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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Mika seemed to be having a nightmare or something as she layed in the lush green grass. DemiDevimon looked worried as he sat on her chest. He noticed her exspression looked uneasy. "PEPPER BREATH," Agumon said as he tried to blast DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon quickly flew up in the air and let out a sigh of reileve. Another Pepper Breath came flying at him though. He quickly dodged it. "Yikes," DemiDevimon said as tried to see where Agumon was at, "What are you trying to do, kill me?" Tai and Agumon both walked out of the shadows of the trees. DemiDevimon looked very shocked. "Yeah," Tai said as he gripped both of his fist, "and I would advice you to stay away from Mika you bowling ball with wings." A sweat drop appeared on the side of DemiDevimon's face. He couldn't believe this. "Geez," DemiDevimon thought to himself, "Tai and Agumon think I'm trying to hurt Mika." DemiDevimon had to quickly dodge another Pepper Breath. He wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer. Tai suddenly grabbed his Digivice. DemiDevimon looked like he was about to faint. "Ok," Tai said as he held his Digivice out, "if you can't beat him without cheating, then lets cheat. We all know it's not fair for a Champion to fight a Rookie." DemiDevimon started panicing. Without Mika awake, he was doom. "Stop right there Tai Kamiya," Mika said as she sat up, "Don't you dare hurt him." Tai looked confused and shocked all at the same time. Mika had the same look on her face. Tai suddenly ran over to her and helped her up. "You're kidding right," Tai questioned as he stared at Mika. Mika turned slightly red and turned from Tai. She then whistled. DemiDevimon quickly flew over to her and landed on her shoulder. Tai got into an offensive stance. "Back off Kamiya," Mika said as she turned back toward Tai, "I wasn't kidding. I don't think you would appicate it if somebody tried to roast your Digimon." Tai looked startled. He then looked down at Agumon. Agumon shruged his shoulders. Tai looked back up at Mika. "So you're trying to tell me that batty bat is YOUR Digimon," Tai said as he pointed at DemiDevimon. Mika and DemiDevimon both looked at Tai. Mika crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. "Yeah," Mika said with a slight harshness to her voice, "got a promblem with it Tai?" Tai started to sweat. He wasn't Mika to have a Digimon like DemiDevimon. "Its nothing really," Agumon said with a smile, "It's just that we had some issues with the same type of Digimon. We didn't know if he was the same way." Mika stopped tapping her foot and nodded. A look of horror suddenly crossed her face. Tai and Agumon looked at her strangely. "Darn it," Mika said as she started looking around, "we're in this stupid Digital World because of that stupid e-mail. I'm not asking how you got here because I'm more worried about Zak and Dorumon. Hope they're ok. Maybe they didn't get transported here." Tai grabbed Mika's arms. Mika calmed down and looked at him. "Your brother is here because Gennai said so," Tai said as he grabbed Mika's hand, "but I'm sure another one of the Digidestined found him and took him to Gennai already. Which I have to do. I'm sure Gennai wants to see you." Mika nodded. She wasn't too happy about Zak being there, but as long as he might be with another made her feel better. Tai suddenly started leading Mika into another part of the woods. Agumon quickly ran after them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: My bro wanted me to tell you guys that the Digidestined you wake up to has to take you to Gennai. He's really sorry for not mentioning that. :sweat:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  2. [I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Aurora Striden [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. [B]Bio:[/B] Aurora is Coal's twin sister. They both became Digidestined at the same time. As soon as they received their Digivices, they were transported to the Digital World. They met thier Digimon partners soon after. [B]Side:[/B] Good [B]Crest:[/B] Truth [B]Cresst Color:[/B] Turquoise [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] DemiDevimon [B][U]Digivolving Levels[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] DemiDevimon (Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B]Champion:[/B] Wizardmon (Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Myotismon (Crimson lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B]Mega:[/B] VenomMyotismon (Venom Infusion, Nightmare Claw, Mental Illusion) [B]Omega:[/B] MetalMyotismon (Metal Strike, Energy Drain)[/color][/i]
  3. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I don't want this to die. Lets breath life back into this RP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rena looked around. She seemed attracted to the north for some odd reason. Rio looked at her and nudged her. "Wh-up sis," Rio asked as him and Impmon stared at Rena. Rena shook her head as Wizardmon floated next to her. She was determined to head north. She decided to speak up. "Why don't we head north," Rena suggested. Everyone looked at her. Siire looked around at the group. They all didn't seem to have anything to say. Siire grinned and crossed his arms. "Looks like no one as an objections," Siire said as he started walking north. Rena grinned and quickly took the lead. Wizardmon held on to his hat and quickly floated after Rena. A liitle later, the group stummbled into a huge dark looking field. There was a huge castle at the other end. Wizardmon shivered a little. Rena looked over at him. "Why are you scared," Rena asked as she hugged Wizardmon, "You should feel right at home." Wizardmon danggled his arm over Rena's and let out a sigh. The group looked a little creeped out too. "Leave it to Rena to chose area like this," Tera said as she rubbed her arms. Rena grinned slightly. Wizardmon shook his head and let out a sigh. He suddenly looked around. The group lost thier balance and fell to ground. A earthquake was making the whole area shake. "Hey now," Rio said as he rubbed his backside, "what's going on?" All of the Digimon got into fighting postition as they saw a pair of black and red wings appearing over the horizon. Rena looked horrified as a huge Digimon was coming into view. "What's that," Rena said as she stummbled to her feet. Wizardmon started to back up. The other Digimon followed. Rena could see the fear in thier eyes. "It's VenomMyotismon," Biyomon said as she cringed. A looked of horror struck across both Rena's and Wizardmon's faces. Rena couldn't believe the name of the Digimon. "Are you the Digidestined," VenomMyotismon asked as he stopped in front of the group. Rena took a deep breath and took a step foward. Wizardmon looked at his partner and put his staff out. Rena didn't bother to pat attention to Wizardmon's staff. "Yes we are," Rena said as she glared at VenomMyotismon. "and what are you going to do about it?" Wizardmon's eyes started to flicker. Rena was going to get herself killed. VenomMyotismon grinned and snatched her up. Wizardmon reached for her. "Rena," Wizardmon yelled as tears dripped from his eyes, "Let her go you monster." VemonMyotismon grinned. He started to squeeze Rena a little harder. Her Crest suddenly activated. Wizardmon started glowing with a bright turquoise light. VenomMyotismon looked pleased with this. He lossened his grip on Rena and trapped the others in an energy cage so they couldn't interfer. "You guys stay there until I'm done here," VenomMyotismon said with an evil smirk, "Now go ahead and Digivolve Wizardmon. It's not going to help you." Wizardmon was still glowing, but he