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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. I don't usually use PSP 7 but I thought it would be as simple as cropping/selecting the pic in another window, copying it and pasting it. Anywho, this is a nice banner. Far too big to use here, but good nonetheless. I would suggest a border though, as they nearly always 'complete' a picture.
  2. If only James really had that option... He could be like a mild-mannered superhero, bravely defying unknown dangers to eradicate n00bs. Oh well. Great story DW, Looking forward to Chapter 2.
  3. My name comes from Jackass. One of the characters had the nickname Random Hero, but I couldn't get that at MSN so I made do. For Reference: CrH = Completely Random Hero Don't forget it.
  4. It's okay for a first banner, I guess. And in paint too. But I have the same problems. The cropping wasn't that good and the background was plain. A border wouldn't go astray either.
  5. To see archive quizzes would be a good idea. I disagree with having a max. of three featured results though. If you had an archive you would only really need one, which is pretty much more than enough anyway.
  6. [b]Overall Member of the Year: James,[/b] Male Otaku of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Female Otaku of the Year: Queen Asuka Staff Member of the Year: Charles, Funniest Member of the Year: Dragon Warrior, Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Poison Tongue Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: Adam, Best Newbie: Dagger IX1, Best Oldie: Shy, Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Dagger IX1, Most Improved: Vicky Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt Thread of the Year: Kill Adam, Silliest Thread of the Year: How the James Stole Christmas [b]Random Awards[/b] Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): Charles, Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):Charles, Best Location (Best Specific Location): Charles, Best Otaku Couple: Charles/Japan_86, Best Looking Otaku: James Otaku Clique of the Year: Adam?s Angels, Best MyOtaku: James [b]Otaku Writers[/b] Poet Laureate: Mitch, Writer of the Year: Solo Tremaine Orginal Story of the Year: OB: Enter the Net Role-Player of the Year: Arcadia, Brawler of the Year: Chaos, RPG of the Year: Kill Adam, [b]Social Otakus[/b] Otaku Social Member: Japan_86, Entertainment Otaku: Dragon Warrior, [b]Otaku Anime[/b] Otaku of the Year: Shy .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: AzureWolf, Dragonball Guru of the Year: Burori, Digipeep of the Year: Digital_Monster, Gundam Member of the Year:Final Flash Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Solo Tremaine, Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Dagger IX1 [b]Otaku Gamers[/b] Otaku Gamer of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Nintendo ?Mario? Award: Shinmaru Sony Award: Charles X-Box Award: James, PC Gamer of the Year: DeathKnight [b]Otaku Artists[/b] Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Syk3, Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Queen Asuka Best Spriter: Dragonballzman [b]Series Otaku[/b] Series Otaku Member of the Year: Desbreko Square/Enix Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Lady Katana, The Triforce Award: Desbreko
  7. I'd be Shinji ;). Jokez. I'd stay myself. Easy. My Dad's getting me Broadband, I have all th CDs I'd ever want and I'm a member of the Boards. What more could you want? (fame, fortune, hordes of beautiful women). Okay there's that but for now I'm pretty much content.
  8. Okay DW, better put my thoughts in writing. This is the bomb. Awesomeness. But the right hand... it's good but the pinky seems a bit odd. Uber detail.
  9. It's really good actually, much better than some of the other remakes that have come out. It keeps to the same plot (kill Shredder) and mostly the same characters. Lots of action and stuff, as well as an episode I remember from the original series remade. Its really worth watching, if only to see how fluid and nice the animation is.
  10. If I do recall I said it was mean. I was just acknowledging that they are, quite weird. I know they can't help it, but it IS the truth.
  11. Name: Alan Age: 15 in16 days DOB: Feb 10 1989 Location: Sunny Queensland (oz) One Word: Godlike No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Don't make me repeat myself Occupation: Writer. Color: Purple Food: Spaghetti Beverage: Pepsi Max Alter Ego: Shiek Dream Job: Webmaster Self-Proclaimed: God Ethnicity: Italian, English, Scottish, Irish, German and some more. Extracurricular: Computers Hobby: Warhammer Dessert: Peppermint choc-chip icecream Musician: Dave Grohl Group: Hilltop Hoods Mac or PC? PC Nics: Don't have any. Blog: There's a little button under my avi... Home Page: Bannerspace. See sig. Religion: Aethiest Book: Across the Nightingale Floor Collections: Knives Sport: Boxing Won't Eat: Quiche TV Show: Futurama Words to live by: I'm A god, not THE god. Addicted to: the net. Comic: Calvin and Hobbes, Hagar, Swamp Movie: Interview with the Vampire
  12. We have a whole plethora of weird people at me school. They're called 'The Special Ed. Unit'. I know tht's kind of mean, but its true, they are (or most of them are) complete characters. One girl has the mental capacity of a siz year old, and thus acts like on. Very disconcerting when she runs into your class in the middle of test and screams 'HELLO!!!!'. Another one has a chronic anger problem and is likely to snap at any minute. Another one... Aprt from Special Ed. me and my friends would be the wierdest at our school. We don't fit into any of the general populace's 'categories' and are kinda eclectic with our actions (Reading in library one minute, punching each other in the face the next). And wiggers hate us. With a vengeance.
