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Everything posted by JoyKaiba

  1. [color=teal][B][I]Goku was flying above. He had sensed some strong powers, so he decided to go out and investigate. "What's this," Goku thought to himself, "a power similar to Trunks is near to a very strong power and a power similar to Matt's is near two really strong powers." Goku suddenly stopped and started scanning the area. He decided to go stright down. When Goku landed, he spotted Trunks talking to Riku. He knew Riku had a really strong aura, but how? She seemed to be almost as strong as a Sayian. He had to check this out. He walked out of the bushes. "Hey Trunks," Goku said as he smiled and waved, "Who are you talking to?" Trunks turned around and looked at Goku. He smiled and looked back at Riku. "This is Riku," Trunks said as he looked Riku over, "and she's from a diffrent dimension. She's your middle child, your daughter." Goku looked really shocked. She wasn't from the future, so it was ok to tell her father everything. Goku walked up to her and looked at her. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Riku's face. "Prove your a sayian and my daughter," Goku demanded as he looked at Riku. Trunks shook his head. Goku was sounding more like Vegeta then himself. "Fine," Riku said as she powered up to Super Sayian two, "I know that my older brother is Gohan and younger brother is Goten. You agreed to marry mom, Chi-Chi, after a tournament. Your first friend was Bulma and you train under Master Roshie(sp?) for awhile with Krillen. Do I have to go on?" Goku looked at Riku with a dumbfounded look. He blinked a few times and hugged Riku. Another sweat drop appeared on the side of Riku's face as she powered down. "Wow, I have a daughter," Goku said with a huge smile, "You don't plan on staying do you?" Riku pulled away from Goku and looked at him. She smiled brightly. "I might think about it," Riku said as she moved her black hair behind her ear. Goku smiled and nodded.[/I][/B][/color]
  2. [color=teal][B][I]Amber was starting to sweat and she didn't know why. She was pertty much a pro at this game, yet she was nervous beyond nervous. She looked at the cards in her hand. Andrew looked over at her. "This and this would work," Amber thought to herself as she pulled up two cards. Matt seemed to me getting impatcient. He crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. A sweat drop appeared at the side of Amber's face. "Sometime today," Matt said as he glared at Amber. Amber let out a sigh and finished pulling up the cards. "I play this face down," Amber said as she placed a card into her magic/trap slots, "and I play Cat's Ear Tribe in face up attack mode. Your turn Matt." Matt looked as he was about to laugh. Amber grinned. If Matt attacked, she would activate her Sword of Deep-Seated. This would power her tribe up and Matt would lose his monster to the tribe's effect. Matt looked at his hand completely unaware.[/I][/B][/color]
  3. [color=teal][B][I]OCC: Nice One! Now I'll move this on! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amber was standing next to Joey. She was looking around inpatciently. See spotted Amanda looking at Seto as she turned redder and redder. She also spotted Michelle hugging Tristen's arm. Amber let out a sigh as Joey looked down at her. "Be a tad more patcient," Joey said as he smiled at Amber. Amber smiled and hugged Joey's arm. Joey turned a slight pink as Rikku and Ethan walked up. Ethan looked at Joey. He looked as if he was about to laugh. "Do you have something stuck to you Joe," Ethan asked as he raised an eyebrow. Joey looked away from Ethan. He didn't like his attitude too much. Rikku looked around. She spotted Duke and started to blush. :D Amber looked at Rikku and Ethan. "Do you two know why we're here," Amber asked as she tightened her grip on Joey's arm. Ethan shook his head as Rikku countinued to stare. "Yugi invited us here," Ethan said with a sigh, "But I don't see him anywhere yet." Amber nodded. She might as well just wait for Yugi even though she was bored half outta her mind.[/I][/B][/color]
  4. [color=teal][B][I] Shaman Name: Yukie Yurrou Age : 17 Description: Yukie has waist length turqouise hair with shoulder length teal bangs and baby blue eyes. She usuall wears a turqouise belly shirt, a black vest with a turqouise dragon on the back, high cut black pants, and black combat boots. Personallity: Yukie is too happy go lucky. She's always smileing and she always has a positive additude. She does know how to be seriouse though. Bio: Yukie had a normal life until she found out she was related to the great Yoh somehow. She then decided to become a Shaman. She tries her hardest to become a mighty warirror. She wants to become a Shaman Queen. Even though she trained, she relized she couldn't do anything with out a ghost. Luckily, Yukie met up with a ghost that like her in the graveyard one day. Now they're partners and good friends. Fighting style: Over Soul Ghost Name: Jono Yummon Bio: Jono was a master swordsman when he was alive. He was claimed to be the very best in the world. One day, while training, Jono was faced by a stranger. Jono knew he should have ran, but he tried to talk to the stranger. The stranger turned out to be someone who greatly hated Jono for his talents. Jono was murdered on that day and never talked about again. He meets up with Yukie, a Shaman in-training, a couple hundred years after his murder and it's friendship at first sight. There might even be some love even though Jono's only a ghost. Personallity: Jono is the class clown type. He alway trys to creak a joke to cheer someone up. His jokes are usually lame, but they work. He's also hard working and may have a slight temper. Both Main Weapons: Numchukes(sp?) and a sword Side Weapons: Throwing Stars and Cast-Iron Knuckles Techniques: Elemental Strike: Any type of element can be foused into the blade of Jono's sword and relased in to small balls that travel in all directions. Twin Strike: A false copy can be made of the person which can fake out opponets. When the opponet is confused. The person attacks from and side with two diffrent strikes. [/I][/B][/color]