was starting to grow in size. "Wizardmon Digivolve too.......................," Wizardmon said as his voice started to slip into Myotismon's, "Myotismon." VenomMyotismon grinned happily. A smart comment was right on his lips. "I'm a monster huh," VenomMyotismon said with a grin, "Have you looked in the mirorr lately? Whoops, I forgot you're a vampire. You can't see your reflection. I'm not the only monster here." Myotismon uncrossed his arms and his serious exspression disappeared from his face. Something was running through his head. [CENTER]~Flashback~[/CENTER] "You know," Rena said as DemiDevimon looked at her, "where I come from, vampires are usually evil." DemiDevimon looked a little startled by what Rena said. He knew his Ultimate form was a vampire type monster. He huffed and crossed his wings. "What's that supposed to mean," DemiDevimon demanded. Rena started to sweat. She didn't mean to offend her Digimon. "I'm sorry bud," Rena said with a smile, "I didn't mean anything by it. I think you rule as Myotismon or any form your in. You rock!" DemiDevimon smiled back at Rena. Rena let out a sigh of relieve. [CENTER]~End of Flashback~[/CENTER] Myotismon looked stressed out as the conversation ran through his mind. Maybe VenomMyotismon was right. Maybe he was nothing but a monster. Rena, herself, even said vampires are evil. A feeling of dispair fell upon Myotismon. He put his hand halfway through his blonde hair. "You understand what I mean," VenomMyotismon asked with a grin, "don't you? You were meant to live in the shadows and not as some little girl's partner. Someone made a mistake because you're a monster just like me." Rena started to wiggle around and cry all at the same time. Myotismon spotted the glare of one of her tears and snapped out of his dispair. "Don't listen to him Myotismon," Rena pleaded as she continued to cry, "You're not a monster and you're the best partner anyone could ask for. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the Real World or this one. Remember, you're the mon." Myotismon smiled slightly at what Rena said. His fighting spirit suddenly returned. He got into a fighting stance. "Shut up you intensifying brat," VenomMyotismon said as he started to squeeze Rena harder again. Rena looked like he was actually hurting her this time. Myotismon looked horrified. He quickly held his hand like he was holding a whip. "CRIMSON LIGHTNING," Myotismon yelled as his whip appeared in his hand and he whip VenomMyotismon. To Myotismon's horror, the attack didn't even work. VenomMyotismon just started laughing and swated Myotismon, like a fly, with his free hand. He De-Digivolved in DemiDevimon as he hit the ground. Rena looked on in horror. "NOOOOO........," Rena yelled as tear streamed down her face, "DEMIDEVIMON!!!" VenomMyotismon winced in pain as Rena's Digivice started to glow. A strange DNA suddenly appeared from him and disappeared into Rena's Digivice. "No," VenomMyotismon said as horror struck across his face, "The Warp Gene!" DemiDevimon picked himself out of the crater he made. He started glowing with a turquoise light again and Rena's Digivice got a matallic look to it. "DemiDevimon Warp Digivolve too............," DemiDevimon said as the turquoise light bursted into a tornado around him, "VenomMyotismon." The evil VenomMyotismon took a step backward as VenomMyotismon grabbed his wrist. He squeezed his wrist so much that he dropped Rena. VenomMyotismon quickly grabbed her and put her on his shoulder. "Amazing," Rena said as looked at VenomMyotismon, "you're smaller then him, but your stronger then him. You're amazeing! You're the best." VenomMyotismon smiled slightly and started making a dark purple ball with his hand. "Cover your nose mouth Rena," VenomMyotismon said as the ball started to grow. Rena nodded quickly. "Alright," Rena said as she placed her hand over her nose and mouth. The evil VenomMyotismon looked horrified. He was going to be digitized and he knew it. "Good," VenomMyotismon glared at the evil VenomMyotismon, "VENOM INFUSION!" The huge ball hit the evil VenomMyotismon and digitized him. Rena took her hand off her nose and mouth as VenomMyotismon touched down on the ground. The other Digidestined and Digimon, now free, looked at VenomMyotismon. He wasn't as big as the evil one. "Myotismon fulled Digivolved," Siire said with shock, "Way to go!" Everyone started cheering as Rena slid off VenomMyotismon. VenomMyotismon De-Digivolved all the way back into DemiMeramon. Rena looked at him and smiled. "Good job bud," Rena said with a bright, "Now I suggest we take a break." Everyone agreed and plopped down. They were tired out because of all the excitement. DemiMermon placed himself next to Rena and started to doze off. Rena started wonder if everyone would have to follow thier heart to find thier Warp Genes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: That took a long long time. BTW, my VenomMyotismon is only as big as Graymon. He's nowhere near as big as the one from the show. LOL :D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  4. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Arika was walking through the halls of school. She was holding her head. She had a headach. Her backpack suddenly started wiggleing. Arika looked horrified. She quickly slipped into a bathroom and opened her backpack. "Are you nuts," Arika questioned as she glared at DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon shoved a book out of his the way with his wings. He then flew out of Arika's bookbag. "It's cramped in there," DemiDevimon said as he landed on Arika's shoulder, "I've got cramps in both my wings. Oh the pain! Oh the agony! I can't fly any more. I'm a goner." Arika rolled her eyes and looked at DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon grinned at her. "Fine," Arika said as she rolled her eyes again, "I'll pretend your a stuff animal. You're not coming with me every again." Arika bent down and zipped up her backpack. She then stood back up and swung her backpack over one shoulder. "I was a cute fireball a week ago when you met me," DemiDevimon said as he flew into Arika arms, "Now I'm a pesty bat. Wanna make up your mind?" Arika let out a sigh and flicked DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon shook his head and quickly played stuffed animal as Arika walked out of the bathroom. As soon as Arika walked out of the bathroom, she bumped into Lance. DemiDevimon tried so hard not to make a noise or face. Arika turned bright red as she looked up at Lance. "I'm soooooo sorry," Arika said with a studder. Lance nodded and looked at DemiDevimon. A weird exspression crossed his face. "That's ok," Lance said as he put his hand out, "I'm Lance Ahlojt and who are you?" Arika turned a little redder and shook Lance's hand. "I'm Arika Himrito," Arika said as she tightned her grip on DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon looked a little uneasy. "Nice to meet you Arika," Lance said as Arika stopped shaking his hand, "and interesting choice in a stuffed animal." Arika snapped out of her daze and looked down at DemiDevimon. A nervouse smile crossed her face. "Yeah," Arika said as she started running down the hall, "I have an interesting taste." Lance nodded and continued on his way. Arika let out a relieved sigh. A little later, Arika entered Mrs. Craumer's class. Arika and her brother, Aric, were really smart for thier age. They were ahead a grade then they were supposed to be in. "This looks pleasent," Arika whispered to DemiDevimon as she took a seat next to Matt. Matt looked over at her. "Aren't you a little.......," Matt said, but got side tracked by DemiDevimon. Arika quickly waved her hand in front of his face. "I was moved ahead a grade," Arika said with a smile, "if that answers your question." Matt nodded and turned away from Arika. Arika let out a sigh. "Hi pertty girl," Doyle said with a goofy grin. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Arika's face as she waved at Doyle. Doyle slightly waved back. Arika let out another sigh and started hoping Aric was in her class. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope that was ok. :sweat:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  5. [COLOR=Teal][I][B]Name:[/B] Mika Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 10 [B]Description:[/B] Mika as shoulder length wavy blond hair with bangs that go over her black headband and goggles. Her right eye is baby blue and her left eye is lime green. She wears a black tanktop with a big turquoise stripe going from the bottom right to the top left, black cargo pants, black and turquoise sneakers, and black fingerless gloves. [B]Location:[/B] Japan [B]Bio:[/B] As mentioned, Mika knew she was a Digidestined. She was down with Tai and Kari when the attack on Highton View Tarrence happened. Her and Tai were good friends with Tai. In fact, the goggles she wears are a pair that Tai gave her to remember him by when the moved away from each other. Mika is way too truthful for her partner, DemiDevimon. She tells it how it is way too much. When Zak and her were reading that e-mail, she really didn't want to go. She didn't have much of a choice though. Zak and her were instently transported to the Digital World. Mika's glad to be fighting next to Tai, but this whole Deathmon thing is worrying her. [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] DemiDevimon [B]Crest:[/B] Truth [B]Crest Color:[/B] Turquoise [U][B]Digimon Partner[/B][/U] [B]Baby:[/B] Mokumon (Smokey blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] DemiMeramon (Fireball) [B]Rookie:[/B] DemiDevimon (Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B]Champion:[/B] Wizardmon (Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Myotismon (Crimson lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B]Mega:[/B] VenomMyotismon (Venom Infusion, Nightmare Claw)[/I][/COLOR]
  6. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]"You look bored," Zak, Amika's little brother, said as he nudged Amika. Amika picked her head up off the lunch table and looked at Zak. Zak shook his head and let out a sigh. "I think I'm going to the library," Amika said as she stood up, "Do you wanna come?" Zak made a hand motion and went back to his lunch. Amika shook her head and got a pass to the library. "When Amika got to the library, she quickly grabbed a computer away from the peering eyes of the librarian. She quickly glanced at the librarian and then turned toward the computer. She went to click on the internet, but a door appeared on the screen. "What the........," Amika said as she leaned closer to the computer. The door suddenly opened and Amika jumped. She didn't understand what was going on, but she got sucked into the computer without no warning. A little later, Amika woke up in lush green grass. She didn't feel like moving. She just layed there. "I don't even want to know," Amika whispered to herself. Amika just stared up at the blue sky. She watched a cloud drift by. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  7. [COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Arika Himrito [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Physical Description:[/B] See attachment. [B]Bio:[/B] Arika thought she was a normal kid with a normal life. She hated school, but was forced to go everyday, like a normal kid. She was even into art, like some normal kids. One day, she discovered she was anything, but normal. She discovered she was put of a group called Digidestined. This kind of freaked her out, but she got used to it. Arika is the artistic one in the group. She's always trying to find creative ways out of a situation. This gets annoying sometimes, but the group still loves her. [B]Partner:[/B] DemiDevimon [B][U]Digivolving Stages[/U][/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Mokumon [B]In-Training:[/B] DemiMeramon [B]Rookie:[/B] [I]DemiDevimon[/I] [B]Champion:[/B] Wizardmon [B]Ultimate:[/B] Myotismon [B]Mega:[/B] VenomMyotismon[/color]
  8. [B]Name:[/B] Amika Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://cerulean-sky.org/ribon/gals-anime1.jpg] She's the one in the middle.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll do later) [B]Greatest Fear:[/B] Heights and Spiders [B]Favorite Color(s):[/B] Black and [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Turquoise[/COLOR] [B]Favorite Animal:[/B] Wolf [B]Favorite Mythical Beast:[/B] Angel or Vampire [B]Favorite S4 Element:[/B] Darkness [B]Chinese Zodiac:[/B] Dragon [B]Favorite Songs:[/B] [U]The Rasmus: In the Shadows[/U] - I don't like being tied down. I want to be free. [U]Linkin Park: Numb[/U] - I have some social problems. I'm a loner. [U]Good Charlotte: Hold On[/U] - I don't like to see people get hurt. I try to help out a lot. [U]Switchfoot: Meant to Live[/U] - I try to give a positive message to everyone. [B]Favorite Digidestined M/F:[/B] 1st - Tai and Sora 2nd - Willis and Kari 3rd - Takato and Rika 4th - Takuya and Zoe
  9. [I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Amika (Mika) Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Your Digimon:[/B] DemiDevimon [B]DigiCrest:[/B] Truth [B]Evolution Forms:[/B] Wizardmon, Myotismon, VenomMyotismon [B]Attire:[/B] Look at attachment. Ignore the blood and knife.[/color][/i]
  10. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: Well, if Amika said it was ok. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuya was wondering through a dark and creepy hallway. Every step she took sounded like she was stepping on insects. A cold chill went stright through Tuya's spine. She had always hated insects, mainly spiders. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this," Tuya asked herself. A big flash of light suddenly blinded Tuya. She covered her eyes, but quickly uncovered them when she felt something crawling up her leg. A huge spider was inching itself up her leg. Tuya screamed and brushed the spider off. "Your surrounded missy," a huge spider type Digimon said as she appeared in front of Tuya, "By the way, I'm Dokugumon." Tuya's skin started to crawl. She hated spiders and it made it worse with Dokugumon there. "Are you afraid," the strange voice questioned, "You shouldn't call yourself the owner of an Advanced Spirit if you can't overcome a smiple fear." Tuya looked highly upset. She gripped her fist. The voice was getting on her last nerve. "I'll show you who's afraid. EXCECUTE, SPIRIT EVOLUTION," Tuya said as she started to scan the Fractal Code around her hand, "AQUAANGEWOMON!" Dokugumon started to back up as she watched AquaAngewomon slightly float above the ground. AquaAngewomon's long wavy blue hair slightly covered the light blue visor she had on. Her outfit looked just like Angewomon's except it was light blue and dark blue. Her four wings were also light blue. "Do you think you scare me," Dokugumon asked as AquaAngewomon crossed her arms. Dokugumon looked more scared then AquaAngewomon at the moment. AquaAngewomon actually looked highly upset. "Who's afraid now," AquaAngewomon questioned as she held her hands above her head, "AMPIBIOUS CHARM!" Dokugumon looked horrified as a AquaAngewomon started to glow with a blue light and a huge tidal wave appeared behind her. All of the little spiders and Dokugumon were suddenly washed away. Aquangewomon scanned Dokugumon's Fractal Code and changed back into Tuya. Tuya let out a sigh of relieve just as the floor gave out from underneath of her. She suddenly hit a hard floor. She started rubbing her backside. "Are you ok Tuya," Reis asked as he ran up to Tuya. Tuya nodded her head. She let out a sigh and quickly looked around. She spotted Takuya and ran over to him. Takuya hugged her. "What's wrong sis," Takuya asked as him and Tuya continued to hug. Tuya shook her head and let out another sigh. "Nothing," Tuya said as she looked up, "I just hope everyone makes it out ok." Takuya nodded in agreement as JP, Zoe, Kouji, Kouichi, and Tommy paced back and forth. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  11. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Tuya coughed slightly as she sat at the kitchen table. Her nose was stuck in a book, so she didn't realize that her mom, dad, and little brother had looked at her. Her mom walked over next to her and put her hand on her forehead. Tuya looked up at her. "What are you doing," Tuya asked as she looked at her mom. Her mom shook her head and took her hand off Tuya's head. Tuya shook her head and closed her book. She then stood up. "Where are you going sis,? Shinya asked with a worried look. Tuya shook her head again and grabbed her book. She then turned around. "I'm tired," Tuya yawned as she started heading upsstairs, "I might be back downstairs in a few hours." Shinya nodded and watched Tuya walk upstairs. Thier mom and dad let out a depressed sigh. They were worried about Tuya's health. An hour later in Tuya's room, Tuya was asleep on her bed. She was still clothed and still had her sneakers on. She even had her goggles on. Suddenly her cell phone rang. She jumped up and grabbed it. "Hello," Tuya answered sleepily. There was a few seconds of silence as Tuya sat up. Then a strange voice started to speak. "Do you want another chance to catch that train," the voice questioned. Tuya's eyes lit up. She looked extremely happy. "Oh course," Tuya said as she jumped up. "Well," the voice said with slight happiness to it's voice, "go to the train station. A Trailmon should be waiting for you." Tuya looked ecstatic as the voice disappeared from the cell phone. She quickly ran out of her room, down the stairs, and out the front door. A few minuets later, Tuya arrived at the train station. She quickly ran to the elevator and straight to the last floor. When she got off the elevator, she spotted a blue Trailmon was waiting on one of the tracks. Tuya quickly ran up to it. "Are you Tuya," the Trailmon asked as he looked down at Tuya. Tuya clapped her hands together and nodded. "That's me alright," Tuya said as she looked at the Trailmon's doors. The Trailmon let out a puff of smoke and opened its door. "Well then," the Trailmon said with a smile, "get in." Tuya didn't question anything. She quickly got inside the Trailmon. The Trailmon quickly closed his doors and started moving. Tuya ran to a window and started looking out it. Half way up the track, the tunnel outside turned into an underwater view. Tuya was amazed as she watched different kinds of Digimon swim by. She always loved the water and this was amazing. At the end of the track, the Trailmon suddenly stopped. Tuya stumbled forward and fell on the ground. The Trailmon opened its doors and Tuya turned bright red as she spotted a group of people standing there. There were three girls and five boys. "Tuya," Takuya said as he quickly helped his sister to her feet, "What......What are you doing here." Tuya shook her head and slightly looked down. She had a strange black and turqoise device in her one hand. "I'm just catching the train Takuya," Tuya said as she turned and hugged her brother, "I was chosen to be here in the first place remember." Takuya shook his head and helped Tuya off the Trailmon. Trailmon closed his doors and left. "I'm surprised you actually made it," Takuya said as Tuya started to look around. Tuya spotted Kouji and started to blush. Kinya elbowed her brother slightly and pointed. Kouji looked at the blushing Tuya and started to blush himself. "I'm kind of surprised myself," Tuya said without taking her eyes off Kouji, "but that's not really important. I want to meet your friends Takuya." Takuya rolled his eyes and grabbed Tuya's hand. "Alright," Takuya said as he litterally started draging Tuya, "I'll introduce you. I'm going to tell you one thing. I'm going to be sooooooo mad if you're still sick. You know how I am." Tuya nodded and clipped the strange device to her shorts. She started wondering why she was brought here though. She knew she wasn't home. There was lush green grass for miles and a train station to her left. "I know Takuya," Tuya said as she picked up her speed so she was right next to Takuya. Takuya slightly smiled. Tuya smiled back. She then looked at the group. She started wondering who or what brought everyone here. She knew her questions would be answered soon.[/color][/i][/B]
  12. [COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Tuya (pronounced Toy-ya) Kanbara [B]Age:[/B] 11 [B]Description:[/B] Toya has long brown hair that she usually wears in a ponytail and hazel eyes. She's the same hight as Takuya. She wears a baby blue head band on her head with a pair of goggles on it, a baby blue belly shirt with a cute white tiger face on it, baby blue jean shorts with white trimings, white fingerless gloves, and baby blue and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Tuya is Takuya's twin sister. They get alng very well. Takuya always looks out for Tuya and vice-versa. Both her and Takuya got the call to go to the train station that one day, but she was sick. Tuya, despite Takuya's threats, followed her brother anyways. She couldn't make the train though. She moped back home. One night, her cell phone started to ring. Tuya answered it sleepily. I diifrent strange voice told her to come to the train station. Tuya agreed, got dressed, and quickly ran to the train station. A aqua blue train was waiting for her on the tracks. Tuya quickly borded and quickly wound up in the Digital World. She knows her brother will be surprised or mad. She can just hope surprised. [B]Spirit:[/B] Advanced Water [B]Digimon Forms[/B] [B]Spirit Evolution:[/B] AquaAngewomon (Water Arrows, Amphibious Charm, Aqua Spear) [B]Beast Evolution:[/B] BlueTigramon (Water Spirts, Water Blades, Aqua Blast) [B]Fuison Evolution:[/B] AngeTigramon (Water Blast Arrows, Water Dragons, Aqua Power Blast, Agua Illision, Aqua Sword) [B]D-Tector Color:[/B] Black and Turquoise[/COLOR]
  13. [B][I][COLOR=teal]OOC: ShadowSword asked me to move this along. We weren't making much progress. I'm also going to start the next fight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "All right," Daina said as DemiDevimon put the campfire out by flapping his wings, "I'm really sick and tired of getting attacked. When's it going to stop. It's driving crazy." DemiDevimon looked up at his partner. She was paceing back and forth with her hands in her hair. DemiDevimon let out a sigh and flew to Daina's shoulder. "You should get used to it," DemiDevimon said with a smirk, "You're going to run into more evil Digimon and more battles." Daina stopped paceing and glared at her Digimon. A sweat drop appeared on the side of DemiDevimon's face. "I don't care," Daina said exstremly loud, "Those two battles last night were close. Too close for my liking. I also didn't like that Withmon chick either from before. I can't do this." DemiDevimon shook his head as Kirk walked up to Daina. Daina turned a slight red color as Kirk looked at her. "We're moving out now," Kirk said as he looked at Daina, "Do you plan on joining us?" Daina started to get a tad annoyed. She may have liked Kirk, but the whole leader thing was getting on her last nerve. "I'm tired of you giving all the orders Goggle Boy," Daina said as she crossed her arms, "Why don't you give me a chance you hog." Kirk looked a little shocked. He let out a sigh and stepped aside. "Fine," Kirk said wiith another sigh, "you lead the group Ms. know-it-all." Daina glared at Kirk and marched to the head of the group. Kirk looked down at SnowAgumon. SnowAgumon shrugged his shoulders. A little later, the group could see the edge of Fire Road. Daina looked really excited. She started running with the rest of the group. Every suddenly stopped and turned around. A strange Digimon had just popped up in front of Maria. Floramon was trying to protect her. "Hello Digidestined," The Digimon said, "I'm Digmon and I'm here to Destroy you. I'll start with pinky here." Maria took a step backward and fell. Floramon quickly ran in front of Maria. She was going to protect her no matter what. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your turn Maria. I'm not quiet sure of Digmon's attacks. Try to battle without the attacks. LOL[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  14. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: Lets see if I can finish this fight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rean stepped away from Rio and took a step forward. Rio looked at his sister like she was completely and utterly nuts. He quickly grabbed her arm. Rena turned to look at him. "What are you doing," Rio asked as he let go of Rena's arm. Rena shook her head and looked up at Myotismon. She suddenly thought of something. She turned toward Rio. "Bd said we had to launch an attack inside Gulfmon," Rena said as she stared at her brother, "If our two Digimon work together, I think they can win." Rio looked a little unsure, but he gave Rena a thumbs up. "Go for it sis," Rio said as he looked over at Beelzemon, "Hey Beelzemon, listen to what Rena's got to say ok." Beelzemon nodded his head and prepared for Rena to say something. Myotismon did the same. "Listen guys," Rena said as she looked at the two Digimon, "this is going to take some team work. First, Myotismon wrap your Crimson Lightning around Gulfmon's neck and second, Beelzemon come up behind Myotismon and use your Double Impact in Gulfmon's mouth. He should have it open." Both Digimon nodded thier heads and took off after Gulfmon. "Leave it to Rena to come up with the best plans," Rio said as he crossed his arms. Rena smiled slightly and watched the Digimon. Myotismon had already floated in front of Gulfmon's face. "What do you think your doing you pesky bat," Gulfmon asked with a smirk. Myotismon didn't respond. He just had his arms crossed and a mean glare on his face. Even Gulfmon was getting a little intimidated. Myotismon suddenly moved one of his arms. "I've heard vampires are supposed to be feared," Myotoismon said as one of his hands started to glow a red color, "and if there is anytime you're going to fear me, it's now. CRIMSON LIGHTNING!" Gulfmon was taken by surprise as Myotismon's attack wrapped around his neck. He started grabbing at the attack, but it burnt his hands everytime he touched it. He started gasping for air as Myotismon tighten up. "Now Beelzemon," Rena said yelled. Beelzemon nodded and jumped. He had both of his guns out as he appeared just above Myotismon. Gulfmon actually looked horrified. "DOUBLE IMPACT," Beelzemon yelled as two energy blast came from his gun. Gulfmon tried to close his mouth, but it was too late. Beelzemon's attack went stright into his mouth already. Myotismon guickly let go and backed up as Gulfmon started to glow. "You'll never win," Gulfmon said as he exsploded. Everyone took cover from the exsplosion. Rio and Rena started hoping thier Digimon were ok. They started looking around as the dust started to clear. "Hey guys," Wizardmon's voice said through the dust, "I think we won." Rena's eyes lit up as she saw Wizardmon floating down holding one of Impmon's hands. She quickly ran over and hugged him as he let Impmon down on the ground. Impmon ran over to Rio and jumped into his waiting arm as all the other Digimon De-Digivolved and did the same. "Nice stratagy Rena," Tera said as she hugged Biyomon, "I might consult you again for another big battle." Rena smiled and nodded as she continued to hug Wizardmon. She then looked up. There was a slight hole in the darkness from the exsplosion. Rena could see the sky turning from dark to light before the darkness covered back over the hole. "Lets go guys," Rio said as he rubbed Impmon's head. Everyone agreed and started following. Rena took one last look up and ran after the group.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  15. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: Yea, I've been waiting for this to start. :D My character is the daughter to one of the characters from the game. I didn't mention that in my bio because I'm going to let you guys figure out who Amika's DAD is. LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amika looked around as she hid in a tree. She growled under her breath as some Z-tech soldiers ran by the tree. She was disgusted by all of Z-Tech. They killed her mother, kidnapped her father, and she has had it. "I'm going to revenge mom," Amika mummble to herself as she jumped out of the tree, "and get you outta there dad. I've got to wait though. I'm not powerful enough to go in there by myself. I'll be back when I have help." With that said, Amika started down the street. Flashbacks were overflowing her brain. Good and bad things were striking her. [CENTER]~FLASHBACK~[/CENTER] "Alright Amika," Amika's father said as he faced her in a fighting stance, "I'm going to teach you how to control your transformation. When we're done, your uncle will teach you about it a little more. His meditations and studies help him a lot." Amika swallowed hard and nodded. "Alright daddy," Amika said as she got into a fighting stance, "I'm going to give all I've got." Amika's father smiled. He then singled to Amika to attack him. Amika hesitated, but attacked anyhow. Her father caught her punch. "That was good for a first move," Amika's father said as her uncle walked in, "but you're going to have to be quicker. You've got to build up your strength so that you can transform. You don't want to be too slow." Amika nodded again as he father let go of her fist. She then looked over at her uncle. Her uncle nodded and pushed his glasses back up. Amika took another deep breath and this time singled for her father to come get her. [CENTER]~END OF FLASHBACK~[/CENTER] Amika gripped her fist as she continued to walk down the street. She suddenly bumped into somebody. She looked up and was going to say something, but didn't.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  16. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Rena and Rio were sitting next to each other. They both looked home sick. Their Digimon both could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong Rena," Wizardmon asked as he floated next to Rena. Rena shook her head as Wizardmon touched down next to her. She didn't want to say she was homesick. Wizardmon would probbly take it the wrong way. "It's nothing guys," Rio said as he put his hand on Impmon's head, "We're perfectly fine. We're just a little worried. Nothing too major." Impmon and Wizardmon both nodded. Rio yawned a little and laid back. "Why don't you guys get some rest," Rena said as she looked at her brother, "I'm going to stay up for awhile." Rio nodded as Impmon sat down next to him. Rena quickly stood up and felt for a tree. "What are you doing," Wizardmon asked as he walked up next to Rena. Rena shook her head as she found a tree. She started to climb it at the risk of falling. "Nothing," Rena said trying to secure he footing, "I just........ahhh." Rena had slipped and was falling. She closed her eyes and prepared to hit the ground. Maybe she could prevent some major injures. "Maybe you should be more careful," Myotismon said as he caught Rena. Rena opened her eyes and let out a sigh of reileve. Her Crest must have activated when she started falling. "I'm sorry Myotismon," Rena said as Myotismon put her on his shoulder, "I can't lie to you like Rio can. My Crest is the Crest of Truth afterall. Well, I'm getting really homesick. That's what's wrong with. I miss my mom and dad. I even miss my older brother Ryan. I lucky to have you and Rio here with me, but it's not enough. I wanna go home. I want to sleep in my own bed again. I'm tired of sleeping on the ground. I want my laptop to work again." Myotismon shook his head as he started floating upward through the trees. "I know Rena," Myotismon said as he amarged from the tops of the trees, "I would be highly upset if I was taken, without no reason or warning, from my home. You've got to be stressed. I'm here to comfort you and keep you company though. And so is Rio now." Rena nodded her head and looked at the beautiful night sky around her. It was nice and clear up were Myotismon had taken her. The darkness ended at the tree tops. "Thanks," Rena said as she continued to look around, "I need that and this is so beautiful." Myotismon smiled slightly as he crossed his arms. "I thought you would like it," Myotismon said with a smile. Rena nodded and took in a breath of fresh air. She was glad to get out of that darkness. She wished she could show everyone this. "Your wonderful Myotismon," Rena said as she took out her laptop, "I wonder if this will work now." Rena tried to get connected to the internet again, but her laptop started to fuzz up and went completely out. Rena let out a sigh. "I'm guessing by that disappointed sigh," Myotismon said as a slight breeze blew his cape, "it didn't work." Rena shook her head and put her laptop away. She then started wishing she could stay up in the sky all night. It was just far too beautiful. "You know," Rena said as she put her hands on her face, "I'm starting to wonder why everyone here was chosen to be Digidestined. Exspecially me. I'm really not special and kind of a geek. Also, how do I get a cool Digimon like you?" Myotismon shook his head. He really didn't have an answer. He went to say something, but something flew by his head. "Who's there," Myotismon said as he turned around. Rena and Myotismon were both waiting for an answer, but they got no response. Something strange was going on. Something was out there, but what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: My, that was long. My wrist hurts. Oh well. :shrugs shoulders: Anywho, my character kind of sounded like Mimi there didn't she? 0.0 Hehehe, I wounder what's out there. I'm kind of out of ideas until later. LOL :D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  17. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Rean patted DemiDevimon on the head as everyone continued to walk. DemiDevimon smiled, streatched his wings, and flew to Rena's shoulder. Rena smiled slightly. "You feeling better now DemiDevimon," Rena said as she patted DemiDevimon again. DemiDevimon yawn and nodded his head. "I'm feeling better then ever," DemiDevimon said with a smile. Rena nodded and smiled. DemiDevimon yawned again. "You know," Rena said as DemiDevimon looked at her, "where I come from, vampires are usually evil." DemiDevimon looked a little startled by what Rena said. He knew his Ultimate form was a vampire type monster. He huffed and crossed his wings. "What's that supposed to mean," DemiDevimon demanded. Rena started to sweat. She didn't mean to offend her Digimon. "I'm sorry bud," Rena said with a smile, "I didn't mean anything by it. I think you rule as Myotismon or any form your in. You rock!" DemiDevimon smiled back at Rena. Rena let out a sigh of relieve. A little later, Rena and DemiDevimon wer getting left behind. They were tripping over things trying to keep up with the group, but they kept losing sight of Impmon's light. "Oh no," Rena said as she lost complete sight of the small fire on Impmon's finger, "We just got seperated from the group DemiDevimon. Now we have no light and no way of finding everyone else." DemiDevimon quickly flew off of Rena's shoulder and nudged her Digivice. Rena looked down at her Digivice as it started to glow. "DemiDevimon Digivolve too....." DemiDevimon said as he started to glow brightly, "Wizardmon!" Rena looked thrilled to see Wizardmon again. "Yeah," Rean said as she reached for a stick, "Wanna try your torch trick again?" Wizardmon smiled slightly as Rena handed him a stick. "I don't see why not," Wizardmon said happily, "THUNDER BLASTER!" The top of the stick suddenly set on fire. Rena smiled as Wizardmon handed the torch to her. "Lets try to catch up with the others," Rena said as she started running, "and not try to get into trouble. Wizardmon nodded and started floating after Rena. They both hopped nothing would happen until they caught up with the group.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  18. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I hope it's ok it's ok that I try out my Crest. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The whole group was still alittle shocked by the sudden addition of Rio, but they continued toward the Land of Darkness. Rena kind of happy to have Rio along, even if they did get iinto a fight right before she got transported to the Digital World. "So," Rio asked as he put his hands behind his head, "what's your partner's name. Mine's is Impmon." Rena looked down at Impmon. Impmon smiled at her and she smiled back. Rena then looked at Wizardmon. He had his eyes closed and his arms crossed. "Mine's is Wizardmon," Rena said with a nervous smile. Rio nodded and looked at the Land of Darkness in front them. He didn't look too happy. Rean shook her head and looked at the Land of Darkness too. An annoyed look crossed her face. A few mintutes later, the group wound up at the edge of the Land of Darkness. Everyone started to sweat just looking at the place. A pair of red glowing eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness. Rena and Rio took a step backward. The eyes started to laugh. "You Digidestined are foolish," the voice said as it came out of the darkness and revealed itself as a rabbit looking Digimon, "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Antylamon and the Ultimate that will put an end to you all." Rena swallowed hard and took a step foward. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Wizardmon quickly floated up next to Rena. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance, but it would be worth a try. "I'm not scared of you," Rena said as she glared at Antylamon. Antylamon raised an eyebrow and started to laugh. Rena didn't like the fact that Antylamon was laughing at her, but she got a little scared when he suddenly cut himself off. Antylamon placed both arms out in front of him. Wizardmon quickly floated in front of Rena. "Really," Antylamon said with an evil grin, "I think you'll be scared of this. ARM BOMBER!" Rena closed her eyes just as her Crest started to glow. Wizardmon suddenly started glowing with the same turqouise light coming from the Crest. "Wizardmon Digivolved too...............," Wizardmon said as he turned toward Rena, "Myotismon!" Antylamon's face crossed with horror as Myotismon quickly bent down and wrapped his cape around Rena. Rena opened her eyes. "Wizardmon," Rena asked as she looked up. She was shocked to see a vampire standing there. Suddenly a blast went off right on Myotismon's back. A pained look crossed his face as he looked down at Rena. "Don't worry Rena," Myotismon said as he stood up and turned toward Antylamon, "it's me. I just Digivolved into Myotismon. I'm perfectly harmless unless you're Antylamon at the moment." Antylamon started to sweat as Myotismon floated into the air. He didn't like where this was going. "What......what...are....you..going....going.......to.....do....fangy," Antylamon said trying to not sound. Rio ran up to Rena as she looked up at Myotismon. Myotismon had wrapped his cape around. Rena started woundering what he was going to do. "This is going to be a change for me long ears," Myotismon said with a frown, "My enemies usually go out with a bang, but this time they're going to get a little carried away. GRIZZLY WING!" Antylamon tried too attack again, but the bats, that came from Myotismon's cape, engulfed him in no time. He automatically disappeared into little bits of data. Rena quickly ran underneath Myotismon as he started to De-Digivolve. "I've got you," Rena said as she caught DemiDevimon, "That must have taken alot out of you if you De-Digivolved to DemiDevimon." DemiDevimon nodded and started fall asleep. Rena smiled brightly a started walking into the Land of Darkness. Everyone, still a little shocked, quickly followed. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  19. [B][I][COLOR=teal]"Well," Rena said as she watched Tera and Siire fly away, "you guys heard BD. Lets started heading for the desert. I really don't see anywhere else we can go. Hopefully we'll all meet up there." Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Rena decided to lead the group for awhile. She started heading toward the desert. Everyone quickly followed. Awhile later, Rena and the others stummbled into the desert. Rena sheilded her face from the sand as everyone started walking deeper in. Wizardmon was having trouble floating. He was getting blown all over the place by strong winds. Rena quickly grabbed him with one hand and hugged him with one arm. "You think this could of been a mistake Rena," Zak yelled a few inches behind Rena. Rena didn't bother to turn around. She shook her head and continued to trudge along. "I'm not sure," Rena yelled back, "but we really didn't have a choice if you come to think about it." Everyone started talking among themselves. They were agreeing on what Rena said. A few mintutes later, everyone came across a area plated in stone with stone pillers on each side. There was a huge hole there as well. Everyone knew they were in the right place. They as ran to diffrent stone pillers and started looking at them as the stand storm subsided. "Wow," Kin said as he looked at one of the stone pillars, "these things are amazeing." Rena nodded in agreement. She then stopped what she was doing. A look of wonder crossed her face. Wizardmon looked at her with wonder on his face. "What's wrong Rena," Wizardmon asked as he floated next to her. Rena smiled and turned around. "Come here guys," Rena said with a bright smile, "I think I found the Crest." Everyone quickly ran over to Rena as she turned back around. They all looked at the center of the pillar. A strange design was on a rectanglar part of the pillar. Everyone looked amazed until someone's Tag started glowing. Rena turned around to see who it was.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  20. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Amber was sitting on the floor holding her head. Joey was to her left and Seto was to her right. Amanda had her hands on Seto's shoulders and Tristen and Michelle were hugging. Yugi and Ethan were just paceing back and forth. Amber suddenly sprang forward. "Where's Rikku," Amber asked as she looked around. Seto and Joey shook thier heads. Amber put her head down and struggled to her feet. Joey quickly grabbed her. "You know you shouldn't go off by yourself," Joey said as he hugged Amber. Amber nodded her head and looked toward the basement. A strange force had thrown her back twice. She didn't want to go through that again. She just shook her head and looked up at Joey. Joey smiled and went to say something, but all of the Millennium Items started glowing at once. Everyone's yami appeared next to them. High Priest Seth stood next to Seto, Jono stood next to Joey, Joy stood next to Yugi, Yami stood next to Yugi, Princess Yolei stood next to Amanda, Terren stood next to Tristen, and Cleo stood next to Michelle. "What's going on Yolei," Amanda asked as she looked at the golden color that filled the room. Yolei bushed her golden blonde hair out of her face and shook her head. High Priest Seth looked slightly over at Yolei and crossed his arms. Seto gave him a glare. "I can tell you what's going on," Seth said as he looked around. Everyone turned around and looked at Seth. "What then Wise Guy," Joey said as he crossed his arms. Seth glared at him and snorted. "We're inside someone's memories," Seth said as he pointed, "As you noticed, Ethan's not here. I think were're in Rikku's memories." Everyone started looking around. The spotted Rikku floating in front of the house. They started wondering what was going on.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  21. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Daina let out a sigh. She was bored half out of her mind. She quickly looked around the campsite at everyone. Everyone seemed to be bored as well. DemiDevimon was dozing off on her shoulder. "Oh boy," Daina said with a sigh, "I'm bored half outta my mind. Does anyone want to do anything." Everyone looked at her and shook their heads. Daina huffed and looked over at DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon looked as if he was about to fall over. Daina shook her head and stood up. Terren looked up at her. "Where you going Daina," Terren said as he stood up as well. Dorumon jumped up next to Terren. Daina shook her head as DemiDevimon looked around, startled. "I'm going on a walk around this valley," Daina said with a wink, "You wanna join me Terren?" Terren turned a slight red color. Kirk rolled his eyes. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he liked Daina just like she liked him. "Sure," Terren said with a smile. Daina smiled and looked at the rest of the group. They still looked bored. Daina let out a sigh. "Anyone else wanna join," Daina said as she started to walk away, "If not, you can figure out something else to do." Everyone looked at Daina and started to talk among themselves. They were disgusting what to do as Daina, Terren, Dorumon, and DemiDevimon continued to walk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I kind of out of ideas at the moment! :sweat:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  22. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Wizardmon decided to finish off the rest of the rest of the bugs and let other Digimon conserve their energy. Rena cheered as Wizardmon floated back down to her. "Excellent," Rena said with a smile, "You're are defiantly the Mon." Wizardmon nodded and landed next to Rena. Rena put her hand on his head as she crotched down. Wizardmon looked at her as she hugged him around the neck. Tera then walked up to Rena. "I've been meaning to ask," Tera said as Rena stood back up, "What's the thing around your neck?" Rena looked down. She grabbed her Tag and Crest. She then put on a smile. "It's my Tag," Rena said with a bright smile, "and the Crest of Truth. I see you found a tag." Tera nodded and turned toward the forest. Rena did the same. "It's becoming day," Tera said softly, "Maybe we should move out." Rena nodded, but suddenly turned around. She saw a huge flash of light. Her Crest started reacting to it along with her Digivice. "Now what," Rena asked as she ran next to Wizardmon, who was stareing at the light, "Can we ever get a moments peace?" Wizardmon shook his head as he floated upward. He wasn't sure what this was, but it was making everyone's Digivice react. Could it be something dangerous?