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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Keep intelligent design out of schools. It's inappropriate to mix religion with school, even if the religion is particularly wide-spread in that country. It makes the assumption everyone believes in the story of Genesis which, to be frank, most don't. I think, from what little I know of US Constitution, that it's unconstitutional too, but there's a big chance I could be wrong, lol. Sure, you could argue that evolution is just 'theory', but the difference between evolution and intelligent design is that evolution is religiously unbiased. Theory or not, it doesn't enforce any particular religious ideals on anyone, and makes no assumptions about their religion. All it says is 'This is a widely supported theory on how we got here, here's the ideas and research we've got thusfar'. It's not going, as Intelligent Design does, 'Right, so, there was GOD, right, and GOD made the world, and then set in place evolution. What, you're Hindu? Sorry, ID deals with GOD making the world, you don't count.' And that's all I have to say on the matter.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]In Australia we're allowed to drink at 18. In the UK, and I think Germany, last I checked it was 16. In all those countries age of majority still starts at 18, and I think America must be one of the only countries that makes [i]legal adults[/i] wait three years before they can legally pick up a beer. It mystifies me, it's like America gives its citizens absolutely no credit. I mean seriously, lol, why make them wait three years to drink when you've already handed them their driver's license, a gun, and a cigarette? 'Take a puff son, and don't feel shy about drag racing on the highway, but don't you dare touch that vodka![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Manic, yo']That's one thing I'll never understand when it comes to people who want to censor the internet on some level; the internet is an international domain. One country shouldn't have the power to impose laws, taxes, or restrictions in "international waters."[/quote] Countries have some jurisdiction over the internet, but only to their own domain extensions. The US has the .com/.org/.net/etc set, as whell as .us (in contrast, Australia controls .com.au/.net.au, etc), but as far as I know, .com and etc has become so extensively worldwide it'd be impossible to control the content on them all at this point. Additionally, .us is rarely used, as well (it has some insane restrictions attached to it, heh), and I never seen a .us porn site, so basically this internet crackdown is going to amount to jack all, lol. Gold star for trying, though, George! [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You've cached that page. Do a hard reload (CTRL or SHIFT while hitting the reload button) and it should fix it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]Shy carefully considered the posting order for each mission, and puts a lot of stock in the posting order format. It's mainly in place to work off the strenths of various writers, and make sure noone posts excessively, but I'm sure he could expand on that reasoning, heh. In short, I doubt your suggestion will be implemented.[/color][/size][/font]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=ForgottenRaider]With the hand break firmly on... :| Glad you did learn some thing though. :) For me code > design; though design should be dependant on good code![/QUOTE] Too bad noone who visits a website cares about the code then. :)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]Before I begin, I'd like to ask that everyone who posts in this thread keeps their post styles [i]consistent[/i], unless talking OOC (which, by rights, should be in Underground anyway). Preferably, [b]Arial Size 2[/b] would be best, as it's readable and doesn't blend in with the rest of the boards. Please, no crazy colours - we should try and keep this readable as possible.[/SIZE] [/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=Olive][SIZE=3]#108: I Don?t Believe In The Sun[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Unhate's breath steamed in the cool morning air of South Africa as he watched Gold Team disembark from the plane, their body's mere shadows in the low light of dawn. They were in the middle of a large airfield just north of Cape Town, their entry into the country having been surrounded by a high level of secrecy - noone knew they were in the country, not even their families and friends. In fact, they were there for one reason and one reason only - stop and, if possible, catch the leader of the cult that was systematically robbing banks and business all over Africa. As his team assembled before him, Unhate cast an appraising glance over each of them. There was the mountain of muscle known as Augur, famous for his powers of precognition, as well as Pygmalion, the practically invincible archaelogist with the powers of the long-dead medusa. Beside them stood Joseph, marksman and photographer extraordinaire - he had been chosen for surveillance - and Melinoe, the half-demon product of unnatural unions. Unhate was perplexed as to why Melinoe was accompanying them, but she had been chosen and he had no choice in the matter. As long as she was kept on a short leash, things would be fine. Finally, after a long while, Unhate saw fit to address his ragtag team of heroes, and cleared his throat. At once they all stood to attention, ready to listen to their leader. 'Men,' he began, and paused. 'And Melinoe. Today we infiltrate the group of thieving cultists known only as 'Sun', and somehow take down their leader and hand him into authorities. The Legionnaires do not want many deaths on our hands, especially that of their leader, but force is allowed if necessary.' He stopped and smiled slightly. 