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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [QUOTE=ForgotteÑ-HerÖ][COLOR=DimGray]I myself, just made a new [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]RPG[/COLOR].[COLOR=dimgray] It took me about an hour and a half to make. May not seem long but that's the longest I've ever taken to make one. And I'm proud of myself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]As for the subjesct.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Blue]Shy's[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DimGray]idea is a good one. One question though. Will these subjects be in subforums? Aside from that the drop of ratings is a good idea. Because hardly andybody cares what the rating is. They just read it or join it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][font=arial][size=1]It'd all be in the same forum. You'd have the different threads marked though, so at the start you'd have tags like [Poetry], or [Game], or [RP]. Maybe roll the signups back into the actual playthreads too, for RPs, to keep things clean.[/font][/size][/color]
  2. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]The first response I think quite a few people would have would be in the vein of "oh no, I'm being censored!!"... but I do think a lot of the issues there now are more than simple coincidence. I never read a lot of RPGs to begin with, but I surely read far less now than I would have before. However, I think certain RPGs call for the problem in question in some regard. Kill Adam would have been lackluster without it, certain horror RPGs almost require it to even exist. At the same time, the examples you list (and more) almost make me feel like I've wandered into Super Happy Tree Friends or a non-witty South Park fan-fiction wormhole. I wonder how successful actually splitting the forum between general and "adult" ratings could work out? I'd personally lean against it, but I suppose it is a topic for discussion.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I think a lot of people would just post in adult, if that was the case. We need to make it so expletive filled RPs, are an exception, not the rule. I think if you modded them harsly - like, I'm talking an interview to justify language and sexual content - you could still manage to have them. This might make people inundate mods with "I wanna say **** and ****!!!" requests, though, so it's hard. I agree some threads do manage to pull it off (like Kill Adam, or Torment [though that never got off the ground]), but otherwise the Arena's use of 'mature' concepts is a joke, and a new standard has to be set.[/font][/color][/size]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=John][b]What:[/b] "The Complaint" [b]Why:[/b] It reminds me of that part in The Truman Show where someone accidentally opens a false wall allowing Truman to see a group of secretive people with mysterious doings. Except in this thread, the wall fell over because one of the people in the room was bumbling around scratching his ***, then when it was open everyone started yelling at him and everyone on the outside saw it and started laughing until the ones on the inside started throwing hissy fits at them and finally just took off their paper hats and disbanded their secret club. So you can see the similarity there, I think.[/QUOTE] [b]What is it?[/b] John [Member] [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] ^ that[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]...umm, have you never seen a decomposing corpse? They're pretty pale, the eyes are sunken really bad, they're emaciated so their faces appear longer, and the gums rotting away makes the teeth appear longer and sharper. It's a manifestation of fear of death.[/font][/color][/size]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Sandy']In my opinion my actions speak better that my words, so if you want to evaluate how good I am as an Event Master, please concentrate more on the two events I've hosted.[/quote] Yeah, your actions speak pretty loudly alright. They're not saying good things.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][center][img]http://img304.imageshack.us/img304/5478/christianbale2dz1.jpg[/img] Dead[/center][/font][/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Does that mean the wedding's off?[/font][/color][/size]
  8. [QUOTE=Sandy]Honestly though, I'm just tired of this crap being thrown in my direction constantly. White responded to the question before me, so I felt I needed to be on the same level with him and answer it as well. We were [I]required[/I] to, as well. Our only difference in that interview is that I didn't kiss [I]your[/I] behind like White did, so if that makes me a worse person then so be it.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]White didn't say "I respect r2vq the least, and this is why [...] no offense!", he said "Umm... maybe r2vq because they haven't been on lately, but is GREAT when he is on". THAT'S the difference.[/font][/color][/size]
