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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. Julie walked into the hospital. She saw Terran and Shonya having a conversation. She saw Dragus leaning up aginst a wall and Sarah walk out of a room. She stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong," Nick said as he hugged Julie from behind. Julie shook her head and walked away from Nick. Nick followed her. Julie walked into her room and sat down on her bed. Nick sat down next to her. "I can't believe that all of those people out got drug into my little rescue mission," Julie said as her eyes filled with tears. Nick hugged her. He didn't want her to get upset. "It's ok Julie," Nick said as he gripped Julie, "They wanted to come along and so did I." Julie buried her face in Nick's shoulder. Nick shook his head and put it on Julie's. Dragus walked into the room. "Um," Dragus said with an angered tone, "Julie you might want to come see this." Julie shoved Nick away and looked at Dragus. Dragus made a motion with his head. Julie jumped up and started following Dragus. Nick got up and started following her. A few seconds later, the three were standing in front of a room. Dragus opened the door and walked in. Julie and Nick followed. Julie's face flashed with shock as she looked at who occupied the room. "A nurse just brought him in," Dragus said as he put his hand on the bed, "She said that nothing is seriously wrong with him, but he's unconscious." Julie ran over to the side of bed. She looked at her unconscious brother, Knives. "OMG," Julie said as she grabbed Knives' hand, "I wonder what happened and where's Vash." Julie dropped Knives' hand, turned around, and hugged Nick. Nick hugged Julie and looked at Knives. Something had to happen, but what? ----------------------------------- OOC: Whoo, Julie found Knives. Well, it's kind of like he found her. Now, the question is, where's Vash? ^0^
  2. "Do I always have to do all of the dueling around her," Amanda yelled as Jason ran into the castle. Amand crossed her arms and let out a disappointed sigh. Josh looked at Amanda. He thought for a moment. "I'm Masu," the new opponent said, "and which on of you losers want to take me on." Amanda stepped foward, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to face Josh. Josh stepped foward. "Go help Jason find Kaiba," Josh said as he gripped his fist, "I'll take care of this." Amanda nodded and went to take off, but stopped. She turned around and handed Josh a card. "Take care of this," Amanda said as she turned around, "It should come in handy." Josh nodded as he watched Amanda maneuver around Masu and run into the castle. The Dark Rabbit hopped next to Josh. Josh looked down at the card Amanda had handed him. It was her Blue-Eyes. "You ready," Masu said with a grin. Josh nodded and grabbed his deck.
  3. "Hey Naito," Eirka said as she stood next to Joey, "what happened to Darren." Just as Eirka said that Darren came sliding in between Naito and Yugi. Eirka shook her head in embarrassment. Naito jump as Darren almost hit her. She landed in Yugi's arm. Both Yugi and Naito blushed as Yugi sat her down. "There he is," Naito said still with a slight blush to her face. Eirka nodded and looked at Darren. Darren looked out of breath. Eirka patted him on the head. "What's wrong buddy," Eirka asked as she lifted her hand. Darren looked up. His green eyes looked tired and sleepy. Eirka looked at Joey. Joey shrugged his shoulders. "Naito can run extremely fast," Darren said as he stood stright up. Naito laughed and looked at Eirka. An evil idea crossed her mind. She giggled as she thought. "Wuz so fuuny," Joey said as he glared at Naito. Naito couldn't seal in her laughter. Everyone looked at her with a strange look. She stopped laughing and wiped away her tears of joy. "You know you two," Naito said pointing at Joey and Eirka, "would make a cute couple." Eirka and Joey turned bright red, looked at each other, and then put thier backs to each other. Yugi, Darren, and Naito started laughing.
