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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. JoyKaiba


    [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Amber rollerbladed all the way home after the whole hospital thing. She wasn't about to let Josh die. They had made a promise to be there for each when they first became friends. Josh had kept that promise on more then one occasion and now it was Amber's turn to do her part. "I'm going to save you Josh," Amber mumbled to herself as she slid up to the front door of her house, "It's my part of the promise. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." Amber stommed in through the front door with her rollerblades still on. Her mom went to say something to her, but she had already taken the rollerblades off and was heading upstairs. Once in her room, Amber dropped her rollerblades on the floor and walked over to her computer. She flopped down in the chair and reached for her Neuro Goggles and controller. She mummbled something as she put on the Neuro Goggles and picked up the controller. She then looked at her ALTIMIT Browser. She had one new E-mail. Amber quickly clicked on it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]~~ALTIMIT Browser->E-mail~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]To: Everyone From: Sakura Subject: My Dad My Dad just died at the hospital. I'm going after Magus alone[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Amber looked horrified at this news. She couldn't let Sakura do this alone. She felt really bad now. The fact of a comatose victim dying scared her. She would try to help Sakura. She quickly logged in.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]~~Δ-Aqua-Capital-Mac-Anu~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Coal looked around the city. He started woundering where to start looking. He quickly looked at himself in one of his blades and shook his head. "I'm a major disgrace to myself and my friends," Coal said as he put his blade down and started walking. Coal's black hair and blue eyes shinned in the sunlight. He took in a deep breath of fresh air. He then let out a depressed sigh. "Why so glum Coal," Blake's voice asked from behind Coal. Coal turned around to have his blue eyes meet Blake's. He would of hugged him, but that wouldn't have looked right. He started thinking he should of played as a girl. Another depressed sigh escaped his lips. "I'm trying to save you," Coal muttered as he turned his back to Blake, "and you're not going to help." Blake looked a little confused. He let out a sigh and turned his back to Coal. "Fine," Blake said as he started walking away, "get yourself killed. I don't care! Just remember to tell Amber that I.......Oh forget it. Just go have your fun." Coal put his head down. Blake didn't want to sound strange so that's why he mentioned his real name. Tears started flowing down's Coal's face. He knew what Blake ment by that. "Darn you Blake," Coal yelled as he dropped to his knees, "You tell her that now! You know how to break someone's heart! Even if that's not what you were attending on doing!" Coal slammed his fist down on the ground and wiped tears from his eyes. A lot of people were looking at him strangely. Coal suddenly stood up and started heading toward the Magic Shop. Everyone started talking as Coal made his way over to the Magic Shop. Coal knew they were talking about him and he didn't care. All he cared about at the moment was helping Sakura and getting revenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCC: Sorry if that sounded too mushy. I'm not trying to turn this into a love story like my Trigun story turned into. :sigh: I was just trying to make Coal even more hyped and ready to bite someone's head off. LOL :D [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  2. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Rena started leading Rad back to the others. She really didn't see anything wrong, but Wizardmon knew something was off. He kept looking back at Rad as he floated next to Rena. He then leaned over toward her ear. "This just might be a Digital huntch," Wizardmon said with a whisper, "but is there something diffrent about Rad other then the goofy getup." Rena giggled slightly at Wizardmon and then looked back at Rad. Something about him was diffrent though. Rena then looked back at Wizardmon. "You might have a point bud," Rena said as she put her hand on her chin, "I don't know if I should be leading him back toward the others." Wizardmon thought for a moment and then looked at Rena. Rena gave him that "what" look. "You would have a better chance of surviveing if you did lead him to the others," Wizardmon wispered softly, "At least the odds there would be in your favor." Rena nodded and continued to walk. Wizardmon had a very good point. A little later, Rena, Rad, Wizardmon, and Zerodramon stummbled back to where the others were. If there was something strange about Rad, this would be the best place to be at the moment. Rena grabbed Wizardmon's hand and lead him away from Rad. She hoped Rad was alright.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  3. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]OOC: I know the Rookie form. It's Strabimon, right? LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rena looked around with Wizardmon in her arms. Wizardmon looked around as well. A cold chill went up Rena's spine, but she didn't really notice. She decided to take a walk. She started heading into the forest. "I'm taking a walk Tera," Rena said as she almost disappeared into the trees, "If you need me, just scream." Wizardmon shook his head at his partner's words. He then wiggled out of Rena's arms and started floating next to her. "Are you looking for something," Wizardmon asked as he crossed his arms. Rena looked over at Wizard and went to say something about him not being DemiDevimon, but she just shook her head instead. "Not really," Rena said calmly, "but it would be nice if I found the Tags or something." Wizardmon nodded his head in agreement. He knew that would be nice for everyone. The Crests must of had something to do with the Digimon's Digievolution. Wizardmon started thinking. A little later, Rena and Wizardmon were passing through a really wonderful area. Rena let out a sigh. She loved the peace and quiet. Something suddenly caught her eye. She started walking toward a stone piller that had vines wrapped around it. It was hard to see, but Rena could make out a rectanglaur shape with a eye design in it. Rena turned toward Wizardmon. "You think this could be a crest," Rena asked with a smile. Wizardmon shrugged his shoulders. He really wasn't sure and he didn't want to get Rena's hope up. Rena let out a sigh, but something moving in the trees made her jump. She turned around as Wizardmon floated in front of her in a fighting stance. "Who's there," Wizardmon asked as his eyes shifted across the trees. He didn't get an answer. Rena was getting a little scared. she started wondering what was out there.