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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Incorrect. You can post anything you've written.[/font][/size][/color]
  2. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]This is amazing. This is more like an OB fan-epic than a fan-fiction - I mean, seriously. You're the only person who could've possibly pulled this off, out of the whole boards. lol I mean, with a few modifications you could turn it into a proper Shakespearian-esque play, for performance, it's that good. Like Shy, I wait for the last two acts. (Note that this is the first OB fan-anything I've commented on since... a long time ago, which means I'm pretty impressed.)[/font][/size][/color]
  3. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I use Yahoo! primarily, and MSN after that. I barely ever use AIM, and only bother with it if my fiancee's Yahoo!/MSN isn't working properly. I use Yahoo! to chat to her nightly, and MSN to chat to anyone else I feel like talking to at the time (it's a very liquid buddy list). I use all three services through Adium X, an OSX client. I go on IRC, (at irc.sorcery.net) occasionally as well, but like AIM usage, that's rare. For that I use Colloquy.[/font][/size][/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Prick Wizard]I just think that it would add a magical dimension to an otherwise dull URL extension. Everyone uses .com or .co.uk these days and it would give an interesting otherworldly effect that would make the boards more interactive. Maybe Rwanda offer .wand - perhaps an official can clarify this for yous, but you're on your own for a .elf extension. It's a shame I haven't passed my sage exams, the industry is crying out for computer wizards just now.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The Rwanda extension is .rw. [/font][/color][/size]
  5. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Me too. lol I'd hate to be a prostitute that had to deal with some of those things. "You want me to put the garden hose where?"[/font][/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Most people have a fetish. I'm not surprised Tarantino has one too. I don't find this much of a shock at all, really - it's really a nonissue in the grand scheme of things. lol[/font][/color][/size]
  7. [center][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/277/dumb3wh.gif[/IMG][/URL][/center]
  8. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]If I had to name a weapon, I'd call it Daffy - you know, as in Daffy Duck. I think I'd get a real kick out of the looks on my enemies faces when I used it. Me: "Now I shall use my holy blade Daffy to smite yo, ***!" John: "Err... what? Dude, not only is it a handgun, but it's named after an inept Looney Tunes character with a history of shotguns backfiring on him." Me: "We'll see about tha--" *backfire, dead* John: "Lol, 0wned." In conclusion, I don't know what to name a weapon.[/color][/size][/font]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Stuart][FONT=Trebuchet MS']The niftyness of Charles cannot be placed into words of the English language.[/FONT][/quote] It's pretty easy in french though. Seriously, check it out: [b]Charles[/b]: Charles ? Ce type est vraiment vraiment vraiment astucieux. Pour vrai.[/FONT][/SIZE][list] [/list] [/COLOR]
  10. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]A world government would need to be heavily segregated to effectively govern the whole thing. A committee in New York wouldn't be able to speak for a small town in Australia, for example. Segregation would, most likely, end up being split into the existing territories of the former nations - and any semblence of unity would errode, because to govern the unity, things had to be separated - a world government would, in effect, turn into something like the UN. The world is too big to be governed by one body. I'd prefer the approach of just fostering peaceful ties between nations, and keeping the sense of nationalism different countries have.[/font][/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]1. Pick a Band or Artist: Nine Inch Nails 2. Are you male or female: Mr Self Destruct 3. Describe yourself: Ruiner 4. How do some people feel about you: Complication 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Ripe (with Decay) 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: I'm Looking Forward to Joining You Finally 7. Describe where you want to be: Closer 8. Describe how you love: We're In This Together 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: I Do Not Want This 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Where is Everybody? 