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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. I see in some people's sigs. that they have previous OB names. How did they get their names changed??
  2. Well I'll be damned, guess I'm wrong. But one could argue that that is hardly any form of formal education at all and would not qualify as school. As it stands the 'Do I have to go back to school?' line was probably just an error in the english script writing/translation.
  3. YAY! Classic Megaman! And you even left space for someone to put their name if they decided to use it (with your permission of course). Gotta love that retro helmet.
  4. I'd have to agree with Mitch. Everyone is greedy to a degree. It's human nature. Everyone always wants more than they have at one stage of their life and there is nothing, apart from mind-altering drugs perhaps, that will ever change this.
  5. I knew someone would come along and clear it all up. Thank god it was someone who actually knew what they were talking about.
  6. DeadSeraphim


    Hehe... They're probably basking in the praise. Probably burnt by it. I wouldn't worry too much. They'll either a) move it or b)reply in it soon.
  7. Probably... a game like Final Fantasy 7, with Final Fantasy 10 Battle System, Golden Sun 2 Summons and a non-linear format. Example: You need to get into building. Options A)walk through front door. B)Walk through back door.C) Climb up two stories and smash into window. D)Take brick and smash in window on bottom floor. You know, just using whatever way you want to complete a task. Of course there would still be an epic storyline thrown in, just for good measure.
  8. Can we use videogame characters as well? From anime type games of course. Anyway, if so I'd choose Zell. That guy has too bad a temper to even think about. As for proper anime probably LeftHand from Vampire Hunter D. Even though he doesn't have a body (he's a parasitic organism in D's hand) he is just too patronizing. And he even thinks he has a sense of humour. Tsk, tsk. No, definitely not LeftHand as a room mate.
  9. Umm... What? I've never heard that at all. What I heard (and I assume someone'll clear up this debate sooner or later, stop me making a fool of myself) was that when Sony released the Playstation it went around looking for develepors (sp?) to sign up for its new system. It offered obscene amounts of money to all the biggest game makers (Square included). Square accepted. The rest is history. Another point I'd like to raise is this. The 64 was released only a year before FF7. Final Fantasy 7 was massive game, absolutely huge. It would've taken more than a year to work out all the bugs, create the animations etc. As it was they had to rip the guts out of the Aeris Ressurection storyline just so they could release it on time (yes you originally could ressurect Aeris). In case your wondering they did this by removing the Sector 5 key from disk one, which was the key component to even starting the quest.
  10. Hmm... Nintendo and X-Box? Not bloody likely. As much fun as it would be (Halo Trooper's and enemies in Super Smash Bros.) it aint gonna happen. Nintendo have a bad history with game console collaborations. Early nineties saw them developing a console with Sony intended to use both catridges and cds. Needless to say, nothing ever happened of this, and the way in which Nintendoe withdrew from the project was appalling. They gave Sony almost no notice. As for SquareEnix I couldn't see themselves devoting themselves to X-Box. Sure, in 1997 until about last year they were focused entirely on Sony (they could still be, I'm not 100% sure) but with the release of their new online games they will want to reach as much of the market as possible, and the market is spread over three consoles. Why bother making an online game for one console and only get sales from that portion of the market when you can make the same game for three different consoles and get significantly more. X-Box may have the money to buy out developers, but SqaureEnix have a much longer history in the industry, and would know better.
  11. Good to see I haven't made an enemy out of you Shin. I have enough of those already.
  12. ... Ok. I never played Neopets that much. So I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Um... Animation flows smoothly. Really I can't see much wrong in all your stuff.
  13. Not much wrong with that either. Except maybe the animation's a tad fast.
  14. Hehe... didn't mean to offend anyone. I just really preferred his old one. I'm not exactly familiar with Shin that much, so I haven't been exposed to his sense of humour. Once again, sorry if I offended anyone. I'd never set out to insult anyone. I was insulting the banner because I found it... vulgar.
  15. I'm not laughing, in fact I think it's pretty good. My only problem with it would be you can see the blue text very well.
  16. Oh my god. You have absolutely ruined it. Seriously, I don't want to be mean but crap, look at that. It was so muchc cooler before. (Rememebr you said we could insult it). Even the thought of having a banner like that would make me cry. Don't know how you can stand it. --EDIT-- In retrospect I see I sound somewhat like a pompous ***. I'll kepp the post as it is anyway.
  17. I haven't got them yet but my Mum had all hers removed and my Dad he two removed. Wisdom Teeth are removed because often the gums aren't bigger enough to hold them. They sometimes grow at very odd angles and cut in the cum. And really, why do we need to know about your tongue?
  18. My favourite song from all Final Fantasys (sp?) is the theme music to the starting Blitz Ball game in FF10. It showed that Square were finally taking new directions musically, and recognizing that classical and orchestral music really was the norm any more. As for Boss battles I'd have to agree with ninj4_monkey. The Sephiroth boss music is awesome.
  19. DeadSeraphim


    I agree Ozzy. The standard of grammar and spelling at the boards is outstanding, much better than many other places.
  20. What I'm doing next year? This is what I want to do, but probably won't. 1) Get a book/story published. 2) Give up smoking (Jokez). Probably get a GIRLFRIEND. 3) Kill my enemies.
  21. Uubu: This is the reincarnation of Majin Buu after he was killed by Goku. He is a purely good kid and has all of Majin Buu's power. Later in DBGT he fuses with Majin Buu(Dai Kaioshin) once he learns of who he was before to become even stronger. He then has Majin Buu's ability of turning beings into sweets. There's some info I got from a site at any rate. Thought you knew everything, but noone's perfect.
  22. DeadSeraphim


    Oh, you beat me too it. I was going to say exactly the same thing. Yeah, theOtaku in general is a great place, especially the Boards, folled by myO. But, hehe, I've never actually gotten in trouble with moderators, not yet at any rate. I tend to follow the rules... Maybe Mitch will yell at me for no reason so I can feel wanted.
  23. WOW!!!! An actual comment. Seriously, I was hoping I could just let this one slip into obscurity and cry on the inside that noone cared. But you have restored my faith in OBers. Not humanity though. My faith in humanity can be restored for a small fee of seventy dollars. You should really post this section of your story with the rest of it though. It may grow annoying if they wanted to see what happened next, only to find it in a story with nothing about fanfics as all, set as a reply. And Mitch wouldn't get up you if you just expanded a little bit on your critique.
  24. My most frustrating moment? Finding out I was underpowered to beat Sephitoth's final form, the one with the pain-in-the-*** attack that can decimate you in one hit. The form before that (with two sides) frustrated me a bit as well, as I tended (in that file anyway) to only train up three people, and all I had on the left side was weaklings... Second most frustrating was in Chrono Trigger when I was trying to climb the mountain with the wind gusts... and the trees weren't stopping me. ... ... ... ... ...I think I ended up hurting myself so I didn't break my computer (was a rom).
  25. 80 pounds. Wow. That's roughly $240 Australian. I think. I'd probably blow it all on CDs knowing myself. But if I was hanging for that game really bad and was yet to pur-chase a Gamecube I definitely take the deal. 4 Full Zelda Games plus a Gamecube is a pretty sweet deal.
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