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Everything posted by JoyKaiba
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Lilly [B]Age:[/B] About 16 [B]Favored Goddess:[/B] Din [B]Weapon:[/B] Lilly carries a golden sword at her side that has a strange language inscripted all the way up the middle of, a dagger in each boot, a bow with fancy gold designs on it, and three diffrent kinds of arrows. [B]Skills:[/B] Lilly has unbelieveable speed in a sword fight and with her bow. Her aim is almost perfect. She also has the strange ability to summon a dark dragon and black magic. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.play.net/images/dr/races/new/elves.gif] The girl of course! :D[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Lilly is a kind elf with a heart of gold.She loves animals and little kids. She does have a dark side though. See can go in to a blind rage and not be able to control it. [B]Biography:[/B] Lilly is from the distant future. So far, that it's almost like another deminsion. When she was about six, her father told her the legend of the "Hero of Time". Lilly's intrests were perked by this. She had to learn everything about this "hero" and friends. Lilly found out everything there was possible to learn abot the "Hero of Time" and went to vist the Great Duke Tree. The Duke Tree was only a sprout at one time, but now was fully grown. Lilly wished for a fairy. She knew that they had great knowledge and maybe could help her out. The Great Duke Tree granted Lilly's wish because something was troubling him. Lilly was over joyed to have a new friend. Her fairy friend was a boy named Nit. His aqua green glow gave Lilly courage for some odd reason. Ten years later, the Prince, Zeek, summoned Lilly to the castle. Lilly was nervous, but came to the prince's call. When Lilly arrived, Zeek was holding a piece of paper. It was torn and old looking. Zeek then looked at her and told her of a legend and that she was the reincarnation of Link. Lilly was shocked and amused all at the same time. She quickly off to see the Great Duke Tree before Zeek could get his real worry out. When Lilly got to the Great Duke Tree, a strange feeling surged through her body. She fell to her knees as Nit exsplain everything to the Great Duke Tree out of hope. The Great Duke Tree understood and exsplained that Lilly must also have "Dark Powers" from where Link wore the evil mask of Aurin. He then gave Lilly a golden sword that was said to be forged from the legendary Master Sword. He also used his magic along with the golden sword's to send Lilly and Nit backward in time to stop her decendent. [B]OOC: Wow, that's a long bio. I hope it's alright. :sweat:[/B][/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal] ?Aurora,? Coal said as he slightly shook his sister, ?Wake up Aurora!? Aurora slightly moved her head and continued to sleep. Coal let out a depressed sigh. ?Maybe is has a concussion,? Impmon said as he looked over Coal?s shoulder. Coal shook his head and looked around. Everyone else was still asleep. Aurora suddenly started mumbling. ?Where am I,? Aurora mumbled as she opened her eyes. Coal slightly smiled as Impmon swung himself over his shoulder. Aurora looked a little uncomfortable as Impmon sat on Coal?s shoulder. ?That?s a good question,? Coal said as he put his hand down, ?I didn?t bother to ask Impmon that question. I was too freaked out.? Aurora quickly grabbed Coal?s hand. Coal quickly pulled her up. Aurora stared at Impmon. She was a little uneasy about him. ?Well,? Aurora said as she glared at Impmon, ?where are we and what are you?? Impmon pointed at himself and Aurora nodded her head. Impmon swallowed hard and looked at Coal. Coal slightly nodded his head. Impmon then let out a sigh and looked back at Aurora. ?Alright,? Impmon said as a sweat drop appeared on the side of his head, ?You?re in the Digital World and I?m a Digimon. I?m your brother?s partner. You, him, and everyone else here are Digidestined. You all received a Digivice earlier. Does that help?? Aurora glared at Impmon and then slightly smiled. Impmon let out a sigh of relieve. ?That help slightly,? Aurora said as she looked around,? but why are we here?? A shiver went up Impmon?s spine. Both Aurora and coal looked at him. His fur was standing on end. ?That I don?t know,? Impmon said with a shaky voice, ?I quiet sure Gennai knows though. He should be joining us as soon as everyone else wakes up.? Aurora nodded her head and crossed her arms. Coal and Impmon looked at each other and then back at Aurora. ?One last question,? Aurora said as she started to tap her fingers, ?Where?s my partner?? Impmon dropped his head. A sad look crossed his face. He knew the answer to that and it would break Aurora?s heart. ?You don?t have one,? Impmon said with sad voice, ?Your partner was effected by some sort of virus. We don?t know if he can be purified or not.? Aurora?s face suddenly got glum. Impmon slightly looked up. A sad look crossed his face. ?Thanks Impmon,? Aurora said as she sat down, ?I?ll just ask this Gennai person a few questions.? Impmon nodded as Coal sat down next to Aurora. All they had to do was wait for the others to wake up and meet their partners. Aurora couldn?t wait to meet Gennai. She had a bone to pick with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, for your first post, you wake up to your Digimon. They answer any of your questions and lead you over to Coal and Aurora. We?ll meet Gennai as soon as everyone is in one place.[/color][/i][/b]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Yay! I've got enough people to start this thing. I'll probbly start this later tonight or tomarrow night! LOL Amika Kamiya and Joeys Girl should really finish thier sign-ups first though.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal]My brother and me have been away for awhile because of our stupid modem. Anyways, I wanted to start a new Digimon RPG. This kind of goes along with a story I have so, I sort of have pre-picked Digimon. I hope that's ok. I just thought it would be fun to have and RPG/Story! I hope tthis works out! :blush: [B][U]The Story:[/U][/B] A strange virus has been drifting around the Digital World. Gennai and Angemon have been studying this virus for some time now and they think it's very deadly. They take action right away. They gather ten special Digieggs, create new Digivices, and create new crests. A few months later, one of the Digieggs hatches. Gennai and Angemon know it's too soon. The helpless baby virus type is quickly corupted by the virus and wonders off. Gennai and Angemon now know that the virus is turning pure Digimon EVIL! They also figure out that Virus-type Digimon are effected the quickest by the virus, Data-types are harder to corupt, and Vaccine-types are the hardest to corupt. Only the Digivices can saves these corupted Digimon. Five years later, ten unexspected campers are transported to the Digital World. They had recieved thier Digvices from little balls of light, that appeared from the "northen lights" they saw, right before they were transported. Gennai and Angemon exsplain about the virus, the fact that a very powerful Digimon is creating it, and that those ten are the only ones that can help. The new Digidestine agree to help and each recieve a