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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]And here I was thinking it was a look into the nature of love... and it's another well written Jamie detective drama. This sounds good, I can't wait to see more. The murderer (for me) has really been painted a cold and heartless. ^_^ Good work. Must see more. =)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]That'd be because it's actually a 1500 character limit but the last '0' is cut off, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]First time I went to the movies, I think I was 3 years old, and my Mum took me. I remember the theatre was this big performing arts complex thing, and looked like someone had just layed a cinder block on it's side, lol. Ugly. And. Grey. The film we saw was the movie version of 'Blinky Bill', a TV show based on some semi-famous Australian books. I remember nothing of it, lol, I only remember the trip to, and the fact we sat [i]right[/i] down the front on my insistance. My mother fell asleep too.... oh well, lol. I haven't even heard of the movie since. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Kitty][color=blue][size=1]Being able to post without worrying about forgetting the codes? That would be awesome! I have two computers, but I can only be online on one at a time. So, right now, I'm using our iMac. But the stupid thing won't let me highlight my post and use the scroll down menus for size and color. Instead, I have to type the codes each time. It's a big pain in the butt... Customization would make it so much easier. xD[/size][/color][/QUOTE] What browser are you using? lol I have absolutely no problems using FireFox, which is the best choice at the moment for Mac browsing, lol. If you're using Mac IE I could understand... though I don't condone your choice, haha. This idea would be awesome, and if we're getting it in it'd save me heaps of work, lol. Highlighting and adding styles is a pain, especially when you adds as many as me. ^_^; Though, could I suggest you don't have it apply everywhere? In the arena it could just become annoying, frankly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]But err... they are continuing without Head. In fact, they have announced no plans to break up after the CD at all. They started recording the CD after Head negotiated his leave, lol, so I'd hardly say it's the end. It'll be different KoRn, to be sure, but it'll still be KoRn, and Fieldy, Munk, Jon and David have [i]no[/i] plans of breaking up any time soon, lol. [i]The more you know...[/i][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Lol.... Pussies are wonderful, I agree. And so is this poem, your love of felines is obvious. ^_~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I'm much closer to my Mum than my Dad. Me and my Mum can talk about anything, and it's, in general, a very good relationship. With Dad though, everything is strained and we rarely [i]talk[/i]. It's kinda sad really. _^_ With my siblings I'm better with my step sister than brother, but that's still not great. I can't handle children, lol. They're nice kids... usually... but eh. I just can't cement any real bonds with them. It's likely cause of their age but meh. lol Or it could be because I'm very much like my mother's family - a family which hates physical contact and emotional displays - and they're like Dad's (the opposite). How my parents ever got together is amazing. o.O;; That said, people I really trust get to see a more affectionate side of me, that likes the warmer side of things but eh... none of those people are family, lol. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Ryan][size=1] 1.) Marilyn Manson 2.) Relient K Pretty big gap in there. Satanic to Christian Punk. o.O; [/size][/QUOTE] I'd hardly call Manson Satanic, lol. His music is about problems in society, mainly. And he happens to see Christianity as the perpetrator as most of those problems, thusly he attacks it, lol. For me, I love KoRn (miss you Head ;-; ), Manson, David Bowie, Hilltop Hoods and Jack Off Jill. At the moment, I'm also on an Apocalypse Hoboken kick too, thanks to Tony, lol. I tend to enjoy anything with a good, upbeat tempo, lol. Jesus this thread is ancient. My first reply is almost redundant, lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Here you go.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I have problems with authority, lol. So if I don't like whoever is imposing rules I'm usually very lax in my application of them. However, if I like the person I'm likely to follow them... maybe. Most 'rules' are common sense anyway though, so it's usually not too much trouble to abide by them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Whee. Enjoy.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I have incredibly dark brown hair, and the most I can do with it is bleach it before applying any coolness. The most I did with my hair HAS been dying it jet black. You could only really tell in the sun, lol, at which point you'd see it come up as a really navy colour. It was cool, lol. I want to die my hair proper blue, but eh. I'm poor and lazy. These things are stacked against me, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Lol... nice thread Kat... no really. =d Anyone who knows me pretty much knows my thoughts on gender. I believe greatly in equality, and hate chauvenism with a [i]passion[/i]. At the same time though, I love the concepts of nobility and chivalry, which kinda make the role of the woman submissive, but that's more of a romantic notion than a practicle notion I actually apply. ^_^; I think though, that too much emphasis is placed on women having equality, to the point where in some places it has nearly become reverse sexism. I mean, a woman filing a sexual harassment complaint in a workplace would be taken extremely seriously - they don't want to be objectified after all, that's not equal. But a guy? 