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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][CENTER][IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/9176/untitled1uq4.png[/IMG] [/CENTER] HERRO. Questions, etc go here. Just a few things to start with (RP thread goes up tomorrow my time (GST +10). * The RP will have a loose chapter system. Nothing like Kill Adam, mind, which was awfully restrictive and something I'd never seek to emulate, more like vague goals for people to work toward. Like Sleepers, without the Acts. * It's assumed everyone is starting in the same, anonymous city. This'll make things easier. * Some characters don't have immediate proficiency with their skills, so you should keep it in mind. There's also biological changes behind the powers, so, for example, as Lance becomes more powerful he'll stop creating lactic acid, the parts of his brain for reaction will become larger and more well connected etc. You can incorporate this into posts if you want, but it's not necessary.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]OKAY. Work's been tough, so I've only just now got around to choosing which of you will be allowed into [i]Le RPG[/i]. I'll set up an Underground thread later, and you can assume Raiha knows what she's talking about in it if I don't respond for a few days. So, without further ado... [CENTER][b]DeadSeraphim[/b] as... [i]Lance[/i] [b]Neuvoxraiha[/b] as... [i]Khali[/i] [b]Deathknight[/b] as... [i]Calypso[/i] [b]Piromunkie[/b] as... [i]Al[/i] [b]White[/b] as... [i]Felix[/i] [b]Freier Geist[/b] as... [i]Anna[/i][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][center][img]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/9176/untitled1uq4.png[/img][/center] [i]I couldn't believe how fast I was running. I was easily taking the stairs eight steps at a time, and dodging the burning debris without thinking, my reflexes reacting before I could. The cry of a wailing infant hit my ears, and I knew I was almost there, almost about to save this child's life. I could see the door, it was still intact, I went to stop and... The velocity of my running smashed the door down, and an extra surge of adrenaline shot through me, speeding me up even more. I found the baby in the huge loft apartment before the door had hit the ground, and was four floors down by the time it finally did. Finally, in what was only seconds, I burst out of the apartment building, my mind screaming at my muscles to stop moving. Eventually, half a block past the flaming apartment building, they did, and I was thankful. Moving at 60 miles an hour I could just react in time, but if I'd continued at the 130 I'd hit once my lungs met the open air, both me and the baby I'd dived into a twenty story building would be, well... Dead.[/i] [b]Intro[/b] Welcome to the future. Humanity has progressed to previously unreachable goals; war is all but nonexistent, stem cell research promises that all diseases and maladies are healed instantly, and the perfect utopia Walt Disney envisioned with EPCOT is a reality. And yet, the world has becoming boring. With only the minutae of everyday life to excite the senses, humanity as a whole has reached a state of total and complete ennui. Thus, mother nature has started to compensate. The first superhuman to emerge was a vicious Russian killer named Lexus, who went on a four week killing spree across America using only his powers of super strength and the threat of complete nuclear fallout in whichever city he attacked - a little side effect of the nuke installed in his chest. By the time he was taken down, he'd decimated Chicago, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. The world was shook to its core, and cries of hate towards other emerging superhumans started to echo out of the cities, slowly growing until it was a cacophonous roar, and yet... humanity was excited. And so, mother nature kept throwing more superhumans into the mix. You are one of those superhumans, and in a world where you're almost universally hated, it's up to you to stop a growing conglomerate catching and enslaving superhumans to use as weapons in an upcoming war unlikely to leave any human survivors. Can you do it? [b]Sign-Up[/b] [i]Name:[/i] I don't care what your name is, it can be a code name, it can be some crazy foreign ****, I am not concerned. [i]Power:[/i] Fireballs are a no. I'm talking more like super strength, insane accelerated speed, flight, etc etc... basically things with a precedant in nature. Also, it's worth noting proficiency in this power isn't a sure thing - most powers start off small and unmanageable and become more powerful as the user's body literally transforms to compensate. [i]Personality and Description:[/i] Self-explanatory. [b]My Sign-Up[/b] [i]Name:[/i] Lance [i]Power:[/i] Accelerated speed. Can initially hit 60 miles per hour before his reflexes become too slow. [i]Personality and Description:[/i] A selfless guy with a genuinely caring personality, if a bit naive. Has been known to explode over violence towards women, but rarely act on it. Standing at 6 foot tall with wavy blonde hair you'd expect him to be egotistical, but he's anything but, taking the slings and arrows society throws at him and saving those he feels are in need regardless.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Charles]So, now you have reached the point where you just forgo the act of smoking the cigarette in favor of just eating it directly? Has it really come to that? And did Digitalboy just manage to write a huge essay on what he eats for lunch!?[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It tastes better. Less harsh smoke. More filling too, the filter really expands in your stomach.[/font][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][I]1. Do You Eat Lunch? If so, how do you usually procure it?[/I] Occasionally. It usually involves lighting the cigarette. [I]2. What did you eat for lunch today?[/I] A cigarette. [I]3. Do you plan ahead for lunch on further days?[/I] Yes, I buy more cigarettes. [I]4. Have you ever had a lunch date? How did it go?[/I] No. It went great.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
