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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. Amanda and Jason had taken a break at an opening in the forest. They were wondering where the other two members of thier team could possible be. The Dark Magician Girl and the Deepsea Warrior looked as if they were in deep thought. Amanda opened one eye and looked at her Dark Magician Girl. "What do you think thier thinking about," Amanda asked Jason as she looked at him. Jason shruged his shoulders and pulled his bandana back over his eyes. Amanda closed her eyes again. A little later, Amanda woke up to the sound of a girl's voice comeing from the trail. The voice was muttering some unpleasent things. Amanda jumped up and ran to the trial. She recognized the girl on the trail. It was Lily, one of Mokuba's good friends. Amanda called out to her. Lily turned around. "Amanda, is that you," Lily shouted. Amanda nodded her head as Lily ran up to her. Amanda looked at Lily kind of weird. "Where's your Guide Monster," Amanda said with a confused look. Lily looked kind of confused herself.
  2. Back where Terran is...... ?Aw man,? Terran said with a sigh, ?What am I going to do with a broken gun?? Terran looked into the distance to make sure Shonya was gone. He let out another sigh. An hour later, the group came back. Julie ran over to Nick?s side. ?What did the doctor say Terran,? Angie said with a worried look. Terran looked really worried. He was wondering if he should tell them what happened to his gun. ?The doctor said that he has lost a lot of blood,? Terran said softly, ?but he should be fine.? Nick had his shoulder wrapped but he could move his arm. Julie hugged him gently. He hugged her back with his other arm. Angie let out a sigh and Dragus snorted. Dragus looked over at Terran. ?What?s your problem,? Dragus said with a slightly angered tone. Terran pointed at his broken gun. Julie stopped hugging Nick and looked at what Terran was pointing at. She walked over picked up Terran?s gun. ?I can fix this,? Julie said kindly, ?but what happened.? Terran looked a little worried again. He shook his head and let out a sigh. ?Shonya stopped by,? Terran said hesitantly. Everyone looked at Julie as she griped her fist. Julie took Terran?s gun outside. She took out a cigarette, lit it, and sat down. A half hour pasted and Julie came back inside. She threw Terran?s gun, now fixed, gun at him. It almost knocked him over as he caught it. Everyone looked at Julie.
  3. That's it no more good guys. Kameko is the last good guy I'm takeing. If you want to join, you have to be a bad guy. Alright ^_^
  4. I need some bad guys people. I only need one more good guy (I'm considering Shorya a good guy) , but I need four more bad guys. If you want to join, can you please be a bad guy. We really need to get some good action in on this story. (a bullet wizzes by her head) 0.0 That's what I mean. ^_^
  5. "I can't find anyone who's on my team," Amanda said as she wondered through the forest. As soon as she said that, she spotted a Deepsea Warrior begin fallowed by Jason. Jason looked around his monster and spotted Amanda. He quickly ran up to her. "Amanda," Jason said with a bright smile, "finally a face I recognize." Amanda nodded and looked at Jason's Deepsea Warrrior. "Yeah same here," Amanda said with a smile. Amanda's Dark Magician Girl smiled and started walking north. Amanda and Jason quickly fallowed. They knew they still had to find two members to thier team and it was a long ways before they would find where Seto was.
  6. "You're very bave," Julie said as she checked Nick's shoulder. Nick smiled slightly, grabbed his shoulder, and kept walking. Julie hugged Nick's other arm. Dragus didn't like the fact that his little sister was crushing on somebody. Later up the road, the gang passed a small stone statue. Julie got a bad feeling as she passed it. Shonya peeked out from behind the statue. She let out a slight snicker as she saw the blood on Nick's shoulder. "I think we need to get him to a hospital," Terran said quickly. Julie looked up at Nick. He was going pale and he looked very weak. Dragus grabbed Nick's other arm. Both Julie and him helped Nick walk. After about two hours, they arrived in another small town. Julie and Dragus hurried Nick to the local hospital.
  7. Amanda quickly pulled a card from her holster. She studied the card and quickly threw it down. As Kycoo got near the Dark Magician Girl, it disappered. Seth looked on in shock. He looked down to discover a huge hole filled with acid. Amanda wiped away some sweat and like out a sigh. "My Acid Trap Hole works every time," Amanda said with a relived voice. Seth looked down at his lifepoints, he had 1500 from the last time Amanda had attack. Amanda demanded her Dark Magician Girl to attack. Seth looked through his cards nervously, but it was too late. The Dark Magician Girl had already attacked him head on. "You,you, beat me," Seth said with a stressed look. Amanda let out another sigh. Seth turned his back to Amanda. "See what happens when you mess with a runner-up world champion," Amanda said as she looked at Seth. Seth walked away. He headed toward the cave that Seto was begin held in. Amanda kept walking through the forest after Seth disappered.