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  4. [B][I][COLOR=teal]Rena watched Wizardmon fight with Tyranomon. She hoped he would have enough strength. He did stay in Champion form for a long time. Maybe some words of encouragement would. "Come on Wizardmon," Rena cheered, "show dino breath here who's boss. You're the ma.......mon. You're the mon!" Wizardmon quickly looked down at Rena and gave her a thumbs up. Rena gave him one right back as he turned back toward Tyranomon. "FIRE BLAST," Tyranomon yelled as a stream of fire came out of his mouth. Wizardmon quickly dodged and started wagging his finger at Tyranomon. Tyranomon looked at him strangely. Wizardmon suddenly pointed his staff at him. Tyranomon swallowed hard and started to sweat. "I would think your mother would teach you not to play with fire," Wizardmon said as his staff started to glow a bluish color, "I never really like fire bugs of shall I say fire sures in this case." Rena giggled slightly at Wizardmon's jock, but Tyranomon didn't find it as funny. He started blowing fire at Wizardmon again, but Wizardmon just dodged again. Tyranomon started to get steamed. "Stopp playing games wizard," Tyranomon said with an angered tone. Wizardmon looked outraged. His staff stared to glow brighter as Tyranomon said that. Wizardmon let out a sigh. "Actually," Wizardmon said as he aimmed his staff directly at Tyranomon, "the games have just begun. MAGICAL GAME!" Tyranomon stummbled backward as a huge blue ball hit him in the chest. He flew backward into a rocky hill. Rena was amazed by how much power Wizardmon had. She started cheering again. "You go Wizardmon," Rena cheered as she smiled, "Show that overgrown lizard who's better. Show him that size doesn't matter. Give him all you've got bud!" Wizardmon tipped his hat at Rena and pointed his staff at Tyranomon again. Tyranomon had barely recovered from Wizardmon's last attack. He was still pulling himself out of the hill. "I always like to end things with a blast," Wizardmon said as his staff glowed yellow, "THUNDER BLASTER!" Tyranomon tried to stummble away from the attack, but it hit him dead on. He then Digitized without any finally words. Rena smiled brightly and ran over to where Wizardmon was decending at. She grabbed him out of midair and hugged him. Wizardmon smileed and tipped his hat, "You totally rock," Rena said as she looked over at Tera. Wizardmon had the "it was nothing" look on his face as Rena ran over to Tera.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  5. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Daina looked at DemiDevimon as he glared at Witchmon. Witchmon glared right back. She then looked at Daina. Daina swallowed hard and stuck her tounge out at Witchmon looked totally outraged. She quickly floated by DemiDevimon and got in Daina's face. Daina swallowed hard again. She decided to keep her tongue to herself this time though. "You ingorant little wentch," Witchmon hissed as she stared Daina in the face, "I'm so glad I have the pleasur of destroying you." Daina backed up, but fell on her backside. DemiDevimon quickly flew in front of her again. He really looked upset. Daina stood up and took another step backward. "Why don't you pick on me you Magical Hag," Witchmon looked even more outraged with what DemiDevimon said. Daina found it funny. She giggled slightly until Witchmon grabbed DemiDevimon with one her big red hand. Daina gasped and fell to her knees. "No," Daina yelled as she shook her head," "Let him go! Please don't hurt him! You don't want him! You want me! You can kill me for all I care, just don't hurt DemiDevimon!" Daina looked like she was about to cry as Witchmon put her free hand to her chin. DemiDevimon looked down at Daina with a sad look. Daina eyes were filled with. She suddenly punched the ground and turned her head. Her Digivice started glowing brightly along with DemiDevimon. Witchmon had to cover her face from the blinding light. She dropped DemiDevimon, but he didn't hit the ground. He floating in midair and glowing brighter. Daina wiped the tears from her eyes and looked back at DemiDevimon. Her eyes lit up with excitement. "DemiDevimon Digivolve too.......," DemiDevimon shouted as his voice changed, "Wizardmon!" Witchmon dropped her arm and looked at the floating Wizardmon. Wizardmon's left red eye and right blue one seemed to glow with passion and honor. "Cool," Daina said as she picked herself up, "he's a Wizard. Show us a magic trick Wizardmon." Wizardmon looked down at Daina and winked at her. Daina gave him a thumbs up as he turned back toward Witchmon and put his staff out. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Witchmon's head. "Watch it lover boy," Witchmon said as she started chargeing at Wizardmon, "You might get hurt if you play with toys like those." Wizardmon quickly moved to the side and watched Witchmon crash into some nearby trees. "My partner wants to see some magic," Wizardmon said as he held his staff out toward the dazed Witchmon, "How 'bout you be the Digimon I saw in half. MAGICAL GAME!" A blue blast shot from Wizardmon's staff and headed toward Witchmon. Witchmon came back to her senses, but not in time. Wizardmon's Magical Game attack struck home. Witchmon Digitized without a word. Daina jumped and ran over to where Wizardmon was decending. She grabbed Wizardmon and hugged him when he touched down. He turned back into DemiDevimon in her arms. "That was soooooo awesome," Daina said as she looked over at Terren, "Let's hope Dorumon will do the same for Terren." DemiDevimon nodded and flew up onto Daina's shoulder. Daina watched Terren's battle tensely.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  6. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Rena let out sigh and looked at Wizardmon. She raised an eyebrow and nudged him. He opened his red eye and looked at Rena. Rena was tapping her fingers on her leg. Wizardmon opened both eyes and looked at Rena. "Here's a question," Rena said as she stared at Wizardmon, "Why are you still in your bigger form. And here's another question. Do you know anything about those Crests." Wizardmon started to sweat. He shook his head, which mad his blonde hair swish back and forth. He the stopped and looked at Rena. Rena was still tapping her fingers on her leg. Wizardmon smiled nervously. "Well....ummm," Wizardmon said as looked toward the sky, "I feel stronger in this form and all I know about the Crests is that you need Tags to recieve them. They're made of stone and requires a Tag's powers to turn portable. Kind of like that thing you have in the sack there." Rena looked down at her laptop and then a sweat drop appeared on the side of her face. She leaned in close to Wizardmon. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Wizardmon's face as he smiled nervously again. "I think you should turn into DemiDevimon again," Rena said as her eyes narrowed, "Conserve your energy. And besides, you're scaring me. You're acting to wise for me. I like the silly you, not the mister know-it-all you. Oh yes, I have to get this out. YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO FIND THINGS CALLED TAGS ALONG WITH THE CRESTS!?" Wizardmon held onto his hat and nodded. Rena took a deep breath. She went to point at Wizardmon, but something stopped her. She had the odd feeling someone was watching them. She started to look around the trees. What could be out there? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Question Blanko. Can I keep Wizardmon as, well, Wizardmon. You know, kind of like Gatomon. If not, I'll have him De-Digivolve back into DemiDevimon. I love DemiDevimon, I just love how knowlageable and charming Wizardmon is. LOL ^_^; [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  7. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]"I agree with Zak," Rena said as Wizardmon floated next to her,"Maybe we should split up and look for Rad and Zero." Everyone turned and looked at Rena. She had her fists clinched and had her head down. Wizardmon looked at Rena and a sad look crossed his face. "Are you ok Rena," Wizardmon asked as he floated in front of Rena. Rena turned away from Wizardmon and clinched her fists more. Wizardmon floated in front of her again. He took his free hand and lifted her chin up with it. Tears were flowing from Rena's blue eyes. Wizardmon's look of sadness crossed his face again. "Why are you crying," Siire asked with a grumple. Rena quickly turned toward Siire and dried her tears. Wizardmon floated away from Rena slightly. He glared at Siire. Siire glared right back as Rena started marching toward him. Rena suddenly did a dead stop in front of Siire and slapped him. Everyone gasped as Siire's head turned. Wizardmon quickly floated behind Rena as Aquilamon landed behind Siire. Siire turned back toward Rena as he rubbed the red mark that appeared on his cheek. "How can you even thing about those stupid Crest things," Rena said with more of an angry tone then sad, "when one of our friends is in major danger. I don't know about you Mr. Selfish, but I'm going to find Rad and Zero. Anyone who's coming with me better start following." Rena started marching father up the montain as Wizardmon started to follow. Everyone looked at each other. They were debating what to do.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  8. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]"Whoe," Daina said as she looked at the little ball of turquoise light, "Maybe I should just........." Daina grabbed the light and looked at a small device that appeared in her hand. She suddenly felt her arm go numb and she soon passed out. "Daina," a creaky male voice said from nowhere, "Wakey, wakey!" Daina opened an eye and quickly backed up to a tree. A small fireball with blue eyes floated up to her. Daina stared at the fireball as it smiled at her. "And who might you be," Daina asked as she looked at the fireball. The fireball stopped smiling. It had a confused look on it's face, but went right back to smileing. "I'm DemiMeramon," the fireball said with a smile, "and a Digimon which is short for Digital Monster. You're my partner. I'm a friend." Daina nodded and stood up. She walked up to the DemiMeramon. She wasn't about to touch him. She was afraid of getting burnt. "Ok," Daina said while looking around, "do you have any clue were we are?" DemiMeramon floated next to Daina and looked up at her. Daina looked down at him. "We're in the Digital World." DemiMeramon said as he smiled again. Daina nodded and started walking. DemiMeramon quickly followed. A few seconds later, Daina walked into a clearing. She discover two girls and a boy sitting in front of a hologram. She reconginized all three of them. Emily, Amika, and Kirk. They all had strange creatures with them as well. Daina looked down at DemiMeramon and then at the group of three. She quickly ran over to Kirk. "I can't beileve you guys are stuck in this weird place," Daina said as she quickly sat down next to Kirk. Kirk looked over at Daina as DemiMermon floated next to her. Daina smiled and started to sweat. Kirk shook his head and looked back at the hologram. Daina let out a sigh. She started to wonder what was going on.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  9. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Mika stopped walking when she heard someone scream in the distance. She was going to continue to walk because it really wasn't any consern to her, but DemiDevimon sunk his claws in her shoulder. A painned look crossed Mika's face as she glared over at DemiDevimon. "What was that for," Mika snapped as DemiDevimon fluttered off her shoulder. DemiDevimon landed inbetween Shadowmon and Impmon. They were all shaking their heads. "We think you should go check that scream out," DemiDevimon said as he crossed his wings. Shadowmon and Impmon nodded their heads in agreement. Mika shook her head and started to walk away. Her D-3 started glowing with a bright turquoise light. Mika stopped and looked down at it. "Now what," Mika asked with a sneer. As soon as she asked, she felt something or someone pick her up. She looked up to discover Myotismon holding her. She then looked over his shoulder to see DarkAngewomon and Beelzemon standing behind him. She knew where this was going. "If you won't go there," Myotismon said as he sat Mika on his shoulder, "we'll take you there." Mika shook her head and settled herself on Myotismon's shoulder. Myotismon was about to turn around when a flash of light appeared in front of them. Myotismon lifted his cape up and looked at the light. He put his cape down when he watched Sky, Lopmon, Strabimon, Mike, Dorumon, Ryuudamon, and Tai appear out of the light. Agumon came running up because he got the message Tai was coming. He ran up and hugged Tai. "Mike, Sky, Ta.....i.....Tai," Mika said as she looked down at the three boys and five digimon, "What are you doing here." All three boys looked up. Lopmon jumped onto Sky's head and looked up as well. Mike took a step forward. "Were here to help ya sis," Mike said noticeing his sister's evil glare, "We figured you were in trouble." Tai and Sky nodded. Mika was going to say something rude, but Tai was like her knight in shining armor. She didn't care about anyone else. It was Tai that got her attention. Mika shook her head and glared at the three boys below her. "If you want to protect me," Mika said as Myotismon turned around, "I would suggest that you follow me." All three boys looked at each other and held out their Digivices. Agumon Digivolved to Graymon, Dorumon Digivolved to DoruGamon, and Strabimon Digivolved into Dobermon. Sky and Lopmon climbed onto Dobermon as Tai climbed onto Graymon and Mike and Ryuudamon climbed onto DoruGamon. All three Digimon took off after Mika and her three Digimon when they knew their riders were sercure.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  10. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]The sun was riseing high in the sky now and Rena looked scared from what just happened. DemiDevimon had awoken and didn't look happy. Rena quickly got up and ran over to Zak. Zak was hugging Dorumon. He looked up at Rena as she stopped next to him. "Wh-up Rena," Zak asked as he looked at her. Rena shook her head and looked away from Zak. Zak looked down at Dorumon. Dorumon shrugged his shoulders. Rena put on a smile and turned back toward Zak. "I'm glad your ok," Rena said as DemiDevimon's wings layed over her arm, "That looked like a close call." Zak nodded, but he didn't smile. He could see through Rena's false smile. DemiDevimon could as well. He fluttered up to Rena's shoulder. "Um Rena......," Zak said as he turned a slight red color as Rena looked at him, "Oh, never mind." Rena nodded and looked at DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon quickly put on a smile. Rena smiled back and started walking. "Not to sound like am in a rush, but," Rena said as she streatched her arms, "Im ready to start moving." Everyone started looking at each other and then at Rena.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  11. [I][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Jackie (short for Jackalyn) [B]Age:[/B] about 12 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://terror.snm-hgkz.ch/mirrors/www.thegia.com/gb/pokec/art1/char01.gif]The girl of course![/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Jackie can be a little hot headed, but she's really nice. She's got a tad bit of and attitude, but she rarely shows it. She can be bit of an airhead at times. [B]Bio:[/B] Jackie is James', from Team Rocket, little sister and she's far better of a Pokemon Trainer then her big brother. Even though she's a better trainer, she still looks up to her brother. She ignores the fact that he's in Team Rocket and sees him for who he really is, her overprotective big brother. One day, Jackie was training her Pokemon near a volcano when a wild fire Pokemon attacked her. Her Charizard fought it off, but Jackie noticed a strange aura around the Pokemon. Jackie then heard of the group of trainers who were gathering together and decided to join. [B]Starting Pokemon:[/B] Charizard and Haunter [B]Shadow Pokemon You Catch:[/B] Houndoom, Sneasel, Mightyena, Absol [B]Side:[/B] Good[/COLOR][/I]
