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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[quote name='ChapterBlack888']Korn is one of the most horrible bands of all-time.Most of their songs sound almost exactly alike, how can you listen to a band like Korn.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Well, first I put the CD into the CD player, then I hit play and music comes out of the speakers. Its an ingenious concept. And may I point out that its only the last three albums that have sounded the same... because they got stuck in a rut, so to speak... [i]KoRn[/i], [i]Life is Peachy[/i] and [i]Follow the Leader[/i] are unique unto themselves. That's why a heap of people hate Life is Peachy, actually, because it was such a huge step musically from KoRn. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]This idea of the Elemental Star stealing intrigues me. Yes, I know, that idea blowed, lol. But eh. I was tired. I did't actually [i]read[/i] it till a few hours ago. >.>;; I was just throwing out ideas, lol. But yes. This elemental star stealing in the Golden Age. It sounds awesome. Having it from the perspective of the thieves, unaware of what their actions will do, would be the most interesting. Especially since they'd be coming up against all kinds of resistance in their plight. Setting it in the Golden Age would also leave you open to be a bit more creative with the world, and add in things that were 'lost' between the Golden Age and the time frame of Golden Sun. Technology, magic, etc... I'd also like to see what the effects of the stars being taken away from the lighthouse would be, as opposed to being taken there. We know what happens when they're returned, but what happened when they were stolen initially? I'm not talking the long, barely noticable things (like the shrinking of the world) but the initial things. Stealing the Fire Star could set off volcanoes, for example, or stealing the water star could cause huge rain storms around the world[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]Well... I thought about this 'plot' thing... and because I have had a hell of a week and no caffeine for HOURS, all I came up with was the following: As you start the game an Earth djinni of some description relates to you a tale of rejoining his friends... Now, assuming you didn't completely blow at Golden Sun I & II, we can assume they are all back together. This is where my idea gets a bit cooler. The Djinni, when they join, can form monsters. Now what would happen if all 40-something of them joined together? Something uber. Very uber. And probably extremely psychotic and willing to destroy the world. Plus, throw in the fact it has the ultimate power of all elements and you have something to worry about. I think it'd work best if this uber-monster (or ithey could turn into some uber-humanoid who can blend seemlessly with society) was fleeing to another dimension of some sort, and in its search for the portal it left there eons ago (because it was dumb and forgot where he hid the damn thing) is trashing the place up. Your heroes valiantly quest to stop it, racing all over the world before they end up at Vale themselves, with the fate of the world in their hands. Yes, it needs a fuckload of improvement, but its just the skeleton of a plot. More original elements should come from you. ;) (because, you know, its your RP and all)[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]My main issue with it is everyone who would sign up would have already played the games enough to know the plot, and in areas where huge events take place (like Lighthouses, for example), wouldn't get to have any fun with the situations. I mean, maybe if you liked writing recounts, but otherwise no. Also, the people playing [spoiler]Saturos and Mernadi wouldn't even get a look in in the second game because they get screwed over[/spoiler], so they wouldn't have much incentive to try very hard near the end of the RP. Ask yourself, would you like to participate in an RP where not only the plot is predefined, but you know your character is going to die? Summed up, I think if you changed the plot it'd be a better concept. Recycling the game's plot could get tedious. Also... incorporate the djinni somehow... those little guys rocked, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I put off making this thread so long, but I can no longer deny the cravings... Basically its about KoRn, my absolute favourite band of all time, and is open for discussion regarding how much you like or hate their music, favourite tracks, etc. etc. I understand that KoRn is an aquired taste, so I won't be offended if you totally rip on them. Just very disappointed. Anyway... KoRn released their self-title debut in 1994, and are made up of Jonathon Davis (vocals, bagpipes), Fieldy (bass), Munk (guitar), Head (guitar) and David (insane drumming). This