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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I sense intrigue! This chapter roxxors. Good work, especially with ther err... displays of affection. *blush* Though it was L337 period. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]*picks his favourite bits out of the article*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE] The girls wrote letters of apology to Young. Taylor's letter, written a few days after the episode, said in part: "I didn't realize this would cause trouble for you. ... I just wanted you to know that someone cared about you and your family." The families had offered to pay Young's medical bills if she would agree to indemnify the families against future claims. Young wouldn't sign the agreement. She said the families' apologies rang false and weren't delivered in person. The matter went to court.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]That disturbs me most, heh. They were obviously freaking out about it, and she turns down their apology and [i]sues them[/i]? Smooth one.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE] Young said she believes that the girls should not have been running from door to door late at night. "Something bad could have happened to them," she said.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Not only are the people in question [U]17 and 18[/U], but they had parental permission, and this woman was the only one NOT to enjoy the treat. Seems like she's just covering her *** with that statement, lol. And yeah, lol. You know, I've never heard about something like this happening outside of the US of A. Makes you think. :p[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Mod choices are up to James - if he thinks you've got the right stuff he'll ask you, lol. I don't think I'd turn down a chance to mod OB (or at least certain sections of OB), but at the same time the staff right now are extremely talented at what they do. Panda, Lady A etc are are so good at what they do finding a replacement as good as or better than them would be extremely difficult. And as a personal note to Morpheus: It seems you want all the power but none of the work. ^_~ I'll have you know Shy put's a lot of work and thought into the Events, more than most people are aware of.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Alan, a n00b Hunter? No, never. :rolleyes: Seriously though, it's good, even if your languag does get a bit repitious in places. Especially in that first paragraph. There was a lot of walking going on. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Earlier that day: 'So, we drink the goop, we become cool animal-mutants like the Ninja Turtles?' 'Totally dude. Totally.' Present: 'We're grasshoppers.' 'Shuddup.' 'Frickin GRASSHOPPERS'[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I'm lazy. This is the last one I wrote before my muse went on semi-permanent vacation. It comes in two parts, heh, so enjoy this first part of the last chapter to this point.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Buddy Movie (Part 1) AjehMan stood outside of Shinmaru's myO, whistling softly to himself. He had been called by the Kingpin a few days ago, but only just got around to checking his Private Messages, so he was hoping the offer of a job wasn't already taken by someone more willing to eviscerate n00b scum, like Alan or his new apprentice Juuthena. Knowing his luck, it already was, and yet again he'd have to root through James's garbage for food. Finally Shinmaru opened the door, and AjehMan was relieved to see not only was he smiling, but he was holding a big wad of visits. Yes! The job hadn't been stolen from under his lethargic nose! 'Come in, come in,' the Kingpin said, gesturing as AjehMan almost pissed himself with relief at having an INCOME. When the spry young superhero made no discernable attempt to move, Shinmaru grabbed him by the cuff of his army fatigues and dragged him inside, finally depositing him on a large, Progressive Boink shaped chair. Sitting down on a likeness of his own face across from him, Shinmaru looked at his chosen mercenary and tossed a wad of visits onto his lap. 'There's the down payment,' he said. 