  8. "Ok," Amanda said with a grin, "but your not going to like it." Seth looked at Amanda as she pulled a card out of her holster. Amanda turned the card around to reveal the picture of the Dark Magician Girl. Seth face struck with horror as Amanda's Dark Magician Girl stepped forward. "No that's not right," Seth said stunned, "you can't do this." Amanda chuckled as her Dark Magician Girl took on a fighting stance. Seth took a step backward. "Your magic card backfired because my Dark Magician Girl is a dark type," Amanda said with a grin, "and her attack power is now 2500." Seth looked a little uneasy as Amanda ordered the Dark Magician Girl to attack. He covered his eyes as his Dark Jeroid disappered. Amanda laughed with delight. "This ain't over yet," Seth said as he went to take out another card. Amanda looked on as Seth placed a card in front of his face.
  9. Back where Amanda and Seth were, there was a conversation going on between the two. "I asked you who you are," Amanda shouted with anger. Seth crossed his arms and snorted. He then started walking circles around Amanda. Amanda was getting very mad. "I'm Seth," Seth said with a hiss, "and I was hired by the Big 5 to stop you from saving Kaiba." Amanda looked shocked as Seth spoke. She didn't know that the Big 5 was behind this. She also didn't know that they would actually hire people to do thier dirty work. "Well your not going to stop me from saving Seto," Amanda said with a slight temper. Seth stopped walking circles and looked Amanda in her eyes. Amanda looked a little uneasy as Seth stared at her. "Listen," Seth said with a snort, "you don't know who you're dealing with here." Amanda looked at Seth as he backed away from her. She let out a laugh. Seth gave her a evil look. "I was about to say the same to you," Amanda said with a snicker. Seth looked reallly unhappy with her. Amanda stopped laughing and put a grin on her face. She reach down to the middle of her leg and opened her card holster. Seth took another step backward and opened his card holster.
  10. "What's wrong," Julie said with a worried voice. Angie looked up at Julie and the others. Her green eyes full of tears. Julie bent down and hugged Angie. She was trying to give her comfort. Angie just cried some more. "Maybe we can help if you tell us what's wrong," Terran said with a whisper. Angie stopped crying. She stood up and wiped her tears away. Julie stood up and looked at Angie. "Thery're gone, all gone," Angie said as her eyes filled with tears agian. Dragus slightly patted Angie on the shoulder. Nick looked up into the sky and mumbled something to himself. Julie looked over at him. "Who's gone Angie," Nick said trying to be nice. Angie looked at Nick. She didn't want to say, but she also couldn't keep it bottled inside. "My family," Angie said wiping away her tears agian, "someone murdered them." Julie gasped as she heard Angie. Nick looked at Julie. She looked as she was about to cry. Shonya, who was listening from the roof, swallowed hard. She was also about to cry and she didn't even know why. She quickly jumped off the roof and ran out of the town. "Maybe some traveling a bit might help you Angie," Terran said with a smile. Angie put on a slight smile and nodded. Julie still looked as if she was going to cry. To everyone's surprise, Nick walked over to her and hugged her. Dragus looked a little upset. "What are we waiting for," Angie said as she faked a smile, "lets go." Julie pushed away from Nick and started walking. Nick shrugged his shoulders and started walking as well.
