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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]First, a disclaimer. Like it says in the title, this is a very anti-[B][I][U]God [/U] [/I] [/B] piece, written when I was particularly angry at the state of the world, and why 'God' let it be this way. Enjoy. ~~~ [I]PART 1: The Plea[/I] Stab me, whip me, kill me now Release me from the despair of life Grant me sweet release Send me to heaven So that I may be happy ever after By God's side [I]PART 2: The Reasoning[/I] By God's side I will ask Why do my prayers fall on deaf ears? Why does he ignore my pleas to save the world? So in the interest of salvation Kill me So I might address these matters with him face to face [I]PART 3:The Realization[/I] I was killed by a wayward driver With relish I awaited my inevitable fate But I was wrong God is an illusion of the human psyche My death was in vain Disillusioned and alone I lay in my grave A rosary draped ironically around my neck And thus I slip into the eternal sleep of death Alone[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Heheh. TN was told. Anyway, my three fave movies are: [B]Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust[/B] This is an awesome movie, with just the right amount of action and suspense, plus a truly stunning score. It was also my first DVD. ^_^ [B]Needing You[/B] I found this flick channel surfing one night. It was on the foreign language channel and was a rather cute romantic comedy. It appealed to me, thus it is here. [B]Find Nemo[/B] I love it. SOOOO much. Finding Nemo is my favourite animated film ever. It is filled with charm and wit that most 3D animation only barely touches upon.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Douglas Adams books are brilliant. I have all five books in Hitch hiker's trilogy (weird eh?) And, even if the humour does start dying in the fourth book to be replaced with arkward writing, it is an awesome series. My favourite and most quoted quote comes from those books: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [QUOTE][I]A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools[/I][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]The think is, a lot of his humour actually relates to real things, which makes the books even better. The Hitch Hiker's Guide explanations are hilarious, and sum up Earth and humans in general perfectly. [I]Mostly Harmless. [/I] Pure comic genius.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]The best concert I ever went to was The Darkness at Big Day Out Gold Coast. Personally I despise The Darkness, but their live act is ******* brilliant. Think... spandex jump suits. I wasn't actually planning to see them on the day but went anyway and I loved myself for it. After that Holster. Heheh, they were the headline act but the act before them scared everyone off so it was like... fifteen people just chilling out. Worst act? Err... Dandy Worhols at the same concert. They didn't live up to the expectations I had in store for them and I ended up leaving to see 1200 Techniques (awesome). [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]My most despised temple, in any Zelda game, the well in Kakarot Villge. I hate it. So dark and grimey and *shudders* not to mention the roof thingies and the fact that a shiteload of golden skulltulas are in there that I have no desire to get. And yeah. Hmm... that didn't make much sense ^_^;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Endings depend on what you do during the ending and how much completion you got: Normal ending you don't press anything Good ending press x Perfect ending you need 100% and have to press x[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Colours dance in front of my eyes. Vivid colours, dull colours, every colour of the rainbow. The world shines like chrome, glinting like coins in a fountain, exciting my senses. But no! the colours are fading! The world has become dull. Reality hits me. I sob into my sleeve. My inner elbow hurts. I pull up my sleeve and view the bruising. Yellow and purple, black and blue. Pricked more times than a pin cushion. All in search for the glorious high. That sickening, disgusting, glorious high. I view the degradation around me. No colours dance in front of my eyes. All is dull, dirty and broken. No rainbow, nothing exciting. Just discarded clothes, empty plates. Syringes and stolen lives. And a child. She is small, running naked and care-free. Not seeing the degradation. Not seeing the dirty dull and broken. But seeing the world as beautiful. She also searches for the glorious high. A beautiful, natural, glorious high.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [SIZE=3][U][CENTER]Final Fantasy: When Worlds Collide[/U][/SIZE] ~~~[/CENTER]Centuries ago, when the world was dark and men lived in fear, a cataclysmic battle was underway. Eight great men, four of good, four of evil had been drawn together to defeat a cataclysmic evil that threatened all universes, drawn together by the powerful multi-dimensional God Paralax. A great battle was fought, and thousands died across all plains of existence, until the eight found themselves separated and each destroying one 'sector' of this evil. With noone to rely on, each of the men fell, and Paralax was bound by the great evil into the core of a small planet in the Terra Dimension. Here paralax slept, until one day, during a great war on the planet's surface, he awoke, his slumber broken by the great evil's proximity to himself. Using the power he had gathered over the millenia, he called out to his champions once more, in an effort to destroy the great evil once and for all. the champions each woke, one by one, on the planet, alone except for their weapon. [center]~~~[/center] [CENTER][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=558723#post558723]Further Info[/URL] [/CENTER] [CENTER]By