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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [quote name='nerdsy']So you're to blame![/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It was a night of passion after a night of excessive alcohol consumption. I fled the scene but... well, some things have consequences. [i]I'm very sorry.[/i] :( (also: Mr Maul's NOT telling you that there was seven other hadouken users there, DK, myself and Batman included.[/font][/color][/size]
  2. [QUOTE=Wet Cement][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hadouken? Um, right, what is this, feudal Japan? The hadouken's gone the way of the SHORYUKEN!!!!!! and the, er, hurricane-uppercut thing that Joe did, ya know, the one that was rigged... Outdated, bud. Time to move on. All the [i]cool[/i] people are doing the gadouken right now. Dan just didn't know how to use it; in the right hands, the gadouken's at least half as powerful as the hadouken (smaller=better) and you only need one hand to use it. Which leaves your other hand free to, like, make a sandwhich or get a girl pregnant or [i]whatever[/i]. I once used the gadouken to break the surface tension of the Black Sea, while at the same time using my free hand to take a poloroid of the aftermath. That's not even getting [i]into[/i] that time I used it to mess with Sagat's garden... classic! But, oh, keep your 'hackdoken' if that's what you want... If ya don't wanna be cool, go ahead...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]not even Frank Zappa can save you from this. *hadoukens both your hands off* TYPE WITH YOUR TONGUE I DARE YOU.[/font][/color][/size]
  3. [quote name='desertphoenix][COLOR=DarkRed]Your power is pretty impressive. Mine is not that good. Can you give me some advice what I'm doing wrong? [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlZIe6CMT_k]My progress[/URL'] [/COLOR][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Smoke more, drink more, **** indiscriminately, kill ants, eat fatty food and then, and only then... will you be partway to my power.[/font][/color][/size]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]As we all should know (and if you don't, find a well and drown yourself - no buts, just do it), a hadouken is basically a fireball shot from the palms from Street Fighter. They're pretty hardcore, with Ryu and Akuma having the best, but I'm almost positive that there's plenty of us out there who're stronger. Sure, Akuma destroyed an island with a punch one time, but can he hadouken a bus? No, I didn't think so. Personally, my hadouken is almost a godmod. For example, remember Earth's second moon? [i]Exactly[/i]. I also hadoukened Atlantis at one point (it was an accident, really, my sneeze sounds earily like 'hadouken' and my hands happened to be in the right position), but luckily for them it was a bit weaker than the moon blast and their advanced technology has kept them alive in secrecy for centuries. It's safe at this point to assume I'm a time traveller (hey digitalboy, you should show more respect to your grandfather!). For more everday uses I've used my hadouken to flash cook roasts, small beams to open letters, hell, just the other day I patched up a tire by melting the rubber around the hole with a small hadouken. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it got me to the next petrol station. Clearly the hadouken isn't just an offensive technique. So I ask you, how strong is [i]your[/i] hadouken, and how do you use it?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='desertphoenix][COLOR=DarkRed']p.s. Spent only a half hour figuring out how to print my screen, set them up an account on imageshack, upload them, and post the thumbnails all by myself. I feel like I've accomplished something, so please nobody take that from me. [/COLOR][/quote] Protip: You don't ever need to set up an account at Imageshack. Ever. In your life.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=PWNED]I've eaten a variety of animals, Crocodile, Emu and Kangaroo meat at the Royal Melbourne Show from two years ago. They are all rather tasty with Kangaroo steak being a personal favorite of mine. Crocodile (Essentially a larger and angrier version of an Alligator) I found to be very tough but with a strong flavour.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Kangaroo meat is delicious, like lamb but a bit richer. My brother and stepsister refuse to eat it cause of the 'poor kangaroos' though... next night? Scarfing down that veal.