  5. JoyKaiba


    [color=teal]Sounds kind of like me and Andrew! ^_^ [B]Name:[/B] Amber Kaiba [B]Age:[/B] 15-16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Favorite card(s):[/B] The All-Seeing White Tiger and The Amazoness Tiger [B]Bio:[/B] Amber's Noa's twin sister making her Seto's step-sister. Amber is rightful owner of Kaiba Corp. which makes Seto kind of scared of her. She's very kind hearted and bullies like picking on her. One day when she was getting picked on. Joey stuck up for her for no apparent reason. After that, those to got together. Amber's highly computer smart. Joey has been teaching her how to fight too. [B]Description:[/B] Amber has shoulder length with teal bangs that end at her chin and purple eyes. She usually wears a turqouise belly shirt, a black vest with the letters KC in turqouise on the front left and back, black leather flares, a black belt with a silver belt buckle with the letters KC on it, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. [B]Millenium Item:[/B] Millenium Earrings[/color] [color=indigo]:drum roll: And here's my second character! [B]Name:[/B] Joey Wheeler [B]Age:[/B] 15-16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Favorite card(s):[/B] Flame Swordsman and Red-Eyes Black Dragon [B]Bio:[/B] Joey is the kind hearted street punk of Yugi's little gang. He'll do anything for his friends and family. He kind of doesn't think before he acts. He's not actually the brightest watt in the bulb. He falls for Amber after he protects her from some bullies. At the moment. he's trying his best to teach Amber how to fight. [B]Description:[/B] [url]http://www.theotaku.com/yugioh/pictures/011/image_003.jpg[/url] [B]Millenium Item:[/B] Millenium Wristband[/color]
  6. [color=teal]Name: Coje Luck Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Coje has long blue hair that ends at his chin with black bangs that end at his shoulders and blue eyes. He usually wears a a blue t-shirt, a blue cargo shorts, a blue vest with a black dragon on the back of it, black & blue sneakers, and a pair of goggles around his neck. Crest: Luck Digimon: In-Training - Kittenmon Rookie - Pawmon Champion - Icemon Ultimate - IceAngemon Mega - MagnaIcemon Elemental God - Freezemon Bio: Coje was a big fan of the Digimon show at one time, but it kind of rubbed off of him. He kind of lost intrest until he found some of his old drawings. He had a Digivice drawn before. He decide to scan it into the computer to fix it up, but something happened. His scanner and computer screen started glowing. He then was sent backward by something hitting him. When he looked down, he discover he was holding a blue and white Digivice. It looked like the same one he drew. He know something strange was going on. Personality: Coje usually laid back, but can have a slight temper promblem. He's cool for the majority of the time. Digimon Name: Kittenmon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Kitten Monster Attacks: Bubble Blow Appearance: Kittenmon is a blue head type Digimon with little blue cat ears, fangs, a little blue tail, and light blue eyes. Name: Pawmon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Small Cat Monster Attacks: Frozen Bite Frozen Scratch Appearance: Pawmon looks like a blue cat about the size of a small dog. It has big fangs, lite blue strips on it tail, light blue eyes, and light blue fuzz on the tips of its ears. Name: Icemon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Cat Monster Attacks: Ice Paw and Blizzard Appearance: Icemon looks just like Gatomon except he has blue where her purple is and his paws are gray with blue strips. Name: IceAngemon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Ice Angel Monster Attacks: Frozen Punch and Frozen Wind Appearance: IceAngemon lookes just like Angemon except his outfit his light blue and dark blue and his hair is light blue. Name: MagnaIcemon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Ice Dragon Monster Attacks: Ice Breath and Ice Throw Appearance: MagnaIcemon is a blue dragon with glowing blue eyes. The scales on his back (the raised ones) and his horns are made of ice. Name: Freezemon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Cat Person Monster Attacks: Ice Grip and Ice Arrows Appearance: Freezemon looks like Coje, but his hair completely blue, he has fangs, claws,white tiger ears, white and blue tiger paws, and a white and blue tiger tail. He wares blue armor with ice spikes on the shoulders and a blue visior. [/color]
