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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim
I think this should be in the General Tactics help thread but I'll give some advice anyway. But may I ask why you NEED them? I never did, they were just characters who held on for the ride. Anyway, here we go. 1 white mage skills + 1 black mage skills unlocks the blue mage. Alchemists are a teensy bit harder. If you have the time, get 3 white mage skills and 5 black mage skills, and the job option should unlock.
You have one option as far as I see. Risk it. MAYBE, just MAYBE you can get away with a few yellow cards. But then again, it depends on the severity of the law. You could also try cancelling the mission, but I can't remember much of Tactics... After it was stolen. The only other solution I see, if at all possible, is use zombie on them and then life or phoenix down.
Hey, CrH here, with one of my (rare) trips into Literartue Forum. Anyway, let's cut to the chase. I'm part of another RPG forum and have submitted some info on Mercenaries (as they are just developing and have none). Since that sites a bit slow I'll post it here to get some opinions. ------------------------------------------------- [b]Average Appearance:[/b] Mercenaries will never have a uniform appearance, but they will often be identifiable but a few traits, if observed closely. Some may have a tribal tatto crossed out, or a large scar where they should be one, whilst others who belong to tribes who don't believe in marking may be in shoddy armour. This may be because they lack the regular funds to repair armour, or some (such as my own characetr) may not be able to afford armour at all and be living on a knife edge, with just their wits and their weapon to protect them. [b]Tribal History:[/b] Mercenaries have always existed, men who serve no master or were expelled from their own tribe. Willing to do anything for money a mercenary can fight alongside orcs or evil beings, or, as has been the case before, switch sides mid-battle when a higher payment is offered. Mercenaries are largely nomadic, and have never, and will never (because of their ununified nature) claim any tribal land. [b]Customs:[/b] Mercenaries have no customs as such, save asking for a fee when performing a service. Some mercenaries who have banded together may develop hand shakes or customs, but this is rare as mercearies will rarely work together unless it is for money. The only other custom is the secrecy surrounding the Mercenary Black Market. [b]Buildings:[/b] Looking for a mercenary? Follow the camp fires. Mercenaries are reknown for sleeping in the open, with naught but a sheet to protect them. Otherwise a mercenary will find lodgings in an inn. [b]Geology:[/b] As stated several times a mercenary has no 'tribe land' as such, so will not have any geology attributed to them, though some stereotypical views seem to place them in the moutainous regions around the Sawk (or Sork. The letters were hard to read) river. [b]Items:[/b] Stereotypically a mercenary will be equipped with a sword, shield and a variety of daggers. This is not true, as mercernaries tend to stick to the weapons of their former tribe. Poisoned weapons have been cropping up in larger numbers though. [b]Food:[/b] Whatever they can get. hunger is the mercenaries constant enemy. [b]Trade:[/b] Mercenaries hire themselves out in exchange for money. Their is also a lucrative black market in rare items amongst mercenaries, but these places are well hidden and said to be legend. [b][u]General Mercenary Info.[/u][/b] 1. Mercenaries will almost ALWAYS expect to be paid for services if they have been promised so. If a debt isn't paid the consequences could be bloody. When a fee isn't charged, even if promised, it often means the mercenary has taken pity on those in the situation and has decided to work [i]pro bono[/i]. 2. To be accepted back into their tribe is the ultimate gift to a mercenary. It can be expected that they will never set a foot out of line again after such a blessing is bestowed. Those who were never part of a tribe though, or left their tribe of their own free will, will often take such an offer as an insult. 3. The Mercenary Black Market, whilst a large network, isn't utilised by most mercenaries, as a lot of the weapons and goods sold at such outposts are known to be cruel and barbaric. Only especially evil mercenaries will use these, or groups at war with another. To ask a mercenary, regular customer or no, to retrieve something for you from one of these places, is an insult. Many aren't even aware of the location of outposts. 4. Mercenaries usually withhold their name. Only those they trust learn the truth. 5. At any one time there may be two or more mercenary 'clans' in the world. These are small groups of mercenaries working towards a common objective and often create their own customs and such. Such clans are rare but becoming less uncommon. ---------------------------------- C&C Please. You know you want to.
