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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Vocals[/B]: Jon Davis (KoRn) and Marilyn Manson (Marilyn Manson). I've always felt that they'd complement each other well. Don't ask me why, call it a [i]hunch[/i]. [B]Drums[/B]: John, from my school (don't know his band's name. I think they're calling themselves 'Cause for Concern', but it's changing). You've never heard him on drums, but he is the best drummer I've ever heard. Ever. His current band does him no justice. [b]Lead Guitar[/b]: Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss). He's awesome. What can I say? [b]Rhythm guitar[/b]: Brian Welch (KoRn, now solo). Sure, he's a Bible basher now, but he played mean guitar. Since guitar is a rhythm instrument in KoRn, he'd be perfect. [b]Bass:[/b] Someone appropriate? My knowldege of bassists is sketchy. lol I think this band would be very hard rock. Yumm.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Considering the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/site/terms/]minimum age to use myOtaku is 13[/url], and to access any of the services on theOtaku(or, at least, submit your own stuff) you have to be a myO member, I'd say there is an age limit. If you're under 13, [i]you aren't supposed to be there[/i]. That said, I'm not aware of any maximum age limit, only a minimum, so, your grandmother could use the site and abide by the ToS no problem. lol There's no age limits on OB, to my knowledge.[/font][/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][quote=Wallpaper Submission Agreement] Submitting a wallpaper you did not create or [b]including artwork in your wallpaper that you did not draw[/b] is plagiarism and will not be tolerated[/quote] So, what, 99% of every wallpaper at theO is plagiarism? That's what iyami is getting at. The submission agreement flat out says the majority of the wallpapers submitted and [u]approved[/u] are plagiarism. [quote name='eCard Submission Agreement']eCards cannot include artwork that you yourself did not draw.[/quote] It's the same here. I'd suggest changing both the agreements, as, really, those sections of the network would be [i]dead[/i] without using art that 'you yourself did not draw', official art or otherwise. The only other alternative is deleting most of the stuff on the servers. Which obviously isn't doable.[/font][/color][/size]
  4. [color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Thankyou, Alex, for telling me my [b]opinion[/b] is [U]wrong[/U]. I'll attempt to explain my [b]opinion[/b], so you can possibly see [b]my[/b] take on this. I saw the first revision as narrated by someone (perhaps Mitch) born in Autumn, with the line about the leaf in the last verse being a clever metaphor. When reading through it I didn't get the idea the narrator was a leaf at all. Considering the name and theme of the poem, I thought the references to Autumn were, yet again, clever metaphor. The second revision is more obvious in it's intentions to make out the narrator as a tree/leaf, however. It's less open to interpretation, and more literal - I think this is in part due to the last verse being more obvious, and it makes the tone of the preceding verses different, especially on multiple rereadings. I like it a lot, but I'm not much chop at crit, heh. Sorry.[/font][/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I don't see it as refering to the leaf at all. I read it as every verse leading up to the verse with the leaf paints a picture of Autumn, setting the scene. In that sense, it makes perfect sense, and that's my interpretation of the poem.[/font][/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][quote] "dead yet alive, withered, worn" doesn't make anything any clearer. If anything, it just further confuses the material, because like previously, it's just inserting a contradictory idea that adds to the clumsy and awkward nature of the piece--something you don't want.[/quote] That makes plenty of sense...lol. Think of it in context. In Autumn everything looks like it's dying, yet it is alive. Little kids are often confused by the fact that so many trees and things look so withered and old in Autumn, so [i]dead[/i]... yet they are still alive and will burst into life come spring. It's contradictory, but it doesn't confuse the piece because that's what Autumn is. A contradiction. Anyway, I really like this Mitch. I like the rhyme scheme a lot, and the imagery. Good work. :)[/font][/color][/size]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Nomura']Why would Shy be upset about it? Kamuro's was better than some of the metalhead' ones, by the way...I saw that some people even asked if jake could try this band and this band, but it seemed like he ignored them. I thought it was a little funny, when people started taking over his job, and began typing in bands and more bands. Well I might just PM Kamuro, tomorrow.[/quote] Because Shy's the Event Master and runs Community Events... lol. You called it an 'event thread', it seemed like you wanted it in the Community Events forum.