DeadSeraphim replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Mr. Maul][size=1][color=DimGray] I'm an idea man. I don't like getting my hands dirty. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]No, what you meant to say is, "I want multiple articles and insane footwork done to have them made, but I'm too lazy to do it myself."[/font][/color][/size] -
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
DeadSeraphim replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Mr. Maul][size=1][color=DimGray]I suggest that someone create an entry documenting the perpetually recurring threads that always cycle through about 3 or 4 times a year. [u]For example[/u]: [b]Why are you on OB? What does your name mean? How did you find OB? What's your real name? Where do you live? Favorite Quotes? Relationship Advice, Please... hi im neW her![/b] etc... Also, if someone were up to it, they could find links to every thread ever created that falls into one of those categories. Just a thought. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][i]Maybe you should.[/i][/font][/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]So, I'm secretly Batman, and also Jennifer Lopez. I've told you all now. My secret shame revealed. :([/font][/color][/size]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Have you heard Batman beatbox? ************'s got [i]skills[/i]. Team him with Spider-Man on lyrics, and Spider-Bat is an unstoppable hip hop combination. Also, apart from Golden Age, Marilyn Manson is consistently amazing. He's like Bowie, reinventing himself every album, and doing it well.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]Works for me.[/color][/size][/font]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Isn't Freier Geist's post a bit hasty? Barely anyone else has posted for this formal drinks thing, but he's fast forwarded to the next day. I do not feel comfortable with barely three people posting in an almost total group scenario in an RP with a membership of this size.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
DeadSeraphim replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The Game was a godawful thread Desbreko created when games in Otaku Lounge were on a seasonal upswing. The biggest spamfest in recent history, it had three fairly simple rules: 1. Knowledge of the Game is all you need in order to play. 2. You lose if you think about the Game. 3. When you lose the Game you must announce it. Essentially, by playing the game you were a loser. As you had to announce your loss in the thread, it soon became over 7 pages of "I lost", or "Damn you, you made me lose!", but eventually lost steam and was buried beneath the endless rhetoric of Otaku Longue. Despite this, it wasn't officially killed off until Mr Maul foolishly practiced dark rites and raised it from it's grave, parading it as a shambling corpse that got all of three replies till Raiyuu swept in closed it, 'banishing it from his life' and everyone else's in the process. The Game was stupid, and pointless, and wouldn't have survived had Desbreko, an administrator, not created. OtakuBoards was freed of a great menace the day Raiyuu selflessly destroyed it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]Pro Tip: Don't use Wikipedia for research. It's fun for just finding out things, but it's not considered a hard and fast research tool, since it's so prone to change. It's references are fine though, but most articles don't even have those. Google is your friend.[/color][/size][/font]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][i]Name[/i]: Seraph [i]Age[/i]: 22 Appearance: Short, at only 5'6, with messy brown hair. Black eyes with perpetual three day growth. Musclebound but not overly so, has a tattoo on his left bicep of a strange, flowing symbol, it's form changes perpetually when using his powers. Often seen shirtless and in jeans, to show off his upper body. Despite this, he suffers acne on his back he doesn't like being mentioned. [i]Country of Origin[/i]: Britain [i]Element[/i]: Fire [i]Starting Power[/i]: 'Flame'. His left arm bursts into flame, and emits blasts of fire. Useful for upward propulsion and more obvious, destructive applications. Eyes and mouth glow when using his powers, and is in constant physical pain for the duration of their use. [i]Personality[/i]: A hothead who's quick to anger and dislikes dealing with stupid people. Seraph grew up in a broken home, and has had a chip on his shoulder ever since. He can be surprisingly open and caring to people who breach his otherwise cold defenses, and is a romantic at heart, often treating his girlfriends (and boyfriends) with extreme tenderness. Seraph has a naturally affinity for birds, being envious of their ability to fly away when things get too much.[/font][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]"Fuck this is dull." Yugo looked over at me and shrugged. "What did you expect? It's informal drinks, not a rave." I sighed and leaned back into my chair, exhaling a long lungful of smoke. No, it wasn't a rave, it couldn't be. There wasn't enough bootylicious babes. "Indeed." I stirred my rum slowly and downed it, looking over the company. I wasn't concerned about any of them - I'd dealt with most of them, including the dirty cop - but within the confines of this room, amidst the polite chatter and murky cigarette haze, they all seemed sinister. Maybe it was the lighting. I looked over at Yugo, nursing his gin and tonic like it was a newborn, and raised an eyebrow. "It's the lighting," he said, reading my thoughts. Good. I leaned back and closed my eyes, subconsciously drowning out the dull drone of conversation. "Ah, Aolie." My eyes snapped open to see Xing standing before me, checking his new pocket watch. "How are you?" I shrugged. "Depressingly sober." He laughed. "Yes, that is depressing." He paused and regarded his watch again. "It seems you have to pay a bill owed." I groaned, knowing where this was going. "It's quite alright if you don't of course, but..." He trailed off. "But?" A sly smile crept across his face. "I may need your... unique services tomorrow. Ghost Fox, my patient, needs a bodyguard who will..." he paused. "Protect her." My head slumped on my chest and I let out a defeated sigh. I mean, it