Digimon. Well, almost everyone. One girl has everything, but a Digimon. Her Digimon was the one corupted five years ago. Her task is to purify her Digimon as the other try to find the source of this Deadly Virus.............. [B][U]Sign-Ups[/U][/B] There are eight spots up because me and my brother have a spot. All ten of the kids are basicly a sibling to another. I'm going to let this slid a little from my story. There are the Momento twins and ther little brother/sister, A Sun and his/her little brother/sister, A Aurora and his/her little brother/sister, and the little brother/sister to my brother and mine character. Name: First and Last (Momento, Sun, Aurora, or Blake) Age: (10-16) Description: Bio: Crest: (I don't care what it is) Crest Color: Digivice Color: Digimon: (I have these pre-chosen) [B][U]My Sign-up:[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Aurora Blake [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19135]Here ya go![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Aurora is a normal kid living a normal life. Well, almost normal. She is a little on the creepy and depressing side. She'a also quiet and likes to think things through. She has few friends and two of them consist of her twin brother and younger sibling. Aurora does love to draw though. Most of her attention comes from her artwork. That's the only attention she really wants most of the time anyhow. Her normal life become unusal after seeing the "northern lights" at camp though. Aurora and nine other are transported to another world after recieveing strange devices. Aurora finally starts to feel in place until she learns she doesn't have a pure Digimon. The fact of her having to purify her Digimon makes her feel even more out of place then before. She figures the quicker she gets her Digimon purifyed, the quicker she can be normal. [B]Crest:[/B] Truth [B]Crest Color:[/B] Turqouise [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Teal [B]Digimon:[/B] DemiDevimon [B][U]Pre-chosen Digimon:[/U][/B] Alright, I have the Digimon pre-chosen to a diffrent Digidestined. I might slid on some of the diffrent Digivoultions if you don't like them. I do have some made-up Digimon in here. Just PM for a description.[/color] [COLOR=Indigo]Aurora Blake: DemiDevimon, Wizardmon, Myotismon, VenomMyotismon - JoyKaiba (Me)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Coal Blake: Impmon, FlaWizardmon, Beelzemon, Beelzemon BM - Maximillion404[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Erica Blake: Penguimon, Sorcerimon, Mermaimon, Ancient Mermaimon - Joeys Girl[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Amika Aurora: Nightmon, Shadowmon, DarkAngewomon, BlackMagnadramon - Amika Kamiya[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]Zak Aurora: Dorumon, DoruGamon, DoruGremon, DoruGorumon - Midnightwolf25[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Kaver Sun: Lopmon, Rabbitmon, Antylamon, Cherubimon - ShadowSword[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum]Kayin Sun: Lucemon, Piddomon, LordHolyAngemon, SlashAngemon - Keiji[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Mijiko Momento: BlackAgumon, BlackGraymon, BlackMetalGraymon, BlackWarGraymon - Delirium[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver]Mat Momento: SnowAgumon, IceGraymon, FrozenMetalGraymon, WhiteWarGraymon - Lrb[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Yuki Momento: Floramon, Kiwimon, Deramon, Gryphomon - Prince Charming[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Well, there it is folks! I hope you guys like this. I'm sorry if it's confusing! Have fun! :D EDIT: Ok Arcadia. I tried my best to fix it. I hope it's ok now. :sweat:[/COLOR][/i]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura looked around. Everything had gone by so fast and now she was confused. All of her Pokeballs suddenly dropped from her belt and fell to the ground. They all busted open and all five of Aura's Pokemon were standing. "This is getting strange," Aura said as Howl and Fang licked her cheeks. Aura slightly smiled and her two Pokemon helped her up. She suddenly stummbled foward. "Aura," Josh said as he looked at Aura who had landed in his lap, "You ok?" Aura looked up and smiled. She quickly smiled and hugged Josh around his neck. Josh slightly fell backward, but caught himself with one hand. "Now I am," Aura said as Haunter went around checking everyone. He looked slightly confused as everyone started waking up. He was wondering why they were out cold in the first place. "Haunt," Haunter cried out trying to get Aura's attention, "Haunter!" Aura turned around as everyone sat up. Most of them had thier hands on thier heads. "Glad to see everyone's ok," Aura said as she jumped up. Everyone looked at Aura and then around at each other. Carter suddenly stood up. "I thought this place looked fimiliar," Carter said as everyone else stood, "This is the place where were the orb to Jirachi was stolen." Aura didn't really remember the area. Then again, she probbly was with Josh. Katai suddenly spoke up. "What do we do now," Katai suddenly questioned. Everyone started talking among themselves. They weren't quiet sure what to do next. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry it's short, but I don't know what to do next. :blush:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Jackie mumbled something as Charcoal dodged one of Shroomish's attacks. No one insulted her family or friends and got away with it. "Listen," Jackie said as she gripped her fist, "No one makes fun of my brother or my friend. I'll make you pay! Flamethrower Charcoal!" Charcoal stopped in his tracks and shot a flame out of his mouth. Shroomish jumped trying to dodge the attack, but wasn't quick enough. It fell to the ground, burnt from head to toes. "How dare you," Diego said with slight anger in his voice, "You're just as puny as Team Rocket. Exspecially if you're the sister of the idiot James and friends with that nitwit Jessie!" Jackie seemed really anger now. She grabbed her Pokeball containing her Poochyena as Diego returned Shroomish. "I've learned not to play fair," Jackie said as she prepared to throw her Pokeball, "I don't like playing fair, but you don't. Go Fang!" The small Poochyena appeared out of the Pokeball as Jackie threw it. Charcoal stummbled to one side of Fang and Trent's Torchic hopped to the other side. "Hey," Carmen shouted as she looked at the three Pokemon, "Two on one isn't fair, let alone three on one." Jackie crossed her arms and smirked. Trent was a little confused at Jackie sudden exspression change. "Life isn't fair," Jackie said as she pointed at Carmen's Eevee, "Now Charcoal, Fang attack! Flamethrower and Bite!" Charcoal sent his Flamethrower at Eevee. It dodged at the last mintute, but Fang jumped over Charcoal and bit down on Eevee. Eevee yelped in pain as Fang jumped back. "Nice one," Trent said as he looked over at Jackie. Jackie gave him a thumbs up as Carmen returned Eevee. "Who's puny now," Jackie asked as Charcoal and Fang jumped next to her. Carmen and Deigo looked at each other and back at Jackie. Jackie knew they had a plan.