheeks with deep, dark black blood. Such pain for Luna she had had. He almost loved her. [i]Almost[/i] had he loved her. Though she knew he would never love her, she held onto a vain sort of hope. No one, she had found in this life, would anyone [i]truly[/i] love her. ..She had betrayed them all. Aruzan, Chinkan, Carmize, Miazmodon . . . She betrayed them all. And for what? For a false love she felt from a man who was dead. So it wasn't Luna whom she loved this entire time . . But Ryu. Opening her eyes she gave out a faint cry that came from deep within her chest. The place that had hidden her heart, her soul which was locked away. The blood that came from her eyes had stopped, and what had flown became clear and washed away the blood that covered her face. Crying for Luna had brought her black tears; tears of no hope. But the tears she had for Ryu were of true love, and came of human tears. Of clear water which washed away all of her false love for Luna. Either way, it wouldn't matter. She dropped her hand from her chest and forced the wooden dagger into her lap. Leaning down she cried and cried. It wouldn't matter. Ryu wouldn't love her either because she had betrayed her friends..and he was dead. Dead. Why did everyone she love have to be dead? ...Dr. Tsukinara was dead. . . ..Luna was dead.. And..and Ryu too. Though Hakira knew that her friends loved her, it's just not the kind of love she needed to stay alive. That's the reason why Kenji Tsukinara created her for, was for someone to love with all of their heart and soul and now that she didn't have that, she couldn't live. It was like a slow and painful death. That's where she got all of her energy from.. She was created to produce offspring, and the only way she would be able to become pregnant was out of love. . And without that, Dr. Tsukinara's purpose for her was in vain. Hakira sobbed as the many tears dropped down into her lap, and fled down her chin onto her collarbone and chest. Never had she cried this hard; [i]ever[/i]. As the party noises and the talking became almost unnoticeable to her, her own sobs became loud and her own heartbeat formed in her head. The pumping formed into pain, as her thoughts of him sped through her head. Images of Ryu popped up and left as all she could see was black, and what was before her. It was as though she were in a trance. Standing up, Hakira walked around, almost as if she were trying to catch him. Reaching out, she knocked over pictures and valuables. Hearing the shattering of glass she flailed out violently as a reaction. She cut her bare feet on the glass, the room swirling around her. Chinkan's things and other objects in her mind seemed to attack her, so she attacked back, creating a mess in the room. Crying out, she knew no one would hear her, or care to listen. She finally took in a breath. Breath. Hakira had never experienced breath at all and it was odd to her to feel. That was odd.. She'd never heard her own heart beat either. The only way that could have been possible is if she actually cried [i]true[/i] human tears. First, her heart started beating and now she was breathing. Hakira was also bleeding red as well, instead of the darkest crimson. Looking up and out towards the window, she saw the curtains blowing around, and the sun set down under the horizon. Seeing all this, a realization had come to her. Her eyes widened in shock, as she stood straight up, the blood forming a small puddle under her feet and the pain rushing through her body for the first time. Her mourning, her first breath..The beating of her heart. She had become human. To be sure of this, Hakira reaching over for the stake and placed her entire hand over it and felt nothing. There was no burn. She jerked back in surprise, and tripped over herself, twisting around and falling to the ground. With a thud she landed, feeling around inscessently for something to grab. The first thing she could find was the bedpost. Hugging onto it she started crying again, scared of what she had become. Her breaths quick and heavy. Looking around the room it appeared to start sucking in at the ceiling. Downstairs the party hadn't noticed a thud or any strange noises upstairs, they were too busy having fun and chatting to hear anything. Again, the room swirled around and voices started whispering in the air. With each new one, Hakira jerked her head around to see what it was from. Her cat ears had remained, as well as her tail. As she took in sharp breaths through her nose, her fangs started shrinking. She became frightened of everything. As the voices became louder she cried out for them to stop, still holding onto the bed post with one arm now, her legs curled up against her chest, so she could keep away from the voices. Everything around her was dangerous, as she felt, and she hid within herself from them. If Luna..No Ryu. If Ryu were still alive he could protect her from them..But no.. He was dead. Dead! ..Just as she wanted to be. The tears streamed down her cheeks as she hid her face in her knees and started rocking. Letting go of the bed post she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling at being in a ball would protect her from the strange events happening. If one were to stand in the doorway, they'd see and hear absolutely nothing but Hakira's sobbing and whimpering. She needed him. She was insane. Insane and dead without him. ---- Sorry if it were too long..Had to use something to wrap Hakira up..Might post more, donno.. Edit: Who knows? Hakira might become the new villainess..Or Ryu might return. Who knows? [b]War of the Vampires II[/b] sounds good..nah..Things might just end here..