  9. [font=arial][color=indigo][size=1][b]What is it?[/b] Shy [Member] [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] Shy's nifty because he's Shy. He cocreated the most successful and influential RPG in OB history, he actively created drama during Otaku Idol 2 just for the hell of it, and then he proclaimed me his favourite, thus putting me above [i]every last one of you[/i]. [b]What is it?[/b] Sara [Member] [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] She's just endearing and charming all at once. Also, she is about the best troll I've ever seen - trolling without anyone realising she's just doing it for the lulz. This makes her kind of awesome. [b]What is it?[/b] Desbreko [Member] [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] This guy cuts me a lot of slack for my antics. Seriously. The fact I'm his favourite doesn't hurt either. [b]What is it?[/b] Charles [Member] [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] He's done it all, created arguably the best rpg these forums have ever seen, the most heated suggestions topic, the most successful clique, partaken in the first same-sex marriage, ruled gaming and single-handedly began a cat movement that won't end. [b]What is it?[/b] Lady Asphyxia [Member] [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] Because she's pretty, smart, and gives [i]great oral sex[/i].[/size][/color][/font]
  10. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][/font][/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Murder, largely.[/font][/color][/size]
  12. DeadSeraphim


    [quote name='Retribution][size=1']I just remembered that Johnny Cash covered Hurt by Nine Inch Nails and did an amazing job. Did he do a cover of the entire album, on just that song? I must admit, it was quite an odd combination, but it was executed pretty well.[/size][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Just that song.[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I love how the OP only talks back at the people who agree with them and ignore the people who don't, advocate moderation or pose questions to them. It fills me with a special kind of joy.[/font][/color][/size]
  14. DeadSeraphim


    [QUOTE=Albert Flasher][COLOR=Sienna]Cover songs are a mixed blessing. I mean, on one hand you've got [b]Stevie Ray Vaughan's[/b] classic live covers of [b]Voodoo Child[/b], [b]The Sky is Crying[/b] and [b]Superstition[/b] (By Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Stevie Wonder, respectivly), and George Thorogood's classic cover of the Rock n' Roll national anthem, [b]Johnny B. Goode[/b], is one of my all time favourites. [b]Tom Cochrane's[/b] version of [b]Spirit in the Sky[/b] is a refreshing take on a classic. They were all testements to the originals, but none of them really outdid them. Some times, though, the cover does outdo the original; [b]Jonas'[/b] version of [b]Edge of Seventeen[/b] completely outdoes Stevie's version IMO, not a great song that was improved on and is now listenable. To me, [b]Warren Zevon[/b] outdoes the great [b]Bob Dylan[/b] with his version of [b]Knockin' On Heaven's Door[/b]. [b]The Guess Who[/b] broke out with their cover of [b]Shakin' All Over[/b]. All of these songs IMO outdid the originals. But man, when covers go wrong... they just go [i]wrong[/i]. Like Hillary Duff (No bold for you!) doing [b]My Generation[/b]; doubleyou tee ef? Just... no, it shouldn't happen, it's not right. Or Snoop Dogg's massacre of [b]Rider's on the Storm[/b]. I mean, enough said... [b]Jim Morisson[/b] is rolling in his cocaine-encrusted grave![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Man, Jim was more about heroin, lsd and booze, not cocaine. Get it right, dawg. Also, as I was saying earlier before Clurr mutilated my post like an uncertified surgeon, everyone should hear Ben Fold's version of Such Great Heights, if only for the fact he plays his phone's ringtone at the end. that is all.[/font][/color][/size]
  15. DeadSeraphim


    [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][INDENT]Dear Clurr, There is - believe it or not - bands that are not AFI, or cover bands of AFI. I fear that this is a fact you have yet to realise, and as such believe it is up to myself to educate you otherwise. They exist, Clurr. They're out there - [i]playing![/i] They're waiting for you to listen to them, and be amazed by their gooditude. Dare you disappoint them, Clurr? [i]Dare you disappoint them?![/i] Yours miraculously, Dead[/INDENT][/font][/color][/size] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Crap, I'm really sorry. I accidentally mutilated your post. :[ -Clurr[/SIZE][/COLOR] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, CLURR.[/size][/color][/font]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Aaryanna_Mom][B]When my daughter asked me if it was okay to become a moderator at this site[/B'] I began to watch it on a regular basis out of curiosity and a parental concern over her online interests.[/quote] She actually [i]asked you for permission[/i]? Man, I'd sooner [I]slit my wrists[/I] and [B]bleed myself dry[/B] than let my Mum know about my online dealings. I have new respect for your relationship with your daughter, as well as a vague sense of incomprehension that, holy ****, she actually asked. On the list of things that are blown right now, my world is pretty high up there.