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The majority of bands in that thread in particular is metal bands about 6 people out of all OB (the world?) care to compare, lol. Anything that's not (and this goes for Jake's 'sequal' too) is a gag entry only metalheads would get. No wonder you're lost in there, most of us are. :p If I'm reading this right, you want to make a battle of the bands a community event, right? I'm not sure Shy would be cool with that, yo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [font=arial][color=indigo][size=1]Shut up Alex. Mitch's comments were justified, and he's explained himself three times now. The poem is good, yeah, but when you use a phrase from a currently popular song, of course people are going to assume you aren't being original. In fact, if you weren't so eager to jump down Mitch's throat about it, you'd see all he said was he'd appreciated it less because you'd used a line from current popculture. He hadn't explicitly said "You aren't being original!!!". He acknowledged your originality in the poem, and how good it was (except for some minor points he felt were necessary, not related to the matter at hand) - he just said he felt it's impact less because you'd [i]used that line[/i], and then said, in not so many words, he prefers to not sample from pop culture in his own poetry. I admit, his original post could've been taken either way, and yes, you took it the wrong way, but his subsequent posts have cleared up the matter. The point is passed, Alex. For both of you. Mitch isn't interested in your circuituous debates anymore, and he's defended his opinion on your poem a few times now. Drop it, because noone cares, not even Mitch. On a lighter note, the poem is quite good. Well done... for the poem, at least.[/font][/color][/size]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][b]A) Which aspect of OtakuBoards do you find to be the most negative/confusing?[/b] Eh... the atmosphere can be suffocating sometimes. Especially when someone takes it upon themselves to become personal martyr for [insert cause] in the middle of a thread. There's very little you can do regarding that though, apart from whipping and hot oil - neither of which is legal (yet ¬¬). [b]B) What is your favorite aspect of OtakuBoards?[/b] The Arena. The Arena is awesome. I'm also partial to Play It, heh. Nothing in particular jumps out though. It's just a forum, yo. [b]C) General comment:[/b] De-attaching myOtaku accounts as an option, please, especially if the account isn't actually in use anymore, or is turned off. It's just irrelevant, heh, and leads to an empty or turned off site. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Okay, because there was so many people, I decided to let 8 people in instead of 6. So these people are in, expect the thread to go up soon, and I'll send you a PM with the details. ^_^ I won't be making an Underground thread, heh. [CENTER][U]Women[/U]: Imi Kitty Sakura Pumpkin [U]Men[/U]: René Baron ULX Annie[/CENTER] If you didn't get in, I apologize. Better luck for my next RP. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. DeadSeraphim


    [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The buttons seem to be too spaced out to be a comfortable NES controller. We'll see how it goes.[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]My temper used to be a lot more fiery, but it's still pretty bad today. I'm slow to anger but when I get there you can really tell. >_>; Physical violence? *tick* Shouting? *tick* Self harm? *tick* I usually take my anger out on myself, because I don't like hurting other people, heh. I've been getting better though. A combination of Raina and not being around my [i]incredbly[/i] irritatingg younger brother anymore have calmed me down a lot. Thankfully.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote]Name: Sam Weaver [B]Age[/B]: 29 [B]Job[/B]: Designer [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://img252.imageshack.us/my.php?image=marksbone1gy.jpg]Sam[/url] [B]Why are you here?[/B]: I'm lonely. I'm depressed. I need someone in my life. The bar scene isn't interesting. The online dating scene is unfulfilling. All my female friends think of me as only a friend. I'm desperate you know - so tonight I'm trying speed dating.[/quote] So, like, wow. No, really, wow. What a turnout. o.o And to think I have to wittle you all down to 6, a shame, non? Anyway, yeah, thanks for signing up, and I'll leave this open a day or two more. :)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. DeadSeraphim


    [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium]The risk of physical snags is only the same as making your thumb sore on current controllers, I think. Most games won't require you to use large hand/arm gestures, [B]I imagine it'll be a lot more like moving a mouse.[/B'][/font][/quote]RSI, here I come![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. DeadSeraphim


    [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']The key is for them to actually try it in a store or at someone's house.[/font][/quote] Store trials will probably die in this generation. With the added focus of wireless controllers, you'd need a small cage or constant supervision of booths to make sure some losers doesn't just run off with controls for whatever reason (personally, I can see the novelty factor of owning a Revolution control - make believe is fun!)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. DeadSeraphim


    [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]With the new focus on bodily movements with this controller, I forsee that small room people put aside for videogames getting suddenly far too cramped, and a lot of bicep muscles getting bigger real damn quick. Especially if you name starts with 'D' and ends with 'esbreko'. Also, I have concerns about comfort with the remote-esque controller over long periods, but we'll see how it pans out.[/color][/size][/font]
