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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]My question is, why is it important? I honestly don't think it should be. Yes, i understand that most people consider it quite important, and i myself even look back at mine fondly. But why should the first kiss be more important then let's say the 35th kiss? The 35th kiss was probably better, seeing as you actually know what you're doing and can make it quite a good one. I just think we shouldn't worry about the first step as much as the entire staircase...if that metaphor makes any sense. Though i did say it wasn't important, what i meant to say was that it shouldn't be important. And it's a little silly to compare sex to a kiss. One's a much bigger deal than the other. In my book, you don't necessarily have to be in love with the person you have your first kiss with, but as for sex... you really really should. I know in culture today it's acceptable to sexually promiscuous, but i totally disagree with that. So...to sum up my feelings for this paragraph in a mathematical expression Sex > Kiss ^L^ [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Because it's a turning point. It's a 1st time. You only get to have your first kiss once, and it's a memory you'll remember forever, so why not make it special? It isn't as big a moment as your first ****, sure, but on a sentimentality scale it's still right up there. There's a reason people remember their first kiss forever, and there's a reason a lot of people want to make sure they aren't losing that moment to someone they're not even sure they like/love in that moment of time. Don't trivialize it because you've become jaded.[/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='Lonley Fighter']Lostvoice I and a few others have bravely fought for you but you see people now question what your sexuality is...why, I haven't a clue...[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][indent][b]joke /dʒoʊk/[/b] [i]?noun[/i] something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.[/indent][/font][/color][/size]
Gaming Nintendo of America being sued for patent infringement
DeadSeraphim replied to PWNED's topic in Noosphere
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's obviously just trying to get money out of Nintendo. Nintendo had patents on the tech. used in Wii as far back as 1999, and if this company had a legitimate case they would've sued much earlier for an injuction, before the product's release. This'll go nowhere fast.[/font][/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Excuse me? When I was addressing lostvoice, I had a conversation with her proper. A fun, joke-y conversation, sure, but a conversation nonetheless. It's pretty obvious that most people in this thread are joking around and not serious, and lostvoice herself hasn't got a big problem with it, so maybe you shouldn't speak for her in future.[/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='Sojiro47']I don't know...I'm a fairly nice guy, and I got the girl. I think your theory is flawed Dead.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]TV doesn't lie. You're obviously an arsehole.[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Lonley Fighter]Lostvoice...don't listen to another word they say, there all just trying to see some girl on girl action and they'er quite persistant too. I'm saying it again stop trying to turn her GAY!![/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You're such a SNAG. No one's fooled! We all know you just want a piece of the lostvoice action for yourself, but - as thousands of sitcoms have taught us - the nice guy never gets the girl. I'm sorry kid, better luck next time.[/font][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]My ex got me into them, and they're pretty awesome. One of those bands you can hold up and say "Dammit, this is rock, no ifs, buts, maybes, or sub genres, just rock". Or at least I think so. My favourite song are probably an Orgy of Critics, followed by Admit It and Little Girls. I'd be interested to see what Max would've done if he could've made the epic rock opera he was planning for ...Is A Real Boy, though. The songs on it already are fantastic, rock opera would be a whole new level of awesome.[/font][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]You need to face reality some day. ;)[/color'][/size][/quote] It's not so much not facing those realities, it's more only wanting to face those realities when it's absolutely necessary, ie, when I'm involved. Facing them outside of those circumstances is something to be avoided, and falls under the "Umbrella of Too Much Information". [quote name='lostvoice']Yup' sure true. Hey Dead didn't you state in one of your past sigis you'd do anything for love? I'm assuming with woman. And women do have those dreadful issues. So if your gonna' do it with some chick keep in mind that life every1-2(because of pre menstraul syndome) weeks of the year, will be hell for you and her.[/quote] Been there, done that. You make the assumption that I'm a virgin who's never had a longterm relationship; ohoho, how wrong you are. I'm pretty sure, right now, I want to be about three days ago. My Grandma was still alive then.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='lostvoice']But if I was a guy it'd be different, wouldn't it? Why is that? It's ok if your a gay female but a gay male isn't accepted around other males?[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Gay males don't have breasts. They're also much hairier. Makes them a lot less appealing.