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Everything posted by DeadSeraphim

  1. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]No, that's the reality of being employed in a capitalist society. Slavery is implicit owning of another person as property, and furthermore demoting them to subhuman in the eyes of the law. Don't get the concepts mixed up with philosophical posturing.[/font][/color][/size]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='Cat14']humanity still has away to go. I feel that slowly we are learning but it not fast enough. If you want to get into really we haven't got rid of slavery. For example there are still sweat shops in New York City and the United States has other such shops around the world. These sweat shops have mostly children working in them as well, being payed around 30 cents or less per day.[/quote] That's ********. Are they OWNED by their employer? Of course not. They have options, and they can be replaced as quickly as they leave. There's another issue of child labour there in some cases, but that's less an issue of slavery and more a byproduct of capitalism. Even in sweatshops, people have options, and in most places of the world, if their options are removed, their is some semblance of law and justice to protect them and save them. Granted, the third world has a way to go in almost all departments, but even they're progressing in **** like this, albeit slowly (it's hard to abolish the concept of sweat shops in countries so poor even 30c is a fortune).[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]It's been like this for millennia. Except now we have TV. If anything, humanities gotten better. Do you see slavery? Do you see widespread accepted pedophilia? We've got rid of all these things in the last hundred years or so.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Hentai competition. Instant spike in activity.[/font][/color][/size]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]it's your double life as Batman if he was Green Lantern. I'm sorry. I just can't reconcile it in my heart. I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. :'([/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink]Think of the target audience. It's not like most anime fans have [i]standards.[/i'][/color][/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Come on, don't put yourself down like that. :/[/font][/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I dunno man, if you're recruiting from an anime forum I'm not sure you're gonna have a magazine with enough quality to you know, [i]sell anything[/i].[/font][/color][/size]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Sandy for me. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']Not really in a tier- Sarcastic arguers: Dead and not too many others.[/color][/quote] Come on now, we have a tier. It's so far above the rest we look down upon them as Gods, passing judgment and meddling in the affairs of mortals only when we deem necessary. And when the people [Sandy] doth cry for retribution for the misdeeds we perpetrate against them, we send our emissary Charles to placate them with funny pictures, and all is well. No need to sell yourself (or me) short, Kenneth.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]did you want me to make the third post, seeing as my chars had a run in with them just the day before?[/font][/color][/size]
  11. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo][center]Act One: Setting The Stage Scene Three: Asleep in the Jade Forest[/center] "Dude, you look like shit." I turned to face the source of the voice and was face to face with a younger, less experienced enforcer, named Angel. Rumour has it he was trying to become like me, a Dead version 2.0, if you will, rumours I had not dismissed. Looking him up and down, I quickly took note of the baton and dark glasses and I was pretty sure the rumours were true. Motherfucker doesn't use a baton unless he's mad or wants to go mad, and, clearly, I was the best and most handsome reason to go mad. "Yeah, it happens," I said finally as I strode through the halls to the boardroom serving as the meeting area. "Something about drinking two bottles of tequila and half a carton of beer, you know?" The kid's face blanched visibly and I smiled smugly. I might be able to shake him from my niche yet. He gulped. "I... I don't drink," he managed. I shrugged. "Do you smoke?" He shook his head. "No, it kills you man," he told me in that annoying authoritarian tone most people took about smoking these days. I sighed and stopped suddenly, having reached the boardroom and eager to shake Angel as soon as possible, if not sooner. "This is my stop kid," I told him, reaching into my jacket for a flask. "This is triple distilled rum. Drink up if you want everyone to think you're a really hard bastard." I winked and threw open the doors as he stared in fear at the flask in his hand. I laughed. "Have fun." The boardroom was empty save for Fai and Yugo for the