  7. [color=teal]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted yet! ^_^; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amber stummbled onto the island. The bright sunlight was blinding her. Her brother had just shoved her, so there wasn't much she could do. Amber turned around and glared at her brother. Her brother, Andrew, had a big grin on his face. Amber crossed her arms and snorted. "What do you think you're doing Andrew," Amber asked calmly. Andrew crossed his arms. His Duel Disk almost blinded Amber. Amber huffed and looked off into the distance.She suddenly turned bright red. A tall blonde was in her sights. Andrew peeked over her shoulder. "I hope you're not checking out that bloke over there," Andrew said with a grin, "I would have to tell Josh." Amber turned around. Her long blonde hair was at her sides and her purple eyes had flames in them. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Andrew's face. "Well," Amber said as she turned her back to her brother, "Josh isn't here." Andrew shook his head. Amber quickly ran in the direction of the blonde. Andrew slowly followed her. When Amber reached her destanation, she noticed the blonde was Joey Wheeler. She turned even redded until she noticed his Duel Disk. Andrew came up behind her as a frown crossed her face. "He's a duelist," Amber said with a huff, "and a good one." A grin crossed Andrew's face. He started walking toward Joey. Amber tried to grab his pantleg, but missed. She fell face first in the sand. "Well then," Andrew said with a smirk, "I'm going to challenge him to a duel!" Another frown crossed Amber's face. Her brother was going to make a fool of himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: My real brother is going to join this as Andrew. BTW, my character forms a huge crush on Joey if that's ok. ^_^;[/color]
  8. [color=teal]"One question Fenryl before I answer yours," Amber said as she grabbed Joey's hand again. Fenryl glared over at her and snorted. "What's that," Fenryl said with an annoyed voice. Amber held her fist, closed her eyes, and popped Fenryl behind the head. Fenryl grabbed the back of her head and glared at Amber. "WHO DO YOU THINK I AM," Amber yelled as Joey grabbed her, "MY TWIN BROTHER, NOA?!" A sweat drop appeared on the back of Joey's head. Fenryl stopped rubbing the back of her head and countniued to glare at Amber. Joey tighten his grib slightly. "No," Fenryl said as she crossed her arms, "but you're close to it." A tension mark appeared on Amber's forehead. She tried to get out of Joey's grib, but he was stronger then her and he also wasn't paying attention. He was looking at something behind him.[/color]
  9. [color=teal]"Well isn't my step-sister, Fenryl," Amber said as she looked over at Fenryl. Fenryl rolled her eyes and stared at Amber. Amber's and Joey's hands were interlocked. Fenryl raised an eyebrow. "What would Seto and Tea say about this," Fenryl asked with an evil grin. A tension mark appeared on Amber's forehead. She felt like hitting Fenryl, but something stopped her. Yugi and the blue hedgehog were walking up to them. All three blinked. "Joey, Amber, Fenryl," Yugi said with a smile, "I'm so glad you guys are here. This is Sonic and he maybe able to help us." Joey and Amber looked at each other and then back at Yugi. Fenryl looked as if she was about to laugh. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Sonic's head. "Just how are you going to do that little man," Amber asked as she looked down at Sonic. Sonic crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. Amber did the same thing. She was trying to get some answers out of this blue furball. She wanted to know what happened to creat a explosion to send her step-brother out a window.[/color]
  10. [color=teal]OOC: Ok, don't freak out on me! Maximillion404's post was actually mine, but I didn't have my screen name back yet so I used my bros. My character is Amber if you all remember. Time to have alittle fun! :grins evily: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amber was sitting in the hospital room next to Seto's bed. Her teal bangs were hanging in front of her eyes. She was half asleep until here cell phone rang. The catchy GC tone surprised both her and Seto. She quickly answered it. "Hello," Amber whispered as Seto looked over at her. Someone cleared their throat on the other end of the phone. "Hey Amber," Joey's voice said from the other end of the phone, "I just slipped away from Tea. I waana know how your step-brother's doing." A slight smiled crossed Amber's face and Seto crossed his arms. "He's doing just fine honey," Amber said as she looked down at the device Seto gave her, "Would you meet me near the hospital?" Amber heard Joey swallow hard. He probbly would say no. "Awright," Joey said with a sigh, "I'll make up a lie and met ya there sweety. Bye! See ya when I get there." Amber simled and hung up her cellphone. She stood up and kissed Seto on the cheek. "I'll be right back bro," Amber said as she headed toward the door, "I have a meeting I've got to go to." Seto shook his head as Amber walked out of the room. Amber then quickly rushed over to the elevators. A little later outside, Joey walked up to Amber. Amber hugged him and looked at him. Joey had his usual goofy grin on his face. Amber shook her head. "What did you tell Tea," Amber said as she raised an eyebrow. Joey grinned and put his head to Amber's. Amber knew Joey probbly came up with something stupid. "I told her I had to help my dad with something," Joey said as he stared down at Amber. Amber shook her head and looked to her right. Joey also looked to his right. They both spotted Yugi talking to a big blue hedgehog. Amber looked at Joey. Joey shrugged his shoulders. They both started walking toward Yugi and the hedgehog. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope that was ok. Amber has the device already because, if you remember, she's Seto's step-sister. ^_^[/color]