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura looked over at Josh as Kazu took a stand with a Venesaur and a Clefairy. She knew that Charlia could take Venesaur with no problem. "Alright," Aura said as she pointed her finger at Maple, "Fire Blast Charlia!" Charlia did as he trainer commanded. Maple barely escaped the deadly blast. One of his leaves got singed though. "Flamethrower Charizard," Josh commanded as he pointed at Fariedust. The small Clefairy almost took a full blast, but escaped unharmed. Aura and Josh were getting annoyed. "My turn," Kazu said with a smirk, "Vine Whip Maple!" Maple sent his vines at Charlia. "Not so fast," Aura said as Charlia's flame, on her tail, got bigger," Rage!" Charila's eyes glowed and a supered powered flame shot out of her mouth. Maple vines and himself were BBQed. Aura looked pleased as Josh grinned. "Anything else you got," Josh asked as he crossed his arms. Kazu mumbled something, returned Maple, and picked up another Pokeball.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Kit was sitting in a classroom scribbling something on a piece of a paper. Her glasses were slipping off her her nose as she yawned. "This is the most boring Art Club ever," Kit thought to herself. Her PET suddnly started beeping. Kit raised an eyebrow and looked over at it as Kattaco appeared on the screen. She looked a little annoyed. The anooying beeping most have been getting to her. "It's Leon," Kattaco said as her tail twitched, "I wonder what he could want." Kit shook her head and grabbed her PET and looked at her new mail. A look of slight disappointment crossed her face. "We have to meet him in the Computer Room," Kit said as she quietly stood up. Kattaco nodded as Kit grabbed her back pack and started sneaking out of the classroom. After a few mintues of running down the empty hall, Kit reached the Computer Room. She opened the door to discover Leon, Maura, Imi, and Kioko in there already. "Oh darn," Kit thought as she started walking in, "No Lan! Oh well, I think I can survive." Everyone looked at Kit as she leaned up against a nearby table.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Jackie and Charcoal looked around. They were waiting for the right Pokemon. A Poochyena suddenly jumped out of the grass and started growling. "Alright," Jackie said as she looked down at Charcoal, "Perfect! Go get that Poochyena, Charcoal!" Charcoal nodded and quickly used a ember attack. Poochyena dodged, but barely. Then it came back with a bite. It bite down hard on Charcoal's tail. "CHAR.....," Charcoal cried out as he shook the Poochyena off his tail. Charcoal returned a bite with a scratch. Jackie was on the sidelines cheering instead of coaching. She knew Charcoal could handel himself. "Come on Charcoal," Jackie cheered, "Give the finishing blow!" Charcoal nodded and used another ember. Poochyena tried to dodge again, but tripped. It got BBQed. Jackie suddenly threw a Pokeball at the toasted Poochyena. The Pokeball wiggled a few times and stopped. "I caught a Poochyena!" Charcoal and Jackie cheered as Jackie picked up her Pokeball. They would just have to wait for the others now.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]"So," Josh said as he put a black shirt on in front of Aura, "our boss wants us to be partners, huh." Josh looked slightly pleased with this as he turned around. Aura was sitting on his bed with a full TR uniform on. She had a black belly shirt with no sleeves that had TR in red on it, black fingerless gloves, a black skirt, and black high heeled boots that came up to her knees. Josh suddenly walked over to her and grabbed her chin. "Oh course," Aura sais as she stood up, "Who else better to work together?" Josh nodded his head and looked Aura up and down. He spotted that she had an extra Pokeball at her side. Instead of four, she had five. "Question," Josh said as he stared at Aura, "What's in that extra Pokeball?" Aura looked down and grinned. She picked up the ball and threw it. Josh took a step backward as a small Poochyena appeared in front of him. "Meet Fang," Aura said as the Poochyena ran to her, "She's a gift from the boss. He noticed I had a fire/dark type Pokemon and thought I needed another dark type." Josh grinned, walked over to Aura, and grabbed her hands. Aura slightly blushed. "Well," Josh said with the same grin, "shall we start?" Aura blinked a few times and then nodded. Josh nodded back and started leading Aura out of the room. Fang quickly followed. A few mintues later, Aura and Josh came outside. They were standing on a balcony of some sort. Josh was looking at a little device. "Charlia go......," Aura said as she sent her Charizard out of her Pokeball. Josh turned around and looked at Aura. Aura wasn't turning against him, but someone had followed them. "Who's there," Josh questioned as he walked next to Aura with his hand on one of his Pokeballs. Both Josh and Aura started looking around. Charlia was prepared for anything. She seemed like she could attack at any momment. Fang was at her side growling softly. Someone or something was out there, but what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry, for the short post, but tired..........must...........sleep!!!!! ZZZZZZZZZ[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Operator Name:[/B] Kit Combs AKA Kitty [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Appearance:[/B] Kit has long wavy blonde hair that ends in the middle of her back and sky blue eyes. She wears a aqua green headband with a black cat head in the middle, a black belly shirt with a aqua green cat head on it, black jean flares, black boots, black framed glasses, black fingerless gloves, and short black jean jacket. She stands about five foot five and a half. [B]Biograpy:[/B] Kit is a rich girl, but doesn't act it. Her dad runs a chip making factory and her mom is an actress. Kit is some what of a punk. She knows how to fight and also how to Net Battle. Her Navi is Kattaco! She dad brought home for her one day. Someone was trying to throw Kattaco away because thier kid thought she wasn't strong enough. Kit loved Kattaco and trained with her. Now they're an unbeatable team. [B]Navi Name:[/B] Kattaco (cat-ta-co) [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19995]Here ya go![/url] [B]Main Weapon:[/B] Kattaco uses her claws. [B]Starting Chips:[/B] (I hope it's ok I make these up) Power Claws (It's a normal slash attack, but it's really strong), Super Speed (This make Kattaco really fast and hard to keep your eye on), Fire Cat (Kattaco makes a gaint fire cat and sends it at her opponet. It can chase them for a while), Cat's Eye (This freeze's the opponet for a short while), and Fire Paw (She starts punching her opponets as her paws are on fire) [/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Perfect! This gives me a chance for my plot to thicken. :laughs evily: What? Also, I'm sorry if this next post sounds too mushy. I'll make up for it in my next post. It all has a purpose though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aura layed on her bed hugging her pillow. She really wanted to go with Josh so she could get some info. Howl was the only Pokemon out of his ball and he was asleep on the floor next to her bed. "Oh Josh," Aura mummbled as she hugged the pillow more. Howl suddenly perked his head as a tap came at Aura's window. Aura jumped up and looked toward her window. It was Josh! Aura quickly ran