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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. [color=blue-green]I wanna be Bakura please! Name: Bakura Ryou (I think) Age: around the age of 14-15 Millenium Item: Millenium Ring Appearence: he has rough looking long white hair, brown eyes, he has a blue and white stripped t-shirt on, a light blue button up shirt on over the t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers Bio: Bakura is one of Yugi's friends, but the spirit in his ring is evil. He seems to be a little on the timid side, his spirit is outgoing though. He has a mostly zombie type deck. He usually lets his spirit duel. You took my fav character, Joey, but I can live with the second cutest. ^0^[/color]
  2. OOC: Sorry 'bout that, but I had to set somethings up for my brother and I've been really into my Trigun RPG. JoyKaiba's back though. ^_^; As Eirka looked around, she saw nothing. Something was really bugging her though. Was someone watching her? She sat back down and let out a sigh. [i]"Maybe I'm just being paranoid,"[/i]Eirka thought as she looked up into the deep blue sky. She started to doze off until she was finally sound asleep. Something was wrong though. Her demotic powers kicked in why she was asleep. She was standing in a small house where a boy and a girl had just entered the room. "Why must you insist that we have a half-sibling out there Andrew," the girl said as she turned to the boy. Andrew bit his lip and looked at the window. The girl looked at Andrew and sighed. "Listen Amber," Andrew said as he faced the girl again, "you know our mother wasn't faithful to our father." Amber shook her head. She didn't want to be hearing this. She grabbed her hands and ran out of the room. Andrew chased after her. Eirka watched the two teens run out of the room. She woundered if they had a connection to her. Eirka's dream and sleep was suddenly interupted. "That's it," Eirka said as she jumped up again, "who's there?" Eirka looked around and waited for an answer, but there was nothing but silence.
  3. Alright, way to go Andrew(Maximillion404). You're get the hang of things quick. You even figured out how to use the colors already. Oh yeah, all of the good guy spots have offically been fiilled thanks to my dependable brother. I do have a bad guy spot left if anyone wants to fill that.
  4. [b]OOC: Hi FirePheonix727 it's me. ^_^ You said it was ok to make up your own race right. So that means your not going to yell at me. Well, here I go.[/b] Name: Katana Weathers Age: 18 Race: Howling (oh that sucked) Apperence: The Howlings are like a wolf demon. The have long furry tails, furry ears, and fangs. Thier hair is usually long. Avarage around waist length. Thier fur color verys. They have super human speed and strength. Thier speed and strength is only about 30% higher then humans. Maybe a little bit higher. Katana has waist length grayish black hair, pith black fur, and greenish blue eyes. She wears a outfit similar to yoko kurama's, but it's shorter and it's black. She's about six foot. Weapons: A sword that she wears at her side and the occasional throwing knife, that seems to apper out of nowhere. Magic: SHAPE-SHIFTER (sorry, I've always loved shape-shifters) Bio: Katana was rised by a human family, so she's peaceful unlike most of her race. Her adoptive father taught her how to use a sword at an early age. She's also a very skilled fighter. She never really wanted to leave her home, but she was told to go look for her birth parents. Katana is now a wonderer. She doesn't have a place to call home. Personality: Katana is very kind. She can also be annoying at times. She loves little kids and will basicly anything for somebody she loves. It's very hard to get her spirits down. She'll laugh at the stupidest joke just to make the person who's telling it feel good about themself. She doesn't like to kill, but if its the only option left she will kill. Other: Katana just needs one person to love her in her future. She doesn't want to be alone. (I love Love Stories ^_^) [b]OOC: I hope I did alright. If there's something wrong, PM me and I'll fix. LOL[/b]
  5. [b]O.O.C: Can I please clear somethimg up. Sarah isn't working for Legato. She just knows him and his henchmen. I think she warned him about interrupting. She can't have the group dead. Another thing is that she hasn't really gave her plan away. She's going to stay with the group until they find Vash. I hope that she was intending on. I hope I cleared that up.