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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Tor watched the glistening ocean, the fiery sun reflected off its glassy blue surface as it sank below the horizon. He was sitting on a beautiful sandy beach just outside of Trinity, enjoying the breeze that caressed his pale, sun-bleached blonde hair. His blue eyes, which always betrayed his emotions, showed the calmness and serenity he felt inside watching this beautiful scene as his wife struggled with the birth of their son in a small, dusty room in the Trinity Surgery. He had been informed that it would be a long labour, and he should try to worry about the result as little as possible. So he had decided to come here, Trinity?s most beautiful beach, a place that always calmed his nerves, no matter how frayed they were. The sound of small, uncovered feet running through the sand brought him back to his senses and he turned to see the nurse who was attending to his son?s birth running in the sand toward him, her eyes filled with a look of joy mingled with apprehension and fear. Tor stood up and turned to her. ?Nurse, what has happened? Is my son born?? The nurse stopped in front of him and puffed heavily for a few moments resting her hands on her knees. ?Yes Tor, your son has been born, and its healthy and fit,? the nurse told him. ?What is the problem then? I don?t pretend there isn?t one because I saw the look in your eyes.? Tor noticed the nurse visibly flinched. ?He bears four marks,? the nurse whispered softly, as if there was someone else on the otherwise empty stretch of sand. ?Of all four religions?? Tor shot back in a terse whisper. ?Yes,? the nurse said, ?We must get back to the Surgery before word spreads. Bot your wife and your son?s life may be at risk. Not to mention your own.? Tor nodded in agreement and started running through the dunes, leaving the unfit nurse behind in his dust before long. Without even stopping to observe Gate Protocol (a process which involved showing the guard on duty several cards to prove you were who you said you were) he pounded through the cobbled streets of Trinity, drawing his sword as he went. But he was too late. He could already see the soldiers entering the surgery, which was more than 800 metres ahead of him. Then he heard it. The blood curdling scream of his wife as she was slain before his infant sons eyes. ?Lash!? he cried, salty tears running down his face. He burst through the open doorway of the Surgery and ran down the short corridor to the room where his son had been born. And what he saw set his heart ablaze. Lying in a pool of her own blood and release, her throat slit, was Lash, his wife. A soldier held his son in one hand and had a sword tip placed softly over where the child?s heart would be. The baby was crying loudly, protesting his imminent death with all the power he could muster. ?Nooooo!? Tor cried, feeling a massive surge of power run through him. An untapped supply of strength erupted I him and using speed no human had possessed for over 600 years. His sword lashed out and cut the head of the soldier holding his boy so tenderly?s head off. He stabbed another nearby soldier and left his sword embedded in the man?s chest, preferring to reach out and grab his child before it hit the floor and died anyway. He caught him, but immediately felt a sword plunge through his chest. The sword didn?t stop him. Still accessing the untapped power within him he stood up, with the blade still in his chest and put his baby in the crutch of his left arm. He pulled his sword from the soldier he had left in with his right hand and beheaded the soldier who currently had his own sword embedded in Tor?s chest. Five soldiers had come to the Surgery and Tor easily killed the remaining two that were left with quick, deadly slashes. Still with the sword in him he walked out of the surgery and met the nurse in the street. Stepping back he vomited up a gutful of black blood, watching hazily as it slipped between the cracks in the cobblestones. His sword fell from his hand and picked up his baby boy and looked at him, finding all four of the marks. The marks that had started all of this. The marks that sealed his fate as the saviour of the world, but were commonly recognized as the mark of the demon lord Disaster. All children born with even one of the marks were killed, along with their mothers. All children except for this one. Except for Tor?s boy. Except for Sparda. Handing him to the nurse he said, ?Look after him, look after him until he is thirteen years old and then turn him out onto the street. Goodbye Sparda.? He planted a kiss on the babe?s forehead and stepped back. ?Go,? he commanded the nurse, ?run!? The nurse started running as fast as she could through the streets towards the West Gate, the gate that would lead them to the Delta road, which would lead them to Delta City, which would save them. Delta city was so large that noone would notice two extra residents, even if they did bear the marks. Tor looked up and down the street. No soldiers were coming. It was a good sign. Tor walked back into the Surgery and received his wife?s corpse, and started walking slowly down the street, towards the ocean. Night had fallen when he stumbled onto the sandy beach where he had first heard the new of his son?s birth. Slowly, in agonizing pain he go himself to the water?s edge. He lay his wife in the water, with her hands on her chest, and lay beside her. It was low tide, so when high tide came he and his wife would drift out to sea with it. He closed his eyes and was engulfed in a pleasant sensation, and a beautiful blue, an ocean blue? ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Can I be cliche and say move on? You've obviously hurt her somewhat, and she needs just as much time to get over it as you. Either that or you scared her. NEither is a smart idea. You may absolutely love her, and would probably kill yourself for her, but you gotta ask yourself, does she feel the same way? If its no then move on. Pestering her isn't gonna help and neither is being depressed. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Which Britsh rappers HAVE you heard? Cause Dizzy Rascal aint really a good artist to base your entire views off. He has his redeeming qualities, but he is rather, err... odd on that scene. Try The Streets. They're awesome. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Hip. Hip hop. Hiphopanonymous? I love hip-hop. Tis truly teh shiz. Course... unless you live in Australia you wouldn't have heard of these artists but doesn't hurt to list them. [B]Hilltop Hoods:[/B] Are from Adelaide and are completely awesome. Unfortunately it was impossible for me to go to Adelaide Big Day out so I didn't get to see them *sniffle* but that doesn't change the fact that they are awesome. Think... a mix of fictious and experience based lyrics done slightly tongue in cheek. [B]The Herd:[/B] Same deal with this group, I couldn't see them at Sydney Big Day Out (living in Brisbane) and I missed them at Livid but they are still awesome. They are a very political conscious group. [B]Two Up:[/B] Just funny as. They only have one song and its enough to bring tears to my eyes. There's more but I'm braindead and you're probably getting bored. Of course, I like Outkast and Jurassic Five and Ugly Duckling as well, but Australian stuff is my preference. It just seems more laid-back and makes censors unecessary because they don't use f**k as rhyme.[/FONT] ~CrH~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]The crappest game I ever played was, in terms of gameplay,a horrendous PC game called 'Blue Ice'. It is a point and click thing that offered no reasonable clue on how to proceed past about... half an hour of playing. Frustrating, I assure you. The second worst was a game called Beasts and Bumpkins. The peasants that you are 'breeding' die before your second 'night' in the game if you're not careful, and to have them not die it entails building a structure that takes two days to erect. Blegh. Other than that I haven't had many bad video game outings, as I do the smart thing and READ REVIEWS and PLAYTEST IN STORE before I buy. Saves me buying heaps of garbage. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]When one has clicked turn on, one goes down to the bottom of the page and one clicks 'Edit My Options/Profile'. One must do that before any chanes take place at one myO. ~CrH~[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Heh, I get that problem all the time, for months on end it seems. Just don't force it. Do something else, but never force it. Unless of course its for school, in which case forcing it is pretty much required. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1]You don't. That feature was taken away with the upgrade. The closest we have left is Profile Picture, in the userCP. ~CrH~[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]You can't really shut down your GB, just close it so the public can't see it. I would reccomend deleting them and reporting the member to James or Adam. *shrug* It's all you can do really. ~CrH~[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE=dark_serena][SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]And as for the ending, [spoiler]I was about 65% done (not too bad on first attempt) and got the stupid one where the three of them are laying down on the deck of the Celsius, while Yuna's yelling at Brother to go faster and higher. It was...[i]so damn stupid.[/i] Which is why I'm more willing to aim for 100%. ^_~*[/spoiler] [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]You are aware that even if you got 100% you'd still get that ending. You see, the trick is pressing 'x' during the scene on the farplane. Then you get the 'Good' ending. The normal ending sucks arse.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]More wishes! Wait, that's not the question... err... this is hard cause I want a shitload of things. But I'd probably say talent enough to finish any of the things I start to write. I... just... can't... make it work. If you FORCED me to say something miterialistic, I would say the Lycos network. No question. I would change Tripod into a camera website, Angelfire into the fansite of some obscure hardcore band and Lycos itself into a spyware and adware cracking masterpiece of a webste. :p One can dream...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]I have no idea why, but I have a fear of slimey things, especially snails and toads. I think it was because of some really weird freak accident I was the victim of when I was younger, but that is just a hypothesis. I actually have no idea. Other than that, I am not scared of death, or fear. Being afraid of fear is an oxymorn anyway. How can one be afraid of being afraid? You would be a wreck. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]That is usually a sign that they have turned comments off. ~CrH~[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Heheh, welcome back Annie. I have never met you but wouldn't want to appear rude... And if you have a problem with signing posts Yisan, you can bring it to me. ;) ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]The best gaming console for me... is well, whatever has Final Fantasy. I'm a pretty big devotee of the series, so I have (or had) a Gameboy Advance, as well as my trusty PS2. Gamecube is next on the list. Other than that I would choose the PS2. Not only of the great games available, but also backwards compatibility. Play my fifty plus PS titles on PS2. To be honest the DVD aspect doesn't come into it much for me. It's easier to just buy a dvd player, most of the console's inbuilt DVD doesn't compare. ~CrH~[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Here's a thought, go to google, click 'images' and type .hack. Oh my God! Look at them all! ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
