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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Use the skew tool (I think it's in one of the menus). It's easy enough, just stretch/skew -> plug in percentage for size. You may have to do some math if you want it accurate, but whatever. lol Consider getting a better graphics program. There's not many good free ones, but I'm sure you could find a copy of PaintShop Pro 8, or Photoshop 7 somewhere for cheap. There's really not much difference between those and the later versions, so you shouldn't have many troubles.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It's not the hardware that will push up prices, it's the game making itself. To make games it is increasinly requiring teams as large as or larger than those used on Hollywood blockbusters - it's part of the reason why so many smaller companies are being absorbed, or disappearing. There is no way they can afford to make a game up to most people's standards anymore. I mean, look at it this way. In Mario you had a 2D scrolling bitmap for a background. The same person who did the foreground could construct the background. But with the jump to 3D, you not only have the foreground to worry about, but a 3D rendered background to contend with too. Therefore, because 3D is more time consuming, the person doing foreground can't possibly do the background as well. Ergo, you hire someone to construct the background. Up go prices. It doesn't help that the average consumer is so used to small perks like that that they often write off games that don't have it (everyone's heard 'This game sucks cause it has bad graphics' at some point in their life). So it's really a lose lose situation. The industry has built up people's expectations for games, but is now having trouble fulfilling those same expectations because game development has become so expensive.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]They were everywhere. Their scent polluted the air, and their endless noise destroyed any chance of finding solitude. They were a plague - spreading quickly, destroying everything. They were humans. And Dead hated them so. Looking around, his preternatural eyes examined the aura of the humans in the crowd, reading their sins, judging their eligibility for God's love. None were worthy. All of them were tainted with hatred, or death, or envy. Not one of these advanced apes deserved God's preference. With a sigh he turned and retreated to the darkness of the alleyway from which he'd emerged, trying hard to keep himself from lashing out and destroying every one of them. It was hard enough imitating them - he'd had to retract his horns and wings, and decrease his physical girth many times - but the added stress of not destroying the path of each one he crossed was only serving to further crack a deranged mind. 'Are you okay man?' The lonely, ragged voice snapped Dead out of his thoughts. Looking around he saw the source of the voice - an old, weathered man, in faded and torn clothes slumped against the wall, a tired box filled with feeble possessions next to him. His aura was dark and tainted but had the unmistakable feel of one who believed himself to be in God's good graces. Dead laughed. He was not. 'I am fine, sinner,' he said finally. 'I can't promise the same for your err... 'fine' self, however.' The man slowly got to his feet and balled his fists. 'What are you sayin' man? You sayin' I'm a sinner?' Dead laughed again at the human's display of force and anger. This was so predictable of them - they never thought things through, always ruled by their petty emotions. 'That's exactly what I'm saying.' Moving faster than the human eye could see he rushed the man, his right hand gripping him by the throat and slamming him against the wall and his left hand doing the requisite hand movements to summon his mighty, Lucefiran blade. With a flash of flame, and a long haunted moan it appeared - and was quickly pressed against the man's throat. 'Do you repent, sinner?' Dead breathed. 'Do you reveal all your sins before his most Holy God?' The man choked out a feeble 'yes'. The Fallen Angel's face twisted into an evil grin. 'Too bad... your God can't save you today.' With a mighty roar Dead assumed his true form, the roar petering off into a maniacal laugh as wings tore from his back and his muscled bulked up and expanded. His eyes - formerly dark and brown - now burned with the unmistakable fire of hell, and the small perfect horns just above each emphasised this. 'Wh-what are you?' the man managed through Dead's choking grip. Dead grinned. 'You may have heard of me... but then again maybe not... I've had many names... not liked a lot... some were positively divine though, you should hear them sometime' He tightened his grip on the man's throat and the unmistakable sound of his larynx being crushed graced his ears. When the man coughed up blood it only confirmed it. 