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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The Darkness have an absolutely amazing live show, I can tell you. Even if you hate their music, it's hard not to get swept up in it all when they're performing. And they're the only rock band I know who's lead singer does a costume change mid performance. XD Apart from their live show, I like their music but I don't think it's astounding. The falsetto can really get on my nerves sometimes, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
What would you classify your clothing style as?
DeadSeraphim replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I wouldn't classify myself as Goth, but I suppose other people would, heh. I have a predisposition towards black clothing -- in fact about 90% of my cloths outside of school uniform is some shade of black. (I say shade because a heap of stuff has faded, haha). In truth though, I just prefer black, and will wear pretty much anything as long as it has some degree of style and is comfortable. I've never been known to wear something uncomfortable or put myself out just to look real good, heh. Most of my friends subscribe to the same way of thinking, so it's kinda hard to pick friends to hang out with based entirely on clothing choice. =P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I wrote this earlier because I lost the ability to post anything on my blog... I don't know who it's about, lol, I just wanted to write poetry. Enjoy.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] untitled I watch you cry I don't acknowledge You appeal to me I look away You ask me why My heart is so empty I explain to you It's always been that way You demand to know Where I hide my emotions I tell you, in a locked box That has no key You leave me with my misery Ask me 'Are you happy?' And for once, I smile And shake my head oddly Of course I'm happy I reassure you I was never sad, I say If you were to leave this moment, though These empty eyes would never see another day
The Birth of AjehMan Abdul Jalal. A name noone would associate with a hero. But, on the neo-punk world of the Internet, he is, with powers to rival those of Alan the n00b Hunter and the almighty James. This is his story. ------- Abdul was bored. He had been surfing the internet for hours, finding nothing, and frequently ignoring the two, half-completed sites that followed him around like a ball and chain. He had spent a while hanging out with the n00b Hunter, but the man intimidated him. He'd also tried to find the email of a popular Indian actress, but to no avail. Unfortunately, the internet had lost it's touch. It was at this moment that his life changed forever... During his ceaseless travels, Abdul had inadvertedly come to the US Military's nuclear testing website. The whole thing was wasted, with large scorch marks on everything and small, hyper-mutated n00bs running around in huge packs. Amongst it all, could be seen larger n00bs, and a few corpses, presumably n00bs who got on the wrong side of training Hunters. Abdul watched this small, exciting scene for a moment, then glanced at his watch and decided it was time to log off. He took one last glance at the waste-land of a site, then sighed. What a shit day it had been. Then, he noticed something. A small, slow moving creature, presumabley escaped from the site, was slithering around his feet, leaving a sticky mucus all over his legs. 'Eyuck, gross,' Abdul said, attempting to step back, but finding that his legs had been tied together by the mucus. He landed on his back with a thump, narrowly missing the creature which, now, had become decidedly annoyed. Somehow it grinned. Somehow Abdul resisted the urge to pee himself. Then it lunged. 'AAAAH!' Abdul cried as the small, nuclear little creature injected him with radiation and powers. Then it all went black... When Abdul awoke he was no longer Abdul. He had later found out that the creature had been an elusive and highly dangerous Ajeh, a creature reknowned for it's prowess in getting chicks. And now Abdul possessed its powers... From that day on, Abdul was AjehMan, protecting hot girls on the internet wherever they may be, and forever hunting down the email of a certain Indian actress... [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]AjehMan can easily be associated with humour in n00b Hunter. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[quote name='Shinmaru']I'm pretty certain that Alan first intended this to be a one-shot thing, and then they just grew into something massive. lol[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You hit the nail on the head, haha. There's actually another story between that last one and the next, but it interupts the flow of this little saga thing a bit. Also of note is this is around the time I started introducing [strike]other[/strike] more people into it... Enjoy.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Sonic Blaster Saga: Part 3 Sonic Blaster chuckled to himself as he pushed open the door to poor, smashed remains of his myO. Yes, had done well. Going off in the direction of Gaia, then doubling back silently had been a work of genius. Or so he thought. 'Thought you lost me, didn't you Blaster?' Alan said, standing in amongst the visits that had flooded the myO since the pair had last fought, much to Blaster's amazement. The n00b's eyes bulged. 'I don't understand,' he said slowly, restraining himself so as to not slip into L337. 