[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=lostvoice]WAIT!! Who even said I was going to become a lesbian, anyway. So I'm curious, it Doesn't acually mean I'll end up that way, does it? Of coarse that plan of yours might work Dead...but why does everyone here want to see me making out witha chick,anyway.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Because we're male. I mean, seriously, duh.[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=lostvoice]:animestun You want to see me kissing another chick?!?! :animeangr I'm not a porn star!! :animeangr Thank you all, for the advice.Your all a great help. I really appreciate this. :animesmil I feel alot better now that I have a veiw of what's really going on.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You don't have to be a porn star. Just say you were really drunk when you eventually post them to MySpace/Friendster/FaceBook. Works for everyone else.[/font][/color][/size]
[font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]Bumble raised an eyebrow as the little mouse tackle-hugged everyone in the immediate vicinity, her little cries of glee making his nose twitch in annoyance. Why wasn't [i]he[/i] getting a hug? He was the leader! Just because he was kind of bossy... He shook his head hard. If Sunny wanted to deprive herself from hugging the best hare in the forest, that was her problem. "I guess we'll meet back here when the sun goes down?" he said loudly, trying to get over the dormouse's giggling. "Sure thing boss!" Hodgepodge cried suddenly before making a hasty escape from Sunny, her small frantic hops looking rather absurd, even for a squirrel. Bumble just stared at her in amazement for a moment, before leaving himself with everyone else soon following suit, yelling breezy goodbyes to each other. Forest Friends indeed! ~~~~~ It was dark. The only light came from the moon, bathing the small glen in bright, ethereal glow. Everyone except Sunny looked a little tired (Mr Beaver double-y so, as he'd spent his afternoon reading scraps of catalogues before adding them to his dam), but they all had a determined look about them. Even if they weren't usually nocturnal, they were going to do their best. Bumble smiled. "The human's building site is about umm..." He stopped for a moment and tapped his foot as he tried to remember what Mr Beaver had told him. "A 'mile'," Mr Beaver reminded him. "Yes," Bumbled nodded. "A mile that way!" He pointed to his left. "We best be going right away." "How far is a mile?" Lynx yawned. Bumble shrugged, not knowing. "Not too far my dear," Mr Beaver answered reassuringly as he started to walk in the direction of the building site. "Barely a skip and a hop!" Trusting Mr Beaver, the group slowly began to follow him into the forest. They were only a skip and a hop away![/font][/color][/size]
Who has the coolest song on their Myspace profile?
DeadSeraphim replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='lostvoice']I know what industrial is. And I know it's not metal but Zeromancer is. Zeromancer is a norweigian metal band.It said so on myspace. That's why I brought it up and like I said i'm always looking for recomendations so I put up all the types of music I like. Sorry if it seemed confusing.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]For awesome Industrial Metal look up The Kovenant.[/font][/color][/size] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Pictures in signatures are: [code][img]imgurl[/img][/code] HTML is something that can't be explained so easily in a thread though, so I reccommend either htmldog.com or w3schools.com for your HTML needs.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][quote name='lostvoice']Yeah, I learned that when your friend starts a fight with you, con't beat the **** out of her! Don't beat the **** out of her!! And also don't go home and smash whine glasses against the wall. It solves nothing.[/quote] Wow. Issues. My hardest breakup was with my gf/then-fiancee of a year and a half. In retrospect, it was unavoidable, but it still hurt like hell, not the least because we were engaged. Learned a lot though, so there you go.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]I wouldn't want to live in the later past, only because I'm a girl. It would be HELL to deal with your period. I have a hard enough time as it is with pads and being drugged up on Pamprin. Ahaha.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]...I want to be about five minutes before I read that.[/font][/color][/size]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][center][img]http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/7899/ffpb9.png[/img][/center] [size=2][b]Cast[/b][/size] [CENTER]DeadSeraphim as 'Bumble' the Hare ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758628&postcount=1]link[/url]) Ozymandius Jones as 'Hodgepodge' the Squirrel ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758630&postcount=2]link[/url]) Shy as 'Mr Beaver' the Beaver ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758634&postcount=3]link[/url]) Sara as 'Eve' the Pine Marten ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758654&postcount=6]link[/url]) kalon as 'Sunny' the Dormouse ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758812&postcount=12]link[/url]) Sandy as 'Sapphire' the Cat ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758856&postcount=15]link[/url]) Kitty as 'Jinx' the Lynx ([url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=758782&postcount=9]link[/url])[/CENTER] [size=2][b]First Post[/b][/size] [COLOR=Indigo]Bumble looked at the gathered animals from his vantage point on the log, his nose twitching as he considered his crack team of human-scarer-offerers. He'd spent a long time confering with Mr Beaver