'You finish the job correctly... and you get the rest.' AjehMan practically drooled over the visits in his lap. Damn, he was a RICH MOTHERFUCKER today. He would've eaten the bills right there to protect them in his stomach, if it wasn't Ramadan. With it he could buy... Emails! HER email, with this cash. His mind weighed all the possibilities with fervor. Finally, he tore his gaze away from his new babies, pocketing them, and asked the question that had been on his mind all day. 'What am I doing exactly?' Shinmaru grinned and reached under the cushions on his face, and pulled out the single biggest gun AjehMan had ever laid his eyes on. It was absolutely huge, over two feet long, and on its barrel read one word 'Examinator'. 'You're gonna fire this beast for me!' Shinmaru said. AjehMan raised an eyebrow. His mouth rolled around about three smart-ass comments, trying to select the right one to appropriately 0wnz3d Shinmaru, till his brain cut in and said that'd probably lose him the job. Finally, he formed a response. 'Sure!' Shinmaru smiled widely. A winner is you! his subconscious told him. He tossed the gun to AjehMan and stood up, stretching a bit and scratching his back. 'Off to Go-Gaia then!' 'Ye-what?!?!?!' AjehMan was shocked and scared. Go-Gaia was damn dangerous, especially for a n00b Hunter. Because, you know, all the n00bs. 'We're going to Go-Gaia.' Shinmaru raised an eyebrow. 'Unless you want me to take the visits off of your hands...' AjehMan shook his head vigorously. 'No, lead on.' His stomach, and brain, and possibly his pinky toes, were telling him this was a bad idea. The visits, however, thought otherwise, and was telling AjehMan that following Shinmaru to one of the single largest n00b infestations on the planet was not only a good idea, but in his best interests. Obviously, at that moment in time, the visits were doing the thinking for him. --- Go-Gaia was a huge place, with almost no room for the normal, sane members that inhabited the internet. It was a sprawling city, constructed with spam and inhabited by anime n00bs and Trollz alike. A few, powerful mods kept the rabble from spilling out into the internet, but otherwise it was chaos. As the pair stood outside this sprawling place, AjehMan with the Examinator resting on his shoulder and Shinmaru wishing his pet monkey OtakuSennen was there, it suddenly struck AjehMan that he had no idea why he was here. 'What exactly are we doing here?' he asked. 'Saving Hevn,' Shinmaru said plainly. AjehMan stopped. 'As in, Alan's missing sidekick Hevn?' Shinmaru nodded. 'The very same.' 'Why hasn't he come to get her?' he demanded, almost knocking the trigger on his gargantuan gun. Shinmaru stopped dreaming about spanking the monkey and turned to AjehMan. He stared deep into the youths eyes, hoping to find some kind of intellect, but came up short. He sighed. 'This is ALAN, we're talking about, don't you think he would've got her already if he could? He asked me to help because he was in a massive bind...' AjehMan was silent for a moment. 'Good point.' There was an awkward silence for a moment till AjehMan started to walk towards the gargantuan fortress of n00biness. Without a word (and knowing plainly that AjehMan had no idea where he was going) Shinmaru followed. They only stopped when AjehMan reached the Town Square, and realized, in a quick, painful fashion, that they were lost. 'Fuck,' he cursed. 'Fuck?' 'Yeah fuck.' 'Why fuck?' 'I dunno where we're going.' 'To the forums, of course.' The manner in which Shinmaru said this was so infuriating that AjehMan felt like slapping him down. Of course, he didn't. It was a LOT of visits on the line, after all. 'Well, umm... lead the way?' Shinmaru grinned lop-sidedly. Then, without a word, walked off in the direction of the forums. AjehMan hastily followed, but due to a general aura of clumsiness, accidentally set off the Examinator. And suddenly knew why Shinmaru wanted him to fire it. The Examinator drove a bullet a foot long and six inches thick into the skull of a lurking Troll, sending Ajeh reeling with the force. Mere moments after the bullet introduced itself to the Troll's brain it exploded, taking out about fifty n00bs around it in the blast. 'BE CAREFUL WITH THAT THING!' Shinmaru warned as he entered the forums. AjehMan gulped and quickly followed.
  7. Yesterday, Revisited The screen was a blank canvas and he stared at it, hoping somehow, someway, he could write a post. It'd have to be a brilliant post, that showed his feelings and emotions for her with eloquence unheard of. But nothing was coming. So he posted the one thing he could think of. 'I love you.'
