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Everything posted by Cahoots34
Being the die-hard British Invasion fan that I am, I've never really related my favorite songs to any anime. 'The Long and Winding Road,' by (of course) the Beatles, however, did seem as though it might portray the thoughtful wanderings of Kenshin Himura (Ruruouni Kenshin) throughout Japan and, ultimately, to a small dojo where his tormented soul can finally find happiness. That's the gist of both song and show, at any rate, and they both feature a tranquil yet complex blend of resignation and hope. As for the rest of my favourites, well, if anyone can devise a way to combine a CLAMP series with some Rolling Stones hits, I'd love to hear about it.
I really enjoyed the soundtrack to Gundam Wing. It's been just about the only time I could ever bear to listen to something so techno-tastic. I'm a devout British Invasion rock fan, so it rather suprised me when songs with no apparent electric guitar riffs or acerbic social commentary found my favour.
Oh, I grew up entirely immersed in what was the Neopets RPG boards, and there was _definately_ a thriving society of roleplayers there at one point. Then they all went to college, and I have not seen more than 7 correctly-placed commas that were not my own on that board since. A tragedy, indeed. To be fair, I stopped looking for any talent after 5 female demons all 'fel in 2' my lap as I played Kurama on one YYH rp. It's a bit discouraging, you know?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kyo no Ryu [/i] [B]I would also have no one from Gavitation of any other gay charachters and you should no why. O.o[/B][/QUOTE] No, I don't know why. Would you care to explain why someone's sexual orientation makes them an acceptable or unacceptable roommate? (Not to mention why the reasons behind this opinion might be considered common knowledge.) Please, either respond or PM me with your answer; I await it eagerly.
Why do I want to say a sword? Hm, I know that Chibi was Galaxia's [spoiler] Star Seed [/spoiler] but for some reason I think the answer you're looking for is 'a sword'. Aright, that was taking far too long; I'm asking my question any way. Where did the Gundam Pilots Trowa Barton and Quatre Raberba Winner first meet?
I have 3 cats as of now: Hidie, a paranoid and testy lump of black and white fuzz; Buddy, world's most oblivious cuddlepuss; and Lucky, formerly known as 'that-thing-at-the-side-of-the-road' (from whence my Girl Scout Troop Leader rescued her). We're all just one, big, happy family of shelter rejects.
Well, there was that whole aspect of it that involved Africans selling other Africans into slavery.... I don't know, though. I can't really see that as any sort of an asset for the continent as a whole. Maybe as an economic boost? As hideously callous as that is, it's one of the few benefits (besides culture spread) that I can imagine.
I didn't really like it. I mean, not to be blunt, but I think Miazaki can and has done far better. The artwork and special effects in general were, of course, amazing, but the plot seemed more than slightly contrived. Haku and Chihiro, while perhaps a likely couple in later life, seemed to fall in love for no reason more than the necessity of such a cliched bond between them. How many children find true love at 10 years old (or something to that effect), especially with a voice actress like Chihiro's? The entire plotline seemed as though it were just trying far too hard to fit in with a certain pattern while still staying unique, which is definately not something common to Miazaki films, which are by nature original and complex in drama as well as visual effect. When you're one of the most reknowned(sp?) animators on the planet, you hardly need strive for conformity. I hope that Miazaki-sama remembers that.
Having read the preview in SJ, I am not really impressed with the quality of both the story and the artwork. It seems to be a rather cliche good vs. evil sort of set up drawn in Cyborg 009 style. Is it going to become regular in SJ? I had thought that Hikaru no Go was also to be added to the lineup, and the addition of both would make for a Jump thick enough to be classified a lethal weapon.
Yeah, Trowa's the one who met Midii Une in Episode Zero. She was [spoiler]that child spy who infiltrated the company of rebels who had raised him.[/spoiler] For a girl (or any child) that young, you have to give her quite a lot of credit for doing something like that.
Anime What is your favorite gundam/character?
Cahoots34 replied to Belldandy Angel's topic in Otaku Central
Out of all the Gundam characters, WuFei has to be my favorite. I see a lot of myself in him; the firey temper, sullen stubbornness, passion for learning, and especially the arguementative nature. Of all the pilots, he was the only one willing to do more than simply question their 'mission', and, finding no answer that satisfied him, made his own purpose. Independence is the thing I prize most highly (as an insolent teenager and all that), and through tha I identify most with WuFei. -
A bittersweet ending would be my personal prediction. Rumiko Takahashi already held the attentions of the more funloving manga audience with Ranma 1/2 and Maison Ikkoku (and whatever else); Inuyasha seems to be more of an exercise in drama than humour, and I think that that genre will stay prevalent throughout the series, if only to prove that it can. Of course, Takahashi-san _is_, first and foremost, a comedic genius. Perhaps a comedic ending wouldn't be too surprising...nor unwelcome....
Actually, I do believe that Haze_Gundam006 is correct. If I remember correctly, Quatre intercepted the Gundams as they were headed towards the sun, leaving the Magunacs to use Venus' gravity (that's where Venus comes in) to propel their ship back toward Earth. If the Gundams had reached the sun, there would be nothing left to find, as was the pilots' original but ultimately abandoned intention. If the Gundams had been retrieved at Venus, they would not have been moving towards the sun, as they were. That's my understanding of the situation, in any case.
My wardrobe is a bit lacking, so I think I'd want: -Bikky's FAKE cap (Talk about authentic merchandise.) -Duo Maxwell's outfit (Can anyone go wrong with that much black?) -Haku's regular outfit _and_ his kimono (He has far better fashion sense than I do.) -Anything designed by Daidouji Tomoyo (Especially that sheep outfit.)