over who would join his force of mini-guerillas, and together they'd ascertained these were the animals for the job. He smiled a hare-smile. "Welcome Forest Friends!" "Hi!" Hodgepodge cried back. "I'm sure you know why we're here," he said as he began marching back and forth down the log. "The humans have gone too far and we have to stop them, and drive them away!" He stopped marching for a half-second to let it sink in before continuing, his voice rising steadily. "We will need to use all our wit, skills, and teamwork to make them go away. It might be dangerous, we might get hurt, but we have to do it, for the good of Brickory Forest. Who's with me?!" Bumble thrust his little paw into the air, but no one followed suit. Sunny slowly raised her hand, seemed to decide otherwise, and pulled it back. "Poop," he muttered, deflated. Mr Beaver shook his head, slowly climbed onto the log, and stood beside him, patting the ego-bruised hare on the head. "I think what my friend means is that it will be a lot of fun, and even if you might get hurt, it's for the forest anyway." He peered down his nose at the animals. "For your friends, and your family..." At once 5 hands shot up, ready to serve. "Brilliant! Now, as a scholar I've ascertained our first job should be to see what's going on at the human's building site. Wouldn't you agree, Bumble?" Bumble, now animated that his old friend had guilt-tripped his legions into service, nodded fast. Mr Beaver smiled. "Any questions?" [COLOR=DimGray]OOC: If you want an Underground thread, PM me. I'm not sure about those things, they've always made me feel uncomfortable, but if you people desire one, it will be so. Anyway, have fun in my RP.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Wow, what a turnout! It was hard to narrow it down to six people, and I had to make some hard (and annoying) decisions, but I finally broke it down to the following: [CENTER]DeadSeraphim as 'Bumble' the Hare Ozymandius Jones as 'Hodgepodge' the Squirrel Shy as 'Mr Beaver' the Beaver Sara as 'Eve' the Pine Marten kalon as 'Sunny' the Dormouse Sandy as 'Sapphie' the Cat Kitty as 'Jinx' the Lynx[/CENTER] To everyone who didn't get in, I'm sorry. For the people who did, I'll start the thread as soon as possible. :) Thanks for all the interest, yo![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Charles]Man, it just keeps getting worse. Fight Night, one of the games that looked to at least get some kind of minor visual enhancements over its 360 counterpart (better sweat, better muscle definiton) also comes with slowdown and PSX-looking crowds. [url]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p177/blubbernalgas/ps3_fight-night-round-3_1163889686.jpg[/url][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Holy crap, that's awful. Beautiful rendered boxers, realistic sweat drops arcing through the air, and the spectators from Road Rash 3D. I hope it's fake. :([/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Sojiro47]Oh, I feel very lucky. And here I thought that the youngest member of the Boards was Tical Blue. Back to the topic: I would also like to be back in the begining of the OB. I hear things about those days, but I konw nothing. [/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]That's what Otakupedia is for!![/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='Lava Lamp][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=SeaGreen]Huh? Oops, my mistake. I meant "2015". I posted that late at night, and I'm no good at math.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][i]You're twelve?[/i][/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]I have to disagree vr, by mid 2007 Europe will only have had the PS3 for about two months, which compared to the amount of time Japan and the U.S. will have had it is next to nothing. Really two months will be barely the amount of time required for people to be able to go out and get a PS3 without having to wait for a fortnight before the next shipment will reach their local Gamestop. The only way you'll really be able to compare the three consoles evenly is how they perform in Christmas 2007 when they've all had a chance to be bought and played without huge waits for restock.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Funfact: The PAL market doesn't count. The major battles for superiority are done in the US and Japan, and if things go pear shaped for something there, it's performance will shape the world market. PAL is almost ([i]almost[/i]) expendable, as far as predicting and forming trends are concerned.[/font][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][quote name='Jakehammaren']No. They're not even remotely metal in any way, shape, or form.[/quote] I was gonna say something man, but I thought, "No, let Jake do it. He likes to do it".[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]If that dog makes its way to the top of the forum, I will disappear from the face of OtakuBoards for whatever amount of time it is there. [size=1]It should obviously be a cat.[/size][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I agree. Anything but that dog. My vote is on Charles' bling, yo.[/font][/color][/size]
O.o Where will you hide, when the zombies attack?
DeadSeraphim replied to YoukaiAlchemist's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lonley Fighter']...you guys are so mean...but about that...you see what had happened was I didn't know I spelt lonely wrong and my friend she actually pointed it out to me and I said "Ah...****", but still you guys are soooo mean you bastards.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I think the typo is kind of endearing.[/font][/color][/size]