Getting bored with the fight, her ears twitch in Aruzan's direction. Her eyes slowly slide, facing him. She had an abolutely boring face on of pure unentertainment. Smirking she got up and walked over to him. "..Must..Protect her," he said hoarsely, trying to summon the little strength that lied left in his body. He tried to get up, lying on his side but Hakira had kicked him in the abdomen, causing him to wince and roll over onto his back, coughing up a little blood. "..[i]Protect her[/i] my ass. You're the one who needs protection now." Again, Hakira kicked him in the side as he rolled over away from her. "Get up weakling!" Hakira cried out. "...Screw you," Aruzan said under his breath. "I heard that," Hakira frowned, grabbing his collar and lifting him up from the ground. She gazed into his eyes, her eyes soft yet bored and tinted with little evil. Aruzan was surprised that she wasn't really all that corrupted at all. "I'm not really your enemy," she whispered, "..I'm finding a way to stop him as well, but peacefully. I love him, that is why I'll do anything to protect him. You don't know, he might be onto something, you know." With a wink she threw him back onto the ground and kicked him again, making it appear harsh, but not as hurtful this time. "While Luna persists to exterminate the human race," she continues, "..I am simply here to find an alternative energy source different than human blood you see, that way we won't have to kill humans. Even if they did hunt us, they'd have no more reason to hunt us because we would feed off of them no more." "..Why do you continue to love him? He is no longer Ryu!" Aruzan persisted. "..I never loved Ryu, you fool." she said, watching Aruzan's eyes widen in disbelief. "..Yes, that's right. I've loved Luna from the start. As you can see he is a very passionate and powerful man. He is passionate about his goal to kill humans, but what I want to do is show him a new thing to be passionate about.." Realizing again, how much she hurt her friends, she fell to her knees, arm's length away from Aruzan, she drooped down and lied her face in her palms. Again, the hot tears of clear fluid began to flow again. "...Please don't kill him," she sobbed, her shoulders shuddering and her ears flat against her head miserably. -------------- ..Vampyre stories always have sad endings... (From what I've read)
Watching intently with a smile, Hakira sat in Ryu's large chair. If it weren't for the place being in a ware-house like state, he would have considered it as a throne. She sat back and relaxed herself, a blush still on her face. Seeing Chinkan fly back she giggled, Aruzan casting her the strangest sneer. Hakira couldn't help but laugh, these people didn't know what they were up against. And even if they lost, it wouldn't matter. She'd be with Ryu anyway. They'd both be in hell together as planned. "..Do it again, Ryu-sama!" Hakira chirped like a small child. "Oh, there'll be plenty more to see, Hakira, plenty more." A grin spread across his face. She moved around in the seat, sitting rather comfortably. Hakira had quit laughing for quite a while now. She was getting really impatient while anticipating a real attack. [i]Damn,[/i] she thought to herself, [i]Why're they just toying with eachother? I thought I'd see more blood by now.[/i] Sitting up, Hakira pouted, letting out a quiet whine, her ears twitching and her tail flailing over the seat. -------------------- OOC:Couldn't think of much, sorry.
