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About mimiru945
- Birthday 01/19/1991
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[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=SlateGray]Name: Faith Age:15 Gender:girl Appearance:She has long black hair with blue streaks. Her eyes are grey. She wears a black tank top with a short black skirt. She has 3 tattos 1 of a cross, flames going up her arms, and the last is 3 long think black lines on her lower back. Background:She like her sister is punk but not as much. In MC she has a twin brother named Trust. Her and moonlight are best friends. She is also a princess and does not get along with her mother in MC, but in the Human world her and her mother get along great. 2 people of the other worlds have fallen in love with her a man named Jony and another who passed away. Race:46% MC, 4% Demon, & 50% Seer Weapons: Flamming swords Relation to anyone else in the story: younger sister to Moonlight, Jony's lover, a 1 year old daughter named Sany (Jony's the father) World: Human Children:1 Spirit animal: wolf also. I hope that is what u were looking for Moonlight. :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[COLOR=SlateGray]OCC:Lets get this going. :animesigh I was having computer problums :animeswea but should be better again. People can start running in to each other now. Bren looked around at the street from the sky. No sign of the demon anywhere. 'What to do what to do?' he thought 'No demons not even a cat in a tree for crying out loud.' ***** "S-s-sir anouther demon scout as beed killed." a demon servent said timidly "Did I or did I not tell to report only good news to me?" "You said only good news." The man leaned forword and gripped the servent by the neck. "Sire the other thing I was going to say was that we have a lead on where the a few angels have been in hiding." the servent said gasping for breath "That is the kind of information I have been looking for, send some of the strongest demons there straight away." "Yes sir." the servent bowing and then backing out of the room ***** Bren slumped down on his couch. He had spent the last few hours looking for the demon. Blaze had dissapered some where proply to go and find Dagger an old friend of hers. He jumped when he heared the door open and then e slamed shut. "Where have you been?" "Blaze I said that I was leaving." "Well don't leave again i was all around the city looking for you but no you did't seem to want to be found." "Bu-" "And" she said interrapting him "A demon servent was seen wondering through town." "So?" "A SERVENT FOR THE LEADER HIMSELF DUH!" "No need to yell!" he said as he pulled his fingers out of his ears "That is the only way to get anything into that thick skull of yours." "Just tell me which way he went and I'll go kick is ass." "He has already left. So you are going to go and find the other people that have angels." "FINE." he snappedand bolted out of the building OCC:When or IF somebody else posts i am going to bring in the other person i was going to use for this story but i forgot about her. :animeswea [/COLOR]
Bren ran down the street looking for the demon. He sidesteped as many of the people that he could. But any of the people that didn't move or he didn't get out of the way fast enough, they just ran into each other. 'this is taking forever' he thought. He heard Blaze's voice in his head. "Just get mad at somebody already. Grow some fliping wings if you have to." "Can it little lady I don't need this from you right now." But even has he said it he knew that she was right. He turend down the next allyway and bumped right into a boy coming out of it. "Sorry." Bren mummbled. The boy just kept on walking. He got to the end of the ally and saw a fresh blood stain. 'These stupid demons just make me so mad' He thought "AH Crap." He said has a black and white wing came out of his back. 'Well' he thought 'sure beats walking and now I can find that stupid demon.' He flaped his wings and toke off into the sky to see what other trouble he could get himself into. OCC: Again sorry that it is short but I don't have much to go on.
