What is your favorite cartoon out of Rurouni Kenshin, InuYasha, YuYu Hakusho, Slayers, Noir, and Gundam. (any version) I personally love InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho and Slayers, Each for thier own reasons of course. InuYasha for the demons, it's danger, romance, plot. Not to mention the complex characters. Rurouni Kenshin for it's pure skills, the trouble that seems to follow Kenshin everywhere, fighting, romance, charater complexity, and the over all suspense. YuYu Hakusho for the demons, fighting,and the over all plot. And Finally, Slayers,for thier use of magic, Lina's over all attidude for life and her partner(Nauga), and the danger that she seems to get herselve into. Ofcourse there are many more cartoons that i would probably really like. So feel free to tell me about them and anything else that you find interesting, that i havn't mentioned above.