Sorry I haven't posted for a while..Actually I forgot about this place..hehe..*snort* ------ The fog began to clear as Chinkan looked ahead of her. She saw Hakira lying across Ryu's lap as they both stared ahead at her. Hakira, herself, didn't say anything. Though her shirt seemed a little more torn, showing alot of cleavage and her skirt actually slit as well. Hakira's ears seemed pointed and almost looked like furry horns to Chikan at a distance. Hakira yawned, relaxing in Ryu's lap. He seemed to pet her head, head hands slowly going across her face, neck and arms. His cold touch gave her goosepimples as she grinned. It was such a seductive touch that it literally made her ache. Though he meant nothing by it, she took every action of his to heart. After the incident in the elevator she constantly begged for his forgiveness and vowed her unconditional loyalty to him until he died. Even after his death, she told him she would have no other purpose to go on, so she'd simply choose suicide as her final option. This made Ryu sickenly pleased with her, making her his new 'pet'. Hakira didn't completely understand what he meant by making her his 'pet,' but it sounded good to her nonetheless. Wasn't it a beautiful thing? She was the first of her own race of vampyre, and she had actually fallen in love with a man who was going to end up destroying his entire race. And how he was going to destroy his own race is the same way he is trying to destroy an entirely different one. The humans. Her legs were hanging over the arm of his chair, as her body leaned against his, and her head leaning into his shoulder. Chikan looked as though she were moving closer. "...Was that actually a smile on Hakira's face? ...Was she anticipating this battle....or is she just..?"
Okay, i'm spamming, but this is really Inuyasha Fandom using a coveinient Id cause it was already up.......I'm at lilkagi's house. Carmize is a Yakasha born, and The others are half or pure pureblood vamires. There is a major difference at times. Carmize should worship the Queen of the Damned, the ruler of the yakasha-borns. Yaksha Is her king, but herr blood runs through all yakasha-borns. She was the one who was the first turned by Yaksha, and she made the first four, who then made the the ansestors who then made more, and they made more. Her blood resides in the veins of Carmize, and so The queen can kill her on a whim if they come into contact.
OOC: By the way, what's an EMP? --------- The look on her face was of pure horror. She looked from the man back to the cut rope. What did he do? Why would he . . She felt her face warm with pain as clear tears came down. Hakira turned around to look at him. She listened to him complain about not finishing Ryu off. "Anyways, there's no time for that. Ryu's pissed and he's going to launch the EMP. We need to get out of here." "Who are you?" she asked, watching him walk across the room. He waved his hand towards the direction he was going. "I'm the guy they sent to rescue your worthless.." "Rescue? [b]RESCUE[/b]!?" Her ears perked up as she yanked the blade out of her back. She had an almost hateful look on her face as she stared at him directly in the eye. "Now you look here, nyo." She said, "I came here out of my own free will, and I care not what those worthless people who call themselves my friends think either. This is the destiny of the human race. For centuries they drug and hunted our kind down because we were 'different.' Those bastards don't even understand the agony of lonliness we go through. Yet we continue to feed off of them because we are so dependant upon them." "And what does that have to do with anything?" he snapped. "Well if you'd ever [i]listened[/i] to Ryu, you'd understand he makes sense. Sure it's inhumane, but what's human about us? They would've done the same to us, and you know it." "Just listen to yourself!" He didn't look very happy at her 'speech'. "He's already brain washed you into thinking that this thing is [i]right[/i]. Now c'mon, you're coming with me. We're going to meet up with Aruzan and the others at the--" "No!" ". . .Excuse me?" he asked. "I said NO! I [i]don't[/i] want to go with you. I'm staying with [i][b]Ryu[/i][/b]." she crossed her arms and walked back towards the elevator. She dug her nails into the crease of gate that separated the elevator shaft from the room and began to open it. Once it were wide enough for her fingers to slip in, she grabbed them and threw them apart. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he grabbed her wrist, "You're coming with me, he's done something to you and--" "No he hasn't!" she screetched, pulling away and lunging her nails into the side of his face. They dug deep as she drug them across his cheek. He jerked away quickly at the sign of pain and accidentally threw her back. She twisted her leg around and fell down the elevator shaft into the darkness.
