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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[quote name='XxLinkinParkxX']IMO i think they are killing the series with this i mean AC is aweosme and all, just a FF& game without cloud isnt FF& its pointless[/quote] [font="Arial"][color="indigo"][size="1"]It isn't about building an FF7 sequel, it's about expanding on the wildly popular world that made for FF7. Personally, I think they've done the right thing in not using Cloud, because by the end of FF7 his character was so thoroughly explored to make a sequel about him would be pointless. By choosing a popular yet not very explored character [Vincent] they've given the game a much better potential than if they had stuck with Cloud.[/size][/color][/font]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]This may be true to a degree, but I wouldn't say its the be all and end all. In Kill Adam II, for example, James recruited a [i]New Member[/i] and a practically no name member to fill the new positions. It had nothing to do with their rep, it rested solely on their talent as a writer. I don't agree that older more respected members get more sign ups, though, because it really depends on theconcept. I know James has had RPs that failed to even get off the ground because not enough people were interested in the concept. The fact that they [respected/older members] usually get lots of sign ups only rests a tiny bit on their reputation. The fact that they made an RP may get people looking, but only if someone likes the concept will they attempt a sign up.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]New information has been released, via the Tokyo Game Show. It's been confirmed that it's an action game, but the violent group Vincent is battling is known as 'Deep Groud', not Dirge of Cerebus as earlier thought. A few characters are said to return apart from Vincent, but only Cait Sith has been confirmed. Strangely enough, a few FFIX characters will also be making an appearance. A few new screens have been released too. [CENTER] [URL=http://img82.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img82&image=ffdocss12.jpg][IMG]http://img82.exs.cx/img82/7552/ffdocss12.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img82.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img82&image=ffdocss15.jpg][IMG]http://img82.exs.cx/img82/6880/ffdocss15.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img82.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img82&image=ffdocss16.jpg][IMG]http://img82.exs.cx/img82/121/ffdocss16.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] Other screens are in a ZIP attachment. *cares for the 56k users*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]Woo.... He decided not to do it based on Golden Sun Book 1. It's just the name of the thread, haha. I think he's got something elaborate planned with the golden age.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Are you sure you didn't get a new message and accidentally put it in your 'Saved' folder straight away?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
DeadSeraphim replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You know, I've [I]never[/I] heard this argument , or any of the situations you've outlined, in Australian schools at all. But I can see where you're coming from, heh, even if I don't necessarily agree with you. Yes, there should be a line drawn somewhere, but come on... Restricting reading the Bible is going too far. I mean, as long as they don't stand up and suddenly start lecturing the class on why everyone's a dirty sinner, it isn't actually hurting anyway, or forcing beliefs. The line should only have to be drawn, I think, when the religious items in question are dangerous. Like, the dagger you mentioned. As long as the item has no potential for immediate danger, I don't think it should be an issue. As for where I stand on banning headscarves and stuff... no. It's taking away their right to practice any religion they want, and if practising that requires wearing headscarves, so be it. If the clothing they were forced to wear was in any way dangerous, I would look at it differently, but it's not, so they should feel free to wear it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I agree with James on this one, heh. Despite having seen screenshots, its still a tad early to tell what this game could turn out as. Judging it from appearances alone, and labelling it a DMC clone before its even released, is a bit... dumb, lol. Personally, I think it looks somewhat like MGS (the screenshots seem to suggest stealth), and as the only thing from the shots I've seen similar to DMC as yet is a gun and some red, I somehow think that a DMC clone is unlikely. Besides, Vincent never seemed like the kind of guy who would take outright confrontation over stealth like Dante does anyway, and if SE were to take the route they would be messing up the character of Vincent somewhat, heh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]I don't think its possible to have one 'right' definition of goths. Not even gothics can agree among themselves what being gothic is about... I mean, I've not a shitload of Goths, and one thought Gothicism was about blood drinking, one thought it was about cutting, yet another was of the opinion Satanism is the way.... It's too ambiguous a term heh.