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About JoyKaiba
- Birthday 10/20/1988
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I'm the evil fangirl that stole Joey Wheeler's and Daisuke Aurora's hearts (laughs evily)
Full time high school student.
JoyKaiba's Achievements

Otaku (3/6)
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Jackie Okland [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] :I'll Do Later: [B]Trainer ID Number:[/B] 72404 [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Personal History:[/B] [B]Equipment:[/B] [B]Preferred Starter Choice:[/B] Cyndaquil Sorry, got to finish later! :D[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=Teal][B][I]How many more people do you need to get this started?[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name: [/B]Amika Aurora [B]Color of Digivice IC: [/B]Black [B]Age: [/B]15 [B]Appearence: [/B][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19135]Yeah, ignore the blood and knife![/url] [B]Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks:[/B] [B][U]Rookie:[/U][/B] [url=http://digidex.ryux.net/images/d/demidevi.jpg]DemiDevimon[/url] (Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B][U]Champion:[/U][/B] [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Wizardmon.gif]Wizardmon[/url] (Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B][U]Ultimate:[/U][/B] [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Myotismon.gif]Myotismon[/url] (Crimson Lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B][U]Mega:[/U][/B] [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/VenomMyotismon.gif]VenomMyotismon[/url] (Venom Infusion, Nightmare Claw, Screaming Darkness, Crimson Mist, Mental Illusion) [/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=Teal][I][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Jamie [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 17 [B][U]Gender:[/U][/B] Female [B[U]]Appearance:[/U][/B] [url=http://www.evilinside.by.ru/art/gothic_anime/vish1.jpg]Minus the wings of course! :animesmil [/url] [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Jamie is very kind regardeless on how she looks on the outside. Jamie's gental, but can get loud. In fact, you rub her the wrong way. She's going to bite your head off. Word of advice, do get her mad. Another thing that makes jamie look like a total other person is if you harm any of her Pokemon. She loves all of her Pokemon and you'll see a totally new side to her if you harm them for no reason. [B][U]Bio:[/U][/B] Jamie was a normal girl in Windsand Village, but she always semmed to get picked on. Well, there is a reason Jamie got picked on. She never really wanted a legendary pokemon like all the other kids did, she always wanted to start off with a Charamander. She always hoped of owning a Charizard one day. Well, one day as little Jamie was on her way to her grandmother's house she heard an odd noise come from behind a rock. Jmaie, being the investigative type, wondered over to the rock. When she got there a shadow flew out and quickly disappered into the forest. Jamie had to follow. As Jamie wondered deeper and deeper into the forest, she soon reliezed she was lost. She didn't know what to do other then sit down, wait, and hope someone would find her. As soon as Jamie sat down, a wild group of Poochyena jumped out and surrounded Jamie from all sides. They growled as they moved in closer and closer. Jamie closed her eyes and waited for the worst, but the worst never came. The strange shadow from earlier appeared and shot s pink psychic ball at the ground. The loud noice and bright light scared the Poochyena away. Jamie slowly opened her eyes to discover a Mew floating happily in front of her. She knew Mew had saved her life and quickly hugged her. Mew seemed to love the attention and quickly helped Jamie out of the forest. She also followed her to her grandmother's house. In fact, Mew followed Jamie everywhere, until the day Jamie bought a Pokeball. Jamie didn't wanna force Mew to be her partner, but she asked. Mew happily agreed, opened the Pokeball, and hopped in. Jamie let her right back out knowing she wouldn't like confined spaces, but also knowing Mew was offically hers. Mew still protects Jamie to this day and their bond has gotten stronger. They now communicate telepathicly and have a sibling like bond. Could things get any better? [B][U]Starting Pokémon:[/U][/B] Mew [B][U]Eventual Party:[/U][/B] [CENTER]Mew (doesn't really have a gender, but I'll make it female) Charizard/Charlia (Female) Haunter/Spook (Female) Mightyena/Fang (Female) Howl/Houdoom (Female) Moonlight/Absol (Female) Don't ask! I was going by my Sapphire game! :animeswea [/CENTER][/I][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=Teal]I'll use my wolf character, but change him around a bit. [B]Name:[/B] Koal [B]Age:[/B] He looks to be about 16, but real age is truely unknown [B]Race:[/B] Ok listen to combo: 1/2 Wolf Demon, Quarter Dog Demon, Quarter Human [B]Japan or Dreamland:[/B] Dreamland [B]Weapon or Power:[/B] He has two swords - one is a normal sword and the other has the power over diffrent elements, the power over wind and wolves, and strangely has the ability to Iron Rever Soul Stealer and Claws of Blood. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/7711-20050413063127.jpg]Here we go![/url] [B]Attitude:[/B] Koal seems to have an attitude, but he really has a kind heart. Don't let his first impression scare you. [B]History:[/B] Koal was originally from Japan and the son of a powerful wolf demon and unwilling half-demon. (long story that involves another OC) Well, at a young age Koal discovered the Dreamland and wondered into it. In an unfournate event though, Koal's body was destroyed by an evil demon and soul stayed in Dreamland. Koal was scared, but grew up with a slightly bitter heart. He luckly had both of his parents swords and is a skilled swordsman now. He wants to help all that he can and hopefully hear about his parents from Inuyasha and crew. [/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=teal]"That's a great idea," DemiDevimon said as he fluttered upward, "We can't just attack blindly. We'll never win that way." Veilomon rolled his eyes as the other Digimon agreed. "How do you prepose we do that," Veilomon asked as he looked over at DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon took a brief momment to think. He then looked like he got an idea. "We all attack together, " DemiDevimon said with a slight grin, "All of our attacks combined should be able to take him out. Do you all agree?" All the Digimon looked around and then nodded thier heads. Even Veilomon agreed with it. "Of course we do," Nyxmon said with a less harsh voice then last time. DemiDevimon nodded and looked at Devimon. He looked highly disgusted as he started moving his right foot. "Alrighty then," DemiDevimon said as pride started to flash across his eyes, "I'll start us off......DEMI DART!" As DemiDevimon shouted his attack, a huge needle appeared in his foot. He quickly and suddenly threw it. "Ok," Nyxmon said as she looked around, "it's our turn guys." [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]DemiMeramon looked around in haste. He then quickly attached the crest to his chest. As he did this, he began to glow in a multitude of diffrent purple colors. "DemiMeramon digivolve to.....," DemiMermon said as his voice seemed to get deeper, but more annoying sounding, "DemiDevimon!" Everyone seemed to look at DemiDevimon as he glared at Devimon. Something about Devimon made DemiDevimon hate him. This was strange for Digimon of the same group. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]"Dame," Koal said as he turned and looked at Mika and Coje, "Do any of you know who the hell that was?" Mika and Coje looked at each other and frowned. they had no ide who it was, but he sure was strong. "How are we supposed to know," Coje said as he slightly leaned on his staff, "We're just as new to this time as you are." A sweatdrop ran from Koal's forehead as Mika fell to her butt. Coje then slipped down his staff and sat down. Setsouke and Koal were the only two standing as Crystal ran up there. "Are you four ok," Crystal asked as she looked down at Mika and Coje. Coje and Mika quickly looked away from her. They didn't want to leak out thier identities yet. "We're fine," Koal said as he looked at a wound on his arm, "Don't worry about us. Come on Coje, Mika!" Coje and Mika got depressed looks on thier faces as they looked up at Koal. Why was he being so unforgivable? "Wait," Inuyasha said as he held the Tetsugia out toward Koal, "Don't move another inch! I have a feeling you're one of the reason that crazy dragon attacked us. Mind telling us what the hell's going on here?" Koal stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. Miroku and Crystal were helping Coje and Mika up as Koal started walking back toward Inuyasha. "I don't know who the hell that Dragon was, " Koal said as his anger was reaching the peak, "So, if you don't mind, I'm taking my little brother and sister and leaving." Coje and Mika got looks of horror on thier faces as Crystal and Miroku looked at each other. Koal had just blown thier cover. "Well," Kagome said as she grabbed Inuyasha's hands, "maybe you guys could stay and tell us all about your problems." Koal snorted