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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The problem with that is, when you start putting the monkeys in their own room, all they do is play with their own feces... though it's debatable whether they're not doing that already in OL. /zing[/font][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I think there's a good chance it could destroy gaming for a lot of people. For one, a lot of teenage (and below) gamers simply wouldn't be able to buy any incremental updates or whatever because they wouldn't have a credit card, and that applies to people who aren't eligible for one too. I mean, how many adults trust their children with their credit cards? Then you have the whole market of people who simply don't want to use their credit card for intangible **** like "Godfather Weapons Cheat". There is a whole market of people who will, yeah, but for the people who have more class than that, gaming for them will be ******. They already spent upwards of $50 on the game, then they have to invest $15 more just to use cheats, or - in your worst case scenario - proceed to the next portion of the videogames plot? It's like being back in the shareware days, except you're paying for the game to begin with... and no one liked the shareware "get a large portion of the game for free then pay for the rest of the game" system, so lets see people warm up to the "pay for the game then pay for the rest of the game" system. Except they won't.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=John]A politically themed forum would be a breeding ground for flame wars and gangups, and the very existence of it would encourage even more drawn-out debates on topics wholly deviant from the original discussion. That would rock. Let's do it.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Too bad there's nowhere near enough political threads to justify it, huh? Also, Firefox 2.0 has an inbuilt spellchecker. I suggest that.[/font][/color][/size]
Abstinence Programs for adults?
DeadSeraphim replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]One of the neat things about America's government is that most of the things it rants, raves and spends copious amounts of money on are none of it's business. "And the Lord said 'Thou shalt shusheth', and the masses did and look! It was good."[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It must be great for the conservative types to know the government has their back in hating and discouraging things they've never encountered or will encounter, but despise regardless. Like those damn homosekshuals, and thems unmarried mothers!!!! Seriously though, don't get me wrong - Australia's current government is pretty conservative as well, and has made some silly liberty-impinging decisions over its (lengthy) tenure. The Bush administration just seems to take it to strange extremes I'd never expect a developed Western country to take, though. It's almost tragic, watching it from afar. Almost.[/font][/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Winter, by Jason Webley, for one part of the last verse: "And I'll scream until the buildings melt Then whisper till they freeze And I'll stand on an icy tower with every eye fixed on me" Amazing stuff.[/font][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Why I want to become an Event Master:[/B] [INDENT]I want to become an Event Master because I'm a selfish person who isn't completely content except when in a position of authority. Also, the babes, the adoration, and the fame. It's mainly the authority though.[/INDENT] [B]Why Community Events are important:[/B] [INDENT]Community Events are important because an OtakuBoards without events would be an OtakuBoards without events, and dammit, [i]not on my watch[/i]. Also, people are far too uptight on this forum, and a nice stupid event should make them happier.[/INDENT] [B]Why I wouldn?t suck at the job:[/B] [INDENT]Do you have to ask? Look at me.[/INDENT] [B]My favorite memory of OB:[/B] [INDENT]Oh, God, there's so many. That time I flamed Sandy was a good one, and the time I flamed Adahn? Woah, that was a whopper. And how could I forget the time I flame MAMA! Jeez, that was like the high point of my trolling career. I can look back on that point and say "It doesn't get any better than this folks, from here on out it's all downhill". So many wonderful memories.[/INDENT] [B]The event:[/B] [INDENT]Picture it... a stadium filled to the brim with spectators... two fighters in the centre of a ring of fire and possibly feces... and one goal... kick the crap out of each other until a panel of judges pronounce the winner. For the victor? Eternal glory. For the loser? Shame, humiliation, and possibly tomatoes (also: feces). This is Ultimate OtakuBoards Fighter people. This is hardcore. This is intense. Only the best will survive. So yeah, that's the basic premise. But it needs fleshing out, it needs expanding, it needs to be given wings so it may [i]fly[/i]. So here we go Shy. This is it. We're going the OB distance baby, and aint nothing gonna stop us now. Nothing at all. So we get a group of [strike]suckers[/strike] players, and have them describe their characters, with no limits... well some limits. If there's God-modding going on I'm gonna have to put my foot down and tell them to change it. But people aren't stupid in general, so I'm guessing the people who get in would probably not be God-modding. Also, no flying. That just ruins things. But I digress. These characters would have few to no limits on appearance and background, but a hammy background would be valued over Elrond the Dark Mage who grew up in desolate country as an orphan. This is meant to be like wrestling, see, and only Kane and Sting are serious in wrestling, and they still manage to ham it up. So hammy characters, who can't fly, but can do most anything else. This'll work, trust me. So we throw them in the ring and we get em to fight. The winner goes onto the next round, the loser... gets temp-banned for a week. Of course, how do we decide the winner? See, you're not allowed to kill or OHKO the other character, the fight's gotta stretch out over four rounds. This means one character has to open, one has to close, and in the middle they can kick the snot out of each other, but no one gets conclusively beaten. That's where the judges come in. The judges will look over the four posts, discuss things, then pronounce a winner. They're not just looking for skill at writing and combat though, they're gonna be seeing how well the characters hammed up, the taunts, the jokes, the show-boating... this is wrestling, not Gladiator, you have to entertain the crowd as you go. And if this means taking a chair to the back for the name of sports entertainment, you gotta do what you gotta do. It might even win you the match if you build it up hammily enough. So you're knocking people off, they get through the preliminaries, then the quarter-finals, and etc, etc. Finally, after temp banning every loser, we'll be at the grand final. The two most entertaining, and probably viscious, fighters, facing off for OtakuBoards glory. The winner will get a prize - the loser will take a mighty fall from grace and will also get a prize... of a terrible custom status that advertises to the world that they were the Ultimate OtakuBoards Fighter [b]Runner-Up[/b]. In fluro, aggravating letters. Remeber, this competition is high-stakes, people. High. Stakes. Of course, between every round we'd have vignettes written by the Boards best writers to further the wrestling concept, and interviews with wrestlers who'd both won and lost, and the losers might even get a chance to redeem themselves after the temp ban is lifted... maybe. But yeah. That's my idea![/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
So how the lemonade would I go about spiking my hair?
