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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed']3) They'll lower the price and keep the specs, and Microsoft and Sony will lose hundreds of dollars for every system sold.[/COLOR][/quote] I believe that's been Microsoft's stratedgy for years. lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Grammar Panzer][COLOR=Navy]In my opinion, "Punk" was never alive. I don't see a reason to get attracted to it myself. "Punk" has a few good songs. That's it. There's a slew of more legendary and more thought out music than "Punk". My favorite band, [B]Dream Theater[/B], is my favorite for a reason. It's different from all of this horrible mainstream music you hear nowadays. It's music is more thought-out, and isn't, "OMFG LIFE SUCKS SUICIDE". Sure, they have some angsty songs, like "Just Let Me Breathe". But the lyrics are more insightful, and filled with understanding emotion. Something I can relate to, when overcome with stress. And he music isn't the outstanding three chords you constantly hear either. The band can play, and they flaunt it. Here's my question to "Punk" fans. Why "Punk"? Why do you like these bands when there are ones that are so much better? Try some Rush, Tool, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, dear god, something![/COLOR][/QUOTE] I think it's something called 'personal taste'. You may have heard of it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Art Your current desktop wallpaper thread.
DeadSeraphim replied to Gin-kun's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Mmm. I luff my OS X Tiger. *snuggles*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Two words: Gothic lolita. I'd like to see some of them for real, I think that fashion style is really quite inventive and awesome. All the lace, and stockings, and skirts and yuuuuum. Ahem. Akihibara as a second choice for things to do after the obvious, lol. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][b]Name:[/b] Mick [b]Story:[/b] ?******* hell, what happened to you?? Jim?s sharp, nasal voice cut through Mick?s hung-over mind like a knife. Mick groaned, and ignored the question, instead throwing an arm over his eyes. ?What time is it?? he asked groggily. A slight shuffle was heard as Jim searched for Mick?s phone - it was generally considered a better time-keeper than anything else in the flat. Finally the shuffling stopped tormenting Mick?s screaming brain, signalling that Jim had found the fabled time-piece. ?The time is...? A pause as Jim wrestled with the phone lock. ?Eight fifty-one. We have nine minutes to get to work.? Mick sat bolt upright. ?****.? Later... ?This traffic is ******,? Mick swore as he fumbled with his tie, Jim at the wheel beside him. ?I?ll say. Hasn?t been this bad since that tanker spill a while back.? Mick grunted in acknowledgement, his mind still concerned with the important task of not strangling himself with his own incompetence. ?The hold-ups on the other side of the road too, from what I hear. People just looking.? The radio had delivered a similar report a few minutes ago. ?******* hippies,? Mick muttered. His tie was now safely knotted around his neck, trying desperately to cut off the circulation to his brain and failing. Mick was surly. Jim could tell. Groping desperately in the air Jim remembered how he had found his friend this morning and laughed softly. ?So... what happened last night at the pub? You came home pretty wasted...? This prompted a smile from Mick, a rare event on such a hangover blessed morning. Looking at his friend, a sly grin on his face, Mick pulled a wadded piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, holding it up so Jim could read. On it was the name ?Sandy?, with a phone number scrawled underneath it. ?You mean the hot red head at the bar?? Jim was shocked. Mick nodded slowly. ?Lucky bastard.? ------ For further examples I suggest you check out your own sig dah'link.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Lots of money? Hmm... There'd definitely be a PowerMac or two in there, for starters. Then I'd probably take as much as I need to immigrate Hevn here... and finally music. Lots and lots of music, lol. And maybe some movies. No anime though. :p [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Hack Helba][SIZE=1][B]It's the Subtlety : [/B'] Getting a little more creative with this one. The green striped background seems a bit plain and looks like it was done in MSpaint. Yet again the text is a little on the BIG side. (hehe sorry I know I'm picky)[/SIZE][/quote] The backstory behind that one is priceless, lol. I think it was like, 3, 4am in the morning (for him) and he's come on and thrown me a link and the lyrics to a song from one of the F-Zero games. I've clicked, read the lyrics... at one point in this song (McCloud theme) it's just gone 'It's the subtletyyyyyy' and I cracked up, and he was too. :p Also, the Ritz one above it once inspired him to change his entire online gender. Yeah, it was 3am again. XD In conclusion, Des' banners are awesome.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