  12. [B][I][color=teal]Mika was awake and was stareing at the bottom of Mike's bunk. Shadowmon, Impmon, and DemiDevimon were awake as well. Mika slightly nodded DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon slightly looked up at her. "See if Mike's asleep," Mika whispered as she slid out of bed slightly. DemiDevimon nodded and flew up to the top bunk. He looked at Mike and noticed he was asleep. He quickly flew down to Mika. "He's asleep," DemiDevimon said as he perched himself on Mika's shoulder. Mika nooded, stood up, and walked to the computer. Shadowmon and Impmon quickly followed. Mika took her D-3 off her belt and faced it toward the computer.The computer screen glowed brightly and Mika and her three Digimon dusappeared into the computer. A few seconds later, Mika walked through her castle. DemiDevimon was still perched on Mika shoulder and Shadowmon and Impmon were still following. Mika looked highly upset as she stopped at the central computer. She snapped her fingers and the power actually came on. Her three Shadow Rings came toward her. She caught them and handed them to her Digimon. "I'm allowing you guys to chose to put these on or not," Mika said as she started to type at the computer, "I'm busy at the moment." All three Digimon looked at each other and then at the rings. They decided to put them on because they didn't know what could threating Mika next. A three diffrent colored lights flashed behind Mika. Mika didn't even notice that Myotismon, DarkAngewomon, and Beelzemon were now standing behind her. "You think we did the right thing," DarkAngewomon asked in a whisper to Myotismon. Myotismon nodded his head and looked at the computer screen. Mika was brining up profile of everyone that worked for her. She had them sperated. Sky and Mike weren't any intrest to her. It was the other three she was looking at. Myotismon looked at the broken door. Something caught his eyes. Myotismon quickly wrapped his cape around Mika. Pieces of the castle celling came down and almost hit Mika, but Myotismon protected her. Mika looked up at Myotismon as he pushed the pieces off his back and picked Mika up.Mika hugged Myotismon and looked toward the doorway. DarkAngewomon and Beelzemon got into a fighting stance. "You're a fool for returning to your castle by yourself Mika," a female voice similar to DarkAngewomon's. Mika looked as an Angewomon dressed in blue and with an icy blue visior floated into the castle. There wasn't a Shadow Ring to be found on her and Mika knew why. Myotismon pulled his cape around Mika's shoulders. He was the most protective of Mika. "Well isn't it the Ice Queen herself," Mika said as she glared at the Angewomon, "IceAngewomon. Someone hired you didn't they?" IceAngewomon floated right up to Myotismon. Myotismon frowned as IceAngewomon put her hand to his face. DarkAngewomon looked upset as IceAngewomon floated around Myotismon. "I was hired to get rid of you three," IceAngewomon said as she moved over to Beelzemon, "but some of you are too cute. Maybe Mika and DarkAngewomon would satify my employer." Myotismon quickly spun around and glared at IceAngewomon. Beelzemon glared at her as well as she floated away from the group. She giggled quietly. Myotismon looked highly upset. "I'll kill you if you lay a finger on either one of them," Myotismon sneered as his fangs started to show. IceAngewomon put a hand to her chest. She looked heartbroken. Myotismon lifted Mika up a tad higer as he frowned at IceAngewomon. IceAngewomon suddenly lunged at Myotismon and grabbed Mika. Myotismon's face struck with horror as Mika was ripped away from him. "Oh what a shame," IceAngewomon said as she put Mika on her shoulder and prepared to luanch an attack, "I/m going to de-throne your partner and De-Digivovle you three. Meet my ICE ARROWS!" Mika's three Digimon looked in horror as their Shadow Rings broke in half in a split second. They felt their bodies start to srink as they returned to their previous level. Impmon and Shadowmon held their head as DemiDevimon struggled to get up. IceAngewomon chuckled as Mika stared hopelessly at her two Rookies and one Champion. Her D-3 started to glow brightly as a tear escaped her eye. DemiDevimon started to glow with the same light as the D-3. "What's going on," Shadowmon asked as she crawled over to Impmon. Impmon had a smile across his face. He balled his fists and sat on his knees. "He's Digivolveing," Impmon said as he looked over at Shadowmon. Shadowmon looked at DemiDevimon as he skiped over Champion level and became Myotismon again. IceAngewomon backed up slightly as Myotimon charged at her. In a black flash, Myotismon had Mika back in his arms and a stern look on his face. IceAngewomon looked highly upset she started fluttering backward. "I don't know how you got so fast so quick," IceAngewomon said as she started to retreat, "but I'm not in the mood to get digitized. I'm telling my employer that I quit." IceAngewomon quickly flew out the door and Mika hugged Myotismon. She didn't want to let him go, but Myotismon set her down. Mika looked at him as he De-Digivolved back into DemiDevimon. Mika hugged DemiDevimon as Shadowmon and Impmon ran up and hugged her legs. "What do you guys say to a walk," Mika asked as DemiDevimon wiggled out of her hug. Impmon and Shadowmon nodded thier heads as Mika threw off her jacket and took out her pigtails. DemiDevimon perched himself on Mika's shoulder. All four headed out the door. Hopefully no other Digidestined were out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Mika hasn't turned good yet. That would be too easy. She just cares about her Digimon too much and she going to be putting on a huge act.[/color][/I][/B]
  13. [B][I][color=teal]Rena couldn't sleep. She was too worried about all the dangers that were around her. DemiDevimon was looking up at Rena. He looked upset becauise Rena looked upset. "Are you ok Rena," DemiDevimon asked as he flew up to her shoulder. Rena nodded and looked down. She discovered her laptop. She had forgotten that she had it. She quickly grabbed it and turned it on. DemiDevimon looked at the screen with wonder. Rena tried to log onto the internet, but her laptop went on the fritz and shut off. Rena closed the top and let out a depressed sigh. "The digital waves of this world are interfering with my laptop," Rena said as she put her laptop away. DemiDevimon didn't even want to ask. He just streatched his wings and looked around. He let out a little yawn as Rena looked up at the stars. She then looked over at Kin. She thought he looked a little homesick. She also spotted Zak asleep near Tera. DemiDevimon looked like he was about to fall off of Rena's shoulder as she stood up and started heading toward Kin. "Where you going Rena," DemiDevimon asked as Rena was halfway to Kin. Rena hinted toward Kin with her head. DemiDevimon nodded and yawned again. Rena quickly sat down next to Kin when she got over there. Kin looked at her as she sat down. Rena smiled and caught DemiDevimon as he fell off her shoulder. Kin smiled slightly at Rena. "So you can't sleep either," Rena said as she hugged DemiDevimon. Kin shook his head. Rena woundered what was on Kin's mind.[/color][/I][/B]