OOC: I've made it so my character has encountered the humans in this post. He is yet to meet another Titan so if someone could stumble upon him...? ---------------- A-Jay was thoroughly confused. Standing atop a cliff, looking over a deep, secreted valley, a large structure of iron had been erected, with thousands upon thousands of wires connecting it to tall wooden poles. Around the structure was thousands of small buildings, as well as large caterpillar-tracked machines and men carrying small arms. Preceding all this however, was a large sign, reading: 'American Military Research: Private Property'. It seemed his sword had these 'Americans' interested. No matter. it would be a simple matter to get it back. He could sense it, deep below the earth, resonating, calling him so it may help destroy the Apocalypse. He raised one large hand in the air and set out a mental wave. And, as it always did, his sword responded. Deep in the base, a man in a long white coat was observing a shimmering an ancient boradsword, made of onyx darker than any seen elsewhere on Earth. It seemed to be moving, this was a new development. He took down notes as the sword vibrated more and more violently, shaking the very base it was attached to through thick titanium chains. Then it shot through the roof. The man stood bemused for a moment, as it drove a hole through the roof of the subterraen cavern, and natural light filtered down from the hole it produced. then he realized what had happened. "Code Red!" he screamed into a microphone on the control panel before him. A-Jay caught the sword out of the air, swingting it a bit. "Turn around and give up the sword!" said an amplified voice. A-Jay turned to see at least forty men with guns pointed at him, and one weilding a megaphone. He sighed. "Damn," he cursed. These things always happened to him.
I do stage work for my school at most of the major events, with a few other people (about eight in all) We set up scenes, work sound and lights and all the other stuff. Best of all it gets us pizza, coke and a day out of school! :D Life be good. But it can be hectic, especially if one has forgotten when to turn the strobe light on during the biggest production of the night...
In Australia IKEA ads are pretty funny. My favourite one goes like so: [quote] [b]ll children:[/b] can we go to IKEA please please please??? [b]Dad:[/b]alright. (gets up, falls down, shin snapped in half) [b]Children:[/b] Oh. Dad! (monkey walk in with beatbox. Sets in down turns it on. music starts 'stand-in Dad' Tall man walks in. Stand in Dad on t-shirt) [b]Man:[/b]Come on kids, i'll take you to IKEA! [b]Children:[/b] YAY! (Follow man out. Monkey turns off beatbox and follows them out. Dad is left waving) [/quote] It's pretty funny. You gotta see it.
"Apocalypse," he whispered in his sleep, his normally ice-cold brow damp with sweat and feverish. "The Apocalypse has returned... to destroy..." Suddenly A-Jay sat bolt upright. "The Apocalypse," he said to himself. He looked down at his large, shaking hands. 'They have returned.' Swinging his legs over the side of the 'bed' (in all truth it was really just a slab of ice) he tried to piece together the fragments of dream that still remained with him but they too were slipping away like sand between his fingers. All that remained was two words. The Calling. He was being Called once more. Getting to his feet he walked three painful steps towards the door before he had to stop. His limbs were stiff and cold, it would be impossible to walk any long distances at the moment. Yet, utilising the powers of old he had possessed since birth, he persevered, drawing small amounts of strength from people down in the village that had settled by the mountain. After a rough two hours going down the mountain A-Jay had wound up in that village, like a naked and imposing omen of doom. his first step was to get clothes, as his own had rotted off during his centuries long sleep, which he did immediately, choosing things of dark hues and paying with large gold coins from ages past. His second step was to leave the village. As the villagers were already shocked to see a tall, naked man come down from their sacred mountain, he didn't want to frighten them anymore, so, with great haste, he started the long weary walk to the lowlands, where the Blade of Onyx had been secreted.
yes, tehsillycircus was fun...Many things were discussed and many nads were kicked (watches for Desbresko). i believe Mimmi's pant fetish may have begun there also... Hmm... oh well. For those who say too bad it died, i pity ye for not seeing the truth. But I digress. Uber banner. I love it. Someone should really make Des an 'i survived teh silly circus' banner though....
Mass. Court Clears Way for Gay Marriages
DeadSeraphim replied to Semjaza's topic in General Discussion
These is really starting to annoy me this thread. I have nothing against homo-sexuals. Homo-sexuals, in general, are nice people and someone you wouldn't mind having a beer with. But all this opposition of their right to marry annoys me no end. It is not their fault that they fall in love with people of their gender, but when they do they are every bit as loving to that person as a man to his wife or vice versa. To deny them the right of marriage is to deny them the chance to make their love complete. And please, do not spout some religious mumbo-jumbo back at me. I am a fierce anti-Christian, and always will be. That does not mean I do not respect your religious beliefs by the way. Your beliefs are yours, and can be changed by noone. But if your God really saw it as a sin to love another man, why does his 'Great Life Plan' involve this? Supposedly God tailors your life to the tiniest moment, so that it is all 'God's Plan'. Why would God's plan involve an outright sin for the greater majority of that person's life? A lot of the posts here of 'Christian' theme seem to be of a conservative nature, yet people at the Boards are mostly teens and young adults, the supposed 'open-Minded' Generation. The major problem is, most Christians are following a set of moral standards two thousand years old. Come on people, forget the Bible for once and feel free to use your own mind to form an opinion on this matter. -
Its a great feature Adam. But, upon reading the main page, I have to ask. Does Mars really do that kind of thing?
