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Everything posted by JoyKaiba
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]The flash of orange suddenly came into vision above everyone. It was Charlia and Aura didn't look too happy as she sat on her back. Howl had chased the two Team Rocket members away with just some threating glares. Haunter was just floating nearby Charlia. "This battle is pointless," Aura yelled as Howl sat down at the beginning of the bridge, "You're all going to fall if you don't stop this Josh. And when I say all, that includes YOU." Josh looked up at Aura and then looked back at the others. He wasn't going to give up as long as he was winning. "Are you mad," Josh said with a slight grin, "I'm winning here. I would be fool to just give up." Aura looked highly steamed she commanded Charlia to get down closer. Charlia nodded, swooped down, and stopped about a foot off the bridge. Aura suddenly jumped off. Everyone looked at her. "We're glad to see you Aura," Katai said happily. Aura nodded and toward the group. They all looked at her with surprise. She looked highly steamed and she always seemed so nice. What could be wrong? "Listen," Aura said with a slightly angered voice, "return your Pokemon and get off this bridge. Howl got rid of the Rockets blocking your way. I think I can handel this guy." Everyone quickly did what they were told. Another part of the bridge broke off as soon as the four were safe. Josh and Aura had no where to run. The only way to go was down. Aura suddenly threw Josh a Revive. "Why are you giving me this," Joshquestioned as he stared at the Revive. Aura shook her head as Howl suddenly jumped next to her. A stern look then crossed her face. "Revive one of your Pokemon so we can have a three on three," Aura said with slight worriment, "That's if you think you can beat me Joshua." Josh grummpled something and pulled out a Pokeball. Everyone wondered which Pokemon he was going to revive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope that was ok. I hope I didn't ruin any plans. I also hope it's ok that Aura knows Josh somehow :hint: :hint: and she's taking him on now. Remember Aura isn't a push over either. She has three evolved Pokemon. LOL ;D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura gripped her Digivice as well. She knew there was no way this battle could be won, but everyone had to try. DemiDevimon flew to her shoulder and perched himself there. "I would gladly stay out of this battle," DemiDevimon said with a slightly worried tone, "You just have to promise me that you'll stay safe." Aura shook her head and pressed the button on her Digivice. DemiDevimon was engulfed by the same light. Wizardmon suddenly appeared hovering slightly above Aura's shoulder. He had his arms crossed and eyes closed. "You can guess what I say to that," Aura said with a slight smile. Wizardmon opened one of his eyes and looked at Aura. He then shook his head and floated in front of her. "You know this is probbly an useless battle," Wizardmon said as he put his staff over his shoulder, "We're probbly going to lose." Aura shook her head. She didn't want anything to happen to Wizardmon, but she was willing to take a chance. She knew Wizardmon was about to take the same chance. "I know," Aura said as she took a deep breath, "but we might be able to win if we all work together." Wizardmon nodded and floated next to Garurumon. Garurumon slightly looked over at him. "Let's try to be a little less hasty," Wizardmon said as he got into a fighting stance. Garurumon nodded and put his head down. He then started growling deeply in his throat. Aura looked on with hope as she held her Digivice close to her heart.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I]Yay, this is good. I do need alot more people though. Mainly bad guys. Oh yes, if Lexy can't post, I'll allow another good wolf spot to be open. LOL Here's a list to help you out. [CENTER][B][U]The Good Wolves[/U][/B] (Filled) [COLOR=Teal]Kikira (me)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Unknown at the moment (Arika)[/COLOR] [B]Kagai (Swordmaster13)[/B] [COLOR=Purple]Makoto (G.D. Ryoko)[/color] [COLOR=Green]Kie (Prince Charming)[/COLOR] [B][U]The Evil Wolves[/U][/B] (All 6 spots open) [COLOR=Navy]Coal (ShadowSword)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum]Karen (Amika Kamiya)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hiro (Midnightwolf25)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Mar (BEWD Kaiba)[/COLOR] [B][U]The Flower Maiden/Guardian[/U][/B] (filled) [COLOR=Red]Chace (Maximillion404)[/COLOR][/CENTER] I hope that helps anybody signing up after this. Remember, if you want to be a good wolf after it's filled, you can play as Kiba and Co. LOL :D[/I]
[I][COLOR=Teal]I think it?s been a while since I started a new RP. I think I?m going to try a Wolf?s Rain one this time around. Take an easy on me though because this is my first Wolf?s Rain RP. I hope I don?t mess anything up. :sweat: [B][U]The Story:[/U][/B] Kiba, Toboe, Tsume, Hige, and Blue have lost Cheza and now are wondering through a strange city. The locals seem suspicious of them. They don?t trust them and won?t even talk to them. Five local seemed more interested in them though. The five are wolf/humans just like them and the one girl seems to know Kiba. In fact, she looks a lot like him. This girl takes Kiba and Co. in and explains that she needs a pack. She also explains how she has to find the Flower Maiden/Guardian that resides in the city somewhere. Now, this girl, Kiba, and the others are searching for the remaining four wolf/humans and the Flower Maiden/Guardian. There?s one problem though. There?s a pack of evil wolf/humans that want the Flower Maiden/Guardian too. The want to use the Flower Maiden/Guardian for evil and not for the Key to Paradise. What will the good wolf/humans do? [B][U]Sign-Ups:[/U][/B] There?s two different sign-ups here. Wolf/human sign-up and Flower Maiden/Guardian sign-ups. There?s only one Flower Maiden/Guardian so only one person can use that sign up. Oh yes, there?s only three spots open for the OC good wolf/humans because I?m saving a spot for my friend Lexy and I have a spot. If you really want to play a good wolf?