[/font][/color][/size]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Most guys DO need closure, you'd be surprised (well, maybe not, you do seem to be a ****ing cynic about everything love atm). It's rarely immediate though - even if you doing the breaking up after a long term relationship, you can never deny you really truly cared about them at some point, and that'll always linger a bit, and those lingering feelings try and keep you close for a little while at least, while the mind and heart plays over possibilities of reuniting in the face of cold logic. Most (if not all) guys I known, whether dumped or dumping, have gone through a phase like that, until they inevitably consolidate their feelings, their thoughts and the reality of the situation and move on. That's closure. Closure is that final realisation that "I'm over them, I'll never care for them like I did", and apparently he's not over you. There's a good chance he will be eventually, though.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][center][URL=http://img143.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture1mq5.png][IMG]http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6785/picture1mq5.th.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Folders on Desktop: [indent]Devil Gallery - software I wrote for Semjaza Dropbox - Random **** folder images - images and stylesheets for OtakuBoards Evolution magnetowasright - article and images for Orange Lazarus Manga - Hellsing and Lucky Star scanlations Porn - [i]porn[/i] Torrents - [i]torrents[/i] Work **** - stuff for mum's business[/indent] Dock: [indent]Finder - ...finder Adium - Chat Firefox - browser Mail 2.0 - email Photo Booth - camwhore pics NetNewsWire Lite - RSS Tomato - torrents Photoshop CS - image editting HP Scan - scanning software DigitalColor Meter - nifty colour grabbing tool Cyberduck - FTP TextWrangler - plain text editor MAMP - Testing server Word - rich text editor Quicktime - movies iTunes - music Snes9x - emulator Internet Connect/System Preferences - utilities TextEdit - plain text editor i rarely use that happened to be open at the time.[/indent] Background courtesy of /b/, iTunes widget my own.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=James][color=olive]Deb pretty much said it all. Banner sizes are probably due for an increase of some kind - the limits we have now come from ages ago when just about everyone was tired of the massive signatures people used to use. Does anyone remember those? Some people had signatures with half a dozen banners, each of which was like 500x500 pixels, lol. Still, we can increase the size limit without allowing signatures that are too annoying. As for avatars...I would like to incorporate larger avatars on the new site, but I would feel bad for all the people who contributed to our current library. Perhaps we can just open up a thread before the launch so that members can start a brand new library or something. :catgirl: The new site will have a bigger resolution but most of that extra space will be dedicated to new content panels that will sit on the right of the forums. There won't be a left navigation menu on the new site though. I'm not sure how wide the new forum width actually is, I'll have to check. I do think it's a little wider than what we have now though.[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]it's 645 pixels.[/font][/color][/size]
  10. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Oh yes, of course. Hentai is going to generate some real quality discussion. :rolleyes: I've browsed 4chan and other sites, I know what kind of comments hentai pics get. Maybe one in fifty meet the quality standards we have here. And it's not that there's refusal to change and grow, but you have to look at where that growth is coming from. I mean, we could relax our quality standards and open up a spam/flaming forum and I'm sure we'd attract more members. But do we want to grow into yet another spammy forum with no standards? I certainly don't want to see OB turn into that. For those of you who remember the picture forum, where members posted pictures of themselves, that's what a hentai forum would be like; nothing but pics and spam. I have no doubt that a hentai forum would be by far the spammiest forum on OB, and that's not how we want to grow. I don't remember ever mentioning morals in my arguments, though. Maybe you can point me to the post where I said ogling hentai pics would morally debase the site? :catgirl:[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The kind of quality you can expect from hentai discussions would be pretty hardcore. I mean, this [i]is[/i] OtakuBoards, even if they're just saying "damn that's hott", they'll stretch it out into a "The digital colouring on the tentacles really works well in contrast with the lighter shade they used on the skin around her arsehole, making this picture damn hott, but I'd never masturbate to it cause this is OtakuBoards and everyone here is a saint who'd never do anything morally wrong and if they do they hide it viciously." That's the kind of responses you'd get. Ad nauseum. Never underestimate the stubborn pigheadedness our members display in sticking to the antiquated rules.[/font][/color][/size]
