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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [I][SIZE=3][U][CENTER]The Daughter[/CENTER][/U][/SIZE][/I] [U]Weapon of Choice: [/U] As explained in Kill Adam Volume I, Kyoko was her father's most trusted bodyguard. As such, he had her trained in the use of hundreds of deadly weapons (swords, guns, polearms etc.etc.) from about age ten onward. However, since her father's death at Jamie's hands her skills with most of these weapons have dulled, as she found that most of them were too impractical when attempting to regain control of a clan, whilst simultaeneously fending off assassins from others. Having said that, their is two weapons that Kyoko truly adores, almost to the point of obsession, those being the taser (which is a more recent addition to her repertoire) and the boomerang. The taser is a more practical weapon, as it doesn't kill its victim. Kyoko has found that the dead share no secrets, so finds it useful to keep her victims alive, at least for a little while, to divulge what they know. Of course, the taser has been modified so it can give an exponentially greater charge at the flick of a switch, making its usefulness in battle more obvious. The boomerang, however, is a different story. This weapon -- imported by her father from Australia and modified at his request upon its arrival -- is unlike any other in the world. Unlike other, more conventional, boomerangs, it doesn't possess blunt edges, instead having it taper into a thin blade on one 'arm' and a very softly padded handle on the other (this, contrary to popular belief, doesn't hamper the boomerang's flight, or at least not this one's). Kyoko bares scars all over hands from her first experiences with it, when she would catch it on the wrong arm. Thankfully, her father only sharpened it to its flesh slicing, bone-cleaving sharpness AFTER she had become reasonably competent with it.[U]Appearance[/U] Kyoko is a very stereotypical Asian teenager, with pale skin, long, dark hair and small breasts and hips. She is not very tall, standing at a diminutive five foot, and weighs even less than her size would advertise, at only 77 pounds. This, however, means nothing, as it is her eyes that give her authority among the Den of Snakes. Piercing blue and incredibly emotionless, a staredown with Kyoko is likely to leave a grown man quaking in fear. Kyoko dresses like an American teenager, and can be seen, usually, in some combination of jeans and top. However, for formal meetings with other clan leaders, she will either wear a sharp business suit to match her associates, or a formal geisha costume, which she detests with a passion, mainly due to the the profuse amounts of make-up that go with the get-up. She hates makeup. [U]Sample of 'The Daughter'[/U] It had been many long months since she, Kyoko, had gained control of the clan, waging fierce street battles with those who would question her right to rule in her father's place. She had slain them all, her face impassive as her lethal boomerang sliced through their necks, or her taser sent so much charge through them to melt skin. They were nothing to her, mere cockroaches under her foot, as all men were. Sitting in the traditional Japanese drawing room her father had had built for her, she surveyed the scattered paperwork before her with a contemptuous sneer. It all dealt with bribes (police and judicial) and drug deals. She shouldn't have to deal with this. She should be following up her lead on Adam. 'Chiro!' she shouted, summoning her father's former advisor. At once a short, greasy-looking man entered the room, his movements fidgetty and quick. 'Yes mistress?' he queried. Kyoko pointed to the documents splayed on the lowset desk before her. 'I would like you to deal with these,' she said. 'I have a matter of great importance to attend to.' She made to rise, but Chiro's hand pushed her down. 'But mistress, it is your duty as the head of clan to survey and pass judgements on these documents.' The contempt in which he said mistress was not unnoticed by Kyoko. 'Please, finish this before you go out and play'. Kyoko's eyes flared. She had never seen her father attend to these matters once, and this man's foolhardy disrespect angered her. Narrowing her eyes she said, 'As your mistress, I command you to follow these orders then. With-hold all bribes, and cancel any drug trade in progress.' Chiro's eyes were wide. Who did she think she is this woman? 'And if it isn't done before I return, I will see to it that you are killed.' With arrogance rightfully earned, she rose and left the room, knowing full-well that Chiro's head would have left its shoulders before the sun rose the next day. As she drove out of her father's, no her, estate, she thought back on the events of the past few years. Her father's rise to power in the Benten drug trade, the slow, subtle breaking up of her parent's relationship, and, what seemed to be the worst biproduct of it all, her mother's murder at her father's hands, at the insistence of none other than Adam. Adam was the one who convinced her father to kill her mother, Adam was the one who held her head in place as her father plunged the knife into her heart, and Adam was the one who convinced her father to train her in the arts of killing. It was all Adam's fault that, today, she was a ruthless, heartless monster and she hated him for it. A loud bang behind her broke her out of her revery and she looked behind to see Chiro tailing her, almost bumper to bumper, occasionally ramming his large, imposing truck into her tiny hatch-back. When he noticed her gaze he visibly faultered a moment, before picking a gun up from the seat next to him and leaning out the window, keeping one hand on the steering wheel at all times and firing with remarkable aim, given the circumstances at her driver's side window. '****' Kyoko cursed, swerving about the road as the bullets flew by her face. She braked hard and, heard a crunch as the two car's bumpers connected and pushed her's slightly forward. Looking out her window she could see Chiro lieing inept on the road, thrown by the force of the impact. Retrieving her taser from her small handbag, she flicked it to the highest voltage available and got out of the car, walking slowly over to Chiro who lay spread-angel on the asphalt. 'Please forgive me mistress!' he whined as she approached. 'I was temporarily insane! I could not control myself!' The tazer crackled slightly in the still night air as Kyoko got down on her haunches and stared at the man, her viscious blue eyes locked on his. 'Please forgive me Chiro,' She said ironically as she brought the super-charged weapon to his neck. 'I'm temporarily insane. I can't control what I'm doing!' With that she plunged the small device into his soft flesh watching with sick fascination as the voltage ran through his body, melting his skin at the point of contact and frying his brain. She felt for a pulse but found none, then, just to make sure, took his head in her hands and twisted it sharply, snapping his neck and ensuring no chance of survival. Rising from her haunches she inspected the damage on her car, pronounced it usable and hopped in to follow up on her lead.