the way, anyone feel free to take over Kuja for me. ~~~[/CENTER] [b]Mission 1: Find Cloud[/b] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cloud awoke in a bustling metroplis, his sword lying uselessly on the ground beside him. He was in a dark, short alley, but, unlike the alleys of Midgar, it was pristine and clean. And not filled with bums. Picking up his sword he climbed to his feet, sniffing the air for the noxious smells of civilization. But there was none. "Where have you sent me Paralax?" he demanded of the air. "Where am I?" no answer came to him, just an empty silence. He spat at the ground and stormed out of the alley, only to find himself in an ever moving stream of pedestrian traffic. "How cute," he heard someone comment. "Cosplay." Cosplay? What the hell was cosplay? He reached into his pocked for some materia but found it empty. There was no way he was going to find the others in a relatively easy manner. "Excuse me," he said to a passing person, "Where am I?" "You're in Tokyo of course." Cloud stopped. Where the hell was Tokyo? He swung his sword in frustration, accidentally cleaving two people in half. [i]****[/i] he thought to himself mere moments before the horrified screams began. Strapping his sword to his back he ran into the gathered people, quickly becoming just a face in the crowd.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [center]~~~[/center] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Kuja's head hurt. Slowly openning his eyes he found himself staring at a beautiful blue sky, white clouds scattered randomly across its canvas. Climbing to his feet he found he was in the middle of a large green expanse, with walking paths snaking through it in seemingly random directions. Taking one of these parks he soon found himself at a bubbling fountain, its bottom glittering with the coins of passer bys. Where had Paralax sent him that was so beautiful? He kept following the path until he could hear a low growl, like Lindblum but different somehow. Then he stopped dead. The people look at all the people. Everywhere, like a plague upon this fair planet. And, just across the road from him, large towers of glass and iron rose, disgusting marks on the other wise beautiful world. He ran out into the street, and immediately jumped back, as the blaring of horns snapped him back to reality. Then he realized the truth. The building wasn't out of the ordinary. The beautiful place had been. The beautiful place known as Central Park. "Hey thong-boy! Get a life!" Kuja seethed. "insolent nuisance!" he roared, suddenly angry at the deception of this world. His hand flew out and the boy found himself speared through a pillar of ice. [i]Find Cloud[/i] Paralax sent him a mental message. Yes. That is what he would do. Sending his scrying powers out Kuja found the blade weilding maniac. Across the ocean, in a city called Tokyo. But how to get there? Using his magic he summoned his steed, immediately provoking screams. "Come my silver dragon, let us find Cloud and learn what is going on."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Do you honestly have an idea how many times people have ****** up my name? Shitloads. In any case its hilarious. My favourite bit was the stair scene.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][QUOTE]Break, get your foot out of my ear!" Rico groaned. "That’s not my foot." Break muttered. "It’s Shinmaru’s." "My foot is in my own ear." "Which part of who is this?" Terra mumbled, a mouthful of fur. "That’s my tail," Solo said protectively, trying to grab it back. Justin shuffled uncomfortably "Des, I hope that’s your finger…" "Somebody open the door!"[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Funniness man. But it started looking a lot like Power Ranges crossed with Gundams or a little bit there... not that it matters.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [QUOTE]What about the Legend of Zelda system? The way that it is handled with superb control and the idea of Z-targetting is an incredibly slick way to go to and from battle, and investigate certain parts of a puzzle.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Having argued extensively with Des over this, I have come to the realization that Zelda games aren't really an RPG. Sure, you are [i]playing[/i] the [i]role[/i] of link and there is magic and ****, but it hasn't got that one element that pretty much sets RPs apart from the rest - stats. Most good RPs (and a lot of bad ones) have pages and pages of stats on your characters, not to mention the almost limitless supply of weapons. Zelda only has four screens and only two show stats, and they are simple as. Also, once weapons are obtained there is no way you can really upgrade them, apart from the gifts and ****. And yes, Des is gonna rub in they I gave in to his Point o view. *hangs head in shame*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Heh. Computers are the worst, most malfunctioning, energy draing piece of useful metal and plastic the human race has spawned. And I'll go with Rikku. I got my computer in 2000 and, apart from some dodgy upgrades me and a friend did and the horrendous mistake we made on the partition table (since when did I have 904 gig??) everything is smooth sailing. most people only run into problems when they install **** without knowing what it is, or when they are reinstall an OS.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. Whenever I'm sick its videogames, net or writing, though its probably gonna be videogames because when I'm at home sick I have the chance to monopiilze the tv, and can play for a good four hours or more. And to answer your question maladjusted, people aren't always sick enough to warrant a day sleeping. A sore throat can knock you out of school for a day, but its not like the medication makes you sleepy or you need to lie down to heal.