  11. [QUOTE=MadHat][color=scarlet]what if we dont have forsekin? although i like the sound of demon wings. :D [/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You will grow one. Your gender is inconsequential.[/font][/color][/size]
  12. [quote name='Copycatalyst']I guess nads are the new spam. Yummy-yummy--eat up chaps![/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]This isn't spam, it's a legitimate discussion on how to bring down the SuperNads once and for all - and further scientific testing has gotten me my answer. One word, kids: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onslaught (comics)]Onslaught[/url]. ************ exists in the material realm and the immaterial realm [i]all at once[/i], and it took basically every mainstream hero in the Marvel universe to bring him down. We just get him in to destroy the nads physical form, then BOOM, he kills them with his hardcore psychic/magnetic powers. Failing that, we could convince [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death (Marvel_Comics)]Death[/url] to just, you know, death them. One subtle hand wave and those nads are in the great hereafter, and Desbreko's lack of testosterone production turns him into the woman his hair so desperately wants him to be. Either way, by turning to the endless world of comics, his Godmodding nuts can be stopped once and for all.[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']You think you've found their fatal weakness, but you are mistaken. The nads you seek to destroy are merely a physical manifestation of the power of the Super Nads. Their immaterial souls live on eternally, unaffected by anything mere mortals could conjure in this world. Strike them down and they shall become more powerful than you can ever imagine, their wrath awakened. They will return harder, better, faster, stronger than before to crush the fool who dared stand against them.[/color][/quote] [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]HOLY **** YOUR NADS ARE THE TESTICULAR EQUIVALENT OF [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse_%28comics%29]APOCALYPSE[/url]. I cry now.[/color][/size][/font]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Nonentity']I somehow doubt Des could be taken down so easily. Someone who emmanates an aura of some magnitude would find such attempts futile and laughable. Even though one cannot deny the effects of orange juice, especially when applied to the testicles, i think Desbreko's balls transcend the natural order.[/quote] The SuperNads are only nads at the end of the day. They may transcend spacetime, but they'll always have that one weakness, their kryptonite if you will - orange juice. Trust me man, it's like attacking the DeathStar, it took me years to find this tiny ventilation shaft of hope. But it's there, friend. It's there.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]What about Naruto and Naruto? It'd be cannon![/font][/color][/size]
  16. [quote name='James][font=arial][color=olive]Long serious post about the issue.[/font'][/color][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]So yeah, if you skimmed that like I did, you'll know James support for this glorious movement is finally in. Hentai will soon be swamping the boards, yaoi, yuri and tentacles will frolic freely down our hallowed halls, causing suspicious stains wherever they poke their scantily clad bodies in. Today is truly a glorious day.[/font][/color][/size]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]While working in my high tech secret lab at 782 Bouviar Drive (knock twice, take the stairs on the [i]left[/i], sing Smells Like Teen Spirit, hey presto, you're in! ...****) I finally found the answer to finally defeating the SuperNads - Desbreko's magically enhanced nuts - and therefore ending Des' reign of terror over OB. I shared the results of my research with Shinmaru, my deformed henchman and the dude who gets my DVDs from Blockbuster, earlier... [QUOTE]1:08:17 PM metallicseraphim: i have deduced the supernads one weakness 1:08:32 PM shinmaru007: What is it? 1:08:38 PM metallicseraphim: orange juice 1:08:44 PM shinmaru007: Of course! 1:09:40 PM shinmaru007: What happens when you give him orange juice? 