The Heart of a Demon (M,L,V) An unholy war raged between the Angels of Heaven and the Demons of Hell. The war had been raging for as long as anyone can remember and after an eternity of war the Angels left. What made them leave? Wasit the fact that it was a never ending war? Did they grow board of fighting? Or was it the birth of a half one. A child born half Demon and half Angel?A small few of Angels remaned to guide and train young fighters so that they may one day bring the Angels back. Since the Angels departure the world has reduced to ruble. All that remains of a once calm and happy world is a few scattered "towns". The time is now to get the Angels back before the Demons take over the world completely.The Angels wiped out the Angel/Demon people because they feared for their own safety. So the only Angels that belivied that the human race still had a chance stayed to help train and support a child they thought would be able to bring back the Angels. The people of the planet never know when the demons attack because they never plan they just attack. Thats what makes this a such a bad war because the people never get a chance to deffened themselves. Bren sat the table in his ?apartment? cleaning Sweet Death his sword. His Angel Blaze had been making him get up at the butt crack of dawn to go after demons that had been seen around the city. And for two weeks he had gotten up and not seen a damn thing. ?Blaze, are you sure that there are demons around here. I have not seen any in like a month.? ?Calm down, their around here? somewhere.? ?I?m leaving? bye.? He walked over to the door and wrenched it open. When he got to the street he saw a woman running down an ally, a demon close behind her. ?Okay so Blaze was right there are demons around here.? He took of to the ally. He pulled out his sword. ?Beat it runt can?t you see that I?m busy trying to get some food here.? ?Dude you picked the wrong day to attack someone!? He pulled out his sword and started dueling with the demon. When he finally got it to the ground. Time seemed to slow down. The demon side stepped the sword and hit Bren. The demon then started running out of the ally and time went back to normal. Bren hit the ground hard. ?Sir are you ok?? The woman said ?First don?t call me sir? second I?m fine.? He said getting to his feet. He bolted out of the ally. Bren stopped an looked around. OCC: Sorry it is kinda short but I have writers block. But have fun. Just? go you can rnu into people after everyone has posted.
Name: Jason Knight Nickname: Animal Age: 15 Gender: Male Apperance: He has short black hair spiked and the tips are dyed red. He wears a tight gray shirt with a pair of black shorts. His eyes are adark grey. Personality: He's mean. He doesn't like to talk much. Bio: He grew up on his own and has always had the power to contril lighting. He was never a fan of crowds because people always made him mad and one day somebody made him so mad that the building that he was in had all the power around it went out. Wepon: sword and staff Race: Angel
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][/FONT][COLOR=SlateGray]OCC: Cool two people sigened up ok here's mine. Name: Bren Stills Age: 19 Gender: Male Apperince: He has black hair that always falls into his eyes. He wears a tight black t-shirt with a pair of baggy black shorts. He has one white wing on his left side and a white eye that appear when he gets mad. On his right side he has a black wing and ahis eye turns black also when he gets mad. He wears a pendint to show that he is the last half one alive. He has a jagged scar next to his right eye. Bio: His parents comited the worst sin ever by falling in love. His father was a well respetied Angel and his mother one of the leaders of the demons. They were killed by the Angels minutes after he was born. Then the angel that became his trainer brought him to a family when the Angels could not kill him. While he grow up the people of his village hateted him. The boys called him demon kid, disgrace to the hevons, and winged werido. When he turened 17 he got so angrey that he used his powers to accidently blow up the village, all that remaned was him and three other people. From then on he never got close to anyone else. Angels name: Blaze Female She has chosen to make herself knowen to him. Wepons: He uses a sword called sweetdeath Race: He is the last knowen angel and demon Ok so far so good we will wait another day or two because Kittylover said to save a place and if no one else signs up I guess then we can start. I forgot to put that If sombody already in the story to write for the Angels because I'll play the demons and their leader. If not I will be quite glad to play both the dmons and the angels. PM me with your anwser.