[/b] Julie looked at Stocatta as she walked up to Shuno. Sarah backed up and ran back over to Dragus. Dragus gave Sarah an icy cold stare. Sarah thought for a moment. She then smiled brightly. "Listen," Sarah said with a smile, "I just want to see the legendary outlaw in person." Dragus icy cold look turned to a smile. Everyone was relieved that Sarah wasn't after Vash. Komeko was sneaking around behind the group. She didn't know if she should fire on people who she really didn't know. She did recognize one of them, Julie. She had seen wanted poster. Julie was known as Julie the Typhoon. Komeko steadly took her postion. "Why did Legato send you Shuno," Stocatta asked Shuno with a evil glare. She was waiting for Komeko to make her move. Shuno snorted and put his hand on his sax. "I was trying to get rid of these rebels," Shuno said as he closed his eyes, "but that lone wolf, Sarah, stopped me. She doesn't want anyone dead so she can meet "her hero" Vash." Shuno was being so sarcastic. Stocatta was getting really inpatient with Komeko. Komeko swallowed hard. She lifted her gun up and fired. She had no clue if she hit anyone or not. She did hit somebody. Julie fell to the ground. Nick grabbed her trying to see what was wrong. [b]O.O.C: I hope everything's ok Duo and Artemis. I hope I made everything fit the way you wanted Duo. If not, I'll change it. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong ok. ^_^;[/b]
  6. O.O.C: Just so everyone knows, Humanoids are telepathic as well. I?m going to use [color=hotpink]pink[/color] for all of Julie thoughts. Just to make things more interesting, I?m going to make Nick a Humanoid. He can hear other Humanoids thoughts and he doesn?t know why. He doesn?t know he?s a Humanoid. His thoughts are going to be [color=gray]gray[/color]. Alright. ^_^ Julie stood up and dusted herself off with her good hand. She looked around at all of the rubble. She quickly grabbed her ears to drown out the deadly after tone of Shuno?s sax. Nick then stood up covered from head to toe in dust. He helped Shonya and Angie up. Dragus was the next one to stand up. He still had Sarah with him. ?Are you ok,? Julie said as she looked at Terran. Terran picked himself off the ground and nodded. He dusted himself off and looked at Shuno. Shuno grinned and went to play his sax again, but a bullet whizzing by his right hand stopped him. He looked at Sarah. ?When did Legato send you,? Sarah said as she pulled away from Dragus, ?I didn?t need any interruptions. I needed to get close to these people so that I could get to Vash.? Sarah quickly grabbed her mouth and turned around. Everyone was looking at her evilly. She turned back around and started arguing with Shuno. ?[color=hotpink]Legato, you bastard[/color],? Julie thought hoping Legato heard. Nick turned around and looked at Julie. A puzzled look crossed Julie?s face. Did Nick hear her? If he did hear her, how did he? ?I heard that Julie,? Nick said with a look of confusion across his face. Julie was just as confused as Nick. Could Nick possible be a Humanoid? Julie closed her eyes. ?[color=hotpink]Nick, I think you?re a Humanoid[/color],? Julie telepathically said. Nick turned completely around to face Julie. He didn?t have anything to say, but something did cross his mind. ?[color=gray]You mean like you and Vash[/color],? Nick thought without realizing it. Julie nodded and grabbed her side. Nick hurried to her side and helped her. Everyone else was paying attention to Sarah and Shuno?s argument. Their attention focused to their right when Stocatta and Komeko walked up. O.O.C: I love messing with the original characters from the show and thoughts. You?ll notice I like driving characters insane. (laughs evilly, but gets something thrown at her by all evil people with evil laughs) 0.0
  7. O.O.C: Yes Seth was logged out, but after an hour speech by the big five, he returns. I truly don't want anyone not to be in this alright, so Seth returns. I hope I cleared everything up. ^_^;
  8. This recruitment is now filled up. Mai is the last sign up accepted. I can't accept any more people for this, but I still need one more good guy and bad guy for my YuGiOh RPG. I also need some more people for my Anime Worlds RPG. Sorry once again. ^_^;
  9. "Well now that, that is over with," Amanda said as she looked at her teammates, "we can go and look for our last member." Jason and Lily agreed. Amanda started walking out of the forest. Jason and Lily fallowed. Later on, Amanda stopped in front of a desert. She looked at the desert and sighed. She didn't understand how Seto could be so in virtual reality. Jason and Lily walked up beside her. ?Question,? Jason said as he looked at Amanda, ?what made you to come here other then begin asked? I mean your brother and Kaiba are like worst enemies.? Amanda turned bright red at Jason?s question. She wasn?t about to tell him why she wanted to save Seto. She just shook her head. ?No reason,? Amanda said with a smile. Jason looked at Lily and shrugged his shoulder. Lily had a slight idea why Amanda was here, but didn?t want to say. Amanda looked at the desert again. She figured that there was no other place to go but forward. She started walking into the desert. Jason and Lily fallowed.