  14. [I][color=teal][B]Name:[/B]Daina Eira [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Future Parent Of:[/B] Davis Motomiya [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://cerulean-sky.org/ribon/gals-anime1.jpg]The girl in the front![/url] [B]Personaility:[/B] Daina is a complete goof off. She doesn't take anything seriously. She's afraid she might scare herself if she was serious. She also not the brightest crayon in the box. [B]Bio:[/B] Daina has always been the class clown. She loved the attention she got from her classmates even if they were laughing at her. Her parents thought that see need some lessons in how to behave, so they sent her to a learning camp. There she met her new friends and had her life changed. When she woke up to a floating fireball with eyes and a mouth, after being shocked by something. She thought she completely lost it. She comes to grip with her situation and becomes good friends with DemiDevimon. Both her and DemiDevimon are the prank playing goof offs that are in consist compatition with Kirk for leader. Even if she does have a slight crush on him. (we all know that doesn't go any where) [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Turquoise [B]Crest:[/B] Truth [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] DemiDevimon [B]Partner Digimon[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Mokumon (Attacks: Smokey Blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] DemiMeramon (Attacks: Fireball) [B]Rookie:[/B] DemiDevimon (Attacks: Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B]Champion:[/B] Wizardmon (Attacks: Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B]Ultimate:[/B] Myotismon (Attacks: Crimson lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B]Mega:[/B] VenomMyotismon (Attacks: Venom Infusion, Nightmare Claw)[/color][/I]
  15. [B][I][color=teal]OOC: Cool, here I go! LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kangarumon stopped dead in front of Rena. Rena opened her eyes and stummbled backward, but this time she fell to the ground. Zak was about to say something, but Dorumon quickly put him on his back and ran. Zak and Kin both looked worried as everyone stopped at a good distance and started to watch. Everyone really looked worried. They were worried about what Kangarumon could do to poor Rena. "You look like a good one to die first," Kangarumon said as he approched Rena more, "Even though, it's shame to get rid of such a lovly face." Rena shook her head and started backing up. She couldn't find the strength to stand up. Kangarumon was very entertained by Rena's hopelessness. He went to grab her, but something stopped him. "DEMI DART," DemiDevimon shouted as he threw what looked like a needle at Kangarumon. The pierced Kangarumon's boxing glove, but didn't pierce his skin. Kangarumon looked highly upset as he grabbed the needle and broke it. DemiDevimon backed up slightly. Kangarumon quickly jumped in front of him. An angred looked was on Kangarumon's face. "You stupid little bat," Kangarumon said as he punched DemiDevimon into a tree, "Now where was I." Rena looked as she was about to cry as DemiDevimon slid down the tree. She tried to get over to him, but Kangarumon grabbed her. The other Digidestined looked on in horror as Kangarumon held Rena by the throat and prepared to attack her. "No," Rena said as she tried to wiggle free, "DemiDevimon please get up. Show me your not hurt. I'll be one happy dead girl if you just show me your alright." Kangarumon started to laugh as Rena smiled slightly. He then suddenly stopped, got a stern look on his face, and gripped Rena's throat harder. Rena gribbed onto Kangarumon's boxing gloves as her Digivice glowed blindingly bright. Everyone sheilded their eyes as DemiDevimon opened his. DemiDevimon seemed to be taking in the Digivice's light. He was glowing bright white color. He stood up and started change in size. "DemiDevimon Digivolve to....................," DemiDevimon said as he seemed to grow one and a half sizes bigger, "Wizardmon." Rena grinned slightly just at the sight of seeing that DemiDevimon was ok. Kangarumon turned around to see what Rena grinned at and what he heard, but didn't see anything. Wizardmon had disappeared into the trees. He was about to make a move. Kangarumon looked back at Rena and grinned. "Looks like your Digimon digitized little girl," Kangarumon said with an evil grin. Rena just grinned back. Wizardmon quietly jumped out of the tree he was hiding. The other Digidestined were surprised at how much Wizardmon looked almost human. Wizardmon put his staff out toward Kangarumon's back. "Guess again springy," Wizardmon said as the tip of his staff started to glow, "I just Digivolved and I'm about to show you how high you can really bounce. THUNDER BLASTER!" Kangarumon dropped Rena and jumped out of the way of Wizardmon's attack. Rena was on her hands and knees, holding her throat with one hand, and coughing. Wizardmon couldn't move Rena because Kangarumon would attack him from the back. He started looking around with his one red eye and one blue eye. Nothing came to mind as he looked around. "What's wrong," Kangarumon said from above Wizardmon, "Your partner in danger." Wizardmon jumped out of the way as Kangarumon hit the ground with both his fist at full force. Rena shielded her eyes from the dust. She suddenly felt something pick her up. The thing Rena knew, she was on Dorumon's back and was being carried to the other Digidestined. Wizardmon looked reilieved as he dodge another one of Kangarumon's attacks. "I'm tired of playing with you," Wizardmon said as he held his staff forward, "I'm tired of bouncing around here. I'm getting serious now. VISION OF TERROR!" Rena watched Wizardmon as Dorumon dropped her off in between Zak and Kin. She stood up without even looking at the guys. She was amazed by Wizardmon. She covered her ears though as Kangarumon started to scream. Kangarumon's sunglasses were breaking to reveal that his eyes were completely black. He had fallen to his knees and was holding his head. He shook his head and the rest of his sunglasses fell off. "Make it stop, make it stop," Kangarumon said with a pained voice. Wizardmon walked up to Kangarumon and put his staff out one last time. He shook his head in disappointment. "This hop-about has ended," Wizardmon said as the end of his staff lit up again, "You won't feel a thing since you're living your worst nightmare in your mind from my last attack. Hopefully you'll be reborn as a good hard working Digimon with a purpose in life. Goodbye! THUNDER BLASTER!" Wizardmon closed his eyes as Kangarumon started to digitize. He looked at Rena and started to glow. Rena quickly ran over to the glowing Wizardmon. She tripped over herself a few times, but made it in time to hug DemiDevimon. "I'm so glad you're alright," Rena said as she hugged DemiDevimon, "and thank you so much for saving me. That was an awsome trick." DemiDevimon turned a rose color. He shook his head and hugged Rena back with his wings. Rena looked as she was about to cry. "That's what I'm here for," DemiDevimon said as he started to doze off, "I'm your friend. Friends stand up for each other. And besides, that was really a shocking event and ending if I do say so myself." Rena giggled slightly as DemiDevimon drifted asleep. She shook her head and walked back over to the group. DemiDevimon protected her because they were friends She didn't care what Terriermon said about DemiDevimons. Her partner was the best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ OOC: Wow! That was a lot of typing! If you guys didn't noticed, DemiDevimon is always trying to crack a joke. He don't care what form he's in. I have the image of Myotismon cracking a joke. :starts laughing: Sorry, but that's really funny. Anyways, DemiDevimon is like Gomamon and Tentamon on ocassion. They always had to try to lighten the moment. LOL[/color][/I][/B]