'Hmm... I have no idea what they're calling me in this day and age, though.' Piss ran down the man's legs now. 'Let's just say I'm mad and call it a day.' With utmost precision Dead sliced through the man's throat and threw up the body, catching it's wayward head before it hit the ground. Dropping his sword, he raised his left hand and faced it palm-first at the rapidly descending body - and unleashed a fireball of massive proportions on it. The explosion lit up the night sky, and charred bits of corpses rained down on Dead as the screams of people in the crowd outside filtered into the alley. He was chuckling as Belial's voice found it's way telepathically into his mind. 'Well played, Dead,' the angel said smoothly. 'But do you forget our purpose here?' 'I forget nothing,' Dead scowled. 'But it will not waste this visit to the mortal plane, Azrael or no.' Flexing his wings he flew up and out of the alley, soaring to the top of the nearest skyscrape and dropping the head into the crowds below (which prompted many more screams, much to Dead's delight). Before he'd even hit the roof he'd reverted to his human form, and began walking instantly toward the fire escape, his mind playing over one thought: 'Where art thou, Azrael?'[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The music from Tetris! I think Music A from the Gameboy version. I'm completely serious, over the years my mind has construed that as the [i]perfect[/i] theme music for a fight of any kind. It makes my adrenalin run just to play it. RAWR.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='James][color=#332E1D][font=franklin gothic medium]Are you sure you aren't looking at someone's custom title? Unless it was somehow added as a joke or something...but I have no knowledge of it.[/color'][/font][/quote] Charles did it a loooong time ago, cause someone whose name was being changed asked if he would still be a member. Mystery solved. :p[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Neko][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Tahoma]Ooh! Ooh! I have a question! How are our characters actually gonna get to Earth? I'm thinking we just start there, but I wanna be prepared if we're gonna start in a different way. Oh, and by the way, do we have to be particularly 'loyal' to whatever 'side' we're on? Just a random question...(yeah, right, Neko.) :catgirl:[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] When you're talking immortal beings of high magic, I doubt it'd be an issue. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Name[/B]: Dead Seraphim (a name given to him by human-kind; his God-given name having long since been lost to his insanity) [B]Age[/B]: Ageless. Appears about 20 or so. [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Species[/B]: Fallen Angel [B]Appearance[/B]: Written into bio. [B]Side[/B]: Hell [B]Powers[/B]: Super-human strength, and flight. He also has considerable power over the element of fire, and has been known to (very rarely) teleport. His weapon is a long, rune-encrusted blade forged before Genesis - few mortals survive its deadly blows, and fewer still have had the sanity to describe it if they did. [B]Personality[/B]: Unhinged. Dead is a madman who only serves hell because it more closely resembles his cracked moral compass. In battle his victories are excessively gory - where one angel would settle for a beheading, Dead will cleave the victim's body in two. Then incinerate it. [B]Biography[/B]: Among the Seraphim Dead was revered - his voice was clear and pure, and God's light shone on him the brightest. His tall and well-structured frame was only superseded by the magnificent golden wings that sprang from his back, and his dark, sensual facial features. And for this, he was loved by all - especially by the Arch-Angel Lucifer. Leading up to the Great Fall, Lucfier spent many an hour with Dead, explaining his reasoning behind his constant quarrels with God, among other things. Dead listened faithfully, as his respect for Lucifer was unmatched, and, very slowly, his opinion of the God which he praised so started to change. His songs of praise were tainted with first confusion, then anger. Eventually his song was like a magnificent ray of darkness amongst the shining choirs, a ray which did not go unnoticed. God quietly took aside the troubled Seraphim, and asked of him why he hated so. Dead's reaction startled the benevolent deity - dark expletives never mentioned in God's presence were uttered, and hatred flowed from the angel's very pores. And for this he was exiled - sent to a remote island on the slowly-blossoming Earth to refind his faith. His presence in heaven was missed by all, and Lucifer took it upon