time being, but it's obvious the place had been recently decorated. The Sleepers insignia adorned the walls from ceiling to floor, and traditional bamboo screens covered the side entrances, to quietly conceal the comings and going of cleaning droids. As I was doing minor body guard duty today with Yugo, an ashtray had been thoughtfully provided for me at a raised table to the boss' left, as well, a nice touch I never failed to notice. Fai was too good to me. "Honey, I'm home," I said, getting Yugo and Fais' attention. Yugo looked up and grinned, motioning to the boss' other side. Fai merely nodded, recognising my presence but not tearing himself from the task at hand. I walked around the table and took my place, leaning over to Yugo and whispering, "When's it start?" Yugo shook his head in the direction of the doors I'd come through and I turned to see people starting to stream in, in order of rank. Luyii was first, of course, carrying a steaming centuries old tea set and swinging her hips in a skin tight dress that left nothing to the imagination, and I almost didn't notice anything else until Yugo digged me in the ribs to bring me back to earth. Fai was looking at me curiously, but said nothing, as if expecting his daughter to receive my attention. Probably a damn good thing. Reaching into my jacket, I quickly lit up and examined the company more thoroughly, trying to mask my indescretions with nonchalonce. Sai, the fight promotor was there, sitting beside Luyii, as was Dr Xing, the staff doctor who I held a lot of respect for. It's not often a quack can rustle you up a new set of lungs and kidneys in 24 hours, but Xing did it for me. Come to think of it, I still owed him about 30 grand for that little operation. Here's hoping he forgot. As the table reached halfway, and the rank of the members became lower, the White Prince's entourage started, raising in rank as they came closer to their own boss. I recognized a few faces, Snowcat the pimp for one. Gayest pimp I'd ever met, I swear, but his girls weren't bad. Chi Zu was there as well, and to his side the White Prince had his own bodyguard, the Dragonfly. I'd heard of him, but never crossed paths. Here's hoping today wasn't the day. As everyone became seated and a pair of bodyguards quietly closed and locked the board room doors, Fai stood up and cleared his throat. Any chit chat that had been going on was instantly quieted as his eyes swept over the mixed company, drinking in each person's face. Finally, he smiled. "Welcome, my brothers, and my colleagues," he said finally, smiling as Luyii quietly and efficiently poured tea for the guests and company alike, a polite smile on her face. "May today's proceedings be blessed."[/color][/size][/font]
  12. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh dear, sweet lord. Firstly, my name happens to be [B]Conrad[/B]. (in fact, for those who hat typing my whole name, I don't mind if you call me this, or DB as some have come to do). I have two brothers with the names [B]Shade [/B] and [B]Victor[/B]. I am not Russian. no, it's not 'that thing like in the military.' NO my dad is NOT a soldier. No, not Comrade. NOT Comrat. No, C-o-n-r-a-d, curse you! What's that? You say that you always thought it was 'Comrade' until you saw it on paper while you were handing back quizzes? Well, that makes you ignorant. Yes, i've corrected you five times now. Please refrain from screwing it up again!!! Oh, and you are NOT the first one to come up with the nickname Cornbread, and I am WELL aware that my name backwards is the strangely humerous 'Darnoc.' No. I should NOT change my name to Darnoc!!! Sorry about that. I've been to 12 different schools - every time getting every last drop of the above paragraphs. And dear god, don't get me started on Shade. It's always Shane, or on roll sometimes 'sha-day'. It doesn't help that he looks like a girl to most people so they don't get it when you correct them. I have had friends who go on mispronouncing his name for months. Victor has less problems except that his name is not particularly common, much like mine (though his isn't subject to sounding like another word). For some reason, every music or art teacher he's ever had has mistakenly called him 'Vincent'.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]T...Tical? Is that you? Oh God, it's been so long! :')[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The only critique I can give is for you to read your own critique on Forgotten Heroe's first poem.