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About ares0583

  • Birthday 05/25/1983

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    A Factory

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  1. when i said i beat the game i ment getting all badges and all pokemon i know theres a lot more to pokemon other wise i wouldnt be playing it anymore when i said that i ment beating the basic part of the game now im catching every pokemon i come across in the game not just one of each im also looking for different colored pokemon im even going step by step through the game and making a list of where every itemfinder is i start in one place and after every 5 steps i use itemfinder i am breeding all the pokemon and seeing what moves i can give all the pokemon im in the process of unlocking the dodrio tower for pokemon stadium 2 so my gold silver and crystal games will run faster i didnt mean beating the game as me being the best/master i ment beating the basic part of the game all the trainers all the gyms all the people you battle thats what i ment by beating the game
  2. my mew knows spore Lock on guillotine foresight spore is 100% acc puts opp. to sleep lock on guarentees next attack will hit guillotine is a 1 hit ko foresight is just in case i come across ghost. normal attacks will hit ghosts but i used brainboy to give my mew those moves i've already beaten the games plenty of times without any cheats now im bored so i went and got that im just looking for the best combinition out of all the moves and if you give those moves to an areodactyal you'll get 1st hit every time except against electrode but electrodes moves are week and wont hurt aerodactyal much aerodactyal's the second fastest pokemon electrode's 1st well at least thats what it says in the versus books on pokemon crystal version perfect guide but not using any cheats id say use some good combo moves like sunny day tm11 and solarbeam tm22 sunny day turns solarbeam down to a one turn attack instead of two or if you know how to duplicate pokemon make three mews and do like i did im not using them much for fighting i just taught them all the moves that can be used out side of battle surf dig fly cut on one and strength teleport sweetsent waterfall on another flash and whirlpool arn't needed too often in the game so i dont even bother with them till i need them and i just take a pokemon from my box for those moves with dig and cut u can escape from almost anywhere including most gyms and sweet scent is real helpful in the unown dungen thats how i caught all the different unowni just kept using sweet scent caught the ones i needed and ran or killed the ones i didn't but the moves you teach them should be your own combination other wise its not really your pokemon im learning how to battle with any and every kind of pokemon i have my friends teach the moves they chose and the pokemon and battle with them on pokemon stadium 2 over and over till i come up with strateigys on winning here i am going on and on sorry its just when it comes to pokemon i can and will go on forever i LOVE:love: :love: :love: :love: pokemon
  3. Sorry but i dont know but hey after you catch all the different unown look under the unown pokedex each unown go around the box in the middle well after you catch all of them look on the right side theres a open space there thats what im trying to figure out if you go to the printing place in the building next to the dungen you will even see a space there that says empty if you ever figure it out let me know k oh and sorry it took so long to reply im in the process of moving right now still got things to work out but ill evently get on and reply again sorry:) :) :) :ball: :ball:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B] well,if YOU need help,you can visit the IF YOU NEED HELP WITH POKEMON CRYSTAL COME HERE thread k:) [/B][/QUOTE] ok thanks but just to clear things up pokemon is not what i need or would need help with its this web site i was talking about i beat pokemon crystal in two days i've got every unown pokemon. well i do have a question if anyone knows it after you get all the different letters of the unown alphabet theres still an empty space at the bottom does anybody no what that empty space is:confused: :confused: :confused: but other than that i have every pokemon on all my versions including mew and celibii well if i have any questions ill check it out k thanks
  5. This is my First time here im still trying to figure out how to do everything on here so if i mess anything up don't laugh i know a lot about pokemon and i love pokemon i have R/B/Y/G/S/C/PTCG for game boy PS/PS2 g/s/c i have at least one of every american card made so far. and am working on my japanese collection. i know the games like i know my own house. if you have any questions on pokemon pm me i may be able to help :o :o :o :o :o
  6. needed: Mega Memory Card for gameboy, 2 gameboys, any two games, a game link cable. 1: backup your game's on your mega momory card. 2: pick one game to be the main game and the other to be the reset game 3: trade one or all of your pokemon from the reset game to your main game. 4: then just restore the file on your reset game. now you have that pokemon on your main game and your reset game (the Mega Memory Card for gameboy, was made so you can save your game and restart another, but then come back and play the other one later. you can save between 100 and 150 files on it) and for quicker trading from gameboys ps2 g/s works best move all the pokemon in your reset game boxes to the N64 Boxes then restore your reset game, you'll have all those pokemon again, you can keep doing it as many times as you want. :D :D :D :D
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