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Nah, it has changed for whatever reason. Personally, I hope that's not a replacement for a truly new scheme/theme (you know, something other than this suffocating Liquid and the too-weird-for-me Geisha styles). The banner does look better now, but I think the change came too late because I'm still sick of it.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]You know you've always got the option to changing to the Geisha theme for a while, just for a change. Noone's forcing you to stick with Liquid, heh. Course, not many people like Geisha so... *shrug*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The most memorable boss battle I ever had was against Bongo Bongo ins the Shadow Temple. It was the first time I'd ever actually undertaken a boss fight in an action game (I kinda... took over a friend's file >.>) and I was pretty damn happy with myself when I say that sucker fall. Granted, it was an easy boss fight, but it was memorable nonetheless. Not many other boss battles really stick out in my mind though, heh. Even when I finished Final Fantasy 7, the boss battle was rather lacklustre. I've never really been a fan of multi part bosses. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I'm more predisposed towards 3D, but I don't really care that much. I mean, in all a cases, its the gameplay I care about, not the shininess (or lack thereof) of the graphics. I also think some games are better suited to 2D, as well. A good example of this would be the Worms series. In its 2D form it had awesome gameplay and provided endless fun, but when they took the step up to 3D... Blegh. It wasn't nearly as enjoyable. The environments were far too big and the graphics were subpar. GTA taking the step was a good choice though. That was a game that could really accomodate and use 3D graphics in its overall design. It wasn't just a shiney add on, heh, and was used effectively in most cases.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Vould you make it so whenever you do a simple action (like adding a Quiz, for example) you aren't taken back to the backroom just to see the confirmation/error message. It can get very tedious when trying to do something like adding and then displaying a quiz and you get redirected to the backroom after each action. A mass delete Guestbook feature, or Guestbook flush feature, would be nice too.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[font=arial][color=indigo][size=1]The Empty Spaces one is pretty cool, heheh. It's like musical satire, for the time, lol. When it was released, everyone was counter-turning records to find messages... As for the other ones featured at that site... bull, lol. The link is tenuous at best. I think you need a very good imagination to even 'hear' the lyrics posted alongside the music.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]This is morbid, but I was inspired by that wrestler... or at least I think he's still a wrestler... Whatever, lol. Enjoy, heheh.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]---[/CENTER] [U][B][CENTER]Ignorant Fools - The Death of a Warrior[/CENTER][/B][/U] A dark bird circled in the sky overhead, its harsh craw echoing over the empty valley like a supernatural chorus. Far below it, partially hidden by the thick mists yet to die before the sun's morning rays, lay a man. His armour was black as night, his tabard torn and bloodied. In his left hand he held a sword, in his right a mace. His handsome face was uncovered, revealing his vibrant blue eyes and finely chiseled cheeks and jaw. Long roguish hair was tied back in a sweat soaked ponytail, and a fine fuzz had begun to grow over his strong features. Pity the maiden who would never see it, however, for even as he lay there, with the mists around him slowing disappearing, he bled. Great streams of crimson black liquid poured from his side to stain the dark earth around him, running through the rivulets and cracks in his armour in a valiant effort to escape. The man closed his eyes. When he opened them again he had visibly paled. The ground around him was sticky with blood, and his hands had long since released their foolhardy grips on their respective weapons. The mist had long since burned off, revealing a sea of corpses that congregated around his dying form in concentric circles. His breath came in ragged gasps, and in his eyes could be seen the fear only death could bring. High above him the bird barked its harsh cry once again. 'And now it ends,' he said softly to himself. 'Only now does the mighty Raven fall to the blade of another. Far from civilization, protecting that which he loved.' He chuckled softly at his words. He should've been a minstrel. 'I hope the capitol appreciates the great debt I have done them this day. A barbarian horde, defeated, in service of the Kingdom.' Despite his weakness, he began to laugh hysterically. 'They sent their greatest warrior to deal with an entire army! What fools! What ignor--' A spasm of coughing interrupted his monologue to the empty skies. 'What ignorant fools...' the last words barely passed his lips. Above him the dark bird cried out. 'And now I disappear... into the great hereafter...' He closed his eyes and swallowed. His heart ground to a stop. His body grew limp. And the crow above descended, its dark wings a grim reminder of the death just passed. It landed on Raven's face, and pecked mercilessly at his closed eyes...