to the window and opened it. "Hey Aura," Josh said as he sat on his Charizard, "You still want to join me? I've already informed my boss." Aura thought for a moment and looked back at howl. Howl was softly growling. Aura shhok her head and looked back at Josh. "Oh course," Aura said with a grin, "What do I have to do?" Josh grinned as well and looked at his watch. He then nodded his head upward. "Meet me on the top deck," Josh said as Charizard stopped and started flying upward. Aura quickly closed her window, grabbed her backpack, grabbed her Pokeballs, and started running. Howl quickly ran after her. In a few mintutes, Aura and Howl made it to the top deck. Josh and Charizard were standing by the rail waiting for them. Josh suddenly spoke up. "Return your Houndoom," Josh said as he started to climb back onto Charizard's back, "send out your Charizard, and follow me." Aura nodded, returned Howl, and sent Charlia out. She then got on Charlia's back. "Lead the way Josh," Aura said with confidence. Josh nodded and Charizard took off. Aura slightly nudgged Charlia and she took off after Charizard. The two Charizard's were soon side-by-side. A few hours later, Charizard and Charlia landed on the banks of Slateport. The sun was completely out of sight and the moon was high in the sky. Both Aura and Josh slid off thier Charizards. "TR has a base here," Josh said as he walked up to Aura, "and my boss will meet you there. I think he'll be pleased with your skills as a trainer." Aura nodded as Josh grabbed her hands. Aura turned redder then howls muzzle and looked toward the moon. It was shining brightly and it refected off the water so beutifully. A slight sigh escaped Aura's lips. "Not to get off subject," Aura said as she looked back at Josh, "but isn't the view romantic." Josh actually nodded his head in agreement. Aura was shocked, but even more shocked when Josh pulled her face closer and kissed her on the lips. Charlia and Charizard sat and waited. They looked sort of happy. Josh suddenly stopped and Aura licked her lips. A slight smiled crossed Josh's face. "Now," Josh said as he started leading Aura away from the shore, "shall we go meet the boss?" Aura nodded and picked up her pace to keep up with Josh. Both Charizards quickly followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ah yes, I'm a sucker for love stories. :blush: Anyways, Aura should of never licked her lips. (It's one of those savor the moment type things) Josh had some of that potion on his lips. Oh boy! You guys try to figure this out. She's slightly under TR's control, but not completely. Maybe a good lecture could snap her out of it. Maybe![/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Jackie was peeking over James' left shoulder as Charcoal peeked over his right. They were looking at the map of Aquatissea. Jackie was so excited. She couldn't stay still. "Ok," James said as he stopped walking, "Jessie said that her and Meowth would meet us here. Where is she?" James put his head down out of frustration. Jackie slowly rubbed his back. "She'll be here bro," Jackie said as her and Charcoal gave the peace sign, "You can count on it." James looked over at his little sister and slightly smiled. Jackie put her peace sign down as Charcoal climb onto her shoulder and hanged there. James wasn't upset because Jessie wasn't there yet, it was the fact that Jackie was leaving. A hot air balloon, shaped like a Meowth head, suddenly landed on the ground. Jackie jumped for joy. "Jackie, James," Jessie said as Meowth jumped onto the edge of the basket, "We're here and ready to travel to Aquatissea." Jackie quickly ran over to the balloon and tried to climb in. As she was hanging on the outside of the basket, she looked over at James. He looked a little upset as he approched. "Here," James said as he took Charcoal and handed him to Jessie, "Let me help sis." James picked Jackie up and sat her in the basket. Then he climbed in himself. Jessie smiled, handed Charcoal back to Jackie, and started the fire up again. Meowth suddenly hugged Jackie around her neck. "I can't believe you're leaveing us Jack," Meowth said with slighty sadness in his voice, "I think I'm going to cry." Jackie slightly smiled and petted Meowth's head. Meowth let go of her neck and started tearing up. Jackie turned around and hugged him as he started crying. Within record time, the group was above Seaport City and Jessie was bringing the hot air balloon down. Jackie peeked over the side of the basket and smiled. She then turned back toward Jessie, James, and Meowth. They all looked sad. Charcoal poked Jackie's leg and hugged himself. Jackie let out a sigh and walked over to Meowth and hugged him again. "I'm going to miss you Meowth," Jackie said with a smile, "You were the coolest Pokemon ever." Meowth sniffed as Jackie sat him. "I'll miss you too Jack," Meowth said as he rubbed his nose with his arm. Jackie nodded and walked over to Jessie. She hugged her too, Jessie hugged her back with one arm. "I'll miss you too Jess," Jackie said as she looked up at Jessie, "You were like the big sister I never had." Jessie tried to hold back tears as Jackie took a step backward. "Like wise Jackie," Jessie said as a tear trickled down her face. Jackie tried to smile as she walked over to James. James wasn't looking at her until she hugged him. Tears streamed down Jackie's face, "I'll miss you the most big brother," Jackie said between sobs, "You've always been there for me." James started sliently crying as he hugged Jackie back. They were hugging until they felt a thud. "We're here Jack," Meowth said trying to hold back tears, "Time to leave." Jackie let go of James and Charcoal climbed to her shoulder. James had his head down and wasn't saying anything. Jackie didn'y say anything and sat on the edge of the basket, about to slid off. James suddenly spoke up. "I'm really going to miss you little sister," James said with tears still in his eyes, "Win the Aqua League and come back home. I know you'll train Charcoal so that he's a Charizard by then." Jackie nodded and slid off the basket. Charcoal climbed off her shoulder and started waving. Jackie started waving as well, as the balloon started floating back up into the sky. "Let's go Charcoal," Jackie said as she started walking toward the Pokecenter. Charcoal nodded and quickly followed Jackie. Jackie didn't reilize that James had stuck the map in her backpack. He knew she would need it. In a few seconds, Jackie and Charcoal entered the Pokecenter. They knew they could get some information there.