  2. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]You should be working Wizards of the Coast. Such quick service. ;) Tis quite the shiznet, dude. I've no idea howI got lumped with such decent stats, but I'll run with it. Three thumbs up.[/color][/size][/font]
  3. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Sounds good to me Dragon Warrior-dude. Your graphics work is usually pretty good. [/color][/size][/font] [center][font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]~~~~~[/color][/size][/font] [/center] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo][b]Username:[/b] Alan [b]Magic-Type[/b]: Fire. Definitely fire. [b]Type:[/b] Go the sorcerer [b]Picture: [/b] [/color][/size][/font] [center][font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo][img]http://www.ruf.rice.edu/%7Eanime/flyers/wolfwood-crossgun.jpg[/img] [/color][/size][/font] [left][font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo][b]Moves:[/b] [i]Lauriet[/i] - Can write awe inspiring poetry on the spot, that puts people to sleep. [i]Arrogance[/i] - Using this power he can convince other people he knows EXACTLY what he's doing, even if he's winging it. [b]Colour:[/b] Purple. [/color][/size][/font] [/left] [/center]
  4. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]The pug is quite cute, heh. But the clouds don't do anything for me. A bit... boring. Maybe if you splashed some effects in there...?[/color][/size][/font]
  5. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Could I suggest something like at LiveJournal? You know, where you can replace 'Comments' with 'Growls', 'Tags' or something like that. I don't know how feasible it is but you know... it'd be a nice feature.[/color][/size][/font]
  6. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Great idea for an RP Tony... ~~~~~~~~~~~ [u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Michael Olivato [u]Age[/u]: 28 [u]Appearance[/u]: Michael is reasonably tall, with a lean build and long, black hair. Blood-shot, brown eyes peer out from under a smooth brow, and appear to shake constantly. His skin is remarkably pale, which makes the sparse stubble that covers his chin very noticable. He usually wears black jeans and trainers, with a non-descrept polo-shirt, usually in shades of blue or black. [u]Background[/u]: Michael comes from a broken family, but was always a Mummy's Boy. His father did regular hits for the local mafia, the cause of his parents split, which, unfortunately, gave Michael an early glimpse at life on the wrong side of the law. He frequently shop-lifted, and was sent to Juvenile detention no less than three times for minor offences before he even reached thirteen years old. After he finished his last sentence, at fifteen, he went back to live with his mother, and seemed to become a law abiding member of society, though underneath it all he was dabbling in drugs of every description. Each night he would lay awake in his room, injecting Speed into his battered veins and smoking marijuana, until, one day, a bad batch of Speed caused him to snap, almost killing his mother in a rage. He was diagnosed with Paranoid Pschitzophrenia, and was sent to a psychiatrist every day for ten years, and was always heavily doped up. At twenty-five he was finally given leave to live by himself, and not be such a burden on his mother, a situation which he loved greatly and prompted him to move as far from his mother as his financial resources allowed. Ottawa. He has lived in peace for three years. [u]Equipment[/u]: A pack of cigarettes and his pschitzophrenia medication. [u]Miscellaneous[/u]: Without his medication Michael is a very unpredicatble fellow...[/color][/size][/font]
  7. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]What a huge typo. It shoul say [i]Alan, [/i]not Dragon Warrior. You'll have to fix that straight away. This banner and the first one are reminding me of Bokizzle, in a big way. The first one for its loopy designs, the second for the stick figure kind of face. Quite the awesomeness.[/color][/size][/font]
  8. [quote name='Unborn Lord Xion][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1]Fox is actually (scary as this may be) a dude. An extremely effeminite, sports-bra wearing dude. Shudder.[/size'][/color][/quote] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]I looked this up and come up with this:[/color][/size][/font] [quote]I[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]nsane kickboxer with a twist. You see, in the US version Fox is a man. In the PAL (Europe and Australian) versions she's a woman. Which is more disturbing? Take your pick. In any case, Fox disappeared after Bloody Roar 1. Good riddance[/quote] [url="http://kattuggla.oru.se/dmd01/dm0103/test/showgame2.asp?cGame=Bloody+Roar&sortering=ASC"]Source[/url] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Australian's got a different version to you dude.[/color][/size][/font] [/size][/font]
  9. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Very cool. I like the symmetry in it, and the way its all smokey and faded-like. Bit of a cryptic message though.[/color][/size][/font]
  10. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Original Anime is on the list. As is games, under 'Video Games'.[/color][/size][/font]