11. Now say goodbye: The Way Out is Through[/font][/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Dude, I know you like the 'n00b Hunting Alan' angle, but, seriously, did you ever read the source material (hint: it wasn't in EtN)? n00b Hunter (which hasn't been updated in more than a year) was about killing n00bs because they were threats - bad things that could mess your shit right up. If they were being killed be someone else, all the better - sure, it means 'Alan' would lose out on the revenue, but nothing he'd kill other noob-killers over. Using my pre-established (albeit abandoned) character in this context, with this characterization applied, just doesn't work. That said the story seems solid, and has potential. Keep going - just repair Alan.[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=John] [size=2][color=black]]Date with Ikea (This is assuming that Ikea is a straight female entity, making me the male counterpart. >_>;; )[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Ikea is furniture you daft fool! Are you one of those... furniture porn people!? 1. Pick a Band or Artist: Beck 2.Are you male or female: Gameboy and Homeboy 3.Describe yourself: Bad Catridge 4. How do some people feel about you: Mutherf*cker 5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Nitemare Hippy Girl 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Girl 7.Describe where you want to be: Rental Car 8.Describe how you love: Sissyneck 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Send a Message to Her 10.Share a few words of wisdom: Lord Only Knows 11.Now say goodbye: Farewell Ride[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]1. Pick a Band or Artist: Apocalypse Hoboken 2. Are you male or female: Brett 3. Describe yourself: Not My Kind of Guy 4. How do some people feel about you: Bad Time 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Hopeless and F*cked 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Legs of an Asian 7. Describe where you want to be: Jag Rag, Six Pack and a Blunt 8. Describe how you love: So Emotional 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Jerk Lessons 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Dean is a Punk 11. Now say goodbye: One Last Tasty Morsel[/font][/size][/color]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][u]DeadSeraphim[/u]: He's great. He's wonderful. He's handsome and intelligent and [b]dammit[/b] what I wouldn't do to shake his hand. He's an inspiration to me, and I don't go a day without thinking, "What would DeadSeraphim do?" Then I do it. Why? Because me and DeadSeraphim... we're close. We're bonded by blood we're.... [i]family[/i]. Attractive, charismatic, narcissistic family. [u]Hevn[/u]: You thought DeadSeraphim was teh new h0tness? No. No that would be a [i]damn lie[/i]. Because Hevn is. Beautiful, smart and loving beyond measure, she makes me swoon. [b]Swoon[/b]. I love Hevn. And I, for realz, IRL and 3v3rything (let's see you beat that the rest of you) proposed to her - and she said. [i]yes[/i]. It's true. Alas, it's so true. I'm sorry ladies, I'm officially [i]off the market[/i]. Find a new object of your affections, or pine in grief-stricken misery - I don't mind which, but stop sending me the love letters and flowers. Please, I beg of you - it's just embarassing now. [u]Brasil and Drix[/u]: Two men... heterosexual... manly... hairy chested and probably well endowed ([i]not that I'd know[/i])... expressing their unrequited love for each other without fear or prejudice. It's... it's.... it's so beautiful. *wipes a tear* I wish you two the best in your [u]strictly heterosexual[/u] pursuits. [u]Generic NPC #3[/u]: If you don't like Tony, you know what? [i]You don't deserve to breathe[/i], He's better than you. He's better than [b]all[/b] of you. All of [b]us[/b]. No, no, that's wrong... all of you. [b]YOU[/b]. Me and Hevn? Above even him. [i]Yeah[/i]. But seriously, he's the most interesting person I talk to bar Hevn, and he sends me lots of music, so this entry is obligatory or something. Consider yourself obliged, Generic. [i]Obliged[/i].