himself to find the angel. What he found shocked him. On the island the angel had gone insane, allowing his hatred to flow and control him. He had harnessed the power of the most destructive of elements - fire - and razed the primitive human's villages, then mercilessly slayed the survivors with a magnificent blade Lucifer recognized as one of his own - how Dead got it is unknown, but it made him the first angel to commit the mortal sin of thievery. And murder. Without confronting the angel, Lucifer withdrew from the island, and soon after flew in the face of God - and thus instigated the Great Fall. Only centuries later, after constructing his grand palace of eternal flame did he realize what his dark host missed - and within seconds had located it, right where it had been when he saw it last. Dead was a terror in the south pacific, rising out of a volcano every ten years to ruthlessly destroy entire islands of primitive villagers. Over time he'd changed, his wings turning leathery and batlike, and his halo shattering - only to be replaced with small perfect horns jutting out of his forehead. The islanders said he was Death itself. Lucifer liked this, and thus confronted the angel. It didn't take him long to convince him to join the legions of hell - the promise of slaughtering those which God loved more than he was enough for Dead - and soon the angel was commanding legions of demons and lesser angels to war. Occasionally he would reappear, once famously in a Christian church on Christmas eve. The church-goers howled that he was a fallen Seraphim, obviously Dead to the lord. Dead only laughed and killed them again and again, finally destroying the actual brick and mortar of the church in a fantastic explosion that ended up incinerating the entire village around it. While the flames roared, Dead stood inside, his lips playing over the words of accusation the villagers had flung. 'Dead... Seraphim... Dead Seraphim...' His eyes narrowed, and an exaggerated grin twisted his beautiful face. 'I AM THE DEAD SERAPHIM,' he roared to the night. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Mmm.... mine is angry angry. It'd be higher if I hadn't lost the playcounts twice, but whatever. lol 1. Violent Pornography - System of a Down (21) More a result of random chance that really *liking* the song. 2. Wake Up Hate - KoRn (20) My favourite song ever, bar none. 3. Revenga - System of a Down (19) I love the chorus. ^_^; 4. Hell Below Stars Above - The Toadies (19) Love the intro and the whole song. 5. Cigaro - System of a Down (18) 'My cock is much bigger than yours/my cock it walks right through the door' This song is crazy and I love it. XD 6. Anti-Matter - The Aquabats! (17) Just fun stuff from T-Bird. 7. Amino Man - The Aquabats! (17) See #6 8. This Cocaine Makes me feel like I'm on this Song - System of a Down (17) I flogged Mezmerize a lot lately. lol 9. Old School Hollywood - System of a Down (17) As above. 10. Sequence Erase - the Aquabats! (16) This is another fun song by the Aquabats. It entertains me. lol I have 600 odd songs constantly on random, so it doesn't surprise me the numbers are low. I rarely listen to a playlist, lol, it's just easier to put iTunes on random and let it do its thing. The music just becomes background noise, lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming How do you prefer racing games: realistic or wacky?
DeadSeraphim replied to BlueYoshi's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I like the kind of racer where hitting the brake button is optional. Stuff like Need for Speed, Rollcage, etc, where the focus isn't so much on realism, but just having fun, lol. One of my favourite gaming moments would have to be listening to the police CB in Need for Speed 3 and going right around the spike trap... as my friend plows right through it. lol I've honestly tried Games like Gran Turismo, but I really don't like cars much, so the micro-management in the games that people love goes over my head. Just give me a controller and let me hoon, honestly. lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Avast! antivirus is really good, I'd recommend it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I luff the CG babe. Why didn't it turn up in my dA watches? I should spank you. But I won't cause your boyfriend is around and he might get ******. :-P Your work is gorgeous dahlink, I especially like your CG (like duh _^_; ). The cut-out effect is a bit tedious after a while on the starting banners, but they rock anyway. Your two latest don't do much for me, but, alas, one will get that. Overall you do [i]good stuff[/i]. ^_^ Also: Come on AIM more often.