album became gold after extensive touring and promotion (most notably openning for Ozzy Osbourne) and then they kind of... disappeared. Seen as a one hit wonder, so to speak. Then in 1996 they released Life is Peachy, which differed incredibly from what the fans expected, but (in my opinion at least) was a reasonably good album. It is a hard album to get into, heh, whoever you are. In 98 they released their best-yet album Follow the Leader, which had the hit singles God Hates Me and Freak on a Leash, plus collaborations with Fred Durst, Cheech and Ice Cube (I [i]think[/i] it was Ice Cube, at any rate. It's been a while). On it was a song written about a little boy who requested to see them as part of the Make A Wish foundation. In 99 they released Issues, which had a shiteload of publicity surrounding it but was a pretty big disappointment. It was good, but not [i]that[/i] good. Of note is there is four different versions of that albums cover. In 2002 they released Untouchables, another let down of an album. Like Issues, it didn't live up to the name KoRn had made for themselves. Then, just last year, they released Take a Look in the Mirror, which is like a return to their roots. Of course, they are yet to top Follow the Leader, but TALITM is a step towards it. And yeah. A makeshift discography, lol. At the moment I'm listening to Issues the most, but my favourite is Follow the Leader. Having said that, my favourite song ever is Blind from their first album. Go figure. So yeah. Thoughts?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][U]Frank Zappa[/U] Frank Zappa was one of those guys who just didn't fit into the social norm. I think he cranked out about 70-something records in his life, and all of them were unique unto themselves. His music is relatively unknown though, but was incredibly influential nonetheless. [U]The Doors[/U] Come on. They're The Doors. What more must I say? [U]The Sex Pistols[/U] These guys were... punk. Like, refined to the point of insanity. They influenced so many other bands at the time, and influence just as many bands these days, and emulated what punk was with such clarity it was hard to deny them. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Guilty Gear: Rebirth Of Ourtrage- too long?
DeadSeraphim replied to Engel's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]Yes. It's too long. There's not much more that can be said. Try trimming off superfluous information if/when you decide to post it again. I mean, I'm not usually lazy when it comes to reading tuff, but the sheer wealth of information in that one post alone made me balk. So yeah. Trim it. If you want signups, that is.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] -
[quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']I mean you've given people background information on everything they may need to post about.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Not that background information is particularly difficult to find, lol. Necromunda was like the 40k version of Mordheim, heh. Doesn't mean I'm saying he's a thief though, lol. I have no doubt he typed it all out himself, and, furthermore, could probably use it to explain the intricacies of the game.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='angstypunk']The lineart seems to "jump" sometimes and look really sketchy, but I guess it would cost way too much money to get all the art perfect and averything.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] If the rest of the videoclip is anything to go off, I'd say they had the money to do it, but they wanted that effect. Personally, Linkin Park isn't... that good. Very repititive. They have a few good songs (Papercut and Breaking the Habit, notably), and they're solid musically, just... *shrug* Chester did a good job with vocals for Queen of the Damned though.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][u]1. What were your favourite toys (if you had any)?[/u] This implies that I don't still have some... *ahem* My favourite toys were Transformers, for sure. I'd amuse my self for hours with them, lol. I never got the Beast Wars toys though. They always seemed way too complex to transform. Most of the original Transformers were nice and simple and allowed for ease of play, lol. Though I've noted that some of the more recent versions have difficulty levels printed on them. [u]2. What did you think of the toys then?[/u] Hella fun. I'd go to clean my room and end up playing wioth the scattered toys instead. Mighty sagas would be fought between plastic dinosaurs and transformers in my bedroom as a child, lol. [u]3. What do you think of the toys now?[/u] I only have one toy from early childhood, and he's looking pretty roughed up, lol. 14 years can do that to a bear. :p But yeah. I still like toys. Especially capguns. Such stupid games can be played by adolescents with a few capguns. *Urban Commando anyone?