'How?' Alan scratched the back of his dark, grimy jeans with his shotgun and gestured with his free hand to the visits around him, that were even now reclaiming piles in rival to their former glory 'You didn't turn it off Blaster,' he said simply, picking up a wad of visits and letting it fall through his fingers. 'You just kept it going. It wasn't easy to tell you'd be coming back.' Sonic Blaster grimaced. He'd underestimated this Hunter. And it would be his downfall. He shifted uneasily on the spot, rooted in the doorway. 'Well... what now?' he asked, dreading the conclusion. This man had traced him from one end of the internet to the other, and destroyed his physical body twice. For a n00b, third time is not lucky. Alan gestured his shotgun at him, and opened his mouth as if to speak, but the words died on his tongue for a moment. He paced like this for a moment, the shotgun pointed loosely in Blaster's direction, his mouth half open. Finally, he said. 'I'm sure you know I'm just a mercenary, Blaster. I don't get a steady income tracking down scumbags like you.' He paused and stopped his pacing. 'But in my time, I've met a lot of people who do this shit full time, with a no strings attached wage. And I know one in particular, who has not only the power, but also the desire to wipe you from this website.' Sonic Blaster heard footsteps slowly coming down the hall, and slowly turned around. 'Sonic Blaster, please make the acquaintance of James.' A man stood in the doorway, a katana held in one hand, a mod rod in the other. He was dressed in black leather, and his hair was spiked. James merely winked and pushed Blaster fully into the room with the end of the modrod. 'How's it goin?' Sonic Blaster didn't say anything. Here, standing before him, was James, supreme overlord of both myOtaku and OtakuBoards, who also had power bases scattered in hundreds of places across the internet. How the Hunter had met this man, was unknown. But Blaster knew it certified his downfall. Alan walked past the n00b and left the room. James stepped into the room, and closed the door behind him, not allowing Alan to see the ancient ritual of the IP Ban. With a sly smirk Alan leaned on the wall to the side of the door, as a low whistling, then howling came to him through the thin walls. A horrifying shriek of pain followed, then James was tearing the door of its hinges, , grabbing Alan by the wrist as he ran away from the purged myO. When they were a respectable distance away he stopped and turned back, looking at the room. 'This is always the messy part,' he said softly, and then a wall of fire shot from the open doorway as comments, guestbook signings and visits were purged from the room to make it clean again. The whole site rocked as it was all slowly incinerated, then everything was quiet. Not a single sound penetrated that silence. Finally James coughed. 'You owe me half the visits Shinmaru gave you, that was the deal right?' Alan grinned lop-sidedly. 'Umm... sure.'
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The mood of these things is incredibly bi-polar, and this one is a prime example of that. It's extremely violent, heh, so you've been warned...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Sonic Blaster Saga: Part 2 Alan entered the building. He was holding a shotgun, letting it lead him like a firebrand, scaring customer and security guard alike. As he came to the center of the room, he stopped, and breathed deep. 'Where the fuck is he?' Alan asks suddenly, his finger twitching as it curled around the trigger. 'Where is who, sir?' queried an especially brave male cashier. 'I am looking for the one known as Sonic Blaster,' Alan said slowly, not even acknowledging the cashier with eye contact. 'Surely you know he is dead, sir,' said the same cashier. Alan whipped his arm around, pointing the barrel at the man, but still not looking at him. 'If my mother-fucking question isn't answered soon, this pansy is gonna bleed.' Noone spoke, but far above them a nervous businessman watched from a hidden balcony, a thin sheen of sweat developing on his forehead. 'But sir...' Alan pulled the trigger. The cashier's head splattered against the wall, then dissolved into a mass of 1s and 0s. The businessman snapped. He couldn't allow this to happen any longer. It would completely ruin his cover. 'Come with me!' the businessman cried. Alan looked up. Yes, that was him. That was Sonic Blaster. Crippled. Weakened. Powerless. Alan leapt up to the balcony, and then followed him into a small room decorated in polished oak and stuffed leather. It was completely undistinguishable from the now locked and barred myOtaku the fiend once inhabited, but Alan could still sense the evil. It smothered the room. Blaster's voice snapped him from his reverie. 'Why must you kill me?' it asked, settling into the chair behind the large, mahogany desk and motioning to Alan to sit in the seat across from him. Alan sat, but didn't speak, staring at the man a few moments. 'Well?' Blaster demanded. 'WHY MUST YOU KILL ME? I'VE ABANDONED YOUR PRECIOUS MYO!' Alan chuckled. How shallow this fiend must think he is. 'I must kill you,' he said slowly. 'Because I never finished the job. You were weakened.' Alan's eyes narrowed. 'Not defeated.' Sonic blaster laughed a laugh befitting of his appearance, jolly and deep. 'But surely you know I am harmless now?' he said, wiping a 'jolly' tear from his eyes. Alan spat. 