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]...wow. Just wow. I could [i]never[/i] do this to a person, it's morally corrupt and is forcing them to become something they're not. Like James just said to me, it's comparable to what they thought mental illness was way back in days of old, back when they still thought it was just demonic posession. News flash: People can't help it if they're gay. It's not just some superficial thing they've conjured up, it's a [i]part of them[/i]. Just because an out-dated religion says it's wrong, doesn't mean it is. Before Christianity homosexuality was an accepted (and encouraged) part of many societies. I honestly don't know where things changed. It's a reaction like his parents that took me [b]six years[/b] to tell my Mum I'm a cross dresser. The thought of being violently shunned, and nigh on hated by my own family scared me right into submission (and it would be over something as insignificant as clothes, too, which makes it even more pathetic). I still can't tell my Dad cause I can expect that reaction from him. Fortunately my mother is extremely liberal, and took it in her stride. I wish Zach had been blessed with comparable parents. =/[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming Series jokes (from Tingle to Biggs and Wedge)
DeadSeraphim replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Lord Dante]ok a recurring thing in the sonic games has allways been good 'ol egghead Ivo Kintobor (AKA robotnik - i refuse to acknowledge him as eggman) i mean, he's allways using the same sorta machenes in every game. i swear to cut the budget they use the same sprites or something stupid like that.[/QUOTE] Yeah, just like how in the Mario games Goombas are there [b]every time[/b]! I mean, geez! Koopas are there every time too!! It's insane, [i]soooo[/i] lazy, honestly. Seriously though, what did you expect? Robotnik was Sonic's nemesis, of course he'd be in every game (bar a few, but you get that). It's like Dr Cortex in Crash bandicoot or whatever. Oh, and Biggs and Wedge [i]were[/i] in Final Fantasy IX. They were performers with Tantalus.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Excuse me if I sound rude, but I've been wondering this for a long while and as noone I know actually listens to the music, I figured this would be the best way to get some opinions on the matter. Personally, I'm not generally a fan of music where I can't understand the lyrics (and lyrics are about 60% of the experience for me), but perhaps it appeals to you for different reasons? I ask because it's rare to see such a large fanbase for foreign music concentrated on the efforts of [i]one country[/i]. I mean, there has been large fanbases for a single band or performer from a foreign country over the years (Rammstein [Germany], Bjork [Iceland]), but never a large target placed over the music of an [i]entire country[/i]. Especially when the general response I got from non-fans was along the lines of 'Thinks 80s but worse'. Anyway, yeah. Why does it appeal to you?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B]Ima[/B]: Cute, but not defined enough. Motion-blur or nay, it doesn't add anything but a detrimental effect to the entire thing. Also, the border is far too thin and white to be of any use in this banner. It's a good effort, however. ~.^ [B]Rising Sun:[/B] Very nice. Crisp image with a well chosen background and typography. You could've moved Link a bit further to the right, but the banner hardly suffers for his positioning. I do think your little 'RS' on his cap doesn't really fit though. Rising Sun gets my point.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial]Mr Salt blinked as he digested this information. 'Pardon, darling?' 'What are you, deaf? I got a gold ticket!' The girl bounced in her seat, waving the small sheaf of paper around triumphantly. Mr Salt looked over at his daughter as she celebrated this apparent victory, wincing as the CD that had cost him public humiliation was crushed under the sharp point of her pumps. 'Settle darling, you don't want to cause an accident.' For once Veruca seemed to listen to her father, having considered internally the chances of using and abusing her new-found ticket if she had been the victim of a car accident. Brushing the shards of shattered plastic off the seat and smoothing her dress under her, Veruca sat back down, almost obediently. Mr Salt raised an unseen eyebrow in his gimp mask and continued driving silently. She was up to something. It was obvious. --- [I]The Salt house was perfect. A two story building, white panelling and red tiling on the roof with lawns trimmed to perfection and cordoned off from the rest of the street by a shallow picket fence. Rose busges lined the path into the house, and a two car garage sat to the side of it. Out back the yard backed onto a shallow river, but not before traversing a pool and yet more expansive green lawn. A single battered dog kennel marred the yard, but even it was perfect, in it's own way. It was the American Dream, and was perfect in every way. It exuded family values, it exuded love. But it was really a house of depravity.