  11. [color=teal]"Ow," Riku said as she lifted the door to her Saiyan Space Pod, "I hate rough landings." Riku looked around and ajusted her blue Scanner. She hated that thing. It made her look evil or something. Something suddenly ran across the screen on her scanner and a cold chill through her body. She could sense power levels, but Bulma gave her a scanner anywho. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Riku's face. She put her hand to her chin as the people or beings got closer. Bulma's words were being burned into her head. [center]~Flashback~[/center] "Remember Riku," Bulma said as she put a blue Scanner on Riku's ear, "People who look fimiliar to you are not the same people. Don't get hurt because your mother would kill me." A grin crossed Riku's face as Bulma took a step backward. Bulma looked at her with a puzzled look. "My mom would kill you if she knew you were helping me out," Riku said with a grin. Bulma shook her head and handed Riku a leather baggy. Riku took the baggy and looked in it. The baggy was filled with Senzu Beans. Riku looked back up at Bulma. "I'm not jokeing," Bulma said as she opened the door to the Saiyan Space Pod, "You better come back non-injured." Riku rolled her eyes as she stood up. Bulma took a step to the side as Riku jumped into the pod. Riku really wasn'yt planning on coming back. "Don't worry," Riku said as she hit a button, "I won't be coming back injured if I like the place because I won't be coming back at all." Bulma went to say something, but the pod's door already shut. Riku was already starting it up. She was in a rush to get away from her decaying dimension. [center]~End of Flashback~[/center] Riku's moment of thought was interupted by someone clearing their throat. Riku fluttered opened her bright blue eyes. She was face to face with Trunks. She turned bright red. "And who might you be," Trunks said with his arms crossed. Nimimi was standing behind him tapping her foot. A sweat drop appeared on the back of Riku's head. She went to say something, but her Scanner suddenly blew up. She closed her eyes and quickly turned around. "We have company," Riku said as she got into a fighting stance. Trunks and Nimimi did the same. Riku's scanner had picked up this power level and blew. Now Riku felt scared. This power level was getting to her. Who or what was it?[/color]
  12. [COLOR=Teal]Coje was asleep in a tree. He has taking his usual every-five-minute nap. Coje?s laziness far passed his ability to listen. His mother had just got done telling him to help his sibling and cousins with the chores, yet he blows it off. Suddenly Coje heard a scream. It sounded like his little sister Mika and it had came from the Sacred Shrine. Coje sprang up and jump out of the tree. He then took off through the woods. ?Mika,? Coje thought to himself as he quickly ran through the woods, ?You?ve better not have done anything to those stupid jewel shards.? As Coje thought about what Mika could?ve done, he growled. His fangs showed slightly after a faint growl. In a few seconds, Coje was at the Sacred Shrine. He slowly walked inside. He spotted his little sister on the floor crying. He then looked at the spot where the Shikon Jewel was supposed to be. A horrified look crossed Coje?s face. ?What happened to the Shikon Jewel Mika,? Coje questioned as he walked up to Mika. Mika looked up at Coje. Her eyes were filled with tears. Coje shook his head and spotted his father?s staff leaned up against the wall. He went to walk over to it, but Mika grabbed his robe. ?No Coje,? Mika cried as she hugged her brother?s leg, ?please don?t go over there!? Coje looked down at his sister, bent down, and hugged her. Mika gripped the back of Coje?s robe. Coje noticed that Mika had their mother?s sword at her side. He started wondering what was going on. ?What happened Mika,? Coje asked with a puzzled look. Mika started shaking her head. She apparently didn?t want to say anything. Coje grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him. His blue eyes were flickering. Mika looked away just as the shrine?s door flew open. Koal and Karver were standing in the doorway. Coje rolled his eyes as the twins walked in. ?That?s a good question,? Koal said as he looked Coje. Coje growled and stood up. He had his hand on his Holy Beads. Koal placed his hand on his sword. Mika quickly placed herself in front of Coje and Karver did the same with Koal. ?No Coje,? Mika said again, ?I tell if you two don?t fight.? Coje took his hand off the beads. Koal took his hand off his sword. He looked at Karver. Karver shrugged her shoulders. Coje glared over at her. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Karver?s face. ?What are you??.,? Coje was about to ask before he got cut off by someone running into the shrine. Actually more then one person ran in. Mar, Ummei, Sky, Fuji-Iro, Sumie, and Iya all ran in. They all looked startled. Koal looked over at all of them. ?What?s going on,? Koal asked as he looked at his half-brother, Mar. Mar walked up to Coje. Coje looked at him. They both had really stern looks on their faces. Koal shifted his weight as he looked at the two brothers. ?Something happened,? Mar said with a icy glare, ?The sky turned black and we heard Mika scream.? Coje nodded and looked over to the holding place for the Shikon Jewel. Everyone?s face grew glum. Iya quickly pushed her cousins apart. She stared at the holding place. ?No,? Iya said with a slight sob, ?our pretty jewel is missing.? Mika put her head down and quickly lifted it up again. Something had made a noise outside. Coje and Mar looked at each other and then at the door. All of the kids quickly ran outside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: ShadowSword has plan for this next part, so could you guys let him post next. You can post after him alright. ^_^;[/COLOR]