  10. Amber peeked out of the barn as she heard Glen and Kris head back in to the house. She shivered as a cold wind blew through the barn. She sat down and started rubbing her arms. Sliverfang walked up to her and wrapped himself around her. Amber hugged Sliverfang and went to doze off, but something startled her. She looked at the barn door as it open. Sliverfang's ears poked up. "Who's there."Kitty said as she floted down and landed next to Amber. Geren and his group of Garus walked in. Kitty looked at the Garus and let out a sigh. Geren smiled and looked at Amber. Amber smiled faintly. The next day, Alen was throwing a fit. Glen and Kris were shakeing thier heads. "How could you let a bunch of party animals in my barn," Alen said as he looked at Glen. Glen shrugged his shoulders. Alen glared at Glen. "That's not the only thing in your barn," Kris said with half a smile. Alen glared at Kris. Kris laughed and put her hand on the back of her head. Alen slammed his hands down on the table. Kris stopped laughing and looked at Alen. Alen didn't look to happy. "What else in my barn," Alen said as he glared hard at Kris. Kris looked at Glen. Glen crossed his arms and shook his head. Kris didn't want to make Glen made, but she was ready to face him more the Alen. She took a deep breath. "Amber and her monsters are in there too," Kris said as she closed her eyes. Alen got a nervous twitch in his eye. Kris opened one eye and looked at Alen turned around and walked out the door. Glen and Kris chased after him. Alen walked to his barn and swung open the doors.
  11. "Question," Nick said as he turned and looked at Julie, "why the hell does everyone like shooting me? Why can't they shoot someone else for a change?" Julie was wrapping Nick shoulder as they were walking. Everyone else couldn't help but to giggle at Nick's complaints. Nick was getting really aggravated. Shadow had stayed with the group for some odd reason. "Maybe everyone thinks that Gunsmoke can do without a homicidal priest." Dragus said with a chuckle. Nick glared at him from the corner of his eye. Terran let out a slight snicker. Even Angie thought Dragus' words were funny. "Ha, ha laugh it up," Nick said as he flinched. Shadow looked at the group as they started laughing at Nick. He suddenly stopped and turned around. He ran over to a run down shirne. Dragus saw Shadow take off and ran after him. Inside the Shrine was Shonya. Dragus walked over to her and bent down. "Why don't you come with us," Dragus said with a smile, "you could protect us." The thought of five adults needing protection made Shonya smile. Dragus smiled back and put out his hand. Shonya grabbed his hand. They both walked out of the shrine and caught up with the group. "Shonya," Julie said as she looked Shonya, "I thought about what you said and you're right. Even if you are right, I can't change how I feel. I respect your opinion though." Julie smiled faintly. Shonya nooded and faintly smiled back. Nick rolled his eyes and suddenly stopped. "Are you in pain Mr. Wolfwood," Angie said with a worried look, "Do you need to rest?" Julie looked at Nick. Something was wrong. Did he get shot again? Nick turned around and blocked a bullet with his gun. Everyone hit the deck accept Julie. She looked out into the distance. "We're being fallowed," Nick said as he moved his gun. Everyone looked at Nick. Julie took her gun out with a shakey hand. Two more shots were fired. They whizzed by Nick's head. Nick got his wish of not getting shot, but he never wanted Julie to get shoot. Julie fell to the ground holding her hand. Her hand wasn't the only thing bleeding. Her side was also bleeding. Dragus quickly ran over to Julie to make sure nothing vital was hit. "Julie," Terran said as he ran over to Julie, "are you alright?" Nick's eyes widen as he heard Terran speak. He turned around to discover Julie on her knees with both her hand and side bleeding. Nick dropped his gun and fell to his knees. He didn't want Julie to get injured. He would of rather got injured then her. "Nick," Julie said with a pained voice, "don't get yourself shoot again. Get up and defend yourself." Nick grabbed his gun and stood back up. Everyone heard laughter come from the direction that the bullets came from.