[/I] --- 'Hoooooney, we're home.' Mr Salt's voice called out throughout the cavernous longueroom as he walked through the front door, Veruca leading him by his chain. 'Sorry we're late, there was traffic' 'Mmm... I missed you both...' Out of seeming nowhere a tall woman with willowy proportions appeared, a skin tight latex dress clinging to her every curve. Behind her, a hunch back man followed, an executioner's mask stretched over his lumpy and bald skull. He walked, Mr Salt noticed, with a curious gait. This didn't escape Veruca's attention either. 'Ooooo! Mummy! You've outfitted your gimp with that massive dildo you showed me!' Forgetting about her own father she ran over to examine the poor hunch backed man, pulling down his leather pants and whistling impressed. 'It's amazing what you can do Mum'. The woman looked down at her daughter and smiled. 'I do my best dahlink,' she said, before gliding over the thick carpet of the longueroom to kiss her husband and speak to him in hushed tones. 'I trust she wasn't too much trouble...'' 'Only some public humiliation... rather tame today really... she didn't even make me buy her anything... ' Mrs Salt ran a hand up her husband's leg, rubbing his leather-clad thigh. 'That's sooo good... Maybe I should reward your for looking after her so well.... because you're such a good Daddy-Gimp...' Her hand kept sliding up till she was lightly caressing his balls, and her lips sought his for another soft kiss. 'Maybe you should...' he muttered as his tongue wormed between her vivid red lips It was at the moment Mr Salt's tongue began it's gentle dance with Mrs Salt's that Veruca's voice cut through and ruined the moment, in alarming style. 'Oh, Mum, did I tell you I got a gold ticket? It was in a Willy Wonka album!' Mrs Salt froze, and her gentle caressing of Mr Salt's balls became a vicelike grip. 'I thought you didn't buy anything,' she hissed at her husband. 'Well... you see...' 'You know my thoughts on that Wonka character.' 'I didn't really have much choice in the ma-' 'Gimp or not she's a 14 year old girl, you couldn't just say no?!' 'It was an embarrassing situa-' 'God, you're so pathetic, no wonder I gave you to that brat.' With a snarl she squeezed and twisted his balls and spat in his face, before releasing him and pushing him to the ground. Mr Salt gripped his crotch and collapsed to the ground whimpering in pain, an angry shade of red appearing on the few patches of face visible through the gimp mask. Veruca was oblivious to this. 'Well, can I go?' her voice eager. Seething, Mrs Salt turned back to her daughter, her fists clenching again and again. 'No darling,' she said slowly. 'You know Mummy's thoughts on Mr Wonka...' 'But it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! There was less than 10 tickets released into the world! Pleeeeeease.' Veruca's face was wracked with want, and Mrs Salt tried her best to deny her. And failed. Turning her back to the teen, she massaged her temples and breathed slowly, her mind considering the options. 'You need a guardian?' her voice was sharp and acidic. 'Well... yes.' Mrs Salt cursed and thought for a few moments. 'Fine. But your father can take you,' she said finally. Veruca smiled wide. 'Thaaaaaanks Mum! I love you so so much!' With that she ran up the stairs to the second floor, eager to organise an appropriate outfit for such an auspicious occasion. With the sounds of draws opening serenading them, Mrs Salt looked down on her husband, who was only know recovering from the woman's brutal testicular attack. 'No ifs. No buts. You're taking that bitch to Wonka Inc. Do you hear me whore?' When Mr Salt didn't respond immediately she kicked him hard, her pointed boots digging between his ribs. 'DID YOU HEAR ME?' Mr Salt sucked in some air and exhaled once, before muttering the words Mrs Salt wanted to hear. 'I heard you.'[/FONT]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
DeadSeraphim replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Custom Title:[/B] "Sexy Stocking Goddess," eh? Well, if it wasn't for the fact that I know you are not a girl, I'd think you were a woman who likes wearing stockings. Maybe you are a man who likes wearing stockings? [B]Crossdresser, maybe? [/B] Nah. You probably just like women in stockings. Much more logical. Much more non-brain-hurting.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [URL=http://dead-seraphim.net/photoblog/index.php?set=x-d&no=15]Oh darling,[/URL] [URL=http://dead-seraphim.net/photoblog/index.php?set=x-d&no=4]you buzzkill.[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