1:09:51 PM metallicseraphim: no, you pour it on the supernads 1:09:59 PM metallicseraphim: it turns them into kittens 1:10:48 PM shinmaru007: I see - from balls to pussies, very nice. 1:10:56 PM metallicseraphim: yep 1:11:27 PM shinmaru007: Do the kittens scratch a lot? 1:11:33 PM metallicseraphim: they're declawed 1:12:00 PM shinmaru007: Wow, declawed before they've even been transformed. 1:12:04 PM shinmaru007: That's pretty amazing. 1:12:10 PM metallicseraphim: orange juice is wonderful 1:12:52 PM shinmaru007: You'd think you'd hear more about the types of powers it has. 1:13:36 PM metallicseraphim: it's actually concentrated magic 1:14:14 PM shinmaru007: Does it work better when the juice is freshly squeezed? 1:14:24 PM metallicseraphim: nah 1:14:33 PM metallicseraphim: store bought is actually better 1:14:45 PM metallicseraphim: preservatives + orange juice = UBER MAGIC[/QUOTE] Yes, MAGIC is the key. Magical orange juice, available from any store, anywhere (as all orange juice is magical - have you ever tried it? It'll put hair under your foreskin and give you eighty foot wide demon wings if you're not careful). Home made orange juice is acceptable, but I doubt it has the power to bring down the SuperNads - you'll have to be careful. Anyway, basically, by sharing this information with you, Desbreko's impoverished serfs, I am sending a call for arms. Get your SuperSoakers and juice-soaked nerf guns and we can bring down this TYRANT once and for all. OtakuBoards, your forum needs you. It's orange juice time.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I have a list of movies I want to see that are coming out, but they're hard to find in Queensland. We have these crazy 'no XXX films to be sold' laws. I mean seriously, I bet even the Premier looks at porn. This is hypocrisy at it's finest. [center][img]http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/4926/mitchslapns1.gif[/img][/center][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]1) What is your element of power? Hate. 2) Who taught you how to ride a bike? Batman. 3) When do? I do when I damn well feel like it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Spambots can be easily configured to post a few times before creating a thread. Sorry to burst your bubble, kids.[/font][/color][/size]
  21. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]My night had been fun filled and interesting, to say the least, not the least because of that thing she did with her tongue. I finally got her home at about 5am, which I didn't consider especially late (though Luyii's bodyguards begged the differ), and got all of three hours sleep before I was out again, this time with a less enjoyable task at hand. Bodyguarding a sick girl. I rolled up to Xing's clinic at at about 8:30, lighting up a smoke and letting the car idle as I ordered a bouquet of old roses for Lai over the phone. Damn Xing for blackmailing me into this, I had better things to be doing right now, like, say, sleeping. Sighing, I finished the smoke and got out of the car, a feeling of impending doom growing deep in my chest as I took each step. At first it had only been a humming, but by the time I was pushing open the bulletproof glass doors it was a raging cacophony, drowning out all emotions and thoughts but fight or flight. I shook it off. What was I, a woman? "Can I help you sir?" the nurse behind the counter asked, looking up from her computer as I swaggered inside. I leaned on the counter and tapped my fingers on the hardwood for a moment, considering just walking straight out again, but I was pretty sure that'd be a bad, [i]bad[/i] move. Finally, I answered. "The name's Shi Aolie, Xing is expecting me." She pursed her lips and checked her ledger. "I'm sorry sir, there's no Shi on record for any appointments." I laughed slightly. "No no, I'm here to look after someone, not take an appointment. He might've introduced me as Dead." The woman's face lit up with recognition and she stood up, extending her hand for a handshake. I shook it briefly and followed her as she exited the reception, her hips swaying and her bra-less breasts bouncing slightly as she guided me through the halls. "We were expecting you earlier, Mr Aolie," she said as she walked ahead of me. "Dr Xing has already left for the morning, in fact. What held you up?" "I was..." I paused, my mind not working right on account of it being focussed intently on the arse before me. I'm sure she wasn't wearing panties. "Busy." She laughed softly. "Yes, by the smell of you I'm quite sure you were." Stunned, I stopped and sniffed at my jacket, quickly identifying the scents of sex, cigarettes and alcohol. Wow, her nose was [i]good[/i]. Shaking my head in disbelief I