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1]I think utterly random is a good way to describe this, Annie. That, and very, very amusing. I have to admit, that is by far my favourite line. I really look forward to seeing the rest of these little things, and I have to say, the way you've written it in script form is very nice. Means we don't have to wade through lots of story when the only focuss of the writing is the silliness and humour. Very lovely, my dear. (Am I the only one who's noticed how popular Alan is in these sorts of things? Obviously people love to control him =P)[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Unfortunately for all my [i]loving and adoring supporters[/i] who insist on making me OB celebrity of the week in their OB fanfics, I'm not just taken, but I'm [b]engaged[/b]. So you can stop writing about me now, honest. I won't hold it against you. I'm sure there's dozens of people more interesting and intensely attractive than me. [i]Positive[/i], even. ... No, that'd be a damn lie. I'm obviously the right choice for these things. What with my handsome good looks and charming personality and all. [i]Feel free to keep using me like an amazingly desirable ragdoll, I don't mind, honest[/i]. That said that was funny Annie, and you should write more. [b]More[/b].[/font][/size][/color]
  17. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Arse. The actual word. Uncensored.[/size][/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]This is Americans we're talking about Baron, they don't know how to write proper English.[/font][/size][/color]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Either this thread is filled with people pretending to be righteous so they don't look bad at OtakuBoards (ohnoes!) or you're all on a very high moral high horse. I'm not ruling out either, but I know where my suspicions lie. I look at porn. I enjoy porn. I'm a male of the genus homo sapien, so I'm not about to lie. I also read erotic fiction - coupled with the porn, does that make me a morally corrupt monster of society? No, of course not, and it doesn't make the [i]millions[/i] of other people who do the same monsters either. I know ofa 60 year old, strict Lutheran Math teacher who enjoys porn occasionally. He realises that there's nothing immoral about looking at porn, the porn itself or the men and woman who are in it. He's one of the most intelligent down to earth people I know. Things are only immoral if you let them be. You see a woman posing naked for the camera and assume she's signed away her dignity for a paycheck - how [i]immoral[/i] of her. You don't consider that maybe, hey, she wanted to do it. She wanted to show off her body, because she's proud of it. Or perhaps she just finds the exhibitionism exciting? It could be anything. But it's never an immoral reason, because even if you're broke, you don't immediately go "Let's get into porn!" Being in porn, posing or in actual sex acts, photography or video, doesn't strip people of their dignity, or make them immoral. If they were bashed, beaten and raped on video, yeah, that would - but voluntarily posing or having sex on camera? I think not. To do porn, knowing thousands of men [i]and women[/i] will enjoy it would not only take a lot of courage, but a lot of pride. To share themselves with the world on that intimate level, they must really be proud of themselves and their body, or the union they share with their lover (if they're doing porn with their signifigant other). It involves more pride and dignity than some may realise. It doesn't involve sacrificing your morals, or your dignity. Looking at porn doesn't make you immoral. It can fulfil a sexual desire you couldn't (or don't want to) perform in real life, it can just ease sexual frustration, it can act as foreplay for couples, or open your eyes to new sexual experiences you'd not thought of before. None of these things are immoral - and if they are, I think your definition of 'immoral' is dated by about 50 years. The fact of the matter is, looking at porn doesn't make you immoral. End story. As for children accidentally seeing porn on the internet or whatever... so what? If they're seeing it, it's not the fault of the people who made the porn, and put it online for the enjoyment of mature adults, it's the parents fault for not monitoring their kids online. The internet isn't a babysitter, parents need to watch their kids when they surf. People are too willing to let their kids play and see whatever they want these days, then blame the media in question when everything goes to ****. Responsibility seems to have taken a backseat to finger pointing, in parenting.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=? Nomad Tical ?]These are the CDs burned to my computer (there are more around my house) I have heard about 2/3 of these. [B]System Of A Down[/B] - Toxicity, Steal This Album, Mezmerise, Hypnotise, Rare Tracks [B]Boogiepop Phantom[/B] - OST [B]Freddy Versus Jason Soundtrack[/B] (never heard) [B]Linkin Park[/B] - Hybrid Theory, Fake Reanimation, Meteora [B]Rob Zombie[/B] - Hellbilly Delux (heard a little) [B]Black Eyed Peas[/B] - Elefunk [B]Slipknot[/B] - Self Titled, Iowa, Vol. 3 The Subliminal Verses [B]Drowning Pool[/B] - Sinner, Desensitized [B]Static X[/B] - Machine, Shadiw Zone (heard a little) [B]Tool [/B] - /-Enima, Lateralus (never heard) [B]Taizo Takemoto[/B] - Smashing...Live! [B]Disturbed[/B] - The Sickness, Believe [B].hack//Project[/B] - .