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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Sorry Alex. Even the n00b Hunter was offended by that one. XD[/font][/color][/size] Does it involve custard? .Alan rounded the corner and entered the thread, coming face to face with Siren. 'Custard, Alex?' he asked raising an eyebrow. 'Yeah. Custard.' 'You know how disgusting that concept is?' 'Absolutely. But it was damn amusing as well.' Alan thought for a moment. 'Yeah; it was.' He fired the shotgun, making Siren disappear. 'Too bad.'
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][b]What is it?[/b] [i]55 Fiction[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]Bite sized snippets of fiction covering every aspect of story telling, from bloody murders to light hearted love.[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]The Reanimatrix[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]Matrix stories with no limits, heh. ^_^; Everything in the thread is of exceptional quality.[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Hevn[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]The best new member of '04, lol. Interesting, kind and funny. =)[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Enter the Net[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]The original and the best OB parody. Successfully combines humour and action.[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Arena Underground[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]The one forum to change RP at OB forever. With the ability to get opinions on RPs before release, and hold OOC conversations in a separate thread, the quality of RPs has only increased.[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Otaku Longue[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]People don't give it enough credit, heh. The mix of light fluffy threads and serious debate make it win.[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Absolute[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]I don't know (nor do I care, really) if anyone else has noticed this, but Wondershot's story is genuinely intriguing and interesting. It's the one piece of literature that's provoked genuine interest in me for a long while.[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Lady Asphyxia[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]The hardest working mod I know. She is completely devoted to keeping everything in Anth, clean, readable and, most important of all [u]rated[/u]. Plus she's a very cool person outside of that. :)[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]James[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]It is because of this sterling individual that I met Hevn, so he deserves uber props. He's also a decent guy on top of that, has a mind as filthy as the best of em, and has done some things with vectors that make me do this: :eek:[/i] [b]What is it?[/b] [i]Morpheus[/i] [b]Why was it nifty?[/b] [i]Anyone who can play Mod so much and still visciously deny it has denial powers worth respecting.[/i] That's all I have Shy dude, lol. I anticipate that the results of this will be awesome, heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. One time... ...this guy, let's call him Charles, started a blog. It was called myOtaku: Charles. Unfortunately for his adoring fans, Charles has the attention span of a squirrel. The blog was forgotten. Will he ever post in it again? Will he ever realise how many comments he gets for 7 letter posts? Who knows? Who cares?
  4. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Two things I'd just like to point out, but I can't be bothered quoting. Someone said that the US had only donated $35 million: Well, thats the old figure. It is now $350 million. Someone else said that nobody would be giving more money than the US. Japan donated $500 million towards the efort.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Australia has topped that again, and is pledging 1 billion on top of the 46 million already pledged. Granted, it's mainly to rebuild Indonesia, but it still a huge contribution for a country of Australia's size.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The first post rocks, Shy. I love the fairytale like feel of your post. It reminded me of Little Red Riding Hood a lot, heh. And yeah. I really suck at critique. >> Now to wait for HC, heh[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I like the concept of this, even if Shin was being an unfunny bastard when you 'interviewed' him, lol. You should do more! [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I like this. The situation Serge is in has me intrigued and I'd like to see more, lol. Though I think you used his name a bit much for a narrative that, thus far, only has one character, heh. But that's just a minor complaint. ^_^; Nice work.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]They're one and the same.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I try to post these after its got a lot of comments. Unfortunately, a lot of comments is a comedy term when talking about my stuffs. In conclusion, die.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Rivals : Part2 Solo lay there on the ground for a moment, silently fuming, and watching the door through which the n00b Hunter had entered. A massive explosion suddenly shook myO too its core, and Alan came flying through the splintered remnants of Sonic Blaster's door, slightly smoking and, Solo noticed, armed only with a shotgun. He had discarded the sword evidently. Still smoking, Alan got up and reloaded the shotgun. 