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Gray]An unholy war raged between the Angels of Heaven and the Demons of Hell. The war had been raging for as long as anyone can remember and after an eternity of war the Angels left. What made them leave? Wasit the fact that it was a never ending war? Did they grow board of fighting? Or was it the birth of a half one. A child born half Demon and half Angel? A small few of Angels remaned to guide and train young fighters so that they may one day bring the Angels back. Since the Angels departure the world has reduced to ruble. All that remains of a once calm and happy world is a few scattered "towns". The time is now to get the Angels back before the Demons take over the world completely. The Angels wiped out the Angel/Demon people because they feared for their own safety. So the only Angels that belivied that the human race still had a chance stayed to help train and support a child they thought would be able to bring back the Angels. The people of the planet never know when the demons attack because they never plan they just attack. Thats what makes this a such a bad war because the people never get a chance to deffened themselves. O.K. this is my first R.P.G. so I hope that it works out. Each person in this story has an Angel that follows him or her around. They can ether Male or Female but they need a name because they are important to the story. Here?s what you need Name: (something normal) Age: (15-19) Gender: (no IT?S) Appearance: (make it descriptive) Bio: (Two paragraphs at least) Angels name: ( Again make it normal) Weapons: (NO guns just swords and knives yes you can have any wepon for close combat) Race: (human or half Demon and human, or Half Angel and human no full blooded Demon or Angel and no half demon half Angel seeing that they were all wiped out) P.M. me if you have any problems or anything like that. Sorry it was a bit short on information but I hope that this is better. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name: Anya Hoffamn Age: 28 Gender: Female Side: Freedom Fighter Nationality: Germany Appearance: She has short brown hair and bright blue eyes. She wears a pair of dark blue tight jeans with a pale red shirt. She wears long leather boots. She has a butterfly tattoo behind her left ear. Personality: She is calm and relaxed most of the time but when there is a fight she is always hyped up and ready to get things done. She doesn?t anger easily but if an innocent is killed she feels that revenge is a big importance. Bio: She has lived with her older sister since she was fifteen when their parents were killed by one of the gang raids. Her sister has been teaching combat training since their family moved to New York when Anya was fourteen. Anya joined the Freedom Fighters so she could become a better fighter and so she could seek revenge for her parents murder. She also needed something to do while her sister was at work. She gained her enhancements while training with great master at the school where her sister taught. In her spare time she helped the people of N.Y. when the fighting got really bad. She spent two years in the army but didn't have all that much fun so she dropped out. When she was 28 she meet Aleec and he offered her a place to fight with the Freedom Fighters. Weapons: She uses hand-to-hand combat and she has two knives in her boot. Enhancements: Gravity defying, Senses, Stamina, Night-vision, X-Ray, Speed Telepathy, Accuracy. Tell me if I need to change anything[/COLOR]
"So what is your name?" Zaion asked the dragon "The names Ramel" "kay than ......." They sat in slince for awale "So are you like a cat thing" "Yeah, the claws and tail gave it away didn't they crap I try to concel the fact that I'm a cat person"she said sarcasictiy "Don't make me drop you" "ah the dragon is going to kill me help"she said stupidly The dragon did a back flip She started giggling with delight"That the best that you can do" "Nope" With that the dragon toke off.
[COLOR=Blue]Zaion sat on her silver drogon.She had thought that it was funny that one of the boys kept sliding off the side of the dragon.She kept forgetting what all of the peoples names were.[COLOR=Blue]BLUE[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Orange][COLOR=Blue]Zaion was sitting on a rock a little ways from the grupe fliping her staff in the air as she that about her parents. She had never knowen her father or even what his name was. She looked at them when she heared Jarod speak. She jumped off the rock landing silintly she walked back to the grupe to9 see what was going on "Sorry I was not paying attenion what is going." She said tropping the staff onto Kires head."Opps sorry."[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Zaion slowed her pace a little but not enough to fall behind. She fell into step with Jarod "I take it you fight alot or do you just get that good from watching other people fight and what is with those cool blades uh they seem kinda mystic almost, right?"[/COLOR]
sorry my dad got a new job that sends him out of the country so I have been staying with an aunt and she does not have the internet :flaming: :mad: but I can stay with him intill november some time when he leves agin. Thanx for contrling my char. (sorry my spelling is bad today)
"Waht in the world is with all of the holes I mean come on?! You know we might want to walk around them we still have to get to the stable thingy" said Zaion who had the sencod on been out of the door she turend torawed Shero "what do you think?"