  16. [B][I][color=teal]OOC: I don't know what we're supposed to be looking at soooo........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rena and the other seven Digidestined leaned in closer toward the shadows. Something moved again and they all jumped back. Rena stummbled into Zak and Kin. She blushed slightly at both guys. DemiDevimon fluttered off of Rena's shoulder and looked around. "I hate dark and strange little creatures," DemiDevimon said as he shifted his golden eyes over the shadows. Rena shook her head and walked behind DemiDevimon. "Then you must hate yourself," Rena said as she grabbed DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon got out of Rena's grib and perched himself on her shoulder again. Rena shook her head and looked at the shadows again. Something moved once again. Rena jumped back again and hit Zak this time. She smiled nervously and turned to face him. "What do you think it is," Zak asked as Dorumon stood next to him. Rena shook her head. Suddenly something jumped out of the shadows and headed toward Rena. Zak grabbed her and swung her around. DemiDevimon quickly flew off of Rena's shoulder as Rena's and Zak's Digivices started to glow. Everyone else looked in horror as the thing came closer to Zak's back. Rena reilized that Zak had swung her around to protect her. Rena shook her head and pushed Zak out of the way. Rena's Digivice glowed brighter as she closed her eyes and braced herself. Zak's digivice also glowed brighter as he fell to the ground back first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The suspence, the suspence! I can't take it![/color][/I][/B]
  17. [B][I][color=teal]Rena watched Cassie run up to the group. She looked down at DemiDevimon and then they both looked over at Cassie. DemiDevimon fluttered up and perched himself on Rena's shoulder. Rena walked up to Cassie and greeted her. "Hi there," Rena said as she put her hand out, "I'm Rena and the little guy on my shoulder is DemiDevimon. How about you?" Cassie looked at Rena and smiled slightly. She then looked down at Betamon. Rena had her arms crossed and DemiDevimon had his wings crossed. Cassie laughed slightly and shook her head. Rena and DemiDevimon looked at each other and then back at Cassie. "I'm Cassie," Cassie said still with a slight giggle, "and this little green guy is Betamon." Rena and DemiDevimon both nodded. Cassie started looking around. Rena looked around as well. "Ok Cassie," Rena said as she started walking back toward the others, "why don't you meet the other "Digidestined". Well, at least I think that's what Terriermon called us." Cassie nodded her head and started following Rena.[/color][/I][/B]
  18. [B][I][COLOR=Teal]Mika shook her head. She couldn't figure at what could make the Shadow Rings better. She let out a sigh and looked at her watch. She had three hours until her parents got home. She grinned evily, picked up her D-3, walked to the door, and slowly opened it. "Shadowmon, DemiDevimon, Impmon," Mika said as she leaned out of the door, "I'm going to the Digital World and I need you guys." All three Digimon jumped off the table and ran into the room with Mika. Mike reached to his bach right. He pulled out his D-3 and looked at Dorimon and Kyokyomon. Both Digimon nodded their heads. Mike jumped and head toward the bedroom. His Digimon followed. A few secounds later, Mika was standing in the middle of her castle. Everything was quiet and you could hear a pin drop. Mika snapped her fingers and the lights turned on. Three Shadow Rings came flying at her. She caught them and turned toward her Digimon. Shadowmon's ears dropped as Mika placed a Shadow Ring around her neck. A charge of dark energy went stright through Shadowmon. She started glowing with a dark purple color. DemiDevimon and Impmon backed up. "Shadowmon Shadow Digivolve to..................," Shadowmon said as her voice went into a more grown-up voice, "DarkAngewomon." Mika grinned as DarkAngewomon appeared from the purple light. DarkAngewomon touched down on the ground next to DemiDevimon. DemiDevimon's wings dropped when Mika kneeled down and put a Shadow Ring on his leg. His eyes glowed a black color and he started glowing with a black aura. Impmon hid behind DarkAngewomon's leg. DarkAngewomon's visor was glowing. She was scanning the room for something. She the quickly looked at DemiDevimon. He flashed into Wizardmon, his Champion form, quickly and started changeing. "DemiDevimon Shadow Digivolve to..............," DemiDevimon started to say in a deep voice, "Myotismon." DarkAngewomon looked at Myotismon as he hit the ground on his knees. She quickly turned from him. Myotismon stood up. He had a hand on his head. He was panting slightly. His fangs were showing slightly. Mika walked up to him and put her hand on his chest. "Are you ok," Mika asked with slight worriment her voice. DarkAngewomon looked surprised as she turned around. A slight smile crossed her face. The good in Mika was showing through. Myotismon looked down at Mika and smiled with a fang showing. He nodded and Mika smiled very slightly. Impmon stepped up to Mika. He was ready for her to put the Shadow Ring on him. Mika looked down at Impmon and then kneeled down. She gently put the Shadow Ring around Impmon's neck. Impmon backed up so he wouldn't hurt Mika. He started to glow with a dark blue aura. Myotismon wrapped his cape around Mika because Impmon didn't back up far enough. Mika gripped Myotismon's cape. She maybe evil, but she never liked pain. "Impmon Shadow Digivolve to.......................," Impmon said to change to a deep voice as well, "Beelzemon." The dark blue aura went in all direction as Beelzemon fell to one knee on the ground. Myotismon lifted his cape up a little more to shield his eyes. Beelzemon always made a bright apperence. Mika moved Myotismon's cape to see Beelzemon still down one one knee. She quickly ran oner to him and hugged him around the neck. Myotismon put his cape down and stood up. DarkAngewomon loved this. Mika was showing goodness. Myotismon crossed his arms and smiled. "I'm sorry Beelzemon," Mika said as Beelzemon picked her up, "I hope you're not hurt." Beelzemon shook his head. He wasn't hurt put he did get alot taken out of him. Mike was watching everything from around a cornor. His Digimon didn't have the Shadow Rings on, so they were in their Rookie forms, Dourmon and Ryuudamon. Dourmon scratched it's purple fur as Ryuudamon wagged it's scalely black and gold tail. "Mika isn't all evil," Mike whispered as he looked at Dourmon. Dourmon stopped scratching, looked up at Mike, and smiled. Suddenly, the whole castle shook. Everyone lost balance and almost fell over. Mika looked around and then looked at the central