'Oh you're fucked now,' he said loudly as he stormed back into the myO. Solo's anger deepened. -- As soon as Alan had entered the room he had seen Blaster sitting on the floor before him, his legs crossed and a gun across his lap. His skin shone with the sickly green it always seemed to emit, and his eyes were red with rage. 'H3llo Hun73R,' it said, unmoving. Alan grinned lop-sidedly, electing to remain silent. Discarding the sword he had 'borrowed' from Solo only moments before. He began to raise his shotgun, but stopped when he saw Blaster was gone, having disappeared with preternatural speed. Alan scowled for a moment. Cheating bastard. 'Come out come out where-ever you are,' he sung, pacing about the room. His eyes scanned the room not registering anything till... Blaster stood right at his face. '80o.' 'Fuck.' Blaster pulled his fist back and punched Alan hard in the chest, instigating insane explosions around myO as he ate into everyone's visitor count. Alan flew backwards and smashed through what remained of Blaster's door, ot smash into the corridor outside it. He reloaded his shotgun, oblivious to Solo's angry stare, and stormed back into the room, cursing as he did so. 'You won't fuck me up that easily you stinking n00b!' he roared, firing at Blaster, who, in drawing up the power of ten thousand visits, had temporarily paralyzed himself. The bullet connected with the n00b's head, sending him reeling but not killing him. This snapped him out of the paralysis and with a mighty scream he charged at Alan. Alan grinned, and jumped out of the way mere moments before Blaster connected, watching with a satisfied smirk as the n00b smashed into the wall opposite in the outside corridor. -- 'WHAT THE HELL?' Solo turned around to see Sonic Blaster lieing dazed and confused in the corridor his blood red eyes registering nothing. Solo watched for a moment, but it seems Alan wasn't coming out. Seizing his chance, Solo advanced on the n00b, pulling out a hunting knife to slay the beast once and for all. -- Alan picked up Solo's discarded sword and weighted it in his hand for a moment. Yes, this would do nicely. He held it in the air like Excalibur for a moment, before poising to strike. He pulled his arm back... -- Solo was nearly at the dazed n00b... -- And threw like there was no tomorrow. It whistled through the air, splitting the debris of HTML that seemed to litter this place, coming ever closer to its target... -- A sword, HIS sword, missed Solo by mere inches as he reached Blaster, embedding itself in the n00b's head up to the hilt. A bead of fear-provoked sweat dropped from the tip of his nose as he stood rooted to the spot, staring at the sword stuck in Blaster's head. Looking around he saw Alan standing deep inside the myO, which was started to collapse on itself with its owner dead, a sly grin on his face. He walked slowly out and stood over Blaster's corpse beside Solo, apparently oblivious to the destruction happening in the room behind him. 'Don't fuck with the professionals, my boy,' he said finally, slapping Solo on the shoulder before walking off. Alan's an arrogant prick, Solo thought to himself. But damn he is good at it.
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I've always found Quizilla quizes to be distinctly lacking in quality (except for a few), and Go-Gaia (which I assume you're talking about) is too out of control and spam filled for my tastes. Heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='vicky][SIZE=1][B]XD Alan doesn't have a left hand, but has two rights? [/SIZE'][/B][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Yeah. Fo rizzle. You see, I was having trouble shooting stuff with my left hand, so I took Baron's right. It works better than you'd expect too, except when... 'busy'. ... With things that require a left hand, of course, piano for example. Nice chapter DW. :)[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Daermon_Nashabe']Baron Sarmedi- So i can look at him and point my finger at him and go....................... nyah Nyah, I live on the better side of Australia. Colder and wetter but with much cooler stuff. [/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I'm sorry dude, but having lived on both sides I have to say both suck and smart people live in South Australia. ;D Anyway... only a few people strike me as the kind of people I'd like to meet. Not to say I don't appreciate the people I know online, I just think meeting them in real life would change things, heh. Who I would meet, though, are Hevn, Juu, Lady A (she lives less than 200k from me, I'm just too damn lazy, haha), Mimmi and possibly James. I think though, knowing James, that meeting him would be a possibly embarassing situation. lol Just a feeling, after hundreds of AIM chats, haha.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Utilizing the magic of default OS X settings, my wallpaper changes randomly between 7 every minute. When I took the snap, this is what was up, heh. All my wallpapers are made by me, and feature vector work I've made. Note: Baron's running XP with Y'z Dock and about half a million other shell enhancers, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Dude, that was chilling. I don't doubt we'll have to password protect alarm clocks in the future. Though, kinda cheap describing modern day coffee machines instead of futuristic ones. ;P Besides the prophetic glimpse of the future you have allowed us mere mortals, this was extremely well written and fun. I like the way you have with words, Shin-dude. Oh, and I would've commented when the first story was posted but my comp crashed and