  13. [color=teal]Whoo, thanks all of you! :huggles everyone: I'm going to start this alright. I think we have a good start, but I would like more people to join. Keep joining people! ^_^[/color]
  14. [color=teal]Yeah, I didn't think people would like this! ^_^ Well anywho, I'll start this as soon as I get at lest one kid for InuyashaXKagome, maybe two more bad guys, and when Cyriel finishes his bio. Until then, this RPG still open. Happy Signing-Up! ^_^![/color]
  15. [color=purple]Name: Riku Son Age: 16-18 Bio: Riku is also from another dimension. She's Goku and Chi-Chi's middle child. Her mother always wanted her not to fight, but she never listened. She's actually the strongest from where she comes from. After coming to this other deminsion, she falls in love with Trunks, who doesn't exsist in her deminsion for some odd reason. She vows to not go back to her dimension, which is falling apart anywho. She's going to stay put after the tournament. Description: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=9153[/url] The only diffrence is her hair is longer and strighter. Relation to Original Character: Goku's daughter from another deminsion. Skills: All of the Z fighters moves, bad guys moves, and an energy sword. Weapon: Her dad's Power Pole[/color] [color=teal]I'll be Goku too since you need him........ Name: Goku Son Age: In his 40s Bio: Goku is a Sayain that lost memory of his mission after getting a bump on his head. He becomes friends with Bulma, Yamcha, and many more. He winds up marrying Chi-Chi and they have two kids. Now Goku learns about this tournament and can't pass it up. He also learns he has a daughter from another dimension. Go figure. Description: [url]lhttp://members.lycos.nl/mistermjb/Goku189.jpg[/url] Relation to Original Character: He is an original character. Skills: Kumehameha, Super Sayian 1,2,3,4, and many more. :I can't think of any more: Weapon: His Power Pole[/color]
  16. [color=teal]Cool! I figured I would post a list of the kids to help people out. ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [center][b][u]InuyashaxKagome[/u][/b] Iya 14 Shyquan 13 Yakatosha 18 (one spot open) [b][u]MirokuxCrystal[/u][/b] Coje 14 Mika 12 Mar 13 Ummei 13 (filled) [b][u]KougaxCrystal[/u][/b] Koal 15 Karver 15 (filled) [b][u]SangoxSesshomaru[/u][/b] Sky 13 Fuji-Iro 11 Sumie 12 (one spot open) [b][u]NarakuxKikyo[/u][/b] Keno 14 Zsuzsanna 13 Nino 12 Kanya 13 (six spots still open)[/center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope that helps people out! I will update this! ^_^ I've added in ages too![/color]
  17. [color=teal] I haven't personally started an RPG for awhile now. Lets see if this works out for me! This is my first Inuyasha RPG! I'm using my own character Crystal in this. I'll give you links to her bios at the end of this. [b][u]TheStory:[/u][/b] Everyone thought that Naraku was destroyed, but they know something was wrong when Miroku's Wind Tunnel didn't go away. Everyone forgot about it and went on with their lives. Now, fourteen years later, everyone is living peacefully with kids of thier own. Their peace doesn't last though. The Shikon Jewel, never completed, was stolen again. That wasn't the only things stolen. The souls of Inuyasha, Kagome, Crystal, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Kouga, and Sango were stolen as well. Now it's up to the kids to save their parents souls. [b][u]Sign Up:[/u][/b] :evil laughter: I'm so evil! Before I give you what you need to sign up, I'm going to give you a list of the parents and limite of kids! You may not agree with some couples, but this is all made up and its my choice. ^_^ I'll be nice! InuyashaxKagome: (four kids at the most) MirokuxCrystal: (two kids because I'm playing two) KougaxCrystal: (this was not Crystal's fault. Bad Kouga! that's why I'm only allowing two wolf demons. My bros character and his twin) SangoxSesshomaru: (four kids at most) NarakuxKikyo: (I don't know, ten. These are the bad guys) Here's what I need my peeps: Name: Age: (no older then fourteen unless you're the other wolf demon, then you're fifteen) Parents: (from the parents above please) Bio: Description: Skill(s): (four at most) Weapon(s): Not Required! Two characters recommended! [b]Here's mine:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Coje (Co-gee) [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Parents:[/b] MirokuxCrystal [b]Bio:[/b] Coje is Miroku's and Crystal's son. He kind of resents his dad. He really isn't to fond of him. Coje is a mama's boy. He loves his mom. Coje is also stuck with the Wind Tunnel. His personallity matches his uncle Inuyasha's more then anyone else's. He looks mostly human. He can also make claws appear. [b]Description:[/b] Coje looks like Miroku except his eyes are a lighter blue and he has fangs . His outfit looks like Miroku's too, but where the purple is, it's blue. [b]Skill(s):[/b] Wind Tunnel, Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, and Healing Abillity [b]Weapon(s):[/b] His father's staff.