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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. [I][color=teal]OOC:I'll join. I luv Digimon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Rena [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Personality:[/B] Rena is honest and highly intelligent. She also very nice and has a great sense of humor. She spends most of her time on the computer though. [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://arakrust.iefactory.com/digimon/fanart/fanart09.gif]Click Here[/url] [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Turqouise [B]Crest:[/B] Truth [B]Partner:[/B] DemiDevimon [B]Digimon:[/B] [B]Fresh:[/B] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mokumon.gif]Mokumon[/url] (Attacks: Smokey Blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/cd/DemiMeramon.gif]DemiMeramon[/url] (Attacks: Fireball) [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/cd/DemiDevimon.jpg] DemiDevimon[/url] (Attacks: Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/wx/Wizardmon.gif]Wizardmon[/url] (Attacks: Thunder Blaster, Magical Game, Vision of Terror) [B]Crest Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Myotismon.gif]Myotismon[/url] (Attacks: Crimson lightning, Grizzly Wing, Nightmare Claw) [B]Warp Mega:[/B] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/uv/VenomMyotismon.gif]VenomMyotismon[/url] (Attacks: Venom Infusion, Nightmare Claw)[/color][/I]
  2. [i][color=teal]This idea has been running around in my head for some time now. I've finally decided to make a RPG out of this. I hope this goes ok since this is my first Digimon RPG! :D [u]The Story:[/u] A young girl, by the name of Mika, was transported to the Digital World at the young age of eight. She was there at the same time as the original Digidestined and she was there as long as them too. The longer Mika stayed in the Digital World, the more "Digital Evil" infected her. Her three partner Digimon started getting worried. They seeked help and founded it from Jedi. Jedi told the three Digimon to bring Mika back to the Real World as soon as the Digidestined opened the portal. The three Digimon agreed and did as they were told. Now, a few years later and time for the group of new Digidestined to step up, Mika's Digivice has changed. She can freely hop from the Real World to the Digital World. In the Real World she's normal, but in the Digital World she's evil and known as the Digital Sourceress. Her three digimon seek help again, but this time from the Digidestined themselves......... [u]Sign-Up:[/u] Digidestined Name: Age: (Around 12-16) Description: Real World: Digital World: Personality: Bio: Digivice Color: Partner Digimon: Good or Evil: Digimon Name: Description: (only for made up Digimon) Attack(s): Digivolved Forms: (these forms must be descriped if they're made up) Baby: (optional) In-Training: Rookie: Champion: Ultimate: Mega: Human Fusion: (optional) Keep note of all forms attacks. You don't have to put them down, but keep note! :D Your allowed three partner Digimon if your playing a made upl Digidestined, but only one if your playing one of the original cast. The orginal cast is from season one & two. I know I have something from season three & four in there. Oh yes, you can also be an evil Digidestined that helps Mika all the way through (which involves going good) or you can remain evil. LOL [u]My Sign-Up:[/u] Digidestined [b]Name:[/b] Mika Aurora [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Description:[/b] [b]Real World:[/b] Mika has shoulder length dirty blonde hair with light blonde highlights, a left green eye, and right blue eye. She wears a long sleeved black shirt with turquoise flames going up the sleeves, black nickers, black sandles, and black and turquoise goggles around her neck. [b]Digital World:[/b] Mika's hair is now in two pigtail that flare out like, she has fingerless black gloves, a turquoise belly shirt, black leather flares, a long black leather jacket, and her goggles around her neck. [b]Personality:[/b] Mika seems very shy and quiet in the Real World. It was like she was affted by the Digital World. Like she was sent into a state of shock, but she's the total oppisite in the Digital World. In the Digital World she's evil, outgoing, and cold hearted. [b]Bio:[/b] Mika was sent to the Digital World at the age of eight. She was in a total state of depression even with partner Digimon. All of the "Digital Evil" seemed attracted to her depression. It seemed to like it and make it's home in her body. The evil grew bigger the longer Mika stayed in the Digital World. Her partner Digimon finally got her to the Real World, but only for a few years. When Mika's Digivice changed, she went right back to going to the Digital World. The "Digital Evil" grew too strong for Mika or her Digimon to keep under control. Mika soon wanted the Digital World for herself and she made a device that kept her Digimon in Ultimate form. They return to thier Rookie forms in the Real World. Mika now feels invincible because she has three of the strongest Ultimates. [b]Digivice Color:[/b] Black & Turquoise [b]Partner Digimon:[/b] Impmon, DemiDevimon, and Shadowmon [b]Good or Evil:[/b] Evil, but goes good Digimon #1 [b]Name:[/b] Impmon [b]Attack(s):[/b] Bada Boom, Infernal Funnel, and Fiendish Attack [b]Digivolved Forms:[/b] [b]Baby:[/b] Kilmon [b]In-Training:[/b] Yaamon [b]Rookie:[/b] Impmon [b]Champion:[/b] Devidramon (I put this in since Impmon really doesn't have a Champion form) [b]Ultimate:[/b] Beelzemon [b]Mega:[/b] Beelzemon Blast Mode AKA BB (Ya know, the one with wings) [b]Human Fusion:[/b] Lilithmon (this is kind of weird so don't ask) Digimon #2 [b]Name:[/b] DemiDevimon [b]Attack(s):[/b] Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher [b]Digivolved Forms:[/b] [b]Baby:[/b] Mokumon [b]In-Training:[/b] DemiMeramon [b]Rookie:[/b] DemiDevimon [b]Champion:[/b] Wizardmon [b]Ultimate:[/b] Myotismon [b]Mega:[/b] VenomMyotismon [b]Human Fusion:[/b] LadyDevimon (weird once again, but remember Mika's a girl) Digimon #3 [b]Name:[/b] Shadowmon [b]Description:[/b] She basiclly a black Gatomon with turquoise where the purple is supposed to be. She doesn't have any gloves and she has a sliver ring on her tail. [b]Attack(s):[/b] Shadow Paw, Cat?s Eye Hypnotism, and Rapid Punch [b]Digivolved Forms:[/b] [b]Baby:[/b] ShadowBotamon - A black SnowBotamon. [b]In-Training:[/b] Shadymon - A black and turqoise Nyaromon with icy blue eyes. [b]Rookie:[/b] Nightmon - A black Salamon with turqoise throughout her and a silver ring around her neck. [b]Champion:[/b] Shadowmon [b]Ultimate:[/b] DarkAngewomon - Angewomon with black wings, a black outfit, and a turquoise & black visor that just covers her eyes. [b]Mega:[/b] BlackMagnadramon - Just as it says. :D [b]Human Fusion:[/b] Catwomon - It's kind of like Shadowmon with a human body, long turqoise hair, and DarkAngewomon's visor. That's alot of typing! :sweat: I hope you all enjoy this! Oh yeah, here's a site to help you with attacks or chooseing your Digimon! [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/digidexE.html]Digidex[/url] Good luck everyone! :D[/color][/i]