'Not likely. I can sense the visits in this room. I've only ever sensed this much at Maddox.' Sonic Blaster's eyes narrowed. He was found out. The crackling of visits suddenly filled the room, and the eCommerce site Blaster was hiding in started tearing at the seams, slowly ripping apart as he revealed his power. 'H0w did y-y-J00 find m3?' Sonic Blaster asked as his composure crumbled. He was slipping into L337, and his 'skin' was slowly peeling away to reveal the grey green horror beneath. 'It wasn't difficult.' Alan said impassively, slowly raising from the chair and lifting the shotgun. 'But... 8U7 I aV0iD3d ev3ry well kn0w|\| Pl4c3!' Sonic Blaster howled. 'How?//??????//?/' The eCommerce site started rupturing around the pair, as Sonic Blaster's small mind was stressed to the point of bleeding by Alan's cold logic. 'By following the trail of destruction you left.' He paused. 'L4M3R.' Then the eCommerce site exploded, and Alan blacked out, his finger tensing around the trigger as he slipped into darkness. A howl escaped Sonic Blaster as Alan slipped fully into unconsciousness. When he awakened he was floating in Empty Space. The eCommerce site was ruined, and the bodies of its customers littered the area. But Sonic Blaster lived on. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it, surveying the area for a clue, any clue, as to where Sonic Blaster could've gone. And he found one. A long, dripping trail of blood. Going right in the direction of Go-Gaia. 'Figures,' Alan thought, taking a long draw from the cigarette. 'Fucking n00bs.'
[quote name='Altron']Pretty funny stuff. I think you could've showed the guys n00bne55, describing him in greater detail. There's no real character development or anything, but maybe this is one of those chill-out, have fun stories.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Have patience, padwan. ^_~ It''s only the start, heh. This particular story has three parts and a sequal saga later on, so don't you be worrying about character developement.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Welcome all to n00b Hunter, a little saga... thing, that I've been writing for a while. For a while it's been pretty much contained within my blog, but Shinmaru and Alex pushed, prodded and beat me with sticks until I agreed to start posting them on OB. There is already a fair amount of these, so events in them may seem a tad out-dated... but oh well, lol. Originally it started with the [i]Sonic Blaster Saga[/i] and that's how I'll be doing it here, too. ;) Enjoy. [Note: If you try to find the archive site I set up for them you'll be greeted with a password prompt until I've reached the point it's up to in the thread. Sorry. =P][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Sonic Blaster Saga: Part 1 Alan crept cautiously into the vile den of n00biness, a machete in one hand, a locked and loaded shotgun in the other. He was searching for one thing, and one thing only: Sonic Blaster, King of the n00bs. And he'd be damned if he wasn't gonna find him. He'd been hired by the myO King Pin Shinmaru, and paid in a fist full of visits the likes of which he had never seen before. Except here. Here visits were piled high, constantly streaming in from across the internet from vile Auto Hit sites, making the fiend Sonic Blaster grow by the minute. Just a few doors down a similar scene was being played out, but Alan had come for Sonic Blaster, and it was Sonic Blaster that he would have. Someone else could take care of the other. Then... a flash. A streak of green grey went past his face and slammed the door in which he had entered. The being stood at the door, refusing to move, its eyes crackling with the power only illegitmate visits could grant. 'H4v3 j00 com3 4 m3?' it asked. Obviously it was Sonic Blaster. Alan lifted his shotgun. 'Yes I have...' he winked. '8147C|-|.' The shell flew from the barrel, but Sonic Blaster was gone already, zooming around the room to absorb the excess visits. In mere moments he had gone from a small fry to a being with enough power to destroy myO with a wink. 'H4H4H4!!!!1!!1!1!' it roared. 'j00 W1LL N3Ve4 D3F347 m3!' 'Won't I?' Alan asked, a snide grin on his face. He discarded the shotgun and passed the machete to his other hand. 'Let's see you defeat my... OFFSITE BLOG ATTACK!' The machete flew from his hands and lodged deep in Sonic Blaster's skull. 'N00000! 7aht'5 impo55i8l3!' The being exploded with a bang that rocked all myO, and then the room began to crumble. Alan dove for the door, but found it was jammed. 'Mother fucker!' he cursed. He picked up the shotgun and blew a hole in the door, diving through mere moments before the whole room imploded. Alan wiped his brow. 'I need an RP to rip apart' he said, before walking off in the direction of OtakuBoards. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]They get better as they go along, I swear![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing The Legend of Otaku Hollow [PG-13]
DeadSeraphim replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Dragon Warrior]Alan returned and became the official n00b hunter of the boards, slaying any disrespectful member (and some regulars) as he pleases. [B']James doesn?t really monitor his actions? maybe he should?[/B][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]That, my friend, would defy the point. If I had to fill out forms everytime I [strike]murdered[/strike] disposed of a n00b, I'd never get anything done! Anyway, coolies series, especially those bits with me in it. I'll make sure to get you a cameo in n00b Hunter sometime. ;)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Writing The Legend of Otaku Hollow [PG-13]
