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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. Ganon. Hmm... With Ganon you have to shoot him with light arrows to stun him and then lay into his tail with the hammer. Of course if you run out of magic you can still try shooting him, but the stun effect is nowhere near as long. If your doing all that already can I ask if you have any fairies? They are a invaluable when facing bosses, tough or otherwise.
  2. My top ten are twisted out of control. 1. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. It's my favourite anime ever. It's the only movie I can watch more than once without getting bored. 2. Akira. More for the mindless destruction than anything... 3. The Fifth Element. I love this movie. It was my favourite until last year, which was when I properly discovered anime. 4. The Matrix. There's a no-brainer. 5. End of Evangelion. If only for the commentary on the DVD. 6. From Hell. Jack the Ripper is just a cool subject for a movie. Another freaky flick from Johnny Depp. 7. Van Wilder Party Liason. This movie is twisted. Truly. 8. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. The fight scenes in this are, in my opinion, better than DRagon Ball Z. 9. The Life of Brian. The funniest Monty Python movie ever. 10. Ghostbusters. Gotta love that theme song. So yeah, they are my Top 10 movies. With no real explanation as to why at all.
  3. Is it possible to make it an option though? If you wanted it that way you could have it and if not just leave the box unchecked.
  4. I was just thinking - unless it's been done before of course - that the thread layout could be reworked in the upcoming version 7. You could have the original post at the top - for reference - and the newest posts under it. Just a thought.
  5. I'm subscribed to some Yahoo! Groups and it's a pain-in-the-*** when an email from one of my groups shoots straight to my Junk Mail box, thought to be SPAM because Microsoft is Pig-Headed... With Hotmail you have the option of blocking an email address but SPAM comes in on so many different addresses that it usually does screw all.
  6. I'm just hanging to see Lord of the Rings 3. I saw Scary Movie 3 on the release dat over here so I've got no other movies I absolutely want to see. Except maybe the Looney Tunes film.
  7. My favourite Dragon Ball Z game is Legend of the Super Saiyan on the SNES. I've got it on ZSNES and it's heaps of fun. It's fighting style reminds me of Golden Sun in a way in that you decide what each character will do and both they and the enemies attack in a big block. Tou have to pre-empt the enemy entirely. After attacks are made you are back at the attack screen. Whilst on the subject of DBZ games though, has anyone heard of the new mod to Quake 2 or 3? It's unfinished as yet and promises to be a really big project. I think it's called Dragon Ball Quake but I can't be sure. Anyway, that's my favourite DBZ game.
  8. I remember Furbys... I didn't have one personally but my brother did. And he never, EVER put it down. It was soooo ANNOYING. So when he went out once it met a watery death in the toilet. I know it was mean but... I was young an irrational. And I really hated that Furby.
  9. CDs! Lots and lots of CDs. Or the entire Hellsing Series on DVD. Whatever comes first, I'm not picky.
  10. Are you saying that posting your work in a continuing thread is for losers or have I missed the point. (Wouldn't be the first time)
  11. A Completely Random Hero action figure would have to have a black cape. No question. And a sword. Definitely a sword. He'ed have to have blue hair (for no reason) and sunglasses. Um, what else. He would spurt random phrases, up to and including: Lol, Feel my wrath and the ever potent Hmm... Of course phrase spurting would happen only at one in the morning when everyone else is asleep due to Completely Random Hero being made in Australia and the time zones being upside down. For a small fee you can purchase the Completely Random Hero obscenity chip, which fits in the figures back and instead of normal phrases it says obscentities. Only $19.95. Contents may vary. Only available in Washington and Denver.
  12. Those are REALLY cool banners. I make them (banners) myself, but use a different approach and often end up with a darker, usually more sinister, theme. Anyway, I agree that Tara looks rather...ahem...ugly in the 2nd Buffy Banner. But other than that I really don't see much wrong with them. --EDIT-- Forgot to add this. The OBsolete banner seems to imply that Otaku Boards aren't worth anyone's time.