  3. [B][I][color=teal]OOC: Sorry I'm late too. :sweat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coje was quickly running threw the streets. He had a bag in his mouth and he was looking at his watch. Yaamon peeked out of Coje's backpack as Coje took a sharp corner. A look of uneasiness crossed Yaamon's face as he flew to one side. "Whoa Coje," Yaamon screamed as he looked around, "What's the rush!" Coje suddenly stopped. He took the bag out of his mouth and took his backpack off. He opened his backpack and looked at Yaamon. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Yaamon's face. "I'm trying to get over grandpa's," Coje said with a glare, "and then we can go to Digital World." Yaamon nodded as Coje closed his backpack. Coje then swung his backpack on his back. A little later, Coje ran into his grandpa's house. He basicly lived with his grandparents because his parents were always working. He had a key to the house. Yaamon suddenly jumped out of the backpaack. Coje stopped and looked at Yaamon. "Now who's in a hurry," Coje said as he walked over and picked Yaamon up. Yaamon turned bright red and looked toward the computer. Coje shook his head and headed toward the computer. "Sorry," Yaamon said as he jumped onto the computer desk, "but I wanna be Impmon. I feel like I have a little strength to me." Coje shook his head, brushed his blonde hair behind his ear, and picked up his D3. He put the D3 to the computer screen and grabbed Yaamon. The computer screen started flashing diffrent color and Coje and Yaamon disappeared into the computer. A few seconds later, Coje was standing next to Impmon in the Digital World. Coje grinned and looked down at Impmon. "Ya happy now," Coje questioned. Impmon lit up his finger and then put it out. Coje shook his head. Imp climbed up onto Coje's shoulder and looked at him. "I'm very happy," Impmon said with a yawn," but I want some action now." Coje shook his head again and started walking.[/color][/I][/B]
  4. [B][I][color=teal]OOC: I hope I'm not too late! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Coje Who they descended from: Willis Age: around 13-14 Gender: Male Personality: Coje is the outgoing type. He has a very good sense of humor and a very nice attitude. He's very good at video games and only get's hot headed when someone threatens his friends. He's mostly for love and peace though. Appearance: [url]http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/m/y/myriam/c2001_bogarcon_2.jpg[/url] He looks like that with black going through his hair. He usually wears a long sleeved black shirt with turqouise flames going up the sleeves , a turqouise vest, black pants that flare out at the bottom and have turqouise in them, and black sneakers. Bio: Coje learned alot about digimon from his grandfather. He learned to never mess with the Digital World by trying to get more then it offers you. Coje loved hearing about digimon so much that he spent alot of time over his grandfather's house. One day when Coje was on his grandfather's computer, a digivice and egg came out of it. Coje was so excited that he ran and showed his grandfather. His grandfather wasn't too thrilled, but he was glad that Coje was happy. Coje now travels back and forth with his partner digimon. He's not too happy about what's going on in the Digital World tough. He wants to help so both worlds can remain peaceful. Grade: 9th Partner Digimon: Impmon Partner Digimon's Digivolution Line: Baby: Kiimon In-Training: Yaamon Rookie: Impmon Champion: Devidramon Ultimate:Beezlemon Mega: Beezlemon Blast Mode Partner Digimon's Appearance: [url= http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/Kiimon.gif]Kiimon[/url] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/yz/Yaamon.gif]Yaamon[/url] [url=http://www.thai.net/patamon_gc/impmon.jpg]Impmon[/url] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/cd/Devidramon.gif]Devidramon[/url] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Beelzemon.jpg]Beelzemon[/url] [url=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/BeelzemonBlast.jpg]Beezlemon Blast Mode[/url] Digivice Style: D3 (I think that's what season two's Digivices were called) Color: Main black with turqouise grips on both sides. Attributes: the usually as the ones from the shows, no diffrences.[/color][/i][/b]
  5. JoyKaiba


    [B][I][color=teal]Amber was asleep with her head on Josh's bed. That fight took alot out of her and she log out right after. She wanted to see how her best friend was pulling through. She suddnly woke up when she heard some commotion outside of Josh's room. She jumped, got tangled in the chair, and fell. Just as she fell, the lights flickered. Amber shook her head and pulled herself up. She looked over at Josh's vital signs. Everything was either dropping or speeding up. A look of horror crossed Amber's face as the color dropped out of her. She quickly ran to Josh's bedside. "No," Amber said with a hint of tears in her voice, "don't leave me. You can't leave me! You made me a promise! You just can't go and break a promise! I'll hate you forever if you leave me! I'll hate you!!!!" Amber started to cry on Josh's chest as the lights flickered again. She suddenly jumped up and stormed out of the room.[/color][/I][/B]
  6. [B][I][color=teal]Amber froze in her tracks as her and Joey walked. A strange feeling was coming across her whole body. She didn't like it one bit though. Joey turned and looked at her. He knew something was wrong. "You ok Amber," Joey asked as he let go of Amber's hand. Amber shook her head and put her hand to her head. Joy appeared behind. An exstremly stern look was on her face. "I think that's what we've been senseing," Joy said as she pointed at two people walked out of an allyway. Amber looked up at the two people. She had to follow them. Maybe then she would understand the odd feelings she's been haveing. She then befgan chaseing after the two. Joey chased after her. Amber wanted answers for the strange powers she sensed. "I hope you're right Joy," Amber whispered as she rounded a corner. "I hope you're right." [/color][/I][/B]
