Ok, Ok, I was looking through all of the Trigun RPGs and I figured I would start my own. I'm new to this So maybe you can help me out along the way. To join all I need is some info for your character.
Good or Bad:
My Info ^_^
Name: Julie the Typhoon
Age: Over 130
Apperence: Medium length blonde hair.geen eyes, right ear pireced with one sliver ring, left ear pireced with two sliver rings, wearing a purple sleeveless coat that looks like Vash's, combat boots , and has purple sunglasses. She also has A LOT of scares.
Weapon(s): Golden .4 colt long barrel, knives in her boots, and her middle and index fingers on her right hand are little guns
Bio: Julie is Vash's and Knives' long lost sister. She has been looking for both of her brothers over a hundred years makeing herself a reputation along the way. She's one of the best gunslingers on Gunsmoke. She has the odd tendcy to be a goofball. She also falls madly in love with Wolfwood.
Good or Bad: Good
I'm probbly going to need 10 people. 5 good guys and 5 bad guys.
Basicly, Julie is searching for her brothers who have gone missing. She joins up with some other outlaws (good guys). There are also people who want to find Vash and Knives for the bounty on thier heads(bad guys). Julie's little group goes through a lot, but can they find Vash and Knives in time. Note: Wolfwood is going to be alive in this.