* [u]4. What do you think of the stereotypes that some toys seem to encourage?[/u] Eh, my views on stereotypes period are pretty negative. I never really bought into the 'girls play with dolls and boys play with cars' thing. I still don't, heh. I think that what a child plays with has no bearing on his emotional development, and just furthers their ability to utilize their imagination. In other words, a guy playing with dolls won't turn out sissy, and a girl playing with cars won't turn out butch. I know I played with a lot of dolls in my youth, and I'm relatively normal. Furthermore my very feminine cousin Danica played with my cars and trucks when she was little, and its done nothing to her. It's all just old wives tales, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It seems completely centred around one guy at this point... there is no mention of what part the Hadan will play in the RP, or if he meets other people beside the Hadan or anything. Just another revenge plot, with a twist, heh. Also... You say Aaj is created by one year olds... then you say to become all powerful one must collect all the Aaj. BUT Aaj can only be taken from the dead. Therefore, for someone to become rule of Mewn, they have to kill everyone, or at least everyone a year old or older. Lord of nothing or lord of the babies. Hardly makes it seem worth it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Eh... I dunno... the story is good, but there isn't really much logic to the actual RPing bit. They create fighters. They fight. Err... tell me what this has to do with a demonic army again? There is little indication from this info provided that the participants are trying to get to Leithen. It just seems like a sparring tournament. I mean, there isn't even very much reasoning as to [i]why[/i] they're fighting at the moment. Are they fighting so they can claim the bounty and not have it stolen? Are they fighting in a Tekken-style tournament to challenge the guy? Who knows. But yeah. Thats my only qualm with it right now.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Name: Cucco Approximate Age: About 25 Picture: Personality: Bitter, cynical and alcoholic. PLUS he bears a huge grudge against 'everybody's favourite hero'. Having said that, he gets along well with the Koopas (cheap rum in Koopa Kingdom) and likes hanging out with other chickens when he can. Background: Well... I've been around ever since Link started saving the world I guess, just, you know, standing around. Clucking. It was great pay for an extra. Of course, whenever that little tool Link would get bored I'd find myself on the receiving end of his freakin sword, and all I could do was run, you know? So one day, I've set up this little plan. I went out and stood inconspicuously in the middle of this town (I can't remember which, the rum has does strange things to my memory) and waited for that little dropkick to get bored. Of course he did, and I soon found myself getting my feathered behind slashed. Not a pleasant experience, I assure you. Then came phase two of my plan. All my friends, who had been hiding offscreen, have flown in and started pecking that little nosewipe, until he ran into a nearby house to get bombs or something. Of course... afterwards Link had some pretty strong words about me to say to the director, but the director said it was damned near the funniest thing he'd ever seen and that it would be the norm from now on. They had to double Link's payrate just to keep him on. But he deserved it. A few games later I'm working with him again, but this time he's got some magic powder. I couldn't do anything about it when he used that stuff. I'd burst into aflame every time he was nearby. Little tool. After a few games I retired because the market was closed for 2D chickens such as my self, and instead 3D chickens were getting all the jobs. Thats when it all went down the drain... I started drinking (stlil do, it qualifies as exercise for me) BUT it just so happens that Link was pushed out of the market too. He came to drink at my bar. Words were exchanged. Genitalia was mangled. It wasn't a pleasant experience for any involved. So now, I'm applying here. Why? Because I'm a greedy little cucco who needs money to pay for his alchohoism. Why else? Because I feel I'd be perfect for the job. I can get into cramped place to check out the problems, I can organize large parties who will work together effectively and, most important of all, you don't have to pay me full pay because rum is cheap over in the Koopa Kingdom. Skills/Qualifications: I'm good at organizing teams and I'm small so I can check out particularly... icky areas that Link can't fit in. Homeplace: Hyrule Game Appearance: A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. Being considered for work in the Minnish Cap. ------------------- Post Background Preference: Purple.