[/color] [color=purple][b]Name:[/b] Mika [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Parents:[/b] MirokuxCrystal [b]Bio:[/b] Mike is Miroku's and Crystal's daughter. She's the daddy's girl and she's also very kind hearted. She doesn't like to hurt things. She really doesn't act like anyone in her family. She's too gental until you make her mad. She kind of loses it if you hurt her family or friends. She looks like a demon and she doesn't have the Wind Tunnel. :shrugs shoulders: [b]Description:[/b] Mika looks like Crystal except her hair and ears are a darker blonde. Her eyes are darker as well. Her outfit looks like Crystal's except it's pink and black. [b]Skill(s):[/b] Iron Reaver Soul Stealer and Healing Abillity [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Her mother's elemental sword.[/color] [color=teal]:wipes away sweat: Wow, and I still have more to say. If you're the first of the kids for parents, you get their weapon. Like Coje has his father's staff. Everyone else in that family will have to make up a weapon if they want one. Remember there are two weapons! Here's the links to Craystal's bios: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36555[/url] The second one down! [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36431[/url] Second one down again! I have four spots saved for my bro and friend! They are each using two characters. One more thing, the parents are not playable. They're those "everyone has control" characters. Ok, I think I covered everything! ^_^; Enjoy![/color]
  18. [color=teal]Name:Amber Rowin Age: 15 Country: Great Britain Rarest Card: Cat's Ear Tribe Bio: Amber wasn't reall interested in Duel Monsters until her boyfriend, Josh, made her play against him. She lost, but she fell in love with the game. She told Josh that she would beat him one day. Josh thought she was kidding, but she wasn't. She started collecting cards. Her strongest card is also her weakest. She's an excellent Duelist and kind of a sore loser. She loves the idea of going to this Battle Island. Description: [url]http://www.strictlyshoujo.com/goodies/wallpaper/kkj_bg1_800.jpg[/url] Deck Theme: None Deck: [u]Monsters[/u] Lybyrinth Wall Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave Zoa The Earl of Demise Twin-Headed Fire Dragon King of Yamimakai Water Omotics Molten Behemoth Aqua Madoor Blue-Eyes White Dragon The All-Seeing White Tiger x2 Dark Magician Red-Eyes Black Dragon [u]Effect Monsters[/u] Cure Mermaid Patrician of Darkness Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Dark Zebra Buster Blader Des Lacooda Shadow Tamer Dancing Fairy Des Koala Dark Cat with White Tail Cat's Ear Tribe Weather Report Trap Master x2 Pitch-Dark Dragon Amazoness Tiger Zombie Tiger x2 Dark Magician Girl Man-Eater Bug [u]Magic[/u] Toon World x2 Sword of Deep-Seated Chorus of Sanctuary Kishido Spirit Monster Reborn x2 Malevolent Nuzzler Raregold Armor Heart of Clear Water Soul Release Share the Pain Red Medician Change of Heart Card Destruction Harpie's Feather Duster [u]Trap[/u] Curse of Royal x2 Bottomless Trap Hole Magic Jammer The Emperor's Holiday Thunder of Ruler Goblin Fan Bad Reaction to Simochi Coffin Seller Shift Magic Drain [/color]
  19. [color=purple]OOC: I think my bro cleared up the the thing about me having my characters on my screen name. Well, I'm going to pick up with the duel and you're mean Swordmaster. You wanna make Amber cry again. Also welcome my real boyfriend and OB husband, ShadowSword. :blushes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amber was relaying her brother for everything. She had to trust his judgement. She hoped he wouldn't make a mistake. "Alright Amber," Noa mentally said to Amber, "June just layed a facedown card and a Baby Dragon in Defence Mode. I think her face down card is a trap. You have a Remove Trap, Fissure, Cat's Ear Tribe, Sword of Deep-Seated, and the All-Seeing White Tiger. Tell me what cards you want and I'll guide your hand. I won't lead you wrong." Amber nodded and thought about a the cards she wanted. She quickly told Noa and he started moving her hand. It was like he was standing right next to her. "I play the Cat's Ear Tribe and Attack Mode," Amber said as Noa helped her lay her card down, "three cards face down, and end my turn." June looked at Amber like she was a witch or something. She also looked at her like she was crazy. Seth looked over at June. June shrugged her shoulders. "Well," Seth said as he looked at his cards, "it's mine turn." Amber nodded and quickly stood straight up. Her tail puffed out and her fangs started showing. Joey looked at her with a concearned look. Amber sensed three people and three spirits coming their way. She just couldn't tell if they were good or bad.[/color]