  11. Amanda opened her eyes to discover she was in the virtual world. She looked around to see if she could spot the others, but there wasn?t a soul around for miles. She stood up and dusted herself off. Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of her face. Mokuba?s face appeared in the screen. ?Are you alright Amanda,? a worried sounded Mokuba asked. Amanda nodded and looked up at the skies. She watched a pink butterfly fly by. She sighed as she gazed into the deep blue sky. Mokuba cleared his throat to get Amanda?s attention. Amanda turned to look at him. ?I?m fine,? Amanda said with a smile, ?but I?m alone.? Mokuba shook his head and typed something on the computer. Amanda crossed her arms. ?It seems like when you guys? minds were transported to the virtual world,? Mokuba said with a unsure look, ?someone or something split you all up.? Amanda looked at her nails and let out a sigh. She looked back up at the sky. ?That?s a good thing,? Amanda said as she looked a cloud, ?I mean now we can cover more ground.? Mokuba shook his head once again. He let out a little whistle this time to get Amanda?s attention. Amanda turned around tapping her fingers on her arms. ?It?s not good,? Mokuba said with a stern look, ?because it?s going to take all of your lead monsters to get Seto out.? Amanda looked a little confused. She didn?t understand why she just couldn?t go rescue Seto. Mokuba pressed a button on his keyboard. A holographic version of the Dark Magician Girl appeared in front of Amanda. ?Oh I get it,? Amanda said with a smile, ?it?s going to take the strength of four monsters to set Seto free.? Mokuba nodded and smiled. Amanda looked at the Dark Magician Girl. ?She?ll be your guide and so will everyone else's lead monster,? Mokuba said with a smile, ?but don?t worry, you?ll still use her to duel with.? Amanda nodded at Mokuba?s words. Mokuba smiled and made the screen disappear. Amanda was alone once again. She made a hand motion to her Dark Magician Girl and started walking into the forest.
  12. "Hi," Tal'nin said with a smile, "what's your name?" Kira looked up at Tal'nin. Tal'nin was shocked by her pale complexion. He could tell she was a Vampire or at least half Vampire. He was wondering what she was doing on a Dae'Tron ship. "My name is Kira," Kira said with a uneasy voice. Tal'nin watched as Kira spoke. He saw her fangs (I'm assuming she would have fangs) as her lips moved. He had to say something and quick. "What are you doing on a Dae'Thon ship," Tal'nin said quietly. Kira shook her head and stood up. Her leather jacket seemed to bring out her red hair. She looked down at Tal'nin. "Oh, you figured out what I am," Kira said with a sneer, "and to answer your question, this was the only ship heading this way. Tal'nin stood up. He wasn't as tall as Kira, but that was just because of her boots. He leaned up aginst the wall. "What are you looking for," Tal'nin said with a whisper. Kira looked at him from the corner of her eye. She let out a sigh and looked at the leaky roof. "My father," Kira said with a depressed look upon her face. Tal'nin patted her on the shoulder and sat back down again. Kira hesitantly sat down next to him. Tal'nin started a conversation with Kira.
  13. Alright, I'm starting this thing. I can only have one more bad guy, but I do have two more openings for good guys. You can still join by the way. I'm so sorry I didn't mention, this earilar, but the good guys have to chose a lead monster that will be their guide and help them free Seto. The bad guys can have a lead monster to, but for different reasons of course. Sorry once agian.
  14. "Hello," Julie said with a smile, "what's your name." Angie looked at Julie for moment. She then put her hand out and smiled. Julie shook her hand gently. "I'm Angela Johnson," Angie said as she shook Julie's hand steadly, "but you can call me Angie." Julie shook her head. She was kind of shocked at Angie's hyperness. Dragus walked up next to Julie. "That was some nice shooting back there," Dragus said with a grin. Angie stopped shakeing Julie's hand and looked at Dragus. Nick started shuffling his feet with impatience. "Thank you," Angie said lovingly. Nick took his cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it at Julie. Terran looked at Nick. Nick let out a heavy sigh and walked over to Julie. "Are we going to leave yet," Nick said with an annoyed voice. Julie turned around and gave Nick a cold look. She started walking toward the exit of the town. Her long jacket flared behind her. Terran sheepishly fallowed her. Nick also headed for the exit. "Where are you going," Angie asked as the three stopped in thier tracks. Dragus was still standing next to Angie. Julie turned around and smiled brightly. "We're all going to look for my missing brothers," Julie said kindly, "you wouldn't want to come along, would you?" Angie's eyes lite up as she heard Julie speak. She jumped for joy. "Of course I would love to go," Angie said with excitement. She hugged Dragus without thinking. Dragus turned bright red. Angie quickly let go. Julie let out a slight giggle from under her breath. Dragus gave her that angry big brother look.