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]There is skins. We have two, heh, check out the bottom of your page. The thing should say Liquid but you can change it to Geisha, though I'm pretty sure another skin is planned for v7.5. As for everything else you said, I've no clue what you're talking about. Sorry, heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Highschool is a slow, monotonous trudge through fashion trends and superficiality. Seriously, I fricking hate high school. I'm doing my fourth (and second last) year of high school this year, and it's only gotten worse for me as I went along. I came into Year 8 with some optimism and ethusiasm, and I genuinely believed it would be the best years of my life. But now, 3 years and countless lost friends later, it's just become a chore for me. The work more often than not bores me, the politics between different groups of social (and often drug-******) butterflies makes me cringe. Maybe it's because I (and a lot of my friends) are naturally loners, but who is in the 'in crowd' and who is being shunned for some miniscule foul play just doesn't interest me, and if it doesn't interest you... Well, you suffer for it and go into the 'out crowd', heh. As mentioned, the work bores me, and the added burden of homework drives me nuts. I mean, they can't possibly expect me to want to learn [i]quadratic formula[/i] outside of a compulsory Maths class, can they? It makes no sense to me, and, apparently, our Premier (like the Governor of a state), as he made moves to have homework abolished a while back. Smart man, our Premier. lol Too bad he failed. u.u And yeah. Obviously, I haven't had the best experience with high school one could wish for, heh. But I definitely detest the concept because of it. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The Velegant servers are being upgraded soon, so the problem should be wiped out when it happens.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Jame = L337 at writing murder mysteries. Seriously. Obviously, I like this chapter, lol. It's really got that CSI feel about it, it's quite distinct. The autopsy scene especially demonstrates it well. And yeah. Good work. :)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]This'd work better if you were more focussed, I think. Mayhap you can work on that in Chapter 1? ;) Otherwise it's pretty good, if you can work through the unfocussed bits. =P [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Have I been typecast as a gritty and violent? I'm not sure. XD This is awesome. The tone is dark (which I may or may not have proved I like) and the detective spin is one that hasn't been done before... without randomness comedy. It reads really well, too. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I love Pepsi Max. Adore the stuff, lol. I have no idea why, either, but I think I started drinking it when I was 8 and have never looked back. XD I like the taste, and the fact it has no sugar and usually more caffeine stuff. Apart from that I like the occasional Sarspirella, and Solo. Solo just tastes good, and I can down them in one. And sarspirella is a really lazy drink, and I associate it with hot Sundays. =P Oh, and of course I like Coke and whatnot, but it's a 'drink it cause it's there kind of thing'. I don't choose it if I have a choice.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The lyrics of this song make me think it would go best to very distorted guitar, and doing the whole hard rock/metal thing, heh. But I could envision any lyrics to metal. XD That aside, I like this. It's quite cool, and I like how you haven't bound yourself to making everything rhyme, as a lot of song writers I know do. The lead in and lead out bits are quite cool and fitting, too.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]If I had a million, it's quite probable I'd put a good $300 000 in the bank, lol, to accumulate interest. =P All the rest would be blown on stuff, of course, like, say, two $30 000 PowerMac G5s, lol. And I'd probably spend enough to get Hevn in Australia and set her up for life. ^_^; Oh, and can't forget bribing the education system to get me my senior certificate. >>;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Would you like your name on it, and a matching av? Edit: Screw it, I just assumed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I was always of the opinion that people who played Mod a lot were trying to get James to notice them... lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. Not No 1 Overseer 'Goddamit it, that Tek let another group get buried,' groaned the first slave. 'Yeah, he's one of the worst overseers I've ever worked for.' The second slave was similarly annoyed. The pair kept pulling their sandstone block in silence, till the first slave looked down and noticed he was knee deep in sand. 'Fucking Tek.'