DeadSeraphim replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[quote]"So then I said to her," Dragon Warrior began to say to all the hott womenses in the strip club, "let?s just have a sexy tea party and call it a night. So we did and you know what she did?" He waited a moment as if expecting an answer from the intrigued strippers. "She asked for a massage. Now you know I have my dignity, but-" [/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Genius. Pure genius.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You might have to see a doctor about that chest infection. ;) I've learnt in my time on the net that splash pages don't usually serve much purpose though, outside of saying 'enter' which is why I suggested you remove it. Most people'll only ever see it once anyway, because they bookmark the main page, so it's kinda redundant.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Craptastic? I didn't say that. I believe the word was 'webshite'. =P In all seriousness though, it looks good. That's a lot of buttons, heheh. Can't wait to see it finished. ^_~ (Note: Does the archives button advertise blog archives?)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You make me wanna see this movie even more, lol. This banner rocks, heheh, the only problem I can see is its a bit jarring when it loops. Otherwise = awesomeness.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing The Legend of Otaku Hollow [PG-13]
DeadSeraphim replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]I love it, lol. It all rocks, but the interaction between story peoples and narrator are priceless, lol.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]64 * 64 is teh suck for avatar sizes. Seriously.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]'Which will it be?' the large, bald black man asked him as he stood there, staring out the window at the rain. 'The red...' The man's palm opened to reveal a red pill. Terri looked at the red pill. Kinda dull. 'Or the blue.' The other palm opened and a shiny blue pill was seen. Ooo, shiny, Terri thought ecstaticly. A smug look crossed Morpheus's face as he watched the youth weigh the decision. His performance had been flawless that time. He was on the top of his game tonight. With palm-opening like that, he was sure to pull another away from the Matrix Scratching the back of his neck, Terri sighed. 'I... just don't know,' he said, much to Morpheus's chagrin. 'I mean, sure, the red pill offers freedom and a life-time of running from evil machines but the blue pill.' His face twisted, as if thinking. 'It's shinier. And I don't think there's a man alive who can resist shiny.' An angry scowl crossed Morpheus's face. To help his decision, Terri took out a notebook and read a few questions he had jotted earlier. 'Tell me...' he began. 'Does the red pill offer dental?' 'No.' Terri's face fell. 'How about life insurance? Do I get good free life insurance?' 'We're pulling you out of a life of slavery into a world where money is non-existant.' Morpheus paused for effect. 'Life insurance isn't necessary.' Yet again Terri's hopes were dashed. What was he going to get out of these people then if he wasn't getting dental or life insurance? Freedom? A life? Man, who needed those when he got life insurance and dental already where he worked. He pondered on this for an infuriatingly long while. He was so attracted to the shininess of the blue pill... Plus he got life insurance and dental if he took it... Yet these fine people had dragged him out in the middle of a storm to propose there offer to him. There'd be no harm in just trying it out... Finally he bit the bullet, and took the red pill, swallowing it with a loud gulp. It was kinda salty, from Morpheus's sweating hands. Not a pleasant sensation. A woman came over and started leading him gently away by the arm. 'I'm just trying out your plan, you hear?' he said as she took him to a close by mirror. 'If I don't like it I'm backin' out and going back to my old job.' Morpheus smiled slyly as his finger touched the mercury like surface. 'As you wish.' -- When Terri awoke he was on a cold steel bench, naked except for a thin blanket. All over his body were small connectors, like what would be seen on a computer. He was fine with that. He'd been told to expect it. It was when he saw his surroundings, bleak grey walls, no air con, and not even a water cooler, that he freaked. 'Umm...' he said loudly. 'I don't like this plan, give me the blue pill now.' The woman walked into the room and put a plate of hot gruel on a workbench beside him. Leaning down, she whispered in his ear 'Sorry babe, there's no turning back.' Terri's eyes widened slightly in shock. A life on gruel, with no air con, or dental? 