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Necromunda was a fun game, heh. I played plenty of cool campaigns with mates.... And routinely kicked their arses. ;) I would sign up for this, if only for the chance to be in a 40k inspired RP. I'd like to know what plot you're planning before I delve too far into my old White Dwarves heh. I mean... it seems a bit big in scope and backstory to just be your average tourney RP.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Regarding wallpapers... what happened to the comments I had on mine? Its not that it matters, but I found it rather odd that they'd all... you know... disappeared. [/color][/size][/font]
Internet culture: Is it causing anti-social behavior?
DeadSeraphim replied to Panda's topic in General Discussion
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Like has been said a few times, anti-social people who are always on the net, are, generally, anti-social period. I know a few people who seem to be always on the net, but you couldn't call them anti-social by any stretch of the imagination. I mean... there is little you can actually do on a school night without having a hella hard time at school the next day, so its more something to do for them until the weekend comes (at which point many wild and crazy things can and do happen). As for the bad spelling... I think its because people (in chats anyway) feel that unless they type fast in a chat they'll get lost. I mean, if you spoke as slowly as some people type (correctly that is) in real life the conversation you were having would be gone. My friends who type like that have great grammar and English in the real world.[/color][/size][/font] -
Discuss The Masked Murderer (Perhaps a few suggestions?)
DeadSeraphim replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]I'm with `hEvn, heh. Make the detectives feel like they're necessary. Also, a few things. Whilst this sounds incredibly blood thirsty (good thing, I assure you) it could become a complete mess if either: a) A few Masked Murderers post in a row and b) There is no planning. I think a way to get around all of that would be to, instead of letting players choose when they're gonna screw someone up, have a 'header' type thing at the start of each chapter, saying who's killing who, and who's embroiled in that particular chapter and whatnot. It would still allow creative freedom, but it would keep things sane at the same time, heh. For it to work even better you'd have to have the detectives/normal people/coppers and the MMs with some heavy PM correspondance so that the MM's carefully laid plans don't go down the shitter because someone thought they were reading between the lines right. But that might defeat the purpose of the RP for you. Just my two cents. [/color][/size][/font] -
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
DeadSeraphim replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]The drawings are good, but I think through scanning/shrinking/whatever they may have lost their quality. They also like kind of.. dirty, like you had them lying around for a while before you scanned them. The font looks blocky too. My sig is likely to change on the page reload, heh, so the avi is all you'll have to do next lol.[/color][/size][/font] -
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Hmm... I've never used the GIMP for making banners, heh, only drawing. But I'll rate these anyway. The First One: This will probably end up going for all of these banners - Use a border. Borders can make a banner look better in most scenarios. Even simple one line black borders are good. The image you've used in this banner (would I be correct in assuming its Diablos of FFVII fame?) is of pretty poor quality, and the banner suffers because of it. And also, the maroon text is difficult to read and the font type isn't terribley interesting. The Second One: I was drawn to this on initially, because it had an interesting background. ^_^ I dunno if it was the screwing with the file format or what, but I wasn't aware there was any text to the left of 'Pillar' until I looked closely. Maybe a better colour choice, if possible? The Third One: I like this one. The font is interesting and the image itself is relatively simple. A border wouldn't hurt though. The Fourth One: Hmm... the text is hard to read (and, yet again, boring) and the inverting effect doesn't really 'do' it for me this time. Heh, hope that helps, man.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Yeah, Semjaza's right. Its all there, heh. I made this last night, and I think it had something like 15 layers to it. It was originally going to have legs but I made the space to short. >