vlksndf. I hate my PC. lol[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Webcomics are booming, I'd agree. And with services like keenspace and drunk duck offering specialized hosting with tools and whatnot catering specifically for web comics, it should only get bigger. Many people prefer webcomics to normal comics, as well, which is accelerating it's growth. I mean, it's right there! No need to buy back issues, spend cash etc etc The most you have to do is maybe buy some merch or donate. Yes, I read webcomics, lol. I think I was reading 7 of the BuzzComix top ten for a while, before I trimmed my list. Now it's only at 20. XD Haha. Despite the fact I read so many, though, I only REALLY follow (ie, remember to visit) MegaTokyo, AppleGeeks, A Modest Destiny and DMFA. I'm not predisposed to any one genre, heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I wrote this earlier, heh. It's a 55 Fiction gone mad, lol. I just started writing it and didn't stop....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote][size=1]'Please don't leave.' Her voice was hurt and tearful, but he didn't notice. No, he refused to notice. 'Why aren't you listening to me? I need you!' He still ignored her, studiously buttoning up his simple black shirt and wondering where his jeans were. 'You don't have to do this!' His eye twitched at that one. Who was she to tell her what he did and didn't have to do? He slowly turned around, and surveyed her sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes red and long raven locks a mess. 'You didn't have to see him,' he said slowly and evenly. 'You didn't have to fuck him behind my back. You didn't have to do a lot of things but you did anyway.' His voice had risen in a harsh crescendo, and was interlaced with variable bitterness and rage. 'I won't do it again! I swear, me and him are over! Please, just don't leave!' He was almost inclined to believe her, she almost had him convinced, she seemed so authentic... Desperate for somewhere to focus that wasn't on her, he noticed a pair of his jeans at his feet and surveyed them for a long moment. Doubts started to enter his mind, doubts that weren't so easily dismissed. Finally he looked up at her. 'I'm going to go have a drink to sort myself out,' he said , bending down to pick up his jeans. 'I might come back. I might not.' He pulled the jeans on and went to the bedroom door, pushing his feet into carelessly strewn shoes and pausing. Looking over his shoulder he muttered a good-bye and left. -- The pub was almost empty at this time of the day, which suited him just fine. Dragging himself into the public bar he sat heavily on a vinyl covered bar stool and attempted to organise his thoughts to the tune of a lone poker machine, doubtless manned by some lifeless deadbeat. 'What can I do you for?' the bartender asked in a thick American accent, placing both hands on the polished bar top as if to prop himself. 'Cowboys. Four of em,' he muttered. 'It's a bit early for that aint it?' the bartender asked, even as he retrieved the schnapps and Bailey's. 'I'm not in much of a position to care.' He slumped onto the bar and listened to the soft swish of the alcohol entering first one shot glass, then two, till all four were lined up before him. He downed all four in the space of ten minutes, hoping the rush of alcohol would help clear his thoughts. It didn't help. It knocked him out for a good two hours. -- When he awoke he found himself propped against the back wall of the pub, the faint stench of stale sweat emanating from his clothes. Staggering to his feet he shuffled over to a tap and turned the faucet, letting the lukewarm water gather in the pool made by his cupped hands before splashing his face with it. The shock of it caused him to fall back, and he hit the ground with a groan. Maybe going back to her wasn't such a bad idea after all. She did say she wouldn't do it again, after all. Lying in the dirt on his back, he didn't notice the footsteps coming steadily toward him. 'Need some help there?' He almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of the bartender's voice. 'I should be fine.' 'You on a path to self destruction, son?' 'I just needed to clear my head.' The bartender laughed. 'So you had four cowboys? Boy, you're dumber than I first thought.' 'Don't judge me, just help me up,' he said, offering a hand to the bartender. Wordlessly the bartender pulled him up, and dusted him off. 'Need a lift home boy? It's the end of my shift, they aint gonna miss me.' He shrugged. 'Sure thing.' -- 'Thanks for the lift,' he said, patting the bonnet to signal he could leave. Entering the house he kicked off his shoes and went to the bedroom door, closed. Standing outside it he listened for a moment, his ears straining. But it seemed the room was silent. He opened the door, a slight smile playing across his face, expecting her to be sleeping, and everything to be forgotten. And she was. With another man. Quietly he closed the door and retrieved his shoes again, tears streaming down his face. He wasn't coming back. It was official.[/size][/quote]