/human and all spots are filled, you can play as Kiba or one of them. There?s ten spots open on the evil wolf/humans side though. Wolf/Human Name: Age: Gender: Human Appearance: Wolf Appearance: Bio: Side: (good/evil) Flower Maiden/Guardian Name: Age: (is unknown, but looks??) Gender: (this is why I say Maiden/Guardian) Appearance: Bio: [B][U]My Sign-Up:[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Kikira [B]Age:[/B] about 25 (the same age as Kiba) [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Human Appearance:[/B] See attachment! [B]Wolf Appearance:[/B] See attachment! [B]Bio:[/B] Kikira was separated from her brother, Kiba, after their home was destroyed. She wondered alone until she found a city. She was in human form when a police officer found her. She had to pretend to be a normal little girl when she was living with an old couple that took her in. One day, the old couple was pronounced dead and they left everything to Kikira. Kikira had everything except her brother. She wasn?t happy at all. She had to live like a human. She wanted to be free. Well, when Kiba and Co. showed up in her city, she decided to make the best of it. She told them everything and they agreed to help. Now , Kikira?s pack and Kiba?s have joined together to save the Flower Maiden/Guardian. Kikira only hopes that Kiba recognizes her. [B]Side:[/B] Good One last thing, if you can thing of someone else to play as like a professor or something, you can PM about it and tell you if you can play that character or not. All I have to say now is have fun.[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura was smileing happily as she sat on the newly evolved Charlia. Charlia had evolved into a Charizard in the middle of her and Lt. Surge's battle. Howl also evolved into a Houndoom in the heat of battle. Aura was so pround. She had three Badges, three evolved Pokemon, and she beat her other uncle in a battle. "Can you beilieve my uncle thought I would never be able to beat him." Aura questioned as Charlia slightly sailed through the air. Haunter was floating nearby and Howl was scammpering down on the ground. Aura let out a sigh as Charlia started to apporch Cerulean City. Howl suddenly stopped and started growling. "Well aren't you a good looking Houndoom," a Team Rocket member said as he approched Howl, "You've got a good trainer. They take good care of you. I can tell by how white your teeth are and how shiny your coat is. Now, why don't you come with me. I promise to take care of you." Howl was growling deeply now. He would take a step backward as soon as the Team Rocket member took a step foward. A sudden blast of fire set the ground on fire in front of the Rocket. He took a step backward and bumped into Aura. Charlia and Haunter were out her sides. "Team Rocket," Aura said as she started tapping her foot, "I should of figured. You should know better then to mess with other trainers Pokemon. You might get burned." The Rocket clinched his fist and glared at Aura. Aura raised an eyebrow and made a head motion toward the Rocket. Haunter nodded and floated up to him. He suddenly started making funny faces. "What is this," the Rocket asked with a chuckle, "a Freak Show." Aura grinned as Haunter stopped. The Rocket stopped chuckleing when Haunter suddenly licked him. He quickly fell to his knees as a horried look crossed his face. Aura walked up to him as he fell completely over. "Oh my," Aura said as Haunter floated over to Charlia, "I wouldn't make such a face at the moment. My Haunter has a deadly lick. He can paralyze you with one quick lick. My uncle thought me that and you found out the hard way. Now, why were coming from Cerulean City?" The Rocket looked at Aura. He didn't want to talk. Aura let out a sigh and turned her back to the Rocket. "I guess I can keep this Paralyze Heal for myself then," she said with a slight sigh. "Alright," the Rocket said with a weakened voice, "we're in Cerulean City because we put Bill the Pokemanic under house arrest. Happy now?" Aura slightly smiled, turned around, and sat the Paralyze Heal near the Rocket's mouth. She then climbed back on Charlia. "Thanks for the advice," Aura said with a bright smile, "Lets go guys. We're going to break up Team Rocket's plan." Charlia nodded and took flight, Haunter floated after her, and Howl continued to run. They would be in Cerulean City in no time.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura streatched slightly as she re-entered Cerulean City. She battled hard in Mt. Moon and Route 4, but wasn't enough to defeat Misty. Misty still wipped out all three all of her Pokemon. So she went and trained on Route 24 & 25. She ran into alot of strong trainers and Pokemon there. It was the perfect training spot. "Alright," Aura said as she let her three Pokemon out again, "Come on out guys! We're going to challenge Misty again. She won't beat us this time." All three of Aura's Pokemon looked buffed and ready to go. Aura slightly grinned and started walking toward the gym. Her Pokemon quickly followed. "When the four reached the gym, Aura took a deep breath. She wasn't quiet sure about this. She did spend a lot of training time on Route 24 & 25. Charlia was at level 30, but she was Fire Type. That could present a problem. Howl was at level 22, but he was a Fire Type too. He had some darkness moves, but that didn't make a diffrence. Her best bet was her level 24 Ghastly. "Hey Aura," Katai said as she came running up with Kazu and Carter, "Fancy meeting you here." Aura smiled brightly and looked at the three. Charila, Howl, and Ghastly looked at them as well. Aura must have been training a while if those three already caught up. "Hey guys," Aura said happily, "I was about to challenge Misty to another match." Carter and Kazu looked at each other and then back at Aura. Charlia slightly growled which stopped the two boys from saying anything. "Well," Katai said with a big smile, "we'll wait out here for you." Aura nodded, turned back toward the doors, and opened them. She then walked in. Her three Pokemon quickly followed. The suddenly closed behind her. "Welcome back Aura," Misty said as she walked into the light, "You still think you can beat me with those three Pokemon?" Aura looked highly irratated. She gripped her fist and hinted toward Charlia and Ghastly. Both Pokemon took a step foward and glared at