I will love, and will always love, the battle system of Final Fantasy 7. To me, nothing else comes close, except maybe Final Fantasy 10. Why do I love Final Fantasy 7's battle system? Why i'm glad you asked. Firstly, FF7 was the first RPG i ever played. Period. As such it has left a... mark... on my stratedgy for every sequel after it (which, strangely enough, fails miserably in FF8 *curse magic system*). The dynamics of the sytem are so much different to every other game. in FF7 every spell has power ups. Which means it doesn't stop at BIO and become useless, t keeps going up to BIO3 and becomes incredibly useful. Also, how Limits are handled is also nice. Instead of having the option of using the limit, you HAVE to use it. Many gamers bemoaned the lack of ability to save a limit and attack instead. I obviously didn't, as I saw this as proper logic. You can't hold it in forever, and how are they supposed to attack with all that rage running through their heads? Summons in FF7 were fun too, with them not being too overused yet at the same time being there a powerful tool (though knights of the Round is overkill for anything lower than Sephiroth). FF10 was a good battle system for different reasons. Turnbased was good, making it more reliant on stratedgy, while at the same time limits required some good reflexes. Aeons were over used though, but the emphasis on being able to tailor a character to your liking satisfied me. The first time I beat the game, noone knew hastega. Why? Because I set Tidus on the Auron path early on for strength, then onto Yuna's path with a frined sphere. That kind of custom-tailoring made the game great. Someone with skills in every class can have a rather long attack window though, which had the potential to be annoying. As for FFX-2 though... I can't comment as it isn't releaased here yet!!! --EDIT-- Okay, I have now played FFX-2 and have to say it is awesome in battle system stakes. Like an anti-FFX battle system, it is so fast paced that you have to think on your feet.
Hey, welcome to the boards. Firstly, read the rules. Secondly, read them again, just so your sure. Done that? Great, your now an active member who has realized that posts like these are considered spam and is going to be closed. Just remember not to post too much spam and have good post quality and you'll be fine. And no flaming either.
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
DeadSeraphim replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
Hehe, this rocks. How people can actually type like that is beyond me, but its pretty cool. A mix of Star Wars, the Boards and the Matrix. Very cool. I gotta get a cameo though....>__> -
Ooh, I know what this is about. ChristianAnime.net. You must be cut with them to write this. You should go out of your way to get banned, then we can see the final result in piccie form. ;) Jokez. Getting banned from anywhere (except maybe a KKK website) is not fun.
[b]Name:[/b] A-Jay McFallan [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Elements:[/b] ice, strength [b]powers:[/b] [i]ice[/i] In battle, A-Jay can harness the powers of ice in two ways. The first involves the very air around him. He gathers the water vapour out of the air and form it into a solid ball, or spear like implement. The second involves any close by water source (pond, river, raindrop etc.). In this instance he can freeze the water at will, creating escape paths, traps, walls etc. [i]strength[/i] Whe harnessing the element of strength A-Jay is drawing slightly from everyone around him, thus he doesn't use it very much, as he sees it more of a curse than a gift. It is a double-edged sword however as he can take power from his foe also. Whilst accessing strength A-Jay sometimes finds it necessary to disrobe, as tremendous muscle growth will occur. He only ever utilises this power with EVERYONE'S permission. Due to some of the obvious drawbacks to his powers, A-Jay tends to be more of a martial fighter. [b]Weapons:[/b] A-Jay feels most at home with a broadsword, but as they are incredibly hard to carry easily he often opts for a smaller shortsword. When he does find it necessary to use a broadsword however it will almost always be the same blade, a blade of shining onyx said to have been taken from the heart of a chimera. [b]Description:[/b] A-Jay is reasonably tall, about six foot eight, and has very broad shoulders. his face is unlined and handsome and his hands are large enough to crush your average basketball. His immense strength is hidden beneath layers of baggy clothes, usually of the age he awakes in whenever his skills are needed. During the story he is seen in black jeans and shirt, with black boots, long trenchcoat ad sun glasses, the sunglasses. The sunglasses serve two purposes, A) To hide his shocking