DeadSeraphim replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=liamc2][size="1"][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well when you do go about getting some style tools, I'd suggest getting Garnier brand "Fructus Style" [b]Manga Head[/b] explosive putty. Instant Goku. No joke. I have really really thick hair so gel sucks, as does zee wax. This is the first style stuff I have come across that actually works throughout the day. I feel like a "Brand power" commercial now. [/FONT][/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You aren't a failed actress fake smiling through a pitch about Omo though, so you're in the clear.[/font][/color][/size] -
So how the lemonade would I go about spiking my hair?
DeadSeraphim replied to a topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Try wax, it's stiffer.[/font][/color][/size] -
Abstinence Programs for adults?
DeadSeraphim replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=only1specialed][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]MWAHahaha man people just cant stop being funny. If it didn?t work when they were in high school or middle school what the hell makes them think its gonna work when they?re freaking older. DeadSeraphim I almost always agree with everything you say and you always make me laugh, but I don?t think they?re trying to promote the whole Christian stuff. I think you might be looking a little to deep into it. Although the whole not have sex is stupid they should have some other program for free condoms or promote safe sex rather than no sex. (I have a weird feeling this is gonna be another bush bashing thread?. that?s just me though :animeswea )[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Abstinence until marriage is a distinctly Christian phenomenon in the US, and the links (if you read them) back this up pretty conclusively. It's all about getting people married before they ****, I doubt they care much at all about the plight of single parents.[/font][/color][/size] -
Abstinence Programs for adults?
DeadSeraphim replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Ha. I think this is less "too many young mums", and more "promoting conservative Christian values like no sex till marriage". What this campaign fails to realise, however, is if someone is going to be abstinent till marriage (or whenever), they'll have decided by the time they're in their twenties. You can't really convince them otherwise.[/font][/color][/size] -
[quote name='only1specialed][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I totally agree with you but im not that big of a fan for part VII. i have the original sound tracks for FFVII and FFIX. I also have whats called the Final Fantasy Songbook which takes a few of the regular songs from Final Fantasy and they make it into a regular with lyrics and everything. Its in japanese though so i have no idea what they are saying. :animeswea besides that i i would listen to any music game theme soundtrack. from dance dance revolution to Beatmania even Guitarro man.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You'll regret those words when you hear the soundtrack song "Have You Ever Seen Me?" Everyone's gungho about listening to every OST ever, then they hear "Have You Ever Seen Me?" and BAM - they go catatonic in fear and pain. I was always partial to some of the extended version of OoT's Ocarina tunes, and enjoyed Aeris' Theme from FFVII a whole lot. There was also some song from FFIX I used to identify a lot with, but it kind of got ruined for me with a messy breakup. Otherwise, nada. Give me real music anyday.[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna]More and more I'm finding that it's impossible to get good food any more. Everything that used to be good and tasty has been replaced by terrible, crappy 'healthy alternatives.' Now, I respect that some people like to eat terrible-tasting food for whatever reason, but more and more it's not becomg an 'alternative,' it's becoming the rule. And the worst part, to me, is that it's not just the food billed as health-food that's being effected. Companies realise that they can make a terrible, cheap product and, as long as it's got the '0 Trans Fats' logo on it, they get away with it. Take Doritos, for example. Doritos used to be awesome. You could come home from a long day at school, sit down in front of the TV with a bag of Doritos in hand, and just forget all your troubles; now, Doritos have become sickly, stale, pale triangles of terribleness. Ritz crackers are the same way, they're absolutely terrible now. It's really, really depressing. I respect that some people don't want to eat food that's bad for you, and it's really annoying that my own personal decisions - that taste > health - is not being respected. Has anyone else noticed the incredible drop in quality of junk foods recently, under the guise of health-food?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Welcome to being a minority. While the rest of the world (quite rightly) wants to eat healthier, you want to keep eating junk and expanding outward, and that's fine - but companies don't care about the minority, and would rather pander to the majority, in this case the health concscious types who don't want to be eating transfats in their doritos. So you have two choices here, man: Suck it up and eat junkfood that isn't as bad for you as it used to be (the horror!), or stop eating junkfood. [I] Decisions, decisions.[/I][/font][/color][/size]
What comes to mind when you think of Australia?