Misty. "Of course I can," Aura said as she crossed her arms, "Lets go Misty! Choose your Pokemon." Misty shook her head and grabbed a Pokeball. She then threw the Pokeball. A Staryu suddenly appeared in front of her. Aura sent Charlia in. A few mintutes later, Aura came out of the gym with the Cascade Badge in hand. She was also followed by Howl, a level 31 Charlia, and a level 25 HAUNTER. Katai, Kazu, and Carter quickly ran up to her. "Wow," Kazu and Carter said as the looked at Cascade Badge. Aura smiled as Haunter landed in her arms. Kazu and Carter jumped back as Haunter tried to lick them. Aura shook her head. "Well," Aura said as she put the Cascade Badge in her pocket, "I'm heading on to Vermilion City. You guys can battle Misty and catch up with me in Vermilion. I swear I'll wait for you there. I've got to challenge Lt. Surge first though. We have a grudge to settle." Katai, Kazu, and Carter nodded thier heads and watched Aura, Charlia, Haunter, and Howl toward Vermilion City.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura was already at the end of Viridian Forest. She looked at the path that lead to Pewter City. A slight sigh escaped her lips. She suddenly threw her three Pokemon out. Charlia, Howl, and Ghastly appeared in front of her in a swirl of white light. "Alright guys," Aura said with a smile, "let's see if we can beat Brock. I know you guys can do it." All three of Aura's Pokemon cheered happily. "Char," Charlia said with a slight bounce, "Charmander!" "Ghast," Ghastly said as he slightly swirled in a circle, "Ghastly!" "Hound," Howl said as he wagged his tail, "Houndour!" "Great guys," Aura said as she turned toward Pewter City, "Let's go show Brock what we can do!" All three Pokemon cheered again. Aura smiled and started walking toward the city. Charlia, Howl, and Ghastly quickly fallowed. In a few mintutes, Aura and her three Pokemon made it to the Pewter City Gym. Aura looked down at her Pokemon. She had a level 15 Charmander. Charlia had tough battles getting to Lavender Town. She also had a level 12 Ghastly and a level 12 Houndour. A slight sigh escaped her lips. "Well," Aura said as she opened the doors to the Gym, " here we go guys. We'll be one step closer to our goal." All three Pokemon cheered again as Aura started to walk inside. They then quickly fallowed Aura inside "Welcome," Brock said just as Aura walked inside, "Are you a Pokemon Trainer? Have you come looking for the Boulder Badge?" Aura swallowed hard as the doors shut behind her and the lights turned on. She suddenly turned brave as her and her Pokemon got into fighting stances. "Yeah," Aura said as Charlia started to growl, "and we're going to get that Badge. Right guys?" All three Pokemon nodded thier heads. Brock put his hand to his chin and threw out a Pokeball. A Geodude suddenly appeared. "Alright," Brock said as he crossed his arms, "It's going to be a two on two. Choose your Pokemon carefully." Aura looked around at her three Pokemon. She knew that Ghastly could come in handy. She also knew Charlia would be handy too because she was the strongest. "Alright," Aura said as she hinted toward Ghastly, "I choose Ghastly for the first round." Brock nodded and slightly grinned. Aura braced herself. She would be ready for everything. After two long battles, Aura finally won. Ghastly was now at level 14 after beating Geodude and Charlia was now a Charmeleon at level 16 after beating Onix. Brock suddenly walked up to Aura and handed her the Boulder Badge. Aura slightly looked up at him. "Good battle," Brock said with a smile, "I see great potential in you. Keep it up!" Aura smiled as Brock gave her a thumbs up. She then turned toward her new evolved Charlia and Ghastly. "We did it guys," Aura said with a slight cheer, "I won't be able to do it with out all three of you." All three Pokemon smiled brightly. The next stop was Cerulean City to defeat Misty. That was going to be a tough fight.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura released her new Gastly and looked it over. She really couldn't think of a nickname for it. She just let out a sigh. One of her Pokeball suddenly started shaking. Aura looked down as a Houndour appeared on the ground in front of her. Everyone quickly looked at it as it started wagging it's stubby tail. "Oh Howl," Aura said as she bent down and started petting the Houndour, "It looks like you're feeling better." Howl rubbed Aura and then looked at everyone else. They all looked really shocked. It was like none of them had ever seen a Houndour before. "I thought you were just going to get a Gastly," Kazu said as he crossed his arms, "How did you get a Houndour? They live in the Johto Region." Aura nodded and stood up. Charlia walked to one side of her, Gastly floated to the other side of her, and Howl stood his ground in front of her. "I know," Aura said calmly, "I was wondering how Howl got over here in the first place. He was really hurt and injured. I had to take him to a Poke Center right away. When he was all better, he didn't want me to leave. I had to take him with me." Everyone let out a sigh and shook thier heads. Aura smiled nervously as Howl started rubbing his head on her leg, Charlia hugged her other leg, and Gastly floated happily around her head. "Ok," Kazu said as a sweatdrop appeared on the side of his head, "now that we got someone here with three Pokemon, maybe we actually stand a chance." Everyone looked a little irratated at that. Kazu let out a depressed sigh. He knew he said something wrong. "Well," Aura said as she put her hand out and Gastly slightly floated above it, "maybe we should hear what Prof. Oak has to say." Everyone nodded thier head in agreement. They all waited for Prof. Oak to tell them what to do.