DeadSeraphim replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Really, only one quote gets repeatedly replayed in my head. It's a great quote, makes me think deeply about life and all that fun stuff whenever it finds it's way into my thoughts. The social and philosophical implications of this quote just blow my mind. *clears throat* [center][I]'This isn't where I parked my car!'[/I][/center] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :p -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][CENTER]A friend in needs a friend indeed, A friend with weed is better, A friend with breasts and all the rest, A friend who?s dressed in leather, A friend in needs a friend indeed, A friend who?ll tease is better , Our thoughts compressed, Which makes us blessed, And makes for stormy weather, A friend in needs a friend indeed, My japanese is better, And when she?s pressed she will undress, And then she?s boxing clever, A friend in needs a friend indeed, A friend who bleeds is better, My friend confessed she passed the test, And we will never sever, ~Pure Morning, Placebo[/CENTER] A friend is someone who won't judge you, and wills tick through you thick and thin. A friend is someone who laughs at your jokes no matter how stupid, and is there for you when you really screw something up, or need support. A friend shares his Coke (a better friend buys you your own). A friend will bite his tongue about your signifigant other even if he doesn't like her. A friend is a lot of things. A friend is undefinable. :D [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
DeadSeraphim replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Shinmaru: Your sig suggests a few things. A) You don't take yourself seriously and B) You're too lazy to make your own damn banners. Also shows that you and Arcadia are [i]close[/i], or, alternatively, that you are doing that crazy stalker thing. Also, it links to one of - if not the - best Super Mario themed blogs ever. That's major props, you know. Your av shows an appreciation of the finer points of the Simpsons, specifically [b]Rex Banner[/b], who you have an unnatural (is there any other kind?) fascination with. Remember Shin, denial only makes it worse. It also shows that in this case you were too lazy to even ask Sen to make the av - it screams MSPaint!!! Your username is Shinmaru, and not much can be said concerning that. [COLOR=Black]'Hmm, insight into the mind of Michael via his SN! Let's see, Shinmaru, Shinmaru.... what the **** is a Shinmaru?'[/COLOR] Possibly it could mean you did the fun 'string random syllables together' thing to figure it out. Maybe. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I don't like his hardline Catholic stance like Baron... and I think he looks like the Emperor from Star Wars. So did a few others [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pope_Benedict_XVI&direction=prev&oldid=12526972]evidently[/URL] .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]In my school, it's a matter of finding a cubicle with a working latch and without the stench of deoderant and cigarettes. After that's done, make sure the floor isn't covered in a quarter of an inch of water, and then, and only then, use the toilet. My school has horrible toilets. Therefore, I don't use toilets in school. Otherwise I don't care about public toilets, lol. The big brick and mortar ones that the government puts in parks in Australia can be nasty, but for the most part they're clean and usable (and have constant supply of toilet paper, which mine quite often [b]does not[/b]).[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming The rumor bin... Where nobody knows what they're talking about.
DeadSeraphim replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Sage]Actually, I'm baffled that people are crying for a remake of FFVII, when they can still play the original game. Are flashy graphics really [I]that[/I'] important? Everybody should realize that no matter how well they would re-make it, it couldn't give the same experience as the original.[/quote] No, but seeing the game's visuals fully realised as opposed to the chunkiness that it possesses on PS1 would be nice. Consider the scope of the game, and how much it pushed the (understood) graphical capabilities of PS1 at the time, then think of what's possible now. Updating it for PS2/3, with the much more powerful graphics engines would not only do the original vision more justice, but also introduce a whole new generation of gamers to a game that they wouldn't look at it otherwise. Not to mention there's a lot of people who *do* want to play it, but can't get a copy cause it's out of print. But yeah. *drops 2 cents in the basket* =P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo]On a scale of awesome to awesome, that movie's right up there with the awesome. ... Yeah, I liked it, lol. Nice link.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][U][B][CENTER]Veruca Salt[/CENTER][/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [B][U]Parent/Guardian:[/U][/B] Mr. Salt. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 14 [B][U]Vice:[/U] [/B]Candy/Sweets. [B][U]Biography:[/U][/B] ?She?s interesting, isn?t she?? Sissy studied the contents of the manilla folder carefully, his free hand brushing a stray green hair out of his eyes. He?d been studying it for half an hour, since the child had arrived at the front gates. It never got old. His companion, Slut, walked over and peered over his shoulder, his knee high boots clicking and clacking on the hard concrete floor of the lab. An orange hand carefully placed reading glasses on the tip of his nose and silence filled the room for a long moment. ?Well?? ?I agree. She?s quite interesting.? Sissy turned to his companion, a green eyebrow raised. ?Is that all you have to say? ?I agree??? Slut grinned and leaned into his friend, a hand resting gently on Sissy?s knee. ?Well... when I say interesting you know [i]exactly[/i] what I mean...? Sissy giggled and looked away, before looking back, carnal lust in his eyes. He leaned forward, and the two