computer. "Take me over to the central computer Beelzemon," Mika said as she looked up at Beelzemon and pointed. Beelzemon nodded and quickly rused Mika over to the central computer. DarkAngewomon and Myotismon quickly followed. Mike and his two Digimon followed as well. Over at the central computer, Mika slid off of Beelzemon's shoulder and turned the computer on. She turned the security camaras on. She spotted a whole heard of Ultimate Digimon attacking the front door. They had Shadow Rings around their necks. Mika looked shocked at this as Mike ran up followed by Dorumon and Ryuudamon. "What's going on," Mike asked as he did a sliding stop, "I just got here. You're not hurt are you?" Mika shook her head and slammed her fists down. Mike jumped and looked at his sister. She was shakeing her head. "We're under attack by Digimon who have Shadow Rings on," Mika said as she looked over at her brother, "and whoever is controling them is trying to get me out of control. We have a snake among us." Mika looked up at the monitor of the central computer. The Digimon were still attacking and the power was starting to die in the castle. Mika looked around with a worried look. Mike did the same thing. Who could want Mika out of power? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: The people who are staying evil are the ones who want Mika out of power. They've been stealing Shadow Rings and turning good wild Digimon evil and making them do their dirty work. Kind of like Ken. They have their own Digimon as well. That calls for double trouble. You evil people can control your evil soilders from your home computer though. So one or all of you planned the attack on the castle from your home computer. I hope that's ok. LOL :D I can change this if you guys don't like that idea. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  19. [B][I][color=teal]Rena slightly shilded her eyes as DemiMeramon started to glow. The light around him was strange, but wonderful to watch. Rena moved her arm as DemiMermon started to talk. "DemiMeramon Digivolve to..............," DemiMermon said as his voice started to change, "DemiDevimon." Rena looked excited as a black ball like creatures with wings, little floppy like antenas on his head, and bird like feet floated in front of her. DemiDeevimon looked like he couldn't keep flying. He did just get his wings after all. He start to fall, but Rena caught him. "You ok little guy," Rena asked as she held DemiDevimon in her arms, "I don't want you to get hurt now." DemiDevimon actually smiled and hugged Rena with his wings. "I'm fine," DemiDevimon said with a sound of relieve in his voice, "I'm just not used to my new wings yet." Rena nodded and smiled. She slightly hugged DemiDevimon back. "I'm glad you're ok," Rena said as she looked over at Kin, "and I know you'll get used to your wings really fast." DemiDevimon nodded and continued to hug Rena. Rena smiled again and started walking over to Kin. He was looking at his new Digimon strangely.[/color][/I][/B]
  20. [B][I][color=teal]Rena looked at Lopmon, Rad, and the new boy. She shook her head as Lopmon picked up the fish and Rad turned bright red. Rena then smiled as she looked at the new boy. The smokey Digimon, which Rena found out was called Mokumon, started to play with her shirt as she went to talk to the new boy. "So," Rena said with a smile, "what's your name before I start exsplain since Lopmon got a tad side tracked." The new boy grinned slightly as a slight pink color fell upon his face. Rena giggled slightly as Mokumon proceeded to play with her shirt. "I'm Kin," the new boy said as he cleared his throat, "and would you be so nice to eszplain everything to me." Rena put Mokumon down because he was getting a tad annoying. She then looked at Kin and smiled. Kin started to blush. "Well," Rena said as she put her hand on her hip, "we're in this strange world called the Digital World. Right now we're in Primary Village where all Digimon are born from eggs as a baby. All of the "talking creatures" are the Digimon AKA Digital Monsters. And no we're not dreaming." Rena smiled again as she spotted another Mokumon that needed to be fed. she walked over to it and Kin followed. As Rena picked the Mokumon and bottle up, Kin looked at her. "You sure seemed attracted to this Digimon," Kin said as he pulled down his sunglasses slightly. Rena turned a slight red color and looked at Mokumon. Mokumon was cheerfully enjoying his bottle. "well," Rena said as she swallowed hard, "we're supposed to get partner Digimon and I'm really hoping it's one of these guys. They're supposed to turn into a prank playing Digimon called DemiDevimon. I just think it might be fun to have a Digimon like that. Maybe you can help since you're going to be getting a partner as well." Rena looked up just as Kin pushed his sunglasses back up. She tried hard not to blush again as Kin smiled. He picked up a MetalKoromon and started feeding it. Rena was a little shocked at that because Kin didn't look like the type to do that. She let out a sigh, put a hand to her face, and turned red.[/color][/I][/B]
  21. [B][I][color=teal]Ok everyone, I started this thing. You can go to the Adventure Arena and start posting! :D I'm still open for sign-ups though. So if you still want to sign-up, go right ahead. I'm not stopping you. LOL[/color][/I][/B]
  22. [b][i][color=teal]Mika was sitting on a black throne like chair tapping her fingers on the arm of it. Mike was standing next to the chair, Tiffany and Sky were at the central computer, and Drake and Aura were working on something else at two smaller computers. Mika looked a little impatient. Tiffany and Sky must have been working on something that she wanted to see. ?Can you two hurry it up,? Mika questioned as she shifted her legs. Suddenly, a picture of a black ring with golden engravings in it appeared on the central computer. Mika uncrossed her legs and looked at the screen. She got up and hurriedly walked to the central computer?s controls. Tiffany and Sky looked at her as she typed something and took a disk out of the hard drive. ?Is that what you wanted,? Sky asked as he looked up at Mika. Mika nodded her head and slipped the disk into a pocket. She then walked back over to her chair and sat down. ?With that disk,? Mika said as she propped her feet up on one of the arms of her chair, ?I can study how to make my Shadow Rings more powerful. More powerful Shadow Rings means our Digimon can stay in their Mega forms instead of their Ultimate.? Mike started to sweat. He took a step backward and disappeared into the shadows, but bumped into something. He turned around and looked up. ?Myotismon,? Mike whispered as he looked up. Myotismon put his finger to his purple lips. Mike nodded and looked at the Shadow Ring around Myotismon?s neck. The golden engravings were glowing brightly. ?Can I have a word with you Mike,? Myotismon asked as a worried look crossed his face. Mike nodded and watched Myotismon tap his Shadow Ring. Myotismon turned around and started walking deeper into the shadows. Mike followed closely. A few seconds later, Myotismon and Mike appeared at the back of the castle. DarkAngewomon, Beelzemon, DoruGremon, and Hisharyuumon were all talking among themselves. Mike cringed at the Shadow Rings around the four Digimon?s necks. DoruGremon turned from the group and quickly ran up to Mike. Mike hugged him and placed his hand on the Shadow Ring. Hisharyuumon also ran up to Mike. Mike hugged his two Digimon and looked at Mika?s three. Beelzemon was sadly