[/font][/color][/size]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I am fascinated by rain. My mind seems to wander to it whenever I'm depressed. [indent]Rain. Cleansing rain. It cut through me and purified me, washed away all the evil and wickedness that clung to my soul and left me cold and alone, a ghost of the man I was. It was sickening to me, deep down where I could ignore it, that I was defined by the rot in my heart. That people didn?t see me, the tortured artist, but instead saw me for my sins, for the people I?d hurt, the misdeeds I?d perpetrated, the self-loathing that leaked out of my pores to corrupt and taint all those around me. If anything, their superficial judgments only strengthened that self-loathing, and just added to the destructive cycle that had led me to where I am tonight. I was atop a skyscraper, looking out of the entire city. Like me, the rain had washed it of its evil, making it seem somehow new, and fresh. Yet I knew, hundreds of feet below me, the evil was just hiding, clinging to door wells and bus shelters, trying to escape but instead being forced to endure the rain, God?s wrath. When it stopped, the evil would escape, and corrupt the city anew, within hours, minutes even. It was a depressing state of affairs. All the more reason to escape the dark reality of the situation while I could. I stepped onto the ledge, my eyes drinking in the sight of the city by night, my ears straining to absorb every last sound of the life it contained. The rush of cars; the staccato rhythm of the rain; hell, even the voices in the apartments below me. I wanted to know it all for one last precious moment before I threw it all away. I closed my eyes to savour the brief memories, fighting to ignore images of my life, the life I was leaving behind. It was hard. So hard. Slowly, eventually, I opened my eyes, my will resolved. I leapt. ? The impact had been sickening, a crunch of blood and bone as my body hit the pavement. People screamed around me, cars came to a screeching halt to see the massacre, and yet my senses persisted, allowing me one last glimpse of the world. Somehow, I stretched my shattered jaw into a facsimile of a smile, happy at last, even as I died. It was raining on me, you see. I would die pure.[/indent][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='oscarX']Gaiaonline.com I have seen in there forums gaia marriges you cant say that is not pathetic there getting fake marrige IS the most pathetic thing I have ever seen online next to cyber sex.[/quote] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I've never seen an online marriage that wasn't a jokey thing, in fun. You're chiding people on taking online relationships too seriously and telling them they're pathetic, then being so Goddamn serious you fail to take a joke. Lighten up, dude.[/font][/color][/size]
  16. [QUOTE=oscarX]I want to know what is with people dating online. Kids having girlfriends or boyfriends online is the dumbest and most pathetic thing i have ever heard of. Besides you dont know if that guy is a sex offender who wants your address. EDIT Im not saying stuff like eHormony when at first you intend to meet the person you talk to. And I intentionally put KIDS because thats is what is pathetic EDIT 2 i am not talking about adults like umm up to 15 years old your still to young your parents still have custody of you they can still claim you[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Custody? What does that have to do with anything? Does that mean no one should date under 15 in your cracked worldview, or do you operate under the assumption that these 'relationships that never even meet' are somehow impinging on the custody of the parent? Either way, you're a crazy mofo.[/font][/color][/size]
  17. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"Are you smoking in my car?" I looked over at Yugo, then at the smoking cigarette in my hand. Taking a drag, I considered my answer and blew out slowly. "No." He scowled and grabbed at my hand, sending the car swerving over the road as he tried to grab my burning prize. I only laughed at him. "Jeez, if you wanted it so bad, you could've just asked!" I exclaimed, handing him the cigarette cherry first and laughing even harder as he shrieked in pain and through the butt out the window. "Fuck you," he said angrily. "Sorry, I'm straight." He shot me a glance then jack-knifed suddenly, slamming me face first into the polished wood of his dashboard. I heard a crunch. "So, what, smoking in your car is so much worse than bloodstains?" He laughed, a smug grin on his face. "It's certainly easier to wash out, Dead my man," he said as we pulled up to the car yard. "Much easier than that awful smoke smell." I scowled. "Fuck you." "Sorry, I'm straight." I punched him hard then got out of the car, this one being one of his babies - a 1970 Holden Monaro, a muscle car imported from Australia. It, as usual, was black, but this was a slightly different shade of black, having an almost rich purple tone deep beneath the ebony. Or so he told me. Honestly, black is black to me. "What are we buying?" Yugo made a wide sweeping gesture at the car yard, then took a wad of bills out of his of jacket. "The sky's the limit, friend." [center]~~~[/center] I won't bore you with the details of our window shopping, but I will tell you that after an hour he'd chosen what was possibly the most dilapited piece of shit I'd ever seen. It was 90% rust, 5% iron, and 5% unidentifiable elements. I suggested dead rodents, but that