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Mr. Maul][b][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c1/Wolfmother_album_cover.jpg/200px-Wolfmother_album_cover.jpg[/img][/b] "[b][i]Wolfmother[/i][/b]" - [b]Wolfmother[/b] Reminiscent of late 60's, early 70's rock, Wolfmother know how to play with the best of them. Crunching guitars, wailing solos, odd time signatures, and ROCK FREAKIN FLUTE, this album is definitely a do not miss.[/QUOTE] Aint it a damn shame that it was released in 2005 and not eligible for this list then?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DarkRed]Red Bull is an energy drink not an alcoholic one. That doesn't qualify as having a drink. About the only thing Red Bull is going to do is make you feel more awake. [/COLOR'] :p[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Unless you add vodka, that is... I so don't understand why you're so vehemently anti-drinking, NIK. You've never drank, and you only seem to cite the negative health effects (which only happen in problematic and consistant drinkers, usually), so I'm not sure of your angle. It's just damn confusing, yo.[/font][/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I can't get a tattoo till I turn 18, but tattoos are a huge thing in my family, so the date's already been booked, and the money put aside. I'm either getting a celtic cross on my arm, with all the huge knotwork and ****, or a batman symbol on the back of my neck (for obvious reasons, really). There is not one over 18 person in my family without huge, complex (and expensive) tattoos, and I'm not putting my name down to be the first.[/font][/color][/size]
  20. [quote name='NIKI12345']I love going to parties and having fun, but my friends think I'm a wimp for not getting drunk. I mean who doesn't like parties. To me just because you party doesn't mean you get buzzed or drunk. So I agree with you on that :catgirl:[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Man, I love getting drunk. No particular reason, mind, I just love the taste of rum, and drinking a lot of it at parties with mates usually winds up with me getting drunk. It just happens, man, and it's not exactly an awful sensation (especially so as I've never gotten hangovers, drink water and you're golden, kids), so why not enjoy my alcohol? As for drugs, hey, if people don't hurt other people with em, that's fine with me. Personally, the illegal kinds aren't my bag, but I'm pretty partial to a cigarette (usually at a part, thus, party smoking).
  21. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The average consumer doesn't buy from EB (see: Best Buy, Walmart), [i]gamers[/i] and [i]gamer's mums[/i] buy from EB. Also the PS3 doesn't have full support for its entire retro library to begin with (it has issues with a lot of games, but they're mainly **** so you'll be right, huh?). Finally, here's a tip: working at EB doesn't make you the authority on HD-movies and console sales, it makes you an employee of EB where people happen to ask about PS3s and BluRay (I like how you didn't explicitly say they're BUYING PS3s). Try not to get the two concepts mixed up next time, kay?[/font][/color][/size]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Raina][COLOR=Blue]:eek: I'll run away as soon as I hear this! Hey! Would anyone like to try this one and see if it works!? If you do try it, come and tell us about it! I'm really curious about what kind of response you'll get. Especially you, DeadSeraphim, because you said that anything works if people look as good as you. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/QUOTE] That's hardly fair. Clearly the ladytype in question would swoon and fall for me no matter what. Hell, I can make "Wanna root?" work, with only the tiniest bit of effort.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You're talking about optional add ons with the system versus the system by itself. It doesn't work that way, chump. You can still enjoy an XBox 360 in all its gaming capacity without ever buying a HD-DVD player, the PS3 is $600 base, largely because because of a Blu Ray drive that is losing Sony money to produce and is having an extraordinarily hard time getting support from HD movie enthusiasts. $600 versus $400 with the later [I]option[/I] of getting a HD-DVD player? You might not see it because you're a Sony fanboy, but the average consumer's gonna go for the $400 and will not give a **** about Sony's amazing bluray drive. As for the Wii argument... So? PS3 has a ****load of issues regarding HD tvs, so that will call for a whole new TV for some (at this point in time, at least), you have to pay to get old PS games off Sony's marketplace anyway, and to top it off, retro gaming on the PS3 looks like [i]****[/i] ([url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoCD9TwLrVs&eurl=]checkit[/url]). Take the wool from your eyes for a minute and look at things in perspective - it's an expensive, powerful console, with a lot of potential, but it is by no means the best and its prohibitive price is just the start of its problems.[/font][/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]SSSSSH. Geisha theme is my haven away from the awful Christmas banners that get chosen every year.[/font][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]"What is delicious?"[/font][/color][/size]
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