  7. [B][I][color=teal]Amber awoke from a sudden scream. She knew it was Rikku. She quickly stummbled to her feet and ran toward the basement, but something shoved her back again. A strange figure in a black robe appeared in front of her. Amber didn't like the looks of this. "I told you not to interfer High Priestess," the figure said as she pointed at Amber. Amber shook her head. Joy was Yami's High Priestess and Amber's Joy reincarnation, but how could this person know this. Amber had to get down to Rikku no matter what though. "Let me through," Amber said as she went to push by the figure, "I've gotta help my friend!" The figure grabbed Amber as she went to run by. Joy quickly grabbed the figure. Joy had a very unhappy look on her face. "Put her down," Joy said as she tightened her grib on the figure, "and tell me what your doing to our friend." The figure laughed as she threw Amber down. She then disappeared. Amber started rubbing her backside as she grabbed her cell phone. She started dialing a number. "Hey," Duke said from the other end of the phone, "Amber. Where are you? Everyone was trying to get ahold of you." Amber shook her head and stood up. She let out a depressed sigh. "Duke," Amber said as she walked to the dorr of the house, "Rikku's in trouble and I need backup. I want you to gather everybody, includeing Ethan, and bring them to Gale City." Duke was silent for a second. "How are supposed to get there," Duke asked with a harsh tone. Amber winced at Duke's yelling and looked up into the sky. "Get my brother," Amber said as she looked across the street, "and tell him what's going on. Tell him that I told him to give you all a helicoptor. He'll probbly tag along." Duke let out a sigh, but he agreed. Amber hung up her cell phone and slid down the side of the house. She felt really weak for some odd reason. She suddenly fell asleep.[/color][/I][/B]
  8. [B][I][color=teal]I'll be a fighter as well! LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Luna Age: 16-18 Gender: Female Race: Fox Demon like Kurama and also has a human form like him as well. Human Appearence: She has long black hair that ends in the middle of her back and purple eyes. She wears a long sleeved black velvet shirt that flares out at the end of the sleeves, black leather flares, black boots, and a black chocker with a moon on it. Demon Appearence: She looks pretty much the same, but there are a few changes of course. Her hair is longer, her eyes are a lighter puple, she has fuzzy black ears, and a long flowing black tail. She wears a outfit similar to Yoko's, but it's more like a dress and it's black. Bio: Luna was raised by a group of demon that she hated. Those demons were only using her for her abilities. One day, Luna just escaped from the demons. She escaped to the human world were she knew those demon wouldn't follow. Since she was still young, she was soon discovered by a police officer who took her in. Now Luna is trying to mak up for all the things those demons made her do. She always wanted to be a spirit detective. She falls in love with Kurama when she sees him. Abilities: A black spirit energy bow and arrows, poison(black) and normal(light purple) roses that she can turn into rose whips, and control over the moon and night.[/color][/I][/B]
  9. [B][I][color=teal]Amber was tapping her foot as she sat at a desk. Seto was pacing back and forth in front of the desk. Amber let a slight yawn escape from her mouth. All of a sudden Amber's cellphone rang. Amber quickly picked it up as Seto looked over at her. "Hello," Amber quickly said as a sweat drop appeared on the side of her face. Seto had crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. "Yo," Joey said from the other end of the phone, "You free!" Amber looked up at Seto. Seto didn't look too happy. Amber would rather go with Joey somewhere, but Seto probbly won't approve. "I'll asked," Amber said as she quickly put her hand over the mouth piece, "Can I go out with someone like right now?" Seto uncrossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Amber. Amber gave Seto the big purple puppy dog eyes. Seto shook his head and let out a sigh. "I guess," Seto said as he started to pace again. Amber all most jumped up for joy. She took her hand off the mouth piece. "Awright Joe," Amber said with joy, "How about you meet me in front of Kaiba Corp?" Joey agreed as Amber jumped up. She grabbed her vest, kiss Seto on the cheek, and quickly ran outside. All she had to do was wait for Joey. As Amber was waiting, Joy appeared behind her. She had a worried look on her face. Amber quickly turned around from the sense of Joy's precence. "What's up Joy," Amber asked as she looked up at Joy. Joy crossed her arms and shook her head. Amber looked at her with a confused look. "A strong being is heading toward this city," Joy said as she disappeared back into the earrings. Amber shook her head and turned back around. She was starrtled when she came face to face with Joey. Joey grinned and waved at her. "You ready," Joey said as he put his hand out. Amber smiled and grabbed Joey's hand. They both started walking into the city. Amber was starting to worry about what Joy said. Who could this person coming to Domino be? [/color][/I][/B]
  10. [B][I][color=teal]I guess I'll join since I know the story behind the Forgotten Past story! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Amber Kaiba Age: around 15-17 Gender: Female What country are you from: Japan! She's always lived in Domino City. LOL Favorite card(s): The All-Seeing White Tiger, Dark Magician Girl, Lady Panther, and Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Bio: Amber is Seto's step-sister and rightful owner of Kaiba Corp. She sees Seto and Mokuba as her brother because they always been there even after her brother was killed and her father isolated himself in the vitural world. She can't stand the thought of running Kaiba Corp., so she lets Seto run it. And besides, Seto seems happy running it. Amber is intelligent and highly computer smart, but she still didn't pay attention to her lessons just because she wasn't interested in Kaiba Corp. She's always used Dueling as a past time. She's very good and hard to beat. Seto hates it that she has a killer cursh on Joey Wheeler. :D Description: Amber has shoulder length turqouise hair with chin length teal bangs and purple eyes. She usually wears a turqouise belly shirt, a black vest with KC in turqouise on the back and the right side of the front, black leather pants, a black belt with a silver beltbuckle with KC on it, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and a golden heart locket around her neck. Deck Theme: Her Deck mostly contains beast, but there are other things in there. It's mixed, so there is not really a theme. Millennium Item: The Millennium Earrings: They look like the Millennium Eye on small golden chains. They contain a Yami named Joy and have the ability to read people's inner feelings and deepest desirers.