'Though, if you're forced to, I've no qualms personally with you killing the leader.' An uneasy laugh spread throughout the group, and Unhate frowned. His Australian humour was often lost on these people. With a sigh he laboured on, his voice becoming somewhat of a drone as he recited their orders. 'Upon leaving this airfield we will move to the compound directly, making no detours along the way. Once there Pygmalion and Joseph will scout around the perimeter of the area. Joseph will take as many photos as possible on a Polaroid camera, and Pygmalion will make sure he isn't seen - and if he is, those who see him won't move another inch for the rest of the granite-lives. Upon their return Augur will see if he can gather any precognition from the photos - if no, we break in through the closest and easiest available entrance.' A pause. 'If yes, we break in through the closest and easiest available entrace. Just more carefully.' No laughter. Sigh. 'Once inside, we will have to fan out and find their leader as quickly as possible - if you can at all find out how he's utilising the sun for his power Pygmalion, that'd be great, but it's hardly our objective right now. The inside is very probably filled to the brim with cultists - don't be shy about putting a bullet in their head and using force if you have to, or utilizing any abilities you may have at your disposal. Any questions?' Melinoe raised her hand and Unhate nodded to permit her to speak. 'What do I do?' 'You stick with me... at least until we're inside. From then on, as long as you don't kill too many of the cultists, and find their leader without killing him, you're not my problem.' She nodded curtly. It wasn't what she wanted to hear, but it'd have to do. Pulling a gun out of the holster on his belt, Unhate spun it on his finger and fired a blank southward toward Capetown - and thus the direction of the cult of Sun. 'Onward, Gold Team. We'll travel on foot, the compound's not far from this airfield.'[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I don't know about anyone else, but in my position of Group Leader I found it more difficult than simply writing a normal RP post. The PM I was sent was rather vague, and as the team leader, it was therefore my responsibility to structure the whole mission. I'd say, if most of the PMs were like that, it will take more than two or three days to get the individual threads up and going, heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Amorphous']So then why are you taking this in a rather almost insulted way? (At least your reponse seems to emminate with being insulted). It's not like all we 'metalheads' now had anything to do with the way this started then and turned out. You know what we are trying to rectify a mistake on which others made. It's hard when all we get is insults and flames with people telling us we are completely wrong. It is not our fault that it turned out this way. For that matter it was really just the main population of metal heads that took to this saying back when. But the main population of metal heads are just like every other stereotype, they are not very intelligence.[/quote] I'm more insulted at the fact that the metal community themselves created this problem, and actively ***** about it today as if it was the media's fault. I'm not insulted at any of you, reading enough pages of endless debate have shown me you're all for the distinction being extremely clear. I'm just kind of disgusted at the actions metalheads before you took to create this problem today.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Jake of Bodom][B']The reason the word "metal" is in the name is an interesting one. The Term "Nü-Metal" was actually originally an insult used by the Metal community for that type of music. Notice the misspelling of the word "new" (KoRn, Limp Bizkit, etc. are also mispellings). The reason it's "nü" is because it was considered to be the "new" fad that kids were being fed at the time. The reason the word "metal" is included is because they were referring to the way people were trying to portray them as metal bands when, in fact, they weren't. Unfortunately, the name that was intended as an insult stuck, and that's why nü-metal is the term used for the genre now. [/B][/quote] So what you're saying is, it's the metal communities fault that nu metal has stuck as a term for music that sounds somewhat similar to metal? Way back in the 90s metalheads labeled this music as nu metal as a joke, and now they can't escape it, and get ****** when people presume nu metal is a subgenre of metal? [i]They insisted on calling it nu [b]metal[/b]. It's the metal communities fault people assume it is metal music.[/i] If they'd reallywanted to get rid of the image of the emerging hip hop influenced rock being metal, they should've taken a more mature path to it. Calling it nu [b]metal[/b] only made the problem worse, and today people like you are having to defend yourself at every turn. Smooth. No really.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The whole thing could apply to just about any band (though it seems to target KoRn in particular, the child abuse one was a low blow). I've seen AC/DC asked the crowd what song to play, and plenty of bands thank their parents in their albums linear notes. It's stupid, if you ask me, heh. Also - I don't understand why people hate nu-metal so much. Metal + hip hop influence is basically the core of it. There's been a lot of bad bands in the (sub)genre that have become famous, sure, but it doesn't mean the whole genre is a right off, geez. All this unrepetent hate for it just seems stupid, especially when you metalheads get into the whole 'IT'S NOT EVEN METAL >=O' argument. If it isn't metal [b]what is it[/b]? Why does it have metal in the name? Why do most of these bands cite metal bands of the 80s as influences in the sound? It's just stupid, and one of the (many) things that pisses me off about genre labelling. People get all riled up over the difference between metal and nu metal, but to a normal person the difference would probably be as extensive as a more hip hop inspired structure, or a different singing style. Oh, but that's right, metalheads like to think themselves above the masses. Silly me, how could I forget. :rolleyes:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Kamuro][SIZE=1']Everyone wants to do something 'different,' but don't fix it if it isn't broken.