  18. [FONT=Arial][center][size=4][b]~::Speed Dating::~[/b][/size][/center] [size=3][b]Intro:[/b][/size] [size=1][i]I'm lonely. I'm depressed. I need someone in my life. The bar scene isn't interesting. The online dating scene is unfulfilling. All my female friends think of me as only a friend. I'm desperate you know - so tonight I'm trying speed dating. 10 men and women have gathered at a small cafe in downtown New York, 5 of them lonely men, 5 of them lonely women. They're an odd mixture, hailing from all walks of life. Business women finally realising their age, twenty-somethings too shy for meeting people in more socially tense situations, walls of muscle hiding behind their biceps, overweight women who just want someone to love... they're all here. And so am I. Are you?[/i][/size] [size=3][b]The Premise:[/b][/size] Okay, this is an RP about, if you hadn't guessed yet, speed dating! As such, it will be largely non-violent, and revolve more around interactions between characters, and romance. If you came here looking for another gory blood-filled RP, I advise you to go home now. What I need is 6 players (including myself) to fill the roles of 3 men and 3 women, as they play the speed dating game and meet and interact with eachother within the context of the RP. I want this to be a free-flowing RP without many restrictions outside of the 'You're just a normal person, not some viscous killer looking for love' kind of thing. Please try and make your characters as varied as possible (consult the short intro for ideas). After the initial 'speed dating' portion, the RP will follow the attempts of the players to later catch up with and meet other players, and reveal more about their characters and others in the process. I hope this is clear enough, if you've any questions, feel free to ask. :) [size=3][b]Rules of Speed Dating:[/b][/size] [quote=health.discover.com][size=1]The rules of speed dating are quite simple. A group of singles gathers at a cafe or similar venue. Armed with a nametag, a scorecard and their sparkling personality, couples are paired up to begin their first date. They are allowed to discuss anything, except their careers, or where the live. Following [strike]seven[/strike] four minutes of conversation, a bell is rung, and the men move on to meet their next date. Think of it as a flirt's version of musical chairs. Following each date, participants mark on a card whether they would have an interest in meeting their date again. If a mutual interest is noted, speed-dating organizers provide each party with the other's phone number.[/size][/quote] [size=3][b]Signup Sheet:[/b][/size] [quote][size=1][i][u]Name:[/u] Keep it real [u]Age:[/u] 18 to about 50 is acceptable [u]Job:[/u] Keep it real [u]Appearance:[/u] I actively encourage using a photo, but written description is groovy too. [u]Why are you here?:[/u] Why did you try speed dating?[/i][/size][/quote] [size=3][b]Final:[/b][/size] At the start of this RP I'll briefly PM everyone with the speed dating rotation, then the RP will start in earnest. I'd prefer it if initial speed dating posts are kept brief, without revealing too much about character, and sticking to about a 4 minute (if it was a real situation) limit. Speed dating is, of course, just the launchpad to get us into some really juicy character interaction and exploration, afterall. ^_~ Have fun, and remember - keep it real, yo. It's not about the headcount, it's about who you are, inside... at least for this RP. ^_~[/FONT]
  19. [font=arial]The inside of the structure was amazing, so much so that it took Unhate's breath away. 8 foot walls painted in thick layers of gold lined every corridor, a single solitary torch marring the otherwise perfect surfaces every few metres. Behind him his squad was experiencing similar reactions. The extent of this place was unreal. A small cough from Melinoe brought them back from their amazement, and Unhate quickly turned and resolved himself. Taking out his gun he quickly checked it's ammo while Augur and Joseph followed his lead, before looking up at his troops once more and smiling crookedly. 'Shall we?' He motioned toward the corridor behind him and set off, quickly followed by four separate but like-minded footsteps. --- Eerily, the place was empty - they'd been roaming the golden halls for ten minutes and encountered nothing and noone. Just more and more gold as they became further entrenched in the maze like structure. Unhate was almost becoming worried until, suddenly and unexpectedly, they found themselves looking down on large room, the only entrance in and out of it being the stairway before them. 'Get down!' Unhate whispered as he crouched low, his skin hardening. Below them about three dozen armed cultists stood, listening to a man dressed in extravagant gold. His hands were flailing wildly, and his speech seemed incredibly animated - his listeners were engrossed. 'Who is it?' Augur whispered, his brows furrowed. Unhate frowned. 'I think it's their leader... and those are some of his men. There must be more around here somewhere though.' 