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura looked at the remaining Kuwagamon and cringed. DemiDevimon was trying to get out of her arms as she hugged him. Aura was letting him go though. She didn't want to see him get hurt. "Come on Aura," DemiDevimon said as he stopped wiggleing, "You've got to let me go. I wanna help the others and protect you." Aura let out a sigh and let DemiDevimon go. DemiDevimon slightly fluttered in front of her as she grabbed her Digivice. "Go get'em DemiDevimon," Aura said as she pushed the top button on the Digivice. DemiDevimon nodded as he was engulfed in a purple light. "DemiDevimon Digivolve too.........," DemiDevimon said as his voice started to change, "Wizardmon!" Aura looked amazed as the human like Digimon floated down in front of her. Wizardmon was staring at a nearby Kuwagamon with his blue eyes. He was gripping his staff. "Attack Wizardmon," Aura said with a cheer, "Show this overgrown bug who's boss." Wizardmon nodded and floated over toward the Kuwagamon. He suddenly stopped and held his staff out. "You know," Wizardmon said as the end of his staff started to glow, "this is quiet the blast. THUNDER BLASTER!" The Kuwagamon tried to flutter away, but Wizardmon's Thunder Blaster engulfed him. He disappeared into little bitty pieces of data as Wizardmon floated back down to Aura. "Wow," Aura said as she hugged Wizardmon, "you're really powerful Wizardmon. You're the best!" Wizardmon nodded and De-Digivolved back into DemiDevimon. Aura snuggled DemiDevimon closer an looked at the others. There was at least two more Kuwagamon left. Aura hoped everyone could handle them.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura looked around at the group. She didn't feel like going rare Pokemon hunting at the moment. She looked down at Charlia and let out a sigh. "I don't care what you guys do," Aura said as she turned around, "but I'm heading to Lavender Town. My uncle promised me a Gastly if I could get my first Pokemon." Everyone turned and looked at Aura as she sat Charlia down. Charlia looked up at Aura and then around at everyone else. "But Aura," Carter said as he looked at Aura. Aura turned and smiled. Charlia looked back up at her. "Look," Aura said with a bright smile, "I can stay here and look for Mew. I really want that Gastly. I've always liked ghost types. Ok guys, I'll see you later." Aura turned toward the path leading out of Pallet Town. She started walking as Charlia quickly followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry for the short post. I'll post more next time.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura didn't really want DemiDevimon to go. It looked a little too dangerous to her. Even though the one Digimon was out numbered, Aura was still worried. "I don't want you to go DemiDevimon," Aura said as she gripped her hands together, "I'm afraid you'll get hurt." DemiDevimon slightly looked back at Aura. Aura looked a little upset. DemiDevimon slightly let out a depressed sigh. "I'm sorry Aura," DemiDevimon said as a needle appeared in one of his feet, "but I'm here to protect you." Aura shook her head and ke t DemiDevimon. She gave him a thumbs up. "Go for it them," Aura said with a half smile. DemiDevimon nodded and grinned at Digmon. Say hello to my point," DemiDevimon said as he threw his needle, " DEMI DART!" The needle came right at Digmon's chest. It barely seemed to effect him. Both Aura and DemiDevimon looked a liittle stunned as everyone else continued to fight. Aura knew that DemiDevimon could do it. "Come on," Aura cheered, "We can do it. We all can do!" DemiDevimon nodded and joined the other Digimon again. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Jackie tapped her fingers on the table as Charlia suddenly started making noise outside. Jackie stopped tapping her fingers and quickly stood up. Xion looked at her as she walked over to the door. "What's wrong with you," Xion asked as he watched Jackie turn the knob of the door. Jackie just shook her head, swung the door open, and stepped outside. The slight pink tint to her face disappeared as Haunter appeared next to her. "What's up Charlia," Jackie questioned as Charlia suddenly landed on the other side of her. Three trainers suddenly caught Jackie's eye. A girl with a Eevee and Espeon were coming from the left route. Another girl with a Charizard and Umbreon were coming from the Poke Center. A boy was also coming her way. He had a Bulbasaur and Pichu. Jackie knew they weren't with the thieves because they didn't have the offical crest of the thieves. A sigh of relieve escaped her lips as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to discover the boy with the Bulbasaur and Pichu. "Is this where the meeting being held," the boy questioned as the two girls walked to his sides. Jackie smiled and nodded. Her Pokemon smiled and nodded as well. "Yes it is," Jackie said as she put her hand out. "and I'm the head of it. My name is Jackie and these are my Pokemon, Haunter and Charlia." Haunter and Charlia nodded again as the boy shook Jackie's hand. "Well," the boy said as he dropped Jackie's hand, "I'm Jake and these are my Pokemon, Volt and Vino." Volt and Vino happily said thier names as Jackie smiled brightly. Jackie then looked at the girl with Eevee and Espeon. "I'm Lena," the blonde said cheerfully, "and this is Eevee and Espeon." Jackie bent down and petted both Eevee and Espeon. Both Pokemon said thier names happily. Jackie then stood up and looked at the girl that had Charizard and Umbreon. "My name's Rose," the girl said with a smile, "and these two are Charizard and Umbreon." Jackie and then giggled slightly. She suddenly stopped and turned toward the door. "Alright guys," Jackie said as Haunter floated into her arms, "why do you come in and meet Xion." Jake, Rose, and Lena nodded. They then followed Jackie inside as Rose's Charizard stayed outside with Charlia.