didn't get us a cheaper price. Sadly. "So what did you say your names were again, boys?" the salesman asked. He was a short, chubby man with a prominent bald patch and an awful suit. I looked at him over my sunglasses. "We didn't." I rarely extend curtosies to salesmen. I find them... [i]dodgy[/i]. Regardless he was insistent. "I'll have to know your names before I sell you the car." "No, you have to know [i]his[/i] name. I'm just an observer." He was becoming irritated. "This is of importance to the business deal, sir," he said carefully. I scowled and reached for my baton, and was about to smash the man's face in when Yugo put an arm across me. "Don't cause trouble," he mouthed silently. I spat in frustration and put the baton away, but not before turning away from the short little fuck. God I hate salesmen. "My name is Blue Wolf and he's Dead, is that sufficient for the sale?" I could almost hear the guy's face light up. "Of the Sleepers? Why, it's a rare day we deal with the Sleepers! Of course it's sufficient, Mr Wolf." Yugo laughed softly. "Yes, I suppose it is. How much for this?" I heard a gun cock softly and raised an eyebrow. "Only your life, Mr Wolf. You've stumbled onto property owned and... invested in by the Brotherhood of Infinite Longevity. We will settle for nothing less than your heart, torn from your chest. As a sign of goodwill between our organisations, you might say." I spun, my baton out already, and was greeted to the sight of Yugo with a gun to his head. I made to beat the man, but Yugo motioned for me to keep out of it. "I'm afraid I can't accomodate such an exchange," he was saying quietly, his voice dangerous. "And if you don't move your gun this instant, you'll find yourself in a world of pain." The man laughed heartily. "Your friend may be infamous, but not even he could kill me before I killed you, Wolf." Yugo's eyes narrowed. "I wasn't referring to Dead." With lightning speed he had the gun out of the salesman's hand and in his own, then pressed the gun to the man's spine. "You'll take exactly $40 for this car, and I will restore it to a multi million dollar beast. And I will drive it by you every day, reminding you of the day you were fleeced for hundreds of thousands of dollars." He gritted his teeth and pushed the gun harder into the salesman's back. "Finally, you will always, [i]always[/i] remember the man who paralyzed you. I will haunt your nightmares. I am the Blue Wolf." The muffled bang was ferocious and yet restrained, like most things Yugo did, and the salesman fell with a wet thud. He wouldn't die - Yugo's victim's never did - but he was most certainly paralyzed. Yugo didn't renege on his promises to his victims after all - he didn't become one of Fai's most trusted attendants by being a soft cock. [center]~~~[/center] Later, as we drove away from the car yard, the classic car hitched to Yugo's trailer, I looked over at him and grinned. "Haunt their nightmares, huh?" He shrugged. "I assume so. I mean, when you leave them alive without brain damage, they tend to think about you a lot." He shot me a glance. "Not that you'd know anything about that." I leaned back and slowly lit up. "No, I guess I wouldn't," I laughed as I breathed the smoke into his precious upholstery.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [color=indigo][font=arial][size=1]Jesus Christ, why me. Charles and Sonders were standing before my desk, holding a doll that looked like someone I'd seen a thousand times before, but in another time. Sephiroth, the man these very two had put away. I sighed and reached for a cigarette, lighting it up while they looked at me apprehensively. "Well?" Sonders said finally as I watched the blue smoke twist and turn as it floated to the ceiling. I raised an eyebrow. "Well what?" "Well what are you going to do about this? [i]Someone broke into my Goddamn house[/i]." I sighed. "Yes, it's one of the perils of being a detective Sonders. Sometimes your work comes home with you." She slammed her fist on my desk and I looked at her. Her face was a picture of frustration, but Charles seemed oddly detached. "That's not a course of action, that's an excuse! What are you going to do?!" I scowled. Insolent witch, she'd forced me to put her on this case to begin with, and when shit starts to get messy, she blames me. Well fuck her. Leaning over the table, I stared into her eyes and almost hissed, "Don't push me Sonders. This is not a situation that calls for rash actions." She gripped her head and uttered a mangled cry before slumping down in a chair on the far side of the room. I leaned back and motioned to Charles. "What's your take on this?" I asked, ashing the cigarette. He shrugged. "Sephiroth is still in prison, so it couldn't have been him. I would hazard a guess that it's just someone trying to scare us off the case." I nodded. That's what I was thinking too, Charles and I usually shared opinions on such matters. I motioned for him to come closer and asked him, in hushed tones, "Do you think she should