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I think they mean where myOtaku hosts your background image, like it does with your avatar.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Dragon Warrior asked me to give a second opinion for this [LegatoGunSmoke and Ultamilz], so I'll give it a shot. Milz, you're style is inconsistent. In your second post (let's call it the 'naughty' post) you switch tenses too much. Also, the use of expletives, whilst fun, in no way makes it more interesting. Also this: [quote name='ultimamilz']It's PG-13, so it can use the f word once or twice, so shut up Deimos.[/quote] was completely uncalled for. I think it would've been better to discuss such a thing via PM, my friend. GunSmoke. The tense and style was consistent, but your grammar and spelling needs work. Can I introduce to you my good friend MSWord? I suggest just running your posts through that for its spellchecker function before posting. The last paragraph in the second post slips tense though. The action is kind of interesting, but you should try and include more of it in your posts, GunSmoke. Who do I declare winner? Its a hard choice. But I'll have to go with LegatoGunSmoke. You both need work, but GunSmoke was more consistent (even if he didn't write much action).[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Hmm... anti-heroes, huh? Anti-heroes are always fun. Especially when though go all Riddick on you and are thrown into a situation that they can't avoid but could save thousands. Then things get interesting. But as you're trying to avoid cliches, that idea can be put on the shelf. I think, if I were you, I wouldn't portray your protagonists as good men doing bad things, but bad men doing bad things. And loving it. Like, holding up banks, cold-blooded murder, etc. etc. To further put a spin on it, you could have a rival gang, who were slowly killing off gang members (assuming the Dalton's are travelling in a gang, that is) until they [b]have to[/b] confront the other gang, to save their lives. Throughout this you'd have the standard stage coach robbery and what have you going on, of course. Obviously that's a rather serious concept, heheh. Using the Western theme, you could spin a huge comedy element on it to, in the form of the bumbling, inexperienced outlaws. Screwing up at every turn, lol, but somehow making it through all right. That's a bit of a cliche concept though, heh.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Mario walked out of the building and surveyed the rag-tag group of videogame characters before him. He had fighters and healers, farmers and ghosts. Hell, he even had a vampire and a living vacuum. They would all serve a purpose at PBI. Except for that damned chicken. He mused a moment on this,then reached into a pocket on his garish blue overalls and took out a double-folded note, containing the welcome speech. The plumber cleared his throat and reassembled his face. 'Congratulations, employee name, on securing a job at Plumber Brothers Incorporated!' he said with great enthusiasm, reading the note word for word. A small murmur overtook the crowd, then Mario realised his mistake. 'I mean-a... err... congratulations on securing a job at Plumber Bros Incorporated!' He wiped his brow. 'That was a close-a one,' he said under his breath. Behind him Luigi just shook his head slowly. Oblivious to his mistake, he plowed on. 'Tomorrow is-a the first day of your employment, and as-a such, I command you all to go-a home now and get some rest!' He signaled and Luigi came forward, handing out pamphlets. 'It will-a be rough, it will-a be tough, and you will-a need all-a your strength to come-a through the training in one piece. Right-a now, My brother Luigi is handing out-a the bus timetables. The buses know-a to give you free fare. I will expect all of you bright and early.' And with that he retreated back into the building with nary a word of goodbye, followed closely by his brother. 'Well that sure was rude,' said Samus as she leafed through the time table. 'Indeed it was, m'lady,' Frog said in reply, tracing the bus times with his finger till he found what he was looking for. Throughout the small group similar conversations were being held, with the exception of one person. Lieing inebriated on the ground, Cucco hadn't heard anything Mario had said, nor even noticed when Luigi had dropped the pamphlet before him. In fact, he didn't even notice when everyone started filing away, or when the front door of PBI opened and slammed shut, heralding the brothers' departure for the evening. That rubbing alcohol had been strong stuff. Sometime aroound 10pm he slowly opened his Cucco eyes and swore. 'Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap,' he cursed, running around like a... headless chicken. 'What the hell have I done? Where am I supposed to go? Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.' This continued for a good five minutes before Cucco noticed the pamphlet. He raised his little chicken eyebrow as best as he physically could. Perhaps this would hold the answers he seeked. He trotted calmly over, breathing deeply to regain his composure (and hoping like hell noone had seen his little scene) and flipped open the fold with his beak. Then he started to curse again. 