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Pretty much most of my fave bands have been introduced to me by friends. In fact of my top five, four are referals, lol. I remember my friend Brenton got me into KoRn about two years ago, when we were playing TH4. He put it on whilst we played, lol, and he lent me Follow the Leader, and I'm completely infatuated with them now. KoRn is my god, lol. Brenton also introduced me to Frenzal Rhomb, Hilltop Hoods, The Herd, Rage Against the Machine, Outkast, System of a Down and Frank Zappa. He's a cool guy, but he's a bit of a pompous arsehole when it comes to music, lol. He's never let me forget he introduced me to those bands. -.- Mitch initially introduced me to Marilyn Manson, and on his teaser (he only sent me Coma White), I asked Semjaza Azazel for some recommendations, and I've bought three of his albums since. They have a sound that I really enjoy, and I treat it like an alternative to KoRn for when it gets too heavy, for even me, heh. Semjaza also introduced me to Bad Religion via his radio.blog. He has awesome taste in the music thing, he does. lol The lovely Aleia introduced me to Jack Off Jill a couple of months back when she sent me a couple of mp3s off the album 'Clear Hearts Grey Flowers', then sent me the CD for Christmas. XD I love Jessicka's voice, and know that I'm not the only one infatuated with it *coughShinmarucough* Juuthena has got me interested in Kitty and Muse but I'm yet to act on them and buy any albums yet, heh. I'm waiting for birthday money. ^_^; Also, my Mum got me into The Doors when I was younger, and Pearl Jam more recently, but I haven't had the initiative to buy any of their albums yet either. And yeah. lol. I'm probably missing a lot, but I think this post is jam packed as it is. XD [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. It... was revolting. The music they played in this tavern was unlike anything Rail had ever heard before, and thankfully so. The low, almost monotone drones of the oboe barely drowned out the rhythm-less drumming, and the violin was handled so masterfully that Rail thought his ears might bleed. It was, Rail thought, the worst music in existence. His companion though, a man roughly 30 years of age with a fat face and sinister stench, seemed to be enjoying the... [i]noise[/i] heartily. His foot tapped and his head nodded along to the barely-there beat, a fact which, quite frankly, sickened Rail, but he daren't say anything, lest the oaf started talking to him. Eventually though, others in the tavern grew tired of the cacophony, and after a short while the musicians were led away, a long look on their faces. Rail's companion snorted and spat at the ground, obviously disgusted by the fact, and turned to Rail to express his outrage at this turn of events. 'You know, these people don't appreciate true art,' he grunted. 'That was a symphaney, ya know wot I'm sayin? A blinkin' sympaney, and they was led away. 'Tsa darn shame.' Rail smirked at the man, who was obviously lost in an ale-fuelled haze. He wasn't going to say anything, but the man had talked to him first. It was only fair to respond. 'I think you're the one who doesn't appreciate real music,' he said bluntly. 'In fact, I'm willing to bet I appreciate music in ways you've never even imagined.' The man raised a bushy eyebrow and assumed a dumb look on his face. His eyes became glazed for a moment as he considered alternative ways of appreciating music, ways that didn't involve dry comments and feet tapping, but came up short. Rail waited patiently for a response, confident he hadn't killed the conversation. He knew the man would respond. It was in his nature too. 'Err...' he said finally. 'Care to enlighen' me then eh?' Rail smiled. 'Gladly.'[b]Music of Life And Death[/b] I was 15 when I first discovered music. It seems like it took me years to find what so many others have sort in melody and beat, and, in truth, it probably did. Truth was, in those first fifteen years of my life, I was ignorant. And I suffered for it terribly, but that's another tale for another time. Regardless, when I was 15 I discovered music and all the wondrous things that go along with it. Suddenly I was at every concert, I sweated with the rest of them in the moshes, and nothing on heaven and earth was going to stop me making a band. And for a while I lived like this, caught up in the rhythm of the music industry, avoiding life's problems. I became semi-famous around The Valley, with the rest of my band. Do you know what we were called? Cloak and Dagger. Such an 80s rock name, but we didn't care. We were young and restless. It didn't last forever though - it couldn't. This bliss, this... escape I'd found through music was a temporary fix, and it would never solve the issues I had to deal with. I went into a shame spiral for a while, and it was okay because our band was distinctly gothic and it helped our sound or whatever, but then the worst happened. She died. Before my eyes. My mother - a long time Speed user - was fucking MURDERED before my eyes! Do you have any idea what it's like to watch your mother die? She was shot repeatedly before my eyes by the single biggest men I have ever seen. And then left to bleed to death. And why? Over a drug transaction. A fucking drug transaction. She was three hours late with the payment, and they killed her. Shot her in cold blood before my eyes, left me to deal with the mess, the police and the deep seated need for revenge that had settled deep in the pit of my stomach. I didn't act on that need straight away though. I had