  15. My Trigun RPG is working out so well. I figured that I would try a Yugioh one. Plus, I'm addicted to this. The Story: Something goes wrong in Kaiba Corp. and Seto is stuck in one of his Virtual games, agian. Mokuba calls up four of the smartest people he knows. He tells them what's going on and they rush over to Kaiba Corp. Mokuba set everything up. Luckly there is just enough pods for them all, but there are some other people in this Virtual world that wants to stop our heros from saveing Seto. What will happen now that thier stuck in the game until they find Seto. Did I mention the four heros get split up and have to find each other before they can find Seto. Alright, here's the info I need: Name: Age: Apperence: Deck Type: Bio: Good or Bad: And here's my info: Name: Amanda "Mandy" Wheeler Age:14 Apperence: She has long blonde hair sort of in the style of Joey's 0.0, blue eyes, about the same height as Joey, she's wareing a black leather turtleneck tanktop with a heart shape cut out on the chest, black leather flares, black boots, and a black leather vest Deck Type: Her deck is basicly all mixed up. The main card she uses is The Dark Magician Girl. She also has a special edition Blue Eyes White Dragon that Pegasus gave her for winning a tournament. Bio: Amanda is the sharpest duelist there is. She's also Joey's never talked about twin sister. Her dueling rank surpasses Seto's, but she hasn't quite made it up to Yugi. She's also a genius. Totally diffrent from her twin. She will do anything to save Seto because she has had a crush on him forever. She just doesn't have the nerve to tell him. Good or Bad: Good The only Yu-Gi-Oh characters in this are Mokuba and Seto, but I have control of them. (laughs evily) I do need three more good guys and four bad guys though.
  16. I'll fill in for Joey. ^_^ (I can do a good Joey impression even though I'm a girl) Name: Joey Wheeler Age:14 Sex:Male Apperance: We all know what Joey looks like. (hopefully) Bio: The street tough punk in the group. He's yugi's best friend. He has a good heart underneath his tough exterior. He'll do anything for his friends and family. He would risk his life for his little sister, Serenity. He's like the third best duelist in the show. Deck: He has mostly warrior type cards. Like the Flame Swordsmen and Axe Radier. He also has Jinzo, The Legendary Fisherman, and The Insect Queen.
  17. "Hold it right there," Julia said as she walked over to Terran, "what's the rush." Terran looked at the tall blonde women. He then looked at all of the men back away as another blonde walked upto Julie. "I just figured I would get out of here before I got caught up in anything," Terran said with a shakey voice. Dragus looked at him and slightly smlied. Julie looked at Nick, who was watching all of the men stumble away from the scene . "What's your name kid," Dragus said as he looked at Terran's machine gun. Terran looked a little unsure. Julie pulled Nick over to where Dragus was standing. Nick mumbled some unpleasent things as Julie pulled him. "My name's Terran," Terran said under his breath. Julie looked at him with a wondering look on her face. He wasn't no mere human. Could it be possible that he was a humanoid? Julie walked up to Terran again. Terran blushed as she put her hands on his shoulders. "What I'm about to say goes for Nick and Dragus too," Julie said with a smile, "but will you join me in my quest to find my missing brothers." Terran looked at Julie with surprise. They had just met, but she still wants him to join her. She put her hand out. Dragus and Nick walked over. "Of course I'm going," Dragus said as he put his hand on Julie's, "they're my brothers too after all." Nick rolled his eyes in disbelieve. He took out a cigarette and lit it. Terran looked at him. "What the hell," Nick said as he put his hand on Dragus', "Vash was one of my buddies." Everyone looked at Terran. Terran was a little unsure. He might regret this. He took a deep breath. "Alright I'll come," Terran said as he put his hand on Nick's, "just because I'm tired of traveling the deasert alone." Julie smiled at Terran. Terran started to blush again. Nick seemed to be getting a little jealous. Everyone moved their hands and turned around.