stay on?" He threw a glance over his shoulder at the fuming Sonders then looked back. "She's heavily invested in it, sir, but I feel I'm not in any position to advise you in this." How diplomatic, avoiding the point. He obviously wanted her kept on, but was concerned for her welfare regardless. I sighed and leaned back, considering my options with eyes closed. "Sonders, come here." The heavily clip clop of her shoes sounded like war drums as she approached my desk. "What?" Without looking, I gave my verdict. "You're off the case. I heavily advise you to see the staff head doctor, then get out of town for a few weeks." Finally I looked at her. "Is this understood?" Her face was a picture of rage. "What? This is bullshit! I am not off this case, this is too important to me!" "Exactly, Sonders, you've become too involved," I said softly, trying to keep my temper. "You can't do this!" I couldn't keep my temper. "Look, you wanted onto this fucking thing, and you got on, and now you seem to be a fucking target. What part of you hates yourself so much that you would continue on this fool's errand in the face of a murderer AND against the orders of your superior officer?" I stood and pointed at the door. "You're off the fucking case, get out of my goddamn office." She glared at me for a few tense minutes before storming off and slamming the door, leaving me and Charles in the room alone. He looked at me for a moment before uttering a single word. "Thanks." "No problem," I muttered reaching for another cigarette. Why fucking me.[/size][/font][/color]
  19. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]"Damn she's got a fine ass," I muttered as we walked past Luyii. "I think she's wearing a thong, too." Yugo glanced back himself and furrowed his brow. "How can you tell? All I see is pants, man." I winked at him as we entered the mansion's bar. "It's a skill, friend. It's a skill." He rolled his eyes as we sat at the bar, then turned his attention to a few off-duty gangsters involved in a game of 'friendly' pool. There was ten thousand dollars in cash on the table and a strong man close by, so I'm pretty sure friendly was the only way they were gonna be playing that game. "Rum and coke, triple, thanks," I said tearing my eyes from the game. "What're you having Yugo?" He shrugged. "Gin and tonic, I guess. Isn't it a bit early to be drinking? I mean, you did get utterly wasted last night already." I paused for a moment as the bartender handed me our drinks then motioned for a booth. When we were seated again, I tried to think what happened last night. "...how did you know I was wasted?" I said finally. He laughed. "What, you don't remember calling me to say, quite loudly, how fine the girls of the White Prince were, and how you and the korean would hire some if only you had the cash?" I scanned my memory. I [i]vaguely[/i] recall being at one of the White Prince's brothel/bars, but... "Oh jeez, what else did I say?" "After that it was a long, sexually explicit rant about how you'd bend them over the table right then and there. Then, if I recall, you were being kicked out." Well, I definitely remember being kicked out, so his story checks. [i]For now[/i]. "Eh, you should expect it. A motherfucker doesn't drink from 12 years old and expect to retain any decency or memory." I drained my rum and called out for another, lighting a cigarette while the bartender brought it over. I exhaled the first drag right into Yugo's face, just like old times. "And to think, I gave you your first cigarette [i]and[/i] your first drink. I created a monster," he said, an impish grin on his face. "Well, would you have me any other way?" I drained another rum as he considered that, but decided to call it quits for the morning, as the meeting was soon and I only needed to take the edge off my hangover. "Nah," he said finally. "Well, I might like it if you weren't the main guy busting dangerous heads, but that's just friendly concern for my best friend." I looked at him long and hard for a moment. "...are you coming onto me, Yugo?" He reached across the booth and punched me hard in the arm, then checked his watch. "Come on, we'll be late." "Late for what?" The meeting wasn't for another few hours. "Didn't you hear? I'm buying a car." I grinned and left the bar, laughing as one of the pool playing gangsters let out a long, low moan of defeat and monetary defecit.[/color][/size][/font]