  20. Ok, I hope I don't confuse anyone! This sign up is going to be my brothers and the first one is mine. I got my old screen name back! :jumps for joy: My brother took his screen name back and wanted to start posting again. Is that all clear. We're going to be switch in the RPG too. I'm the leader and I'm taking over! ^_^ Maximillion404's new sign-up Name: Seto Kaiba Age: 15 Description: [url]http://www.madamhydra.net/img-pic/ygo-kaiba-bewd-38k.jpg[/url] Bio: Seto is the teen CEO of Kaiba Corp. and Amber's step-brother. He can be cold hearted at sometime, but he's really a nice person. He is kind of power hungray though. He owns three Blue-Eyes and Obilisk the Tourmenter(sp?). He does have a thing for Joey's twin sister Amanda. Millennium Item: Millennium Rod Millennium Item?s Power: The Rod can control people's mind and it also turns into a spear. Also contains a Yami named Seth. Monster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Monster Description: He looks like he did in Duelist of Roeses, but he has white dragon wings, fangs, and claws. Side: Helping Yugi Reason for Playing the Shadow Game: He kinda of followed Amanda into the Shadow Realm. [color=red]I'll be Amanda too since my other character goes with her! Name: Amanda Wheeler Age: 16 Description: Amanda has rough looking waist length blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a black leather tank top with a heart shape cut out at the chest and fringes at the bottom, black leather flares with a black belt with a sliver belt buckle with the letters KC on it, black boots, black leather fingerless gloves, and a black chocker with the letters KC in silver. Bio: Amanda's Joey's twin sister. She received the Millennium Necklace from Yugi after he got it from Isis. Amanda is the street tough punk type. She won't hesitate to pick a fight with someone that gets on her nerves. She does have a soft spot for the weak though. She's highly computer smart and a top ranked duelist. She's also in love with Seto Kaiba. :luv: Millennium Item: Millennium Necklace Millennium Item?s Power: Can see slightly into the future and contains a Yami named Yolee. Monster: Dark Magician Girl Monster Description: She already looks the Dark Magician Girl, so the only diffrences is she has the outfit on. She looks like herself perrty much. Side: Helping Yugi Reason for Playing the Shadow Game: Yolee told her that her friends were in the Shadow Realm and Yolee then helps her get there so she can help.[/color]
  21. [color=teal]Name: Rene Nightinggale Age: 16 Description: Rene has turquoise hair that comes down just below her shoulders, ear length teal bangs, and baby blue eyes. She usually wears a medium length black leather jacket, a turquoise belly shirt, black leather flares, black boots, fingerless black gloves, and turquoise sunglasses with shiny silver lens. Bio: Rene has just arrived in Judoh with her guardian, Star. She starts being hunted as soon as she arrives. She had just lost her parents and now this. Rene was on the run until she meets up with Daisuke and J. Now her and Star have bodyguards and a new job. They still have to stop the people who were hunting her. She has also fallen in love with Daisuke. Skill: Gunman and Fighter Weapon: A black pistol and her fist. Partner Type: Android Side: Loner Name: Star Age: ????? Description: Star has long pink hair that ends in the middle of her back and light purple eyes that look alot like J's. She usually wears a black leather turtleneck tanktop, black, gray, and white camouflage pants, black combat boots, and black fingerless gloves. Bio:Star has just arrived in Judoh with her human friend, Rene. People start hunting Rene as soon as they arrive. Rene had just lost her parents and now Star has to protect from this. Star's job was to protect Rene until they meet up with Daisuke and J. Now her and Rene have bodyguards and a new job. They still have to stop the people who were hunting Rene. She really likes J. Skill: She has super human speed, strength, vision, and hearing Weapon: She's a fighter. She's very fond of her fist. Type: Android Side: Loner[/color] [color=darkred]Name: Daisuke Aurora Age: 16 Description: [url]http://www.projectbag.com/heat_guy_j/pics/daisuke05.jpg[/url] Bio: Daisuke and his partner J are part of a special unit that his brother runs. Daisuke's dad was killed by an Android, so he's not to fond of them. The only Android he really likes is J. Daisuke complains when he's assigned to protect Rene, but he stops soon after he mets her. Now he trys to protect her with his life. Skill: Gunman and Fighter Weapon: A gun that only has six shots, three normal and three explosive shots. He also uses his fist alot. Partner Type: Android Side: Neither, but he's a good guy! Name: J Age: ????? Description: [url]http://www.projectbag.com/heat_guy_j/pics/j01.jpg[/url] Bio: J and his partner Daisuke Aurora are part of a special unit that is ran by Chief Aurora. J was built specially to be in this unit. He's the only legal Android. J was thrilled to protect Star. He was even more thrilled when he met her. He trys to protect her even though she keeps telling him she doesn't need protection. Skill: He has super human speed, strength, vision, and hearing Weapon: He's a fighter. He's very fond of his fist. Type: Android Side: Neither, but he's a good guy![/color]
  22. [color=purple]I'm going to try this even though I'm not too fimilar with .hack. I do own the first game, but that's about it. Logging in: User name: Joy Player class: Blademaster Player Type: Newbie Level: 1 Looks: Joy has pink hair that comes to the bottom of her ears, purple eyes, and she's about 5 foot 5. She wears a pink tube top with puple bands going down her arms that form into fingerless gloves, pink pant with purple trimings and holes going down the sides, and a pink tierra(sp?) with a puple heart shaped jewel in the middle of it. She has a purple cloke as well. Weapon name: Newb Blade Weapon level: 1 Weapon skills: Newb Slice -------------------------------------- Thanks Daisuke ;)[/color]