quickly caught up with her, now standing outside a nondescript door. On each side stood bodyguards armed with rifles, but I doubted they were anywhere near as good as I was. "This is the room," she said briskly. "We have no name we can release to you, but we are told we're under your complete authority during your service here." I raised an eyebrow. "So I can smoke?" She made a face. "Theoretically, yes, but it wouldn't be good for the patients..." I was already lighting up and pushing past her, ignoring her feeble protests. Coughing slightly, she looked in as I scanned the room. "We trust you'll have very little to do today, but better safe than sorry, right?" I exhaled slowly and watched the smoke curl up and hug the roof, creating a light haze that seemed to add an air of mystery to the otherwise sterile room. "Yeah, makes sense, I guess," I mumbled, walking past the patient and checking out the view from the window, a sweeping vista that somehow seemed to take in the whole bay. "Have a good day, Mr Aolie," the nurse said quietly as she closed the door. "By the way, how's your testicle?" I turned to her, confused. "My what?" The woman grinned impishly and closed the door without answering, leaving me alone in the room with the patient. Finally looking at them, I was suddenly overcome with both shock and repulsion. It may have been dark, and it may have been raining, but I'll always remember the face of the woman who tried to kill me just nights before. "Well fuck me," I whispered, the smoke dropping from my mouth. "This isn't good at all..." [/color][/size][/font]
  22. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Led Zeppelin are good, so are Pink Floyd and The Who. Johnny Cash did some awesome stuff back in the day, and I've been known to get into Canned Heat on [i]occasion[/i]. The Doors, Frank Zappa, David Bowie, AC/DC the list goes on. Except no Beatles. I hate the Beatles.[/font][/color][/size]
  23. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"Fuuuuck. What just happened?" I was lying in the corner of the private booth, the stripper standing over me. My body was aching from head to toe from my earlier escape, as usual, but now my head was throbbing like it'd been having an intimate conversation with the asphalt. The stripper turned to me. "Just an angry mob. Nothing to be worried about." She flashed me a smile and I shook my head, regretting the decision to ever come here and put these people at risk to begin with. "Oh gee, yes, thank goodness it was only an angry mob." I sighed and collapsed back into the corner, closing my eyes to escape the pain. It wasn't usually this bad - most times it was like running a marathon, but nothing that could bowl me over for good - but tonight all I felt was burning from my shoulders down. "You okay, hun?" I shook my head. "Anything I can do?" I shook my head again. "I'm really good at making people feel better..." A hot flash of pain shot through me and I groaned involuntarily, realising only too late that the woman had taken it as her cue to 'make me feel better'. Silently she shut the door and crouched before me, ripping off my shirt before my enfeebled arms could stop her. Knowing what was coming next, I braced myself for the removal of jeans over my swollen painful thighs, and was surprised when she stopped at my trunks. "Wow..." she said softly, running her hands over my inflamed legs. "What have you been doing to tear yourself up this bad? I've never even hurt my muscles this bad, and I'm a dancer." I winced as her roaming hands hit a sore spot. "I've been doing a lot of running," I managed. "I'm sure you understand." She made a 'tut tut' sound with her tongue and slowly started rubbing at my legs, her hands practicing some sort of witchcraft that made the pain almost instantly dissipate. Looking down I saw the swelling starting to disappear also, and couldn't believe my eyes. "Just how hard were you running?" she asked, looking up at me. I shrugged. "About 50." She raised an eyebrow. "...miles per hour." She laughed and continued her massage, now working at my calves. "Surely you're joking, right?" I managed a painful grin. "Mobs don't chase ordinary joes like me for no reason, right?" She made an mmm noise as she moved past my legs to knead my chest and arms. "You know, I'm a bit like you..." "You can run 50 miles an hour?" She laughed. "No, no. Nothing of the sort. I have..." she paused and looked up at me, biting her lip. "Promise you won't laugh." Locked in this cramped room, with a beautiful woman in scanty lingerie massaging my muscles in a way I'd never experienced before, I was ready to believe anything. "I won't laugh." "I have powers." This