  12. "Stupid Tal'nin," Kira said as she headed for the closest town, "he's so rude." Kira stopped and looked around for a moment. Something was bothering her, but what. She couldn't put her finger on it so she just kept on walking. She couldn't help but to feel that her and Tal'nin were met to be friends. Kira reached her destanation within an hour. She looked around the peaceful town she was standing in the middle of. The people seemed so peaceful. Kira started walking toward a small shop. "How may I help you young lady," the store cleark said with a smile. Kira walked up to the counter and looked around. She shook her head and let out a sigh. "May I have a bottle of water," Kira said as she looked at the cleark. The cleark nooded and handed Kira a bottle. kira quickly paid and walked out of the door. As she walked out, she spotted Tal'nin. He seemed in a hurry. Kira started fallowing him, even if she was mad at him.
  13. ?Eirka, wait,? a middle aged blonde hair women said as she chased after the teen, ?you can?t just leave.? Eirka turned and faced the women. Her green eyes struck fear into the women. ?Just watch me Aunt Mary,? Eirka said as she turned back around. Mary stood helplessly as her niece walked away. She was a Humanoid, but the fact that Eirka was half Demon gave her the willies. About an hour later, Eirka was stopped in a town. She was buying some supplies for her trip. She overheard some people talking. She turned in the direction of the people. ?You know,? a man with black hair said, ?I?m getting really tired of those darn Demons.? Another man, that looked similar to the man with black hair, shook his head in agreement. Eirka assumed they were Sayians. The war between the Sayians and Demons has been over for about fourteen years, but those two breeds seemed to still hate each other. ?Thank you sir,? Eirka said as she paid the merchant. The old man nodded his head and handed Eirka her supplies. She gently grabbed them and walked pass the two men who were talking. Eirka truly detested Sayians. They were the ones who were responsible for her father?s death and mother?s disappearance. Another hour passed and Eirka was taking a break under a tree. She was dozing off on the lush green grass, but something startled her. She jumped up and looked around.
  14. I've already started it. ^_^; Wht don't you guys go check it out.
  15. "I hope you know that I don't trust you," Kris said as she gave Amber an icy cold look. Amber looked at Kris with tear filled eyes. Kris couldn't help but to feel a little sorry for Amber. Amber looked over at Kitty and Darkside. She then looked back over at Kris. "I'm sorry for what I did early today," Amber said with all sincerity, "to tell you the truth, I'm only working for Moo for two reasons." Kris' ice cold stare changed to a look of wonderment. Amber took a locket out. She opened it to reveal two pictures. Kris looked at the locket. One picture was of a strong and handsom man, a young blonde women, a little girl, and a Gray Wolf puppy. The other picture was the same little girl and the same Gray Wolf puppy, but they looked older. "Who are those people," Kris asked as she pointed at the first picture. Amber slightly closed the locket. Kris moved back slightly. Maybe she said some wrong. Amber looked at Kris and faintly smiled. "Those were my parents," Amber said wth unexspected kindness in her voice, "but they got killed and my village was destroyed. Moo promised to take care of me when he took me in, but he made me work for him. Now Sliverfang is hurt because I was too scared to betray Moo." Amber put her head down as she spoke. Kris looked a little upset. She may not trust Amber, but her story was getting to her. "That's one reason why you joined Moo," Kris said kindly, "but what's the other?" Amber picked her head up slightly to look at Kris. Kris smiled slightly. "The only friend I had was Sliverfang. He was actually my best friend," Amber said with a sad face, "Moo promised me more monsters to make friends with if I just did what he said. That lead up to earlier today. I don't want to work for Moo anymore. He just going to cause my friends to get hurt and I don't want that." Kris looked at Amber. She didn't understand why Amber was so passionate over her monsters. She considered them her "Friends". Amber lifted her head up when she heard something come from the room Glen, Bells, and Sliverfang was in. Kris suddenly looked in that direction as well. As the two girls stared at the door, it swung open. Standing in the doorway was a completely healed and happy Sliverfang. Sliverfang quickly ran to Amber, tackled her, and started licking her. "Good as new," Glen said as he walked out of the room fallowed by Bells. Amber hugged Sliverfang and looked at Glen. The smile on her face couldn't possably belong to someone who's evil. She jumped up, still hugging Sliverfang, and walked over to Glen. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you very much," Amber said as she took a step backward, "I don't know what I would have done if Sliverfang left me." Kitty and Darkside ran up to Amber and Sliverfang. They also looked happy. Amber nodded and waved to Glen and Kris. As she went to exit, Glen grabbed her wrist. O.O.C: My character is going good or is already good if that's ok. ^_^ lol
  16. Hi there, its me again. This is my third RPG. Here's a quick summary. This story might sound a little cheesy. About 150 years ago, the way we lived changed. Our reality was fused with the reality with the anime world. Now there are bunches of different types of people and they live in perfect harmony. The different type of people as fallows: Humans, Humanoids, Sayians, Demons, Elves, and Darkstallkers. (For you people who have never seen Darkstallkers, Darkstallkers are any type of mystical human type creatures. Like cat people or wizards)A lot of these people also have special gifts. These gifts as fallows: They can control Digimon, they can control Pokemon, they can control spirit energy, they can control Monsters, they can become Dragoons, they can have the ability to become a shaman, and they might even be a cyborg. There're a lot of half-breeds with special gifts. Even if these different ?Breeds? of people can get along, there are a lot of wars between them. Here's the information I need for your character: Name: Age: Description: Breed(s): Special Gift(s), if any: Bio: Here's my characters info: Name: Eirka Rain Age: 17 Description: She?s around five foot seven. She has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She wears a pink and purple belly shirt with the words fight on it, blue jean flares, and black boots. Breed(s): Demon-Humanoid Special Gift(s): She can do everything listed. She just isn?t a cyborg. ^_^ lol Bio: Eirka is the loner type. She likes begin left alone. Her father was a full-blooded Demon and her mother was a Humanoid. Her father was killed in a war between the Demons and Sayians. Her mother then disappeared. She was left alone in her life. Her other relatives tried to comfort her, but she just consider them invisible. She soon finds out she has a half brother and sister. They both belonged to her Humanoid mother and a Human father. She wants to find them so that she doesn?t feel left out of this world. I hope you like this. I need maybe about 10 people. 5 that want to help Eirka and 5 who want to cause her trouble. Yes, I know this sounds like my Trigun RPG, but this one should be more interesting. Edit: Scratch out the 10 people thing. This is unlimited, but I still need people to help and people to get in the way. Ok ^_^;
  17. Amber looked on as Alen, Glen, and Kris entered the ranch. She stared on as Kelmadics got closer to her. Kitty and Darkside watched from some trees. Amber hugged Sliverfang as Kelmadics got closer. She wasn't going to move. If she's caught, oh well. "Please hang in there Sliverfang," Amber whisper to the Gray Wolf, "you didn't have to block Bells attack. I would of rather taken it full force then see you like this." As she whispered in her Gary Wolf ear, Kelmadics stopped right in front of her. He must of heard her whispering. "You're one of those bad people who work for Moo," Kelmadics said as he stared a heart-broken Amber in the face. Amber shameful shook her head and looked down at Sliverfang. She then looked at the bottle in Kelmadics hand. "Please," Amber pleaded,"go get your master so that I can ask him a question." Kelmadics was puzzled by Amber's plead, but he agreed. He hurrily ran off to the ranch. Amber hugged Sliverfang more as Kelmadics ran off.