[/color] [color=indigo]And here's some info on Joy for the heck of it.............................. Name: Joyce or Joy for short Age: Looks about 16. She's the same age as High Priest Seth though. Gender: Female Bio: Joy has a shady past, but there are somethings known about her. Her and Seth were a rare occasion of twins. They were thought to be special, so they became Yami's High Priset and High Priestess. Yami had a crush on Joy, but she was more interested in his friend Jono though. Not much more then that is knowqn about Joy. She's on a quest to find Jono though. Description: Joy has waist length reddish-brown hair with chin length blonde bangs and purple eyes. She usually wears a white and gold high priestess outfit, golden sandles, golden armbands, and a golden teira. She has the Millennium Symbol tatooed on her right arm.[/color][/I][/B]
  11. [B][I][color=teal]Lilly peeked around the rock, but no one was there. She let out a sigh of relieve as Tai walked out from the shadows. Lilly turned to face him. Tai's tail was swishing back and forth and his arms were crossed. Lilly let out a sigh and sat down. She put her back to the rock. Suddenly Tai turned around. His ears were twitching. "What is it Tai," Lilly asked in a whisper. Tai quickly jumped up on the rock and looked up at the cliff. His bright blue eyes had caught sight of a glimmering light. "We have company," Tai said as the fluttered down to him. The light was a turqouise fairy with black wings. Tai shook his head and the fairy followed. Lilly looked at the fairy with wonder. "A fairy," Lilly questioned with a wondering look. Tai sat down next to Lilly as the fairy landed in her hair. Lilly giggled slightly and looked over at Tai. Tai was staring at the fairy. "I see that that Zora sent you too Nit," Tai said as he looked at the fairy. Nit got off of Lilly's head and floated down in front of her. He put his hand to his face. "If she really is Link's sister," Nit said as he went into indian style, "then why do we have to protect her?" A tension mark appeared on the side of Tai's forehead. He went to go grab Nit, but someone clearing their throat stopped him. Lilly, Tai, and Nit all turned around toward the rock. "I finally found you," a female voice said from atop the rock. Lilly didn't like this. Who could this person be?[/color][/I][/B]
  12. [B][I][color=teal]OOC: You don't have to leave Zanarkand Abes. I'll try to make this go in the right direction. Lexy can't post that much. She doesn't have a computer of her own, but I do. :D I'll try my best to help us all out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You did what," Amber yelled as she held a cellphone to her ear, "I'm going to hurt you Mokey. Don't take that as a threat, but you should of known better." Amber was in a helicopter heading toward Gala City. She had started later then Rikku. Amber shook her head at Mokuba's careless mistake. "I'm sorry sis," /mokuba said with a embaressed voice, "I didn't know that I would be hurting anything." Amber shook her head again. Her teal bangs fell in front of her face as the helicopter touch down on the ground. Amber quickly jumped out. "It's ok little bro," Amber said as she looked at the huge city, "I'm going to find Rikku now, so I'll talk to you later." With that statement, Amber hung up her cellphone. She continued to look around. She was amazed by the huge buildings. Most of the buildings were bigger then Kaiba Corp. "Not the time to sight see," Joy said as she started floating away from Amber, "We're on a mission if you remember." Amber nodded her head and started following Joy. In a few mintutes, Amber and Joy were standing in front of a house. It looked like it had been empty for only a few months now. Amber quickly bargged into the house. She spotted Rikku heading down into the basement. "No Rikku," Amber yelled as she chased after her, "Don't go down there!" Amber ran up to the basement door as Rikku ignored her. A strong and strange force threw Amber backward. Amber felt faint as she heard a voice. "DON'T INTERFER HIGH PRIESTESS," a strange voice said from out of no where. Amber started to close her eyes as a figure walked up to her.[/color][/I][/B]
  13. [B][I][color=teal]When Makura landed, Tee-Tee quickly pulled Lilly behind a rock. Lilly shielded her face from all of the dust that clouded in front of her. Tee-Tee looked a little worried as the others went to talk to the newcomer. Lilly shook some dust from her hair and turned around to face Tee-Tee. "Did you hear what Miatatzu said about Link," Lilly asked with a stern look on her face, "I know what I heard was true. This makes me want to say my brother even more." Lilly was really excited and upset all at the same time. She wanted to save her brother with fun in the mix, but she was upset that her brother was captured in the first place. Lilly let out a sigh and sat down. Tee-Tee walked over to her and sat down. His bright blue eyes reminded Lilly of the handsome wolf boy. Lilly let out another sigh. This one sounded more like she was day dreaming then in distress. Tee-Tee was getting inpatcient. He could hide the truth from Lilly any more. "Lilly," Tee-Tee said as he stood up, "I've got something to show and tell you." Lilly looked at Tee-Tee and stood up as a bluish wind started to whirl around Tee-Tee. Lilly slightly backed up against the rock they were behind. She was getting slightly scared. She was confused. What was Tee-Tee doing? She never seen him do this before. "What's going on Tee-Tee," Lilly asked as Tee-Tee completely disappeared into the wind. Lilly put her hand over her eyes so that she could continue to look at the wind. Suddenly the wind cleared and the same wolf boy that Lilly had seen eairlier floated down to the ground. He open his bright blue eyes and walked up to Lilly. Lilly looked up at him slightly and turned a light pink. "My name's Tai-Tika or Tee-Tee for short," the wolf boy said as he looked down at Lilly, "I'm your loyal guardian that your Zora father asked to protect you. I wasn't going to reveal my true form to you just yet, but it was ripping me apart inside. I also have something to tell you which might benifit you and your new friends." Lilly looked at Tee-Tee and nodded. She wasn't to sure of what to make of this. "What might help Tai," Lilly said with a bright red face. Tee-Tee or Tai was shocked at what Lilly called him. He shook his head and put his hands on Lilly's shoulders. Lilly's blue eyes met Tai's. Tai shook his head again. "Since you're Link's twin sister," Tai said as he stared into Lilly's eyes, "you have the ability to see the Triforce. Please use that abillity to your advantage." Lilly nodded and quickly turned to her right. Someone was walking over to her and Tai. She quickly shoved Tai away. "Hide," Lilly whispered as Tai backed up. "I don't want anyone to see you like this." Tai nodded and started hideing in the shadows. Lilly smiled and turned toward whoever was coming. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I have a question? Can I have Tai/Tee-Tee as a character too. If so, I'll change my sign-up. (I'm going to change one thing anywho) I just thought it would be interesting for Tai to be in there. It makes Lilly's life more interesting. If not, I'll just change him back to his wolf pup form and keep him there. ^_^[/color][/I][/B]
  14. [B][I][color=teal]OOC:Arika, my brother said you can change your fav card to anything you want. LOL ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joey was grinning evily as Rex's Lifepoints dropped to 100. This duel was almost over and it was looking good for the Wheeler twins. Aurora looked over at her brother. She could tell he was itching to say something stupid. She shook her head and watched Rex draw a card. "Don't be getting too happy Wheeler," Rex said as he took a card from his hand, "This duel isn't over until my dinos say it's over." Joey waved his hand in front of his face. He was getting impatcient and a tad cocky. He stuck his tounge out at Rex. "Will you just go for Ra's sake," Joey said as he put his tounge back in his mouth. Rex grummbled something and layed a card down. "I end my turn," Rex said as he looked over at Aurora. Aurora shook her head and drew a card. She had three monsters on the field and Rex just placed down one. Rex and Terra both knew better then to attack her. She had her Cat's Ear Tribe on the field and that spelled D.O.O.M for anyone attacking her. Joey looked over at her and rolled his eyes. Aurora snorted and placed a card down on the field. "I place this card facedown," Aurora said as she looked at her three monsters, "and I attack your facedown defence monster with my Flame Swordsman. Then I'll attack you head on with my Amozoness Tiger." Rex bangged his head on the dueling area as the Flame Swordsman destroyed his monster and the Amozoness Tiger finshed off his lifepoints. "I can't beileve we lost because of you brother," Terra whined as the duel arena brought everyone back down to the ground. Joey and Aurora quickly ran over to Rex and Terra to claim their prize. Rex and Terra handed over their four Starchips and walked off into the forest aurgeing. Aurora and Joey put thier new Starchips into their gloves and grinned at each other. "Awright," Noah said as he ran up to his big brother and sister, "you two did it. You rock! We're also one step closer to finding mom and dad now." Aurora and Joey both hugged Noah as he ran up to them. Seto looked highly amused by this. Joey looked over at Seto with a glare. Seto crossed his arms and started walking. "Ya know," Joey said as he walked away from Noah and Aurora, "if ya got something to say Kaiba, just say it." Seto stopped and turned around. Joey was standing about a foot away from him. Seto uncrossed his arms and stared at Joey. "You did a good job at dueling there," Seto said as he pushed his glasses up, "and, now, lets continue on." Joey put his guard down as Seto started to walk away. He wasn't being as rude as usual. Noah quickly looked to his left. The duel between Matt and Keith was still going on. He had to say something. "We can't leave yet," Noah quickly said as she walked away from Aurora, "We have to wait for Matt." Seto stopped and turned around again. An evil look was across his face. Noah started backing up slightly. He was intimadated by his own cousin. Joey and Aurora both didn't like the fact of Seto scareing Noah. "He can catch up," Seto said as he turned back around. He went to walk away again, but someone grabbing his arm stop him. He looked down to discover Selena holding his arm. Her blue eyes were sparkiling. "Lets wait," Selena said as she let go of her big brother's arm. Seto shook his head and turned around. He started walking toward Matt's duel. Joey and Aurora looked at each other and then at Selena. Selena smiled and chased after her brother. Everyone else followed as well.[/color][/I][/B]
  15. [B][I][color=teal]OOC: I'm confused. How would Yugi and the other be at the park when they were all heading toward Rikku's. Oh yes, one more thing, Zanarkand Abes, my brother's character had the orginal Millennium Necklace. Not to sound rude or anything, but you're kind of turning this RPG into your own. I go to school with Lexy and I don't think this is how she wants the story to move along. Sorry for sounding so rude. Anyways, I'll kind of pickup where I kind of left off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Do you think we're just in a wild goose chase here," Joey asked as he caught up to Amber. Amber shook her head as she rounded a corner. Tristen, Michelle, Amanda, Seto, and Yugi weren't too far behind. The had left Tea behind because she didn't have a yami to tell her what was going on. "I believe what Joy said," Amber said as the group approched Rikku's house, "We have to talk to Ethan and help Rikku out." Joey nodded as he slid to a stop. Everyone else did the same. Amber looked up at the house just as Ethan and his dad pulled up. Ethan got out of the car and looked at the group. Amber quickly ran up to him. "What's up," Ethan asked with wounder in his eyes. Amber shook her head and pulled Ethan over to the group. His dad shook his head and quickly ran inside to check on Rikku. Ethan had a confused look on his face. "We know you hid something from your sister," Amber said as she placed her hands on Ethan's shoulders, "Mind telling us what it is?" Ethan looked away, but something made him look back. Seto had his arms crossed and the Millennium Rod in one hand. A unhappy look was across his face. "We'll force you to talk if we have to," Seto said without changing position or exspression. Ethan started to look nervous as he looked at everyone's Millennium Items. Thought started flowing through his head. Joey had the wristband which predicted physical movements, Amber had the earrings which sensed inner emotions, Michelle had th chocker which changed people's thought patterns, Tristen had the pendent which made him physical stronger, Amanda had the necklace which could predict the near future, Yugi had the puzzle which contained a powerful Yami with mysical powers, and Seto had the rod which could control people's minds. Ethan was scared by the thought of what all the diffrent Millennium Items could do. He let out a sigh of hopelessness. "All right," Ethan said as he looked at Amber, "My dad and me hid the Millennium Headband from my sister. We knew there was something evil about it and we didn't want Rikku anywhere near it. You don't have to worry though, it's hidden under a losse floorboard in the basement of our old house." Amber took her hands off Ethan's shoulders. She sensed the worriment deep within Ethan. Something was bothering him. "We'll still try our best to keep your sister and the Millennium Headband away from each other," Amanda said as she crossed her arms. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Ethan smiled and nodded as well. "Thanks guys," Ethan said with a smile, "I needed that. Your the best friends anyone could have." Everyone except Amber nodded again. Amber was troubled by Ethan's mixed emotions. He seemed happy one the outside, but deep within there was a little boy crying his eyes out. Something had scared him and he's still scared. Amber wanted to find out more. She would have to travel to Ethan's and Rikku's old house to find out the answers she wanted.[/color][/I][/B]
  16. [B][I][color=teal]Lilly was looking at the two fairies that were gently hovering around her. She kind of felt like she was in the spotlight. Lilly started tapping her foot and looked down at Tee-Tee. Tee-Tee was her spirit guide and she couldn't ask for anything more. There was something bothering her though. This all happened the day she got Tee-Tee and the day right before she left. [center]~Flashback~[/center] "Now listen," Lilly's adoptive father said as his sliver scales shimmered in the moonlight. He was talking to a half-boy half-wolf. The wolf boy's black tail swished back and forth as he put his hand on his hip. His clawed fingers started tapping on his hip as he closed his bright blue eyes. He grinned slightly to reveal some fangs. His long blond hair, that was up in a ponytail, clashed with the black fur bandanna wrapped around his head. His ears looked perrty normal. They were long and pointed, but the black fur starting at his ankles and ending a little before his knees wasn't normal. Lilly was keeping these things in mind as she watched and listened from afar. "Don't worry about it," the wolf boy said as he brushed off his black fured flap that went completely around his waist and ended a liitle above his knees, "I'll do what you asked me to do." Lilly couldn't help but to think this wolf boy was interesting. She liked the silver armor like top with the black fur shoulder pads that he had on. "I hope so," the silver Zora said with a smile, "I wouldn't want Lilly hurt. I'll give her a sword tommarow when she goes off on her own." The wolf boy nodded and turned toward Lilly. Lilly quickly stummbled around the corner. She closed her eyes and hoped the wolf boy wouldn't notice her. [center]~End of Flashback~ [/center] Lilly's flashback was interupted by Tee-Tee growling. His deep growl startled Miatatzu and Chi as well. All three girls got ready to pull their weapons as Tee-Tee continued to growl. Someone or something was close by and it wasn't to friendly.[/color][/I][/B]
  17. [B][I][color=teal]"Awright Tenkazu," Joey said as he gave Tenkazu a high five, "That was awsome dude! You showed that wierdo who rules the Dueling World." Aurora shook her head at her brother's little speech. Noah stood there with an embaressed look on his face. Joey was just like their father and that was creepy. "Can we move along," Seto said as he walked by Joey. Joey's high spirit came crashing down in a splite second. His eyes narrowed as he glared at Seto. "You know how to bring down a moment Kaiba," Joey yelled after his cousin. Seto made a hand motion and kept walking. Selena and Setrina quickly chased after their big brother. Joey slammed his hands in his pockets and followed. Everyone else followed as well. A few seconds later, the group came into a clearing in the forest. Joey looked around. He knew if someone challenged him to a duel here, it would be perfect for him. It was half-forest and half-plain. Joey grinned and started rubbing his hands together. Aurora looked at him from his right and Noah looked at him from his left. They both had sweatdrops on the sides of their heads and their eyes were narrowed. Joey stopped rubbing his hands together and stood stright up. The group suddenly heard evil laughther. "Oh this is rich," a tall woman with brown and green hair, "The poor kiddies lost their parents and now they're all alone. So you know, the name's Terra Raptor." Aurora raised an eyebrow at her and then looked at Joey. Joey had a "I'm prepared to duel" grin on his face. Aurora shook her head. "You any relation to Rex Raptor," Joey said as he looked at Terra. Terra grinned as she looked to her right as Rex step out of the forest next to her. Joey took a step backward. Seto looked at him a shook his head. Joey grinned his teeth. "Yeah," Rex said as he crossed his arms, "Terra's my twin sister. Why don't we make this a double duel? I know I want Wheeler there to join us." Joey stepped forward and put his fist up. Aurora shook her head as an arena appeared from underground. Rex and Terra jumped on the red side. ""Awright," Joey said as he grabbed Aurora's hand, "How 'bout the Wheeler twins go aginst the Raptor twins. With a bet of Starchips, two each." A sweat drop appeared on the side of Aurora's head as her brother pulled her over to the arena. She shook her head and got on one side of the blue side and Joey got on the other. Both sets of twins sat down four Starchips. "Lets start by putting our Deck Masters on the field," Terra said as she pulled a card from her deck, "I place down Darkland Fire Dragon as my Deck Master." Terra then looked over at Joey. Joey shook his head as the green dragon appeared on the field. Joey pulled a card from his deck. "I place the Flame Swordsman, my dad's favorite card, down as my Deck Master," Joey said as he placed a card down in the Deck Master Zone, "How 'bout you Dino Breath." Rex gripped his fist at Joey's remark. He could of swore he heard the same thing from his father at one time. He grabbed a card and placed in the Deck Master Zone. "I play Twin-Headed King Rex as my Deck Master," Rex said as he looked at Aurora. Aurora shook her head and picked a card. She placed the card down. "I play The All-Seeing White Tiger, my mom's favorite card," Aurora said as the blind white tiger appeared on the field. Terra and Rex looked as if they were about to laugh. Aurora couldn't careless. The All-Seeing White Tiger was more powerful then it looked. "Let's duel," all four duelist said at the same time. The four started looking at their hands. They would all have to duel their hardest. [/color][/I][/B]