time I raised an eyebrow. "Like superspeed but not. I had it tested through this weird company once, before the superhuman hysteria." "...go on." "I exude these... pheromones that enable me to control a person any way I want... potentially on an even larger scale, with practice, they said. I've never really found a use for it outside of the sex industry though..." A lightbulb went off in my head as I remembered our earlier incident at the bar. "Are you doing that right now?" I asked, gritting my as she worked on a viscious knot. "Sending pheromones to like, my white blood cells and stuff?" She winked and resumed her rubbing. "Maybe I'm just really good at massages..." she said devilishly, before slowly pealing down my trunks. *** Sometime later I staggered out of the private booth and limped to the bar, taking my previous seat next to a guy I vaguely remember preaching to the mob before. "The same?" the barman asked, seemingly unphased by having a screaming mob rampage through the club. I nodded and he poured my shots, getting out my wallet as he did so. He put his hand up and shook his head. "Not for you buddy. This guy next to you has already said he'd pay your way." I turned to the man and he nodded at me knowingly. I nodded back, an expression of thanks on my face, before donning the first shot and turning back to the bar. "This is turning into a better night than I had planned," I remarked to no one in particular.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=775452#post775452]Thread's up![/url][/font][/size][/color]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][CENTER][center][img]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/9176/untitled1uq4.png[/img][/center] [size=3]Chapter 1: Some Assembly Required[/size][/CENTER] "Get back here you freak!" The voice of the mob's leader was a distant echo as I raced through the streets, my feet hitting the asphalt so hard I was leaving cracks in my wake. I was (or had been, at least) being chase by a lynch mob, the kind of lynch mob that doesn't take especially kindly to a new breed of humanity rising up to take it's place. It was almost like the X-Men, except the X-Men could do more than just run away when push come to shove. What I wouldn't give for fireballs instead of this damn near uncontrollable speed. A sign flashed by me, and I was only just able to read it before it was gone - I was entering Abby Road, the city's infamous redlight district. I breathed a sigh of relief and willed my body to stop, slowly easing my way from 50 miles an hour to a dead stop. The lynch mob had been Christian fundamentalists, opposed to the idea of evolution even when it had sprung up right in their face. There's no way they would follow me here. "Hey handsome, what's your poison?" a streetwalker purred. I grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of my head. "Umm... vodka?" She made a face then flipped me off. "Don't fuck me around, arsehole," she hissed, before moving on to her next possible client. I sighed and started walking aimlessly, fending off other such advances and looking for something - anything - that resembled a bar. Eventually I wandered into a strip club, paying the $40 cover charge and making my way straight to it's comparitively tiny bar. Understandably, most of the place was taken up by a large stage and it's accompanying tables, and off to the side a host of private rooms seemed to be doing rousing business. "Vodka, thanks," I said to the barkeeper. He handed me a tiny shot and smirked. "$9." I spluttered. "What?!" The man - short, fat and balding - shrugged. "You either pay for the merchandise, or you pay for the alcohol, choose." I scowled and slammed a note on the table. I didn't [i]want[/i] to be here to begin with, and now I was being forced to pay a premium on my drinks unless I watched a show. The barkeeper kept smirking. "Who would you recommend?" A low, sexy voice whispered in my ear before he could respond, her hands rubbing over my neck and exposed chest. "I think you want me," she whispered. My eyes glazed over. "Yes... I want you." "Good boy." With lithe grace she peeled me off the barstool and slowly led me to one of the private booths, my mind in a haze and barely even registering the limber dancer on stage whose hair seemed to have a life of its own. As the woman - who was astoundingly beautiful, mind - started her hip grinding dance over me, I wasn't even registering the sound of crashing outside, or the familiar voice of a lynch mob leader I'd escape only minutes before. It was like I was... entranced.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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