  4. This is filled, but I let you join Kagome 1. You can take sophic palace because they never posted. You have to create your own character on this. ^_^;
  5. Aurora looked down at her purple stone as it started to point. She jumped up and started walking in the direction her stone was pointing. Her monsters followed and so did Ganute and his monsters. "Where are you going," Ganute asked as he looked at Aurora. Aurora seemed to be drawn into her stone. She didn't want to lose track of the Disc Stone that it had picked up. "Her magic stone must have picked up a Disc Stone," Prince said as he hopped along side of Ganute, "Now she's following where the stone is leading her." Ganute nodded and looked at Aurora. Aurora still seemed to be drawn into the stone. A few minutes later, Aurora, Ganute, and their monster were standing in front of a shrine. Aurora's stone died down. Aurora walked into the shrine. Everyone else followed. Moments later, the group was standing in the unlocking room. Aurora looked on in horror as she spotted Andrew. Andrew was throwing a Disc Stone up and down. Joker and Diana were floating behind him. "I knew you would follow me," Andrew said as he sat the Disc Stone down in the unlocking area. Aurora stepped foward as he monsters jumped in front of her. Diana and Joker jumped in front of Andrew. "Don't unlock that step-brother," Aurora yelled as Andrew walked over to the unlocking device. Andrew didn't listen to Aurora and hit the button. Aurora helplessly watched as the Disc stone started to spin and glow. "Now let's see what we have," Andrew said as he watched a monster form from the light. Aurora looked over to the unlocking area as a Evil Hare appered from the light. Prince looked a little offended as Evil Hare walked over to Andrew. Andrew patted Evil Hare on the head and glared evily at Aurora. --------------------------- OOC: Maximillion404 wanted me to put a twist on this and I did. (laughs evily)
  6. I'm so sorry for not posting, but my IP adress has been screwing up. (kicks IP adress) Eirka watched Darren, Naito, and Cado run off. She was going to follow them, but she decided not to. She went to turn back to Joey and Yugi, but came face to face with Seto Kaiba and Amanda Wheeler. "Eirka," Amanda said as her blue eyes shifted over Eirka. Eirka let out a sigh of relieve as Joey and Yugi walked up next to Seto and Amanda. Joey gave an icy cold glare to his twin sister. "Amanda Wheeler," Eirka said with a smile, "looks like you still have the same obedient dog." Seto snorted at Eirka's comment. Eirka laughed and looked at Joey. Joey was tapping his foot. "Yeah," Amanda said with a grin, "and how have you been doing." Eirka stopped laughing and put her hand on her chin. She smiled as she thought. "I'm on a mission to find my half -brother and sister," Eirka said with a evil grin, "and I met a elf boy who wants to help me." Amanda nodded her head. A lot of different mix breeds weren't common in Domino. Humans mainly lived here. "Were you thinking about joining Setoy-poohs little contest," Amanda said as she hugged Seto. Everyone shook thier heads as a sweat drop appered on the back of their heads. Amanda looked around confused. "No," Eirka said with an embaressed smile, "I just dropped by to say hello to a few of my friends." Amanda nodded and stopped hugging Seto. Eirka decided to stay and wait for Darren to return because she really didn't have better things to do. --------------------------------- OOC: Amanda is my own character. She's Joey's twin sister and Seto's girlfriend. I still think Joey's the hottest though. ^_^;
  7. [color=purple]Tah-dah! Here I am, the co-writer of this RPG! Name: Lilly Age: starts out as a 10 year old, but travels through time to become a 17 year old Gender: Female Race: Elf Description: Lilly looks alot like Princess Zelda, but her hair is only shoulder length. She wears a green tanktop with brown trimings, green shorts with brown trimings, knee high brown boots, brown fingerless gloves that comes up to her elbow, and gold triforce earrings. Bio: Lilly is Link's long lost twin sister. She decides to find Link after hearing that she had a twin brother and where he was supposedly living. After meeting back up with Link, she gets drug into a adventure. She's not the type who would start a fight, but she'll certainly finish it. Lilly has a attitude problem and a big mouth. She starts fights without relizeing it though. She's very skilled swordsmen. Main Weapon: The Master Sword (long story) Other Weapons: the same ones as Link except they're different colors Good or Evil: Good[/color]
  8. Nick was loesing it. It felt like someone else was trying to take his body over. He had seen his eyes right before he turned around, but that's not all he saw. He swore he saw Nicholas D. Wolfwood instead of himself for a split moment. "What's going on," Tyler asked as he stared into Nick's hunting sky blue eyes. Nick grabbed his head as something else ran through it. Something that Nick did and didn't live to find out the result. Tyler grabbed Nick and started shakeing him. Nick opened his eyes and looked at Tyler. "I'm fine," Nick said as he grabbed Tyler's arm, "and I have no idea what's going on." Tyler let go of Nick and sat back down. Nick was trying to keep a grib, but it wasn't working. Nick looked at Vanesa and Juliana, who were looking at him. Their eye color had change as well. Juliana eyes were more of a pale green then her normal green and Vanesa eyes were the same pale green then her normal blue. "[i]What's going on here[/i]," Tyler thought as he looked at Juliana, Nick, and Vanesa. Nick felt faint as he leaned aginst the counter. Nick blacked out a minute later.