'Suck it up mate, someone likes ya.' I guess what I'm trying to say is that while women are now treated as more than subhumans, the stigmas and ideals of the past still apply heavily to men. The woman has gained the right to be openly masculine if she desires, but men still haven't gained the right to be openly feminine. The closest society has achieved so far is the 'metrosexual', and that's just become a running joke for the majority (at least in my experience). Would I dare cross dress openly at my school? Of course not, I'd probably be told to go home, or forced off campus. But a woman would just get a few disapproving looks from older men [if she wore male clothes], but would otherwise suffer no repercussions. It's a prime example that we aren't living in a equal society.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Ninjas are obviously superior to Cowboys and Pirates. Honestly, how can you not love a ninja? Those black pyjamas are adorable. And the little fwoosh noises they make when they throw ninja stars just triple that adorableness. Despite that, when I was little I wanted to be a Transformer. Or a Ninja Turtles. I would've been happy with either. Edit: [url=http://www.frozenreality.co.uk/comic/bunny/index.php?id=116]Click for enlightenment[/url][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]In reality I would've said 'fuck it' to the murder and stayed with her you know... but I digress. Great chapter, the dinner scene was well written, despite what you may think. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I can PM you some code that would hide it if you want... but it doesn't completely get rid of it. =/ I hope the option to delete it is brought in with the next batch of changes, heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='AzureWolf']The server is being moved. It never hurts to check out theOtaku, haha. Otherwise, I would have just kept trying to get on.[/plug][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The server move has already happened. All this is a result of the server move. And theO is just giving me code, heh, no news. ^_~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Juuthena][size=1]I got 26 refreshes from getting from the main index to suggestions to this subforum to this thread and replying to your post, haha. And yeah, I got the cPanel page for quite a bit too. Then myO kinda worked for a bit, only it was all text + links without colours. Now it's all to folders. I keep sneezing and I need to whine about it. I'd better not be allergic to my hair.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=arial][color=indigo][size=1]So many rants are going unranted! This better be fixed soon, I can forsee Shin exploding from the effort of not ranting. Note: Using Quick Reply to keep from getting more of those errors. It. *******. Sucks. =.=[/size][/color][/font]
  19. [quote name='Juuthena][size=1']When I go to myOtaku.com, I get a file directory. Has me very panicked here indeed. >>[/size][/quote] [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]myOtaku just isn't working period for me. It's gone, says it can't find the host. As for the problems at OB... I counted [b]30[/b] refreshes trying to post in this thread. =.="[/color][/size][/font]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I don't see why it matters, lol. I've never had any problems with the design, and I don't see how letting people see who mods what helps any. =P It's not like they're in danger of not knowing who not to piss off, lol, cause that's usually pretty obvious as soon as you catch a glimpse at a mod's post or forum stickies, heheh. Also, I don't think the second idea is possible, heh. Limitations of the software.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]I felt sorry for kagome-chan... till I hear about the plasma! >=O Lucky newbies.... I reiterate: You rock at this Jamie. Reallyreally do.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [quote name='Zidargh]There was this one called [b]'Fizzimo'[/b'], and it was basically what we call an 'Ice Cream Float' in a can. Soda and icecream = Gorgeousness.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]We call them spiders in Australia... or at least Queensland, lol. There's some pretty annoying small differences between language in Australian states, haha. A product like that has been released in Australia though, by Fanta who I think are an offshoot of Coca Cola, lol. Chocolate icecream and orange fizzy stuffs is nice, heh. On the ads some guy is just innocently drinking Fanta and an icecream catapault launches a huge scoop at him. It's amusing, lol. However, that said, plain coke and vanilla icecream would've been more L337.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Hevn][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Hmm... yes. I remember it was Ramadan when you wrote this...and I was actually not logging on AIM so you said I was missing, lol. I love the [COLOR=Plum][B]Examinator[/B][/COLOR]. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] That wasn't an easy time. I missed you a lot. _^_ So the logical response was to write an extra special n00b Hunter about it. =D This is the last one I've written... There's another one being written... but it goes slowly, heh. Enjoy, I guess. ^_^; [url]http://dead-seraphim.net/other/n00bhunter/[/url] for all stories and some extra gubins. Till I get the motivation to remove the prompt, the password is 'fuckme' *cough* Yeah.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Buddy Movie (Part 2) The inside of the forums was just like a nightclub. Horrible, beepy game music wailed out from huge speakers, and hundreds of thousands of n00bs performed crotch thrusts and the robot in time with a non-existant rhythm. AjehMan was tempted to dance, but the idea of accidentally setting off the Examinator, not to mention having his pay CRUELLY STOLEN by Shinmaru, changed his mind about it pretty quick. The pair weaved through the crowd, largely unnoticed by the n00bs. until they came to the centre of the forums, where, held in a large cage, was a woman. Attached to the veins on her wrist were two long tubes, each injecting thick green sludge into her body. A sign above the cage announced that this was Hevn, and she was being held captive as a sign of 'triumph' against the hunter Alan. Shinmaru's fists were clenched hard at his side as he saw the horrible site, but AjehMan didn't notice. He just knew this was their quarry, and it was their job to get her out. He hefted the gun, and pointed it at the large Trollz that guarded the door to the cage. Shinmaru noticed this, and motioned for him to continue. And he did. --- The pair were running like their lives depended on it (and goddamn, it did!), being chased by the largest group of n00bs either had ever seen. Hevn, only semi-conscious, was slung over Shinmaru's shoulder, and was moaning softly as she struggled to awaken properly. This was happening incredibly quickly, much to Shinmaru's chagrin, though AjehMan didn't know why, 'FREEDOM!' Ajeh roared, as he burst out of the gates of Go-Gaia. Unfortunately, they sudenly found themselves face to face with not one, but FOUR jcgoudys. AjehMan lifted the Examinator and fired it at the closest, but upon penetrating the bullet disappeared. 'We're boned,' he said matter-o-factly. Shinmaru scowled. Indeed they were. And in a big way. 'We have one hope,' the Kingpin said softly. He shook Hevn softly until the poor, pale woman woke up. She groaned and grabbed her head. 'What time is it?' she asked groggily. Shinmaru smiled sweetly. Oh God, it was so cliched and adorable. Too bad their lives were resting on her BEING AWAKE. 'It's about 5 in the afternoon,' he said, plucking a time out of the air. 'But that doesn't matter. Do you remember where you've been for the last month?' His voiced was strained and he was urging her to answer quickly. 'I was... asleep.' Her voice certainly advertised so, and AjehMan would've been inclined to accept that if Shinmaru didn't seem so damn hurried. 'FUCK,' the kingpin roared. They were cornered at all sides, the jcgoudys were getting ever closer, and their one hope for survival was suffering from AMNESIA. Man, they were boned. Finally, he thought to try his last, lowdown dirty trick. Standing the woman properly on her feet, he lent in and whispered in her ear, 'Alan's dead.' And damn did he regret it. At once the woman's eyes transformed from their deep chestnut colour to golden and cat-like. Wings tore from her back and a halo manifested around her head. All marks of a half-n00b, and only ever obtainable by a botched sane-to-n00b conversion process. A conversion process AjehMan and Shinmaru had gate crashed. Hevn turned around and surveyed the gathered jcgoudys who were now crouched to pounce. Her eyes openned wide slightly for a moment and each exploded, coating them all in blood, mucus, and, most-disgustingly, feces. Even in the circumstances, AjehMan, did NOT need to be covered in feces. I mean, seriously, that is GROSS. At once, Hevn, exhausted, collapsed and reverted, having expended what little energy she had in destroying the mighty, earth shattering n00bs. AjehMan and Shinmaru didn't waste her sacrifice, and darted through the gap, with Shinmaru sweeping low to pick her up as they dashed away to freedom... --- 'She doesn't remember anything?' Alan asked, looking at Hevn's sleeping form. He was in Shinmaru's myO, watching the woman sleep peacefully. 'Nothing,' Shinmaru confirmed. 'Not even the fuxxored conversion?' 'Not even the escape.' Alan smiled, which seemed odd to AjehMan, standing in the corner, given the circumstances. 'Good.' He left the myO without a word.
  24. Always. The night is quiet, and it's only us, alone but happy. The endless sky stretches out before us, a twinkling canvas, as infinte as our love, as beautiful as every word you softly speak... I smile, and lean over close to you, placing subtle kisses on your throat. This love, our love is eternal.
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You were writing this so well I forgot it was Newbies for a while there. You're a fantastic writer Jamie, and the killer's monologue (or I think it's the killer) demonstrates your L337 skillz perfectly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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