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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]One year ago I wasn't single.[/font][/color][/size]
  2. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=Sienna']Well I was one of those people who didn?t know about it. But then that?s more because I have no interest in getting one so I don?t pay attention to any ads about it.Until this thread I hadn?t even seen the ads, and on some level I think people are overreacting and seeing something that isn?t there. Especially with the pictures posted, it?s obvious that no racism was intended in the ads. Not all Americans instantly cry racist when something like this is used in an ad campaign. I?m sure I?m not the only one to see it and not think it was racist. [/COLOR][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It was just a generalization. lol[/font][/color][/size]
  3. [quote name='Tical']I'm speaking of general emo sound. I know that emo is considered a narrow classification, but I don't care. My Chemical Romance is emo in my eyes and you can sue me for breaking your technicalities, but I am speaking of fashiion, not of genre. 'Emo kids' dpnt all listen to 'emo music' or it'd be a helluva lot more played, wouldn't it?[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Do they play pop punk on music channels, or real punk? Pop punk, of course. Real punk gets very little airtime on music channels. It's the same with the purist emo and marketted emo, which, really, is pop punk with eyeliner and more suicide threats. Which I'm sure is great if you're into that kind of music, but [i]I am not[/i]. As for the whole fashion, it seems to be just a streamlining of more gothic styles (less lace, more form fitting) so I don't care. The attitude of a lot of self-described emo people gives me the shits though. It's like the purest form of teenage whining, coupled with some angst and just a splash of indie wanker.[/font][/color][/size]
  4. [QUOTE=Tical]I saw this on the megatokyo forums and thought it was kinda interesting. Physical appearance aside, if you didn't know how old you are, how old would you think you were? As in... if you were an outside person. I am about to turn 15 years old although many people think I'm older (I usually get 16-17) because I carry myself about in a somber/quiet demeanor. Personally I think the way I act can't be compared to any age group since often sobriety, maturity, and age have no correlation, but if I knew no better I'd think I was a very angsty college student given that I know so damn much about crap.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I wouldn't. I think it's fairly obvious that I'm 17. I mean, really. I don't get offered alcohol nearly often enough to assume anything but.[/font][/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's shockingly obvious that you didn't read this thread at all.[/font][/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]#10: Swearing.[/font][/color][/size]
  7. [quote name='Mysterious']I like to thank you for all your post on my thread yes it is i Mythology i was banned i dont know why though but thanks any way[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I'd have kept that little factoid to myself, man...[/font][/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's funny that Americans made such an uproar about this, when it was never even displayed in the US. In the Netherlands it wasn't even an issue. Of course, Americans saw it on the internet, decided it was racist by their own morals and terms (newsflash: not every country in the world has had centuries of racial oppression) and made an uproar despite the fact they'd probably never actually see it in real life. If Sony were really racist, they would've released the ads in the US as well, but they were sensitive to racial tensions in the US and only released it in countries where it wouldn't (and shouldn't have been) an issue. Of course, the majority of morally outraged Americans ignore those little facts. [i]Team America, **** yeah! Coming to save the ************* day![/i][/font][/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Playing Spyro the Dragon reminds me of Bill Clinton. He was heavily in the news when I played it for the first time, and dammit, his smooth [i]sexy[/i] voice is imprinted into my consciousness forever as a result.[/font][/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I do what I do because I like to do what I like doing, which is the best reason why someone should do the things that they like to be doing.[/font][/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I wanted to make videogames. Of course, as I got older, I decided making games was too hard, and focussed on writing, web apps and web design instead. I might've wanted to be a Transformer at some point too, but when giant robot brain transplants didn't look like they were arriving any time soon (not to mention I was growing more attached to my penis and the amazing things it could do - something Transformers will never get to do) I gave up on that dream.[/font][/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Funnily enough, I put my Mum on Firefox, and she doesn't care about tabs at all. I've showed her, she just doesn't give a damn. Tabs aren't the defining point for everyone.[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I recall seeing this site actually been advertised on eBay a few days ago, the guy there claimed it was legit but I'm honestly not so sure. I mean seriously what site can afford to give away all that stuff for free ? There's no way you could cover your costs through advertising alone, so there must be something dodgy about it. However like Ken, if someone were to drop an iPod Nano into my hand for a few referrals, I think I'd be more than willing.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]They usually recoup their losses by selling your details to as many companies as they can. If you ever tried to win an iPod, and suddenly found yourself inundated with spam mail, that's the reason.[/font][/color][/size]
  14. [QUOTE=Tical]Papa Smurf I'm not jusdging you for being new. I'm kinda new really, at least compared to some of most of these dudes. I'm just wondering why you keep up your agression towards the story. While you carry a calm tone, the fact that you keep on with your barrage of finger-pointing creates the image that you are mad at this tory for some reason. I'm wondering why you care so damn much, when you are habing a negative effect, namely on the spirit of the story's creator. What reason have you for pressing on, long after proving your point? Are ou trying to change our opinions or something? The way you're talking is as though you want everyone to hate this story, and that's just mean. Also, DeadSeraphim, I know your plight. People tend to flock here a lot more when there's a parody up, but I guess it's just cuz they like to see themselves and their friends imbedded in fiction. Also, for the record, I never read your story because I thought it was a NOIR fanfiction, considering it carries the same title >_>[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]I didn't even know there was such a show. Shows how much I know about anime - sweet fuck all.[/color][/size][/font]