  9. Nick felt his cheek, where Castillo's bullet skimmed it. He was bleeding. Julie looked at the civilian that had gotten hit. Luckily, they were only hit in the shoulder. Nick stood up, but Julie pulled him back down. "No Nick," Julie said as she held her arm, "you're not doing anything without us. We're all in this together now." Nick looked at Julie as her green eyes flickered. He let out a sigh and looked over at Knives. Knives was agreeing with Julie and comforting Millie at the same time. Nick nodded looked back at Julie. Julie had layed her head on his shoulder. Nick shook his head and started playing with Julie's hair. A few mintutes later, Nick had fallen asleep. In fact, everyone was asleep. They had a very tiring day. They deserved their rest. The next day, everyone woke up to a town. Everyone hurrily stummbled of the bus. As Nick stepped off, he sensed that Mike and Castillo had followed them. Julie and Knives sensed it to. "Millie," Knives said as he step up next to Nick, "take Meryl and find shelter." Millie nodded and grabbed Meryl's hand. Julie walked up on Nick's other side and Sarah walked up next to her. As the had their hands guns, they saw a figure walking up. It had two machine guns that looked as if they were half of a cross. "Michael," Nick said as he unwrapped his gun. Mike came into view and sat his guns down. Nick didn't lower his gun. He knew Mike was up to something. "Why don't the two blondes and their little friend try to go find Castillo," Mike said as he glared at Nick through his bangs, "He's snipping on the town and besides this is between Nick and Me." Nick made a head motion to Knives, Julie, and Sarah. Knives and Sarah split up and started searching for Castillo, but Julie didn't move. "What are you doing Julie," Nick said as he looked at Julie. Julie shook her head. Nick glared at her. Julie quickly gave Nick a kiss on the cheek and went to look for Castillo. Nick turned bright red as he turned back toward Mike. "How sweet," Mike said as he picked up his guns, "I should kill her first just to see you suffer." Nick glare became extremely cold. He had his hand on the trigger of his gun. "Lay a hand on her and you die," Nick said as pulled his sunglasses down with his other hand. Mike ginned at his brother's anger.
  10. Kay looked at Mary and Meteo. She gripped her fist and looked up into the sky. Her tail twitched in anger as the breeze blew against the side of her face. Mary looked over at her. "What's wrong Kay," Mary asked as she hugged her bow. Kay didn't bother to look at Mary. She just closed her head and lowered her. Meteo looked at her with his arms crossed. "I'm going to come with you two," Kay said as she opened her eyes. Meteo uncrossed his arms. Mary stopping hugging her bow and put it at her side. They were probably think Kay wanted the Shikon Jewel as well. "Why," Meteo asked angrily. Kay turned to face Meteo and Mary. Tears filled her blue eyes. Meteo's look kind of change to a more compassionate look as he looked at Kay. "My father was murdered by someone with the Shikon Jewel," Kay said as she wiped her eyes, "and I want revenge on that person. If I stick with you, I'll eventually find my father's murder." Mary nodded her head as a few tears escaped her eyes. Meteo shook his head.