'Goddamn it! A bus timetable!? What am I supposed to--' he then cottoned on. 'Oh. Check when the bus goes to my joint. Right.' He scanned the times and then began to curse yet again. This really wasn't his evening. Using the logic only unwanted soberity could bring, Cucco decided he'd wait here until morning, even if it killed him. And he tried. Truely he tried. But when he saw the Koopas going by... stinking of rum and bearing the mark of a pub crawl... he couldn't resist. The temptation was too strong. That night, it wasn't a want that drove him to the bar, but a need. 'Hey wait up!' he called. The Koopas stopped. 'Hey chicken-dude!' One said. 'Where you headed?' 'Wherever there's alcohol.' 'Hey! What a coincidence! Us too!' The other koopas all murmured something in the affirmitive. 'Come on, chicken-dude, you can come with us.' One of the koopas came over and lifted him onto its back. And thus Cucco's first night of soberity in the Mushroom kingdom was murdered by a group of traveling Koopas. There's a marked grave and everything outside PBI. Or there was, until the same koopas used it to make a beer bong. Partying with the Koopas, Cucco lost track of how many bars he went to before it happened, but he knew it must've been a lot. Like, more than three at least. But when it happened, he was able to remember absolutely everything about the incident. Most of the Koopas had long since passed out somewhere, and now it was just Cucco and Jeb (as he later found out). They had been everywhere in the Mushroom Kingdom so far, and Cucco's very feathers were stained brown with rum. The only place they hadn't gone was the 'Bucket of Blood', a small bar close to the Koopa/Mushroom kingdom border that generally unsavory types like to hang out in. 'Dude, I'm still thirsty...' Jeb said through rum coated lips. 'I hear ya man, but noone's gonna let us in now. Not after we vomited on and stained the carpet of all four of the bars.' 'You make a solid argument, chicken-dude. We'll have to try the Bucket of Blood.' 'The bucket of what?' Cucco asked. 'Blood. Its the last bar before Koopa Kingdom. Pretty rough place, I hear.' Cucco thought on this. Rough place... rough places had very strong, probably very illegal beer. 'Lead on!' he thundered. Jeb just smiled and the two soon found themselves at their destination. Inside the sounds of thumping techno music could be heard, and even as they stood and watched a small chain chomp smashed through a window to the left of the entrance. It landed with a thump outside, before shaking its head and dashing back in again. 'I like this place already,' Cucco said as they went inside. The place was populated by a motley bunch of C-Grade stars, including one eyed Mushroom Men, more Chain Chomps, Goombas sporting Mario related head scars, a Koopa on DJ duty and a Pirahna Plant behind the bar. Amidst all this, Cucco and the relatively fresh looking Jeb appeared out of place. Never mind that though, they were here to drink. Cucco and Jeb strode bravely through this congregation to the bar, and Cucco said, 'I DEMAND a rum this instant!' At once the whole place went quiet. A small group of Goombas in the corner whimpered softly, and the Chain Chomps let the cigarettes fall from their mouths. 'What did you say, boy?' The Pirahna Plant asked, slowly and in a deep, scary voice. 'I said, I DEAMND a rum, Cucco restated, feeling behind him for Jeb only to find he had escaped the moment Cucco made his foolish demand. The Pirahna Plant visibly bristled. 'You don't demand anything from me boy,' he said, opening his mouth wide and peppering Cucco with fireballs. Immediately the chicken burst into flames, and the alcohol in his feathers didn't help. 'AAAGH!' Cucco yelled, running around the room and bumping into things. 'I'm on fire, I'm on fire!' Everything he touched burst a flame, and he only through sheer chance did he make it out of the bar before the roof collapsed. Screams of dying Goombas filled the air, but Cucco never heard it (and thus wouldn't have to carry it around on his conscience), as he was soon passed out on the grass, burnt and very wet. 'Smooth one Romeo,' Jeb later said. 'One measly flame and you burn down a whole bar. Now where're we going to drink?' The chicken didn't say anything. He was dozing fitfully on the Koopa's back, damp still from the bucket of water Jeb had thrown on him to save his life. Why Jeb had been carrying a bucket of water when Cucco dashed out of the bar (at which point he had been half burned), he would never know, but the Koopa had saved his life. He thought it might have something to do with that 'logic' thing. Noticing that the chicken was asleep and not wanting to wake him up to get directions to the guys place, Koopa dropped him off where he had found him - outside PBI - before heading home himself, mere moments before Mario appeared to open up for the day. 'Well, look who's-a the earliest!' Mario thought to himself, looking at the now fully healed (having dealt with Link and magic powder, Cucco healed quickly from burn wounds) chicken, who was snoring softly outside PBI. 'Doesn't stink-a of rum either! And-a showered! Must-a be serious about this!' With that he let the chicken keep sleeping and went inside to sort out the training schedule for the day.