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT OST [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B] - Best Theme OST, Other OST [B]Mudvayne[/B] - L.D.50 (never heard) [B]Green Day[/B] - Warning [B]Amen[/B] - Death Before Musick [B]Bad Acid Trip[/B] - Lynch The Weirdo [B]Nine Inch Nails[/B] - Pretty Hate Machine, With Teeth [B]Porno For Pyros[/B] - Silf Titled (never heard) [B]Gorillaz[/B] - Self Titled, Demon Days [B]Mars Volta[/B] - Frances the Mute [B]Weird Al Yanchovic[/B]- Running With Scissors [B]Rush[/B] - Moving Pictures [B]The Masses[/B] - Serart, Serart Sampler [B]Chunk of Punk[/B] [B]Gwar [/B] - Violence Has Arrived, America Must Be Destroyed (heard a little) [B]Death[/B] - Sounds of Perseveran (never heard) [B]Cathedral [/B] - Endtyme (never heard) [B]Mastodon[/B] - Leviathon (never heard) [B]Queen[/B] - Queen Mix [B]Sum 41 [/B] - All Killer No Filler [B]Godsmack[/B] - Self Titled[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Hate to burst your bubble, dude, but this thread is for music you actually [i]own[/i] as in the [b]CD[/b] you or someone else [i]bought[/i] for you. If I was to list albums I had on my computer but didn't own mine would be five times longer. Maybe you should try again with stuff you own? :P[/font][/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Your signature is kind of small to make out everything that's happening. I get the filme reference but it's just too hard, heh. Your av could probably do well to be bigger too - you should exploit the 150x80 avatar limits. It makes for more interesting avatars (180x100 even more so, but the only forum I knew that had that was shut :(). 6/10![/font][/color][/size]
  21. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Braniac is horrid. It's like Mythbusters without the finesse. In my opinion, it's British people saying "WE CAN BE MYTHBUSTERS TOO LOL. HAVE SOME TITS." I really cannot stand the show. Though, I must admit, the custard in the pool experiment was very very cool. Not Mythbusters cool, but cool for the poor quality usually exibbited on the show.[/font][/size][/color]
  22. [quote name='Dale_Valley']Nobody seems to get it. Evreybody has evil desires as soon as they are old enogh to wish they could kill their teacher or their parents or the bully at school who beats them up. ALL OF US whether we are willing to admit it or not, have evil, or just innappropriate desires from time to time. We just don't act on them because we know they are wrong and we don't want to suffer the consequences or because of other reasons. The prisons are full of people who just don't stop with the desire. T hey act on them. Homosexuals are no different. They simply act on an evil desire that most others suppress. Then they try to justify their actions by saying that they were born that way. It is a big lie. God simply has no tolerance for evil. He cannot. Try finding homosexuality in nature. Other than that which happens by accident, there simply is none. That is because man is the only creature evil enough to disobey natural law. Gender is an imporatant factor in our creation. The relationship between man and woman is fundamental to Gods plan of happiness. Read 1Cor11:11. Nether the man without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord. Note here; I am not the actual Dale Valley. I am a freind of his, and a High Priest in the same church of which he is a member.But all the other posts on this thread and site are his.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Care to entertain the notion that not everyone puts absolute faith in a 2000 year old book as to the existence of a God? Maybe you'd like to sit back and respect other's beliefs (or lack thereof)? Could I invite you to realise that not everyone believes in Christianity, that not everyone wants to believe in Christianity, that some people are actually happy and content without religion, and like to construct their own opinions without the aid of an ancient tome of questionable value? No? I can't? Just checking.[/font][/color][/size]
  23. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I rang my girlfriend. :)[/font][/size][/color]