  13. He walks alone through a valley clothed in blackness, his eyes keen and his body tense. He knows he is being watched, he knows because of the sounds around him, the sounds of small creatures with foul intentions, the sounds of gentle lumbering beasts armed with wicked horns and razor-sharp teeth. In his hand is a torch, in his other a blade, the firelight casting eerie, flickering shadows of his twisted form behind him, like a foul apparition to forever haunt his wretched soul. Over his head no sun shines, before him no path appears. He is lost, forever, in a world of darkness, a world of evil, a world of his own design. His purgatory. How many times had he led them down that dark road of no return, how many times had he sent them to places such as this? How many did he try to imagine what they were feeling as they followed him down the path? And now he knew. The death of a drug dealer is hardly significant. ---- [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Inspired by and written in the space of a song.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. Upon playing through Final FantasyX-2 I have recognised a frustrating aspect of play that threatens the sanity of all FF players. Random encounters. It is quite ****** when, in an effort to finish a portion of plot you should have done ages ago you encounter enemies that last all of thirty seconds. Even worse is when the rare-but-powerful enemies decide to become more pronounced in an area when you are underpowerd. *shudders* Stupid Deep Haize...
  15. Things that annoy me: [b]Commercial Radio[/b] There is only so many ads I can listen to on the 'non-stop' hour before my head implodes. [b]Idiots[/b] Define idiot, you ask? Those who pick one or two physical flaws on a person and use that as the basis of the 'teasing' (said tentatively) for the rest of their life. Seriously, when someone is telling you you have a big head, there's not much you can do about it. Ge-net-ics. They act as if you could put your head against a cheese grater and take some off the top. [b]Bush[/b] I won't say much on this, as it is probable it will get said shite-loads of times anyway. In short, Bush annoys me. I thought the War in Iraq was a farce to carry out his daddy's failed wishes. That is all. [b]Spammers[/b] Not email spamming btw, but the people who insist on talking like n00bs or berating you with stupid crap. Case in point: I had a Shoutbox on my site. Some **** decided they would spam it. They said **** using a name I usally use when chatting in Shoutboxes. And later on called themself 'Master Hacker'. Pathetic. [b]Zealots[/b] More specifically, Christian zealots. I have no problem with Christians as a whole, but when they [i]demand[/i] to know why you don't believe in Jesus then it starts getting annoying. There is only so many times one can explain their... let's call it faith, to the same ignorant people before one wishes they carried around a samurai sword.
  16. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] an obvious example of this fact is Yule/Christmas-unless you're of the EasternOthodox Christian tradition which celebrates Christmas in the spring-. The basic story of that is that Early Christians pushed the date back siocne nobody really knows the time when Christ was born and tells the people that they're worshipping too early and they have the wrong guy.[/color][/QUOTE] ... What the hell? I was under the impression tha Christmas is on the 25th because that was the traditional time of a pagan celebration. It was easier just to change the name of the day.
  17. Favourite game cinematics eh? Can I be cliche and name Final Fantasy? My favourite game cinematic, of all time, is the final scene of Final Fantasy 7. How everyone is lip sinced and the graphics are completely different to the other cinematics in the game... and Cid doesn't get his potty mouth censored. It was just so amazing and emotionally charged. Second is when the weapons escape North Crater. THAT is awesome. Non Final Fantasy 7 I would say...anything from Diablo II. Especially the end, where [spoiler]the insane dude realizes he aint talking to Tyriel, but Baal[/spoiler] Pure shizniteness.
  18. My favourite death sequence is from... *thinks* FF7. Twice. Seeing the look of shock on Sephiroth's face all bloodied up and stuff just did it for me. It was fulfilling, seeing this great evil dead after so much efort through out the game. And, I'll be like James. Aeris' Death. But unlike James I liked Aeris... I tried actively to prevent her death *fruitless as it was*. For non-cinematics though, I choose Aeons dieing in FFX. The way they stumble, then go clear and disappear as pyreflies. Awesomeness.