OOC: 'Ai shite-iru' in Japanese is translated as the deepest meaning of "I love you." Infact, there is a law that you cannot say this to someone in Japan unless you marry them. If you don't marry them, then you are sent to jail. --- The blade slid down her head, knocking over the hat. It lied on the floor beside her feet as the blade moved down the side of her jaw. She could feel the cold caress her skin as she stood absolutely still. Any sudden movements could prove hazardous. Nothing could save her now. For an instant she thought she saw someone in the shadows, flailing their arm about. The gleam of metal struck her as a danger. They wanted to hurt Ryu? No, they couldn't. . . As Ryu asked, "Do you have an answer, Hakira?" she turned around, placing her hand on the blade. She knew he was going to kill her and she didn't blame him. Though still longing for her friends, she was extremely loyal to Ryu. So loyal infact, it could have been mistaken as deeper than love. "I.. I.. " she muttered, pushing the blade flat against his chest. She had her hand on the blade, between her own chest and his. Blood trinkled down from her palm into their shirts, though they wouldn't have been able to tell because it was hidden. Hakira let a few tears trinkle down her cheeks as she put her other hand on his shoulder and pressed her lips against him, closing her eyes and pressuring into the aggravated kiss. With this she quickly dropped down, signaling for the blade to go flying. She could hear it whistle in the air as she jumped up and kicked Ryu into the elevator. He was thrown back first into the wall as he slid down, sitting in there inside the elevator giving her the most confused look. As she stood up the blade sunk into her back. It went between her shoulder blade and rib cage. Luckily it missed her lung or else it would have collapsed. She let in a loud gasp as blood gurgled out of her mouth and dripped down her chin. One of her neko ears went limp and lied against her hair as the other stood straight up in alert. Her tail dragged along behind. She lipped [i]"Ai shite'iru,"[/i] as she pressed the button to close the elevator door. Then she lifted her leg and kicked in the controls, breaking them so he would be locked in there.
ooc: Britain? We're in Britain now? *confuzzled* ---------------------------------- A deep sigh comes out of Hakira's chest when she finishes crying. It was worthless now, she had no use in going back. They wouldn't forgive her, nor trust her anymore. All she had left was Ryu. The only person she could count on now. No one would feel compassion or pity for her. She had dug her own grave. Pulling the release tab on the stop button, the elevator began to move again, up to the top floor where Ryu kept his headquarters. She stood up, wiping the seemingly endless tears from her eyes. Again she placed her hat on her head and pretended that small, yet explosive, episode never happened. The elevator beeped after each floor it had reached and the hum inside never ceased to end. Hakira's face seemed flushed from crying, but she just sniffled and tried to be strong, hoping Ryu wouldn't be able to see it under her large brimmed hat. Along with everything else she was wearing, that too, was leather. As soon as the elevator stopped and the two doors parted she could see Ryu standing infront of it, as if he were waiting for her. He had his armed crossed and a cruel, cold look in his eyes. He wasn't smiling sadistically anymore. This look was more of an upset one. She looked at him from under the shade of the brim of her hat and didn't blink. No emotion had shown on her face since that episode in the elevator. Little did she know there were cameras inside to watch her every move. Ryu knew everything she did and when she did it. He had that much control over her but no control over her free will. They stared at eachother for a moment. Their looks seemed nostalgic, longing. For a single second they both returned to their normal selves, no Luna, no evil, no betrayal, nothing. The light over Hakira's eyes seemed to waver a bit in compassion, but yet his eyes still remained cold. If only he were the same, like he used to be. . . "You disappoint me. . ." he muttered, unmoving.
