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About welshswordsman

  • Birthday 06/16/1987

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  • Biography
    Born to save the world. I vigently protect earth form the forces of evil.
  • Occupation
    Defender of the future

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  1. just wondering, but how many people would hate me if i said that i have lived in japan for the better part of two years. and really cant name alot of the places i have been. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS] Why is that an issue? Would you be trying to hide from the scary Japanese people? Why do you see a problem with them being able to 'spot you easily'? I think you're trying to make an issue out of nothing here. You seem to be making out that all Japanese people are incurably racist. If that's not what you meant, then I'm sorry, but that's what I got from your post; if it is what you meant, then you've picked up a horrible misconception from somewhere. [/font][/QUOTE] what he means is that there arnt many balck people just wandering around japan, i mean there are a fair amount but most of them are straight from africa and arnt american. another thing is japanese gitls love americans for some reason. i went to tokyodisney with some friends two summers back, and every where we went people where trying to take pictures with us especially my friend justin
  2. lets see reality-chef dream job-defender, you know the guys like Z crew from DBZ, except i would have white wings, carry a katana, and would be medium build. that would be awsome, :faint:
  3. As a huge fan of the original transformers. i have to say that is a sad lose to anime, and those pics look realy sweet
  4. Now i wouldn't call Kenshin evil he was killing for a cause not killing because he had nothing better to do. Remember the art of Ryu no hirumeki was made to protect the weak. I guess you could kinda say Zech Marquise from gundam wing had a change like that. He went from being first a pacifist prince, seeing his family murdered, then he joinded OZ. Graduated top of his calss from OZ's academy, quickly rose through the ranks even earning the Nick name The Lightning Baron due to his piolting techniques. Then once he realized that his sister was still alive and that the war he was fighting was wrong he changed his ways and started to fight for freedom.
  5. acctually the battle feild of the pacifist manga better explains why wuffie joined Mariemaia's army. i wont say exactly why cause it would spoil a really good story.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lightning Baron [/i]Exuse me welshswordsman, do you know where I might be able to get a picture of Zechs like yours for my avatar? (Or could I maybe save the one you are using then upload it as my avatar)? P.S. I live in Wales! [/QUOTE] no prob here you go.[URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33129] original thread[/URL]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Verykawaiineko [/i] [B]After recently re-watching the whole Shin Kido seki Gundam Wing series i became very confused..Why do people hate relena soo much. I wonder is it becasue she is so strong.she is certainly NOT the typical anime heroine. She worked for peace and truly loves Heero..really i dont think she was that strange or annoying... It eas true she was very spoiled at the beginning.but she certainly changed quite a bit through out the whole seried after witnessing so many tragedies. SHe grew up very quickly. She changed all of the Gundam Wing characters because of her Pacifisim and her determination. Im not saying that she was a perfect character but i think she is very misundertood. If you are talking about relationships*something that GW is sorely lacking * i would go with the Relena and Heero paring rather than 1x2 or 3x1..i dont know why...its not that i dislike yaoi...*i love it to death* but it does not seem appropraite. The person who changed Heero the most was Relena. HE does not seeem too compatible with Duo and trowa..theres Quatre...I do not think that Heero would ever kill Relena, which is proven by the numerous amount of times he has saved her...so any comments? arguements ? love to hear them^__^ [/B][/QUOTE] I hate her cause she made heero feel, and stop being this perfect warrior.
  8. Zechs has to be the most complex just cause he is Zechs and miliardo, at the same time.
  9. could you tell me where I could get a pic of these: Skilled Dark Magician and Dark Palidin. It would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kenshinsbabe [/i] [B]I had some questions about Endless Waltz: 1)What's the point of it? 2)Why is Mariemaia being bent on world domination? 3)Why does she claim to be Treize's daughter when we all know she isn't? I'M SOO CONFUSED!!! HELP ME!!!:wigout: [/B][/QUOTE] 1. it is the final ending to gudam wing 2. she was raised by the barton foundation and that was her mission to finish project meteror 3. she was told that by the barton foundation, she is really the niece of the original trowa barton have fun now that you know the answers :hippy:
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