oompah loompahs? faces came closer and closer, lips pursed for the inevitable conclusion... ?Sissy, Slut, how goes your research?? Wonka?s sharp voice suddenly filled the room and Slut scrambled away, a deep shade of red staining his orange cheeks. ?Err... it?s good,? Sissy managed as he tried to compose himself. ?Umm... fantastic actually.? Wonka strode through the room, his lithe form cutting the tension and settled himself in the chair beside Sissy. He crossed one knee over the other and grinned wide. ?Do tell.? Breathing deep to himself and hoping his hands weren?t trembling too much, Sissy reached into the folder and pulled out a wad of paper, leafing through it for the information he thought Mr Wonka would appreciate most. He was a busy man, after all, and the children had already arrived and were waiting. ?She?s 14, from an upper middle class home...? Wonka yawned slightly. ?And incredibly spoilt. She?s had absolutely everything she ever wanted handed to her on a silver platter.? Wonka?s interest piqued. ?Do go on.? ?For example... you?ll see at 10 she requested her first gimp...? ?A gimp at 10?! Oh, please do go into this!? Genuine mirth was plastered over the eccentric?s face, and he was clutching his knee and leaning forward in anticipation. ?Well, her parents both had a gimp each. She was quite jealous... so they got her her own.? Wonka leaned back, disappointed. ?She?s kept it on a tight leash ever since. You?ll find it?s even in the factory at this moment.? ?But only a paren--? A large wide grin. ?Exactly. You?ll find Mr Salt is quite a submissive character.? Wonka chuckled to himself and got to his feet, rubbing his chin. This was an interesting twist. ?Anything else I should know, Sissy?? Sissy shrugged. ?She?s stubborn, rude, and will give you no end of trouble. And she loves candy... especially lollipops.? Wonka clapped his hands together. ?Brilliant!? With that he strode out of the room, ready to make formal introductions to the children and their parents. As the door shut behind him Slut came out of hiding. ?Where were we?? Sissy giggled... [B][U]Appearance:[/U] [/B]?Daaaaaddy...? Veruca?s voice cut through the record store like a knife, high and whining. A man dressed head to toe in shining black latex shuffled out of the ?Oldies? section and stared at his daughter through the eye holes in his gimp mask. ?Yes darling?? His voice was muffled by the zip, but Veruca didn?t care. ?Buy me this!? she demanded, holding up an album, ?Wonka Records: The Best of?. Mr Salt studied it for a moment, then looked back at his daughter. Her slight form was clothed in black thigh high stockings with stiletto pumps, and a sleeveless leather dress with a tight bodice and flaring skirt complimenting the dark black eye shadow around her eyes. It made her look like a panda, especially with the pale foundation and black hair. But it wasn?t his place to voice his opinion. Finally, he uttered a feeble sigh. ?I don?t think mummy would appro--? he began, but found himself cut short when Veruca yanked viciously on his chain, bringing his head down to her level. ?I don?t give a **** what mummy thinks. Buy it for me. Now.? She released the chain suddenly and Mr Salt went wheeling backward, suddenly unbalanced. When he finally regained his balance he took the CD from his daughter?s hands. ?Yes honey.? --- It was in the car ride on the way home when Mr Salt heard the fateful words. ?Oh, wow. Daddy I got a gold ticket!?[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Petie][font=Verdana][color=blue]Unfortunately though, there's really only one way to blick spy ware and that's to avoid getting it to begin with. It's not easy to do but to start, never run anything online that says something like "You must click yes to continue" unless it is from a trusted company (like Microsoft's Windows Update for instance). Other than that, just keep doing what you're doing to remove it and it should help a little at least.[/color'][/font][/quote] Windows Update? I thought you said trusted company. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure with SpyBot S & D you have a few options to stop it getting on your comp to begin with. The one that springs to mind is 'immunize', but I'm sure there's another option in there somewhere, lol. The best advice is to just stay away from dodgy sites and software though.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I half-heartedly follow AFL (one of three football codes in Australia), but that's about all, lol. Australia revolves around cricket, NRL and AFL, and of those three only AFL is interesting. Cricket is... yeah. Boring as hell. I've never understood the fascination, it's like baseball but lamer. o.O (Though baseball is pretty lame to begin with, lol). And NRL is filled with people who have necks thicker than their thighs. At least the AFL has decently proportioned people and is relatively fast. _^_ As for participation... eh. Generally no, lol. If it's just a kick around thing, that's fine, but I'm not about to join the local [insert sport] club. I hate the sports mentality Australia has enough, I don't want to suddenly be a part of it, heh. Besides which, when you start to play competitively what little fun there may have been in the game goes out the window, lol. In short: I'm not a sporty person. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Hybrid/]What is a game with a very bad ending, discuss this in the thread. I would have to say that Final Fantasy X has a very bad ending.