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura tossed and turned as sweat started sterming down her face. She was still having that same nightmare. She was running through a dark forest with a little bat creature fluttering next to her. They both were running from this bigger creature. Aura always seemed to have strange two color device in hand. "Ahhhhh......," Aura screamed as she sat up. Sweat was pouring off her forehead as her twin brother and her twin little brothers looked at her. Her twin stood up and walked over to her. "Are you ok Aura," the boy asked with a worried tone, "I mean you've been waking up like this for weeks on end." Aura shook her head and quickly stood up. She started walking toward the computer room. "I'll be fine," Aura said as she slipped on her boots, "I just need to blow off some steam." All three of her brothers shook thier heads. They knew something was wrong with thier sister, but she would never tell them what was wrong. She wouldn't even tell them what she was dreaming about. In few seconds, Aura sitting at the computer brushing her hair as the internet loaded up. A sigh escaped her lips as the sound of "You've Got Mail" rang out through the room. She went to click on her inbox when the e-mail suddenly appeared on the screen." " Alert! Alpha Point compromised! Immedeate assistance required! You have been chosen to aid our world. Prepare for transportation," the e-mail read. Aura shook her head. She didn't understand what was going on. That was the strangest e-mail she had ever got. She went to click off of it when a strange light suddenly engulfed her. "Owwww....." Aura said as she felt soft ground underneath her, "Where am I?" Aura sat up just to come face to face with the same bat creature in her dream. She felt like screaming, but didn't. See always believed in the impossible. "You're in the Digital World," the bat creature said with a smile, "In fact, at Alpha Point. By the way, I'm DemiDevimon, your Digimon." Aura shook her head when she suddenly heard a scream. She then looked down to discover the same strange two colored device in her hand. "What's this," Aura asked as she stodd up and started walking toward the scream. DemiDevimon let out a sigh and fluttered over to Aura's shoulder. He landed and looked at the small circular device. "That my friend is a Digivice." DemiDevimon, "but what's more important is who made that scream. We should go investagate." Aura nodded and started running toward the source of the scream.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Aura Blake [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/pictures/n/Noot_das_Schaf/89671.jpg]She's wearing black knee high boots[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Aura really kind despite her out look. She can be a little hastey at times. She really doesn't think before she leaps. She can have a big mouth at time. That big mouth gets her in trouble most of the time. She's a bit of a know-it-all. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Black and Turquoise [B]Weapon:[/B] I'm not sure what it's called, but it's the pole with the blade at the top. (I think Ren from Shaman King has one.) The pole is black with turquoise designs running up both sides and the blade has black designs on it. [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] DemiDevimon [B]Champion:[/B] Wizardmon [B]Ultimate:[/B] Myotismon [B]Mega:[/B] VenomMyotismon[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: Alrighty, so I'm in charge of this. Where oh where to begin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jackie was gathering thing from around the house that the meeting was being held at. She didn't even seem to notice that Xion had walked in. The people that had jumped at his entrance was just some random people that would be leaving shortly. One of the girls suddenly stood up. "Jackie," the girl said as Jackie turned around, "One of the Trainers has arrived. We'll be taking our leave now." Jackie nodded and watched the family of six walk out. She then turned her attention to Xion. She slightly glared at him. "What's your problem," Xion questioned as he looked at Jackie. Jackie crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. Xion took a step backward as a Haunter appeared behind her. He must of belonged to her because she didn't flinch when he floated next to her. "I overheard you," Jackie said as the Haunter floated into her arms, "and I have a major problem with your father. He's mean to my brother, who happens to work for him. Does James ring a bell?" Xion nodded and looked to his right. He spotted a Charizard outside. She had a turqouise ribbon on one of it's horns. That didn't make Xion any more at ease. "Don't worry about it, " Xion said with a slight nervous smile, "I'm nothing like my father and I feel really sorry for your brother. BTW, the name's Xion. You are?" Jackie slightly smiled and let Haunter go. She then placed some potions in her backpack along with some Pokeballs. She also placed a black and turqouise Pokegear around her neck. She suddenly turned back toward Xion as Haunter floated back into her arms. "My name is Jacklyn," Jackie said with a sweet smile, "but you can call me Jackie. This is my Haunter and outside is my Charizard, Charlia. We're all pleased to meet you." Xion nodded and looked around. The house, they were in, was completely empty. It was just Jackie and him. "So," Xion said with worriment, "do you think other trainers will show?" Jackie looked a little worried herself. She wasn't quiet sure. Her Haunter looked just as worried as her. "I hope so," Jackie said as a slight smile crossed her face, "and if so, Charlia will alert us." Xion nodded as Jackie took a seat. They both hoped more trainers would show up and soon.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Jackalyn [B]Nickname/Title:[/B] Jackie/The Dark Flame [B]Age:[/B] About 12-13 [B]Legendary Pokemon:[/B] Latias Jirachi [B]Pokemon:[/B] Charizard AKA Charila Houndoom Haunter [B]Hometown:[/B] Lavender Town [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://terror.snm-hgkz.ch/mirrors/www.thegia.com/gb/pokec/art1/char01.gif]The girl of course![/url] [B]Battle Style:[/B] Jackie usually trys to figure out what attack will work best aginst the type she's fighting. She has limited attacks to chose from, but she always seems to win. IT's kind of a toss of luck stratagy. [B]Bio:[/B] Jackie is the little sister to James', from Team Rocket, and just like her big brother, she ran away from home when she was young. She ran away when she was only five. She wanted to head to Saffron City and, on the way, she found a stray Charmander. The Charmander didn't trust her at first, but it learned to like her. Those two traveled a little until they reached Lavender Town. In Lavender Town, Jackie and her new friend were found by a great Ghost Trainer. He took her in, gave her a Gastly, and trained her. By the time he thought Jackie was ready to go off by herself, she had a Charizard, Haunter, and Houndoom to protect her. On Jackie's journeys, she stummbled upon Latias and Jirachi. She battled hard in both battle, but didn't seem to have the courge to catch either Pokemon. Both Pokemon loved her determanation though. They offered themselves up as an award for her bravery and determanation. Jackie was overthrilled even though nither Pokemon fit her grouping. OOC: I hope this is ok. Tell me if anything is wrong.