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]"Nice work Charlia," Aura said as Charlia BBQed a TR member and his Raticate, "You sure showed him who's boss. Hey, you ok over there Katai?" Katai nodded as her Beedrill attacked a TR member's Arbok. "I think we've got it all under control," Kazu said as Maple tackled a Nidorina. Aura gave everyone a thumbs up. They were all working at as a team and that was great. TR was going to go down quicker then they thought. Howl suddenly pushed Aura out of the way of something. Aura looked at where she had been standing as Howl started to growl. There was a huge burnt mark where she had been. "My only threat and Charizard misses," Josh said as him and Charizard walk out of the shadows. Charlia landed next to Aura, Howl continueed to growl in front of her, Haunter floated to the other side of her, and Cinder ran to the other side of Howl. Josh slightly snickered. "Josh," Aura said as she stood up, "I'm glad you think I'm a threat, but the only threat here is TR. Can't you see that they are trying to make you hurt your Pokemon and other people's Pokemon. I remember when you said you wanted to be a Pokemon Master. Train your Pokemon so that you could also be Legue Champion and I told you I would take the title from you." Josh froze. Everyone quickly looked at him. Could of Aura stuck a nerve? A TR member suddenly ordered his Golbat to attack Aura. Aura hit the side of the boat. Josh snapped out of his trance like state as Charlia, Howl, and Cinder roasted the Golbat. "Hey you," Josh said as he angerily pointed at the TR member who attacked Aura, "You'll pay for that. She's mine you understand. Only I'm allowed to do something like that. Show him Charizard!" Charizard suddenly used a Fire Blast on the TR member. Aura stummbled to her feet with Katai and Maura's help. All four of her Pokemon clammered in front of her as everyone else took a stand. Aura was standing in the middle with her Pokemon front and center, Katai was standing to her left with her Pokemon left of Aura's, Kazu was standing next to her with his Pokemon next to her's, Maura standing to Aura's right with her Pokemon right of Aura's. and Carter was standing next to her with his Pokemon next to her's. "I'm glad you still care Josh," Aura said as her Pokemon tension grew, "or was that a sick way of claiming a piece of property." Josh slightly smiled. Everyone was confused at this. What did he have on his mind now. "Actually," Josh said as he looked at Aura, "I still do care, but as long as you're with them, I'm ordered to hurt you and you're Pokemon. Join me please. We can be together again. I do dearly miss you Aura." Aura looked a little shocked, but something came to her. The outside wasn't the same Josh she knew, but deep down there was. Aura suddenly started walking toward Josh. "Aura," Katai said as she gripped her fist, "are you nuts? You're not actually going to join TR, are you?" Aura didn't respond. She just kept on walking over to Josh. Her Pokemon slowly following her. She suddenly reached Josh and he put his arm around her waist. "Now," Josh said as he slightly looked at Aura, "don't you feel better? I'll inform my boos of your desicion right after I'm done here. In the meantime, do you want to help me out?" Aura thought for a moment and grinned. Everyone didn't like where this was going. Aura actual looked mean. "Oh course," Aura said as she put her head on Josh's shoulder, "Go Charlia, Haunter, Howl, and Cinder. Go help Josh's Pokemon out." Josh slightly grinned and took all of his Pokemon out as Charizard, Charlia, Haunter, Howl, and Cinder got front and center. Kazu and Katai looked at each other as Carter and Maura did the same. They all looked back at Aura. She had betrayed them and now they have to deal with her Pokemon. Josh was a big enough threat, but adding Aura was just down unbeatable. What were they going to do? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Levels Charlia: 59 Haunter: 52 Howl: 52 Cinder: 49 (Now a Typhlosion) Yes you guys have to battle Aura's four Pokemon and they are so strong because of the major TR booty they were kicking. You also have to deal with Josh's. Don't worry, Aura's not "joining" TR. Ok, she is, but she's an inside spy. She's putting on an act guys. Don't worry, she'll join back up with you guys at the league. Also, no one knows she's putting on an act though. So, don't say anything. LOL Have fun. ^_^[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Kit Combs AKA Kitty [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Apperence:[/B] Kit has long wavy blonde hair that ends in the middle of her back and sky blue eyes. She wears a aqua green headband with a black cat head in the middle, a black belly shirt with a aqua green cat head on it, black jean flares, black boots, black framed glasses, black fingerless gloves, and short black jean jacket. She stands about five foot five and a half. [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll do later) [B]Net-Navi:[/B] Kattaco [B]Battle Chips:[/B] (I'll do later) [B][U]Net-Navi[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Kattaco (cat-ta-co) [B]Apperence:[/B] See attachment! [B]Special Attack:[/B] [U]Kattaco Surprise:[/U] Kattaco pretends to be injured or crying. When her opponet gets close enough, she attacks with her claws and fangs. Her opponet is usually off-gaurd and this only works once a fight. [B]Skills:[/B] Kattaco is exstreamly fast too. She also has super hearing, sight, and smell. [B]Short Bio:[/B] (I'll do later)[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura stood on the pier of Vermillion City. Charlia, Haunter, Howl, and Cinder, who was now a Quliava, stood behind her. She had just gotton back to Vermillion though. She had to do a little training with her uncle in Lavender Town. Her uncle Mar had been teaching her about Pokemon since she was two. She figured it would be right to train with him. "Well," Aura said as she turned toward her Pokemon, "I suggest we go find the others." All of the Pokemon nodded as Aura started walking. She rarely kept her Pokemon in Pokeballs for some odd reason. They always seemed to be out and looking for a challenge. In a little while, Aura and her Pokemon stummbled into Maura. She was the only one to be found. Aura let out a sigh. "So," Aura said with a sad sounding voice, "They all went off in thier own directions to train." Maura nodded and then looked at Aura. Her black locket, with flames hugging the heart shape, caught her eye. It was slightly open and it had a picture inside. "What's with the locket," Maura question as Aura looked at her. Aura quickly closed her locket and smiled. Howl wimpered and rubbed his head on Aura's hand. Aura slightly smiled. "It's nothing," Aura said with a smile. Maura knew it wasn't nothing. She knew something was up. It was strange how Aura seemed like she knew Josh and how upset she seemed. "Whatever you say," Mayra said as Shin dropped his ears. All the Pokemon started feeling bad for Aura for some odd reason. Aura was holding onto her locket. The picture inside was the same one she had lossly in her pocket. It was just smaller and in a heart shape. "What do you say that we train together," Aura said as she dropped her locket, "It'll give your Pokemon a good work out. Mine are strong and ready to take on Josh again." Maura grinned at Aura. She liked the sound of that. "Alright," Maura said with a grin, "You're on. Let's go over to that tall grass over there and train." Aura nodded and started running. Maura and the Pokemon started running after her. They could train until the others showed up and were ready to take on Aura's uncle, Lt. Surge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Here are my Pokemon and thier levels: Charlia: Lv. 45 Haunter: Lv. 31 Howl: Lv. 33 Cinder: Lv. 25 Remember, she went to train with her uncle Mar. Mar is a great ghost train and excellent battler. Aura didn't give up until she beat him. That's way her Pokemon are so strong. She's probbly stay out of the fight with Josh