playing with one of his guns, DarkAngewomon was holding her knees in midair, and Myotismon was sadly playing with a bat. ?What did you guys want,? Mike asked as DoruGremon put him on his back. DarkAngewomon went into a standing position and floated over to Mike. He could tell she was highly upset even through her visor. ?We overheard Mika?s plan,? DarkAngewomon said as she put a hand to her chin, ?She wants us all in Mega forms. We have to stop her! We have to bring her over to the good side before it?s too late!? DarkAngewomon acted like she was going to cry. Mike looked a little upset. ?I?m trying my best,? Mike said as he slid off of DoruGremon, ?We?ll get my sister back if it?s the last thing we do.? DarkAngewomon clapped her hands together and nodded her head. Mika suddenly walked into the room. Mike turned around and looked at his sister. ?We?re all going home now,? Mika said as she walked over to Myotismon. Mike nodded and took the Shadow Ring off of DoruGremon and Hisharyuumon. Dorumon and Ryuudamon fell to the ground as the Shadow Rings came off. Mike quickly picked up his two, now Rookie, Digimon. Mika took the Shadow Ring off of Myotismon and watched DemiDevimon fall to the ground. She then took Beelzemon?s ring off and watched Impmon stumble and fall on his face. Mika shook her head and walked over to DarkAngewomon. DarkAngewomon?s wings dropped as Mika reached for the Shadow Ring. Mika caught Shadowmon as the Shadow Ring came off. An hour later in the Real World, Mika was working with the Shadow Rings on her computer. Shadowmon, DemiDevimon, and Impmon were huddled together on her bed. They would have to act like stuff animals if one of Mika?s parents walked in. Mike was on the top bunk with his two In-Training Digimon, Kyokyomon and Derimon, curled up next to him. He looked down at Mika?s computer screen. He started hoping that he could get some help to stop his sister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright everyone, you?re allowed to post whatever you want for your first post. I want everyone who?s evil to know that their allowed to have or not have the ?Shadow Rings? on their Digimon. Depends if you want your Digimon in their Rookie form or Ultimate form in the Digital World. The ?Shadow Rings? are removable. They must be removed before returning to the Real World. Also, everyone?s Digimon can be in their Rookie forms in the Real World if their not too big or disturbing to the public. (Ex. My brother?s one Digimon, Dorumon, was cute and fuzzy, but he was too big. My brother?s other Digimon is a dragon/dinosaur type Digimon, so it?s appearance would raise suspicions.) If your Digimon is one of these two, they have to go into their In-Training forms. Impmon, Shadowmon, and DemiDevimon were just perfect to stay Rookies or Champion in Shadowmon?s case. LOL That?s all for now! Have fun everyone! :D[/color][/i][/b]
  23. [B][I][color=teal]Rena quickly ran over to the cribs to help feed. There were already bottles out and next to the cribs. Rena smiled, picked up a bottle, and looked in a crib. There was a Digimon in there that looked like a puff of smoke with a fire on it's head. Rena seemed attracted to this baby. She picked it up and looked at it. "Aren't you cute," Rena said as she put the bottle in it's mouth, "When I get a partner, I hope it looks like you." Terriermon overhead Rena, walked out of his hut, and over to her. He was giving her a soft glare. Rena looked down at him and smiled nervously. "You may want to rethink that," Terriermon said as he looked at Rena. Rena put the bottle down and started to try to make the baby burp. She figured it was the same with Digimon as it was with her baby cousin. She then looked at Terriermon. "Why would I want to rethink that," Rena questioned. Terriermon crossed his arms and shook his head. He was tired of exsplaining everything. "Most of this smokey little guys turn into the prank playing DemiDevimon," Terriermon said with a sigh, "and you don't want DemiDevimon as a partner." Rena grinned as Terriermon started to walk away. She quietly put the now sleeping baby in his crib. She then moved to the next crib. "DemiDevimon sounds cool," Rena whispered as she picked up another bottle, "I've always liked dark things and a bit of a challenge." Rena softly picked up the baby in the crib in front of her and started feeding it.[/color][/I][/B]
  24. [B][I][color=teal]Rena was sitting at her desk looking at her laptop. She was pushing random keys and she had her hand on her face. She let out a sigh and pressed another key. Suddenly, her bedroom door swung open and a boy around Rena's age walked in. Rena turned around and looked at the boy. "Do you ever knock Rio," Rena asked as she started to lean backward on her desk. Rio was Rena's twin brother and a major thorn in her side. "I don't have to," Rio said as he sat down on Rean's bed. Rena rolled her eyes and went back to her laptop. Rio started looking aaround Rena's room. He frowned at all of the awards and technology stuff Rena had laying around. He let out a depressed sigh and layed backward. "I would love it if you left and let me do some reserch in peace," Rena said with out even turning from her laptop. Rio jumped up and glared at his sister. He started walking toward Rena's door. "Fine," Rio said without even looking back, "I'll leave you and your laptop alone. It's not like you ever leave it anyhow." Rena made a hand motion. Rio shook his head and left. Rena let out a relieved sigh and went back to hitting random keys. Later that night, Rena was sitting on her bed and looking out the window. She let out a sigh and looked down at her laptop which was sitting next to her in a carrying case. Rena shook her head and looked back out the window. Diffrent color lights had started flashing in the sky as she looked back out the window. Rena quickly jumped up, grabbed her laptop, and ran outside. The lights in the sky turned into little balls as Rena stepped outside. They started swirling around her. Rena started turning around looking at the lights makeing a light tornado around her. Suddenly, a turqouise light popped up in front of her. Rena stopped turning and reached for the light. She grabbed it and opened her hand. A small turqouise device was in her hand. Rena looked alittle confused as the light tornado closed in on her. She blacked out shortly after. "Ow," Rena said as she fluttered her eyes open, "What happened?" Rena sat up and shook her head. She quickly looked down at her closed hand. She still had the device and her laptop at her side. She then looked up. She was surrounded by a place that looked like her baby cousin would. She stood up just to feel that the ground was bouncy. "And you're awake too now," a cute voice said from behind Rena. Rena quickly turned to discover a little green and white rabbit standing behind her. She backed up slightly and fell down. "Who or what are you," Rena asked as she backed up some more, "and where I'm I?" The little rabbit shook his head. He then looked at Rena. "I'm Terriermon, I'm a Digimon," the small rabbit said as he moved an ear, "and you're in Primary Village which is in the Digital World." Rena looked around in shock. She knew she was in Tokyo anymore.[/color][/I][/B]
  25. [I][color=teal]Awsome! ^_^ I think I'll start this as some as I get a few more people and the people who have to finish their sign-ups finsh them. Oh yes, everyone else is perfectly fine! No one has to change a thing! LOL[/color][/I]
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