[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  23. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Rena looked around the woods with the torch. She didn't feel like getting into a fight Wizardmon couldn't handle at the moment. She quickly grabbed Wizardmon's hand and started heading for the campsite. Wizardmon grabbed ahold of his hat. "Whoe Rena," Wizardmon said as he continued to hold his hat, "What's the rush?" Rena didn't answer. She just continued to run. Wizardmon let out a sigh. Alittle later, Rena ran back into the campsite. She looked around in horror as she let go of Wizardmon's hand. Wizardmon quickly floated in front of her. "What is a whole army of bugs doing in our campsite," Rena asked as she walked next to Tera. Tera let out a sigh and shook her head. Rena grpped her fist and looked over at Wizardmon. Wizardmon nodded and floated up to Searchmon. Searchmon sneered and slashed at Wizardmon. Wizardmon easily dodged. "Maybe you should be a tad faster buggy," Wizardmon said with a yawn. Searchmon looked a little ticked off. He tried to attack Wizardmon again, but Wizardmon just dodged again. Wizardmon looked bored out of his mind. "Knock 'em dead Wizardmon," Rean cheered with a smile. Tera shook her head at Wizardmon's personal cheerleader. Wizardmon grinned and put his staff out toward Searchmon. "My usual finish is always a shocking event," Wizardmon said as his staff glowed a yellow color, "Lets see if you agree. THUNDER BLASTER!" Searchmon backed up, but Wizardmon's attack hit him in no time flat. Searchmon went out in a laugh. Wizardmon let out a sigh and floated back over to Rena. Rena jumped and hugged him. "Nice work as usual Wizardmon," Rena said as with a smile. Wizardmon smiled and quickly wiggled out of Rena's arms. He floated in front of Rena again. He just wanted to be prepared if another bug decided to attack. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  24. [I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I'll be the love intrest! LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Amika (Mika) Rouge [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nationality:[/B] British [B]Beast Form:[/B] White Tiger [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Street Fighting [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment! Also minus the tail and basket. LOL [B]Personality:[/B] Amika is the happy-go-lucky type. She can get a tad agressive when you make her angry or hurt someone she loves or likes. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Amika seemed to be normal until her 16th birthday. Then she started changeing without knowing it. He father know what was going on. He was Zoanthrope himself. He calmed Amika by telling her what was going on. He tought her to fight and how to control her transformation. One day, Z-Technologies invaded Amika's home. They killed her mother and took her father. Amika followed Z-Technologies, but relized she was powerless to do anything by herself. She wondered around for a few years until she met up with Zeos. Now, with some help, Amika knows that she might be able to rescue her father and destroy Z-Technologies. [B]Evil Clone:[/B] Shenlong the Blood Tiger[/COLOR][/I]
  25. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Rena looked at Siire and then at Wizardmon. Wizardmon had his arms crossed and his eyes closed. Rena backed up next to him and leaned toward his ear. "Do you think something evil has gotton to Rad," Rena asked as Wizardmon opened his eyes and looked at her. Wizardmon put a hand to his chin. He then let out a sigh. "it's a good posibility," Wizardmon said as he looked toward the forest, "but don't be jumping to conclusions Rena." Rena gripped her fist and started marching toward the forest. Wizardmon rolled his eyes and chased after Rena. He felt like he had just got done talking to a brick wall. "Well," Rena said as she stopped at the edge of the forest,"I'm going to find out. If Rad is being controlled or something, I'm going to bring him back." Wizardmon shook his head and the other Digidestined went to say something, but Rena already walked into the woods. Wizardmon chased after her again. A little later, Rena was back in the same spot she met Rad eariler. Her and Wizardmon were looking around with a "prepared for anything" attitude. Rena took a deep breath and back up to the stone piller. She head something move in the woods and she also heard something overhead. "What was that Wizardmon," Rena asked as she continued to look around. Wizardmon shook his head. "I'm not sure," Wizardmon said as he looked into the bushes, "but there's something in front of us and above us. I think the think above us isn't gong to harm us, but I can't say the thing for the thing in front. Will you please hand me a stick?" Rena nodded, bent down, and hand Wixardmon a stick. "What are you going to do with that Bud," Rena asked as she kept her back pressed aginst the stone pillar. Wizardmon just held his staff to the stick. "Watch and learn," Wizardmon said as his staff started to glow yellow, "It's a magic trick I call "Instent Torch." THUNDER BLASTER!" With that said, Wizardmon lit the top of the stick on fire. Rena let out a sigh, but jumped at the sound of something hitting the ground. Wizardmon turned around with the torch to light up the ground in front of Rena. Both him and Rena saw something shining on the ground. Rena bent over and held it up. Wizardmon looked shocked as Rena held up a yellowish looking thing with a clear middle. "What is this thing," Rena asked as she watch the object twirl slightly on it's string. Wizardmon's eyes lit up with hope and wonder. "It's a Tag," Wizardmon said with glee, "Now all you have to find is your Crest." Rena nodded and looked at the trees. They suddenly started glowing a turquoise light. Rena quickly turned around. The section of the stone piller with the eye on it was glowing brightly with the same turquoise light. "Whoe," Rena said as she took a step backward, "what is going on know." Wizardmon handed Rena the torch and floated up to the piller. He started looking at the glowing section. Rena looked a little confused. "I think this might be the Crest of Truth," Wizardmon said as he put his hand to his chin, "See I'm not quiet sure. There are eight crests. I know all thier names, but I'm never sure what they look like." Rena nodded when the section suddenly parted from the rest of the pillar. Wizardmon quickly floated back to Rena's side. The section started shrinking smaller and smaller. It then flew and placed itself in the Tag Rena was holding. Rena handed the torch back to Wizardmon and looked at the Tag & Crest. "I think this is the Crest of Truth," Rena said as she put the tag around her neck, "The eye design gives it away. I read something before about the eye representing truth or something. I never know of the eye having to be turquoise though." Wizardmon shook his head when he heard something behind him. Both him and Rena turned around. "We have company," Wizardmon said as he glared at the trees, "Hold this please." Rena nodded and grabbed the torch. Wizardmon clinched his staff and started scanning the area. Rena hoped it wasn't something Wizardmon couldn't handle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I can exsplain the Tag thing. I did mention it hitting the ground and Rena did hear something overhead. Well, Stingmon sensed Rena and Wizardmon, so BD dropped the Tag down there. He was taking a big risk with that. If you don't want me to have the Tag and Crest yet, I'll change this. I't really no big idea.LOL[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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