  18. Amber looked at her injured Gray Wolf. She then looked at Darkside and Kitty. They looked upset that thier companion was injured. A tear sneaked out of Amber's right eye. "What's wrong with you," Jiro said as he gazed at Amber. Amber shook her head. Her best friend was injured and its all because she's working for Moo. She hugged Sliverfang and looked at her fellow workers. She wouldn't really call them friends. "Ever since my family, friends, and village was destroyed Sliverfang has been my only friend," Amber said with a snivel,"and I can't take it any more!" Amber stopped the dragon dead in its trakes. Jiro and Sheal looked at Amber with confused looks. Amber stood up on her getaway dragon. "What do you think you're doing," Sheal said as he stared at Amber. Amber didn't answer him. She made a head motion to Kitty. Kitty nodded and picked Amber, Sliverfang, and Darkside up. She flew down in to the forest near the shrine. Jiro and Sheal were shocked. "Forget about her," Jiro said as he looked at Sheal, "we have more important things to worry about." They flew off with thier dragons. Down in the forest, Amber wondered back to the shrine. She looked at Sliverfang, who was still in Kitty's arm. She picked Sliverfang out of Kitty's arms and looked at him. She sighed in lost hope. She didn't know what she could do for him. She sat down and stared in the passage of the shirne.
  19. "Nick," Julie said as she ran to Nick's side. She waited for all the dust to clear to see all of the other side. She discovered a knocked out Stocatta. She knew that Legato was behind this. "Lets go Julie," Dragus said as he grabbed Julie's hand, Julie shook her hand away from Dragus. Nick looked at her as he put his gun down and grabbed his arm. She looked at him and started to cry. He looked at Julie with a worried look. "I don't want to fight any more," Julie cried, "everyone that I love is getting hurt and I can't stand it any longer." Nick dropped his gun and hugged Julie with his good arm. Julie started to cry on him. Dragus looked on with worryment. Terran, Angie, And Shonya looked upset as well. "I know it hurts," Nick said kindly, "but if we don't get out of here, we don't know what'll happen if that girl wakes up." Julie looked at him with tears in her eyes. Nick looked as if he was about to cry as well. Julie wiped her tears away and started walking toward the town exit. Nick looked at his arm. He painfully ripped the bullet out and started fallowing Julie. Everyone else fallowed as well.
  20. "Who fired that," Julie said as she hugged Nick. Nick looked at her from the cornor of his eye. He lifted up his gun and looked in the direction the gunfire came from. "I don't know," Nick said with a stern look,"but I personal think that they want us dead." Julie stopped hugging Nick as he spoke. She grabbed her gun and aimmed it in the direction of the gunfire. Everyone else did the same. They weren't about to kill anyone. They were even a little scared to fire. "Now what," Tarren said as he held his gun high. Julie didn't say anything. All was slient until Stocatta started walking toward them. Julie's eyes widened as she looked at Stocatta. She relized that Stocatta was begin forced to do something. Someone was controling her, but who. Julie put her gun down. Everyone looked at her with a confused look.
  21. "Alright," Amanda said as she drew some cards, "I play my Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Swords of Reveling Light." Seth looked as his dark cover disappered. His Dark Baltar the Terrible's attack power lowered. Amanda didn't attack though. "Why didn't you attack," Jason asked with confusion. Amanda smirked as she looked at Seth's stuuned look. Jason got a little scared of Amanda's smirk. She was reminding him of Seto. "Just wait," Amanda said with a grin. As soon as Amanda said that, a blaze of fire came out of nowhere and destroyed Dark Baltar the Terrible. Jason looked to see where the blast came. Lily came walking into the darkness fallowed by her gaurdian Red Eyes Black Dragon. "I'll be back," Seth said as he digitalized. Shonya looked really scared. She couldn't think of anything accept to go tell Masu. She took off on her Blue Eyes. "About time," Amanda said with a smile, "I thought you were never going to come in here." Lily laughed and looked at Jason. Jason let out a sigh of relieve and smiled.
  22. "Hey Tal'nin," Kira said as the ship passed by. Tal'nin looked up at Kira. Kira stood on the rail and jumped off. She made it to the shore with one leap. Tal'nin looked worried as she walked up. Isamu backed up. "What are you doing here Kira," Tal'nin said in a worried voice. Kira looked at Isamu and the looked back at Tal'nin. "It looks like I stopped a fight from happening," Kira said as she took a step torward Isamu. Isamu backed up more. He looked a little scared. Maybe it was the fact that Kira was a Vampire. "I could of handeled it myself Kira," Tal'nin said with an annoyed voice. Kira looked upset. She turned and started to walk away.