DeadSeraphim replied to drakkeness's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='liamc2]h yes, the Folate issue. I don't get that, someone can feel free to explain American culinary laws and why they suddenly apply now, despite Kraft [and various other Northern Hemisphere conglomerates'] buying up Australian icons generations ago...[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It was a hoax. lol Not that it would matter if it was true. Americans are too soft to appreciate the salty beauty of Vegemite.[/font][/color][/size] -
[quote name='Boo][size=1]That's what [i]you[/i'] think.[/size][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]World War II wasn't actually Hitler trying to rule the world, he'd just had some Finnish Cuisine and it gave him heartburn, so he was feeling bitchy.[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Sandy]For starters, I just wanted to know what Phar Lap was. Now it's clear to me that it's a racing horse that died in shady circumstances. I really don't think I should need to go all the way to Wikipedia for [I]that[/I] information. Isn't it a principle in starting a new thread to put enough background information to the first post so that anybody reading it would be on the clear on what is the topic of the matter? I know I've seen enough of those "[U]Link[/U]. Discuss."-type of threads online, not necessarily so much here, but on other forums. I know Wiki and Google are handy tools for getting information, but isn't it quite bothersome if you're [I]always[/I] pointed to go to those places if you want to know something, no matter how small it is? Okay, now I'm drifting away from the topic at hand, but I was only on this cause for principle, not to offend anybody.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Clearly the thread poster assumed most people knew. And most people did. You're the exception here, and really, it wouldn't have taken you two minutes to check Wikipedia. It seems to me like you were just posting for the sake of playing mod in a forum that isn't your own, not out of any genuine interest. [i]Fail[/i].[/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='Boo][size=1']Do some people in this thread even notice that the thread is not about normal members posting, but about automated ad-messages?[/size][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Apparently not.[/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='drakkeness']Okay so I'll admit that blaming all of America for the death of Phar Lap is unfair but he was and still is an Aussie icon, not only because he was the underdog, but also because he was big in everyway. His heart was the size of a football and I've seen his preserved body in Melbourne and it's freakin huge! Even by race horse standards..[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Like Russel Crowe, Phar Lap was an Australian icon that came from New Zealand. :)[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=James][font=arial]No, that's not what she was saying. Part of her point was that his death was ironic, because she felt that he had been cruel to animals in the past - as I keep stating, this is a point I don't agree with. But she also had a secondary point, which was related to the inability of anyone to make a negative comment on his life now that he has died. This is the reason why media influence can be so negative, especially with something like South Park. You have a diluted message out there that says "they're making fun of Steve Irwin's death on South Park". To [i]anyone[/i], that sounds horrible and nobody would excuse it. Look a little closer and you notice that it's a satire - it's using that example to make a general comment about the issue of discussing someone after they've died. The exact same thing happened with Germaine Greer. As I said - and will repeat - I don't agree with all of her comments. I certainly don't agree that Steve Irwin was cruel to animals. [i]However[/i], Greer was also pointing out that many people have suddenly changed their tune as a result of his death. Remember when he dangled his baby in front of a crocodile? The man might be dead, but that won't stop me from being honest about mistakes and embarassments. Does this mean I don't recognize his contribution to Australia or its wildlife? Of course not. I think he was a great man and on the whole, he's someone to be admired. But the point I'm making is that we have to dig through the spin. Unfortunately too many people skim over the surface and we get these very sudden shock-horror reactions when perhaps they aren't always warranted.[/font][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I saw the interviews with her man. I hardly think she was talking in terms of irony. She was applauding nature for finally getting back at the man who'd embarrassed them (and her) for so long, not being ironic. But I suppose that's just my opinion on it all..[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=James][font=arial]I said I don't agree with everything she said, but she was treated very unfairly. She was pointing out that Steve Irwin was an embarassment to various people in Australia and that it's impossible to mention this after he died. So her overall point was that we somehow lose our objectivity when people pass away. Granted, her tone wasn't exactly pleasant, but did you see any of the interviews? They were ripping her apart and misinterpreting her every step of the way. Greer may have been sharp in her comments, but the media were getting right into the gutter in the way they covered it.