  11. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]I never played Soul Caliber, but I did play Bloody Roar. None of the sequals though, I could never find them. ^_^; My fave character was Yugo, the wolf-dude. He was, like, the cheapest character there was, after the mole-guy, and had some awesome movies, especially in Beast Mode. Not to mention you could make him different colours depending on what costume you chose, etc. etc. And put him in the 'Big' Arena and you could play tennis with your opponent's limp body. Second fave was Fox. Speed + power with some devastating attacks (speaking of which, Long's 20-something hit attack rocked). Her ending was pretty good too.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. [quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL]It's definitely true that Australia is home to many great bands. The greatest example of this would of course have to be.....[b]AC/DC[/b']!!!![/quote] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]I honestly don't understand people's infatuation with AC/DC. I have grown up with them, and listened to at least one of their songs almost daily for the past 15 years (commercial radio stations have no originality, I'm sure) and, to be honest, they aren't exactly that great. There is plenty of other bands in Australia that could give them a run for their money. I mean, for the last twenty/thirty years, they have been following the same formula, and it gets old. [/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]For Christ sake, in Australia, there home country, they have been relegated to Classic Rock stations. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo] But I digress. Basically, what I am trying to say is don't glorify ACDC so much, when there is so much more Australian talent that is deserving of your accolade. Look up The Butterfly Effect, or The Tenants, or even Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Just don't set ACDC as the standard for Australian music... [/color][/size][/font]
  13. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Have you made sure 'Use Custom Avatar' is selected? If it is still on the top option (Do Not Use Avatar) when you enter the upload path it will not show up. Otherwise I've no idea.[/color][/size][/font]
  14. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]That Weak Imp of Weakness had it coming. Good shizzle Dragon Warrior. Even if Gandalf's gun took so ******* long to fire. Keep em coming. [/color][/size][/font]
  15. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo][u]Big Brother: B-Movie Horror Monster[/u] Basically you get a bunch of B-Movie monster and stick em in a house for three months, as the public votes them off. There would be a strike system that would work by giving a strike to a monster each time it ravaged another housemate (or assimilated, depends on the monster). When three strikes are reached a mob of ignorant peasants with pitchforks and torches is allowed into the house to 'deal' with the monster. The ultimate prize for the winning monster would be a holiday at Ibiza and three innocent victims to shred to bits infront of a live television audience. :p Yeah, its silly, but it HAS to be better than half of the rubbish on TV at the moment.[/color][/size][/font]
  16. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Topic headings are like headlines. It's not like they tell you the whole thread, it tells you what its about and tries to catch your eye (usually). Generally you HAVE to read the bloody posts inside or you will post off-topic rubbish because, like I said, topic headings aren't out to advertise the entire thread. As an example, had I just read your topic heading then posted, you would've ended up with a post about how I like to vent my frustration and anger, not on how you can't follow rules and logic. EDIT And if I recall correctly, an 'Adopt-A-Newbie' concept has been brought up a few times before, but turned down because it would be a tad hard to run effectively (or so I remember). [/color][/size][/font]
  17. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]This is my background... The wallpaper is one I made for theOtaku, and... yeah. It'd look better if I didn't insist on having two layers for my status bar, but meh. [/color][/size][/font]
  18. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]The first console I ever played was an Atari 7200, and my Dad had got it for me in an effort to leave him alone when he was busy. I remember that the first game I played was Pitfall... man I loved that game. I could probably breeze it now, but back then when I wasn't so hand-eye coordinated (is that a word?) that I am now, it was insanely dfficult and thus, by extension fun. I'm not sure but I THINK I remember also playing Altered Beast for Sega MegaDrive for the first time around taht time also, but its all a bit hazy lol.[/color][/size][/font]