  23. "Oh great," Amanda said as she pulled out a card, "Blue Eyes go." A giant drangon came out of nowhere and caught Amanda and Jason in midair. Lily caught up on her Red Eyes. "What happened," Lily said with a wondering look. Amanda let out a sigh as the Deepsea Warrior helped the Dark Magician girl onto the Blue Eyes. "We must be getting close to where thier keeping Seto," Amanda said as she patted her Blue Eyes on the head, "because somebody attacked us with a Blue Eyes." Lily looked a little worried. Mokuba would be mad at her if she didn't rescue his brother. "I think we should lay low until we can find our fourth member," Jason said as he took a deep breath. Lily and Amanda agreed with him. The two huge dragons disappered into the ocean of green leaves.
  24. "Alright then," Amber said with a smirk, "forget the pink puff-ball and its little friend. Sliverfang looked at Amber with a confused look. Jiro looked over from the fight and looked at Amber. "What are you planning Amber," Jiro said as he stared at Amber. Amber's smirk disappered and her face got really stern. Sliverfang backed an inch away. "Let's get those Disc Stone," Amber said as SHE charged at Glen. Glen put his block up. Sliverfang stood still as he watched his master. Bells turned around and tried to use Dizzy Attack on Amber, but Sliverfang jumped in the way. Amber's face struck with horror as Sliverfang tumbled to the ground. "Get one of those disc," Sliverfang said as he struggled to his feet. Amber felt a tear trickle down her face as she blindly charged at Glen. Glen was kind of shocked at Amber's feelings for her monster. "Your crazy," Sheal screamed at Amber. Amber wiped the tears from her eyes, ran a little faster, and did a flying tackel on Glen. Glen dropped two of the disc stones. Amber hurried to her feet. She quickly grabbed up the Disc Stones and ran to unlock them. "Someone stop her," Kris yelled. Kris' Big Blue took a step in front of Amber, but Amber did a baseball slide underneth of him. Amber placed one of the disc down and ran over to press the unlocking button. She quickly did that. A few seconds later, a Evil Hare appered out of the disc. "Evil Hare, Darkside," Amber shouted, "place this underneath of you and get out of there." Amber threw the other Disc Stone at Darkside. The Hare jumped up into the air, caught the Disc Stone, placed it down, and ran over next to Amber. Amber hit the unlock button once again. This time a Kitten appered. "She did it," Jiro said shocked, "she actually did it." Amber ran over to Sliverfang with Darkside and the Kitten not too far behind. Amber ordered the Kitten to pick Sliverfang up. "Jiro,Sheal, you two handle this," Amber said looking really worried, "Darkside, Kitty, and me are going to get Sliverfang to safety." Jiro and Sheal nodded still shocked that Amber got the Disc Stones without really useing brute force. Glen looked at Amber wondering if she could have the potential to be good. Amber, fallowed by her monsters, hurried up the stairs and outside.
  25. "Wait until I get my hands on that little brat," Nick said with a fist at his side. An Anime Sweatdrop appered behind everyone's head as Nick mumbled. Julie walked over next to Nick. "Calm down," Julie said with a bright smile, "you can't do anything in the condition your in." Nick glare at Julie. Julie didn't even move. Nick shook his head. "A long as I can use my right arm," Nick said loudly, "I can still use this." Everyone looked at Nick as he put his cross in front of him. He yanked one of the belts, that was keeping the cloth on, and the cloth and other belts came off. Everyone looked on as Nick pick his cross up with one hand. "Hold on," Terran said, "that cross is a machine gun." Nick nodded slightly. Dragus shook his head. (Warning: Vash's line comeing up) "What kind of curch man are you," Dragus said as he looked at Nick's gun. Nick shook his head. Julie looked over at the town they were approching. She spotted Shadow. She let out a slight growl. Everyone looked at her as she stormed off toward the town. Nick put his gun down and fallowed Julie.
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