to deal with the after effects of everything first, the shooting, the police, life in general... but I didn't. I escaped to the music again, let it consume me. I became flotsam on a sea of melody, useless to all. The band broke up, but I hardly noticed. My friends never talked to me anymore, I became nothing but another drifter wandering from club to club in the wee hours of the morning. All good, and bad, things must come to an end, however, and I distinctly remember waking up one day, in an alley full of junkies, vomit down my shirt, eyes blurred, and thinking 'This isn't right. Nothing is right.' These people, they'd had their lives stolen by drugs, just like my mother had. They were alive but dead, zombies of the night kept alive by a useless addiction. And I swore to myself was going to do something about it if it, or die trying. And the first stop was my mother's murderers. ----- I spent two weeks tracking them and their drug overlord down. I must've talked to a thousand junkies in that week, and burnt through $10 000 for information. And my efforts paid off, for one night I found myself in a underground club, my ears ringing as I stood next to massive speakers, my eyes constantly scanning for him, the drug lord who'd ordered my mother killed. He was meant to be here tonight, working out some insidious deal with some ravers. They were hooked on E, addicted to the anti-glamour of it all, thought word was he was trying to swing them into morphine as well. And, quite frankly, after all I'd seen in that week, and everything I'd seen before, I wasn't going to stand for it. I found him just as he was finishing the deal, a big gloated grin on his distinctly Spanish face. He was oily and greasy, fitting the stereotype perfectly, and was now $1500 richer from extorting kids who didn't know any better. When he saw me approaching, his grin widened. 'Eh, senor, you want some morphine?' he waggled the small bag in my face, as if to tempt me. I smirked at his offer. 'No thank you.' The grin turned to an angry snarl as he realised he wasn't getting a sale out of me. 'Then fuck off, kid,' he grunted, protecting the flame of his lighter with his hand as he lit a cigarette. I raised an eyebrow, but didn't move. 'Didn't you hear me? FUCK OFF.' I mouthed the words no, and stood rooted to the spot, the need for cold, emotionless revenge giving me strength. 'Get him boys,' the dealer grunt, gesturing at two heavies behind him. The very heavies that had killed my mother. I knew them so well, it seemed, but not at all. There face was imprinted into my consciousness. They both pulled out switchblades and started to advance on me, taking quick steps so they could take me out quickly. I wouldn't have that though. I reached into my jacket and pull out the gun I had bought earlier in the week and dispatched them both with shots to the chest. The bang of the gun, or thud of their impact, wasn't heard, or even noticed, by the clubbing crowd. The dealer paled. The cigarette fell from his mouth. I grinned and aimed, finally fulfilling my revenge. I didn't even stick around to see if he died or not. I just ran, dropping the gun as I bolted through the night club, bursting through the fire exit and setting off overhead sprinklers and a siren as I did so. And I haven't stopped hunting down drug dealers since. The man gaped at him, eyes wide. 'H-how does that mean you appreciate music more than me?' Rail smiled and shook his head. 'Music is a release, not just a pastime. It's cover, it's a life, it's everything and more. Not just something to nod your head to.' Standing up suddenly he dropped some cash on the table. 'Have a drink, you look like you need it.' The man nodded feebly and took the cash as Rail walked outside to get some fresh air. [i]It never got any easier telling that story to strangers[/i], he mused. [i]But damn, the expression on their faces afterward make it worth it.[/i]
  22. [quote name='Lore][color=#ff6600']Other than that...I have a Mac, heh. I can't even begin to describe all the teasing I get for that. Comes of being friends with so many Computer Science majors, probably. :)[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]They only tease you because they're jealous. ;P I have been known... well I am know, and it's rather embarassing... to air guitar and lipsync to hard fast songs, lol, particularly Marilyn Manson and KoRn. I think we have a videotape of me going off to [i]1996[/i] somewhere, lol. It is my eternal quest to find it and destroy it. XP[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. I missed the boat The teacher pointed. 'Okay Johnny, explain to the class what elitism, or being an elitist is.' 'Doesn't it mean you think you're better than everyone else? And you have the best stuff and it's obviously higher quality because it came from or is part of you?' The teacher scrutinized Johnny carefully. 'Where's the dictionary, Johnny?'
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It was removed because it made pretty much no discussion and was a spam fest. I think the Profile Picture was provided to make up for it's absence, heh. In any case, it isn't really missed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. Cheap Shot, haha. There once was a land... 'twas a fabulous land, filled with fabulous works of art. It was pretty damn fabulous. Many lived in harmony there, from philosophers to dark poets of great skill. But one day someone came, and threw the careful balance with his elitism. And it was decided. He was one odd dude.
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