  13. Here's my attempt. I didn't exactly know what theme to give it considering myOtaku is a place where personalization is recommended so I used names of members instead, the Top 7 members actually. Anyway, enjoy.
  14. Hi, umm, Mitch knows me from myOtaku so I figured I might make an effort here. This is the PROLOGUE of a story I'm writing and have been writing for flipping ages. Prologue Brie cried silently in the ruins of the once great desert city of Vipe. Her blue eyes were red-rimmed and swollen from all her crying and her blonde hair bounced lightly from her sobbing. Before her lay the pallid corpse of Drenian, her consort and protector, friend and lover. Blood stained his proud black shirt where Heretic had delivered the fatal final blow and his beautiful blue eyes stared lifelessly up at the cloud-filled sky. A flash of lightning threw the ruined city into sharp relief and, with an accompanying boom, rain started to fall in great sheets, extinguishing the many fires that had been created when Heretic used one of the Forbidden Spells of Aztar to lay waste to the city. Only Brie and Drenian had survived and then Drenian had lost his life in a noble attempt to destroy Heretic. Heretic had killed him regardless and left the city in his great black horse-drawn coach. Only Brie was left. Left to fend for herself, left to live alone. With a near-silent squeak she fell to her knees, and then flat onto her stomach. She was alone. All alone. No Drenian to protect her, no commoners in the market to make idle banter with, not even any street tramps and thieves to punish. She had been left all alone and there was nothing she could do. For seeming hours she lay there, not doing anything but reflecting on the cruel fate that had been thrust upon her. But eventually she rose. She rose to unsteady feet and looked at the ruined town with new eyes, no longer the innocent, sheltered eyes of a mayoress, but the cold, hardened eyes of one who seeks revenge. Reaching down she picked up Drenian?s discarded katana, feeling its weight in her hands, letting her weak biceps grow used to the deadly blade. ?I will find you Heretic,? she whispered to her self, her tone evil, ?I will find you and destroy you.? With the katana in hand she turned and left Drenian, walking through the rubble-strewn streets towards the town?s exit. As she walked she could hear the souls of the many dead inhabitants of Vipe calling to her, pleading that she carry out a bloody fate on the insane Heretic, pleading that she avenge their death. And she planned to do so, planned to kill him as ruthlessly and as barbarically as he had done to her precious Drenian, her beautiful, beautiful Drenian. And, as she left the city through its ruined gates, she could feel him; feel him looking over her shoulder at her, protecting her in death as he had done in life. Heretic would pay. Oh yes, Heretic would pay. IF you would like to see more the website listed in the bar at my myOtaku has up to chapter 5. --EDIT-- Seems all the formatting went out the window when I posted it...
  15. My music taste differs with the month but there is a pretty constant pattern. I've been known to like rock, new rock, whatever Ramstein is, punk, techno and hip hop. But when I say hip hop I don't mean Gangster Rappers but funny people like Ugly Duckling and a lot of the people on the thriving Australian hip hop scene (The Herd, Resyn Dogs, Hilltop Hoods etc.) I have a habit of not following mainstream music types, even though I following genres. With rock I like hard core stuff like AFI and System of a Down. Punk I like Frenzal Rhomb. Hip hop I've already explained. And techno... depends. What tops my love of these kinds of music however is my hatred of the mainstream music scene, which creates dollar a dozen idols for people to fawn over. Pop-punk annoys me (Good Charlotte....eeergh). Soloists with no talent annoy me. Mainstream music annoys, no infuriates me. Anyway, that's all.
  16. I usually got bed at at 1 and wake up at 6, regardless of school or not. It can get damn annoying though when one attempts to sleep in only to be awakened...
  17. My favourite couple is Meier Link and Charlotte Elbourne from Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust. There is an aire of desperation about their romance that I love.
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