  19. I don't know what religion I am. Quite frankly I think it is irreleveant. But were I to classify myself it would be Spiritualist. You know... psychic powers, doing good etc. Of course I am utter shite at holding up those ideals, but I try. Truly, I try. I was Christian until three years ago, at which point I started questioning my faith. What really knocked me offthat particular train o religious thought was Noah's Ark, and after that, realization how old the bible actually is. Very steadily I have come to realize organized religion isn't really what I am looking for at all.
  20. I am not really a sci-fi nut, but I do enjoy watching it. My favourites from this 'genre' are: Farscape: Not only is it Australian made, but it doesn't take itself too seriously. What other show can combine ample make-up, puppets and cg and still be decent? The episode where it was almost entirely a cartoon in his head was pretty funny, but at the same time there is serious episodes where they have to save someones' life. Star Wars: Self explanatory really. Its Star Wars. Wha'ts not to like? Star Trek: Mainly the movies, but I enjoy Next Generation (Captain Picard is the bomb). The original and other spin offs don't interest me much, but Next Generation can hook me every time. Matrix: This just blows your mind. It distortes your view on reality. In short, awesome. A world without Matrix is a scary place... And they're the main ones I watch, when I feel the need for a geek kick.
  21. I'm interested to how it actually works, as I've never even heard them mentioned in Australia. Does it like, take a snapshot of your current screen and stats and stuff (ala emulators) or does it just work as extra spots in which to put games?
  22. I'd probably throw the check out, because checks have next to no usefulness i Australia. The wallet? I'd prob try and get that back to its owner. But I'm not sure about the credit card... Unforunately, if I lost my wallet I'd be screwed, because, as is family tradition, I keep EVERYTHING in it. Bank cards, membership cards etc. It would take me a month just to get replacements for the stuff I lost. The best way to not lose it, from my experience, is to put it in a pocket with a velcro flap over the top (cargo pants for example). Unless the velcro stuff is faulty, you should hear it if it falls out.
  23. Character: Kuja Age: Unknown Ultimate Weapon: Flare Storm Limit: Trance form Job: Mercenary Appearance: [IMG]http://math.lfc.edu/~montobe/kuja.gif[/IMG] Bio: Zidane's nemisis througout FF9, Kuja nearly destroyed Gaia in his quest for power. After dying at the end of FF9, he was ressurected by Paralax, but fell in battle also. Personality: Insane and powerlusting. Wakes Up Where: New York --- Seeing as I was forced to play it I shall have it whatever quality I want so :p. Let start this sucka up.
  24. They usually only add a category when there is big enough demand. It would be easier requesting an 'other' category, instead of all those...
  25. Name: Ragnar Wolf Cloak Age: 33 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Dressed from head to toe in Full Plate Armour, with a green tabard and thick wolf-fur cloak. His visor is almost constantly down, but when it is up a pale and gaunt face can be see, with black eyes peering out of sunken sockets. War band/Solo: Solo Starting Quarter: South-East Mordheim, hunting Skaven Biography: Ragnar is the bastard son of the Elector Count of Reiksland and a Kislevite woman. Almost immediately after birth he was was given away to a kindly begger, who raised and fed him until he was ten. The beggar constantly told Ragnar tales of his father, the Elector Count of Reikland,'s proress in battle, a story the beggar had been instructed to drill into the boy by his mother. At ten Ragnar left of his own free will to join the local Halberdier regiment. He quickly rose through their ranks, killing countless orcs, skaven, Chaos and, on one occasion, Wood Elves, until he was promoted to Greatsword, an honour which he felt meritted acceptance by his father. This was not so, and, with little more than the clothes on his back, he was visciously discharged from the unit. Baring a large chip on his shoulder he travelled north to Kislev, in search of his mother, but he never found her. He became famous among the north as he defeated hordes of Chaos demons single handedly, driven by his fury at the empire that he was driven out of. In passing one day he heard that his mother was being held captive at Mordheim by a powerful necromancer, so, embittered by the horrors he had seen fighting on the edge of the Chaos wastes, he enterd the empire once more, a changed man, famous in the north, and with the armour and weaponry to prove it. Weaponry: Greatsword, Shield, Handweapon --- Yes I am a Warhammer nerd.
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