and started walking away again. Coje and Mika quietly started to follow him. Koal obviously need sometime to think, "No thanks," Koal said with his father starting to come out in him, "I rather go think this over with out any adults hovering over me. Lets go Coje, Mika. Mom would haunt me if I let something happen to you two." Coje and Mika nodded as they quickly followed Koal into the woods. "Those poor kids," Crystal said as Miroku hugged her, "but, do you think....." Miroku nodded his head as Crystal looked up at him. They had got it. They knew Coje and Mika most likely belonged to them, but there was nothing they could do. Koal had authority over them. "I think we should let them go," Inuyasha said with a growl, "Besides, they were nothing, but trouble." Crystal looked over at Inuyasha in disgust. She then started walking toward the woods. "They're kids Inuyasha," Crystal said as she slightly looked back at her brother, "and I'm going to find them. I wouls advice you to stay here." Inuyasha waved his sister on and started walking back toward the hut. Kagome let out a sigh and followed him. Miroku quickly started following Crystal. They didn't know what they were gonna get into, but they want to protect "thier kids"! >~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~ OOC: Sorry for the short post, but everybody can go off and do whatever until Koal comes up on his Dad's cave. That's when Crystal and Miroku will catch up with them too. Sorry Maxi and Joeys Girl. I had to reveal Coje and Mika relationship to Miroku and Crystal. I hope it's ok![/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]DemiMeramon was quietly sleeping in a cornor when the sound of destruction woke him up. The little ball of flames quickly looked around in fear. He then shook. "Not again," DemiMeramon said as he closed his eyes. DemiMeramon seemed to be remembering something. Not something good either. "Yes," Gennai said from nearby, "the Dragon Hourglass." DemiMeramon opened one of his eyes at those words. He then quickly floated over to Gennai. He had a look of hope in his eyes. "Oh," DemiMeramon said with a honorble voice, "I've got to come. Please let me come. I really want to help." Gennai, Airdramon, Polymon, and Zanamon all turned around looked at DemiMeramon. DemiMeramon looked more hyped then scared now. Something had struck a nerve. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~> OOC: Sorry, it's so short! :animeswea [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I'm so sorry about this! I've had a lot of trouble in my family and every thing has been havoc! I'm going to try and start this fight! Sorry again! ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~ Koal looked a little nervous as he looked over at Inuyasha. Inuyasha was giving him a hard look. Something was making them both uneasy. "Who are you," Inuyasha asked as he sat down next to Crystal. Koal started to sweat as he stumbled to his feet. Crystal went to say something, but Miroku grabbed her arm and shook his head. "I'm an honorable Wolf Demon," Koal said as he walked toward the door, "and I don't want to cause any harm. My name's Koal, by the way." Inuyasha got a shocked look on as Kagome gasped. Koal quickly and swiftly walked by Raenoko and out the doorway. Coje, Mika, and Setsouke quickly ran over to Koal as he continued to walk toward the forest. Coje didn't look to happy. "What do you think you're doing," Coje snapped at Koal, "Why are you leaving now? I thought we had to talk to Uncle Inuyasha." Koal suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and turned toward Coje. The look on his face wasn't exactly pleasant. "Listen Coje," Koal said with a growl, "you don't bossy me around. If anything, I tell you what to do. Besides, I don't even know what the hell you're doing here!" Coje slightly took a step backward. He never saw Koal this upset. "I'm sorry," Coje said with a second guessing sound. Koal mumbled something under his voice and turned back around. As he turned back around, Kronos appeared directly in front of him. She was twirling her scythe around like it was nothing and looking Koal up and down. ?Aren?t you frisky,? Kronos said with a flirty voice, ?It?s a shame I have to eliminate you. Such a shame indeed.? Koal took a step backward as a look of horror crossed his face. Coje and Setsouke step to each side of him as Mika stayed slightly back. ?Kronos,? Koal said as he placed his hand on one of his swords. Kronos looked a little shocked. She didn?t think this little Wolf Demon knew her name. ?I guess I?m more popular then I thought,? Kronos said as she looked at her nails, ?I?m sorry I won?t be your Grim Reaper for today though. Oh Corru, would you please come out here my scaly friend.? As Kronos said that, Corru came out of the darkness of the forest. All three siblings looked a little on the scared side, but Setsouke seemed emotionless. ?Yes Mistress Kronos,? Corru said as he walked next to Kronos. Kronos grinned evilly as she disappeared. Koal, Coje, Mika, and Setsouke were going to have to fight Corru all by themselves. Not that they minded though. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~> Ok, Sir Gawain you can take over from here. You can have the small group of four losing at first if you want too, but you're gonna have to retreat. You'll retreat when Inuyasha, Kagome, Crystal, and Miroku come to the fight. OK!! :D :animesmil :catgirl: [/COLOR][/I][/b]
Sign Up Inu-Yasha: Ties that bind [M - V, poss S]
JoyKaiba replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Koal [B]Race:[/B] Wolf Demon, Dog Demon, Human (this is what I call mixed breed) [B]Era:[/B] Fedual Era [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll get to you on this) Tell me if I can play two characters please! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/I] -
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] DemiMeramon [B]Attacks:[/B] Fireball [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/DemiMeramon.gif]Here we go![/url] [B]Digivolution Line:[/B] [B][U]Rookie:[/U][/B] [url=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=demidevimon/v=2/SID=e/l=IVI/SIG=12ffg1vnt/EXP=1115805727/*-http%3A//ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/DemiDevimon.jpg]DemiDevimon[/url] [B][U]Champion:[/U][/B] [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Wizardmon.gif]Wizardmon[/url] [B][U]Ultimate:[/U][/B] [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Myotismon.gif]Myotismon[/url] [B][U]Mega[/U][/B] [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/VenomMyotismon.gif]VenomMyotismon[/url] [B]Digivolution Attacks:[/B] [U]DemiDevimon:[/U] Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher [U]Wizardmon:[/U] Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror [U]Myotismon:[/U] Crimson Lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw [U]VenomMyotismon:[/U] Venom Infusion, Nightmare Claw, Screaming Darkness, Crimson Mist, Mental Illusion [B]Mega Weapon Choice1:[/B] Sword [B]Mega Weapon Choice2:[/B] Staff [B]Why do YOU want to go:[/B] DemiMeramon only wants to go because he thinks he can get stronger. Well, he has some other personal reasons as well, but power's at the top of his list. He's not power hungry though! He'll be glad to save the world along the way. Ok, I'm done! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]?You know what,? Crystal said as she placed her hands over one of Koal?s wounds, ?I think I should be able to heal you now.? Koal looked at Crystal a little weird and then remembered she had the ability to heal people. It was slight power, but it worked really well if she thought hard about it. ?Thanks a lot,? Koal said as he started to move his leg, ?I?m really appreciating this.? Crystal slightly smiled and moved to Koal?s other leg. Koal would be healed in no time. ?No problem,? Crystal said as she healed Koal?s other leg, ?I need to practice my healing powers anyways.? Koal nodded and looked over at Miroku. Miroku looked like he was in deep thought. Maybe something was bothering him. ?Is something wrong Miroku,? Koal asked as Crystal moved up to his arms. Miroku quickly looked at Koal and shook his head. Something was obviously going through his mind. ?I was just wandering,? Miroku said as he put a hand to his chin, ?if I have any kids in the future. You know, since you?re from the future, maybe you would know.? A sweat drop appeared on the side of Koal?s face :animeswea as Crystal moved to his other arm. He couldn?t tell Miroku that. He would be risking Coje's and Mika's futures. "Maybe," Koal said as he quickly thought of something to say, "but why don't you wait to find out. It's always fun that way." Miroku looked at Koal and smiled. He was mad that Koal didn't tell him. In fact, he seemed perrty happy. "I think you're right," Miroku said as he looked at Crystal, "I think it would be fun to find out first hand." Crystal rolled her eyes and closed her hands. She was done healing Koal and boy could he tell. "Thanks again," Koal said with a bright smile, "I feel like myself again." Koal made a fist and opened his hand up. He actually had all his strength back. All of a sudden, little [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]Koal[/COLOR][COLOR=Teal] ran into the house. he looked excited about something. "Mommy, mommy," little [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]Koal[/COLOR][COLOR=Teal] said as he ran up to Crystal, "I just heard from Myouga that uncle Inuyasha and Kagome are coming by. They have some news for you." Crystal and Miroku looked at each other and then at Koal. Koal looked a little worried. He wasn't exspecting Inuyasha to show up now. Something like this could mess everything up. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~ OOC: Ok, the first fight is coming up, but I would like it if everyone held off on starting until I set everything up. You can have Inuyasha and Kagome show up at the hut though. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: Sorry, for getting you off track Maxi, but this is where I get to be interesting. Here's a little interesting story for ya'll. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~> Koal quickly shook off Setsouke's visit and looked at Miroku. Miroku had just sat down next to Crystal. He seemed to have more herbs with him. "You've finally woken up 'eh," Miroku said as he handed the herbs to Crystal, "So, what happened to you anyways?" Koal slightly put his head down. He wasn't sure if he should tell or not. It could help out though. "Go ahead Koal," Crystal said as she tied a bandage around Koal's leg, "Miroku's not going to hurt you. He knows you're not an evil demon by now." Koal slightly looked up at Crystal and Miroku. Miroku looked slightly confused, but also like he was listening. A soft sigh escaped Koal's lips. "Miroku," Koal said as he looked at Miroku, "I'm from the future and I'm the same Koal you know. I'm here to stop the total destruction of both my family and the world." Miroku looked over at Crystal and then back at Koal. Koal thought Miroku didn't believe him. He put his head down and his tail stopped moving. "I can believe that," Miroku said as he placed his hand on Koal's shoulder, "I thought you looked too familiar for comfort. But, that answer didn't answer my question. Now, Koal, what happened to you?" Koal looked a little more happier now. At least two people believed him now. "I was terrible injured by one of Naru's henchmen right before I made it here," Koal said as his tail started to slightly wag again, "Luckily, I was found by you guys or I don't think I would have made it." Crystal and Miroku looked at each other and back at Koal. Something was crossing their minds. "Who's Naru, honey," Crystal asked as she picked up some more bandages. Koal shook his head. He forgot that no one here knew who Naru was. "Sorry," Koal said with a slightly red face, "Naru is the son of Naraku and Kronos, the Angel of Death. He's very powerful and very evil. He almost killed his parents, but they came back and thought him a lesson. They didn't kill him, but I can seriously say that he'll never attack them." Crystal suddenly dropped the bandages she was holding and Miroku just looked dumbfounded. Koal didn't understand the dead reactions. "You mean we have to deal with not just Naraku," Crystal said as she hugged Miroku's arm, "but we also have to deal with an angel of death and an extremely powerful psycho kid! Well, that just made my day!" A sweat drop appeared on the side of Koal's head as Miroku still looked dumbfounded. Even Thorn's interest was peaked by that. "Yes," Koal said as his face turned serious, "and Naru and Kronos are the most dangerous. They both have the ability to control beings' minds. The more powerful the being, the less time they can control them. They're still dangerous though." Crystal and Miroku looked at each other in horror. This all didn't sound good. ~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~>~> OOC: How's that for good bad guy story. I knew my cousin's character would come in handy! :Thanks Joeys Girl: :catgirl: [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Koal looked toward Thorn and got a pained look. Crystal was dapping more herbs on his wounds. He wanted to answer Thorn, but the pain was to unbearable. "His name is Koal," Crystal said as her ears twitched, "and he's injured. I know he looks and sounds fimiliar, but it's actually an odd coincidence." Thorn raised an eyebrow as Crystal looked at him. He actually blushed and put his head down. Koal raised an eyebrow this time. This guy seemed oddly fimiliar. "Yeah," Koal said with a pained voice, "I'm from a far away island. The Wolf Demon clans there are almost all white. Also, I'm quiet sure you've met people from other places who've had you name." Thorn looked like he was thinking as he looked at Koal. "That sounds a little fishy to me," Thorn as he walked over next to Crystal. Koal got a sweat drop on the side of his head. He couldn't believe this guy.[/COLOR][/I][/B]