  11. Julie winced in pain as her arm changed back. She looked around. Shuno had dropped Nick and ran. Nick was on his knees holding his head. Julie ran over to HIM. "Are you alright," Julie asked as she rubbed Nick's back. Nick looked up at Julie. Fear and anger filled his eyes. Julie let out a sigh and hugged Nick. "Other then the fact of you scareing the living daylights out of me," Nick said as he hugged Julie back, "I'm perfectly fine." Julie nodded her head as she heard Nick speak. She stopped hugging Nick and stared at him. (WARNING: Mushy Stuff)Nick brought his face closer to Julie's. Julie also leaned in until they were kissing. Dragus saw this and angerly went inside. A few seconds later, Julie shoved Nick off. She looked around and stood up. She hung he head low as see stared at Legato's lifeless body. "I wonder where Mai went too," Julie said as she turned and faced Nick. Nick shook his head and hugged Julie. Julie thought as she buried her head into Nick's shoulder. ----------------------------------- OOC: Yes everyone, Shuno is alive! (whoo) :cough: and yes I'm really into love stories alright. They always make me cry. (walks away sniveling)
  12. Hi there! Name: Julie the Typhoon Age: around 125 Gender: Female Description: Julie has shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes, and a freckle by her left. She usually wears a black leather tanktop, black leather pants, brown combat boots, a sleeveless purple jacket in the style of Vash's, and purple sunglasses also in the style of Vash's. She's also covered in scars and two earrings in her left ear, one in her right. Bio: Julie is Vash's and Knives' sister. She's a major goofball and also kind of lazy. She has the tendency to slack off. Vash is usually dragging her along where ever he goes, even if she doesn't want to go. Even though Julie's a major goofball, she will kill. She's not all love&peace. She'll only kill if truly necessary or if someone she loves is in major trouble. Julie is deeply in love with Wolfwood. :love: Oh, and she has a slight healing ability. Wepon(s): a golden .4 colt long barrel, the golden Angle Arm, and a hidden knife in each boot --------------------------------- Hey, so ya know, I'll play Wolfwood too if no one takes him. I was having a enternal struggle on with character to chose. ^_^;
  13. ----Back at the Bus--- Nick froze as Julie held her arm. He turned around quickly. He knew Castillo was having fun takeing popshots at him and friends. "[i]Dammit Castillo[/i]," Nick thought as he turned toward Julie. Julie was now down on her knees holding her arm. Knives was trying to comfort her and take the bullet out all at the same time. It was hard for Nick not to pay attention to Julie, but he turned his back to her as he looked into the distance. "We're leaving," Julie said as she stummbled to her feet, "before someone more innocent gets hurt." Nick turned and looked at Julie. The stern look on her face reminded him a little of Vash. He nodded as he watched Julie, Knives, and Sarah board the bus. "[i]I know you'll never give up Mike[/i]," Nick thought as he boarded the bus, "[i]Your grudge will never fade. This family feud will last until one of us is dead[/i]." Nick shook his head and walked over to Julie. Julie looked at him as he sat down. "Before you ask," Julie said as she looked away from Nick, "I'm perfectly fine." Nick nodded his head and stretched his arms above his head. Julie watched him out of the corner of her eye as his right lowered around her shoulders. "That's good to hear," Nick said as he smiled at Julie. Julie turned bright red as she turned back toward the window. Nick leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling of the bus. ----------------------------- OOC: I think Castillo hit one of the goods guys. Hopefully I did this right. ^_^;
  14. Nick shook his head. His vision was kind of blurry. He closed to his eyes just to start having memories flow though his head. The funny thing is that these memories didn't belong to him. They belonged to Nicholas D. Wolfwood. He remembered when Wolfwood first met Vash and company, how he fell in love with Julie, the quick drew contest, the caravan, the Gun-Ho-Guns, Chaple, and of course, his death by the hands of Chaple. Everything that Nicholas D. Wolfwood had experienced flashed before Nick's eyes. He opened his eyes, stood up, and ran into the bar. He couldn't handle much more of this. ------------------------- OOC: Just so you know, the caravan is on Trigun episode number 11: Escape From Pain. ^_^