though. LOL [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Jackilyn or Jackie [B]Age:[/B] about 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment! The girl of course! ^_^ [B]Personality:[/B] Jackie is kind and high spirited. She's usually carefree, but if you hurt her Pokemon, you better watch out. She has a mean side and acts nothing like a rich girl even though she is. [B]Pokemon:[/B] Charmander AKA Charcoal [B]Bio:[/B] Jackie was born in the region of Kanto. She's James' ,from Team Rocket, little sister. As mentioned, she was born into a rich family. Her family was always pampering her and trying to force her to marry someone she didn't want to. So, when she had enough, she ran away just like her big brother. Unlike her big brother though, she didn't have a Pokemon to accompy her at first. A week into her run away, she found a stray Charmander searching for food. She still had some food left and she decided to share. After that, Jackie and the Charamander became good friends and eventally partners. James helped his sister as much as he could trying not to let his boss find out. He helped her until she heard about the Aqua League and decided to travel to Aquatissea. Now, Jackie has a goal to beat everyone in the Aqua League. [/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B][U]REVOLUTIONARY[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Julie AKA Julie the Typhoon [B]Age:[/B] Over 100 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment! The rest of her outfit looks like Vash's. [B]Weapons:[/B] A golden .4 colt long barrel, two knives stached in her boots, and a small hidden handgun. She has an Angel Arm too, but she knows how to control it. (No massive destruction) [B]Skills:[/B] Excellent marksmanship skills. She hasn't ever missed her target. She has some martial arts training and knife fighting skills. [B]Personality:[/B] Julie is in the middle. She isn't evil, but she's not an angel. She doesn't like to kill, but will if nessary. She has the tendancy to go off her rocker sometimes too. She does have a goofy/funny side to her. [B]Bio:[/B] Julie is another genitic exsperiment like Knives. She was created after Knives and his twin became one. Knives could call her his sister because that was she intentally was made to be. When the ships crashed on the planet, Knives begged Julie to stay with him to at least keep him company. Julie wanted to disagree, but she couldn't leave he brother. Julie was the only thing Knives didn't want to kill. About fifteen years after a insident at a plant, Knives had created two guns. One black and one gold. He handed the gold one over to Julie. He then wanted her to help destroy mankind. Julie refused and ran away with the gun. Eighty years of wondering the desert, she was found by a group of people from a seeds ship that never crashed. They nursed her back to health and gave her new clothes. They even gave her her fameous purple jacket and lavender sunglasses. After another ten years, Julie decided to head back down to the planet below. She wants to show Knives the light. She doesn't want him dead, just renewed. On her journeys, she recives many scars and meets up with alot of interesting people. One of those people in which is a priest with questionable morals. Now her and that priest are traveling together. They some how wind up in a group that want to stop Knives. Julie takes this as a good thing. She might finally be able to get through to Knives. [/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]"How long does this forest go on," Aroura asked as Coal leaned against her. Everyone seemed tired fr some odd reason. It seemed like they've been walking forever and ever. DemiDevimon suddenly flew off of Aurora's shoulder. "Look," DemiDevimon said as he moved some leaves around, "a cliff." Everyone suddenly got a burst of energy. They ran out of the forest and to the edge of the cliff. Everyone looked off the edge of the cliff and spotted a beach. "Alright," Coal cheered as he started to slide down the cliff, "a beach. Maybe we can relax." Aurora shook her head and noticed everyone was following Coal down the cliff. She shook her head again and decided to follow as well. Once on the beach, everyone ran straight for the water. The Digimon started playing in it as the Digidestined just felt how cold it was. Aurora stodd back. She wasn't always fond of the ocean. "Come on Aurora," Coal said with a grin, "Stop being a drag. Come have some fun or at least let DemiDevimon have some fun." Impmon was standing next to Coal agreeing with every word he said. Aurora shook her head once again. "I don't think so," Aurora said as she crossed her arms, "but DemiDevimon can do whatever he wants. I'm not stopping him." DemiDevimon looked over at Aurora. Aurora just smiled and made a head motion at the ocean. DemiDevimon smiled back and started flying toward the water. "You're a party pooper Aurora," Maura said as she splashed Tapirmon. Aurora just sat down near the cliff. She wasn't in the modd to have fun. She was too worried about what would happen to her famliy and friends if the worlds couldn't be saved. "You shouldn't be sitting her alone," a voice said from in the shadows, "It's really dangerous!" Two green thing suddenly wrapped around Aurora. One around her mouth and one around her arms. She couldn't scream or move. She looked out of the cornor of her eye to see what caught her. It was a huge turtle like thing with a parrot like mouth, blades for his two front flippers, and to green floppy antenna. "Aurora," DemiDevimon said as he flew back over to where Aurora was, "Where are you? I figured I would stay with you. I wanted to keep you company." Aurora couldn't just do nothing. That Digimon had pulled her into the shadows and DemiDevimon couldn't see her. Aurora suddenly bit down on the Digimon's one antenna. He let go of her mouth. "In the shadows DemiDevimon," Aurora yelled as the green antenna started creeping back up to her mouth, "Some strange Digi.......," Aurora was cut off by the antenna wrapping back around her mouth. Her Digivice suddenly started glowing. "MAGICAL GAME," Wizardmon shouted as a blue blast came from his staff. He hit both of the Digimon's antenna without harming Aurora. The Digimon dropped Aurora and something suddenly picked her up. She looked up to see that it was Piddomon. Piddomon landed next to all of the Champion Digimon and sat Aurora down. Aurora quickly ran over to Coal. "It's an Archelomon guys," Piddomon said as he stood thier. All the other Digimon nodded and prepared to attack, but Wizardmon put his staff out. Everyone looked at him. "I'll handel him guys," Wizardmon said as anger flashed across his blue eyes, "He dared to try in hurt my partner." All the other Digimon nodded and De-Digivolved. They then ran back to thier partners. "We're here for back up if you need it," Impmon said as he stood in front of Coal. Wizardmon nodded as Aurora took a step foward. "Go get him Wizardmon," Aurora said with a cheer. Wizardmon smiled slightly and turned back toward the shadows. "THUNDER BLASTER," Wizardmon said as a yellow blast shot from his staff. In a split second, data started flowing out of the shadows. Aurora quickly ran up to Wizardmon and hugged him. "You totally rock," Aurora said as Wizardmon De-Digivolved back into DemiDevimon in her arms. Everyone smiled and then started looking around. They didn't find the beach too safe anymore. "I say we move along," Akari said as she started walking away, "Lets find some place to set up camp." Everyone agreed and quickly started following Akari.