[QUOTE=Kazuko][size=1] [And Alan, you're insane if you don't think the FFX-2 girls are drop dead sexy... Especially Rikku >:D] [/size][/QUOTE] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]It may have something to do with the fact that I'm not turned on by pixels and usually like my women... you know... [i]real.[/i] ;) [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]The first one is Paine... Its a character new to FFX-2.... She gets some kickarse moves as a Dark Knight, let me tell you. All these banners rock Dragon Warrior, but I'm more partial to the Happy Purple Drink banner than the other two (mainly because I don't fid the FFX-2 girls sexy). But they all rock. Good work, man. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]That title is really suss... Anyway, tonight I downloaded The GIMP out of curiosity (I'd heard heaps of shizzle about it and wanted to give it a go, heh) and I'd have to say its quite the cool program. Freeware + Layers = Very cool. Anyway, I thought I'd put up my first good drawing with it so far, entitled 'Slash Biatches'. Its got a lot of whitespace and is of pretty poor quality, but I'd like to get people's opinion on my first attempt at this program. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Good Lord, I hope you're not serious... As has been said TaTu were just an exercise in marketting. 'Let's market them as lesbians! We're sure to make some dough!' Of course... it worked for a while... but the fact that they are pretty much dead now are testament to human intelligence, heh. How you can get industrial/rock out of their music is a mystery though... it always reminded [b]me[/b] of prefabricated pop rubbish.There music never really entertained me at all, and never did it reminded me in any way of industrial, rock or a mixture of the two. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Wow, this sign up couldn't be more active if it was dead. I'll do a sign up for my character (which I wanted to do last) to show what I'm expecting, heh. ~~~ [u]Name[/u]: Nautilus Hereditus [u]Age[/u]: 28 [u]Ethnicity[/u]: Roman [u]Appearance[/u]: Nautilus is about 6 feet high and very broad shoulders, with taut muscles and tanned skin that seemed to glisen as if oiled in the light. His large, threatening build, is counterbalanced by a kind face however, with wide lips and sparkling blue eyes. His hair is a rather dull black, and he wears a sparse beard that is almost pre-adolescent in appearance. In terms of clothing, Nautilus can be seen most often in the standard slaves tunic, which is covered by a stuff leather breast plate when in the ring. He is allowed by his master one piece of jewellery, a small silver ring with a symbol etched into it. [u]Biography & Personality[/u]: Nautilus was raised in a small farming village about a hundred miles from Rome, and lived there quite happily with his mother and father until he became 16 and was forced to leave, as was the custom in their village, with little more than a few coins, a pack and a parting gift of a tiny silver ring. Upon leaving home, howver, Nautilus found himself in a world he wasn't really prepared for, and was soon swindled out of everything he owned by shady merchants and money lenders, until he was completely dvoid of worldly possessions, except for his ring. Broke and with nowhere to go, he joined a travelling troupe as a 'strong man' of sorts, entertaining people all over the Empire for a good six years, until he felt the urge to visit his parents once more and bestow upon them gifts from foreign lands. With a little negotiating he convinced the troop to tour back toward Rome, and make a side-trip to his village at the same time, and soon they were off. All did not go well, however. Mere kilometres from his hometown the troupe was ambushed by brigands. Everything was stolen, and Nautilus and his fellow entertainers were left for dead. Nautilus was not dead, though. He was found by villagers the next day, severely beaten and unrecognizable from his years abroad, and was taken back to the village to be cleaned and sold into the slave market. Without his parents ever being informed of his presence Nautilus was sold, and spent the next four years of his life in the service of one 'Claudius Hereticus', performing basic duties and entertaining the man (comedically and sexually) until the games arrived, at which point Claudius decided that hewas to become a gladiator. Nautilus is an agreeable man, who rarely makes a fuss, but is known to become quite dangerous when provoked. He is chivalrous to women, and loves to entertain , and whether that be by risking his own life in the ring or performing feats of strength forthe crowd, he doesn't care. [u]Weapon of Choice[/u]: Travelling with the troupe Nautilus learnt to wield many weapons outside of the sword, and has grown partial to daggers and bows. ~~~ It doesn't have to be perfect, heh, it just needs to clearly get across your character. Lord knows I'm horrible at sign ups. >.> So post, it'll be fun, trust me. [/color][/size][/font]