  15. "I'll be back," Nick said as he walked out from behind the counter. Juliana and Vanesa followed Nick. Nick walked outside to where Tyler was. "I think you've got issues Tyler," Juliana said as she put her hand on her hip. Nick looked at her and sighed. Tyler turned and looked at the three. He sighed and shook his head. "I think I do too," Tyler said as he looked toward the sky. Nick shook his head and looked toward the sky as well. In fact, everyone seemed to be attracted to the sky. Nick's eyes widened as he looked toward the sky. "What the hell is that," Nick said as he stepped foward. The sky was lighting up with white light. Tyler stepped foward and covered his eyes as the light got closer. Nick felt kind of funny as the light closed in. Tyler looked back at Nick, Juliana, and Vanesa as they collapsed. -------------------------- OOC: Don't worry people, you should all know I live with Maximillion404 and he gave me permission to do the flash of light thing. If he gets people for Millie, Meryl, and Knives, He's going to tell them to start where they see the "light". ^_^
  16. Amber was another one who knew her way through the woods, but she wasn't complaining. She had a tour guide and a free meal. Amber looked over at Charlia. Charlia was happily eating her pokefood. Amber let out a sigh. "Amber," Kayla said with a smile, "where are you from?" Amber let out a depressed sigh as she heard Kayla's question. She had to tell. "I'm from Dark City," Amber said as she looked way from Charlia, "and my uncle is the Gym Leader, Darren." Kayla, Alex, and Cay looked shocked. Amber figured the girls had heard of her reputation. "You're the girl Darren kick out because the trainers were complaining about your Charizard," Cay said as she petted Cyndaquil. Amber nodded as Cay spoke. "I just think Darren was afraid of being shown up," Alex laughed. Amber smiled at Alex's comment. She stood up and patted Charlia's back. Charlia looked at Amber. "I'm heading on to Beach Town," Amber said as she started walking away, "My uncle told me he wouldn't go up against me unless I had at least six of twelve bages. I hope I see you three agian." Alex, Kayla, and Cay all waved as they watched Amber disappear into the dark forest. Charlia quickly followed. Alex, Kayla, and Cay kept waveing until Charlia's flame, on her tail, was no longer visible.
  17. Kay had grabbed Mary and jumped into a tree that was higher and sturdier then the wave. Meteo jumped in the tree across from Kay. Kay sat Mary down and glared off into the distance. Both Meteo and her jumped off their trees at the same time. They saw a figure in the distance. "A friend of yours," Meteo snapped as he looked at Kay. Kay's tail puffed up as she snorted at Meteo. Kurumi walked up and was surprised that Meteo and Kay were standing where they were. "How come you two are still alive," Kurumi said with a shocked look, "My wave should have crushed you." Meteo's and Kay's glares shifted from each other to Kurumi. Kurumi looked a little nervous as both demons put their hands on their swords.
  18. Amber looked into the deep blue sky. The breeze felt really cool on her face. Charlia, the Charizard, was sitting behind Amber. Her tail was switching back and forth. Amber turned around when she heard the voices of two girls. "I'm sorry," Kayla said as she looked at Cay. Cay nodded and petted her new Cyndaquil. Amber walked by her Charizard and over to the two girls. Charlia lazily got up and followed Amber. "Hello," Amber said as she stepped up to the girls, "my name's Amber. What's your?" Kayla and Cay nodded as they stared at Charlia. Charlia yawned and sat back down. Kayla looked down at Eevee. She then looked at Charlia. Charlia was sound asleep. "I'm Kayla," Kayla said as she looked down at Eevee, "and this is Eevee." Amber nodded as Eevee started saying its name happily. Cay looked at Cyndaquil and then looked at Amber. "I'm Cay," Cay said as she put her hand on Cyndaquil's head, "and this is Cyndaquil." Amber nodded and turned to face Charlia. A sweat drop appeared on the back of her head as she looked at her Charizard. Amber turned back around. "Well," Amber said with a sigh, "that lazy thing is Charlia." Kayla and Cay nodded as they giggled. Amber giggled a little too.