  24. [quote name='x_kr3w_x']Who has cd's.....dont you think everyone has mp3's?[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]All my music is in mp3 form, but having the CDs supports the artists, keeps the RIAA off my arse and allows me to have my music in whatever quality I want. Having a hard copy of the real music is great. =][/font][/size][/color]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Dale_Valley']Well, looks like I?m outnumbered, it?s just you and me, orbindo, I think. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Or for those of you that don?t know what that is, I am what most people like to call, a Mormon (by the way, if by sum slim chance, some1 else is 1 here, plez pm me). Like orbindo said, I like to look at the past facts; Sodom and Gomorra were both destroyed mainly because of there being so much homosexuality there. Now some1 said that you need to pay more attention to the NT than the OT. Now I am sorry, but the old and New Testaments are equal in importance.[/quote] I believe Jesus' originally preached to throw away the Laws of Judaism, and remember to just to love thy neighbour. That included the Old Testament. Of course, it's kept on as it is of historical signifigance, and has a lot of good stories and morals (and some bad, but let's not get into that), but I'm pretty sure JC said his new message was more important. [quote]It has also been said that the USA doesn?t have a national religion, but lets look back to the forefathers of our the US. now I don?t have any solid proof off the top of my head at the moment, but if I recall, when you look through their history, there are several instances that it is quite evident that what they had in mind for the future of the marvelous nation they had created, was based on Christian belief. Have you heard the story of Washington's prayer in Valley Forge?[/quote] America has no national religion. 78% of the populace are Christian, but that doesn't make it a national religion. Note that number is down 12% since 1990 ([url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA]wikiproof[/url]). It'd be fair to say that of the 78% that say they're Christian for those surveys, many of them wouldn't be sincere, and only 'believe' in it cause they always have had it in their life. Your country has no national religion - it has a lot of Christian emphasis, but it still has that basic constitutional thing that says "Hey, keep the church out of the state". Why? Cause the whole independence from Britain thing was because they didn't believe in the Church of England controlling the country. [quote]Also, you say that we are pushing "our Christian beliefs" on other people that don?t share our religion. Now I am not sure, but from my understanding, there aren?t really all that many religions out there that accept homosexuality save atheism and or Satanism etc. so it?s not really just a Christian thing.[/quote] Christianity is the only real belief pushing it's viewpoint on the world though, so the point is moot. You don't see Hinduism telling the entire world to repent or get ready for reincarnation as a slug. [quote]You have said that we are living in the past, let?s look to the future. But really, if it was wrong back then, it really still is wrong now. God's standards don?t change because the world doesn?t think that it?s cool anymore.[/quote] God's fanbase does change though. It's down 12% in America alone, since 1990! :o Why should the entire world have to follow the morals and ruleset of a religion it doesn't necessarily believe in? [quote]Back on the Sodom and Gomorra, yah, the homosexuality was a part of why they were destroyed. Have you ever heard the synonym word for homosexuality, "sodomy"? Yah, its base word is from Sodom.[/quote] Sodomy is just the old word for any sex that is deemed 'perverse'. This includes, but is not limited to (by the old definition), felatio, cunninglingus, doggy style, anything where the woman is on top... [quote]Now, I really don?t believe that you are born gay, a man can be born more famine or a woman more masculine, but that?s all. They have a choice to be straight or not. Also, I personally know several lesbians that say that if they could find the right man, they would change, and I am sure the same goes with many gays. The truth is that countless gays and lesbians become gay because they experienced bad relation ship with the opposite sex, and are therefore afraid of trying again.[/quote] Your friends are, what's the word, oh that's right, [u]bisexual[/u]. [quote]I may have lest something else out, if you want to run any thing else by me, feel free to ask me. I have no shame or problem with answering your questions.[/QUOTE] no, I'm good. =][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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