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About Kitty-Kay24

  • Birthday 05/10/1989

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  • Biography
    O la la!! Ok yea i'm a complete and totally geek...say it with me...I'M GEEK AND I'M PROUD!
  • Occupation
    Hittin the books

Kitty-Kay24's Achievements

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  1. yay yay they like it! for a first banner i thought it was ok and amazingly i used plain and simple ms paint cuz my photo shop is lost :( but i think the type is pixely cuz its in italized
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha Fandom [/i] [B]I see a girl being attacked, but it is too far away to handle. "HEY! i'm going to help someone over there! Cabn you handle this?" "WE can handle anything. Get going!" "You better stay alive! I'll bring you back and kill you again!" "JUST GO!" I run off down the street, to an unconsious girl. "Hey...... hey..." I pat her cheek. "Hey, come on... wake up. Are you okay?" Her eyes flutter open...... "Huh? Who..... who are you?" "I'm nobody. Come on, I'll help you get out of here. I have some freinds. Come on." I hold my hand out, and I wait to see if she will take is. [/B][/QUOTE] [I]Looks up slightly dazed[/I] "Ummm...uhh..." [I]Takes their hand and they pull her up Slides back down to the ground while holding her side[/I] "Ahhh...My side!" [I]cringes in pain[/I]
  3. After moving in just days ago, Janet had finally found a job. That morning she was walking to work when it happened... Somthing grabbed her from behind. Instinctivly, she jabbed the "IT" in the stomach and turned around to see who it was. 'OH MY GOD!' she blacked out
  4. If i can still get in i'd like too!! :) Name: Janet Age: 17 Job: She works at the local teen clothing store as a cashier Blood type: O Appearence: Long dark brown hair that is pulled up into a ponytail. Deep blue eyes, short, thin. Shorts and a t-shirt, tennis shoes and of course her tennis racket! Bio: She's new to the town, in fact she seemed to move in when the town was in chaos, a child prodigy in a way she plays tennis whenever she can get to the court.
  5. Yup..just simple but i love the quote!!:love:
  6. Is this like a detective agency or sumthing??
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