  20. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]So, what, Australia is the only nation in the world to eat predominantly savoury and meat-based pies? And small, snack sized ones at that.[/font][/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I don't think I could live in the mansion. It was too big, for one, but it was also... I dunno. A bit too obvious? I mean, the persian rugs and wood-panelling are one thing, but throw in a two dozen robotic cleaners patrolling the place for the tiniest bit of dirty every hour of the day, and strong men at every important door (including the toilet, amazingly), and it kind of screams "Oppulent Gang Palace". Don't get me wrong though, I liked the place. It just wasn't my style. Yugo was leading me the long way to the boss' meeting room, which was odd but not unheard of, so today I was getting the grand tour. Portraits, centuries old rugs, a showroom filled with Mercedes from the 1950s, I saw em all before I finally got to Fai's chamber. As we entered, he motioned for me to take a seat before him, but not before a robotic maid covered it in plastic. He smiled at me. "You're wet, you see." I smirked. "Yes, it was raining." "You've not heard of an umbrella?" I thought for a moment how to respond, but let it go, instead reaching for a cigarette. "May I?" He nodded. "Of course. My best enforcer need not ask." I grinned at Yugo, who stood paitently beside the side-door we'd entered in, and lit up, making a grand show of my first puff. He stifled a laugh and shook his head. Me and Yugo went way back, but we'd taken drastically different directions within the organisation. I think it worked out better this way anyway. "So, report to me Dead," Fai said abruptly, snapping me from my revery. "What happened at Logan's that resulted in such obvious damage?" I exhaled a lungful of smoke and considered how to best answer, my mind replaying the events of the escapade in slow motion. "It was going routinely," I said between drags. "When a woman in green and what I could gather was her three pupils turned up." I paused. "They had automatic pistols. One of them hit a chemical barrel and the place explod-" "Stop." I stopped. "What?" "Chemicals? You said nothing about chemicals in your call. Did you see what was on the barrel?" I shrugged. "Biohazard symbol, same faded writing. I assumed he was just getting into the manufacturing side of business to shortchange us." I paused to put out my cigarette. "Honestly boss, I didn't even think to check before the crazy bitch ruined my party." He nodded solemnly. "Understood. Go on." Confused somewhat, I continued. "Logan had had a semiautomatic, so I used that against the students and escaped the fire before anything else exploded, then got into a spar with the woman in green outside." I paused, thinking back. "I thought I was gonna die, but she held off. I don't know why... maybe she thought I was cute?" Fai smiled for less than a moment before closing his eyes. I assume he was thinking back on what I'd told him, but he could be thinking of a naked woman for all I know. Finally, he opened them, his eyes staring into me like bottomless pools of obsidian. "I accept that this wasn't your fault Dead," he said firmly, "and will not be encacting any punishments for the assignment's failure. You will however be forced to be present at tomorrow morning's meeting." He stood up and motioned to the main door. "You may leave." I nodded and Yugo quickly ran to open it for me, standing their like a bellboy as I strode past. "Should I tip?" I murmered. "Shut up man," he grinned as he shut the door. Striding through the foyer before the boss' room, I couldn't help but notice the entourage of cleaning drones with mops that followed me and grinned. A tall Korean man waited for me, a chauffeur designated to me for the evening. "Where to, sir?" I thought for a moment. "Know any good bars?"[/font][/color][/size]
  22. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]"So what happened here, son?" the officer asked me formally as we stood before the burning building. I shrugged "I was just walking by when the place exploded. Some crazy bitch ran out guns firing and clipped me before running off into the night." I smiled and slowly slipped the man a small bundle of notes. "Will that be enough for the police report?" The officer smirked. "That's more than enough," he replied, pocketing the crumpled cash. "I'll call you if we have any questions." He winked and walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the now throbbing pain in my thigh. Sighing, I took a flask out of my jacket and took a deep swig, shivering slightly as the rum hit my gut and the pain faded. What a night. "Dead?" I turned to see a formally dressed man holding an umbrella. "Yugo? You came to see the fireworks too?" He shook his head somberly and motioned for me to get under the umbrella, not wanting to risk whatever was so important for the Blue Wolf to leave base being heard by idle ears. Safe from the rain under the umbrella I quickly lit up and waited for his message. "Fai is very angry, Dead," he whispered. "He wishes to see you immediately but do not be worried." I laughed. "Me? Worry?" Yugo scowled. "This is not a joke, Dead. Fai knows this assignment was ruined by an outside party, and is not happy. He will not hold you accountable, but he will want a full report." I frowned and took a drag, considering this. A full report meant I'd have to tell it to all of bigwigs, and meant this cockup was a bit more important than I'd first guessed. "When do I have to report?" Yugo checked his watch. "Forty-five minutes." Forty-five minutes?! Ah, fuck. "Fuck." "What?" Yugo asked quizically. I shifted uncomfortably. "I really need to take a dump." Yugo smiled, the first time I'd seen it all night, and started leading me towards his car, a shiny black Benz from sometime in the twentieth century. "They do have toilets at the mansion, you know." I flicked away my cigarette and sighed melodramatically. "It's just not the same as home, Yugo," I lamented. "It's just not the same."[/color][/size][/font]