Hold up, hold up! How do we even know that the Crimson Knight is even Hakira? (And sorry about that Miazmodon) ---------- The girl sort of struggled to get up though she was unharmed. Before she could say anything Miazmodon exited into the fog. Under her large brimmed hat she smirked, then turned back around to walk back into the building. "A beautiful thing it is. How he is so eager to fight me." she slivered like a snake. The door slammed behind her as she entered the building. A few arms were stuck between the cracks because of some zombies who were hungry enough to follow the scent of her flesh. Standing there a moment she stared at the ground. He cared about her? Her chest seemed to have a twinge of pain as she slipped her hat off. Her neko ears perched up as she felt her eyes dampen and her cheeks warm. There was no way she could think of rebelling now. . . She was too deep into this thing to just give up now. [i]"You know I'm sorry for what happened. And I [b]was[/b] going to tell you that I care about you, but that feeling is now completely buried. Thank you, and goodbye."[/i] What had he meant by that. He didn't [i]really[/i] care about her, did he? She fell to her knees as the tears flew from her eyes. The pain within her chest grew deeper into a sting, almost so much that it burned. He didn't really care, did he? She held her hat down to the ground by her side. As her shoulders started to shake her hair fell out of her lose bun and surrounded her shoulders. The pain and dampness. They just kept coming like many breaths. It was too late now, she couldn't turn back and even so. . She might have even regreted it. Maybe it was just something to intimidate her before the upcoming battle. Something heartwrenching before she could give her all in a fight. With a sniffle she wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up, closing them. She took a deep breath and stood up. Yeah, that's all it was. Just something to intimidate her with. He didn't really care.. did he? That was beside the point. She was serving Ryu now and that's all there was to it. Standing up she headed towards the elevator. After a few moments and a few flights a deep sigh arose from her chest. She couldn't quite fathom why she was doing this. Was it to get attention? Did she want someone to care? Or was it really her darker side showing through? Did she want to kill humans? Did she [i]want[/i] to have this war between vampyres and humans? It wouldn't matter anymore. She served him and this was a no-questions-asked job. All she would do was fulfill the tasks he assigned to her, no matter how much they hurt or ..how much it went against her belieifs..she'd do it. Hakira couldn't believe what she was doing. This wasn't what Dr. Tsukinara created her for. She was throwing her life away, and for what? Just to be cared about? To be known, noticed and appreciated? She trembled as she choked in a shakey breath. Punching in the red 'stop' button the elevator immediately came to a halt. She could feel the tears coming forth again as she leaned into the corner. As she sobbed she slid down to her knees. Her leather boots squeaked against the floor as the metal started to fog up near her face. The tears dripped down from her cheeks to the bottom of her chin to the floor. She couldn't believe what she was doing. This is the life she chose and she regretted it. Though her loyalties to Ryu were still strong, it were these loyalties that broke her heart.
She twitched a bit sensing the needle. When it entered her skin she gave out a small yelp then sighed when he took it out. When he lifted his spell she blinked then sat up straight, staring directly at him. It wasn't a look of hate though. It was more of an appearance of puzzlement. "What do you need our blood for, Ryu-sama?" She asked, her ears up and alert. Behind her her tail seemed to shift from place to place. It was very long and rather poofy. Too poofy for Ryu's tastes but he kept quiet. It was pure black with a white tip of poof at the end. He just kept quiet and smiled at her, walking about her, staring at her. No, he wasn't staring at her, he was staring through her. Infact, his eyes may not even be on her but--outside! Hakira blinked and turned around at the flood of bodies everywhere. In the mist of them she saw someone in particular. Her eyes widened as she jerked her head around. Like a child she gave him the look as if to be alert, or to show off what she had found. Her brows furrowed together as she returned her attention towards Miazmodon. "..Yes, I know he's there." A monotone Ryu said. "..What're we to do about him?" she asked. "Gee, I don't know. What do you want to do?" "I. ." She couldn't believe she was saying this herself, "..I want to fight him." "Oh, you do?" he smirked. "Might as well get into uniform then. We don't need you to get all scratched up wearing that frilly thing you call a garb." "..Yeah..You're right." ---------------- Infront of Miazmodon the fog cleared and a figure