Actually, I might rather like having Relena as a roommate. How easy would it be to kill her in her sleep....? Seriously, though, anyone with bright and shining virtues/ideals/hopes for the future/ect. could _not_ live with me. Usagi, Tea, Hikaru, Relena, Kotori and Kaoru (especially Kaoru and Tea) will have to find some other cheap and filthy lodgings. I'd much rather share rooms with the anitsocial, abrasive, twisted maniac variety. We'd identify with one another, don't you think?
Asking how many mangas CLAMP have unleashed on the world is much like asking the number of pyramids in Egypt. One really has to give CLAMP props for being as prolific as they are. I could name _at least_ a dozen series of theirs (Card Captor Sakura, CLAMP Campus Detectives, Magic Knights Rayearth, Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, Clover, Miuyki-chan in Wonderland, Wish, Angelic Layer, Chobits, Shirahime-Syo, Suki, ect.) and still only have come away with a fraction of their collected works. As to whether or not it's of same/similar genre, the answer would generally be a 'no'. Magical girls, androids, Armageddon; there really _is_ something for everyone. I think it might be literally impossible to animate all of CLAMP's works, and if it happened, I would never move from in front of my television screen ever again.
Anime if you could be an anime character what would you look like?
Cahoots34 replied to edward-tivrushy's topic in Otaku Central
Oh, I think I'd keep myself very similar to my current apprearance: pale, hazel-eyed, with a big puff of brown hair. Forget my glasses, though, and about half of my body weight. And I need a bit of a haircut, too; I'm a mess. Beyond that, however, I can't really see myself caring too much about appearances. -
The quality of the manga can _usually_ be predicted by the expertise of the artist and the size of its fan base. Anything Rumiko Takahashi, Clamp, ect., is probably good, and the amount of hypertensive Ranma 1/2 and X/1999 fans might give you an indication that, of those artists' works, there might be some extra potential within those. (In other words, mainstream generally equals good. Those fans must have _some_sort of point, ne?) From the well-known, it's relatively easy to branch off: i.e. from Gravitation, an extremely popular manga, one might become interested in FAKE and Demon Diary, more obscure mangas with some of the same elements (shounen-ai). That's my theorem, anyway.
The most underrated anime I've ever come across would definately be Tokyo Babylon, another CLAMP creation. Most of my friends had never even heard of the series, and for those who had, it was simply 'that X side-story thing'. After having watched it (even with what I am sure is the very worst subtitling possible), I can very impassionedly say that, while I was slightly lost in the complexities of the storyline (due mainly to the subtitling issues), the Tokyo Babylon OAVs have animation beautiful enough (in an intriguing, dated sort of way) to be far more appreciated than they are.
Tenchi and Ayeka from the Tenchi series would have to make the most dysfunctional couple. Ever. Being married to any princess is a generally stressful stiuation, and I'm sure that Ayeka's incredibly posessive and demanding nature wouldn't help matters. Tenchi's corpse would, in the most likely event, turn up in a ditch somewhere about 3 weeks after the wedding. Of course, the cause of death would be left suspiciously uncertain...
Fuu from Magic Knights Rayearth would have to be my first choice for a romantic outing; she's sweet, she's compassionate, and she's got her personal bit of intellectual flair. Who _wouldn't_ want a charming, gorgeous date who can not only understand you but also converse intelligently with you?
Most of my school regards anime as a mere 'cartoon' genre, and even my closest friends don't find it in any way interesting. If I start saying _anything_ that they don't quite grasp or even hear correctly, they'll always playfully sigh and ask, "Is that another anime thing?" (It usually is.) I think, however, that there are other things we can connect on that are far more important than my personal obsessions (anime) or their personal obsessions (guys), so I'm not bothered by their nonchalant attitude toward it.
Whenever Americans edit an anime for daytime show, there are definately going to be some costly editions. I really do have to agree with you on Sailor Moon as the worst victim of this cencorship; stilted dialouge, cropped shows, that little 'Sailor Says' segemnt a the end of the show... Its as though even though the interesting details of the show were being ruthlessly omitted, audiences _still_ couldn't be trusted to handle the results without a 2-minute morality lecture. Another hapless victim? Gundam Wing. After having listened to the CN dub, I will forever spasm at the phrase, 'The Great Destoryer' in place of, 'The God of Death'. I agree tha thte former phrase might have been offensive to those who are deeply religious (and so probably wouldn't have been watching the show), but was there really need to make Duo sound like a peice from that Battleship game? I ask you.
I have never had to wear a uniform in school. I don't think I would adjust well to forced wearing of a skirt/skort/feminine garment on a daily basis. Though it might improve my atrocious fashion sense, it would also have me crossdressing after about a week, which would defeat the entire purpose of having a gender-specifically uniformed student body. Catch-22, I suppose.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] Also, it's not as though Kikyo and Inuyasha could [i]ever[/i] be together, seeing how as she's basically already dead. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Aa, but I'm sure that Rumiko Takahashi could somehow bring Kikyo back to life, if she felt it necessary to the story. By this point, I doubt that there hasn't already been a revolving door in the afterlife labled 'Anime Characters'. Still, if Kikyo were ressurected, I'd fear for Inuyasha's sanity. Anyone whose romantic interests are a dead priestess and her stubborn, hotheaded reincarnation has my undying sympathy.