  15. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]My first username was CompletelyRando, cause the character limit cut it off before it could reach CompletelyRandomHero. This was quickly rectified by being changed to CrH. After getting bored of CrH, I changed it to my real name, Alan (its what all the cool kids do), then I changed it to Aiyisha, which was my femme name. I got bored of that eventually to, and, I'm pretty sure, took up René on Sara's suggestion. Then I got bored of that and took up DeadSeraphim, because it's my screenname everywhere, and my domain name. And that, as they say (they being the Morlocks) is that.[/font][/size][/color]
  16. [QUOTE=Tical]Papa Smurf.... what are you getting out of this? What reason have you to continue to press on your same point? WE GET IT. You've only said it a million times. The story wil continue, you've done nothing. You act as though you're unveiling some big mystery that it's a copycat story, but you aren't. You're just being annoying. Like that kid who always tries to start something with another kid and is always throwing out beef on him, while everyone else shakes their head and ignores him. Have you nothing better to do? You want to waste your time arguing about a story you don't even like? Why? How about doing us some justice and shutting the hell up so the rest of us can enjoy the film, or is that too much to ask?[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Your reply was interesting and relevant to the discussion. It blows me away, Tical, it does. And, oddly, his relentless inquiry ('Nobody expects the Spanish Inquistion!') has actually held up this story while the authors question his replies and, presumably, their own motives. Despite your arguments to the contrary, this story was railroaded to a stop the moment Papa Smurf voiced his opinion. Personally, I have no real problem with this story. I think it's borderline plagiarism, and I think the first chapter was trying too hard to swear properly, but it's entertaining enough, if only because it makes me relive a classic movie that I enjoy immensely. I do get frustrated, however, because whenever an OB fanfiction is posted here we get a glut of uninspired clones that seem to get dozens of replies, just on the offchance the poster might get included in the fanfiction in question. I'm sorry, but being in a story about people on a messageboard on the internet isn't my idea of fame (and this coming from the guy that had the leading role in not one, but [b]two[/b] episodes of Enter the Net, which is the only OB fanfiction worth reading). Meanwhile, original fiction gets ignored. Like my own. Maybe I'm just bitter, but when people can read through uninspired tripe like this and give a glowing review but not even take two minutes to read the short chapters in my own original story, I think I deserve to be.[/font][/size][/color]
  17. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]Seraphim, you win the seal of originality *hands seal of originality*. [b]Desktop[/b] [URL=http://img82.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktop28uc.png][IMG]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/8383/desktop28uc.th.png[/IMG][/URL][/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Can I trade it in for cash?[/font][/color][/size]
  18. [QUOTE=Ålpha-Æpsilon]As the name states what is DeviantART? I have seen in in peoples SIG's but I've been wondering what it is. I myself think it allows you to show art that you've made. I decided to post this question in this forum because I think it has to do with art. So a nice reply would be fine. If a moderator could tell me that would also be good. Because they know what to do almost all the time.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I get the feeling it would've been much easier to get your question answered by actually visiting deviantART. I mean, seriously.[/font][/color][/size]
  19. [QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1] Yup. I much prefer DC to Marvel, though I do pick up a few issues here and there (bought civil war 1 and 2 today par example). It just doesn't do it for me. The argument for Marvel is that its more down to earth, gritty and shades of grey. While shades of grey are good in moderation I have to argue. I don't want to be able to relate to my superheroes, I want my heroes to be...well, heroic, determined and idealistic, if I wanted gritty and worldly I'd watch the news. Also I often find Marvel a little hard to follow, what with all the different titles floating around e.g X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Ultimate X-Men, New X-Men etc I don't really get many other publishers though I do like Top Cow now and again 'cause of The Darkness and Magdelena. Elseworlds comics in DC are like my side-quest. I search ebay and go to comic markets to find them, I have a pretty good collection of elseworlds going now ^_~.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=arial][color=indigo][size=1]Conversely, I don't usually like DC for just those reasons. Funny how these things happen.[/size][/color][/font]
  20. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I'm opposed to the idea of categorising my turn ons. I just rely on my heart and brain having the right logic to get me someone smart, funny and attractive. It's worked before, it'll work again.[/font][/size][/color]
  21. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Don't deny it. You're at OB, so you have a desktop, and if you lie about it dammmit we [b]will[/b] know. So show it to us via screenshot, (since the only reason anyone posts in or reads these threads is to see what other people populate their desktop with - voyuerism, it's the way of the future) and, if you're feeling charitable, drop a link in there to the wallpaper in question. Paste a link and thumbnail into the thread though, actual full size screenshots are explicitly forbidden. Anyway, I, personally, don't use many real wallpapers, and instead rely on comics from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and Bob the Angry Flower. It works for me. [center][URL=http://img125.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture12rb.png][IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/373/picture12rb.th.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Don't be fooled, people, that 'Porn' folder isn't just for show. It's [i]actually a porn folder[/i].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]So you like DC then? Also, am I the only person who thought the House of M and Decimation storylines were full of shit, in mainline X-Men? [spoiler]Effectively removing all the mutants powers[/spoiler] seems to just not be in the nature of the X-Men storyline. In my opinion, it changes them from a repressed growing minority to a just a slightly more populated hero group, which isn't really the point of the X-Men line. It's no wonder it's all being undone.[/font][/size][/color]
  23. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]"No children."[/font][/size][/color]
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]To answer your question, [B][I][SIZE=4]Because they just don't give a damn, and it works, and they have no incentive to change browsers so until you make some goddamn incentive stop bitching.[/SIZE][/I][/B] I use Firefox, because Safari 2.0 is horse ****, Opera has a terrible UI, and Camino doesn't have decent plugins. So Firefox it is. [i]Yo.[/i][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I do Ultimate X-Men (I have trades 1 - 8), Ultimates, Walking Dead, Allstar Superman and occasionally some mainstream X-Men. Start reading them or face death, the lot of you.[/font][/size][/color]
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