  17. [quote name='Shy']Not all of us are html gods like Alan, but in my personal experience I have found it easy enough to use. If we (ie: everyone throw in your two-cents) decide to use html, I'd like us to use a standardized coding for our posts.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I wouldn't exactly say I'm a God, heh. >>; Anyway, did that code I whipped up actually work? I remember there was some Firefox-not-IE **** going on, and I couldn't test it, heh. And you never PMed me to tell me if actually worked so I'm pretty much in the dark, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. ?And why do you wear a big, funny yellow hat?? Dragon Warrior countered. ?That?s you.? ?Touché, Mr. Admin.? [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Best. Bit. Ever.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I got an iBook and lots of cash, lol. Plus requisite clothes, etc etc. Dad also got me hosting but umm... evil stuff is happening in regards to that and it disappoints me greatly. u.u I ended up spending way too much on other people this Christmas. I bought Mum the entire third season DVD of a show she likes, my bro some YuGiOh shizzle and Dad an expensive [looking] incense holder. I got Dad to buy everyone else gifts from me, lol, I honestly had no idea what to get people outside of my immediate family. ^_^; I also sent some stuff overseas, bt to my knowledge it hasn't arrived yet so I don't think I'll spill any beans, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Doc][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Even though my Chrismas isn't done yet (I have to still go over to my dad's), I have a few funny presents. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Let me start this out with a story from last night. My family travels to my grandparents house every Christmas eve and open some presents over there. Well, I started to open mine, and found three boxes. I'll let the pictures do the talking.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font] [url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/9674/gift0013pc.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/9674/gift0013pc.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url] [url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/6308/gift0039to.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/6308/gift0039to.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url] [url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/7324/gift0044gb.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/7324/gift0044gb.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url] [url="http://img154.exs.cx/img154/4830/gift0053ck.jpg"][font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]http://img154.exs.cx/img154/4830/gift0053ck.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]Enjoy:D[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm only 15[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Ha, when I saw the first pic I totally thought, 'lucky bastard' XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. I Dream of G4 Man, this was cooler than cool. Today, for the first time ever, he was getting a brand new computer. [u]Brand new[/u]. It was insane, and he knew it. He'd spent $1800 on it. He marched up to the counter and slammed the cheque down. 'Give me my computer!' 'I'm sorry we sold it.'
  21. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]4 U - KoRn This song pretty much sums up my thoughts to Dad, about how much ******** he's put me through for him, heh. Otherside - Red Hot Chili Peppers This song just sums up my hopelessness sometimes. Yet again, with my Dad, heh. Underjoyed - Jack Off Jill [center][i]The doctor released me a case of underjoyed No lack of nutrition something I can't avoid No mental condition maybe I'm paranoid or maybe maybe I'm just bored I'm just damn bored I'm just damn bored I'm just damn bored[/i][/center] ;) [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. Fuck Me Fabio 'Mmm... what is this?' she asked. 'It's delicious!' He grinned. 'Guess.' The woman pursed her nose and analyzed the tastes in her mouth. 'It's butter! You fed me butter! You're trying to make me fat! AREN'T YOU?' He grinned again and showed her the tub. 'Oh my,' she gasped. 'I can't believe it's not butter.'
  23. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I've attached two images, heh, but I've had a [i]lot[/i] more themes than that. But they're all on my wasted old computer so getting them off isn't an option. u.u The first image is made out of Legacy of Kain concept art, and was basically a crop and border job. The colours that went along with it were all very swampy, but it was too wide for the intro 'area' and had to be forced below it. >.< After my KoRn theme, I used this the longest, heh. The second image I made about... fifteen minutes ago. lol It goes with my Manson silohuettes theme, and is from a pretty common pic. The pink watermark thing behind the text is my logo thingy, and... yeah. Heh. I'm damn proud of this one, though I'm sure I could refine the vectoring some more. That's for another day though, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. Dumb Purchases In retrospect, he was unsure why he bought the CD. Maybe it had been the coverart, maybe he was caught up in the massive hype. Maybe he had been temporarily insane. But that didn't matter, here it was now, lieing on his table, still in shrinkwrap. He groaned. How could he have bought Avril Lavigne?
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Proper rock. o0 I can work with that, lol. For me, it's KoRn. No question. I love everything about their music, from Jon's tortured voice to Fieldy's bass. They used to be rap-metal (yeeears ago) but now they have a distinctly metal sound, heh. Also, Red Hot Chili Peppers are ace. There's few bands that have had the staying power of the Peppers, but the pure non-sensical lyrics, lol. or at least some are non-sensical. Best song for the Peppers is Otherside, for KoRn... either Got the Life or Hating.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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