  19. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]You only know cause I told you ya wiley bastard. This is inspired by Lord of the Rings. I know the rhyming scheme isn't a hundred percent consistent, but I like this poem anyway, esepecially the first verse.[/color][/size][/font] [center]--- I am paranoid I'm feeling faint I'm an android And I can feel the taint Of the one ring That hangs around my chest My emotions seething I knew I wasn't the best For this unholy task This exercise in death I fear this breath will be my last And eternity my friend When I finally collapse Push my face into the dirt Let the ring-wraiths steal the prize At their hands I'll suffer hurt But Sam stands before me His hand is outstretched, kind A vision from my insanity That I embrace and believe is mine And together we make it To the top of Mount Doom, of woe But now I don't want to destroy it... It is mine forever more... --- [/center] [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Insert superfluous devil smileys here.[/color][/size][/font]
  20. [font=Arial][size=1][color=Indigo]Methinks there is a screw up with the portfolio down the bottom of myO sites. Its not showing greeting cards anymore. Now, at first I thought my cards had been deleted, but when I investigated I found they still existed. So I nipped over to Mimmi's, who has made like... 22 or something and found nothing but a link to Wallpapers, except when I clicked it it went all awry and I got mySQL database error output messages. It doesn't seem to happen at Des' site though, which makes me wonder if its a randomly occuring (among memebers that is) bug. ~CrH~[/color][/size][/font]
  21. [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo]You have to use img tags, which look like this: I'm not aware of any other way to do it. ~CrH~[/color][/size][/font]
  22. [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo]Not really a poem, persay, but a short piece I did for fun.[/color][/size][/font] [center]--- [/center] [center][u][b]Angel/Demon[/b][/u] [/center] The pain was unbearable, a seering burning sensation that ripped through his physical body and made him want to scream. And then she, in as much pain as he, grasped his hand, and it stopped, and they floated off, in blissful delerium as wings tore from their backs. Hers as white and pure as driven snow, his as red and evil as spilt blood.
  23. [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo]I don't write poetry often (well... I do, but a lot of it is crap lol) but I enjoy reading it and stuff. I'm basically gonna put all my GOOD poetry in this thread.[/color][/size][/font] [center]--- [u][b]My Butterfly[/b][/u] [/center] [center]I can't see you, My butterfly I can't see through your lies Your web is dark, My butterfly And none can hear your cries But be careful My buttefly For all is not as it seems On your web, a spider lurks, preying on things unseen [/center]
  24. [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo]'Direct all queries to my lawyer' XD This is getting better and better man. Bet the 'battle' was fun to make too. ;) ~CrH~[/color][/size][/font]
  25. [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=indigo]Intersting concept. Here's my sign up sheet.[/color][/size][/font][color=teal][u][b] [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo] Name[/color][/size][/font][/b][/u][font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo]: [u][b]Character/Default Name[/b][/u]: [/color][/size][/font] [/color][font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo] Shuya Matsumoto[/color][/size][/font][font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo] [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 25 [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: Wallflower. Shuya is the kind of person that is hard to pick out of a crowd, as he tends to blend in with everyone else. Dull black hair and tired brown eyes do nothing to compliment a drawn face, and often serves to make his clothing, which is impeccably clean and extremely expensive, seem irrelevant. This, however, works in his favour, as it is not often that he is identified in a police line-up. [/color][/size][/font][font=Arial Narrow][size=1][color=Indigo] [u][b]Background/Biography[/b][/u]: Born to American parents of Japanese decent, Shuya is all-American in every way. Except appearance. This lead, unfortunately, to terrible teasing in his child-hood, which in turn forced him onto a route of temporary-insanity during his pre-teens. Almost as soon as he turned thirteen, having spent the last three years on medication, he seemed to get better again. But this was not the case. After only a short year living a normal life he snapped and murdered the family pets in a rage, which had him sent to a juvenile asylum. When he emerged once more, at the age of 18, Shuya was a changed man. He seemed to be able to control his emotions and didn't fly off the handle at things. Or so everyone thought. But a month after being released he moved in with his parents, but, having forgotten to take the prescribed medication, he strangled his mother unto the point of death before realizing what he had done and fleeing. Fractured and still a little bit insane, he wandered America for a term before he meet Akira. Akira, feeling generous, took the poor man in, and slowly made a true yakuza out of him. The rest, as they say, is history... [u][b] Current Family[/b][/u]: ??[/color][/size][/font]
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