  18. Julie was sitting at a tavern in a very non-peaceful town. She stared at her half empty bottle of whiskey. She was trying really hard to ignore the fight behind her. A really buff guy was in a fistfight with a less buff guy. Julie finally decided to turn around and watch the fight. As soon as she turned, a bottle flew by her head. She just rolled her eyes and took another swig of her whiskey. ?Take an easy big fellow,? the smaller man said consulting the larger one, ?you don?t want to burst a blood vessel.? Julie looked at the smaller man through her bottle. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black suit with little sliver cross cufflinks, a white shirt with about three buttons undone, and tan boots. He was carrying a huge cross. Julie swirled her whiskey around. ?Listen scrawny,? the larger man said as he picked the smaller man up by his shirt collar, ?you started this, but I?m finishing it.? The larger man pulled his fist back about to hit the smaller man, but the smaller man blocked with his cross. Julie almost dropped her bottle because of the smaller man?s courage. As the larger man?s fist hit the cross, it made him stumble backward. He fell on top of Julie. Julie shoved him off, picked up her gun, and fired it at the ceiling. ?Everyone except the scrawny man in the black suit,? Julie said while taking a cigarette out her pocket, ?clear out.? Everyone, accept the few that were passed out on the floor, crammed their way out of the doorway. The man, Julie had told to stay behind, looked over at her. Julie lit her cigarette and walked over to the man. ?Who are you,? the man said with a very edgy voice. Julie blew some smoke in the man?s face. He waved it away from his face and gave Julie an evil glare. Julie sat down at one of the tables, picked up a bottle of beer, and stared at it. ?I was going to ask you the same question,? Julie said as she turned the bottle around by its bottom. The man picked up his cross and started to walk out. Julie shot at the door, without even looking. The man turned back around. He knew he wasn?t going anywhere. ?I?m Nicholas D. Wolfwood,? the man said sternly,?but you can call me Nick.? Julie propped her feet up on the table and flicked her cigarette at Nick?s feet. Nick kicked her cigarette back at her. Julie sat the beer bottle down. She started rocking back and forth in her chair. ?Well Nick,? Julie said with a grin, ?my name is Julie, but you might know me as Julie the Typhoon.? Nick facial expression didn?t even change. He wasn?t scared of her or her reputation. Julie could tell he wasn?t scared. She liked a man that wasn?t scared of a wanted criminal. ?What are you doing in a town like this Miss. Typhoon,? Nick sarcastically said. Julie wiped her gun with her jacket. She then looked at herself in it. She had a sad look upon her face. Nick looked at her suspiciously. ?I?m looking for my missing brothers Vash and Knives,? Julie said with a sadden voice, ?Maybe you know what happened to them?? Nick?s facial expression finally changed. He was shocked that Vash and Knives had a sister that no one knew about. He shook his head. Julie quickly looked up from her gun. She had saw Nick?s shake of his head, but that?s not what caught her attention. Someone was shouting outside of the tavern. Julie stuck her gun back in the holster, grabbed Nick?s arm, and ran out of the tavern. ___________________________________________________ Hopefully this isn't bad for my first try. (not to mention I did at 1:30 in the morning).
  19. "Alright Sliverfang, lets quickly win this fight so we can get those discs," Amber said evily. The gray wolf let out a slight growl at Kris' Mocchi. The Mocchi stopped jumpping up and down and put a seriouse face on. "You won't win that easily," Kirs said with a slight grin. She then commanded her Mocchi to use Cherry Blossom Blizzard on Amber's gray wolf. As Mocchi's attack swirled, Sliverfang was stuck in the vortex. Sliverfang quickly aimed its Blizzard attack at the Mocchi. Mocchi stopped spinning as the icy Blizzard attack hit its feet. Sliverfang did a back flip down to the ground. "I guess this means I win since your precious Mocchi can't move," Amber laughed. Kris glared at Amber as she walked by.
  20. Suddendly a burst of lightning came from the staires of the shrine. The lightning hit Griffion, sending it into the wall. Alen looked at the stairs as his Zaratan got into a fighting stance. Amber walked down the staires with a enraged Sliverfang next to her. Zaratan growl and lunged at Sliverfang, but Sliverfang dodged and pinned Zaratan to a wall with his horn attack. Amber moved her hair away from her face and looked at the battle between Glen and Jiro. She laughed evily, bent down, and whispered something in Sliverfangs's ear. Sliverfang nodded and started running toward Glen. ________________________________________________ Excuse my spelling mistakes
  21. Name:Kira Age: 19 Gender:Female Species:Vampire and Thaed mix Appearance: short red hair, left eye green, right eye blue, about 6 foot, has a black and red tube top on, a pair of black leather pants, high black boots, and a black leather sleeveless trench coat Personality: She has a slight temper promblem. The slightest rude remark can set her off. She can be a goofball when she's not being so seriouse all the time Weapons and Skills: Two blades that are attached to her arms. She can exstend them when she needs them. She's super fast and felxible. Bio:Her mother was a Vampire and her father was a Thaed. When her father's brother found out what her and her mother was, he tried to kill them both. She escaped, but her mother wasn't so lucky. 10 years after her mother's death, Kira's intrested in blood became high. She would laugh at a person's murder, but something was troubling her. Her father was missing and she had a aurge to find him. Even if he did bail out on her mother and her 10 years ago.
  22. Yeah, your the first bad guy. You're excepted. [color=green]Posts merged. Please don't double post. --terra[/color] I have started this RPG. You can still join because I still need two more good guys and four more bad guys. (I'll tell you when your not allowed to join anymore).
  23. Alright nice character. You're now excepted.
  24. That's interesting, very interesting. I like the big brother idea. Your exspected ^_^.
  25. You didn't screw anything up and your accepted.
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