  19. OOC: Does anyone know what happen to FirePheonix727? Julie looked over at Dragus. She couldn't let him interupt Mai. She had been listening on Mai's and Legato's conversation. She even heard Stocatta. "[color=hotpink]Don't Dragus[/color]," Julie said as she tried to keep an eye on Shuno, "[color=hotpink]Let them handel it[/color]." Dragus nodded and lowered his gun. Julie had to turn her attention back to Shuno. Shuno didn't seem interested in Julie. He seemed to be going after Nick. Julie could barely keep her eye on Shuno. "Oh Julien," Shuno said as he grabbed Nick, "look what I have." Julie's eyes widened as she looked at Shuno. Shuno had his sword to Nick's throat. Julie couldn't let Nick get injured. She wouldn't forgive herself. She was in love. "Let him go please," Julie said as she fell to her knees, "I beg of you. Please let him go." Shuno looked on with pleasure. He was getting pleasure out of Julie's pain. Julie felt her face as tears trickled down it. Nick looked as if he was about to cry as Shuno's sword got closer to his throat. "Give me a good reason," Shuno said with a smug smirk, "and don't give me the whole thing about you being in love with him." Julie looked up. Her eyes flashed with anger. Shuno backed up slightly as Julie stood up. "I've learned many tricks in my long life," Julie said as held out her gun, "and one of those tricks is to concentrate my Angle Arm's energy on one target, destroying only that target." Shuno watched in horror as Julie's arm started to change. If he didn't drop Nick and move, he wouldn't be around for much longer.
  20. [color=teal]Hello!! (waves) Name: Amber "Hotstrike" Johnson Age: 15 Gender: Female Description: Amber has shoulder length blonde hair with red highlights and blue eyes. She wears a long sleeved black shirt that shows her shoulders and has flames on the sleeves, black jeans with flames coming from the bottom of them, black timbs, and black fingerless gloves. She also has black goggles. Bio: Amber use to work with her uncle at his gym, but trainers started complaining. They were complaining because Amber's Charizard had gotten way to strong. Amber's uncle told her to get rid of her Charizard or get out. Amber could never get rid of her Charizard. Charizard was her first pokemon. She met Charizard when she was six and Charizard was still a Charmander. Amber now wonders around aiming to be a great pokemon trainer. Her ultimate goal is to beat her uncle. People call her Hotstrike because she usually just uses her Charizard. Starter Pokemon: (I hope my team is ok because I used to be a Gym Leader assitance) Charizard (Charlia) Typhlosion (Cinder) Blaziken (Blaze) Houndoom Absol Sneasel What you want to be: Trainer OOC: I hope this is ok.[/color]
  21. "What's with you Nicholas," Sarah said in anger. Nick clinched his fist as he watched Mike get closer. He was hoping Mike wouldn't show up so soon. He knew he had a major grudge against him, but this wasn't the time to settle it. "Look closely at him Sarah," Nick said as felt around for his handgun, "does he look like anybody you know?" Sarah turned and looked at Mike. She was shocked at how much he looked like Nick, but with some key diffrences. "What's he to ya," Sarah said as she looked at Nick's stern face. Nick didn't want to say. It might not look good that Mike's his twin brother. He couldn't lie to Sarah tough. "He's my twin," Nick said as he pulled out his handgun. Sarah looked at Nick with a harsh look to her face. Nick looked at Mike as he walked right up to him. Julie decide to join in since everyone else that had a weapon was outside. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Mike. "Long time no see Bro," Mike said as he pulled his sunglasses. Nick looked far from happy. He pointed his handgun at Mike's head. Mike just snorted and blew smoke out of his mouth. Nick's look didn't ease up. "Why don't you go back to Vash, Michael," Nick said as he tightened his grib on his gun. Julie ran next to Nick and pulled out her gun. Knives walked to the other side of Nick and pulled out his gun. Sarah stayed behind Nick. She decided she'll jump in if she was needed. "You should know me better then that Nicholas," Mike said as he unwrapped his gun. Nick's eyes widened as he stared at Mike's gun. He couldn't get to his gun without putting the people on the bus in danger. "[color=green]That's enough[/color]," a voice said as it rang only through Mike's head, "[color=green]Vash wants you back here now Michael[/color]." Mike grabbed his head, grabbed his gun, and turned around. Nick, Julie, and Knives lowered their guns. "You're lucky Legato stopped me Nicholas," Mike said as he walked away. Nick let out a sigh and turned toward Julie. Julie looked at Nick and let out a nervous laugh. --------------------------------- OOC: I'm starting the mind talking thing like I have on my other story. If someone decides to play Legato, they can change the color of his thoughts. ^_^