approached. It seemed to have come out of the building because it was the only thing truly alive in this dead mass. Standing ontop of a hill of bodies the figure placed its boot on a zombie's skull and crushed it underneath its heel. A high heel at that. As the fog began to thin out the image started to become clear. The boot was red. Miazmodon's eyes traced up the leather to see the wrinkles in the boot and to see that it went up the calf. Above that was a black body suit which was covered by red leather shorts. Above that was body armour the colour of crimson, which was darker than the boots and shorts. To, what he thought was a female, its side was black long sleeves that curved around its arms and red leather gloves. Within those glove she held a rolled up whip. With only a snap of the wrist she released it towards the ground with a crack. When the fog cleared around its face he could tell for a fact it was a female. He couldn't recognize who it was because her eyes were covered with a red, large brimmed hat. Behind her a long tail swung back and forth actively. He could see her hair was pulled up. Though he couldn't see it, he figured it were in a bun because no hair hung down onto her neck. "Who are you?" he croaked weakly. "No one important," she responded as she held up her arm slightly and released the whip his way. It wrapped around his neck and yanked him down into a pit of bodies. She had just snapped it the right way to where it released him and returned to her. Leaping up into the air from the hill she landed down into the pit. Her boot barely missed his face. As he breathed he could smell the strong cologne she wore. "Giving up so easily?" she asked as she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up. He was still holding onto his side as he glared at her. Of course, she knew he would strike any minute though she wasn't worried. "Of course not!" he smirked as he swung his fist at her. She just tilted her head and dodged it luckily. "Excuse me?" she said as kneed him in the gut and threw him back down. "You're worthless. I cannot fight you in this condition. Go back to the hotel and rest up until you've fully recovered. I want to fight you when you're at your best potential." She said with a smile, "Then I'll see if you're truly worthy of battling Ryu again. If not, I'll kill you." He looked up at her with an almost amazed expression. She wasn't going to finish him off then? Who was she? "Wh-Who are you?" She sighed, getting annoyed by all the questions. "You may call me la Chevalier Cramoisi, the Crimson Knight. Meet me back here when you're better. I'll be expecting you." The woman turned away from him and started walking back towards the building. Every step she took a corpse twitched. A few even got up. "W-wait! I have one more--" "Be quiet." she said as she paused momentarily, "I'm bored by your stupid questions. Oh, and so I don't disappoint Ryu, I've even packed up a little entertainment for him." "What're you talking about?" Miazmodon said as he tried standing up. To his surprised the zombies practically stood up straight. La Chevalier Cramoisi turned around once more and smiled, her face still covered, "..This kind of entertainment." The zombies moaned and headed straight for him. "Just a little exercise before the real battle. Enjoy yourself." Turning back around, she left him alone with the flesh-starved zombies and re-entered the building. Who was that girl? There was no time to think about it because immediately he was attacked by a few as the others stood behind hungrily. -------------- I know, kinda queer but I couldn't think of anything! Please don't be mad!
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while..Got grounded. Hehe. ^^; --- Outside it was dreary and cloudy as usual. It seems the sun hadn't actually [i]shined[/i] in over several centuries. It was odd because they could still feel its warmth every now and then but usually it was chilly outside. Hakira was surprised at how warm it got at the water park. Maybe the fact that they had the entire place in a large dome. It was probably like a green house that absorbed the heat and made it [i]seem[/i] hot out. The wonders of modern science. She still had her ears on the back of her head. Hakira was obviously still sad. Feeling Ryu near one of them twitched lightly as she turned around. "Why so glum, Hakira?" he smiled, though it appeared more out of cruelty, "just look outside." She turned her head slowly and saw the sea of corpses. "..What about it?" she asked nonchalantly. "Isn't it beautiful? I was hoping one of you would be able to see this." "..I don't know what to find beautiful anymore in this dead world--" She was abruptly interrupted by Ryu's enthusiasm. "Shhh.. Watch closely." As his thumb firmly pressed against the small button a mist came out from no where. Hakira blinked and got closer to the glass. Her fingertips pressed against the cold glass as she watched in confusion. Nothing seemed to change until