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aurora held her head as DemiDevimon landed on her shoulder. She looked at DemiDevimon and then looked around. The area she was in seemed too cheery. She was always fond of the dark. "Awww man," Aurora said as she stood up, "What did that crazt Witchmon do? Why did she seperate us? Why did she send us to this cheery place?" DemiDevimon shrugged his wings and let out a sigh. He didn't know what Witchmon was thinking. A beam of light suddenly came across Aurora's path. Aurora quickly looked in the direction the light came from. An angel type Digimon was floating there. "Oh no," DemiDevimon said like he shrinked three sizes, "that's Angemon and he's a Champion." Aurora looked over at DemiDevimon. She was slightly confused. "What do you mean oh no," Aurora said with slight worriment, "I don't like oh no." DemiDevimon started to sweat as he flew in front of Aurora. He had to protect Aurora even if he was scared. "Nothing," DemiDevimon said as he swallowed hared, "other then he's stronger then me. I'm only a Rookie." Aurora looked alittle upset. Not for herself, but actually for DemiDevimon. He was about to risk his life for her. "You're traspassing," Angemon said as he pulled his fist back, "and you will pay. HAND OF FATE!" DemiDevimon braced himself and took the blast head on. He flew backward and hit the ground next to Aurora. "No," Aurora said as DemiDevimon tried to get up, "leave us alone. We didn't do nothing to you." Angemon didn't seem to listen. He pulled his fist back again. Aurora stepped in front of DemiDevimon and closed her eyes. Her Digivice suddenly started glowing. "DemiDevimon Digivolve too............," DemiDevimon said as he started to glow with the same light, "Wizardmon." Wizardmon suddenly jumped in front of Aurora and batted away Angemon's attack with his staff. Aurora opened her eyes and looked at Wizardmon. Wizardmon was slightly floating above the ground. "Awsome," Aurora said as she continued to stare, "You're bigger now! Now can you take Angemon on?" Wizardmon nodded and floated in front of Angemon. Angemon looked highly upset. A went too attack again when Wizardmon floated higher in the air and put his staff out. "Watch this Aurora," Wizardmon said as the end of his staff started to glow, "THUNDER BLASTER!" A yellow blast came from the edge of his staff and struck Angemon in the chest. Angemon fell to his knees and gave Aurora and Wizardmon a thumbs up. Wizardmon and Aurora looked at each other and then back at Angemon. Angemon had disappeared and so was thier surroundings. Wizardmon quickly floated over to Aurora and grabbed ahold of her. Thjey both closed thier eyes. "Wow Master DemiDevimon," four Kyokyomon holding a box said, "you Digivolved into Wizardmon." Aurora and Wizardmon both opened thier eyes and looked down. They then looked around. They were back in Witchmon's hut and everyone else was asleep. "Excellent," Witchmon said as she floated up, "You two did a wonderful job. Now show them what they've won Kyokyomon." The four Kyokyomon nodded, sat the box down, and opened it. A long black necklace was in there. It had a design at the bottom that looked like it would hold a gem. Aurora bent down and picked it up. "What's this for," Aurora asked as Wizardmon crossed his arms. Witchmon smiled slightly as the Kyokyomon closed the box. "It's the Power Necklace," Witchmon said calmly, "and it will hold your Power Gem when you find it. I'll tell you more about the Power Gems when everyone else wakes up." Aurora nodded and placed the necklace around her neck. She then sat down. She didn't know how long it would take for everyone else to wake up.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura was still in David's grip when she watched Myotismon get slammed down in front of her. She never wanted him to get hurt and he seemed hurt bad. "Myotismon," Aura yelled as she broke away from David's grip, "Are you ok? Speak to me bud." Aura was hugging Myotismon as he sat up. His fangs slightly showed as he turned and grabbed Aura. "You're crazy," Myotismon whispered as he wrapped his cape around Aura, "I'll be fine, but you won't be if you don't get out of here." Aura shook her head. She didn't want to leave Myotismon. She really wanted to fight by his side. "No," Aura said with a slight whisper, "I'm not going to leave you. Anubismon is going to have to take me out too." Myotismon shook his head and quickly jumped into the sky. He then floated in front of David and shoved Aura at him. "Oh," Anubismon said as he started to power up, "isn't that sweet. Trying to protect your human partner from doom. In fact, it kind of makes me sick. You're a worthless Digimon Myotismon. Not only do you look like the humans, but you also have thier emotions." Myotismon looked ticked. He suddenly closed his cape. "Maybe that's what gives me my power," Myotismon said as he started to open his cape, "You shouldn't get too carried away. GRIZZLY WING!" A whole heard of bats came out of Myotismon's cape. They started attacking Anubismon right away. Anubismon started trying to shoo them as well. "Nice work Myotismon," WereGarurumon said as Myotismon floated next to him, "That should keep him busy for awhile. You bought us sometime." Myotismon didn't look as pleased with himself though. In fact, he looked kind of discouraged. He crossed his arms and got a stern look on his face. "Yes," Myotismon said with the same stern look, "but how long. I don't think my army of bats will hold out that long." All of the Digimon looked at him and then back at Anubismon. They just hoped it would be enough time.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]"But DemiDevimon," a small yellow dragon like Digimon said as he looked over at a bat like Digimon, "She looks yummy and she looks dead anyhow." DemiDevimon was standing on Aurora's chest when he turned around and glared at the little yellow dragon. The little dragon started to sweat. "I said no once already Kyokyomon," DemiDevimon said as he crossed his wings, "Anyways, I don't think you would want to make Witchmon mad, would you?" A whole group of Kyokyomon nervously shook thier heads. DemiDevimon nodded and looked back at Aurora. She had her eyes open and her fist tightly gripped on her Digivice. DemiDevimon smiled nervously as a sweat drop appeared on the side of his head. "Exscuse me," Auroura said as she grabbed DemiDevimon and sat up, "but who or what are you?" DemiDevimon was a little relieved that Aurora wasn't scared, but the Kyokyomon seemed confused. They thought humans knew everything. DemiDevimon suddenly cleared his throat, which got everyone's attention. "Hello," DemiDevimon said as he wiggled out of Aurora's grip, "my name is DemiDevimon. I'm your partner and watcher of these pests. By the way, that two colored device you're holding is called a Digivice." Aurora raised an eyebrow and stood up. She then dusted her long black skirt off and looked around. "That's nice," Aurora said as she clipped her Digivice to her skirt, "but why am I here? Where ever here is." DemiDevimon quickly floated in front of Aurora. Aurora crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. "Well," DemiDevimon said with a slight smile, "Witchmon summoned you here. You and a bunch of other humans are going to save our world and yours. Speaking of Witchmon, she doesn't like to wait. Lets head on to her hut and away from these hungry little Kyokyomon." Aurora nodded and started following DemiDevimon as he started to fly foward. The Kyokyomon weren't following and Aurora found that a relieve. They kind of freaked her out and that was hard to do.