[/QUOTE] That's cause it's meant to have a sequel! Which, by the way, had a bloody terrible ending. XD Worse ending I ever found was in Altered Beast for the MegaDrive. OMG, battle through x amount of levels with the ****** controller, and, basically, 'congratulations! =D' It was so frustrating, especially because the gameplay didn't amount to much.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It seemed like I was experienceing the nightmare along with him, your description and writing in the last bit was fantastic. I have no idea what crit. I could give (partly cause I suck at crit. and partly cause I'm sinfully lazy, lol), so I'll just say that it was awesome. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I semi-use myO. lol I haven't utilized it's actual blogging aspect for any extended period of time for almost a year now, and pretty much use it to clue people in on when my real blog has been updated and to screw about with the layout. It gets neglected otherwise. I first joined myO way back in October 2003, when the service was still a baby and it took 15 visits or so to break the big 500. I think there was less than three thousand people, and less than two thousand of those actually used the service, lol. Otherwise it was just name-grabbing. =P Also we had none of this fancy colour changing stuff, and it was more of a challenge to create a nice looking page... and on the same token, harder to make a horrible one. Customization pretty much wasn't there when I joined, lol. Shinmaru was in his element, I can assure you. XP[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='gaarasgirl90][FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkRed]Well they aren't asking wether or not you would want to live like that! This is her, she can't say wether or not she would want to die and you all just assumn that she would, but what if you knew that maybe you could be normal again?[/COLOR']. [/FONT][/quote] But there's no chance for her to be normal again. Even if she recovered from the coma, she would be a vegetable - she has brain damage severe enough to restrict her from ever recovering. And really, ask yourself - would you want to live like that? You've had brain damage for nigh on 15 years, you can't feed yourself, you can't walk yourself, you're pretty much a mental incompetent. In essence you're dead weight, you're useless. I don't know anyone, really, who'd be comfortable with picturing themself in that existence. As many have stated, they'd prefer to be dead.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The title says it all, basically. What, in your opinion, was the best live show you've seen? What made it enjoyable? Did you get stamped by idiots wearing heels in the mosh? *bitterness* For me, it's a toss up between Jet and The Darkness. Understand, I don't actually enjoy these bands at all, lol, but I was at Big Day Out, and wandering back and forward between stages makes it so you'll see someone you don't like eventually. I actually stuck around for Jet and The Darkness, though (as opposed to leaving immediately like Black Eyed Peas :rolleyes: ) and they were the best shows I saw all day, bar none. With The Darkness it was just... exhilirating. The guys, particularly the lead singer, knew [i]exactly[/i] how to work the crowd, and filled the stage completely. His performance was also spot on too, and he nailed pretty much every power-falsetto The Darkness are famous for, lol. When he had a costume change mid performance it was even better - the guys were really into glamming it up, and giving the crowd a good time, and they did it well. As for Jet, I initially didn't [i]mean[/i] to stick around. But I got pressed against a security fence and eventually squeezed into the mosh, so I didn't get much choice in the matter, lol. It was fun nonetheless, as, like The Darkness, Jet knew how to work the crowd. The atmosphere they generated was electric, and it was just enjoyable being there, watching all these people go off their nut for Jet, lol. And getting swept up. ^_^; And yeah... I think I should also give honourable mention to the Mars Volta, but this post is long enough, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I do file sharing, but only with friends. I detest the P2P networks, and there's nothing that can make me go onto them. With friends I have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm not getting a virus, the music is actually ripped properly and they won't log off halfway through the download. Also, I can get ahold of bands that is otherwise impossible. Apocalypse Hoboken or Aquabats, for example, I could [i]never[/i] find in Oz, but I've heard them through file sharing, and enjoy them immmensely. Jack Off Jill is another band I've heard through file sharing, and Manson, and I later went on to buy their albums. So it's not all bad.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Please Burn the "What Made You Cry?" Thread
DeadSeraphim replied to AzureWolf's topic in Help & Feedback
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Luminus']I have a suggestion. Create a "Notify Moderator" button at the bottom of each thread. That way, when anyone sees a spoiler without a tag, they can notify a moderator who can easily show up and edit the thread title with the word "SPOILERS".[/quote] We have one of those buttons. It's the little exclamation mark in the top right of posts. ^_~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Shinmaru']EDIT: Excellent. My horrible former username will still remain a mystery...at least if certain people keep their mouths shut![/quote] Hey, whatever happened to that mirai_torankusu guy?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]