DeadSeraphim replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][B][U][CENTER]WhiteSalem:[/CENTER] [/U][/B] [I]Screenname[/I]: It reminds me of Sabrina. lol But it's quite mysterious and cool. ^_^ [I]Custom Title:[/I] Aww... no title. *pout* [i]Av and Sig:[/i] You're using the single cutest piece of official pikachu art from Nintendo, ever. I love your banner and av, the white space is extremely effective. Obviously, you appreciate the finer points of pikachu and pokemon. You probably also consider yourself cute. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Jake of Bodom']You know, bands like Korn and Slipknot and Marilyn Manson, that music is just fine, but it's not metal.[/quote] Neither KoRn or Marilyn Manson classify themselves as metal. They both prefer to slot themselves into hard-rock, and KoRn has publicly distanced itself from the metal scene on more than one occasion.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Run into every mob of guards blocking the path, then go back to the fork in the road. Take the left fork, and Paine will say something, and you'll be taking the trees.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Final Fantasy VII. VI story bored me to tears, VIII had [i]the worst[/i] battle system ever, as well as a weak plot and bad field graphics. Having detail is fine, but the detail doesn't show up as much more than garbled pixels outside of the CG sequences. Squall is a particularly bad example of this. FFIX is fun, but far too easy, to be honest, and the same goes for X and X-2. X-2 also suffers from a horrible ending, and the degradation of all the work that went into building Rikku as a strong character in X. We go from an intelligent compassionate young woman to a bubbly blonde in a thong, with such stellar catchphrases as 'poopy'. Nice one SquareEnix. No, really. VII excels where all the other games I mentioned haven't (except graphics, obviously, but I still prefer the anime-esque style of the CG sequences over VII). The plot drew me in, the battles were fluid and the customization was enough to not be too daunting, while offering a lot of power at your fingertips in terms of making a unique character (materia > GFs). Also, I liked [spoiler]the Cloud/Tifa/Aeris love triangle, and, unlike seemingly a lot of people, thought Aeris was a good character, and hated seeing her die.[/spoiler] It was a strong, pivotal plot point though, and pushes it ahead of the other games. And umm... yeah. Note: For the record I could never, [i]ever[/i] bring myself to finish FF8. I hate it that much.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Right? I mean, I haven't seen any 13375P34K for a while...but, surely Patronus is right. I mean, it's a deluge of n00bs, right? Right?[/size][/QUOTE] |)|_||)3, 100 P3|^(3|\|7[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='The Monster']I just heard the outcome of the trial a while ago and Schapelle was found guilty, she didn't get death or a life sentence but she got 20 years and had to pay a fine of 50 million Bali dollars.[/quote] Such a regrettable outcome. I was really hoping that she'd go free, but whatever. I somehow get the feeling she'll end up killing herself during incarceration, especially if the Australian Government can't get her to serve her term in Australia. My heart goes out to the poor woman. :([/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
DeadSeraphim replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I'm going to do Aiyaisha just because I can.... Okay custome Title- you collect panty hose? Maybe you went over board when Target had the brightly colored fishnets out during Yule time (I know I did) and you consider yourself a goddess. Avi and signature-you're a romantic at heart? Why do I keep doing this to myself?[/color][/QUOTE] I love stripes more than fishnets. Red and black stripiness > fishnets. Black and white's good too. ^-^ [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
DeadSeraphim replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][u][B]Delacrois[/B][/u] [I]Overall[/I]: You seemed to be obsessed with that song from A Simple Plan. This is acceptable but regrettable. *unabashed Simple Plan hater, rawr* [I]Username[/I]: It seems... complex. lol And sorta mysterious. Like you, non? I can also discern no way to feasibly pronounce it without screwing up my tongue. _^_ [I]Avatar[/I]: It's very... tough looking. And mean. Especially with the dragon thing. Should I fear you? You look like you'd totally kick my arse in a fight. ... However, on the other hand, I know you to not be that way at all. My interpretation skills need [i]work[/i] dammit. [i]Custom Title[/i]: ...ahem. *points at Overall point* [i]Sig[/i]: You're totally in love with that Unborn Lord Xion dude and... *coughs again* Yeah, let's leavc it at that. =P [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]