[/SIZE][/quote] If music operated like that, we'd still be in 40s-esque Blues, or earlier still. Don't fix it if it isn't broken only breeds stagnation, which is the exact reason so many bands fail - they operate under that principal and get [b]boring[/b]. They don't experiment, and change their sound, and people end up not caring. Not all experiments are successful, obviously, but crucifying someone because they try a new direction isn't the way to do things. That said, personally, I don't enjoy Gwen Stefani's current solo venture. But at least she's doing her own thing, instead of pumping out more pre-packaged Britney-esque trash.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I loved the series. I much prefered the last season to the first few, because everything took on a much more serious note. I liked how [spoiler]Enzo was all grown up, and Bob was a cyborg thinger[/spoiler]. It was awesome, and I loved it. The first series were cool too, but the last season just eclipsed them completely.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Ilium']Oh man... honestly, I know none of these bands... they all seem to be metal-related bands and I know nothing about Metal... Maybe next time wanna put up some Classic Rock bands? Like Rush VS Triumph or Aerosmith VS Trooper, somthing like that. I've never heard of any of those bands :S[/quote] Sssh! You'll ruin the internet male = metalhead stereotype![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Another good one is [i]don't walk around naked in OL[/i]. They just don't appreciate it there man, they just don't. *shakes head sadly* In contrast, AL is all about nudity. Go nuts in there, no pun intended. ;)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Favourite Band[/B]: KoRn [B]Why?[/B] I love the aggressive vocals and music, and think Davis is one of the more talented lyricists out there right now [though many would disagree]. Fieldy's bass style is insane in the best sense of the word, Silveria is a monster on the drums [have you seen how many drums he has in his kit? OMFG] and Munk is a great guitarist. 'Course, Head was too, but he's gone now. Wish him all the best in his new Christian endevours. :) First song I heard from the band was It's On, cause my mate Brenton had put it on the stereo. And I fell in love instantly. I don't know if it was the lyrics, or the vocals, or what, but I did. I borrowed his copy of Follow the Leader that same day and it took me 8 months to give it back. >.> At that point I started buying their stuff, starting with Take a Look in the Mirror. I have all their studio LPs, the greatest hits compilation and a preorder for their CD to be released next month, Souvenir of Sadness. Having heard some leaks for SoS, I'm really really excited for it. If they decide to tour and come to Aus I will give my kidneys to go, I swear. I also like Marilyn Manson a lot [who I would consider a better lyricist than Davis], but not as much as KoRn. There's something about KoRn that just seems to appeal to me, I don't know. For the record though, because I know [considering this boards visitor base] some idiot will say it - I don't, and KoRn don't, consider the band nu-metal. Maybe early on, but Untouchables was pretty much the point where it moved away from those stylings.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote][COLOR=Navy]This is why you called me "stupid" in my other thread even with my knowledgable replies. The reason you don't believe in God is because you're gay? I live in California & West Hollywood is the gay capital of America. Everywhere you go, you see a homosexual. What you explained isn't love but perversion. I believe people can change and I don't know how a homosexual can be born from a man & a woman. But if I were you I would go to great lengths in trying to convert into a heterosexual. When a child is born into this world do you believe God would like this child to view homosexuality as being one with nature? I don't think so. He could have created Adam & Adolf if he wanted homosexuality in this world. If you believe in science that's even worse because there is no explanation for homosexuality.[/COLOR][/quote] You can't 'convert' into heterosexuality. Where you get that flawed notion, I have no idea, but a true homosexual is homosexual to the core - it's not just a passing fad, it's not just in the mind, they are born like that. By telling him to 'convert' you've just revealed yourself as a bigot of the worst variety. Nice job. Now here's where I pull your argument apart. Apparently, your God plans everyone's life from the onset - he has a plan for everyone, non? If homosexuality was such an afront to him, he wouldn't make people homo sexuals to begin with, would he? I mean, he wouldn't give men and women the desire to love their own gender if it was truely a disgusting a horribly deadly sin, it defies the point. It's like saying 'I want you in heaven, but I don't [i]really[/i].' And don't feed me any bull about it being just because the person isn't Christian - someone can be born into a Christian family, have the requisite baptism and whatnot, and be the most Holy child they can be, yet still have desires for love and affection from their own gender. It's a source of much anguish for many, who just don't understand how they can be gay if they're such good Christians. But whatever. That's just my two cents. Tonight I've seen a lot of stupidity, and this is about my breaking point. I won't be replying to you if you quote me, so don't bother.