DeadSeraphim replied to Manic Webb's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]For anyone who actually wants to read them but is a lazy sod and can't be screwed buying/loaning the books: [URL=http://flag.blackened.net/dinsdale/dna/book1.html]Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/URL] [URL=http://flag.blackened.net/dinsdale/dna/book2.html]The Restaurant at the End of the Universe[/URL] [URL=http://flag.blackened.net/dinsdale/dna/book3.html]Life, the Universe and Everything[/URL] [URL=http://flag.blackened.net/dinsdale/dna/book4.html]So Long and Thanks for the Fish[/URL] [URL=http://flag.blackened.net/dinsdale/dna/book5.html]Mostly Harmless[/URL] Each book typed out by someone who obviously had no life.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]You have to put http:// in front of the site url.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Animehas pretty bad street cred, so its hard to introduce a skeptic to it. But I have had los of success in this regard, usually by showing them movies. All my friends got into anime through me (and me through another friends showing me Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040) and it has never been by sitting down in front of the TV and flicking it onto whatever crap Cartoon Network is currently. playing. Movies all the way. ;) I've shown people the following movies and they went onto greater (anime) things. Vamp. Hunter D: Bloodlust Akira Blood: The Last Vampire Ghost in the Shell Samurai X Ninja Scroll They usually go down a treat with people. Those 20-something episode series usually go down ell.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]As Cloud ran through the streets of 'Tokyo' his mind raced. He could feel his heart in his throat, a sign that he was guilty for killing the innocents. Then suddenly... WHUMP. He collided directly with a leather garbed chest. "Sephiroth," he spat. "You are here too." The man laughed. Evil and haunting and possessing the knowledge of millions. "What did you expect clone?" Cloud leapt at the man with sword in hand but a force separated them. [i]Not yet[/i] Paralax didn't want it. "You survived this day Sephiroth. Where are the others?" ~~~ Kuja's silver dragon was a large beast, easily bigger than any he had seen on Gaia. He was high over an ocean, which ocean he couldn't be sure, lazing nochalantly on the dragon's back. It was then that he sensed something far behind him, approaching closer. Standing he watched as a large airship, not even running on mist, came and drew level with him. Small glass portholes and a covered deck. He surveyed this with mild interest. He kept watching even as a door on its 'wing' opened and men came out brandishing staves. "Who are you and what do you want?" said one of the men. Bah,lower life forms, no need to talk to them. "You were asked sir." the man proclaimed as fire shot out the end of his staff. Kuja suddenly found a burning pain in his shoulder, and realized this man had injured him. "PAY!"he roared as a cloud of thick blackness gatherered around the airship. Electrical energy focused around the centtre of the cloud until... ZAP. A huge bolt of lightning shot through the airship, bring it down with an explosive splash into the vast blue ocean. [i]Humans,[/i] Kuja thought to himself.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[quote name='gumby][font=Arial][color=darkred]I myself am a non practicing Catholic which basically means I don't go to church or pray or any of that other stuff. I also think to belive you are an athiest you have to admit that there is some kind of god/ being or other wise people are just kidding themselves.[/color'][/font][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Err... no. Aethiests do no have to believe in any God of any kind. They believe of the existence of no God. Mayhap we are looking at it from different perspectives, but Aethiests usually are resolute in their opinion that their is no God, and that to admit that there is one is err... opposite? Wires crossed man.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]I can't place my finger on any one 'beautiful' song but I'll try. Heh, there is a shitload that I am tempted to type but I don't want to clutter the thread. Anyway. [B]The Crystal Ship by The Doors[/B]: I love this song. Its is haunting but has this great rhythm. I grew up on The Doors and have heard most of their songs, and this once strike me as their most beautiful. Even Riders on the Storm doesn't compare. [B]Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin[/B]: Awesomeness. The inclusion of other instruments in the mix, as well as the slow pace and lyrics... *shudder* Err... now let me try and name one from before 1980. Err... Hmm. [B]Castles in the Sky by Ian Van Dahl[/B]: I don't know why. Honestly. ~CrH~[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Heh, I'm no good at this, but its the least I can do considering you post in all my threads. I like it. It is very light, like fairy floss, but at the same time satisfying. I hope you keep going with it Mimms, it could turn out good. ~CrH~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]A) She's seven years older. -_- duh. Q) What is the first weapon/item you gain in 'A Link to the Past'[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]?
Writing Salvation Revealed (Anti-Christian theme)
DeadSeraphim replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE]Near every religion and every people have history of bloodshed behind them. You can't hold all Christians accountable for the evil some people did in the name of Christ. You must remember that Christ taught us NOT to kill. They acted against their own beliefs. The Jewish people have just as bloody a history, only it was a longer time ago. By your reasoning, since you're saying Christians don't deserve as much respect because past Christians did some bad stuff, I guess there's no need to respect Germans. And hey, look at all the bad some Muslim people are doing right now. Guess they're free game too. Why do people keep bringing these things up? Christians have killed in the name of Christ. Muslims have killed in the name of Allah. Jews have killed in the name of Elohim. Does that mean any of them are right? Are any of them particularly worse than the others? Murder is murder, and against every one of those religions. The world is full of hypocrites, yes, but should true followers have to suffer because of them?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Err... how the hell did you misconstrue it so badly? It has that as a thread title because if I were to right down every religion it may offend in the title it'd be too long. Yes, it may offend Jews, but since the majority of people are Christian I wrote that instead. And, to clear things up, this isn't really aimed at any religion, the title just suggests that because I felt it may offend some people of the Christian persuausion. It is aimed at God. Mayhap I should've written anti-religion but it is too late now. You should stop being so paranoid. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]