pale blue eyes from the world and B) to protect his eyes from the harsh light of the sun. his hair is silver and cut similarly to Trunks' (DBZ). [b]Elemental Description:[/b] Remains the same, unless using strength in which case he grows considerable muscle bulk. When using ice he will often remove his glasses, so as to see his enemies easier. [b]Birthplace:[/b] High in the Scottish highlands, where the snow never melts. [b]Bio:[/b] Arrogant and cold, A-jay was the least liked of the Titans, preffering to remain silent when a weighty decision was being made ad only speaking when necessary. His physical size daunted most of the other Titans, but when called he rose to the challenge and fought the Apocalypse, but fell in battle, muc to his shame. he then returned to the Highlands, where he created a magnificent palace of ice in which he slept for centuries at a time. When born A-Jay was found by 'adventurous' Scottish aristocracy, who had opted to climb the mountain on foot. He returned to their castle with them, and was raised by them before he returned to the mountain to discover his origins, at which point he became aware of his awesome powers, which he had been subconsciously using for years. Once there, A-Jay decided to hide himself from the world, ashamed of his powers, until the call came...
... [spoiler]he comes up for air. [/spoiler] or, alternatively, he [spoiler] he walks off the airship and meets Jecht and Auron in mid-air[/spoiler]. I'll TRY to give a hard question. What kind of skills and how many of each do you need to unlock the blue mage type in FF Tactics?
It was a well known fact that the prince's farts could kill a man at fifty paces. Well, its not fifty paces away but you get the idea.
I think they were a bad idea. Handheld games are great, but do you really want to have to answer the phone whilst beating a high-level boss in FF Tactics (example only) From what I've seen Nokia are trying to make phones something their not, a console. Cameras was ok, video was getting a bit extreme but games are just... stupidity. Not to mention the price tag...
TIDUS AURON (1st) RIKKU (1st) WAKKA YUNA and LULU (same time) KIMAHRI AURON (2nd) RIKKU (2nd) I'm 99.99% sure thats it. i'm no good at questions so I pass it on.
My favourite Dragonball Z moment was when Gohan went SSJ 2. it was such an intense emotional moment. My second favourite is where he (Gohan) then proceeds to beat the utter shite out of the Cell Jr.s, one, after the other. In this scene Gohan is just so cold and ruthless. And my third was the moment Frieza Saga FINALLY ended. The length of time that Saga went for was abominable.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B]Definitely a stunt. She wasn't as popular as she use to be, and showing her breast on TV has launched her back into the headlines. [/B][/QUOTE] Was it really the kind of publicity she's looking for though??? She may be in the news, but at what expense to her dignity? It was definitely planned, there is no doubt.
I love British comedies, especially things with John Cleese. Monty bPython films will always be at the top of my list, my favourite being Life of Brian, but Fawlty Towers is just hilarious. John Cleese had the sense to make just a few classic series and stop it before it stagnated.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinken [/i] [B] Much like the aforementioned billboard. (By the billboard's logic, Jesus is in hell because he ate fish!) [/B][/QUOTE] Actually by the billboard's logic Jesus is still in heaven doing whatever religious deities do. Jesus wasn't exactly a glutton, as gluttony is eating too much and for the sake of it. I think he'd rarely, if ever, get a chance to eat like that (and even then he'd turn it down.) And the Bible says nowhere that eating meat makes you a glutton. You can eat too much produce and still be a glutton. All this PETA stuff is utter crap. There is heaps of whacked stories surrounding them, but this cannabilism one is the lowest. How can you condone the taking of a human life, and then compare it to killing a chicken, with a clear conscience(sp?). How could you compare the holocaust with Chicken farming? PETA rarely use logic or don't piss someone off. Naomi Cambell was modelling for them once, but they scrapped her because for a designer she had to wear fur. It wasn't even her choice, but a job. EDIT: I realized somethings may be offensive to peeps in this so I changed it somewhat
Writing -Syk3's Guide to Modding Your Butt Off-
DeadSeraphim replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
Tha shiz Dragon Warrior. You should put a cameo of Homestar in there in Lesson 4, to dispute rights to speech impediment. Anyway its funny as hell, and Shinmaru got whats coming to him for ruining that banner oh so long ago...