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Aurora Blake [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Apperence:[/B] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19135]Ignore any disturbing sights![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Aurora and her brother Coal have always been the trouble makers. They've always seemed to get in trouble at school and at home. Anyhow, they were watching the news one day and the News Reporter was talking about the "Monster Sightings". Aurora and Coal both didn't seem to interested until they both seen a very interesting monster. Aurora seemed attracted to a bat looking creature where Coal on the other hand was attracted to this purplish looking imp like creature. Both Aurora and Coal went on a walk and headed in diffrent directions. As Aurora was heading to the outskirts of the city, a turquoise light stopped her. She tried to get rid of it, but it didn't want to go away. She finally decided to grab it. When she opened her hand, a strange device layed in it. [B]Power Gem:[/B] Truth [B]Power Gem Color:[/B] Turquoise [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Turquoise and Black [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] DemiDevimon [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DemiDevimon.jpg]DemiDevimon[/url] (Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/wx/Wizardmon.gif]Wizardmon[/url] (Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Myotismon.gif]Myotismon[/url] (Crimson lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/uv/VenomMyotismon.gif]VenomMyotismon[/url] (Venom Infusion, Screaming Darkness, Crimson Mist, Mental Illusion) [B]Human Fusion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/Lilithmon.gif]Lilithmon[/url] (Phantom Pain, Nazar Nail)[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: Whoe, that was quiet the interesting battle. I've probbly would have won that on my game, but hey. I've got to lose sometimes. Oh yes, you guys are probbly going to figure out how Aura knows Josh in this post. That is if you haven't already figured it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aura sat in the Pokecenter and waited for her Pokemon to be healed. She was rocking back and forth when something fell out of her pocket. It fluttered to the floor before Aura picked it up. It was a picture and Aura was scared to turn it around. She swallowed her pride and turned it around anyways. "Why do I keep this with me," Aura questioned herself as she stared at the picture, "This picture was taken only a month ago. What has Team Rocket been doing to you Josh?" A little tear trickled down Aura's face when she felt something lick it off. She opened her eyes and looked up to discover Howl sitting in front of her. She then smiled and hugged Howl. "Your Pokemon are as good as new," Nurse Joy said as she handed three Pokeballs back to Aura, "and this one just couldn't wait to see you." Aura nodded and stood up. Her picture slipped out of her hand and Howl slightly grabbed it with his mouth. He looked at it strangly, slightly growled, and then nudgged Aura's hand. Aura slightly looked down and quickly grabbed the picture. She then glanced at the picture and put it away. Howl dropped his head and ears. Aura smiled and patted him on the head. "Thank you very much Nurse Joy," Aura said as she put her Pokeballs on her belt, "I really appricate it." Aura then turned to walk out, but Nurse Joy grabbed her arm. Aura turned back around and looked at Nurse Joy. "I see you seem to like Fire Types," Nurse Joy said with a worried tone, "and a perrty strong trainer. Would you mind taking a Pokemon for me. No one seems to want him for some odd reason." Aura and Howl looked at each other and then back at Nurse Joy. Aura suddenly let out a sigh. "Sure," Aura said with a smile, "Show him to me." Nurse Joy nodded and walked toward the back. Aura let out another sigh and sat down. Howl put his head on her lap. A few mintutes later, Nurse Joy came out with a Cyndaquil in hand. It looked like it was giving her a hard time. Aura quickly nudgged Howl. Howl jumped up, ran over to Nurse Joy, grabbed the Cyndaquil by the back of the neck, and sat down. Nurse Joy let out a sigh of relieve and looked over at Aura. Aura seemed to be studying the Cyndaquil. "What do you think," Nurse Joy questioned as the Cyndaquil tried to get away from Howl, "Are you up to the challenge to take this little guy on?" Aura slightly grinned. She always liked a challenge. "Oh course," Aura said as she walked up to Nurse Joy, "Give me the Pokeball and I'll be glade to raise it." Nurse Joy smiled happily and handed Aura a Pokeball. Someone must have dropped the poor thing off because Cyndaquils weren't from around these parts. Aura suddenly stepped in front of Howl and kneeled down. "I'm going to name you Cinder," she said with a slight grin, "Now return Cinder. You too Howl." Both Pokemon returned to thier Pokeballs. "Good luck," Nurse Joy said as Aura walked toward the door. Aura nodded and waved . Once outside, Aura released Charlia. Charlia looked good as new and ready for another fight. Aura slightly shook her head and climbed onto Charlia. "Let's go find the others," Aura said as she took out her picture agian, "I think they headed to Bill's house." Charlia nodded and took to the air. Aura felt like letting that picture go, but something stopped her. A slight sigh escaped her lips. "Silly picture," she said softly, "I know Josh will never be that close to me again unless Team Rocket is sopped." Charlia slightly snorted. She heared what Aura said and picked up her speed.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: You might get more people if you add more to your back story and tell how many people you need for the diffrent sides (good/evil). Also, you should make the Digidestined sign-up sheet more like I'm going to do it. It's less confuseing and gives a little more info. Other then that, your good to go! ;D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Amika Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Apperance:[/B] [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19181]Click Me![/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Truth (I hope it's ok that I made up my crest) [B]Alinment:[/B] Good [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] DemiDevimon (Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B]Champion:[/B] Wizardmon (Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Myotismon (Crimson lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B]Mega:[/B] VenomMyotismon (Venom Infusion, Screaming Darkness, Crimson Mist, Mental Illusion)[/COLOR][/I]