  23. [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I like chicken and vegetable pies. They're chickenlicious.[/font][/color][/size]
  24. [font=arial][size=1][color=indigo]OOC: You've got a few errors Josh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's not often I'll use a gun. After blowing off a finger back in high school, I've been sort of against them, you know? But when you're in the middle of a burning room with at least 4 people out to get you, you've gotta make exceptions. Taking a hankerchief out of my pocket I covered my mouth and slowly stood up, taking Logan's semi-automatic with me. It's weight felt unfamiliar, but I knew what to do. Pull. The trigger. Trying to get my bearings in the thick smoke, and failing, I sighed and started striding through it, the gun at my hip. Ahead of me I saw a crouched shadowy form, and pulled the trigger, eliciting a sharp scream that probably meant she died. I mean, I wasn't sure if she died, but I'm assuming. I wasn't about to stop and check for a pulse. Another one rose out of the mist, this one standing and pointing two guns shakily at me. I laughed softly behind my make-shift gas mask and blew a hole in her stomach, the force sending her on her back. The sick crunch of her skull hitting the hardwood meant I was one step closer to my goal of the front door, and could actually see it now. Still, better to be safe than sorry. I was unscathed when I strode out into the rain again, a fact for which I was relieved as I didn't know Logan had so many friends. I'd been working on the assumption all along that he had [i]no[/i] friends, you see, which was a concept that worked so much better in my mind, but then he busts out four machine gunner ninjas? I've gotta read my assignments more carefully. Fishing my phone out of my pocket I quickly dialed the boss' number and waited, letting the pouring rain soak through my clothes and get rid of that awful chemical fire smell. "This is Fai. Good news?" His voice seemed agitated. "Yeah, no... well maybe. Motherfucker's dead." "What?! You weren't meant to kill him!" I sighed. "Well four crazy assassins turned up who he could've hired for protection or something, and his house lit on fire in the firefight, so I assume he's dead." "He could be alive, but badly burned." I started. "What, you want me to go check?" A gunshot set my ear ringing as the phone was blasted from my hand. "Don't worry, he's dead." It was that woman again. Ah crap, better deal with this quickly. "No honey," I said carefully, taking my baton off it's belt loop. "I'm Dead." I spun in a vicious circle to hit her across the head, but her arm blocked the strike. Undeterred I leapt back and switched the baton to my right hand, spinning it dangerously as we circled in the rain. She had a pistol trained on me, something pointy looking, and I had a piece of wood. Them's good odds. Then, without warning, she fired, and I dodged just a little too late, taking a blow to the thigh, but, in my defense, the truly brutal hit I scored on her ribs as I fell made up for it. She fell, I fell, we all fell down together. Laying panting in the street, clutching my bleeding leg, I could only grin at the woman. "Hey, fancy seeing you here." She snarled and got quickly to her feet. She looked at me for a moment, then her gun, and I was pretty sure I was gonna die right then and there, but she never did it. She just got a frustrated snarl, shook her head and ran off in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, I'm left bleeding in the rain. ...might as well get an ambulance when the emergency department arrives.[/color][/size][/font]
  25. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]If Dead does not suffice I can offer my services as a target in your schemes as well. Dr. Xing will deal with a pre-pickup inspection of Laotian heroin from the port of San Francisco. Unfortunately the shipment is not of the quality expected and negotiations between Dr. Xing and the Laotian in control of the delivery for a lower price are not fruitful. Dr. Xing and his retinue will leave the port. Insulted, Dr. Xing will contact Fai Chou asking permission to coordinate a punishment. Following the events of this evening Dr. Xing will return to the port in the closing moments of the hit and watch in satisfaction as the container ship in question explodes with significant force.[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I beat you to Shy's idea, punk.[/font][/color][/size]
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