she saw a leg start to move. With a jump she gasped, holding one hand up to her mouth and the other still against the window. After several minutes she watched as they rose to their feet, moaning about and bumping into eachother due to the lack of good sight. "Why, isn't it magnificent? An entire military to support our cause. It's the beginning of the end my dear, the beginning of the end. For humans." By this Hakira jerked around and glared at Ryu. "Do you mean genocide?" She looked rather concerned. "Why. . ." Ryu put a finger up to his lips and looked up at the ceiling for a split second, then back down at Hakira with a smile, "Yes. Of course. There are many other ways to describe what our mission is, but yes. That's basically the idea." "But why?!" "Why not?" he asked calmly. "My father was human! You can't just go about and ki--" Ryu held his hand over her mouth gently. His cold touch literally chapped her lips and paled the skin he touched. Her hand gently held onto his wrist as she stared up at him quietly. "I apologize. I did not mean to sound so..What was it again? Oh, yes. Cruel. I don't mean to sound cruel but it's essential to the development of vampyre-kind. Do you understand, Hakira?" Hakira looked down sadly, then back up at him. He released his hand slowly as she responded. "..A little." "What we mean is that humans are in the way. We're way too dependent on them for blood and they're also taking up room on this planet--which is rightfully ours--and they hunt us down like we're barbaric mongrels. Hakira, do you think I'm barbaric?" Slowly she shook her head in order to avoid getting it sliced off. "Good. Now if I were barbaric, I wouldn't be sitting here having an intelligent conversation with you now would I?" Again, she shook her head. "If I were barbaric, I would have drug you by the hair to my room and would have banged you until doomsday, now wouldn't I?" Slowly, she nodded, still with his cold hand over her mouth. "If I were barbaric, I wouldn't have invited you as a guest into my home, now would I?" She shook her head. "I thought you'd agree," he said as he lifted his hand from her face. She exhaled deeply and looked up at him with a mix of awe and fear. She didn't quite understand why he treated her like so but she admired him. It wasn't just some sort of inspirational admiration but something different. Something she couldn't quite make out. Her lips shook as she slunk her arms into her shirt and held herself. She still had that chill of when he had first touched her. "Oh, are you cold?" he asked, smirking. She wasn't sure why he acted that way. She wasn't sure about alot of things. Hakira didn't know whether he were being nice or not, so she just reacted naively as usual. With a nod he came down closer to her. She was sitting on a small step that erected upward from the ground but only went up to the window. Meaning that there was only one step to sit on. She felt him closing in on her as her put his hand behind her back. Ryu let his weight go down on his palm which was against the step. Uncomfortably, she tried to scoot away from him but no matter how hard she tried, she was glued to that spot. Their sides were pressed together which sent a chill throughout her body. She expected him to be warm. In a way she wanted to hold onto him. Someone to keep her warm as she nuzzled into them infront of a fireplace perhaps? Neh, maybe not. Not with her luck. With a sigh, she just sat there, him pressed against her. Unconsciously he first reaction was to lie her head into his shoulder. She cou ldn't help doin it. She didn't want to, but couldn't help it because it was a reflexive habit. It was all thanks to Carmize. Yes, when it comes to a bad habit always blame Carmize, the bringer of bad habits. Hakira tried to lift her head, really she did, but she couldn't move. It were as if she were under a trance of somesort. She couldn't understand but tried with all her strength to move and failed. When she opened her mouth to ask a question but nothing came out. It felt as though she were powerless now. Under control to be used as he saw fit. Though she could consciously remember events such as there she can't control what she does in the meantime. Man, she really hated being manipulated. Though, she wouldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed being against Ryu. ----------- Sorry, was falling asleep while typing the last part. You see, I was falling asleep while my fingers and thoughts were still going, which results in the last paragraph or two...
Her hand in his began to shake under such cold. She couldn't believe his skin was colder than the air that was about them. She heard a slight thud and looked down. The doll. . . Both her and Ryu jerk around to find Miazmodon. "Hakira! What're you doing with him?" he asked, pleadingly. Quickly she hid behind Ryu and picked up the doll. Her hand on his arm, and her noze and lips nuzzled up against his shoulder, staring out at Miazmodon from behind him.