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Everything posted by Anime`babe

  1. Sure, I don't see why not! That possibilty one increases the number of the ideal perfect couples. Thanks for bringing up that point. I would have never thought of that.
  2. Anime has changed my whole life! I used to think that anime was a waist of time... But then my younger brother started watching DragonBall Z and Rurouni Kenshin. I started to take an interest in those cartoons soon after. Now I'm a huge fan of all anime old and new, one of the best artist on my school thanks to the practice i acquired drawing anime characters, and my fav. anime cartoons are Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho, InuYasha, Slayers, .HACK//, legen of Himiko, and many, many more. In a way, anime is a major part of who i am, who i will become. I own a huge thanks to my brother who got me hooked on this wonderful cartoon style that offers more in depth detail, some adult humor, and a different way to express ideals and thoughts.
  3. Lets see, My favorite, anime music? Well, a good portion of my favoite music pieces come from InuYasha and Rurouni Kenshin. I also love the beginning and ending themes for .HACK//, Slayers, and Legend of Himiko. Another favorite would be the beginning theme for YuYu Hakusho. If anyone is interested in being my buddy, please feel free to PM me.
  4. Yes, i guess there could be come limitations. It's true that you would need different reasonings for each couple instead of using the same reason for every couple in any anime. But, here you can just list your favorite existing couple(s), or you can come up with your own idea of what a good or cute couple would be. You may choose whether to follow the existing data or reasons for different couples or you may come up with your own. It's really up to the writer.
  5. Any relationship goes, whether it would have happened or not. You could name any of your fav couples, not just the ones i've listed. The ones i've listed are just some of the relationships that i found interesting. So the sky is the limit.
  6. What is your favorite cartoon out of Rurouni Kenshin, InuYasha, YuYu Hakusho, Slayers, Noir, and Gundam. (any version) I personally love InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho and Slayers, Each for thier own reasons of course. InuYasha for the demons, it's danger, romance, plot. Not to mention the complex characters. Rurouni Kenshin for it's pure skills, the trouble that seems to follow Kenshin everywhere, fighting, romance, charater complexity, and the over all suspense. YuYu Hakusho for the demons, fighting,and the over all plot. And Finally, Slayers,for thier use of magic, Lina's over all attidude for life and her partner(Nauga), and the danger that she seems to get herselve into. Ofcourse there are many more cartoons that i would probably really like. So feel free to tell me about them and anything else that you find interesting, that i havn't mentioned above.
  7. You know what, that is a good question. Would Shippo and Kilala count as a couple? Well, i suppose they could, I mean, they both are demon (or at least i think so). Just look at InuYasha for example. His father looke nothing like a human, or even remotely close in size to a human either. But yet, InuYasha still has a human mother. So i suppose it could happen. Bothe Shippo and Kilala are animals are resemble animals. Shippo being a fox and Kilala being either a dog/ cat thing. So it is very possible in my point of view.:eek:
  8. I also love the relationship between Wolfwood and Milly. You can really sense a connection between the two, even after they first meet. Milly is so care- free and jubilant. She has the perfect personality. I wish had one just like it! I didn't actually think kurama and Hiei were a couple, but i've heard a couple of rumors about it, so i decided to ask.
  9. I just love the relationships between Inuyasha and Kagome, Kenshin and Kaoru, Yusuke and kayko (i think thats how you spell it), Miroku and Songo, and many more. And whats the deal with the rumor about Hiei and Kurama being together? Either way each relationship has it's own romantic views and situations that somehow always deepen the relationships. So what is your favorite anime couple? If you want to be my buddy, PM me! :excited:
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