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It's good to know that during the 1700s the human race had the ability to manufacture giant skeletons with fake carbon dating. I mean, wow, we can't even do that now. [i]Our ancestors farkin' rawked[/i].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Jake of Bodom']And look, if subgenres are so dumb, I'll bet you've called a movie an "action movie", or a video game an "RPG", or a car a "Ferrari", or a computer a "Dell", or a store a "supermarket", or a resturaunt a "buffet" - so you know what? Quit saying I'm an idiot for doing the same with music. I quite frankly don't care at all whether you don't want to take the time to care about subgenres, so quit telling me why they don't matter to you - because I really don't care. Thanks.[/quote] Noone said subgenres are dumb, geez. I use them too, as I said myself at the start of this thread - it's just your own use is somewhat excessive when compared to some [and, if Tony's post is to be believed, pretty normal compared to others]. I honestly [i]cannont[/i] see the need to have that many subgenres, and even Amorpheus said some of them could easily be combined because there extremely similar. If you can that's cool - but you'll never convince me that a list that big is necessary, heh. Like Tony said it's probably even detrimental so some degree. But whatever. [i]It's all good[/i]. Chill out man. lol Throwing curses around was never a conducive way to get your opinion across.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Why don't you just make the colour of the spoiler boxes correspond with the skin? A bluish one for Liquid and a Purplish one for Geisha. It wouldn't solve the ugliness complete, but they'd look better anyway, and would be the easiest (I think) to implement.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Unhate [B]Gender (If Applicable):[/B] Male [B]Location:[/B] Brisbane, Australia [B]Age[/B]: 42 [B]Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable):[/B] * 6'2" * Built like a rock and covered with scarring * Military-style greying hair and eyebrows, many lines framing his face * Dark sunken eyes, strong stubble covered jaw-line. Lump noise from many fractures and breaks * Often wears off-green singlets with camo pants and boots. Is also often seen in leather jackets and black jeans, depending on the particular social situation. [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] Cold and silent. Unhate is a man who's seen far too much horror in his life, and is loathe to speak about it, less karma summon it to his side once more. He rarely smiles, and his face is lined deep with worry. Despite this, he is a natural leader, with the ability to control vast hordes with as few words as possible. Men and women alike are awed by his presence on and off the battlefield, and his closest friends would die in a heartbeat for him. [b]Personal History:[/b] Born into a poor family back in the 60s, Unhate saw much devastation in his childhood. His family became just another victim of the motorcycle gangs and drug lords, slowly being picked off around him till only he and his mother remained. Needless to say, a single mother wasn't accepted much back then, despite her situation, and up to the age of 18 he suffered great hardship at the hands of his teachers and peers. Once he left school, however, it seemed things were looking up. He joined the military, and enjoyed the orderly nature of his new life - and enjoyed even more the emphasis (or lack thereof) that was placed on his past. He was in the military, noone cared about his single mother. They only cared if he could kill. Fortunately, he was exceptional at it. So exceptional, that before 21 he was serving in overseas conflicts, mowing down men by the dozen with his best friend Jed by his side. The blood of many was on their hands by the time they were finally caught - and it was there that everything changed once again. Before his eyes Unhate watched countless experiments be performed on his friend by the enemies brutal scientists, from strange injections that left him foaming at the mouth to removal of teeth. The worst was by far, however, watching the scientists slowly and surely peel Jed's skin off - starting at the base of his skull and slowly working his way down. Jed did not survive the procedure, and Unhate was set to be next, but as the blades pierced his flesh US Marines burst into the subterranean lab and rescued him. With only a scar as long as his arm down his chest to show for his troubles, he returned to Australia in 1980 as a veteran. For 10 years Unhate travelled Australia, slowly forgetting his past, his family and even his own name. Where-ever he went he saw devastation - he could no longer see the bright side of life. Eventually the military required his services once more, and in 1990 Unhate stepped onto the war-torn fields of Bosnia with one crucial mission - leading his platoon to their death. He'd been selected for a suicide mission. The military had taken note of his mental state, and assumed he would be better off dead. His whole platoon was of similar mind. Not one was expected to make it back alive, every one of them was expected to become just another corpse. As predicted noone came back - except of course Unhate Everyone was mystified as to how it happened - there was no way they could have lived through that battle. Early on in the conflict they'd been doused by a spray of Agent Orange, and they had been set against 200 enemy soldiers armed with little more than assault rifles and grenades. It simply made no sense. Over the next few years the military studied Unhate extensively, poking, prodding and generally trying to figure out where his