  18. [B][I][color=teal]Lilly was siting near the river that lead stright to Zora Domain. Tee-Tee was happily wagging his tail next to her. He was an awfully larger wolf pup with many hidden powers that Lilly doesn't even know about. Lilly stood up and let out a sigh. Tee-Tee quickly trotted up next to her. Lilly's head was down. "What's wrong," Tee-Tee asked telapathicly. Lilly shook her head and took out her sword. The beutiful blue blade was soothing sight. Tee-Tee looked a little upset as he looked up at Lilly. He slowed down and came up behind Lilly. He then knocked her onto his back. "What are you doing Tee-Tee," Lilly asked as Tee-Tee started running into Hyrule Field. Lilly quickly put her sword away and held onto Tee-Tee with both hands. She spotted two figures that were on horses and looked as if they had fairies. Lilly thought that Tee-Tee thought they could help them out.[/color][/I][/B]
  19. [B][I][color=teal] Amber's earrings started glowing and jumping all over the place. Amber did a dead stop. A vision was flashing before her eyes. Her earrings have never done that before. They were only met to pick up people's emotions. Why were they doing this and why now. The funny thing was, she wasn't the only one that stopped dead in their tracks. Joey, Tristen, Michelle, Amanda, Seto, and Yugi had stopped too. The same thing was probbly happing to them too. "I'll hide it in the basement under the loose floor board," Ethan said as he carried a golden box with the Millennium symbol on it, " She won't find it there. She never goes down there anyway." Ethan was headed for the basement as Amber and everyone else tried to shake the vision from their head. "We've got to confront Ethan," a strange female voice said from behind Amber. Amber quickly turned around to discover a spirit like girl with long brown hair, shoulder length blond bangs, and purple eyes looking down at her. She was wearing an Egyptian Priestess outfit, she had golden tie sandels on, a golden tira, golden arm bands, and the Millennium symbol tattooed on her arm. Amber let out a sigh as she looked at the girl. "But why Joy," Amber asked as the girl crossed her arms. Joy shook her head and looked over at everyone else. They were all having a conversation with their yamis. Joy shook her head again. "Ethan hid something from his sister," Joy said with a sterdy look on her face, "I have a feeling that that something is a Millennium Item. An evil Millennium Item. We have to confront Ethan so that we can prevent Rikku from finding it." Amber nodded her head just as everyone else did. Amber quickly started heading toward Rikku's house. Everyone else wasn't too far behind. They all were on a mission. They had to help Rikku.[/color][/I][/B]
  20. JoyKaiba


    [B][I][color=teal]OOC: Sorry for not posting. If my memory serves me right, anyone who falls into a coma is still in the game. So, I'm going to have Blake with me when I show back up. ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u]Aqua Capital Mac Anu[/u] Coal stummbled back in the capital. He was in too much of a rush to wait for his friends. His clothes were torn and he looked totally beat up. He had another boy with him. The boy had shoulder length blonde hair with strikes of black going through it. He was wearing a blue tanktop, black armor on his right arm, black pants with black armor going down the front, and black boots. He also had to blades, one at each side. "I may have been hasty," Coal said as he sat the other boy down, "but I did save Blake in this world. I just need to figure out how to save him in the Real World." As Coal sat down, Blake started to open his eyes. His eyes were a stunning crystal blue. He looked almost the same in the Real World. "Coal," Black said as she pushed himself up into a sitting position, "Thanks a lot bud." Coal looked at his friend and shook his head. He then looked up toward the sky. "I'm an idiot," Coal said with a sigh, "If I would have waited for my friends, this would all have went smoother." Blake shook his head and stood up. He put his hand down. Coal looked at his hand, smiled, and grabbed it. Blake yanked him up. "Don't worry about it," Blake said as he started walking toward the markets, "Lets just get some potions for your wounds." Coal nodded his head and chased after Blake.[/color][/I][/B]
  21. [color=teal][B][I]Amber looked at Joey. She knew if he lost, so would Matt because of double duel rules. If she took Joey out, she took them both out. Something was bothering her though. Joey was known for his talents as a duelist. How come he's making all of these foolish mistakes? He's playing like an amuture. These words ran through Amber's mind as she drew a card. "I play my mighty Amazoness Tiger in attack mode," Amber said as she placed a card down on her Duel Disk, " and a facedown card. You know my lovely tiger has enough attack points to wipe you out Joey." Joey grinned and put his arms out. Amber gave him a funny look. "Go ahead," Joey said as he stood there, "I don't care. Beat me if ya have to." Amber looked at Joey with a confused look. Matt turned and looked at Joey. He didn't look too happy. "Are you mad," Matt asked as he looked at Joey. Joey looked over at Matt. Matt noticed that Joey still had three Scapegoats on the field, but so did Amber. Amber know she couldn't attack Joey directly, but atlest get rid of one of his Scapegoats. "I attack one of your Scapegoats," Amber said with a sad voice, "and end my turn." Her Amazoness Tiger wiped out one of Joey's Scapegoats. Amber still had a good trap card down. She just wanted to end this duel and not lose.[/I][/B][/color]