Discuss Lord of the Rings: The Retelling [Underground]
DeadSeraphim replied to Jokopoko's topic in Theater
[quote name='Jokopoko][COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]The three places that cannot be changed are [B]ARAGORN, GANDALF, SAMWISE and FRODO[/B][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Err... that's four places, dude. Question: If Lord of the Rings (the books) was, apparently, a retelling by Frodo himself, and the Gamgee family looked after the book [spoiler]after he went to the grey havens[/spoiler], does that mean through some obscure chance that the Gamgee family no longer poses the book, or they don't associate it with fact? Apart from that very minor nag, I like the concept. Would I be right in assuming that, because the facts are blurred, one could have some fun with this situations? Like... say... having the plot go off on tangent because of a battle wound or something (that, of course, wasn't sustained in the actual story either ;))? Oh, and one last question. What of Gollum?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Cucco was bored. He had been waiting for at least the last two hours for his interview, and was getting rather annoyed at the fact that he was still sober and it was well past one oclock. Even worse, the soberity was starting to cloud his thoughts, right up to the point where he didn't notice a familiar green imp sneak right by him until the familiar stabs of a sword penetrated his butt. At once his eyes flared red, and he leapt up, turning around in mid air with chicken-like finess (because, you know... he's a chicken) to stare at the midget 'Hero' Link. 'What are you doing here?' he spat (literally and figuratively). 'I just got a job with the fine people at Plumber Brothers Inc.' Link replied, an air of superiority in his words. 'The question is, what are you doing here, Henny.' Cucco nearly choked on his words. Henny. What a nerve. You lynch mob someone once and he holds it against you for life. Oh well, at least it wasn't unrequited hated. 'I'm applying for a job here as well brat,' Cucco said, but the confidence in his voice was betrayed by the shakiness of his feathers. Seeing Link was interesed any more (he had gone off to talk to some frog about blades) he started scuttling around at high pace, trying to get rid of extra energy and, generally looking like a fool as he did so (this didn't worry him that much though... he was known to do much stupider things after a rum or seven). Just then the door openned and he stopped in his tracks. 'Right, you're next,' said a pink blob thing from the door, pointing at him with a weird fin. Cucco stopped and tryed to calm down as much as possible, hoping that the shaking would cease sometime in the next two or three seconds, without the aid of alcohol. 'Thanks,' Cucco said in way of reply, trying to calm his frayed nerves as he walked through the door. As he stepped inside, a low moaning could be heard, and the 'Pause music' of Super Smash Bros seemed to penetrate his small chicken skull. At a desk sat his large, would be employer Mario, apparently delighting in the pain his the moaner was in. 'Ah! Mr Cucco! How nice-a to see you!' said Mario, 'Please, take-a seat.' Cucco did as he was told, and set about making himself comfortable. Seeing that he was settled, Mario took out a clipboard. 'Now, we have to ask-a you some questions, you understand?' Cucco nodded. 'It's all procedure and...' Mario trailed off with some characteristic Italian hand waving. 'First-a question: Where-a did you hear about our fine establishment?' Cucco thought back through the sober haze and vaguely recalled a man with a toadstool on his head stumbling into his favourite bar. 'Err... well... I was kind of... in a bar... right? And err...' He was struggling to remember. Soberity was a bitch. 'This guy with a... mushroom? on his head, came in, and was totally blind rotten drunk.' The scent of rubbing alcohol drifting from the kitchen (accompanied by a long moan of appreciating) had cleared his thoughts somewhat. 'Yes, that-a was our recruit deadbeats campaign,' said Mario, from over arched fingers. Cucco would've blushed, if he wasn't a chicken. Stumbling over his words, he said, 'Err... well... that is to say... I wasn't there to drink and umm...' Cucco saw no change in Mario's face so continued with his tale. 'But yeah. This guy hands me a flier, and its got your ugly mug on it, and some green guy's face too. And I thought... No way. No way in hell.' Mario's eyes widened slightly. 'Then why-a did you come!' he demanded in a flustered voice. Cucco was regaining his composer incredibly quickly, as the rubbing alcohol fumes had only been growing stronger over time. 'Lemme finish.' he said. 'THEN the bartender, has come up to me and handed me this bill... and I mean a big frikkin bill. Like, the kind of bills they give college students.' 'You-a came to pay off your debt?' Mario asked, an eyebrow raised. Cucco could feel this job slipping. Honesty is not the best policy. 'Yeah. And also because the mushroom guy was offering free transport to here, and I had to get away before that sicko of a bartender decided he enjoyed Chicken a La Range.' Mario coughed. 'Well, I'm a sorry, we have no place for you he--' But at that moment Luigi stepped through the broken door of the kitchen, stinking of rubbing alcohol and obviously drunk on the fumes. 'Now-a shee hear Mario!' he slurred. 'I like the boy! And I...' The Italian hiccouped. 'And I have as much shay in thish bushness as you!' He staggered slightly. 'Shoo... I shay he'sh-a hired!' If Cucco had lips he would've grinned. Alcohol saved him again! He walked out just as a small row started between the two brothers, and read the last name on the list. Alucard... 'Hey Alucard, you're next!' he yelled out.