[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura looked down at Charlia and then back at the group. Some5thing was wondering though her mind. She wasn't no amature. This was just her first Pokemon. It's not like she hadn't worked with them before. "Ahem," Aura said as she slightly cough, "I believe every word of this if some of you do not. You see, my uncle is a world know Ghost Trainer and he has heared about this for sometime. My uncle may not be the one to trust all the time, but when you hear it from more then one person." Rorohiko looked just a tad irratated. He crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. "What exsactly do you know," Rorohiko asked with an impatcient look, "Do you think you know anything about what I want to know?" Aura shook her head. She had heared much and if it was about a Pokemon, she only knew about Fire, Dark, and Ghost types. That's only because she wants to become a master of those three types. Her uncle's prized Haunter may have scared her before, but she still loves Ghost types. "I'm sorry," Aura said with a low voice, "I probbly do not. I do think we should hear out Prof. Oak though. Besides, we can stop by my uncle's for more info if Prof. Oak can't provide all." Everyone seemed to talk among themselves for a few moments. Carter suddenly cleared his throat. Everyone's attention foucesed on him. "Aura might have a point," Carter said kind of sheepish, "I think we ALL should lend an ear to the Professor." Everyone seemed to agree and waited for the Professor to answer questions.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Aura was overjoyed to get a Charmander. Exspecially the little one she was holding earlier. Everything seemed to be going her way so far. Aura suddenly felt her Pokeball mover. Her new Charmander then appeared in front of her and said it's name happily. It seemed like Charmander was just as happy to have Aura as a Trainer as Aura was to have it as a Pokemon. "Hey there girl," Aura said as she crouched down, "You're too cute to have a plain name like Charmander. How about a nickname?..............Ummm..........how does Charlia sound to you?" The Charmander blinked it's big blue eyes and then slightly smiled. "Char," Charmander said happily, "Charmander!" Aura smiled and picked her Charmander up. She then rubbed her head. "Then Charlia it is," Aura said with a brighter smile, "That name fits you perfectly! I think you're going to be the best." Charlia snuggled closer to Aura as she gave her a hug. Aura seemed really happy about this. Maybe it was the fact that her brother wouldn't try to show her up this time.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]"I can't believe this," Aura said as she glanced at her watch, "I'm going to make it to the lab with only five mintutes to spare! Stupid me! Stupid brother! STUPID ALARM!" Aura was running through Viridian Forest. I fact, see was almost out. She could light glareing in through the other end. In about ten mintutes, Aura stummbled into Pallet Town and quickly ran to the lab. When she opened the, paper were flying everywhere and stuff was knocked over. Aura started wonder what was going on when she heard Prof. Oak yell. "Ok Maura," Prof. Oak said as some papers suddenly went up in smoke, "don't be scared to corner her. She's not as bad as she looks." Maura gave the professor a strange look. A Charmander suddenly ran between them and toward the door. Aura quickly grabbed it before it escaped. "Hey there little fella," Aura said as she hugged the Charmander, "I don't think the professor wants you to escape. Besides, you're too young to go out by yourself. You're also to cute to get hurt." The Charmander slightly smiled and said its name happily. Maura looked at each other and then at Prof. Oak. Prof. Oak suddenly cleared his throat and made a hand motion to Aura. Aura slightly smiled and ran next to Maura.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Kit Combos AKA Kitty [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Bio:[/B] Kit is a rich girl! Her dad helps make the Battle Chips and her mom is an actress. Even though Kit is rich, she doesn't act it. She's more like a punk if anything. She doesn't like too much attention, but you really can't avoid that when you're rich. Kit got her Net Navi, Kattaco, from her dad. Someone at his job was going to throw her out because they said she was too weak. Even though they said Kattaco was weak, Kit loved her. She thanked her dad over and over again. Now her and Kattaco are unbeatable. She has the odd feeling that Kattaco's old owner wants her back now. [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://ic1.deviantart.com/images3.deviantart.com/i/2004/162/8/6/me_2.jpg]The girl in the front with the glasses on![/url] [B]Battle Chips:[/B] (I'm not too fimilar with the show, but I think you want to make this up) Shadow Claws, Steel Armor, and Super Speed [B]Personality:[/B] Kit is kind, caring, and outgoing. She can get a temper when you mess with her though. She has been know to punch "things" when she gets too mad. [B][U]Net Navi[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Kattaco [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Bio:[/B] Kattaco was once own by a BOY! All he wanted was power though and Kattaco just couldn't give him the power he wanted. The boy just gave up on Kattaco and tossed her aside. He got a more powerful Net Navi and the boys father took Kattaco to work with him. He was asking if anyone's kid wanted her. When he finally gave up and was about to throw Kattaco away, Kit's dad stopped him. He took Kattaco off his hands and gave her to Kit. Now, her and Kit share a special bond. Something in Kattaco's heart seems to be there where it wasn't. [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.nekosplayground.com/catgirl/c005.jpg]Only diffrence is her fur is white and she's more covered. :sweat:[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Kattaco is cute and likes to remain calm, but she can get ruthless. When all stakes are high, Kattaco tends to lose control. She's very edgey and