  22. [color=teal][B][I][U]Name:[/U] Lilly [U]Age:[/U]10 or 11 [U]Race:[/U] Hylian [U]Bio:[/U] Lilly was an orphan raised by the Zoras. She knew she was diffrent from them, but she considered them her family. One day her adoptive father, an oddly colored Zora, told her of what he saw when he found her. A young woman was heading to Kokiri Forest with two young children. She was on the back of a horse, so when she dropped one of her children, she couldn't turn around to get it. He told her it pained him to see the woman cry as the horse left her child behind, so he decided to take the child in. The child had a name tag on and it said Lilly. Lilly realized that she was the child that was sperated from her mother about ten years ago. Her Zora father gave her a pet wolf pup that had some mistical powers and told her to set off to find her mother and sibling. After asking the diffrent villages, Lilly found out all she needed. Now with the knowledge of knowing her mother is dead and her twin brother, Link, is in trouble, she's prepared to fight. She'll do anything to protect the only living family she has left. [U]Discription:[/U] [url]http://members.tripod.com/fairymoon-xyna/fem/elf2.jpg[/url] She's just younger and doesn't have the cape. [U]Pet Beast:[/U] Tee-Tee, a black wolf pup and she gets a fairy named Nit later on. [U]Battle Weapon:[/U] Zora Sword- A sword with a shining dark blue blade. It has a symbol running up the center that represents the Zoras. [U]Any Other Weapons:[/U] A Bow with Magic Arrows and A Whip Surrounded by water. [/I][/B][/color]
  23. [color=teal][B][I]Yukie was swinging a sword madly around. Jono was standing behind her with a sweat drop on the side of his face. He slapped his hand to his forehead and started shakeing it. He looked up slightly to see that Yukie had got the sword stuck in a tree. Jono looked as if he was going to fall over. "Yukie," Jono yelled as he floated over to her, "what'cha doing?" Yukie stopped pulling on the sword and turned around. She smiled brightly at Jono as she started rubbing the back of her head. Jono shook his head and jumped inside of Yukie. Yukie eyes flashed a light green. Her hands wrapped around the sword and she pulled it out with full force. "What are you doing," Yukie yelled as she dropped the sword, "Get out of me!" Jono floated out of Yukie. He had the ability to fuse with her without her even knowing it. Yukie never liked it though. She looked angry at the moment. "Tis might not be the time," Jono said with a sweat drop, "but ya need some work on your skills." Yukie looked steamed. Jono sweared that steam was escapeing from her ears. Yukie turned around and picked up the sword. "I'll show you," Yukie said as she stood still, "I'll show you I can use this sword without you." Jono shook his head and watched Yukie swing the sword like an idiot again. She had a lot of work ahead of her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I changed my fighting style to Over Soul. ^_^[/I][/B][/color]
  24. [color=teal][B][I]Here we go! I like the idea of this by the way. Name: Joey Wheeler Jr. Age: 16 Parent(s): Joey & Amber Favorite Card: The Flame Swordsman Bio: Joey and his twin sister Aurora are the oldest out of three. They have a little brother. Joey is the street punk like his father. He has a short fuse and a very bad temper. His middle name should be trouble. He will protrctive his siblings with his life. He's a good duelist and he loves to win. He puts his father to shame. He has a grudge aginst his cousin, Seto. Apperance: Joey looks like his father, but his hair is a lighter blonde and his eyes are purple. He wears a red and white shirt that looks like his father's in Battle City, tan cargo pants, and white sneakers. Millennium Item: Millennium Wristband[/color] [color=indigo]Name: Aurora Wheeler Age: 16 Parent(s): Joey & Amber Favorite Card: The All-Seeing White Tiger Bio: Aurora is Joey's twin sister and she's just like him. She makes double trouble even though she trys to hide it with a sweet attitude. She's a daddy's girl and her daddy almost always believes her. She loves to duel, but it's nothing big to her. She doesn't care if she wins or loses. She's more protective over her little brother then her twin brother. Apperance: Aurora has shoulder length blonde hair with slightly darker blonde chin length bangs and blue eyes. She usually wears a dark pink belly shirt, a black vest with the letters KC in pink on the back and right front, black leather flares, and black boots. Millennium Item: Millennium Earrings[/color] [color=blue]Name: Noah Wheeler Age: 14 Parent(s): Joey & Amber Favorite Card: The Red-Eyes Black Dragon Bio: Noah was named after his deceased uncle on his mother's side. He really wants to run the Kaiba Corp. in Domino City since his mother is running it now. He loves his computer and trys his best to learn all he can. He uses dueling as a passtime and could careless if he loses. He doesn't like to fight, so his older siblings protect him. Apperance: Noah has shoulder length turqoise hair with teal bangs and purplish-blue eyes. He usually wears a black t-shirt with a teal dragon on the back, black jeans, black sneakers, and black leather fingerless gloves. Millennium Item: Millennium Chain[/i][/b][/color]
  25. [color=teal][B][I]OOC: I added a Card Destruction and a Harpie's Feather Duster to my deck, ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alright," Amber said as she drew a card, "our Cat's Ear Tribes have a special effect." Joey looked over at Amber. His confused look was gone and he was crossing his arms. Amber didn't like where this was going. Joey looked not all to pleased. "Well," Joey said with his arms crossed, "I can see dat." Amber shook her head and looked at the cards in her hand. She had a really good hand. She had the perfect plan. She had to finish exsplaining though. "Whenever a monster attacks one of our Cat's Ear Tribes," Amber said with a grin, "the attacking monster's attack power drops to 200. Since my brother had his tribe powered up to 700, you lost the diffrence of 500 when your Rocket Wariorr hit home. I would of used Rocket Wariorr's special effect if I were you." Amber winked at Joey after she was done talking. Joey turned bright red and Andrew and Matt rolled their eyes. "Yeah," Joey said with a slight blush, "I shoud've used Rocket Wariorr's special effect." Matt gave Amber a really evil glare. She was gaining control over Joey's thought patterns, even though that probbly wasn't hard. She could tell him to do something he didn't want to do. "Now that that's over with, "Amber said as she picked a card up, "I use my last Sword of Deep-Seated to power up my Cat's Ear Tribe to 700. I also play Harpie's Feather Duster to wipe out all of your trap and magic cards. I lay this card face down, I play The All-Seeing White Tiger, and I play Card Destruction. If you guys had any plans with the cards in your hands, kiss them goodbye." Everyone in the duel discarded their hands and drew five new cards. Amber only hoped that her plan would work as Matt took his turn. She would have to activate her Shift card if Matt attacked her All-Seeing White Tiger.[/I][/B][/color]
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