  22. I hope I'm not too late! Name: Cookie (my cat's name) Gender: Female suit color: Black and Pink collar color: it's a opal stone (my birthstone ^_^) fur color: She's a royal simiese(sp?), so she has white fur with gray face, legs, and tail personality: Cookie is some what of a goofball, but she also has an attitude problem. She can kind of be violent. Her icy blue eyes strike fear in other animals hearts. She makes up for her violence with a joke here and there bio: Cookie is a British simiese. (go figure) She's far from haveing British matters though. Her accent is really thick and sometimes it's hard to understand her. She gets really mad when people make her repeat herself. She's usually wearing a black tanktop with pink lips on it, a pink skirt, black boots, and pink sunglasses. She has blonde curly hair as well. She also carries around a whip that she uses as a weapon sometimes. fav quote: "Come over here and I'll show ya who's a scaredy cat" fav pizza: Sausage and cheese OOC: I LOVE THE SAMURI PIZZA CATS!!!!! ^___^
  23. OOC: Um JoyKaiba's confused. In which post is the Demon's Eye mentioned in. I'm really really confused. Sorry, I'll change my post if I find out which post the Demon's eye is mentioned in. ^_^;
  24. Kay was sitting on a cliff watching the breeze carry leaves by. She shook her long blonde hair blonde out of her face as she looked down. A boy and girl were running by. Kay's tail twitched as she stood up. The boy looked like a half-demon her father had told her about. Kay jumped off the cliff and decided to follow the two. A little later, both the boy and girl stopped. Kay took cover behind a tree. The boy started sniffing. Kay started to sweat. She would be in trouble if the boy pick up her sent. The boy took out his sword and hit the tree that Kay was behind. "What are you doing Meteo," the girl said as she looked at the tree. Kay look at the blade as a sweatdrop appered at the side of her face. Meteo pulled his sword out of the tree. "Watch Mary," Meteo said as he looked at the girl. Mary looked at the tree as it started to fall to the side. Kay looked as if she was going to have a heart attack has the falling tree revealed her. Her fur was standing on end. She felt faint as she looked at Meteo and Mary. "Who are you," Mary said as she looked at Kay. Kay grabbed her tail before the tree hit it. Meteo put the Tetsuaiga away. Kay smiled nervously at the twins. "I'm Kay," Kay said as she petted her tail. Mary smiled and put her hand out. Kay slowly shook Mary's hand. Meteo looked a little crossed. He had his arms crossed. Kay looked at Meteo with a sparkle in her blue eyes. "Your a wolf demon on a mission I suspect," Meteo said as he glared at Kay. Kay looked upset as Meteo spoke. She clinched her fist together. Mary looked at Kay with worriment. "Yeah," Kay said as she looked up, "I'm on a mission to find and kill my father's murder." Mary looked at Meteo. Meteo nodded at Mary. "Looks like we might have a common enemy," Meteo said as looked at Kay. Kay nodded and put out her hand. Meteo stared at Kay's hand. "Maybe I could be of assistance," Kay said as she kept her hand out. Mary nodded her head as her brother stared at her. Meteo shook his head.
  25. Aurora watched Gali fly off. She was getting a little nosy. She made a head motion to Poison. Poison took off after Gali. Ganute looked at Aurora. Aurora stood up and looked at Ganute. "I may be a blonde," a Aurora said with a smile, "but I'm not stupid. There is something up in those cliff." Ganute nodded at Aurora. Aurora sat back down and let out a sigh. Up near the cliff, Poison and Gali were looking around. They spotted the fire that Diana was near. They couldn't make out Andrew too well, but they saw Diana and Joker as plain as day. They quickly flew back down to thier campfire. "Boss," Gali said as he stopped next to Ganute, "there's a male rancher, a Joker, and Diana up there." Gantue looked as if he was going hit Gali for calling him boss. Aurora stood up again. Ganute looked up at her. She had a really stern look on her face. "Do you think it's him," Poison said as she looked at Aurora. Aurora looked really worried. She didn't fell like getting into a fight. She clinched her fist and sat back down. Silverfang and Prince looked at her. They looked upset. Ganute could tell that Aurora most likely knew this rancher.
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