Writing Anime Stories, Make your own here and read them here!
DeadSeraphim replied to Blackrose_'s topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Blackrose_][COLOR=Purple']First of all, I want to read Anime stories made up by other people...Come on folks, Make your own episode of your favorite anime, I really want to read an episode make by an anime fan.... I have my own Episode for you guys to read! So start your own episode, start your own anime... Ya know if its good enough you might just be famous!!! ^_^ jk, but it might happen! :) [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]If you're that desperate to read anime fan fiction I would reccomend [url=http://www.fanfiction.net]FanFiction.net[/url]. It has anime fan fiction, tv fan fiction, movie fan fiction... you name it, and there's probably a FF on it. You can p[ost your own stuff there too... and there's a huge chance you'll get feedback, even if the story blows...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I don't like how in the 'ScirosArt' popup bit its impossible to know what I'm looking at until I've click one of the little blue buttons, and even then I have to click again to bring up the image proper. Maybe if you had the picture info appear on hover of the buttons, instead of on click, it would be better. You might want to put a title on the window it appears in too. :-p I'm also having trouble firguring out why there is a seemingly randomly placed line in the... 'header image', if you will. Is the blank area it is portioning off eventually going to become something, or is it just for aesthetics? Also, a way to navigate around when in sections (like, from Gallery to CoolStuff, for example) would be good, because at present you have it so people have to press back just to get to the menu... Otherwise, apart from the very... pastel? (I can't find a word for it) colouring, I like it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss "Sun's Fire: The Beasts That They Were" An Idea I seem to have had.
DeadSeraphim replied to Legault's topic in Theater
[quote name='Legault']Well like I said, I'm only throwing the idea around. The classes thing is just something I'm a fan of. And magic too. The controlled kings thing seemed original, but if you say so, I'll change the plot. But it did seem interesting at the time. Oh well.... Hey, maybe you could help me? I'm bassicly only an alright rp fighter, and I just create characters pretty quick. Thing is I keep them. (Just to say, I have about 56, or 57.) And you do seem to able to point out plot mistakes, and things that just suck. So if it's okay, would you care to help?[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]You may want to look in the direction of FFVIII, FFIX and FFX-2 for that controlled leader plot device... Oh, and I'll help, if you post more. A tip for now would be breaking up your posts into paragraphs. ;) Makes them much easier to read.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] -
Discuss "Sun's Fire: The Beasts That They Were" An Idea I seem to have had.
DeadSeraphim replied to Legault's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It needs work, and I'm not just talking a lick of paint. My main qualm is the plot is so damned cliche. Brain-controlled rulers? Check. Evil organization? Check. Magic and classes? Check. As of now it doesn't even say [i]why[/i] random adventurers are going out to stop this organization. It just says they'll 'find out something'. I understand that this is still conceptual, but come on... Also, the bit about the mind-controlled kings was damn confusing. It took me a while to figure out that the one king not being manipulated was hiring the organization.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']Even if people hate Korn now, I think they'd be foolish to ignore the absolutely massive impact they had on popular music when they debuted. I still listen to their debut LP from time to time. I honestly prefer it to a lot of their later stuff, mostly because it has a lot more of a hip hop vibe with a bit less angst than they wound up putting out later. It's still pretty enjoyable.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]I've actually been listening to their debut a lot lately, heh, because it is a genuinely enjoyable album. I've found that I enjoy the sound a bit more than their later releases, because it doesn't have an obscene amount of synthesized noise in it, heh. Untouchables is a shocker for overuse of synth, as opposed to KoRn which had very little. And KoRn had a huge impact on poplar music. They reinvigorated the dieing metal scene and brought many bands into the spotlight. (I think they brought Rammstein into the spotlight, I can't be sure though).[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]