powerful dispite her out look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope this is ok! [/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Aura Mongla [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Pokemon Dream:[/B] To be the best Fire/Dark/Ghost type trainer. [B]Starter Pokemon:[/B] Charmander [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/pictures/p/Pheonix_Wings/77246.jpg]Where the blue is, it's red![/url] [B] Bio:[/B] Aura always seemed to be the quiet type unlike her brother. They always seemed to be totally diffrent. One day, Aura was called to be a Pokemon Trainer by Professor Oak. When Aura got to the lab, it was a mess. A Charmander had gotton lose and SHE was causeing major trouble. When the sneaky little Charmander ran by Aura, Aura grabbed her and hugged her. Professor Oak then told Aura to chose her Pokemon. When Aura told the professor she wanted the Charmander she was holding, he pleaded with her to chose a diffrent one. That Charmander would be too much for her to handle. Aura didn't listen and picked up Charmander's Pokeball. She nicknamed her new Pokemon "Charlia". [B]Personality:[/B] Aura is mostly kind hearted and easy going, but she can have a firey temper sometimes. She gets a little edgey when people make fun of her or her Pokemon.[/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Kikira had just gotton back from work and she was ready to relax. She quickly hit the couch with a THUD. A depressed sigh escaped her lips. "I won't be able to handel much more of this," Kikira whispered to herself. A sudden knock at the door made Kikira fall off the couch. She quickly stummbled to her feet and ran to the door. She slowly and quietly opened it. "Hi Kikira," a boy around Kikira's age said as he stood at the front door, "Did you see the news?" Kikira looked the boy over and put her hand on her hip. The boy had ear length blonde hair, aqua green eyes, and his ears pierced. He was wearing a blue jacket that was far too big for him and a big blue t-shirt. His blue jeans were baggy and ripped. His black sneakers had holes in it. "No I haven't," Kikira said as she invited the boy in, "Why Rioji?" Rioji looked at Kikira and shook his head. He then sat down and turned the TV on. The news quickly appeared on the screen as Kikira sat down. "Raids have been going on everywhere," Rioji said as he started to rock. Kikira put her hand on Rioji's shoulder and shook her head. She then put her hand to her chin. A stern look suddenly crossed her face. "I've got to get out of this town," Kikira said in almost a whisper, "I need to find a pack and move out." Rioji looked over at Kikira. He didn't look happy. "You can't leave me here all by myself," Rioji said as he looked down. Kikira looked upset. Rouji was the son of her late owner and he kne vhing bout h. She's been pleading with him to stay in his mother's house with her, but he wants to make it on own. "I'm sorry Rioji," Kikira said as she stood up, "I've got to leave one of these days. When I do, promise me you'll take care of the house." Rioji looked a little unsure, but he suddenly gave Kikira a thumbs up. Kikira gave him one bck and looked out the window. Something was bothering her.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I going put info. for both Human Wolf and Wolf because I think you want both forms, right? If not, just tell me and I'll fix it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B][U]Human Form[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Kikira [B]Occupation:[/B] Waitress as well, but she takes odd jobs as well. [B]Living Quarters:[/B] Her late owner's old house. [B]Appearance:[/B] She has shoulder length brown hair with blue eyes and kind of on the pale side. She wears a white belly shirt who's sleeves show her shoulders, black leather flares, black boots, a black pendent around her neck, and two black bracelets with bells on them. She also has a scare over her left eye, two on her stomach, and a X shaped one on her left hand. [B]Human Pesonality:[/B] She kind hearted and gental. She really doesn't like to hurt things and just adores children. She can have a mean side though. Just don't tick her off. [B][U]Wolf Form[/U][/B] [B]Species:[/B] Ummmm.....not quiet sure. [B]Type:[/B] She was a pet for awhile, then she became somewhat of a wanderer after her owner died. [B]Appearance:[/B] She has black fur on top and white fur on the bottom. She as the same scare over her eye, on her paw, and on her under belly. She has the bracelets and pendent still on too. [B]Wolf Personality:[/B] She's still kind hearted, but not as gental. She's a little more mean and edgy.[/color][/i]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]Arika started to pick at her food. Lance suddenly walked by and she turned bright red. Aric looked at her and shook his head. He leaned toward his sister. "You just said something about Matt liking Ryo," Aric said with a whisper, "but how about you liking Lance." Arika turned even redder and pushed her tray aside. DemiDevimon looked up at her. She just shook her head. "Mr. and Miss. Himrito," the grumpy security gaurd said as he walked in to the lunch room, "Your brother just signed you two out." Aric and Arika looked at each other and then shoved thier trays at a couple of friends. They wondered what was going on as they ran out of the Lunch Room. A few seconds later, Arika and Aric come to the main entrance. Thier big brother, Arin, was standing there with a worried face. Arika quickly ran up to him. "What's wrong Arin," Arika questioned as DemiDevimon looked at Arin. Arin shook his head and turned around. Aric walked next to Arika. "I'll exsplain in the car," Arin said calmly, "Lets go." With that said, Arin started walking out the door. Arika and Aric quickly followed. Once outside, everyone jumped into Arin's new black Pontaic. Arin's twin sister, Aura, was sitting in the passenger seat. Her face looked just as worried Arin's. Arika quickly grabbed her turqouise and white Digivice. She knew something was going down that involved Digimon. "What's up guys," Arika asked as she put her elbows on both front seats. DemiDevimon flew to her shoulder and perched himself there. Aura suddenly looked back at them. "Listen," Aura said with a pleading look, "I just wanted you, but