wasn't like I didn't have the money - I had at least two million lying around - but I didn't like [i]paying[/i] people money. This seemed like an ideal, if labourous, out. "I'll be there." Xing's smile widened. "Very good," he replied simply, before walking off. Yugo shook his head and smiled. "You could just pay him, you know." "But I [i]like[/i] my money," I whined. He laughed and turned his attention back to the party, his eyes watching Fai and the White Prince like hawks. Sure, this was a party, but he was still Fai's right hand man. He was rarely off the job unless it involved bailing me out, or using his sparse free time. I did not envy him. Getting up, I motioned to the bar. "You want anything?" I asked. Yugo shook his head, but didn't look towards me. Figures. Striding through the room I couldn't help but notice Luyii's fine ass, and then Lai's, sitting side by side as Sai whispered sweet nothings to Luyii. I assumed Lai's ears were closed, but it was more likely she was trying desperately to stiffle laughter. Snowcat and the Scarlet Mistress sat huddled in a booth, discussing business. I could only guess which sort. Sitting at a barstool, I ordered my drink and took out a smoke, sighing heavily. So fucking boring. "Hey, you got a light?" I turned to see Chang, a Tiparillo hanging off his lip. I smirked. "Depends, you got a smoke?" He laughed and gave me one of his imports, trading it briefly for my fancy new lighter as he lit up. Taking it back, I tucked my own smoke away and lit up the exotic brand, savouring the taste for a moment before breathing out. Me and Chang went way back, motherfucker always seemed to turn up on my more... brutal enforcing missions. Smoothed things over often. I wouldn't call him a friend, but he was a nice guy. "I hate these things," he said, snapping me from my revery. "It's filled with almost as much diplomacy as the Goddamn meetings." I nodded. "Yeah... I might clear off soon. Xing's blackmailed me into early morning 'bodyguard' work. With him, that might entail anything." My drink came and I took a sip, savouring the taste as Chang smoked slowly. "Anyway man, I gotta go. Have a good one." Chang smiled and lifted his cigarette, almost in salute. "You too, man." I laughed and saluted back before weaving my way back to Yugo, who was still taking his job seriously enough to impinge on my good time. I sighed. It was almost a blessing I had to leave early.[/font][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I'm not sure what to do with Dead. I am open to suggestions for collaboration.[/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='Charles']I am going to start smoking because of this thread.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I'm so proud of you. The peer pressure finally payed off.[/font][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I tried the idea, but it require db access to do it properly, and I'm not sure a minor spinoff like this would really warrant the hassle.[/font][/color][/size]
[quote name='Raiyuu']On a related note, every enclosed space in England is going smoke-free in the next couple of months. That will discourage smoking, when you have to excuse yourself to go stand in the rain if you want to do it.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's been like that in Australia for a year - you can't even smoke within 4 metres of a shop door. You'd be surprised how little of an impact it makes though. People smoke because they want to smoke, government discouragement isn't about to change that.[/font][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I saw on the news that in the top 5 things Mum's want, peace and quiet is number 3. So I rang Mum and told her "Happy Mother's Day, here's some peace and quiet."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Art The 50 Themes of Art Studio [Image Heavy]
DeadSeraphim replied to Delta's topic in Creative Works
[center][img]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/2255/justasplannedvb4.png[/img] [font=arial][size=1]Just As Planned[/size][/font][/center] -
[CENTER][img]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3720/an20open20hand20symbol2ek2.gif[/img] [B][SIZE=4]+[/SIZE][/B] [img]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/1533/roosterwb4.jpg[/img][/CENTER]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Considering how often they make villians smoke to convey 'evil', in movies from PG upward, this'll really **** up the whole classification system.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
DeadSeraphim replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I'm kind of surprised Dagger and Des don't have articles written on them, so I'd like to put in a request for their articles. Is it tacky to write your an article about yourself? Hm.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You have an article, blind boy.[/font][/color][/size] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][QUOTE=Jeremiah][font=Verdana][size=2]There has been a lactose intolerance for more than two thousand years. Jewish people in their faith consider bovine-derived milk to be Kosher, it's hard to see them giving milk such status if it made them ill.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]As far as evolution goes, I reckon it's funny that examples of similarities between animals, like humans and chimpanzees, are produced as evidence of the evolutionary theory. To me, it simply looks like the work of a creator who is consistent with his design.[/size][/font][/QUOTE] The world is substantially older than the history of the Jews, and you conveniently glossed over the fact that there's a recessive allele that causes lactose intolerance to begin with, and that lactose [i]tolerance[/i] is the minority in the world, just doesn't seem as such due to western ignorance, both things which wouldn't be true if God designed humans to drink milk from the start. I mean, OT fables paint him as cruel and merciless a lot, but he's not THAT cruel. Also, chimps share something like 94 percent of human dna. It's that 6% that makes them so different, which is understandable, considering how long dna sequences are.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]