'GODDAMIT'[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I've no idea if anyone's noticed this outside of the people I usually chat to, but the myO Top List has, of late, been over-run by less-than-crap sites, and these sites are often in the Top 20, or, in some cases [U]Top 10[/U]. Most of the people at these sites say it 'was a shock' to find out, then lap it up despite the fact they get [U]no comments[/U] or post anything that would make people want to visit. Upon deletion of being knocked back they just continue to rise, so either there's a secret underground force of people who mass-visit these pages, or they're using such despicable means as autohit sites (originally made for games like Outwar). The only viable solution I see, at the present, is to temporarily take away the rankings system and/or remake it so it can't be so easily messed with. If anyone else has noticed this, or has other solutions, feel free to post...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Pumpkin][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1] That reminds me..I always did wonder why there was no Newbie Section, how do people introduce themselfs that are new? Just curious on why it was taken out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo]I'm pretty sure it was because it was a major spamfest in there... I could be wrong however.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Syk3][font=verdana] I still am trying to figure out what you mean by "severe mental side effects". While it is true that short term effects include memory loss, beer has the same effect, which is temporary and wears off completely. In no way does pot have long term effects on the brain. If you check out the site in my first post, you'll read that after 25 years of smoking marijuana, the author still tests as a genius on IQ tests, and claims that his mental abilities have actually increased over the years. It's also true, however, that it affects each person differently. "Obviously, if you have tried Marijuana and it had a bad effect on you, don't continue to use it."[/font] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Marijuana, especially hydro but any ole home grown will do it as well, can cause paranoid pscitzophrenia. It's rare, but it happens, as my uncle is living proof and has to be medicated every day of his life to help with the disease. My stance on this issue is that, if it is to be legalized, it should be confied to medicinal use. Whether you like it or not, marijuana IS as dangerous as cigarettes to your health. I mean... with bongs, not only are you inhaling fumes that can seriously **** with your head, but your inhaling moisture that can (and does) collect on the lungs over time. Not a good thing. Also, one joint of marijuana has the tar equivalent of [b]40 mild cigarettes[/b]. That's rather huge in my book... Not to mention, as has been said before, the effects it can have on short term memory. The **** has shot my father's short term to bits. If it were medicinal the people using it would be being monitored by physicians all the time anyway, so any harmful side effects would be spotted quickly, and the person would be weened off the drug. That way the person, if it does start messing with their mind, can lessen the impact it has...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Just bought the Greatest Hits (released today in Australia). I'm only on on the second track, but I just thought I'd comment that their Another Brick in the Wall cover is amazing. Seriously. I'll edit this post later once I've finished listening to it, and have watch the DVD that came coupled with it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Protecting files from parents...is this ok?
DeadSeraphim replied to asian_tofu's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]If you're using XP, you can just set your account to administrator and password it... Then noone can snoop around without being logged in as you. That's always worked for me. But if you can't do that, and you really feel the need to Password Protect it, I'd reccomend telling them first, or, worst case scenario, they could assume it's a malignant file when prompted for a password and delete it. Or they could demand to know why you locked it in the first plac and force you to show them. So yeah, I think at least telling them why it's locked is a good idea if you're going to password protect it. Maybe make a small white lie about the fanfics though... '[I]Sure Mum, just more journal files, eheheh...[/I]:sweat:' Note: Harry's advice was utter genius.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[quote name='Serraph-Angel][size=1']Okay 2 myO questions... #1, is there any way that I could possibly change myO username? If not that is totally fine and the #2 question is, is there a place where I can basically learn all the HTML Commands or whatever for like color, urls, etc?[/size][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Question 1: I don't have a clue. Question 2: Try [url]www.founderweb.com[/url] , a site Adam made a while ago. It's got HTML Tutorials, Quiz Makers, Hex Colour Charts and all kinds of cool stuff. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I actually like Untouchables... It's in my top ten favourite albums. And you're not missing much in Life is Peachy, heh. While it has some stand out songs (ADIDAS and Kill You, notabley), it's also got a lot of **** on it, like Twist and Chi. I was actually pretty disappointed in it, when I first heard it, as I'd been expecting more of an original KoRn sound but came out with something that was totally out there. It's grown on me though, even though it has some rubbish.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Here you go, heh. If that don't work as planned give me a PM, because I pretty much figured these out of the top of my head.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]