  23. Amanda looked at Seto as he made his way over to the forcefield. She looked really worried. Seto was really weak. He could barely stand let alone walk. "Why don't you just stay put," Amanda said as she looked around for a switch or something, "I'll try to get you out." Seto leaned up aginst the wall. He slid down it as Amanda was searching. "Why are you doing this," Seto asked as he watched Amanda. Amanda stopped suddenly. Her golden blonde hair flew foward from her sudden stop. Her crystal blue eyes met Seto's icy blue ones once again. She turned bright red. "Well.....I......I......like you," Amanda said as she found a panal with letters on them. She ran over to the panal. She remember what Mokuba said about the four deck leaders. She punched in the letters "DMGDSWREBDDR" and hoped it worked. "What did you just do," Seto said as he watched the forcefield fade. Amanda let out a sigh and ran into the room with Seto. She helped him up and his arm around her shoulders. Amanda swore Seto turned slightly red as they walked up the steps. Seconds later, they were in the room where Jason and Seth were dueling. Amanda wanted to watch this and surprise Seth when he turns around. ------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Here's the code just in case you didn't get it: DMG = Dark Magician Girl DSW = Deepsea Wariorr REBD = Red-Eyes Black Dragon DR = Dark Rabbit Creative huh!!! :D
  24. OOC: Um, we already left Domino City. We're in Vash's hometown and Darren had just found Seshuri outside of Vash's house. Also, Seshuri already knows Joey and Seto's girl is Amanda. ^_^: Sorry, I'm picking up from where Maximillion left off. -------------------------------------------------------- Eirka looked around Darren had been gone for a while and Naito left. She didn't want to be nosey, but she had to find out what was going on. She got up and walked over to a window. Joey followed her. "Hey," Joey said with a shocked voice, "I know that wolf girl. Her name's Seshuri." Eirka looked at Joey. Joey nodded his head and looked back out the window. It looked like Darren was put the moves on Seshuri. Eirka shook her head, walked back over to the couch, and sat down. Joey walked back over, sat down, and put his arm around Eirka. "So what brings you here Eirka," Julie asked as she leaned away from Nick. Eirka looked at Vash and shook her head. Julie looked over at Vash. "I brought him back home," Eirka said as she shooke her head, "He was getting in trouble in Domino City." Meryl elbowed Vash sightly in his ribs. Vash smiled nervously as a sweatdrop appered at the side of his face. "What are you doing," Knives said as he put his arm behind Millie, "Picking up people from the cities you vist." Eirka looked at Joey. An evil thought crossed her mind. She looked back at Knives. "Yeah," Eirka said as she put her head on Joey's shoulder, "So which one of you are volunteering to come with me." Eirka was going to pick the one that wasn't pay attention. Everyone shook their heads except Nick. Eirka grined and pointed at Nick. "What," Nick said as his blue eyes meet Eirka's green ones. Eirka clapped her hands together. Her evil grin disappeared. "How would you like to go on adventure," Eirka said in a babyish tone, "and No is not an answer. Besides, I think you should take a break from my sister. Too much Julie can't possible be good for you." Julie shook her head and looked at Nick. Nick shook his head and stood up. He walked over to Eirka and got in her face. Joey looked really irritated. "Alright," Nick said with an annoyed voice, "but don't exspect me to be too nice." Eirka nodded and jumped up and grabbed Joey's hand. Nick grabbed his cross. Eirka looked at her siblings and waved with her free hand. "Bye," Eirka said with a smile, "I'll see you guys later when I drop off your priest." Nick snorted as he put on his sunglasses. Eirka grabbed his hand and ran out the doors. She walked over to Darren and Seshuri. ------------------------------------------- OOC. A few words from your author :D. I'm a big fan of Knives&Millie. (gets stuff thrown at her) Let a girl have her opinion!!!! Also, Joey and Nick are mine. Nobody elses. MINES!!!! Ok, I feel a lot better now.
  25. Lilly felt a wet tongue licking her face. She slowly opened her eyes. Tee-Tee was standing above her licking her face. Tee-Tee was full grown and so was Lilly. Lilly looked down at her right hand. She holding her half of the Master Sword. Navi was crazily flying around Link's head. Lilly walked over to Zeo and started shakeing him. "Huh..........What happened," Zeo said as he sat up. Lilly shrugged her shoulders and looked over at Link. Link sat up and shook his head. He had half of the Master Sword as well, but it was in his left. "We went seven years into the future," Link said as he stood up. He slashed his sword in front of him and put it away. Lilly put her sword away and helped Zeo up. Link looked at Lilly's new shield. The only difference in it was that it was bigger, it was made of metal, and the heart had wings. "So now what," Lilly said as she put her hair behind her ear. As Lilly said that, the shining figure appered again. "You must find the seven elemental Sages again," the shining figure said, "but this time it's going to be harder then you think." The shining figured disappeared again. Lilly shook her head and looked at Link. Link walked ahead and toward the doors.
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