[/font][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Embarrassment? She was implying that [i]he deserved to die[/i] for 'what he'd done to the animal kingdom' over the years. She was being an utter witch about it. Honestly, I don't care if she's the most embarrassed woman in the world because of Steve Irwin, to imply someone had it coming, and say it in such a cruel way, is hardly pointing out that it had become impossible to critique him. It was just being mean, and her comments were hardly called for.[/font][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]You don't blame the parents? They're the ones paying for their child, and often they feed and house their child well into young-adulthood. I read the wiki entry on it, and it said that lower class children with this disorder eventually leave their room because [i]they have to work to feed themselves![/i] What I'm trying to say is that they're funding their child's problem, which is the wrong approach to take.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's a cultural thing. If they admitted the kid had a problem and brought in a psychiatrist or something, it'd bring shame upon their family, and dishonour, and that's not a good thing in Japanese society. It may be the wrong approach to take from a Western perspective, but this isn't a Western country or a Western problem, and they deal with it the only way they can to save face. And really, with the lower class kids, is that really helping them? Forcing them to leave just to survive wouldn't help [i]any[/i] of their psychiatric problems, and instead would just suppress them, which in the grand scheme is about as bad as pampering the issue, as it's not given the time to run its course. Basically, I don't think you should be blaming the parents in a society you're not familiar with about an issue Western countries have never faced. Honestly, the extant of your knowledge about the issue is Wikipedia - does that really give you the credentials to lay blame?[/font][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I just got my first car and I love it like some kind of long-lost bastard child. It's a red Hyundai Excel (2 door), and I'm still a learner driver, but I'm really confidant in this car. It gives me a good vibe. I'm considering naming it 'Dead', to go along with the theme the rest of my property has (MacBook - Dead, iPod - Dead), but Lady A suggested DeadIV to differentiate a little. I do not know. I am still deliberating. In any case, it is hawt, and it is awesome. Yes. What was your first car?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Jakehammaren]Oh yes, I am quite aware of this. That's exactly why I'm frustrated. I have crazy Nazis talking to me on MySpace all the time, and some guy sent me a message telling me I was an anti-semetic bigot simply because I wear a Mjolnir necklace. It's rediculous. And what's this business about me getting a blog? Why should I do that?[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Cause this whole topic would be better suited to a blog. lol[/font][/color][/size]
What comes to mind when you think of Australia?
DeadSeraphim replied to drakkeness's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='PWNED']BTW BTW: Dead Seraphim shall die for insults against Victoria.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Unlikely, loser. What are you going to do, send a horde of effeminate Melbourne men to lynch mob me? Oh my, I fear their dangerous handbags![/font][/color][/size] -
Gender segregated classrooms? Yay or Nay?
DeadSeraphim replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Sandy]What a mighty good upbringer you'll become... *rolls eyes* I agree that many problems people have with their children/pupils are caused by the fact that they don't have any control over them. Children suffer from being able to do anything they want, because their idea of right and wrong isn't fully developed yet. However, there are much, [I]much[/I] better ways of discipline than corporal punishment. People who become victims of brutal violence in their childhood will get scarred for life - I'm one of them, so I speak from experience. Love and violence rarely mix up well, so loving parents and upbringers should use methods of punishment that don't violate children's rights. Examples of these are grounding, putting the child on a bench, denying the child the things he or she would want to do etc. It's these sorts of things that teach kids that they've done wrong. Violence only teaches them that violence is alright. Sorry that this has nothing to do with gender segregated classrooms, but I just had to reply to [B]only1specialed[/B].[/QUOTE] Corporal punishment being evil is a concept I've never understood - since when does a smack on the arse when you misbehave **** you up for life? It's not like corporal punishment is the solution most parents jump to immediately anyway. I can safely say I was only ever smacked when I really pushed the line, and no amount of grounding, or being put on a bench, or taking away the object of my affection, was gonna make me change my attitude. These parents who refuse to use any forms of punishment that will hurt a kid (not that a smack is really horrible in the grand scheme of pain - a short sharp pain that makes you stop and go huh? sums it up) are the ones who end up with children who throw temper tantrums cause they know it's the easiest way to overpower their parents, and grow up with an inflated sense of entitlement.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Gender segregated classrooms? Yay or Nay?
DeadSeraphim replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I embrace it. Now girls can learn cooking, and cleaning and child rearing without any bothersome male influence! And men can feel free to burp, and fart, and be manly, and do manly things like being emotionally distant and blue collar labour without nagging women-folk. [i]We're entering a brave new world, kids!![/i][/font][/size][/color]