we couldn't leave Aric. Something's up downtown. We know that you and DemiDevimon can handel it." Arika looked at DemiDevimon and then looked back at her big sister. Arin gripped the steering wheel. He looked stressed out. "They MIGHT be able to beat it," Arin said as a stern look crossed his face, "I mean, we think it's an Ultimate and I've only seen DemiDevimon Digivolve into that puny Wizardmon. They might not stand a chance." Both Arika and DemiDevimon looked insulted. Arika swiftly smacked Arin in the back of his head. "Me and DemiDevimon can handel anything you throw at us," Arika said as DemiDevimon crossed his wings, "and Wizardmon is the best." Aura looked over at Arin. Arin lossened his grip a little and let out a sigh. "Whatever you say little sis," Arin said as he took a sharp corner, "If you believe you can, I believe you can." Aura gave Arika a thumbs up. Arika and DemiDevimon smiled and nodded. Arika then looked back at Aric. Aric was stareing out the window and seemed to have a smug grin on his face.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I hope I can post now. I'll be doing mine and Maximillion404's together. Don't wait for Maxi ok. LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aurora sat at her desk tapping her fingers. Her brother, Coal, was right next to her. He was asleep though. His head was on Aurora's shoulder. They were stuck in thier room on grounding and there was absolutely nothing to do. "Coal," Aurora muttered as she started to fall to sleep, "can you get off me?" Coal mumbled something and moved his head. His black moved over his eyes as he placed his arms under his head. Aurora yawned and leaned back in her chair. A huge flash of light coming out of the computer screen suddenly startled her and woke Coal up. "Hey," Coal said as he put his arm up to his face, "what's up with that light?" Aurora shook her head and slightly moved her arm. Two balls of lights were coming out of the computer screen. Aurora nudged Coal and pointed. Coal looked and then at Aurora. "What do you think they are," Aurora asked calmly. Coal shook his head and started put his arm down. One of the balls of light suddenly flew toward his hand. It came to a halting stop and dropped in Coal. Coal looked at it strangely as it turned into a strange device. ?I wonder what this is,? Coal said as he showed Aurora the device. Aurora shook her head as the other ball came toward her hand. It changed into the same strange device and landed in her hand. ?What ever they are,? Aurora said as she looked at the device, ?we?ve got one.? Coal nodded in agreement and looked at the computer screen. It started glowing extremely brightly. Both him and Aurora soon passed out. ?Do you think they?re dead,? the little purple fox know as Dorumon asked consulting DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon shook his head as he sat on Aurora?s chest. Dorumon let out a sigh and nudged Coal. Coal started moving. ?It doesn?t look it,? DemiDevimon said as he started poking Aurora?s cheek. Aurora started moving her head and wrinkling up her nose. She suddenly opened her eyes and jumped up. She backed up to a tree as DemiDevimon flew off her. ?What are you,? Aurora said as she looked at both DemiDevimon and Dorumon, ?and you better get away from my brother.? Dorumon dropped his ears and took a step backward. DemiDevimon rolled his eyes and flew up to Aurora. Aurora looked like she was about to swat him out of the air. ?We?re not here to harm you or your brother,? DemiDevimon said as he stared at Aurora with his golden eyes, ?In fact, we?re here to help you. We?re Digimon, short for Digital Monster. We?re your partners. I?m DemiDevimon, your partner, and he?s Dorumon, your brother?s partner. You?ve also received a Digivice, if I?m not mistaken.? Aurora looked down at her hand. She still had the strange device in her hand. She quickly stood up and held the device to DemiDevimon. ?This is called a Digivice,? Aurora said as she glared at DemiDevimon, ?and you?re a Digimon. Are me and my brother special or something?? DemiDevimon shook his head and landed on Aurora?s shoulder. Aurora looked over at him. ?That?s correct,? DemiDevimon said trying to sound intelligent, ?You?re part of a team called the Digidestined. Speaking of the Digidestined, I think we should find our group.? Aurora looked over at Coal. He had started to wake up. Aurora just hoped he wouldn?t scream. ?What do you mean by ?our group?,? Aurora questioned as she looked back at DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon shook his head and let out a sigh. ?There are two groups,? DemiDevimon said with slight sadness ringing through his voice, ?There?s the good group in which you and your brother belong to. There?s also a evil group in which your evil counterparts belong too.? Aurora looked a little confused, but she figured she knew what was going on. She started to giggle. ?And all along I thought Cole was my evil counterpart,? Aurora said with a giggle. DemiDevimon slightly snickered and then went back to being serious. Aurora slightly nudged him and gave him a smile. Coal had suddenly woken up and he didn?t look too happy. He jumped up and ran over to Aurora. ?What is that purple fox thing,? Coal said as he suddenly spotted DemiDevimon, ?and that bat thing on your shoulder?? Aurora shook her head. She knew Coal would flip out. She grabbed Coal?s shoulders and singled for Dorumon to come over to her. Dorumon quickly walked over. ?Listen Coal,? Aurora said calmly, ?the purple fox is named Dorumon and he?s your partner. The bat is DemiDevimon and he?s my partner. They are here to help us, not harm us. They have something to do with those devices, which are called Digivice. They?re going to help us fight our evil counterparts.? Coal nodded. He didn?t look confused at all. He was always into stuff like this anyways. ?This is so awesome,? Coal said as he turned and hugged Dorumon, ?I think we?re going to be best friends Dorumon.? Dorumon nodded and licked Coal?s face. Coal smiled happily and then looked at Aurora. Both her and DemiDevimon had rolled their eyes. ?Lets try to find the other good people,? Aurora suggested as she started walking into the woods. Coal and Dorumon both let out a sigh and chased after Aurora and DemiDevimon[/COLOR][/I][/B].