'Like behind you?' An unfamiliar voice registered in Unhate's mind. '****,' he cursed, 'Gold team, remember your task!' The stone-skinned leader burst to his feet - tearing two pistols out of the holsters on his belt as he did so - and dived head long down the stairs before him, drawing fire from the congregation of soldiers gathered before their golden leader. Meanwhile their leader dashed out of a hidden door to Unhate's right, resolving not to bother with these intruders. This didn't go unnoticed. '****,' Unhate cursed again. 'Augur, Pygmolion, are you with me?' he called back over his shoulder. A 'yessir' said in time confirmed that, so far, his plan was going to plan. A slow grin spread over his face as he began to fire on the congregated followers in the depressed room, killing some but incapcitating most. As more fell, and more still transformed to stone, he could tell Augur and Pygmolion were right behind him. 'Quick, through the door!' With a testosterone filled battle roar the trio burst through the now-revealed secret door the golden leader had disappeared through, putting all their faith in Melinoe and Joseph to make sure they weren't followed by too much resistance.[/font]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='0ber0n the Neko']Rene (pardon accent omission), the mere fact that you are trying to say that NuMetal (puo) is True Metal is proof that these rules have some sway. NuMetal (puo) and True Metal are just different. 'Nuff said. This is kind of like comparing some Pop-Punk band like Green Day to Lamb of God. Or trying to say that Ray Charles was really trying to write Rap music. If you don't get my point yet, It's like comparing two bands that are very different and trying to say that one band is the other band. In short, this doesn't work. (Unless we're talking Pop-Punk)[/quote] I didn't say that at all, geez. What I said was (listen closely), this problem with misrepresentation with nü-metal is the [b]metal communities fault[/b], as they coined the term and used it initially. The media was closely monitoring the metal community around the time nü-metal emerged, to get a name for this new variation (or so they thought), and when they heard 'nü-metal' they ran with it. I suppose, if what Jake said about it being from grunge to begin with, you should call it grungecore or something similar (-core means heavy, no?). It would've made a hell of a lot more sense. But whatever. Nü-metal is a genre now, yo, and you should learn to live with it (it's probably better for the metal community as a whole, in fact, as many people use it as a 'gateway genre' into your 'true metal').[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [center][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img358.imageshack.us/img358/741/yosup6um.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [font=arial][color=indigo][size=1]Colours: Go nuts Words: I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon[/size][/color][/font]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Mods can change titles, nay? So why don't people just set the rating as something smaller to begin with (PG, G) and if it ever gets too gory/sexual/vulgar they could PM a mod to change the rating. That way assessing the rating of the thread would be in the participants hands (probably more specificially, the creators) and save the mods a lot more work. Of course, people have to have the sense to ask to change the rating and whatnot, but it's ust a concept.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [center][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/8563/brightside0bd.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Parameters: Words: Your world is an ashtray Colors: Greyscale with minimal colour usage[/font][/color][/size]
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Attimus331']The people of America can't be as responsible with drinking like people in other countries can. That's partly why the law is at 21 for drinking.[/quote] That's really lame. America is one of the most well-developed countries in the world, and you don't even think they're mature enough for their alcohol? [b]News flash: Laws won't stop people getting it.[/b] If people want beer, [i]they will get beer[/i]. Responsible or not, an 18 year old can easily get alcohol, and a 19 year old can, and even a 20 year old can. They may not be allowed into bars and clubs, but you don't need supervision of bouncers and bartenders to get maggotted. By keeping the drinking age higher than the age of majority, you're just setting up a lot of people to get fined unjustly [i]as adults[/i] for doing something that, in moderation, isn't nearly as bad as some of the other things your country allows ("Here Junior, you're 18, here's your first shotgun!"). Good work. No, really.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Why does 'intelligent design' have to mean God is involved? I'm sure that Christians who realise the folly of the Bible's chain of events would like to think that intelligent design, with God as the creator, is an acceptable alternative. And maybe it is, and maybe it's right. But, don't close off Intelligent Design because of a lack of belief in a Christian God. Really, intelligent could be anything. It's just examining whether this process was actually constructed.[/size][/quote] Intelligent Design is inherently a Christian concept. Made by Christians, for Christians, to work the evolution theory into their belief. I'm pretty sure if/when ID is being taught, it will largely be Bible orientated.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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