  13. Okay. Top 5 Actors/actresses. Let's see, this'll be tough. Okay. Probably nowhere near as concise as DW's though. 1. Johnny Depp. Okay. From a purely hetero sexual perspective, Johnny Depp is a spunk. There is no denying his sex appeal. Apart from that his films are fun to watch. He was brilliant as Jack Sparrow in [i]Pirates of the Carribean[/i] and I found his performance in [i]From Hell[/i] extremely admirable. 2. George Clooney. I don't care if he's getting old. And fat. I love his work. In [i]From Dusk till Dawn[/i] he was such a hard-***, but had morals too, while in [i]Ocean's Eleven[/i](though the film wasn't really that well liked) he was great. His directorial debute (sp?) [i]Confessions of a Dangerous Mind[/i] was excellent. 3. Drew Barrymore. Just for her performance in [i]Donnie Darko[/i], which I think she directed or produced as well. I don't care much for the [i]Charlie's Angels[/i] films, I just loved Donnie Darko. And ET. 4. Kirsten Dunst. Not only is she physically attractive (putting it gentlemenly) but she starred in the fil [i]Interview with the Vampire[/i], which, if you care to look at my sig, is featuring heavily on mind at the moment. I thought she was great as the arrogant Child-Vampire Claudia, in a role where hse had to act well beyond her years. 5. Sean Connery. I love the Bond films. All of them, but his especially. In [i]The Rock[/i] he was awesome as the only guy who scaped from Alcatraz, and in [i]League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[/i] he kicked arse ([spoiler]though in the final scene you expected him to reach out of the ground[/spoiler]) He's an extremely versatile actor.
  14. I mean things that look like they've been made in paint that seem to litter your movies. *coughZidargecough*
  15. There's something drastically wrong with this. It's missing characteristic Dragon Warrio shoddiness. It's actually well done. I would argue that it's a bit too dark and I don't know what that skull is supposed to be doing, but otherwise its amazing to see something above 'Daily Comic' standard from you, at least for me.
  16. Wow Shinj, it sure is odd. Methinks it aint getting any replies because its is a Flash in a zip. People are lazy dude. Now don't take offence but here are some ways to improve it. a)All that blue? It was on every scene! b)It was funny, but not laugh out loud funny. More like, chuckle funny. DW has got that nailed, maybe you should talk to him about your script abit for the second installment. c)I WILL be redrawn as a vampire lookin' dude. No way will you have mas an overweight person. Right that's all I could find wrong really. Work on your humour a bit (and get rid of all the blue) and you've hit the jackpot.
  17. I thought Castles in the Sky was an Ian van Dahl song, or they have at least made a version of it. I have the CD to prove it.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=violet]When I was in high school-okay junior high and high school-I wanted nothing more than to drop gym class.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] In my school gym class (HPE here) is an optional subject. You do it for a year and a half at the start and then they ask what you would like to do, two electives. HPE is an elective. A subject I would like to drop is Science. Not only is it boring (more so now that we're studying biology) but there is absolutely no instance in my life where I will need to know the speed a space station has to move at to stay in orbit. I'd put Bus Tech (Business and Technology) in that slot instead because I had to drop it this year to do Senior subjects (IPT Advance computing).
  19. Holly s**t-balls dude. Not even I could come up with something that random. Wow. *blinks and rubs jaw sore from brief but intense moment of laughter* Laying waste to our fair city...
  20. I only just got around to watching this, and I must say I pissed myself laughing. Tripping over the 'MEANWHILE' sign was brilliance, and the scene in the bar (the 'Star Warsey thing') had me laughing the most. And Syk actually lookied evil. For once. Unlike Super Otaku Brothers. Where all he did was ***** about the princess. But I digress. Coolness movie dude (unnecessary suffix is a good sign;) )
  21. Hehe, couldn't resist. Not Completely [i]Random[/i] Hero for nothing. Moving on then. Adam I'v been using your quiz generator, but it only gets as far as Step 6. I had everything worked out, and was expecting a good quiz, with better standard than Quizilla, and it won't go anywhere. I keep clicking the 'Proceed' button and it stays on the same screen. Umm... any help?
  22. I personally like tattoos. It is all about placement and sibject matter though. My dad has no less than seven tattoos, and he got them all in the last ten years. Because they're on his back and upper arms he can easily hide them and doesn't get judged. It's the small, crappy tattoos that people regret. Getting a $20 tatto on your upper thigh in the general shape of a heart isn't really gonna look good when your older, but if you get something like my Dad's, a big back mural to Ned Kelly, it's something you can be proud. It's the rash tattoos that look bad. As for piercings my motto is if its below the neckI hate it. Nipple rings and belly button rings are disgusting in my opinion, but I have no problem with eyebrows and nostrils (or ears for that matter).
  23. Wow DW! You were the last person to post in all your forums but one!!! Amazing! Sorry. Couldn't help myself. And you have the voice of Mr T in your head too? That's amazing!
  24. Well, as this is posted in the SquareEnix Forum I'll assume I'm expected to say somethings Squaresy. Well I won't. Much. I have three, in no particular order: [list] [*]Final Fantasy 7 [*]Golden Sun 2 [*]Chrono Trigger [/list] So yeah. Not ALL Square.
  25. Its pretty good, but I would complain that the text is a tad hard to read. And also that the blood drops don't really fit in. Overall good though.
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