supposed immortality stemmed from. Then one day, during random experimentation it was revealed - an extra string of chromosomes (predictably added during his scientific detainment), that granted him skin like a rock in battle. No bullet could penetrate, no Agent Orange could soak through. The military were eager to replicate this, and offered him everything they could think of more. Unfortunately for them, the Legionnaires found out about his particular trait - and offered him more. Quickly he was put in a leadership role within the structure of the Legionnaires and the rest, as they say, is history... [b]Abilities and other relevant information:[/b] [I]Natural leadership[/I] Unhate is a natural leader who inspires those around him. The smallest of men can be filled with courage to be in his presence, and the mightiest warriors are humbled in his presence. [i]Gunplay[/i] Fantastic mastery of most known firearms. If there is a gun he hasn't used, it's not worth using. He has been known, when in his 'rock form', to thunder through a battlefield with grenade launchers in both arms, handling them both perfectly. [i]Rock Skin[/i] A hardened shell that grants him invulnerability to most projectile and chemical weapons. He's still killable via explosions, and has been known to be weakened when in bad weather or around electromagnetic pulses. His reaction speed tends to slow in this form, too. [b]Can post:[/b] 1/week [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under? (E - Everyone, PG - Parental Guidance, M - Mature):[/B] M - I love gore and you know it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=ForgottenRaider]Though dear one should not use tables for layout as they are designed for tabular data only. A mixture of (X)HTML/CSS is far better netiquette and makes sure that it is cross browser compatible with Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). W3C standards outline the correct method for defining layouts and simpler (easier to follow) guides to using these standards are easy to find at places like [url=www.w3schools.com]w3schools (clicky!)[/url] and [url=www.htmldog.com]html dog (clicky!)[/url]. Anyway I was just interested in why they were used considering most of the page followed standards. Now there is no point putting down MSIE as it is stock standard with all Windows installs so the people using it are to lazy or just haven't been educated in the dangerous risks of using it to switch to some thing better. So it is just a fact of life until the majority of the web makes the switch to newer browsers. Though just because it holds slightly over 80% of the browser market doesn't mean it is an excuse to be a lazy web coder and not adhere to standards; remember when Windows Vista is released it is expected that Firefox will take up to 60% of the market. Firefox isn't a fan of none web standards code. :p [i]If double posting is not allowed please merge these two posts[/i][/QUOTE] The page validates. It adheres to web standards, and I've not encountered a rendering engine yet that chokes on it. It's IEs problem that the page needs hacks, not mine. If MS did their job properly the first time, it wouldn't have a problem. But they didn't, so, thusly, I will feel free to call IE a piece of ****. I'm done with this though, because arguing with a geek about web standards is useless. They're useful, sure, but hey - noone cares what's under the hood as long as the page looks good and works. I'm not about to change Lady A's beautiful design just because of the web standards - web standards which look to be getting worse, as the A tag and IMG tag are being removed in XHTML 2. Design > Code[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It's fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. The emotion is conveyed so well, and the entire situation is extremely believable. A fantastic piece, I really enjoyed. :)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]When I was little I was given a CD player for Christmas, but no CDs [by little, think 5....lol]. So my grandfather lent me a CD to play in it, and I'd give it back to him when he bought me some CDs for my next birthday. Of course, I was a dumb kid. I played this thing for an hour once we got home then went outside and just did something else. Later on though, when I was supposed to go to bed, I couldn't bring myself to go into my own bedroom cause I could hear something. My young mind automatically assumed it was elves out to get me. I couldn't sleep in my room that night. The next morning I found the CD player with the earbuds face up, completely drained of batteries. I'd left it on, and it was playing throughout the whole night on loop... I just thought it was something else. lol It freaked me out a lot back then, and even though I knew there wasn't any evil elves in my bedroom, I refused to listen to the CD player at night, and grew paranoid about extended my legs the full length of my bed. Elves and witches hide down the ends of your bed, don't you know.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1']Online gaming for handhelds? If so, it will be in a relatively small area compared to that of stationaries, or you'll have to pay for air time, and on top of it all, crane your tired neck over a small screen, trying to soak in the action through such a small medium./SIZE][/quote] Nintendo DS has wireless capacity, and the ability to use your wireless router to go on the net to find opponents or friends to play games which support it. Animal Crossing DS is supposed to be implementing it, and I think the next Pokemon is too. From what I recall, all this will be free (I could be wrong, though). Granted, these games aren't up to the level of MMORPGs, but online play has and is being realised in the handheld market. lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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